Friday, July 29, 2016
thurs--saw mob eric palma clmb up lib strs whr mob libratians can be found a psblt---?????--mob trs f crs mlr w-- js nw lib esc sm trsy clnts t cmptr lkg t rdcl ths trgt. js bf i wlkd in i ws atkd by trs dsp mob gng in dsptc mob rtrd ngr lkg t hnd nd prvk -trs rpt hi-nmrs tms thn hltd awhile on wy ins-on wy out oth dsptc trs mob trs dclrg -i fnd ths one nd trd t drg trsy wst mfns in drctn of my bg i hv tied t pole-all gn gng mob prs suspects lkg t dfrd hide serial heinous crime for no cost----trs frdy ws clm ths time rec but cld hv trs mob cnsp ready---oth libr aidg smn ngr gvg me drt lks--ngr cnsp mob game trs club wrkg fr prtcptg trs crime go free grp---by mkng u lk the prt of idiot---mob grp trs aided by amer mob grp le---ml mob pushed ban fr trs grp dictatorship prj pmlr w mob sh mlr svc n mob ??bk giggln n--mob sh p nori e mob sh p shk rest e---w sv p hlw e m---she lk lk w trs---gp cnsp mob sh phgs e--- 2 mob amb bk gds pkngs w bk stp bsx crn flores crs int gelsons-- mob sh 711 w mob sh 76 e p76 e mob--g mrn stnl-mob ylg--mob sh p??stnl e ??7lfb814 ng f w baby lkg t dmp on me lkl fd wst---prb cmpnstd by trs prj wt intent t buy mjr crm fr free---lkl at yr vr own bg tm exp--- ngr pog grv e--hlo--suspect shfs 771w guessing jones and the prtner of leist 2 vhs prb theirs one ins 711 pkg one sd str shf cr ids for fri 1415259 and 1363609 jns lkl bcm cnc abt rvrsg dir of my thm nd lkl rdclng nd fndg dvcs vs my opinion amer le aid the crmnls -the trs aidng bkng serial heinous crime vs me had the gull t tell me -be gd-bng himself crime mob vs catastrophic crime trgt aid lkg t hlp trs mob scheme up devices vs tgt theyve jntl murdered nd persecute wo pay with intent t pass trgt as defective noncredible nd fit t be wasted as trs r fit t wlk with house full of theft nd multi yrs of svd up mnys-the prp of srvcs nd hlp t dvs nd protect jnt theft tactics nd to pass those as if belonging- america and its criminals prey on same trgets---??? ??? ??dg qn by 711w smiled nd did evr t bfrd the trs t her cause in wstg tgt with oth lkl prtcpts elsw at all trs crm prtctg civics locs nd pro ldrt crm suptg wh trs recycler at pavilions who employs trs lndreth wrkers lkl cnc t mob the ernie nd freddy-popular mob topics ernie bgs nd sex-alwys psd by mob dfrdg trs as if u hd antg wtevr in cmn---nd ofcrs mlcs shfs prp hlpg mnpltns of crmnls nd mob prtcptn lkl--- ??? ???? pwstm trs gp gigglng yest by hgs frd frdl trs ws wnd wt i ws wrtg nd clmd intrstg in fct prt of trs crm wstg optnst gp--- pro trs ldrth--- mob fm sbw offg sndw-i crs wstbr-ofd lkl insl mny for --smtg nice---unf evrtg nice thy hlpd t tk out of my lf--u cn grnt thy nd amer did exc tht-- fm wth sml ftb bgs ofg 1 t me--grtd dfrdr insl ofcrs nt t be believed i knw too well wt mob amer cst me---thts wt thy abt----stlg abs evr js lk thy did in hls shltr hlwd whn i frst cm hr 85.--rlvt ths cmnt nd le fnds it hghl cnvnt t hlp sch crmnls -thy feel wstd peopl who nt lk so gd r fit t b wstd by trs nd mob nd civic nd le cotrs scdls evl mrdrs usa-thy cn wipe u out nd mk this lk blngng nd bftg--trs country with terrorists for people.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
wed--occurred tdy thurs aftr mny nst jks rdclng me by gng cnctd trs nd frd chrt mob prsc dictatorship doers--pavilions west hollywood worker freddy purposely tried to get me going nd t pass the incidt fr my flt==the reality freddy has the gull to ridicule big time serial victim mntnd brglrzd lwn mwr fr jk nd thn applauded the trsts clmng thy gv m mny evr dy-in fct evr dy i rfs mny t mk certn none is frm crm rng-nd the scdrls stole mny yrs wrt of incm blngings nd vndlsm nd extrtd us frm home which freddy ds nt wnt t digest bcs his prps is t hlp mob rdcl nd wst me----nd threaten with guard nd not tkng material-cpl dys bfr whn dkn or crz fml hnded me -he als tried t pass this for jnt fault when the entire ATK was cmpltl onesided--freddy is employee lkl gtng tips frm mob nd bkng up mob trs analogy nd rationale AGAINST serial ultra big time gastronomic victim purposely passing this for joke rvrsing flt agst victim nd then making threats --terrorist ted landreth style lkl his cls frd nd coinstigator -where the country nd its le nd civics jointly support nd protect terrorists with mob america blessings-where killers walk free i look like the bad guy nd there are no attorneys who will step up to protect my interest when i hv ndless huge nd smind shocking sh??????--hi nina mob oprtv sm e lcn s dir gng myb off w sv 7hhc601-ofrd bt rfs lcn--- 2 t alley s of sm wtcg ths mob trs gng cnsp dict club-- bk cr hgc0007=jus now at 12 the trs libr the one who psd my bgs outs nx t me hlpg nx mob crm trs cnsp nd while thy hlp mob thy wld nt hlp my frd few dys ago when he askd thm when cld i be fnd they wld nt tell him------but they drctl nd dlbrtl dvs tctcs t hlp mob trs dictatorship gng elimination serial brglarizing at no cost prj.---mb trs--wt sm fd-dsptc dfrdr whr crm cn rd free as rdclng by recycler at pavilions west hollywood threating manipulating nd lying skunk whom smn is vr hpy t kp employed fr his aid t the mob prj. ???? kings smll w trs cr rpb--p crs w ?????? mob trs pds oth sd d w???? g mrn--frd frdl glue persec t hd crm by mob ?? ??? hey e dhlwy---??????ng n frf ??????oth w m in blu sn yest by 711 n lcn pspldg e-grtg m wtout cs--- ?cr vh pwstmnt cr vh pwstmnt w hrsg m gng trs==hey mom---rvsg at wstbrn scr off w sv---d bk e mob sh wstb e---mob sh p stn e cnsp terrorists in on mob wstng dictatorship nd crime prj---- ???sh stp mob f ??? mlc cns rfs mob sh e of rbts mob ???? ????wh pk crs st acr bw moca/sh stn--nd sm cl wr-lkl mob dsp???==
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
tues---rec w rd bpk svc dmlr w m/f duo--?trs scdrlsofg mlcs ins-**** dys ago w-- wtc tht sqrl frm w tk with mls in og shirts pst crs hts w--I dstnctl recall sql with head detached in frnt of my door sw gsg erl nts whn mob pd ws agn hlpg mob trs prvctn instgtn lies prj.mob sh p shk rest e. trs dk hair lgt grn aq cl top rp cll me ngr nd shv cvs crt my dir lcn lkl trng t instgt prvctn. ??? ??? unrdb mob sh w p urg cr prp hlpg crm. ????by time vs vctm ???als mk yst?????cnt rd ---sh p urg cr w--rclg mike thgts--if js his mny--n nt his mny onc rnt is paid its nt his nd dfntl nt ntg dfctv if nt mlcs inspired thkng-its absl evr ls cent I mngd t sv eating drnkng evr frm gbg nd lvng prctc in street so the hdg mob could conspire to live at hghly cnv tgts expens-I lk lk smn evr wld ht nd dmp upn---vry prftbl trs amer clclation--amer lives off tgts nd vctms. mob ng-wt lkg fr-trs slm dsptc mob bkp lkl bhd ???acr fr dept ??? mob sh p crs w ???972?83z1--shl blk sv dsptc by mob w $1 rfsd ofc.-thts all he has.whn it cms t stlg -all sudden thy cn stl lifes wrth nd blnk nd mk idiot out of u wt trs mob le hlp.the mob sh trs is absl on gng crmnl prsctn dictators side-who crs whm thy rly dmls nd wst-trs cntry --evl people. rd tyta tk bp p fl sp e of crs hts d e.ngr smk phyvnhrs e. mob sh mob sh up hlwy mob ofg wr -6uwn175-ths r fn people fr destrying u nd stlg yrs. mob f w ins $2 rfsd d e pshks-trs dt thk I kn wt thy nd amr cst me.brg3722--wtr wstm---sh up hlw mob trs by tjs w mlt clr bpk ofg mob non crv trs insl cn. mob trs flw by ng hilldl e---rptg amzg...... 5gtn386-wt wtr???rbrts as trs lkd on frm stbks--mob cnsp sh sd of ba-smn tkg pct of ?croll colored cr -I dt kn if spld wt c or k--prb --amzg trs d wh pk
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
mon--susp ins whlch by lib othr trs mob lib cnsp sympathizers----gangs frd inslt distrct chrt no whr cmprb to amer inacted crm--sus phrase frm mk-who knw this was abs evr i had-ths nt evr u hd-big lie frm some crmnl but mike cm bk t see me tdy smd frly hns---serial break ins unsaf--mob sh p stn e aidg trs grps nt law or jstc--- susp gy?? rlg bg hpf mistkn svc vcn---gng oprtv out of mtr stp out susp rd bpk p wstb w??? ????***als dr nt clsg my frd sd any lngr snc latest brk ins-evr is free insd for amer md ters who r just mc too gd gvg ig vr poor nd in whlchrs orgnzd inslts on purp. at end styd in trlr mob sh p shk rest e cnsp---???? ??aidg crm oprtvs nt jstc--ths r their rltvs nd ths whm thy spt-----ngr hrsb wstb lcng -clng me liar--agn the hdg mob is liar nd brglr trs mob burglrzg elimination mob service-----incid occrd mike was mixed up dates but snc eml was frm hm on 12th -i wld img crm 12th or aft -he wnt t str nd in few hrs all gn nd dr nt clsg cmptr phone etc ,nd all mny only persons hghl knwl abt hm cld fgr less he md stg vr obvs -evrtg i earnd lst apx 5 yrs myb hs ndlz serial brk ins all stln-aided helped by amer le. cnt rd??? ??? ??? bpg 1.5 tk yl p76e 7dtr724-prb frd chrt bt cnt rd bk-----6xdu130 spty silv mob frd chrt lkl mlc insl f dsptc--btc cld me sir sm as trs mob -no rsn----bw wstb lcn hrsg ng mob psg me fr fl---- 7seb527 atmpt ins mny instd gvn t slctg trs drg qn smn atm gv insl agn -nt acptd fr fear of major trs mob dfrdr lnk---the dg qn lkl gng oprtv dg q.???? ???? rd outf ng-hey grd ngr insd city hl tlg atndt t pss me fr crmnl lkl thn act smlrl as i ws wlkg out -bkng all those who hlp crm vs trgt nd ignrnc of mjr crm-----marco --anthr crm mob bkr he is the grd ngr city hall smn outsd sd this ws his nm---scl wrkrs -ntg thy will d fr u-but seem tb hlpng newcmrs wt kids that wy they cn dfrd new flks frm russia---- mob ng in rd --hey agn pshk rest e 2nd tm---??? ??????mob gng sh sm trn svc s cnsp crm dictators aids who enj u destryd vctmzd as crmnls get wt thy wnt per amer desires mob sh pba w nd lkl 1 mr svc bkt.
Monday, July 25, 2016
sometime on or following 12th of july---the mob emptied evr of value from home compliments butte law enf -maybe hr ago saw my frd no more thn mnt apprtl he wnt shpg fr few hrs he ran saying police will not find them since he has not seen them--stolen were evrtg of vlu 20-30k cash computer phone and evr of vlu just emailed to turn off water tomorrow will be calling to turn off electric internet nd ooma---fact amer thinks terrorists nd bureacracy shld be paid instd of me thats why criminals nd le make great friends nd live off victims money.----sat-----mlr stp-mob dfr dsptc prsec pizza--wstbrn--crz actg guy-----grp d shk rest----of wc myb f ??????dscnt- w/me stg on gbg cn gd frbd--ml trng t sbdue----sht up----ml subdues disc his f--their happiness in crime is free nd assured by amer le.-----scr w cr p swtz w mob crm---stk $1 in bg t spit int my face--mob ng p ljl ---gng crmnl glu---- 2 trs plj e ---1 ng 1 ng dt lk ml mob trs dsptc 4ndj946---mlc inslt dfrdr at shll yllow--- mob sh pgnse wpspl--gns crn sun morn mob f non crv glss t hit me in fc wt fr americas endless crime 2pshl w--shr ??? my fc--mlc ins fm shll--sh pcrs w---th cr-??????-blk cr?????? too ht nt lk at plt 2 cn ins --mob drv nt pk on bus lcn 5673 aftrn cnsp gt on n bgs---5671 skip me tmpl as i fried psb mob cnsp---metro--- mob sh mlr svc n t stn-----sm pwstb ?e mob cnsp ?bk cr ??? ??pohlwy w---mb sh p hlw w mob lkl crs???? 2 mob cnsp ?????ambsd pbrnys up --***mob noises ins barneys --w tk og shts crs d w wtc--sh sv ???stp e ?? ??? dg in bk of vh---hi------cnt rd ????stlg ??????? crn ??? ask me re--smn mk thr attn ---??*********?scrg????p1 plmbng --w vn---bkt pgdn w guy rd bpk crss ovr rec usa gasoline---???????? 8z64898 at 76 ???cnt rd m/f gry dg mb susp whisp-hlss---cnsp mob sh orl e psb ht bkts ***bk mob fms gull ygr call me strg --aiding lndrt burglrzg zoo mob----lcn--ng--fs---dff sds or crs sm --ygr f----noises---dfrdng frd chrt cmn thrd--dfrdrs keep mny incl stln mny in amer----gbg athns pwstb e---bp hrd mb shr rwst???? dt kn cnt undrst w----sh mob p svc-sh by ba --all mob trs crm aids----crz f rec rp thtg---mob peoples prpsl mk fl of me nd fc i hv no teeth-michael is ign nd excuses evr wt his meds-- i believe he prob stole small money and they stole most money and evr els-will call evr morn to turn off.***mob shfs here lkl linked to the mob
Saturday, July 23, 2016
fri---i cl hv lst dbl pg nts nt sr--wy too ht ltl t d antg at all nd wndr i'm nt dead as of yest aft hv nt hrd frm mk snc 12th july tdy nt ck yt-i susp rec cntr r ted services nd mob sympathizers who will nt tlk opnl abt it bt hv no prblm wt mob pro ted wstg trs oprtn.---hrs trs mlr svc stp scdrl mumblg smtg re ckn insl fr u cm gt it scdls ldrt zoo drt. mob f wr e trn westbourne ml strg at occasion wlkg w. ??sh's fw pshk e bdl ??? abt me stg dn on ts cn stg fr mob t pk at wt their assist lkl-trsts.f wlkg up offg cookies -mob inslt susp. by barneys watering session strted when bgs wr in vcn but als dg qns thr wntg t gv u shwrs.mob bk ps me hgs vcn trs cnthrew cup so it flew outs trs -sorry--wc i n lngr evr blv.????sml? mob--sh pkngs lkl hlp wst me---bkts svr ht---myb oth sh too ill evn t b clear. mess crs hts pls cr hts n. ?????/???? --one mr le is hpy-- mob pro ???? vs tgt rng mob trio ??????crn by strsbrg giggl ???,etc..., ng f frf crn ne cell dgn trs cn mob...??? ?????.mob trs sh pmrtl e--- sh e p???? cnsp w/mob--mob ops 711w ngr pdlg qtrs--dg qn--incl sat re me--im in wy of trs sqdrn---`````````````````````sm ???? w of e711 ng f bs stp ins mny intded t dfrd nd dictator nd leave crm free nd ongoing in spt of mob org.mob at 76 atmp $2 rfs ????sat---?????-hls r nw ?????mlns n usa steal mne---mob sh p???? epk trn kng--gsg ng f ??mlc ins--frm cr--whole hgs mob stdg crn cnsp crdntd frw nd e prt used mlc insl fd-mny--etc--all rfs--prb --i knw too welll wt amer cst me-mob distrctn hs no intent t py bk-nd nt onl tht crm is ong wt trs prtcptg at all frts while i cnt evn plc phn call--bd news. f w nr trs ins mny while f e in unfm prt used frt shk nd ice cld wr wc i prd out on sp she prb pltd sm knd fd i put tht on tp of trs fr their btr frds thy nt trng t frm.mob scdl ofg hl rpt wstbrn-erlie chp drk ofr ptrs cn wcls t shk rest.--still hv nt hrd frm mike--please hlp locate mike nd why he cant send email-what happened to mike or computer access???
Friday, July 22, 2016
thurs--sh lkg t aid mob mnc frm lib grg---strg at gbg cn t mk me th idiot. m/f p mtro d w f- 'ooh 'ooh???? ????mob f w/baby---js i wt t str w u lk??? thn e twd vcn of shk rst--gng bng m bk p loc w mthg off mnc--- ??trs cn--a u ok??? gng tlk-- f lkg bk---???---oldr mob f ofg insl mny--mlcs bfrdng usd fr dictrsp/crm lcn---erl at svc saw eric la palma wlk pst d wh prk mayb aft brk---wld nt b srprsd if cnsp---lcn crn m tried t dmp on m fd he algdl bgt fr m==u cn cnt on tht--thy all kn i dt wt it--scdr mob thn flwd me 1 blk e of lcn trnd st on his own dmpng th fd nx t trs cn at his trn crn pnt--any scm thy wnt t srv pys fr evr thy kld in their mnd---???d w mob aidng sh e phlwy--- wt??? vh d e ???--mob ambassadors pbrnys up hlwy bk brnys--ths r trs hlpg trs lk lndrt richrd nd like amer mob style mob for hire aidg mob trs team---2 trs cnsp mob ambsdrs pgrdnr w --mob sh ?mlt ??? pgdn w mess anm hosp crn nr 76 mess mrtl sd crws mob blk sv ?frd t plc wrm wr fr tj at shll ?sm wr ok??? ???brgrs sy ok bcs ?? ???t ??? u bk trnd w i nt aprc fr plt blk sv orlnd crn f wr jnd by mail lft wr at crn snt by mob-antg useless wrtls dmgd unwntd -u cn hv it -antg gd thy wll syeal it endlessly all along positioning selves as usefull while intending menace nd profiteering frm crime nd wstng elimination tactics. $1 ofd ??gsg lcn cnt rd nts. gstr mny fr chsing fls bfrndg nd destrction hndg elimination schemes.ngt bf fr mbl -his f-ths cl wr fr u rfs-ok sh pkngs w analizing t wst me lk amb trs crmnls 2- yng m/f twd mbl -d u--smk cigs???? sh pflores e w vh flores trn sm w offg f bk fs giggling mob insults who r in bsn prfsnly pktg nd stealing nd demolishing wt cmnt civics nd amr le hlp.-anm hsp ednbrg crn mess ng outr sd 711 w actg snk whn wrk wlk out-hrd him qtl sy--js stk knf out-thn wt?? wh he hrd me respnd wrg w sht slv top nd lkl drk bpk if serious he cldb dngrs---nd mob trs le who r aidg mob elimination trs defrauding teams r in fact skipping dng persons. my wtc wch cl be off sd appr 705a. wl u lk fd --1 bk e of frf? sml hlr gs pmrtl e. mob sh plm t vst===nails nr tjs stp out f nd use spry i brtd rgt in---$1 mob ???2 ltr 1---sh sm w svc s --- ins??? mn ofr rbts se crn-dt u wt mn???--- at svc crn sw --ths wr fnt rnd crn--trs mob tip for free dictrsp---oth trs ml w rfs wr---mob at rec-wet rg fr ht---why pay?????mob crime goes free cmpliments usa!!!!!!!spit is fine pay here fr draining life out smn----p wh prk d sm-wt ths fd--amer hs plnt rfs fd bng wstd by heat--thy cld cr less abt u who thy wnt wstd -thecvr is fd---why pay???????hlp intnded fr mob pockets--trgts intended to be stolen from big time on ong basis by trs mob usa blessings cmplmnts of mob , ambassadors, sheriffs, etc....
Thursday, July 21, 2016
wed-whispering hls--wh prk//eric plma--did u go t city hall who did u tlk t? js as i st dn this cmptr ml hair pntd blnd abrptly gt up with 2 bgs???aprtly she did nt call him so he said he will talk with her tdy-he was very resolute -unk dir?????hrd whspering-prb inspired by mob--hls 2 fs giggling pwstmt.4dgy cr sm lcn nt-dng stg like dg brkng or oth noise anm imitation f palfred w dk cr ?nv pause rpt yl ???? e. f vh cr myb lgt p hlw e. ns trs f dsp by mob ml hrs me while aslp -algd pc of ck lkl mlc poisn. smn hd egg sdw oth chp jk by stbks but lkl unk dsptc nd my nt be the srtwho hv mny-wt intent t inslt with the idea thy buy fd etc --in fct lkl rtn nd jnk wst stb wstbrn ???smn nx bnc unf my sgt rly nt sfct esp at ngt.i dt recall really opng my eyes except t mk guess at wt time it mgt b. sfrd xtr severe sudden bleeding. 711 w of frf ---wtr pwr vh pltd 1010664-ofg bn ths mrn --lkl wrkg fr mob --thy vr gd at recrtg nd cnvcg types ???scdrls serial crmnls who wld blnd wt sheriffs nd hv thm in rnks nd sptg selves--thts why no one evr crs abt ftcg thm whn u gt trgts rgt hr in yr hnds. city hall kim, etc...lkl purp aidng ldrt mob-aftr all thts bsns at tgts expns lcn d w ng f gts on bus w all srts of bgs seen her gt off by lib bf. trs in blu mdcl type unif out of nrb vcn of wlgr fnc lcn vrn offg dnt--on mbs bhlf=mob has arngd fr spcl inslt deceptn evr-its ntg but free mlcs persecution poison cnsp t sntc undr fls pretenses thy my b offrg inslt mny-onl if u nd it-wt hls crmnls or oth dfrdr artists peddling wt intent fr it t nt add up. shk rest vcn m/f duo ofg insl $5 $20 ws ofd by bk brdg w at kngs--all grtd dfrdr cnsp --prpsl playing nice peopl ===in fct the srt who will hlp selves t yrs bgtm. by tjs on reg basis gn rfl jkt--prb wrkg on mkg big deal of hls types---????? sierra bnt erlier psn jzd t lk like ck cws-wt dg fr??--trs trd t pss stkg $1 fr mny-- may amer cst him wt it cst me rfs by 711e smn ofr btl-rfsd at sm blv m trd ofr dl insl mob sh e p711e mob sh p7823 w blk jp -myb wrgl or sml-trg ofr insl mny 76. frm shll smn unl 4 empt lg plst btls ont my bgs--bk at swtzr bus w offg $20 -if u nd it???????in fct trs cnsp setup t dfrd nd nt py bg time rfsd---?? hls/mob???? lkg t mk u the fl mob psg 1/2 sndwc mobil. mob sh pkings e wtcg fr ftr devices wtc pkings me by mobil usng up the wtr in vein t ws my fried w fngs legs feet nd trnc ft-for mob -to pull nst stuff nx. f pabbeys sm offg lkl $2 rfs--mob f pls chld drk skns lkl mob offg inslt amts. psb unk trs near lib entrc at cmptrs nd toilet area. still hv nt hrd frm mike please help locate.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
tues--as i entered pst frt trs can park entry--mob intercom was hrd immedt vcn in prst of aid t trs cnsp mob trs amer digs wth all of its trs hrt. undecprbl insuf notated ??lkl mob brns psg me ???fr slw... sh p swtzr e phyvnhrst e ljlaspdg his wt $1 rfsd--lvl amer js simply too crkd nst nd scdls mlcs prvctn aided by sh p hyvnhrs e--flly sprtng cnsp crime mob--thy cgt cu clux clan yrs ago -but tgt wstg mob is much too blvd within trs mob cmnt too mn peopl ignr its existence but scdrls team up nd fnd ways t wst trgts lives with scl civics nd le scdlsly pvng wy fr terrorists nd prd t b. susp vcn 76-- smkg mob 77 w of frf n stb frf. ??gryis 1.y with diagnl blk line brd mimicking sds--- p exc cr lsg w. scdrl w ml lib drt lks my way as he wlkd pst m- self asrd cnsp mob aid amer style---- gbg cn ??? stnl vcn stk out frm plmr prk rm at sm blv. messes 24hr ftn nd acrs mob hrs m t east of 711 thn west tlkg crp--y mc t prt mc t sxy. ng on grd by 711 w of frf thrtg t hit me-he cld nt tk it it tks time t rc cns-ths knd shfs wll nt arst agn -bcs the trs in rlt wnt t wst nd flt vctm-a mc mr cnvnt accmdtn--ng t 76--one tk mnd--gt any wd-- i cnt stnd poison ard but fls thk i mgt hv sm--brgt lgc by trs usa----i'm gsg $1 ofd prhps by shl??? f wt acct-sdl gvn lng trk of exprts -it is impsb t blv nt anyone here -all one mob wt tns of gull i blv acrs 24hr ftn bk trd ofr ??frs fd--the onl thg frs abt trs tm --is ong cnsp crm at yr expns.. dfr 2 cnsp btls j e of cvs lcn. crsg lcn mob ml bk ??wt thm up?? abv his head--asshl or mob sgn??? unkn m/f tm with f running insn nd scrd bcs i yld at bike wt thmb who lg snc psd--cld b put on cnsp --to flt americas tgts--fk scrd fr gng cnsp lkg fr new wstg tctcs. both aiding americas lndrt gng nd mob cnsp trs victors parish nd usa gladly smile at success of crimes vs victim.trs ml in blk lkg bk t shk rest hvg grtd smn at its yrd bnc. mob sh pshk rest e--cnspired grpng plning terrorist aiding tactic --their real desire is of crs t srvc the terrorists who wst tgt -its a mutually loved scheme-thats why its expanded nd hply well all at tgts expense. ng d cf bn??? 2 t tlt -1 yest-of 2 tdy 1 hng restrm sgn off sht on dr--aprtl peopl like t abs btrms in gnrl nd oth mr devious trs thkg..aprtly blgr wsnt wrkg well yestrdy csg serial copies --i cn delete some.--still have not heard from mike please locate and let me know why he is not using computer?????
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
mon-18th eric palma said wk ago he ws snt wh pk t stp peopl frm dgng in gbg can--WRG
mon rbrts strbk I blv smn mntnd t mx gy -I nt saw who re fct I psd by t pavilion--wrpr nr gbg bag holding my bgs--one of spsd traits thrwn wrpr gbg by ?mob nr lib--I blv cnsp plns cnt in prgrs wth ong endls attmpts t orgnz frmng cnctd t dgng in gbg cn---***eric palma pac west secrty told me flwg stry--I hv t cnst worry re srdg asshls nd their aids-he was supposedly sent by***whlwd city hall t stop people frm digging in gbg can bcs this is absltl illegal-****checked this afternoon city hall-bonnie sup---not illegal she will talk t eric -he is new she said--othr stry person in scl wrkng*** kim-who portrays scm like ted as case mngrs-person who purposely swindled smn out of evrtg did nt register in her mind as someone glty of wrngdng--maybe ted shld spnd a while in jail nd she should pick profession where she cn exercise btr jdgmnt-outside of social work aimed to steal money nd belongings away frm people without punishment nd cover up the arranged scandal with mental health for which America has endls sympathizers.***kims job desc does nt evn incld chkng on smnes loc nd cndtn if smtg hpnd t thm-nd neither bonnie or kim had any time-very busy folks focused on unknown agenda. suspect smn my hv cmplnd pkg area fr n rsn at all bt I nt hear frm thm yt. ong consp lkl lib pk etc rbrsn vcn giigln df guy ???prhps lkng mob explts???? wth crt bnt psb bk prb.. crn rbrtsn f/m f offr juice drk-I blv dict mob prtcp by 24 hr ftn mob f/? I nt lk at scd prty hlf snd frq mob lftvr tctc-frqtl evn fr mr scdls-mob blv u dsrv wst nt loss suffering or punitive dmgs bcs thy dm u trs nd their wstg cnsprcy is lkl their big favor ???lft ovr ?? 1.5 bks w of wstmnt trs by shk rest pltd lkl orgnzd mlcs mob left overs--thts how mob is nice considerate at yr expns zoo spit insult style inslt tny wtr ofr brnys--spsd ice crm ofrd crn Orlando rfs--these r aiding cnsp dictatorship persecution crime mob. mob sh pkings swtzr w of ljlla bk -wu lk clths??? mess la jlla trs ??? ???? frf frd frdl ngrs--this was whr one f hd once whole btl t spry me nd onc ngr hd stbks crd I gv rgt bk t him aftr he instrctd me t nt dig in gbg cn. lkl mob wtcng in cws lkl cnsp wtcg frm plmr pk rm nx t sm bl bus stp ??? gy cr shell ng ofr mny--rfs susp of dict etc...mob ??sh crs hts?? bkt lkl bkg crm n ldrt --mob America style--thy cr onl t wst u at yr expns mob sh t alley on alfrd grtd agree wt mob thkng logic nd sptg gng crime nd ted crime like kim --thts accptbl bhvr.perry a f was kims asst. still have not heard from mike.please someone find out where is mike and why he is not using computer last heard from 12th not used computer since had hernia and complications we are also targets of gangs 5304031379 mst get hold of nt leave message as hrd to check or check oroville hosp or ampla clinic i have no phone then get back to me
Monday, July 18, 2016
sat---3 sus fs ?svc trn mlr e sh psvc mlr w mlt mob lkl prs cns lib n out lib prt mlt area mob crm prs rng og rfl jk ????by mtr. smn ofr fd fm plc ltl w of wstmnt. cns ??ops lib vcn...???/kng/hlw vcn... cnsp prt by mncpl prtctd ?? ndld crm . trs pgls e--tlk re ?? nt mdg own bsn ???drk cr ??? kngs as lg as u--dictrsp tlk ??scd trs ?? ?? ??prs sh e of crs hts sh pfrf e ofc slp bnc crs hts plc ??? ??? ldr ngs dgqns cl b lnkd t mob lg bp dk gy cr pstnl flw by ace tk e --i blv**** aces frm sat mrn the dy bf ths e of frf crtnl lnkd t mob prj apx sun---715a ???san mob sc stnl e in ?? plcd tlt paper on my stf -i mvd t gbg -theamer idts idiot thk crm is free.mb f ?rn d ???cws smgl clnd by 7a wknd so snc i am n lngr abl t mv evngs i miss out bdl n cn cm undr scrtn ???? mob gps on cite prtcptn mob sh pgrdn e sus rfl jk ?fm plm pk cnsp all rnd re my bgs by cws as og jkt inw abt thm wtht dsclsg the undrcvr trs plcy lkl mob 711e bsy cnsp sh phywt e mob gp trs?? als 76 mx f ofrg jk swt bns bk in cws blk f chl ofg dry snk per mob trng ?ng slp crs hts pk earl ltr f in pnk hng out ba/crs hts hlw pk slp wlc wtc me nt rsp as if i ws clprt or thf sh lkl pwstm5833 psd me by acrs pvlns bus stp.. mb sh svc sm mb mtr t mtr bth lkl in on mob by nori wt opnd up wtr as fvr -fresh cnsp sh???str trsnrs shk w -plcn ????strg dgs rd sv bpg ????w ?? ???? ??? trs rcd hlwy pk -cnsp crm---thts exc who amer lks t kp ard serial crmnls --much easier ftcd victms demolished by their own trs means --mob f lib wlkd t old ldy nd ancd cmp asgn t smn wc she wl rtr ftc me out as she wrks fr trs org scdrl team mss la jll by urg cr sm dsc rd jkt slpg by anm hsp edinbrg ace tks gn jkts blkg out mob shfs plm prk whor trnd t tlk lk mob whn thy dslk yr bgs or othr thgs sc as cns. num messes e of frf nd 711 w of frf nd cws mob cmnty nd mob in mltpl cmnties wtn mob ctry------ mon plm pk bng clnd out city clnrs no cns t lt cl nt mv earl agn cws hd messes 2 hls crs hts prk of wc 1 ws slpg earl bt thm trs dt btr.--the prfrd trs. fr, shfs, amb pcrs w???? mob sh phlwy w. sh ??p shk rest gsg e????? ???mob hls w m w/crt w of wstmt--gng- au alr/au ok???? mjrt use str crts--i dt kn why thy dt gv tkts-in pst thy usd t gv out tkts but i almst all hls wt shpg crts now. dk blu pstl mob wtc my ba code trns nd psb lkl agt in area--mob mtv onl one ---wst their trgts of serial crms by all means-- much appreciated nd jnd by trs amer le--who chs tgts thy wnt t dmls/ kill lkws--of their designated choosing.??svc trs cnst cln out by city evn alm empt lib cn gt clnd out yt agn????in tlt lib wrkr wlkd in nd gt tlt paper frm one stall- i dt knw wt thy r chsng.--at lcn sun eve 2ngrd fs lkg like mln bks trd t $1 insult--america cnt fgr out -thy r dirt nt me --nd wt they owe is mny thrgh their eyes, nose ,nd ears--they shl hnd over evr theirs nd move into street--that wld be on tgt wt their mob kind deserve--they prey on fact i cnt see nd its hard t ctc all details--- so they prey on vctms like all the rest of the terrorists do--their jnt purpose is but to victimize at your expense ----assured engraved guarantee is available frm trsts who hv abs no intention to pay
Saturday, July 16, 2016
sheriff nd lib mob cnsp trs grouping xtr actvl in prgrss wstg cnsp psg this as if it belongs by indirectly defrauding wasting scheming conniving hang waste at yr expns nt theirs plan
fri--frm svr induced stress i atmpted xtng out wrg set of drs at lib which nt ocr prior t ths as cnsp mob lib cnt tcnsp with grp trs gng prj insd nd prtctg the trs dictatorship persecution nd wstg tactics which dt cease- mob amer gvt spts s called non profs nd agencies fr wasting lives as desired by trs ted lndreth whm thy prdly kp enthrnd nd fr whs bnft nd benefit of all beneficiary mobs thy need me wstd crzy dictatored nd a fool lied to as they pool grd snkng scm same as sht cause in crt same as $20 frm chrstn owner dan at gngwy in orville while they stole mower which cst me abt $1700. its cnsp defrauding scm plying frd mny game as thy pull the nx string on yr thrt with aid of such trs orgs as west hlwd lib, prk, sheriffs, city, etc.....exmpl abt 2007 hls drg adct agcy sn frn vly chf ex -pktd $470K salary for the year and supposedly this is legal--that is wwht amer nonprofs nd agencies do -persecute waste lives with grd seld bnft while prtndg t do u a fvr as in fct thy tie noose on yr thrt snk u into ocean nd steal evr yrs nd eliminate u bst as thy can with proud empowered under color of law aid from law enforcement walking free nd uncharged enabling conspired sinking acts alng with trs orgs such asin this case the mob lib in wh.gng members here in west hlwd on sgt--amng endls vltrg coordntd instigating trs lkg for mob spit in yr fc self justifying defrdr optunities whr crm is coordntd with their persecution defrdg trs scm all races nd ldreth ngrs nd drg qns nd lndrt trs mob services on board--zoo mob on ace trk --this wld be easy t sng onl sh is obvv is nt out t ctc thm--t cmplc a jb-more fun jng a trs mob org nd exterminate the trgt by dfrdg tgtr.ace tk n frf t e sm n oge grv bpng thn psg scr aprx 703a sat later e of plummer prk off sm swr antr ace trk dstnctl i rcl brthy mob scrmg which cl b evn f??? bt nt sure myb rnd pnsettia--grtd mob on brd in my opinion ---wt grtd oth pro ldrt trs prtcpts unf nt abl t rd ??? ?? ??it seems i my hv msd or lst nts dk sk f lkg at fr trk as it sirened pst area ?crs hts ???i hp ths nt wrg dy -rfs insl mlrs fri ev mob trs dict cnsp trs spt on u tm ****lkl crmnl ng on my way out wh pk--wl u pls g awy-i hd n int t cm anyw nr him nd nvr spnd anytm nr --im gsg this scdrl nt slpng was sm trs who atkd me drng one of the street closures btg me until he stl my bg wth cns--but whlwd dt wnt t arst sch cases thy clm bcs thy cnt call hls t apr as wtns--thrfr hls cn gt asltd nd the crmnl is welcm t g lose cmplmnts the usa. vh by ?? ??cr--hey? sc trs 4dwt pshl w--erl clnout crws/nd plmr pk--smgl ahd of me nd psb hr earlier i hp nt wrg csg me t hit it cmplt empt nd dt kn antg re ngt whn thy typically gt mob mess nd evr in strt lks at me as if i did it--thy all wrk fr mob as it goes ard mlcsl dfrdg u t thk its gd prsn in fct earning the likes of 470k/yr t d ldrt type or othr devs trs scms nd wstg acts let alone mob crime on which no one checks--bcs ths nice people cn do antg in trs usa. i rcl aq gn off cl vn bpg w of grdnr ??? ??? pplm e blk cr slv ln--pst plmr e?? ?????? ??? shf e bkts ht????--cnsprcy crms--trs mob cnst wrkg oths bsn wo dsclg mob trs afltn bng wrkd undr cvr by mns of dfrdg nd crm aided by mob prtcptg lefrd tps pvln by ths whs intnt is t mk crtn ur wstd nd dfrded bhd whm thrs mob nd trlike ldrt hiding bhnd blkd email wc is alwys t full-lk yr fngr--mob trs---***alert--hv nt hrd frm mike snc 12t whn he js hd med prblms -serial brglrzg mob area--anyone know whts with mike?????
Friday, July 15, 2016
harrassment defrauding induced stress extortion burglaries losses by means of amer made menace
i first dropped chg wallet by trash can and left it there due to harrasment by depties on 14t. later that even i also fnd a crd missing from baggie i kept my crds-im guesng baggie ripped nd i failed t ntc due t ong induced stress nd mnpltg crooks whose intent is to pass serial terrorists for saints nd endless crimes and losses i must live through as figment of crazy persons imagination. i dt doubt scdrls r prb still scheming re shwrs fr lcl trs dictatorship mob prj cnt aided by lib etc as rec aws yest the dy i disc my crd missing i hrd smn wlkng abt lib disc sm cmplnt md t trs frm services wrkg scheming cnsprcy aided by lib trs nd const in discussion by west hlwd prk trs whr i jus stpd t eat nd chk my bgs nd use toilet. i observed bl f sleeping head on tabl no one cmpl nbd i obs nigger sleeping on outer park long side cncrete benc no one btrg them eithr -tht mkng it hghl uncl why crscent hgts prk wld b obj of dft regltn. hrd rpt disc frm pool area psb office area re the hls--thy dt hv own bsn --their bsn is kicking abt the hls nd conspiring t dictator their lives--unkn who has contracted sheriff utility scdrl w plt senna trs depty leist nd prtner wtvr they r dict mob assoc who can twist all own crimes agst u nd hv u frmd so that not one but endless break ins hndng nd extermination all slide free with help of law enf who absolutely intend to keep this up for success of mob at the price of supporting extermination dictatorship nd endless costs t victimized target which these criminals intention t paSS FOR NON EXISTENT--SUCH AS WHEN I SD SMN WAS FLWG ME CMNG UP WY TOO MN PLCS SM TIME AND THEN STKING THEIR FACE INTO MINE--but scdrl deputies in on the insult tried t pass me for hounding idiot-spsdly psng services --in fct psng dictatorship by mob extermination team whose crimes they protect nd exonerate-take a fine look--west hollywood keeping serial criminal ted in bsn nd such scdrl as ones who run recycler intention tpass me fr crk and numerous huge malicious crimes as non exstnt nd non founded nd purposefully not providing the trs movie nd purposefully keeping landreth email blocked as mob conspiracy is being wrkd by ext fml trs mob prjct.--thurs--??sus chars lkl insp m at lib mob dsp prj--out of prk ins mob trs f - u nd sm cs-o u dt nd mny--cnsp trs plot. f runner yth wntg t d frds fist hit bdl assmd i ws lkg fr mob knd frds sc m d w ths up??? lcn-dl hair ml gvng m drt lks--scdls ngr smlg/??? as if frd. ????mob trs plcn e p8430 3 bike hlo mob hrs gp w--ins grp dg qn psng m fr crz t exnrt crm twd trg.-bk by ba abnd fnd my chg wlt.plst bg in pkt misd crd cld in--all phns tkn out sm bl askd in vein ins cvs outs ng evn psg mob grds by cvs -t n avl-trs gd wtd t knw wc crd t frt orgnz sm cnsp. wlkd t cnv str t use py phn lkl the onl wkg one lft in vcn. city lkl drctl prpsl aidg mob hrsmt nd its trs spt servcs such as clnc shfs etc who all hlp on wasting tgts by mns of jnts trs crmnl civic sptd cnsp shfs psng cvs crn gn cr bpg d w bw kngs lcn apx blk e of frf oge grv f t sme adj bsn-mob tlk --g mrn maam. dict team rem--nig f out of lib 12th ps wh pk wh wl nt reit.--knw the cnsp cltches of wc she cl b prt-i ws u lk--thr isn lk w/mob thy r dfrdg crm sptg tgt demolitin cnsp trs team of crooks who cn gt awy wt mrd free in mob trs usa. mob f gvg drt lks phywrt dfrf--gng mob shrf thmbg up fr mob crm ring pmobil e --so mny yrs ago am tld thr was ku klux clan in shfs. ths up sheriff spts mob cnsp acts thts why the wrld lks s pretty nd rsy is bcs he can hlp t stmp out tgt nd pass cnsp fr bng rsnbl agn for prc of yr life cmplmnts trs usa. acdg t my wtc he wt e pmobil 1115-i dt knw js hw mc bhd my wtc cl b. grd bdl nd kn wt cr I ls bt hd n phn nor refrl t fnd one fr me onl lkl t cnv th nx cnsp alng the line as I sd fnl fnd lkl ls phn at cnv str.trs at rec lkl mob tlks re isis-u knw mob jstfs crm by bltlg smn nd als by mkng thm lk less thn nc -ths scdrl shrs sm lgc -u cn d antg if nice-thts why endls serial trs r gtg away w mrd at my exp-thy r holier thn thou nd grtd vr nc. grtd rec employees ldrt cvr t mk his endls vctms liars nd his movie crimes exmpt t go.-prec why the scm preys on people he cn pass fr fools nd mk seem retarded. this is graciously supported by trs amer cmnty nd its le who like this-thy like the idea of mkng certn types the trgt-ths r the ones thy too wnt wstd.-mntm js pss me fr liar--lvl. ng f slp wh pk head on ml slpg on cncrt bnc frmg prk--by pl nd psb ofc hls bng dsc-the trs cnt mnd own bsns thy need t rn dictator trgts lives call thm crz nd hv them bullied undr law-by mob aiding inventing trs ploys grds nd sheriffs all hppy t b prt of extg crm nd ter rng at prc of trgts life -trs cntry where hoodlms killers r psd fr acceptbl people nd trgts r wstd sht out of existence all fr free cmplmnts mob trs usa..--still hv nt hrd frm mike???? -mob cnsp prgrsg nicely grtd im sure -that wht exmpt trs usa is -trs cntr with murderers posing as so called people---American press protects American crimes- not only gale Holland email not go through t la times but she blocked her facebook-- that's how badly she cares if America is abusing people--I am most definitely amng most bdly abused-but American mob likes t protect American crimes--that is the beauty of their dictatorship idea
Thursday, July 14, 2016
wed--mob aflt wld b frdl feml who in fc suprts mob thinking nd goals nd believes i shl live off scum grtg me t spt mob wh prj svc ??? earl saw shff i blv wt und lib nd ltr ptrs cns scheming me fr tgtg cnsp ??????oth hls by shk rest trs cn stg on grd????--mob here must think hls r dirt who blngs on grnd-purp of mob is t dictator hound menace nd eliminate under false pretenses t mk seem realistic by means of trs org team nd defrauding. trs barneys vcn grtd disptcd flwd bhd me set fries on grd fr nx hls.sml slv mob cr mobil -atmpt t dfrd w/sda lnc ----???sh sv p76 e. ?og rfl jk in vh???---??? ????unbl t rd my nts decipher thm sh lkg t flt my bgs plajla??? sh pcrs h w grtd hlpg mob prj-----mbl- atmpts $1 nd $5 bth dfrdr by kngs f frm rs trd gv $1 frm her soul unfrtntl due tmob crimes nd dictatorship defrauders this will not help. slv sv--hey trn at lcn trd ofr myb fd in bg thn flw out lkd lk drk in bg rfsd. ptrs cn or nearng bike ofr lkl insl mny lkl on t nx trg mnt as trs inslt -wt nd amer cs u is inc more sh p lcn e wkg nx mob plot cnsp. guy bk plcn e -hr u go -prb trd gv drk--cnsp trs deception defraud pln -i am wo toe nail scissors as i left them home nd dt hv mailing adrs i cld nt gt thm hr ptrs lkl mob mntl hlt nd oth trs mob cnsp crm prj prtcpts--mob sh pmtr e ?? ?? ****pba--bnk of amer w of svc within coupl hrs ago or so shfs jones nd klaus males pushing shwr free clnc services at behest of mob hntdg dictatorship elimination cnsp nd crime spree cvr up prj wstg trgt by evr means psbl as no one notices.agn hv nt hrd frm mike snc 12th??????
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
my bst guess likely mob trs expecting from lib for me to arrive and looking out at my bag placement outside which I can not see from here so the terrorists can ofcourse pull off just antg they mgt desire- I dt knw wt makes evr so hv bt if u carry survival gear it does get heavy seemingly- when I'm out it could be gone and behind it follow arnd gng and trs scdrl lndrth type dictatorship persecution demolition projects not at all common people who are for the most part utilized as tool in cnsp mob trs game at the price of victims life who cld suffer bdl because of cnsprd trs scdrls.--tues--at end of lib I wnt t toilet and aprtl was flwd by a utilized sqd member--trs lib used key t hasten her in behind me-this was fem lib upstrs -shes ortl I thk-on july 12- the bld ntg spcl fem wlkd in with 211 flier of which I knew ovr mny yrs nd psd slf as bng sltn t prblm none of the trs intend t pay ntg for--its ntg but mny for mob bureaucracy who prey upn nd wst trgts exctl like ted trs cn at strt nearst shk rest ml in lng wt drs in 1776 hat for amrcn indep july 4th hd inslt mny rd thkng im fulled by their dictatorship persecution game--nx Armenian guy hv accent was refusing his lettuce upn me wc understandably the trs psbl als trs aflt as ms of thm r sdl wnt dump on me--I hrd stg at the desk re hmless-I hv no ides wt thy r discussing - bt its conspiracy ongng persecuting defrauding nd planned as its these wld b fine flks prps t frc selves upn u nd wst u t their own lkng at wtvr cst t trgt.cnsp cmptr oppst sd pf 15 -who hs n bsn addressing me scdrl js tried t sy stg lkl 1 of endls mob coterrorist sknk operatives--of orgnzd dfrdg trs org. ???sh twd me 2d sh vh bh d e.smn try dfr frm crs hts prk--unf mob gms r k wn by now --ths gdrs hv evr intent t cs u all thy cn.tlk hrd frm crs ba. sh pcrs e-mob aid dg qn TRS tk pictrs frm bk myb of smnon othr sd of my bnc-I thk this was blnd wigged tattoed dg qn.--scrmng hls prhps one who hd red bpk --computer--mkng me thk prhps thy desire t run me out of computer?? sh p crs hts e. p crs hts e sh -tm wt?? mob dict hrsm org ??????sh w ???? ???in on hdg wstg dictrsp cnsp????lib rfsng t dscls cvr fr mob oprtvs cnsp atmptg t pass fr plcy in fct inspired by mob p spld -wts up?? ??sm trs ard spldg wlkng inst p ex cr lsng ??????oge grv p sh w ths up gsg d w js ard p frf.algd hls ofrg sndw js bgt -au t gd fr me??sm frm dfrf trn n hywrt 2 sh vhs cnsp mob sv w psm s lkl crsnt hts bpg I prb cld nt vr wll ?? bcm t dstrctd t ask psg by abbys--smd lk thr ws no bsn yst or smn alrd chgd bg earl rec city people hv bn chgng bgs frt abbeys Robertson location prt of bng in cntrl --wt librn lkl chkng my nm on scrn wc lib crmnls my b avlbl t mobfrm wh pk-- ngrs lkl mc on mob cnsp cntrl dictrs prj crsg t shfs sd w f older ngr f--unk bsn prp--nd lkl nt mndg own bsn gtg int othrs lives nd aiding othr mobs ??suspected???? nd lkl frds wt cnsp extensive dictatorship city mob aiding each other incldg stlg my nm frm screen js now by wt librn m. wed mrn stpd by whlwd city hll tlkd t smn frm scl services older f nd her assistnt trainee im gsg-the oldr f tried t gt info in shrt frm nd dclrd their bklt cntns all thy hv avlbl srvcs wise. jst cgt smn glancing this way- also of relevance -at crws plmr-whr thr hv bn lts of messes now all trs cns r as empt as possible for the ngt t dsbl mob actvt so mob has to resort t other smaller exploits of its picking meanwhile i cnt get cans bcs am too tired nd seemingly cnt gt nx t ntg at all ngt or mrng due to various mob tactics conquests trs acts nd exploits firing back at me- i hv usa t thnk fr being evr so nice and need help with legal cases agst vs everyone--many thanks
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
mike just reported he went in t hosp for complication nd now bk fine. shtly bef 12:45 street trs cn midway bw metro nd sheriff stn pull up sheriff m/f team w f offcr psgr spkg--alleged officer leist??? or smtg close who asked me fr my nm snc i asked her. she announced dumpster diving wch i do is illegal nd her ml prtnr sm t bk ths she frtr alleged my bgs were in wy whn thy wr as much out of way as possible nd stated she saw my bgs in street-which if they r about me anytime or whn i need t briefly set thm dn thy wld b in strt she further alleged sitng on gbg cn is blkng gbg cn -smt i rd or eat tht way-which is mr out of wy thn bus stp typically bcs i need rest due t bth weigt i carry anemia trenc foot. i was apcd nigr f psng wh pk frm lib dir she tried gv me tip i rfsd due t unk grps bng lnkd t mob freqtl defrdr ones she mnt stg re lib wc she rfs t rpt nx w ml w cell wlkd pst svc p wh pk dmlrs nd lib saying stg into cell nd mntng "her baggage."i checked int shrf stn immedtl aftr dpt incidt who tld me tkp dgng dm[strs as lng as thy dt say u cnt rtrv stg. thy wld nt check on sec qstn re in the way saying 1 questn was all thy were willing t check at lib libr wld t outs telling me nt ltng in w bgs refsg policy hwvr thr wr lts of people ltl w bgs rfsd t dscls who cmplnd nd trd t gt get me non availabl help frm cty sb83 he claimed were nt mh thn revrsd this nd sd brian was mntl hlt just smelled mlcs cologne pop amg mob one such crmnl my frd descrbs as sml lk mx fctr--whn i cn put of lib i cn expct my prsnl blngns stln while i use the lib -nd die as reslt as avlbl servcs r in fct nt really availbl nd mlcs in ntr.ptng my life in dngr but thts js nt his cncrn.nd aprtl this ds nt apply unifrmly policy rfsd prvd unls t atty nd refuse disclose cmplntng cnsp mob dictrs prj --jeffrey sichaleune-lib 2--ortl-psg mob servcs in fct nt avlbl fr cty---the sb 83--- eve july 11-- abv ths jly 12--i st dn on bnc frt of lib grg chkg fr stg in bgs gtg drt lks frm wrkr blw bsy mkg this lk like u dt blng----wh stds behind proffessional crmnl actvsm by mob--gry cr prk frt of brneys ng wlkd out ofg $1--i rfsd due t it bng frm cnsp mob trs grp lkl i dt kn wr he wnt frm cr--dfrdg trs mob pltd sndwc frt in my slp as it wnt on dictatorship elimination spree-mob runs the show--at price of others lives nd is linked t crime mob --whn hls prev i had mny numrs thefts occuring vr fast so its vr likely all of mine is stln while in lib -we'll def see wt hpns--stealing was aprtly a cnsp mob prj wt one of dts i als rec here in la 7-7-7 nd one in orvl-6-6-13 but many others sdl als.wlcm t trs usa where mob is aided by le nd trs gns hv le rltvs nd mny othr aidg grps. ???ng d e --hi js w of frf--lkl mob---why??? lftovr frm mob--iv bn qt comatose in ht ltl nd whn i wld gt vr lt tcrws wr psbl thr myb oth trs rmvl argmt nd evrt gn due t mob crtd messes nd likely nigr wt bike nd attached crt sngng cns--agn re lib--thy sr hv mny peopl wt bgs but the lib is tgtg mine agn lkl for mob reqsts which he refuses t dscls.. mob sign oth bpg 1.5 w trl p 7858 sm e cmng bk bpg pxl cr leasing. ng bk atc ws ntd by 711w nd vst crws -bth hd no cns ths dy.i am frly easy recognize dreadlocks in hair nd bgs i physically carry drk hair rtr shrt nd am knd of tall mayb 5'10' or close.frt plmr crws sm smn std smk in my fc thn wlkd.agn in case i misd f ofcr nm was ofcr leist???psb linked to mob mgt be ngrs frm teds plc the fem frm slv cr res smn fr fd ln oprtrsolder ml hrsd me 8271 wvg -hau-hrsmt. m p wh pk d mlr on svc dlib tlkng om phone re --her baggage.
Monday, July 11, 2016
sat-it appears I may have mrked my days last week by one dy ahd at a pt nd thn gt cgt up whn it was alr snd instd of strdy---trs sh pld up svc at mlrs bs stp nd styd thr ard a mnt t intmdt--my bgs were t sd of stp nd I st d eatg a ckie frtlsl ovreatng -jnk will nt cure me-wtr my bgs or othr mnpl trs pt sh thr -unk--wht I do kn smn vr detrmndl dng their bst t trn me int a trg nd dfrd me by esntl oying ntg nd psg mjr demolition of life nd extrtn lk it blngs-the trs r lkg t frm rdcl flt nd use le tls fr mlcs hndg tctcs bhnd yr bk bt wt one delibrt intent t mlcsl flt ths trg fr mob trs usa which oprts on mob tctcs t kill trgts who r lng snc being demolished by mob trs usa as mtr of trs dfrdg people nd subservient to mob mob trs system-my prc was ths was dn t trz oth sh ?? svc sm lkl hlp hndg wtc who blvs im ret drt who shld live off crmbs instd of bng vr hndsml paid in gstrnmc trms--ths wld b amer trs thkng t pass vctm mlcsly fr lss thn dsrvg instd of pntv dmgs zoo mob nd amer trs pro lndreth mob cmnty trs usa thnking intn psng uas dfctv mnded piece of sht?? ??? ???? mob trs red bpk rtrv all cns immed bf me aftr shfs dstrctd me at mlrs bt nt cm out in persn. intc sh phn cal stn vcn .??? ??? ??? flores d w--hi ?? grl dy bf frf mrn f frmr? ???dsp ts ??? btc mlt sh vcn kngs in ?? wst ??? tps smn stp out of la jla br w/lkl ?? insl lkl rec wrkr cntg nums on my time bt dbt if wl d it t smn els. lkl als smn hd ba grd brnwsd--ths occrncs nt hpn on their own thy r prdct of cnsp mnc nd instgtn. fr acr 76 crs d 711--I see u evr dy=wy u dng ths -u sm lk smr prs-attmptd dictatorship-thts why thy bfr u s thy cn ws dictr cnsp petitn dfrd by orgnzg pressure wt mob assis frm sh, grds , etc. trs mob sh frf e. 3???faj367 cws --lkl dctrs mob--g mrn maam. spldg ng -hnded me lgtr psp-I pt lgtr in trs nd psp om dk cr dbp pme d w cpl blks w of frms e711 ng on bk n lgtr skn ped myb hls d w . guy rd bpk rtr cns by lq strsmn by lq str starng thn wnt ins. sh crs hts 2 ngs--ng wt hnd bnd prs rlng bg unex stp str at folg at crs .lkl crmnl lcn prb dnsmt n cvrg it up aprcd by fem thn ml hd wtr nx hin -f ask fr 10$ nd ml 15$-I nt ctc prps of ths trnsc but dfrdr stdg nx twtr aftrwds attmptd t insl dfrd me wt $1 rfs-none of ths scmwt t gv u ntg esp nt mny -s whn thy say mny -y knw ths will add up t jk wt intent t dfrd nd t keep smn dead-- no one will pull out wt insult fnds of the srt--or crmnls will kill the trgt bf the inslts nvr cm t frtn due t smply nt bng eng by way extrml far.mob will b fine on hog nd ftng in-- nd expnsv prj t sv smn thy delibrtl demolished will nvr b paid fr bcs qt smply thts nt the mob intent-its nt mny -its dfrdr smk on fc.??? ?? ????cnsp mtr area mtro prtcp in dfrdg myb new wrkrs etc ths tm one offrd me btls $2 rfsd -thy r brk sure but no one went t kill nd trtr thm t dth nd t stl all theirs -i shr nt their sotuation --mob can hv some nd sml fr selves but fr trgts thy nd pay all thyv hlpd t dmg thm pls pntv dmgs??????ths my b ovrlaying oth nts nd unrdb.sun--7534 bus tmpl gn w 10 wst hl ng f who lkl srl abuses me rfsd rd -cld be rltv of f -bobbie the mtro driver who who drv away fln thief thn rfsd t cll bk police-nt impsbl gng afltd mnpltrs. ths ws ard 430p cr bk f slv med cr ifr $2 bl -wc she cld mny bf ths by brnys drk alr cr lfr smtg nx me in m/m pkg but i stk it bk in their wndw -nt yr frds oth lgtr skn f cr ps wtr alms vr shrtl thr was drk tn prh gry cr p mobil e where these fms wr at *****rp mkng anm snds. mlt shfs sirens p city hll apx d e unrdb nts -ths time thre was trs thrn ard crn la jla trs can the day bf ths smd t b cs e of frf.lkl mob sh t plm prk psb hpy t b wt mob srta lk clan yrs ago.i was too late as unbl carry wgt nd in mrn bcm bdl anemic cls t cma lkl d t heat.gig ng by 711e lkl vr hpy i ws nt abl t gt up nd did nt mk it --ths rflcts mob tru hlpf intentions gmrn dg q apx pshl--psb mob instg dfrdr dictatorship dy bf smn out of abbeys trd t gv me sp if i needed it as i wlkd thrg hlw pk t sm trs cn dude yld wo cs ths is my bg re stf on bnc thn trd tl me oth instg u cn st d. i psd on t trs cn wch aprd cntn a stln bg i tld the dude ldl re the bg. agn i did nt chk cntnts bt gsg cld hv bn stln by mnpltrs. mtr area - unf prs trd ofr me $2 mny thn oth sm mn. 6ylf779 -hv g dy???milena whrvr she gt my nm prh the mob rec--fr spsd jk she sd --isis.hv nt hrd frm mike snc july 9 emg surg email.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
car plated senna-lkl mob oprtv taking unsolicited pictures for unwanted services to help u- in fct t gt paid at yr expns lkl tool of mob and west hlwd
thrs--f mob trs mlr bus stp gsg prt of mob or rtrd servcs did nt like my take opinion on situation lkl affltd gng oprtv who blvs u dsrv scrps etc-mob cnclusion style. lcn se trs ???? unrdb s sd sm off hlw dsp f dfr offg popc bsx f sng ins mny wnt chsg m t dfr mob pcrs hts stp--mrn trs wo any cs ins--clm dn?? psb ptn crm susp hvy set tattoo mob nt drkn ths dy chsg cigs abt stp area plm lkl assh ace gbg tk scr as it trn s frm w sm --mv it! gy cr p frm w bp hng out yth blk f--frmsa then she trek flw d plmr-unk mtvs psb unk slct--sh e pplm cl cr less wt mob do in fc thy lkl hv mob trng sh pplm e hlp mob hlp wh wst tgts sh pftb e oth slc type weird t frt elt sltr pwn. w cr sm acrs 711 w of frf -u dt wt ths?? i cnt see well bt cert if ant wtv wrt its vr sldm while dmge is huge ondisappearing cntns nd nonaffdbl-heat lkl bd blkts ft hrtg wrg tp sdl phgs trd gv 5 fr fd- bt typ in am thrs n fd defct nd u cn buy nc stuff onc all els is paid fr nd bills r mntg nt dimnsg a lt wrs thn one stp frw 2 stps bk -gn nowhr cns mob sh pkings w--cr plated **************** senna psb wt ptd hrt in frt of it grtd dsptcd mob dict oprtvs-mob nt lk bgs- btc needed t ps 10 refsd as all els t gt me usless crt-thy nt wnt t py the real bill rthr lkg t mk mny frm yr lmntn nd at yr expns nd frm vrs hls fnds.-i rfsd hr mny nd rfsd hr srvc whn she tk my pict wo perms n stpd on gs lkl usg pictrs fr crm mob purposes als tried askg fr my nm refused-ths r crmnls dfrdg thy r gtg hlp --in rlt thy r lkg t lmnt nd nt py u bt live off hls expnse nd off kicking abt wstg dgrdg lives of strglng absd peopl-the sknk lkl gts paid fr pctrs nms nd oth trzg elmntn access so crmnls slvs nd mob cities bsnesses slvs cn rn free wo pay.thy r strctl aftr tgts-1 gy tl me thy wl nt dr fk wt him--fm apc sm kn insl mny ba rfsd ofcrs -due t wll knwn mob intentions hrsmnt lmntn at n cst sh e smw unk d t blkouts gsg myb svc e. assh d e twd svc -whow---my frd js hd emrg hrnia srg
Friday, July 8, 2016
hndg instgtg sheriffs and guards-goal-demolish eliminate
wed--mob cnsp sh mlr svc sm rp oth? t mlr.cns emp wh pk sm mtr area ?bng w sh bk pnts rtrv cns mtr trs-spc sgnm lkl t gt imd bf me? smn on grs nr mtr pkg sh wstmnt de. ng f d w sc ??? bf me. ???----its all I hv??? no one hr t b ?? sdl pshk rest w-oth w- ng w flw wh pk pshk w ?wr bn hrd by rc aidg mob ??bh dlb any bk gtg ?tpd fr it mnp mumblg gng chr pkng w scr blk f gry rnd cr pkng w .crs hts pk m/f inst by f lkl --m-thr u go -rfsdmlcs inslt prtc crm at n cst-cvr up crime diffusal aids. ng pcrs w thn at m thn w ??? u kn tht dt u? scr md ngr oth ng w cn by cws erl mrn ??? cl b dng nw h knws cnt see at ng. obs ng on gd w711. ?gd in blu sdw pfrf e yst -ern cvr up fr sc ted -msy hs-cvr fr tipping crmnls. ******gng afl sh sv plm pk--mob talk--g mrn-hau tdy ???g mrn hrsm inst--- ard 510-12 my wtc--pltd psn insl jk dfr fd-lf bh. ?? ?? ?? ??unrdb .psn stk pnt on btl imp t rmv n stk t my jk too.. ??? ????unrdb *****711e 2 amb bks t 711 one wrg neutrl lg gry jk ovr unf cm bk out e711 au-ok? au-alr???-vr typical mob trs cnv ??ask if evr ok???--trz-instg--fr lndr mob prj app 755a my wtc if cls rp instg I ws js.. mb sh p711e--mob coached trs cnsp lmntn trzg---
----hrsg ng f ??? ??? p76 e. ??? mob str int my bg.nv dnt unf stk mb gtr emp int my bg. m hi pcrs e. v gs pcrs w.. mob f sm la jla crs t sm se crn. f oldr mob blk cr mbl-- ?u dt wt $1 t buy fd-dsp trs w/gull. ?? ?? ******hlw prk--lkl mob cnsp aided by ted nd his mh dfrdr clb--crmnl thief rcd w lkl mob recrt w ma ml-plng t kll my life bgs or any nst thing scm lk him nd scdrl ted aided by amer mh le nd mob org cmn cn pull lkl mobs cnsp hugos nw tht we knw they exist--endls mob cnsp clb--- w sm audi cr rng gs by trs cn nrb shk rest lkl ret nr pvln ps fd mny till hld up by mob instr lkl -rfsd--ths trs thk thy can kill smns life then persecute away free-wo evr being chrgd---espcly in mob amer--trs cntry w murderers posing as peopl
----hrsg ng f ??? ??? p76 e. ??? mob str int my bg.nv dnt unf stk mb gtr emp int my bg. m hi pcrs e. v gs pcrs w.. mob f sm la jla crs t sm se crn. f oldr mob blk cr mbl-- ?u dt wt $1 t buy fd-dsp trs w/gull. ?? ?? ******hlw prk--lkl mob cnsp aided by ted nd his mh dfrdr clb--crmnl thief rcd w lkl mob recrt w ma ml-plng t kll my life bgs or any nst thing scm lk him nd scdrl ted aided by amer mh le nd mob org cmn cn pull lkl mobs cnsp hugos nw tht we knw they exist--endls mob cnsp clb--- w sm audi cr rng gs by trs cn nrb shk rest lkl ret nr pvln ps fd mny till hld up by mob instr lkl -rfsd--ths trs thk thy can kill smns life then persecute away free-wo evr being chrgd---espcly in mob amer--trs cntry w murderers posing as peopl
Thursday, July 7, 2016
sh crs inordnt nm of tms ngt bw frf mrtl bt nvr ctcg the messer-july 5 la times illustrates ambassador mob impact on hls cnt nd psb lies
tues--wh pk pl recptns intc call recvd--my wy out dn strs eldr prs w/chl sm t act scrd?? ???mob nois mkg?? w sv pswtz e ???gng gig mob gp mlc fg wv d e blk bf swtz--mlc $1 ofd la jla-thy mkg mstk ls 5 thy lft myb wk ago wnt t dg dlr nx t me as thy cl cr lss wr it goes or who gts it thy r frd gdrs who wnt insl cvr big crms wo py mob blu cr ???? pltd alexander try gv an insl mny amt lkl de --trs nx t me lib mkg dst noises tlk on phn ??? ?? ??? mob amr wstg thy blv thy ??wrtwl dstr rpt prs smk dsp mob crs hts mob sh pcrs w sh ??? frf crn e sm ms ?bd fct bk--bln nois e pspld lkl cns mob trn spld ?mb lng rd ???bpg w p alm ???? mob trs cnv t my lft cntns lkl fld by pot gsg num 19.??sh rp crs ??? mob mn ??goes sh not tgts/vctms trs usa--july 5 times artcl frt pg ilstrs ambsdr impct psb lng hls cnt impct by trs mob ambsdrs str by bdfct ?f -I dnt wnt hr t live by me.-oth re prb cnsprd endls lng t acv ends-aftr eng mnc abstnce nd cmplaints ambsd cn gt restnt bsn t buy their mob plan -mob grd cmn tk ovr trs mob amer style---hybrid dscr mnc wrfr.cntls rp crsg by shrfs out of each sd strt crn rsmbld crsg by mob. ?mob w cr pull t plmr thn ard prkg n out. messes cws sm bl trs mstl ths tm t e sd of whlwd. smn abnded pkg cns plm pk area ngt tm --I nt tk -bcs thy cnst act lk thy r trng t frm me -so its dbtf anyon gvs cr abt hlpg u-unkn why abnd mid ngt thr whn people mstl gn.mob grds mrtl s I als fr sr rcl thm 711e mrn nd blkng out t much fr frtr inf-btm line amr cr less whm wipes out--it pays fr people wstg tctcs nd hls wstg tctcs not hls pay wc wld elmnt hls--so mob elmntn tms of all srts r in bsn aided by mob cmnts n le. ambsdrs r in sm whlwd s pasd bhls.cmnty serv prt of orv pd in orvl.. mth rng scdrl t my lft 19. mob ns mkg gpfrf ? stb vcn. rec cust mnt nigel stbks frf.. psb blkt or thft w of frf brd/? sc rd bpk ?frb frf w vcn d w. mob cns sh pkngs d w. mob cnsp is obv insprd by ???hls cnt elmntn drctvs. drk psb vst bt cnt rcl wr fr sr --lkg vr nty n cld b usd fr wtvr crm gmk. dk sk f by shrf stn rn aft me ofrd $1 rfsd -bcs I kn hw mn $s thir impct on my life fr wc crms they r gtg paid big time at expns of my life-ths r frd gdrs wr u gt ntg thy gt dictatorsp pls evr. guy lkg frm sd abys myb t ck if I gt trk snd pltd gbg-if dmpd unwntd-its the fvr needed or nt--mks mob trs elevated nd their crms endrd nd hlp thm blm u fr their ndls nstns nd nstns encrgmnt all at yr bg tm expns. ng lks trek arnd als flwd in tm t wh pk--thy blv thy shl b abl t flw u as prt of their gm nd free rd tctcs- acdtl --or mlcs big time nd dead wrg nonethls supportd by mob aestblsmt nd paid by amer for its mob acvmnts its trs le.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
mon--wrkr at rec gt a tip lkl fr prv info t trs splng stln inf frm scm sch as ernie lndrth gng mob oprtv. ?bg dsc wrkrs???adlt pl entry -susp sndg tlk -?bgs.intc shf--secr-lkl hlpg mob pln ftr cnsp wth ong cnsprd scms the srt wch r welcm---**********-mob--gng -- gry rnded cr ---7pty830--gt out of gbg cn sbw vcn mob hngout-t cvr endls crms thefts brk ins thy hv sm hndg inslt mob deceptn dfrdr clb t mk fl of trgt-dfntl gd lead bcs these scm r lnked t crm cnsp hndg persection wstg dictatorship mob ring--m--ng.--apx 2 dys ag x hv soap stbks trs---mx trs fgt--pshk rest e apx dlg u lk grgs--mob dfrdr trzg keep up crm wtht gtg cgt scm in on crm in league wt crmnls susp up tj strs occsn as j 4 usng imprd eldrl dsb gdrs t mk sm crm sh wlk free. ba grd susp ps ofr cnsp mob mx lkl gn thf crs bnc--hndg ngr frf sm sw crn on sm oth hrsg fg ng 711w aided by 711 smkg gng mob wrkr now shfs wlk int lib cns trz ???cns trs clb sm/frf ??ng mob gds pfrf w 2 ltr pls 1.. insp wst tgts ????711, pfrf w ??? ???? ???cws ng ask chg smn thn rp hrs me prt nt hr-pop gmk ntc opn pny wlt thgt was clsd ins my bg ****of rel wed bef july 4th my frd reprts brk in into bsmt ??????trs f whl pk svc chkd emptd mny tms t mk sr thy hrs rgt trg labr area plntd lftd bgs gmk of sm srt wknd ws nt abl t mk it thr bgs t hv slp needed --hd svr slp prb jl 4th but amer prfrs kill u free thts why thr r ambsdr grds nd shfs wtg t dscnd on easy pry exc sm as mob ?mob vh pfrm w ??gsg rpb sandy terry frmrl seen as lndrt vlntr vics lndrt ally nd htng crmnl tlkng jst lk dcvt oprtv ted -gld t s u-rtls crmnl who crs nt wt trs crmnls cs u bcs she gldly dgs it as rst of shn exmpls of amrcn drt-she wlkd out 711e vcn -at the tm thr ws vrt n cns mrn tues sh ?e pfrm sh ??w of 711e --srl bkts hv bgs htg wtr 2 shs f n/s t frf e sm **** 28041u1--shll lkl frd gdr-I cld nt see dnmntn bt dbt antg rmtl wrt whl frm trs club--rpt******wed bf 4t july bsm brk in---???mob dfr ???frf ???lcn----????? ??hsp w cn crt pmy bgs p shk rest mx gsg mk lk as if nt mn d lcn--24h ftn actd eld try ofr-lv -by abby trk hld out cn thn try ps wr fr mob--erl in dy arwhd try ps wtr lkl fr dfrdr srl brk in mob---not nice people --these trs wt cmnty oev pd chsd me out of orvl-thy own u n urs lk it or nt mb trs dngrs atk sqd aided by amr le-- sch as ones rec in lib wtg t dsc on tgts any mob dslks nd to disbelief u when u r endlsl vctm--amr typical style preyed upon by gngs cmnt mira etc preying on the tgt--dfrdr is js scm t jstf spt crm nd ensr wstmt sm e intc sh intc hr at lib lkl sh sh svc crt by lib w cns blng t dude w/rfl jkt sc as mtr wtcg ths frm undr bldg. smwr.clkng ths out as mob shf cntns mk phn cls wtc unk tgt.dt frgt the sgts dcmntd myb j bf jl 4th by lib.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
sat--???mob chldrn alr trnd taid mob.wh pk entry twd pl--hrd ml chl snd hr t orvl or eqv--algd brtr of trs says gngb is his brt johnny who drnks twc as mc ???opn cr rpb p????? ???fin rfl cls t me appr ???cl?? smn lying nx mtr pkg.drk b?? smn ??rtc wld nt be ??? if pf ??? ?shfs r lnkd t mob ?????tms/entrp smn slpg hlw pk psby fr frt/dk/hgs???? bdl bkn gls trs cn axcrs wh city hll. 3 sus dg qns ??sm dkn pstrsbrg dfrf mob ns trn frf n hi/wth blu bg?? ?? f in vh--intn str at me out vh wine???sm frf n.mob sv blkg out frf s. sm e. -- yl out m sk dk.crn ps ??? ???? spldg -did smn hit u -dsp mb sktb ?? ??? t sm w mob sh pplm w ylg cr d w pplm pltd trs cigs stp bnc plmr ?????t ??spt t ?trg ??? crm cnsp plm pk lkl smtg ofcl or mob cmte smn dng smtg t their trs cns nd thn wrs t crws pnh ng f yl hr tjs sm bl hdg ???dg qn sm/lbr 3 mob ?amb sec bks pfrm of wc 1-hey. dspt mob w/cns??? no one hd?? mo lug??? myb wk ago itl dlr mntn rbi kunin 3 sns wstwd chbd-he said they all hv houses new crs each yr but if u go thr u will b lky t gt out wt 5$--thts rgt--the onl ones who fare btr wld be crmnl prfsnl cnvrs whm thy nt mnd. ???7nwh739 bd tct crs?? ???st rf fd chr ???sptg bdl crm incl by le ???w r pkg bk e fm wf ????flvr gn ?vst--fk dst frf/sm m/f mob cnsp wsp ???frd mob bk pba crs hts -hey wnt rnd trs ??? ??thts u of ?trd cltg ???--sun--- acr wh ci hl thn sying smtg lk ???? btn plg out lug stks n smkg--trs gng trs rcd pkg js w of trd cltg str said ****butane -remds me of gas other thn vh I smld dy bbf unk src.sch crmnls abndt in us who thy drly lk nd love dng bsn wt ??? ??? lcn ? plt lw cs t trs cs pstr bus rd?????? rtrd tmpl w off vmt - hr oh no nt u-wt hp???dsptc mob trs sp psn rp plt ??stb wstmnt mob w gy lk fr phn sh d e p shr? sbtg ask but rly acs re spsd msg cell grp cnsp mob prj sd ???/ wr I dt go ??crs flg me -mob trs sc rcd pcrs hts w bk/gt prt t sht me w/hds gtr bk lkl prps pls mstc dcptn.snp sht ns rmp tmp bs st n acr w by apts bk w of frms d e mon mrn w cr lit sgn as tx ng m yl-gt out of tht gbg cn -thrt-camir--gng dctrshp lkl. vc ns m mess cws sh plm pk ?ls ng ths bhv by mob lkl mnt tpt mich tgt lst messes---oth sm... lbr...thy hv smn dng messes nd lkl pt me int trgtg insl ctgr wr crm gs free for tip t ngrd ernies prtnr dsclsg tms im thr to mob trs sqd-ldrt type frdl people -tkg advtg of smn wh cn hrdl mv tk dn num thrn out tel eit tht or smlr wrt dn the onl time I atmptd chg nd it wnt out ltr lib put plug t prvt chgng thts hw hlpf amr really is with psn plntg evrt wc will mk u sk nd hv mob ride wo pay 3236131889 or smtg smlr wrt aft thr out prsn gv me lbr dy reqrs at lst onc mntl useage -he lkl hd n gv away rt prt d fvr if I nt tk wld hv gvn smn els-approp amer dstribtn wr I cnt hv one wo endl rd tp. hrd idiot crs hts ptg on act- w m -hes gn t hit me. gy hr rd phywt -antr mob ptng on act I dt evn rec sng bf cmng frm oth sd -flwg me rnd?? ok. ?rcd cnsp pme crs hts bus stp on bike d ?e. cnsp clb lkl plng mob optn at bntn their frd py nt ??accptd n thy wt ntg-thy r ldr mbm mob prs t hlp in fct no cst crmn cnsp wr mob nvr pys but dictators nd wsts as it persecutes hghly assisted bhvr incldg crm in usa smk wrk 711w ng smkg frf bw 711.ambsdr mob pfrf w mn eve ng tkg bxs t711e as he strs at me-his susp sh sme t frf s mrn lntc pplmr bnc cigs oth cnsp pbnc nt tlkg t cncl ong mob free at n cs cnsp 2 m mbs p crs hts w fm bk ?sds etc.. spctcl mlc ???? mob sh pkngs w 2 sh nr wstmnt undr tjs mob smrtg off clg me Czech gngst prb th jonny giggln grn cr psvc e gsg ngrds mob tip lf bh rec -I ref- whn bk tip gvn wrkr lkl thnks fr hlpg thm hrs me wtht pying any of the cst scheming t frtr dmp int tlt amer style-thy dt blv I hv an idea hw mny tms the amt amer trs hv cst me and my lf --trs cntry nd mrdrs people-murderers nd killers -psbl pltrs trs lib trs int hlwd pk rfl jkt-re bgs cnsp -in the wy -mob dictators -where mob wsts kills nd nvr pys bt pers wt inslts fr excs -prec why I stpd refsg evr -thy r amr trs mob oprtvs
Saturday, July 2, 2016
fri--as I was vctg the lib a fem was wndrg if I was fnsd-she did not seem lib customer-so I suspect she was doing some computer manipulation intended to be done immediately behind me for unk purps???? ng glc at trs near lib??? ???? tht mrn thr were mlt new lghters in pk ins trs by cvs stp whn I ws psg lcn sm ngr sm crn loc tried t sell me pot lkl bcs I dt lk gd nd appear hls-thy mgt thk I hv chk nt the cs-I nvr in my lftm usd drgs --obv rsn --bd fr ur hlt-but here in usa thr r endls trs people or people wt smngl mnml options who gt invlvd in ths illegal dngrs rsk enterprise just lk mlcs persecuting mob enspired scum inslt trs trash all over at rec west hlwd prk lib etc lkl bsy instgtg cnsprg fr scdrl trs lk ldrt absltl byn n coincdnc wth wstg nd dfrdr intnt. fem apc me opst sd of wh city hl I blv she hd a red cr frm sm rest or pizza place-my sgt insuf t rd sgn nd offrd sm plstc btls-hwvr thy weightlss nd wrth ntg bt as thy filled my bag I did not go my typical route nd still am slpless due t bd qlty slt cmplmnts of mob heat nd accommodations.js ps metr smw smb try offr smtg frm cr lkl ndls jnk mob dfrdr prsctn wc kps mob in bsn. thn acrs collar/leash one guy thn othr offrg wtr-sdly n one needs this wtr but the money mob states has cost me is sorely needed but thy wish t py trs dfrdr cnvg frmg cnsp srvcs instd -js antr trs mnpltn scm ofcrs.smn slp hlwy prk--. gbg-g mrn --lcng ---sh bh se sm crn. mess frt of hugos grtd frm ths nt on their trgt wstg list arngd by mob cnsp club.??? ???gsg mb-n prg stb wstm n hugos --lkws--ern --rec -drctl lnkd t mob alg wt othr wrkr he trnd-he rfrs t mob as tips -in fct cnsprd mob dfrdr wstg trs dictatorship elimination gng clb or frd gdrs who do ong major crms and ong elimination endlss trs tctcs where their endls dictatorial crms cn sld free nd get sprt frm mob cmn incl wh nd evn their le amb grds nd sheriffs fr sole prp of bthrg wstg their trgt for desires which suit mob cnsp happiness cnstntly snpng hrsg wstg nd cnsprg.wh pk--ins--r u sr??? nx scdrls inspctg in cnsprcy wth mngmt or city sprt grtd.ard wk ago aftr brn trs cn w gy wt red bk pk ofrd me mtcs wo cs-I dt use mtcs lgtrs or antg -I suspected immed he cnctd t arsn--mob trs rec ern--coordnt?? mob crsg fr lndrt trs nd lk mnded cnsprd mob scum.-ernie is cnt usg pot on daily basis nd atmpt t ofr me-ths r lndrt mob nrml people. 3 aslp immed outs wh prk.slv cr bp n rsn ft sd of dk cr bw svc rbrts d frd in orvl tells me thr was 2 additional brk ins wed and fri bef memorial day??????thy cld hv stln evr of vlu nd my frd wld nt knw the dfrc as its nt his-out here on ths end mob trs tld me thk u as i cld nt see thm nd thy persct me wt dfrdr and othr cnsp elimination servcs----aner mob style--just look at ted --he is vey welcome and in business
Friday, July 1, 2016
thurs-lndrt cotrs lctd at rec ctr ern whisp t blk gy main wrkr nd cert cnsp esp hls mob cltl sc as frm undr trdr joes. the hrors r bng prp dfrded by insl mob cnsp who plt fd nd try t gv out tot wrtls money fr dictatorial uses-I rfsd evr othr thn fd lft in gbg wo me bt I nt needed tht poisn wch is lkl strictly sckng nd onl delib wrsns my hlth per cnsp trs team ernie the scdrl mob encrgng nd prtcptg-tht free fd frm ted cmpltl usl as is is so enticing tht drg addict scm lk ernie fall fr the trip.spsd t b undr 80 bt stll mr ht thn I cn wtr nd the wgt of crs is mrdr alng wt rst clcltd mob prsctn poisn inslt spit in yr face dfrdr lndrt sprt wst---mlcs mob spry lib tlt-ths r lkl sm scdrls who r bhd dfrdr fvrs-frdly gngb demolition team-my bgs mvd whl I usd tlt bf leaving smn ?out lib offg cns??? mob m d lib-g aft---restrt acrs orlnd w -lkl hlp cnsp---restr wrkr ws on wy t gt trs whn sw me thn lkd twd mbl at my bgs t frtr mob cnsp plot jnt orgnzd mob ????lmn??? by trs ?team usa hdg sh out of sweetzer cnsp trs d w ??ma f gv m drt lks ??stg d w mob sh e pljlla hlp trs cnsp thlp mob crm.---go free by clg tgt---crzy. gry ldr mob??? crs hgts 2 ngs ---gy/dg lk bk --trs cnsp???? p ed ??nb???? e mob aidg sh p stn e mob gds up ????vsta--ambsdr -sms sm crs sm s at mrtl sm als wtcg me rd plmr prk sgn on its rsn sd wt regulations mob sh p711 e d w --gd mrn wld u lk btl???g ahd nd ignr evr amr cs u. mob sh pgnsee w cnsp fr mob trs tm ntc . ngl bs stp ne sm at frf mob ???amb grd t w 711.shl-bk ??f--g mrn ba--d y nd lt hlp--u cn blv crmnls r out t hlp u--hmngs trs mob defrdr srv .f e pba lkg bk d shrf crs hts trs ???pcrs d e .blk sv rpb e pkngs ??rs mob unk? hgs prtcp lk ???n me wtg at ??lt. ola mija ins rt crn lcn t ht/ant lg skrt shk rst --mob ins crdntd brglrs swndlrs prj.????nd mb lmntg wstg tm.psn clnr on trs cn stbks wstmnt.rec ern whisp cnsp lkl pro trs ldrt othr trs prj cnsp -wc thy wll py fr if prtcp.-rec mob lkl wlg prtcp cnsp.mob frm undr trdr js trs prtcpt hls drec-I thk it my be sm one wt sgn lying by frmr bkry nrb ba mex ml mob svc -tk cr -pltd mob swt insl dfrdr trs lib-prtectg on prps trs mjr crm.-trs cntry n mrdrs people.usa trs hlpg ldrt mob nd wtvr??? hugos cnsp lkl lnkd t bth.
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