Wednesday, May 31, 2017

shrtly bfr 420p js bfr i ws gtg t cmptr prtcptg btc lng drssed  mvd frm num 2 --prps to cnt mob crm cnsprcy--othr blnd mb btc ws on sgt mdl agd----dictarship wstg trs tm----tues---ng f once cgt kicking bk wth her ft ctcg bus mlrs svc d s--mkn rp arm mtns smlr t a mob bully ng frm yrs ago who lks pnh---mob lib prtcpts in cmnt wstg progs at lst 5 pstd tlt----wr crmnl drg addcts r usg ths t wst their trgts----drctl aided by wstg lib tctcs----the ng btc cm dn strs nd wnt s frst cmnctg t smn wth flyer prhps thn trnd nd wnt n rp lkg bk in effrt t blm trgt instd whn lkl crm mob cnsp hrslf----vcn myb 9-11p smn pouter sd of bs shelter wr thy wld see bgs instd of gng bhd it---wed mess sh stn stp trs nd hlss stg smngl small mess----hlss wrg rd/gry nks--by mtr 5684 lft lgts on dyt---z m gsg g mrn?? w kn w----sh lkg dmp on tgt w kn e---mob smkn w kn w--mob cvs crn ylg t 2 mob hlss lkl nx blu rf lcn nw of sm---2 stg bnc hlw 1 lying circ hlw pk---7mlj923 rp blwg psn smk at tgt nd nt mvg untl rd t lv--cigs prp abndn pltd mbl t hlp trgt hlth wstg----trs prtner prb the drv trd thrt me whn i wnt lk at plt--my b resp pltd trs sdw on my stff--i set it nx mbl fr their crmnl mob frds---sus cnsp f jstfng prsc smngl flrs n cell----bike myb vcn noon pkngs nx glsns e--ylpg yeah--as if encrgd empowered by stealing success stories----?? ??? ??---unrdb---shrfs orgnzd by mobs nd mob crm grd wr wtg insd city hall wr lkg t hlp city wst trgt--thy dlb trd cnfs trgt --klaus tried denying xstnc of jns calling him george nd clmng i tld them of persons in vhs wrg grn--in fct lying it was ofcrs org---smith hd the gull tll trg --b gd ---lk he the crm is gd nd me nt gd engh---nd wtd t kn if vr i bn rstd lkg t hlp city hall d wstg fr free---mob trs lq lcn crn dng sm mnvr as earlr smn mbl aprcg trgt wth smk smngl ultmtl tmng wth smn crsg sm d s----sus cr lcn w--i ntcd psg who cl b one of city clnrs mob bt ws t lt t lk at cr--i am brl fnctnl nd mk ntg wth hlp of lcl mlcs trs wstg by trs whlwd whs ident is--f u---py me---thy blv--  trg shl ls evr fr free nd be wstd fr free as if nvr wr---lying shfs clmd u cn fl report---sdl i blv 3 trp t shff dpt is engh fr 1 rpt---dsb wlc wth prt amp leg pnh tjs--smngl ths time out of sccss---gy rfsd hm---rsn lkl amer prfrs steal---why py vctms whn u cn fully wst thm absltl free nd try frm thm instd---m pmtr e?????unrdb---f wrg trs bg crsg sh stn n thn rg s---she hd lg blu/blk bg---mob f frq tlks slf lng gryish hr crss svc w thn trn s d lib---blk prius svc e shtl aftr 230p--m ylg eryqk---lib tlt pstd 5 prgs insd lib dsgn t wst trgts by lblg vctms drg addcts instd of mob crmnls--as is exc prt of city hall shrff nd clffrd cnsprcy in fct jng the mob pretending they wld do stg abt it---the prf is in pdng --mob is cmpltl ignrd --nd trgts who r vctms r t be wstd evr psb wy in all psb frms---trs whlwd nd trs usa--the truly ffective trs org mob team

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

mob coming out lib 1)the mob who prevsl insisted bctr ws in trs 2)bksd t pk --hi==mob who cmplnd re typing 3) out lib dn frt steps frm prk tbl--dt cm t prk at this time--gng s gsg svc lit unuslly brgt sh sv js bf 1040p--sptd bct?? gy frm tues who ws with frd plying hsb???--rthr odd---aidg cnsp mobs whlwd---mob wstg dictrshp prtcpts---shs/grds aidg mob brglrzg city dfrdg wstg tm---sun---ng svc n---hsp rng svc n---out of alley hsp ptg t alley clmng cns---sh svc n---ng smn rec ahd of me w/lts ?? ???---sh pwkn---bkt---smngl lts of anem symptms wstg tgt--??num mumb ng w--othr crm crsg prb  ??? str trs---smn trd  frc dmp  psn cvs---tht wy srs crm wstg cn b ignrd----rfs---smn slpg nxjwl se lcn crn---1 lying/1 stg hlw pk circ---ldrt bddy jesse crst hts prk---his reg eccentrcty---plus mob ngr cnsp tctcs lkl zoo insintg smell etc---nxt thrtg t me up tngt---thts jesse lndreth st vctrs fan who clmf rcd thief wc my well b---but the ltst dvlpmnt my lnk jesse t mob as well---als w othr ngr susp??---ted ident the abv by nm --jesse---t jstf his tlk he spk mob cnsp tlk --u stk---i wlkd up mrl t lk if i cl see any of my stff whn gt yelled at---myb susp mnr---he tl me u wll gt bt up---i kn whr u lv---gtg angr wo cause---??? ??unrdb---idnt tlkg mnrsms--thrts--gng inslts----cr pcrs w---dsc? susp f--nt onl at  bnk ???----myb dy bfr dfr gng mob--ng f hld--n---u lk prtty --t dfrd orgnzd crm----gsg gy crsg d ednbg s  ???  ofg fd rfsd --ednbg w m grtg bkt anem---vrg of coma---2 dudes ??hlo ednb w---135p 2 cnsp mob aidg ambs sw frf crn wrkg in bhlf of mob trs--4 prs of ngs bnt e--frt pr f---wt u lkg at---mltm  frm bhd bus stp blwg pot trzg tgt thn wnt e----9204 nt stp wv at tgt mltm d w ---thn i cgt 9453 estmtd cgt bw 6-7p mltm w----gng sqd--ldrt --clfrd--wh ambsd---shfs---mobs--nd city halll pls prk nd lib---to whm cnsq t tgt cld mtr less---susp ng f svc crn out of blu rp trzg dt yell at me --zoo---mlc mob instg---mx ofg $1 by prk thn lkl ng ofg $1 by prk--thy r mob who blv msv crm is free----??? ??unrdb--if antg gd was bgd up away frm trs---trns ???smngl strnded???----dt kn if will evn gt cks----thy wst u evr wy thy knw nd kp ths fully free nd a jk---nrb svc shs lkg aid mob---prk prsn slpg bnc wth frd nrb---hlss slpng grnd on prk prop---mon 608a---2 trs svc n sm e---1 ??? ??? ?rlg 1 bg---sying bgs lkl in cnctn wth stlg crms---sht up btc---ng m svc s ng f svc nw ---svc sw lkl f crm slpg sm crn bldg sd----crn sgstg cnsp she hd gng ngt bfr---------mon 732a lkl svc ??----z??city afltd lkl tk smngl unmkd but sgl rf lgt myb w p hld w---mb ng svc w stp--?? ?? ?unrdb--- btc grtg w phld----hlss cvs crn mob--g mrn---rp hdg---rp hrs cf phnck w------mx f rp hrss ins chg wkn w---sh ??? mob wkn w---z fm g mrn lcn w---dsp btc mlc insl mn sm e lcn n---?? ??? ??unrdb---by rdclg/dscrdtg trg---w asst frm estb/lw enf----?? ???---hlw pk 1 lying circ---7rau861 shell--insl--rfsd---rp---7jtj877--z thrw lkl fd??? ins--rfsd---ngs----76----3877--4 frf e vcn 2p gsg nt stp cgt nxt---unhp lkg ngs vcn frf---myb thy wtd hrt me evn wrs----  ?? ???unrdb---trzg ng prk nd snkg outer prk--csg me go to bsktb vcn--- oth mob trs ??ppk s---tues----hey hyd 650 hld w---mob ofc---652a hld e--g mrn----dt b msld by thieves dstrctnsts wstrs aided by trs usa----als smn w lkl imprsntg frd pain t rdcl me being in pain frm psor--nsty people----??71739t1 i am gsg wrt dn gbg trk---mny fnctnries wrk alg wth mobs dft tms--no rsn --js wrt dn lkl---hrd ng svc wo cause--i spry---myb same as spryer who does brglrys as one dscrbd in dsp brg z----mob crms r dsgnd fr rvrsg---mob amer fvrt lying instgtg gm----840a strl pwkn w trs oldr fhyd hn???--z----pwkn e mob sh bkg mob trs----mob prtcp ??? ?? lcn w---ng/bike slpg bnc hlw pk---bk on sun by 711w--trs frm tues try ply husb agn sht up whn i thrt cops---in rlt my b prt t z---lkl---lkl susps by or ps brn----*****zoo ljl --thr plstic scrp gbg at my bgs---cm bk wth grassy vgtn of sm knd nd als threw at my bgs t gng mrk ths for mob nd for city---thy r vry hppy shfs nt wrtg rpts nd passing bgs fr wrtlss---7ueu915--shell--ths cr wrkr wnt t aftr i rfsd the insl $1--bng peddled by crm mob brglr dfrdg srvc---this prsn who threw this nx bkst thn wnt t club ljl crn myb gld cst or stg t d wth lotto---hlw pk smk drg drnk wstg tctcs ths time ng bk on grss --mobon circ---susp ng pcvs z blk f pcvs--hlss stg stb wsmnt trs ****1 trs cn rplcd wth sld t wst trgt fr z----ng bike cvs e????--2 hlss stg upr cvs---3 mob lcn lq crn lcn sd---39420h1--???hey rp ???--- mob wstg in prg--estb.,prk, lib, city hall etc., and praised by trs usa who dgs wstg trgts---mike tells horror stories of these mobs remvg evr out of home etc--he rntd plc cnt afrd--so nw up to ?????---matt decided to not let me hv phone this week at all t busy--bt they nt too bsy tgive gays prvrsty prd---as i gt wstd by evrone nd trs are hply aided by evr

Saturday, May 27, 2017

fri---5wvr480 pkd up ng eve nx lib--he hd xtr lg rlg bg pls bpk cmng frm lib grg vcn ???----dt knw but susp cnsp freq lib vcn---als 2 by prk psg wtr spsd servcs paper rfsd--services steal nd hlp selves in usa---sat----sh pba w lkg dmp on tgt----7gka564 abndn frt of ba smngl-------?? ???? ??,?? ???cnt rd this??---oth hisp svc e---oth mob g mrn svc e---bk on tues ngt 1a--ng m---thn why r u hlss--sdg wth mob thkg------tdy lkg out frm sln 18/8  js e of sbw---5jqd977 mbl f psg shs -ths r ur sz--in fct my b prt of stlg gng--btc sd srry bt dnt u blv her---amer drctl sprts mob--the vr rsn fr its massive success nd frlessness---gy frm cr ofg $1 bt i was alrdy rng away ntr lk at his plt---obv cnt of mob crime--thy r out t wst u--nd their chrty is inslt dfrdg---crz chr hlw prk w d lcn plus 1 slpng pk bnc nd one e of lcn ---this nt case lkl smks pot lk thy do inm prk nd by sbw i sw him mvng gbg unk rsn in wt smd lk illgcl ways---same pt smell als stbk--lkl smn nt mndg own bsn wstb s ofg stb sdw??? thn trying t dictatr--tk cr slf---mob trs svc w nd s lkl tlk re bctr in trs as excs t brglrz wst trgt bt no one else prtcptg nd tsg rag wth myb sntz??---in dfns of cnsp vs trgt---sh svc ?s---2 mob ngs pvln stop justifying crm--re dgn trs nd tkn bth---still hv nasty psoriasis nd ong mob cnsp aided by estblsmnt nd nt at all aftr ths trgtg--who usually prtcptg cmplntnts thieves elimination nd dictatorship artists--nd hlss in amer hv cmpltl n rgts----pnh f lying rng mth nx ba hldl----found on flier 3listed

Friday, May 26, 2017

thurs--aprx js bfr wlkng out lib---i hrd mob aid going down stairs and calling me sntc--although my eyes r nt sfct --i blv it was lkl the same prt mlcsl smkn pot mkng me wiped out in bus shelter some time lst few weeks--at tht time he sd---stp sntcg btc--mgt be cncted to chrs---nd othr gng crew---ltl btc nx me alrd tl the guy who rns his mouth t be quiet---she is at cmp 21----susp prk tbl--dt come t the prk at this time---lkl prt of mob wstg crew----i ultm cm bk nd tld the prk offc--the blk f in ofc bhd frt m in blu aprd pissed off i spk t the stff in blu---drg qn insd lib unsl num bgs cl b mine---num cld b in on the stlg hit---js by kelly helpng lt btc dmp on mth rng guy--nd lkg t hlp wst trgt as well---thy r all in on mlcs mtvs----???ms lkl all prtcptg trs dt wt tgt hv atty dlb--hwvr we r lkg disc violations wc cld be t lt but i cmplnd fr yrs---civil rgts violations encrgd vs underclass by helpg mob elimination tactics psg them as estblishment/bsn aid----bus comp butte orvl city cnty----mtt gv me rdc shrt time fr phn use----smn upr lib ???? ??ofg grnl ws smngl gd hmrd----smn by prk plygrd ofg sdwc--rfsd---at tbl prk as i rcd t chk fr cns---lkl mob aflt ancd--u cnt cm t prk at this time---i tld re this t prk wrkr in offce ard 830p gsg myb wthn hr aftr occurence--aprtl thr is pkg vldtn in prk office---ng f in bk of ofc trd cut cnvrstn---spsd victims--smn stl stg frm thm st dn nx me bs shltr ngt whn stg gt sntcd drctl frm assmd fs hnd---the 2 jumped up nd rn bhd sntcr pres--mrn on grnd in bus sheltr thr was smngl 3 crds blngn t denzel sndrs--dnt knw fr sure if this might in fct b amng crmnls or smply smn who lost it--but num blks amg ths smngl like stlng in the area--cl als hv bn sus vhs ngt---abt 4 slpg vrs locs wh prk ncnt ths who slp in prk prtn bhd lib---wrkr wrg grn tl me thy will b lvn snc he uses sprnkler---he sd u cn si on bncs all u wnt--my nt b the cs--onc js aftr 10p shs tl me mob f telling instr john klaus--u cnt sty here--so i thgt it was closing? time---nd i recll prk sec outer prk tl me num times --u cnt slp here but not bother the person slpng prk bnc agst entrnce wall????thr simult nd i was nt slpng jst then evn ----bhd this my well be mob hndg grp---ng ofg $1 jnd by f mb nd psb othr mbs vcn pwkn e---amer hs no vlu on its extrmntn tctcs--incl its pres email my nt b recieving emails--instd its job is pntd act nd the price of those effected---?? ?? ??unrdb--z mb ???--?cld me wtc--was wth m imprs my hsb tues ngt though i knw neither---smn slp w of lq lcn---ng who lks pnh ngt by ba at lcn crsg cvs s--askg motorcycle drvr--hw mc t buy one of ths---lkl thy gv the drt mr thn eng mny--me thy dlb hrss w/mlcs wstg inslts---drnkn bld shwg off gft crds lcn se crn whl strng my bgs---lkl mob---7eec816 mbl--mob dsp ofg psn trs sdwc--aftr all why py on amer crm---their onl intrst is wst dstry dictator---incl wth fd psn nd wst---???----mob ng city hall bsy mkng cnsp plns vs trgt wth help of city nd shfs who aid mob insp mnc vs trgt---why pay fr crmnlly wstg trgt whn the intntn is t dlb wst nd prftr frm wstg vctms---2 fs spkng rssn frt of city hall algd js tlkg nt wrkng thr ---no intrst in ofg anythg wc is needed thts fr sure js t help bolster mob inspired actvt in city hall-ukrn btc instd of atty hlp try inst tgt alg lines of mob crime thkng--she was being helpfl as her hsb sfrd lg time dprsn---t mk this cnvnt thy will gldl call this anythg els nd wst u bst as ukrainians nd amer mob can---cmpl trs usa---wrkr frm mbl strg frmng trg as othr btcg smld awy wth hpnss fr success in wstg trgt crsg d s twd hgs---2 stg 2 stdg hlwy prk nd 2 lying on its circl mnmt---ldrt wlc e t jn them smkng pot frm unk fnds---mlc mn insl ofd vcn sbw thn smn ofg stg myb edbl??--all rfsd--they hv evr calculated t kp their crms free nd hv no intention neither t prvd team fr jstc nor pay antg its really wrth legs hrtg bdl frm psor---ass scrtc ng rbts ne ice crm crn---smn slp undr tree wh pk dyt smn slp bk of upr lib

Thursday, May 25, 2017

frm wed the 830a dep--thy r nt gn t do ntg fr u anyhw---wed mess at w knll trs---******thrsd--- 2 fs 1 ofg mny nx shfs--rfsd---f rp hai bs shltr shfs ---prps --endl mnc free--sm crmnls who hlp ??  mob sh dpt ????--f smngl hlpg rtr qstnbl?? ng stkng out ba-----???dsp dlb---mess rbts nd ?? sh small----sus mob crsg n hnck---lkl pro brgl/wstg---crm zoo trsprb srl wstg crm mob aided by gng whlw hlss crw-- w of sbw drnk hlss crt mob cnsp g awy frm me prtcp excs dvsg---mob insp---?????p wkn w---mob trs unldr sngn cns awy frm tgt----i mk vrtl n mny--ng this mrn sngd a bnc drc awy frm me nd spsdl it all adds up t ntg whn i trn it in ---hlw prk 1 slp trs---lying circ--??1 stg bnc---cmng bk w grp bsy unk cnsp at bnc myb 6---?? ???unrdb---z md ag mb m phgs w--hlss vcn lq---mob m lcn e--btc---cmn mob tlk--unusually empt trs cn stb wsmnt--cl b argd by mob ofcrs---3tfd37?7--slv vn d n svc ofg lkl mlc insl mny--thy blv mjr mnc is in fct free nd amsg---f by sh stn aftrn blk/blu rlg bg pls strg wrg trs bg smngl wo cause????--unless myb smn copy cat???---bk on wed gy tl me strg stry re 3 in msks stealing frm him this was nx shakes rest bnc---mob lg dress wlkg n w /ng?---othr gy nt lkg hlss claim hlss---hv strg reactn t wrd vcs?????---ntcd lkl crmnl chrs in lib---hv a lot of psoriasis pain lately

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

just before i left lib tues gng oprtv chris sat nx to me wo usng tht cmptr nd said gng style hhai---??? ?? ??---unrdb---wlkg n p lib strs frm city chmbrs?? als lkg t wst tgt----i blv he ws usg 19 nd lt btc cmlntg lvr 23---smn rpt hrss me outer prk pret t know me nd evn try ply my husbd while lkl accomp mob oprtv --i did my bst t chs bth---plying frdl whl plng crm---crm occurred svc bus sheltr guess bw 9-11p smn stole 4 of my bgs 2 plstic light bgs wth cntnts nd rgdy hlss bgs--as result i hd t vd t ckg accts nd nw hv chk ordering problem--****wed nst ng rec delib psg tgt as smelly nd drt wo any cause nd dfrdg the shw---lcn s smn ofg $1 mlcs trs---hlw 4x?fw167 ofg jk fst fd rfsd---ngt tues 1a ng f dep nd ng m dep--ng m dpt ridclg tgt-why r u hlss???---ltr stp by myb----- wed-----830a--no depty tk rept tl me come bk bw 11-12n came bk ard 1130a--dep burton told me snc ths r js rgdy bgs nd snc i voided the accts he assured me thr was no need t rept theft occuring as my bgs were only mrl rgdy nd chkg i clsd--thrfore the 4 bg theft need nt count nor the trb assoc wth it --i dt kn hw t gt or str checks i am trpd nd hlpless as nwdys they wnt t chg fr evr nd no free checks or ways t rcv free--i blv there is a whl slew of mds or zoo types here dt hw mc cncted but they fgr they cn wst people effectively nd this helps them do js tht--aftr all why pay--why shld massive crmnls py--amer will dlb pass their crm fr free nd nonexistg---- 147p pwkn e2 crm ambsdrs 1 restrng the othr--prb crm lk like fine flks t this scum hlss wstg teamvctm is bng purposefully bng pssed fr adct or crz when tht wl be all their blvd frds---i sw one of my items aftr lft brtn tsd sdwlk shs dept sd--bt this ws nt anythg anyone wl wnt--crmnls scrd tht---233p crm f sh dlb wtcg t wst intmdt tgt nt mob pplm w --hi---nt t be yr frd bt t trgt u fr mob nd city alk----9391 ntcd a susp ng get off by rg----any one of lg grp of crmnls cl b in on crm---mnwhl hvng fully wstd this prsn nd kp mkng prbs nt cnt in amer---also my legs were hrtg mstl rgt lg prtn of the ngt as i went evrwr lkg nd ofcrs nvr fnd my bgs as this is orgnzd crm nd these fine flks r nt onl lg grp but they hv all srts cmnt oprtvs wth us--im cnvcd cert persns in city hall sympathize w/mob thkg as thy raise hell re chechnya nd do ntg to get tgt legal team wstg her wth prdness fr gd---cmplmnts trs usa assisted by estblsmnt nd lw enfcmnt---crm lks lk their frd nd victim myself lks lk smn amer mob nd compatriots r out t bry alive nd pass this as nvr were----spk t rcd wrkg lib welcm desk lwr lvl re amer lkg mob---some of these would be west hollywood nd lw enfcmnt frds nd sm wld be ted ldrt frds--in rlty vr szbl nd mlcs cmbnd persecuting mob who blvs wstg smn is absolutely free jst ask contract city west hollywood city hall----chechnya is more important than me sffrg under their nose ovr a yr--i hrd absltl ntg frm thm re the lgl tm

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

anyone being empowered is not  me--u can see why miss yvanka is empowered---had she to fight all the nasty methods and tactics of the usa she might be low bum in the street and hv no option other than to be wasted--rest assured i dt plan a business--i cant drive and business must generate sizeable profit before it is worthwhile--hence america is busy wasting victims targets lives--after all why pay when it is a lot more fun to steal---they r putting smn to be wstd and they like this--evr is lvl so long as amer and its mob gets paid--the trgts on the otherhand rvery eligible to be wsted and there is no bank or anyone who plans to pay to dig them out of mnc set up by orgnzd assisted crimes of the usa--THEY R NOT OUT T PAY ND THEY R NOT THE LEAST CONCERNED RE THE CRIMINALS --BCS THEY DLB ND PRPSLY WST THEIR TRGTS-- amer does not empower amer dlb mlcs criminally rthlessly nd recklessly wstes ur life dn tlt nd pretends this nvr hpnd---thts ****** the reality of usa-------mon----mon aftrn rec--the reseller bdl needed $10 dinero--thn freddy gv him some mny---wtcg in lib--nd smn tlkg re the hlss fr frther trgtg wstg their trgt nd t kp crimes ncly free nd cncld as fully prtctd by trs usa---wmn in mdl e will be gtng empwrd while amer will be wstg exterminatig their trgts rgt hr in the usa---2 shs unk rsn in vhs snk into prk chk on stg nd vct---ng f gt on 705 svc n sw ard 740p--she aprd t dsl stg nd kicked hr ft bkwd as she brded the bus---susp lkg ng ws stg strt lvl vcn lib mkng mr mnc plns drctd at tgt---????wt?? f hey???----tues am--shs svc e mkng plns t dstry tgt fr mob nd city etc...---jnt prties dsrg t achieve wst----mob dsp svc n??hlss w/grc crt---pltd psn fries prk---mlcsl pltd tot wrtlss wst clcltd t wst nd psn tgt---?? ?? ??unrdb---2 hlss slpg vcn ba hldl nd 1 vcn rage---pr hlss stp by me nx lq lcn trs enq smngl if u wnt strbks drk---dsptcd----mnwhl duo strd at wc btles i gt t fgr wc one shl bst b psnd by chrtbl insprtn tm----dfrdg trs crew---why py whn lts more fun t brglrz frdlz dictatr wst nd prtd ntg wrgfl hpnd nd this mnc is exc blngn as shl b---trnd amer dfrdg trs crmnls----saw sm 2 snkg se crn lcn wrkng wth cnsprd trs crm amer dfrdg drt---aided by trs usa---*******ard 1128a---bike apcgfrm e d w hrd him say--dt fool ard me---my hv been hldg wpn in his lft hnd--but was mvng fst eng fr me t b unable t dtrmn antg--=shrtl aftr shfs wrkg t wst dstry trgt cmplmnts trs usa---after all why pay---whn wstg cms free by trs usa---thts amer justice nd dmcrcy all at the sm tm---hlw pk---d e---2 slp circ nd 1 in shd trees---cmng bk w---1 slpng circ---1 in trees plus 2 stg on bnc nd 1 stdg nrb---7lqs???993 wrt dn sbst ltr my hv acdtl wrt dn improp----ofg ins fd mny wst knll---lkl wrtls mlcs inslt by crmnls who blv crime of centry sz srl crime is jk nd free nd usa need nt btr nr py---js blm the trgt as exc amer really dgs---trgt dstrctn is free---cmplmnts trs psvc e hlr---hvy mtl type gs smell---6?rlg979----arg hisp f psg t prkg spt at rec bullying --other m ped asshl--bth trb mkrs---rdclg othrs hlier thn thou---matt nst lib hlpg to do ntg abt trgt being wstd fr free---why gt legal team when amer mob lib and mob wh sity hall nd mob wh sheriffs and mob trs usa like to kill nd waste lives of trgts dlb nd intentionally--bcs this is free for empwered mob and mob aiding american trs establishment and law enfcmnt---drctly with sprt nd aid and enspiration frm trs usa--exc as intended --cmplmnts trs usa

Monday, May 22, 2017

js nw mon --she was tng in as i enq whn phone cn b used---the mob f hdg t lib js ahd of me lg drsd lg hrd nd lib trs wl rtr trgt nt kn who they are--ard 430p cmp 1--smngl hvg gd spply of lg dresses----******sat----3 ms occupying outer lib strcs sprdg smk all the way up ns csng me t mv away frtr--non stp psng---wvg f outer upper lvl lib hdg bhd nd s of lib smngl--im gsg she mgt be wvg bcs she lks persecution nd she lks dng inslt cmpltl wrtlss fvrs such as pltg exprd nd used items---unwntd by anyone--this mks them blv massive crm of centry srl crms r cmpltl free---the mr thy psn u free--the mr the amer mob drt is stsfd---js bfr i wnt t lib 2 ms wr lkg at my bgs bng bggd int gbg bg hpng t hlp frm tgt--as per mob----320a hrd ld bng bs shlt svc/sm d s---ard 4a ng enq--gtta blkt--smn mgt hv snt him t stl my things but inst he cgt me awk---sun---ltr i sw blk f psng bye am lkl on to the blkt gig---insd prk frd chrt mobfrmng crew lkl wrkng in cooprtn wth crime aidg prk grds--rem mob is frds of estblishment nd lw enfcmnt t fl evr nd t wst u as if nvr wr--aided by trs usa--why bthr--thkg is mc too hrd---bsds why go aftr the rgts americns---btr chs ths chns wth grncrd invstmnt frd ndths ms 13 salvadorans--amers r fine lvl people--qlfd fr bst frds--gnly nice--prf is in npdg dtnvr u frgt it---nrb trs mess am aftr smn wnt by n mknn mess smngl---z mob resllr frm rec svc e---3 hlss slpg rg crn pls one nx mkys---2 hlss trkng w svc n e--ng strg at my bgs--hlss crt ?shs lcn sw---?? prf mob tw??? ?? ???---2 w/smt tlkd abt tht ??---1115a---prius blk --flrs trn w --thts her--oldr mob silv hr pcrsrds trdg w---7wse509--lkl z ofg wtr psg f swtz n--ng mkng cmnt thy spit in it--gv hr mny---smrt ng-thy prsctn wstg dfrdg crm rng wo py is wt thy r who sprt crm of centry serl crime fr free allg wth trs usa nd hpply sprt it as non occuring or rlvt---bmg1399 shell mlcs insl mny--orgnzd jks intended t wst persn bng pssd fr fl---amer wl rtr py their knd of trs---js ask ameicanized holier than thou----thy cm t the vr rgt cntry wr exc thy prf blng---pot smll frf n---hlss slp grnd frf w---abt 2p 2 ambsd bks pfrf e-got on 3880 line 4---sdl chris ws on ride pssng slf as nice prsn lettg 2 lds tk his seat ard westrn thn gtg off ard hbrt--im gsg thr mgt b btr fd prices thr--bt dt knw---chris in my opin drc cnc to a crm rng wc plld stg off othr thn nice drctl wth amer blessings--bcs amer ds agree mob is nice people--thy get ths chns nd slvdrns--bt dt tc lvl amers--thy absol shl be prtctd----this was to dfrd self as nice persn--grtd---i still rem mike tlkg re smn in orvill on bus wrg nice clths nd nice t lds---these scum knw exc hw t seem nice--i recall mex timo in orville tell me dodge was nice as he gv him bg of cns--thy nknw hw t fl people---prt of their dfrdg gmks---mny mny thieves i knew wr quite frdly nd nrml t lk at---******ard 4p rmprt d w line 10 ----5676 wld nt let me on gsg nst blk f drvr prsl dng this wst trgt --she lt smn els on instd---nd gsg prb more rm thn nx bus i cgt full hr ltr ard 5p ----blk trk shrtl bhd 4p line 10 myb dng celeb ylp celeb me nt bng pkd up by by the bus---js bf rec smn trying ask me thrs offwer beer --rfsd--i dt drnk---aftr crt ofg ice crm wtr als rfsd--i knw the price of wt amer hs dn---nd dt need fvrs wc will cng ntg---crn rmprt trs cnn sd of tmpl e crn of rmp plstc trs cn uppr brnt--psb area mob---outer whlwd prk--hyd vn gv u $1--lkl mob dsptc dfr---earlier sus hlss ng insd prk--pot smk after off line 10 crsgsvc at mlrs d w---prk lkl hs mob elimination tm wrkng hnd in hnd wth wrkrs--the mob plus wrkrs wrk tgtr t wst trgts---mon? am ng w/blkt i blv hdg svc n---??? ???unrdb----strt trs?????---blwg smk at tgt hnk d e rp lk bk---w kn e--hi---lkl dsptc prbl tld---lkl trs nx t sh stn trs cn---6mnl067 w vn wh clnrs gsg vcn alfrd replcg the w trk fr the dy---dcg mob in blk crsg cvs lcn s---thts who ws stppd wth gbg cn rec nx olv brnys/hgs vcn---mess brnys trs---smn wtcg bgs hlwy pk---scr ng f prtg smn brnys vcn---ng f w /wtr sgn nx mbl ylg thts mn rptdl re wtr--she ws mstkn --i js needed the spt nt  her wtr--shes new---she did mk sm nst sdg cmnts smlr in kndness t trs hngn nx 711w whm west hlwd dgs---2 mex fs trying t gv away wstd brkfst wch frm drkness of apples i wl guess mst be at lst a dy old --this ws phgs e---thy wr jst plying fvrs --nt dng thm--whn it cms t gds amer lks t steal--evrtg thts gbg --thy will leave it prpsl wtg on u---sknk dsp smkn at tgt ljl e t hrpr n---pnh mx nx sbw trs--hv u bn hlss all ur lf???----thts wt amer hs dmd ths prsn t---dlb nd on prps----js as i aprcd ls sc i sw mike brdg 704 svc e 9387 js bfr 210p --spsdly he lks gn earl t lib---js rec he was clmng t b lkng at ptntl evictn---hwvr i wlo nt grt abs all thgs mike has t say as grtd????---we will b vry frtnt if so whn this is hghly rlvnt-----pnh rd jk pmp rbts crn---z lng drsd f js ahd of me ppk d lib---bhd her self tlkg lng gry hr f--on sun by 711w was prob nig and prob drg qn apprectd by whlwd nd amsdrs---the reason of crs is smple---amer is full of lk minded mob and like minded trash---thats why donalds anti gang dngs r worth ntg---they rfs t rcgnz drt where drt it is and drt it is big time---thts called corruption

Saturday, May 20, 2017

fri---js wlk in sat--shtly aft ltl btc wlk off re stg unk whl smngl retng her comp spot 22 sat 341p---yst whn gt in fri lib ntcd fem lib tlt usg tlt t spsdl ck her lks---thts eithr fr ths who hv time t kill or ths trying t frm/dctr as clfrd z dsptc on bhlf of mob whlwd bkn zoo---whn wlkng out lib ntcd z mb chris btm of lwr strs gtn stg ?orgnzd wthn his mob blngngs bfr lvg---psb mnvrg bhd scenes bkd by mob libs nd mob trs usa nd sh dept mkn it sfr by lkg t wst fvrt trg----??mr mb crsg upr lv outs lib strcs--slgtl ltr z grp stg bnc nrb strcs t upr lvl js outs lib---z grp trying t pdl wst psn inslts t dctatr nd t atc t zoo oprtn schmng cnvg dict tctcs---???ins pk trs--pltd wst chp psn ygrt jnk rfs---z ng svc s---crn sm/svc bus shelt occpd by lkl z disptc tkng up all 4 sts wo any dstrbc by shfs--prb thy wl btr me if ws i dng tht---so i hd t sty awk nd b uncmftb sbst lngr---i rcll 1 gy psg--thy shl nt alw thm st nx trs cns--nd thy shl nt alw thm lv bs sheltr--lkg fr btr wstg regltns inspired by mob argmt---sat----gsg am ng svc n---hisp bike pkntz e smlng wide??-----smn slpng e of rg---smn crsg s d cf bn blwg smk---z f slpng js w of wknl cnstrctn---rp strng??? mob athens gbg pkp wrkr pkn up lg dmpstrs shtl bf 9a---plcn e ***42318v1 gwhfc van---hlw pk-2 stg shd undr trees 1 lying on circ nd 3 mr prtcpts of wc one 1drt wlc---susp bld f wlk insd/ bk outsd? hgs e----ard 1140a sh via mbl lot d e trn kings s nx glsns--??---brnys lwn grnd hlss lying??---hlw pk--1 sit/1 std circ---2 stg bnc pot smell---strg ng f cvs crn--wts gn on???----pr psbw w--of wc 1 m ofg $2 attm dict nt eat trs cn??---z dict afflts---mob sh bp hnck e------rec pmtr w nd mtr wrk toss 2 rec rfsd--susp prt of zoo inslts mob cmpgn---z f svc e--hlo---m svc e---sm mn???---tht mns wstg tgt fr free by ths who dt wnt jstc----2 hls ms nd 2 crts rbts crn smt by ice crm or stbks---prsn ofg $1 out of rec wc he wl rtr kp----dfr insl rfsd---???---slv hr m oldr rbts d w---

Friday, May 19, 2017

thursday--smngl i hv progressive complications with my psoriasis--but i hv nt fnd anyone who gv a dmn re lgl tm nr antg els--the pnl thg thy lk is jntl dng extrmntn tctcs nd elimination tctcs whl plying prfctl blnging in fct aidg scm grps--ntcd rp lk mob f attd btrm abt same time as me psb fr suspect reasons with trs frmng people wstg people elmntg people jntl nd on prps---mob m trsmlrs/svc crsg w on mlrs aftr wv hrsg trgt----fri-4mvh986 vhc bdl gsg whn stp t d stg vcn kreation js w of svc---bus 7431 by mtr ld brst snd--insd drvr nd one othr wrkr---smkn at my fc m crsg s frm cvs lcn loctn---mob m on bike giggln lcn e--lkl re success mny endls mb operations wch nvr were investigated by mlcs avoidnce---ofcrs bcs thy r nt investigated thy r nt abt t b fnd or lkd up less myb im dead killed by them if tht--evr trs do is fnny nd astd--- nd mob hlprs cnt fgr out why mob r mob---thy sympathize with their thnkng nd tctcs wc thy actv dlb assist---wth hr bf 1040a by brn d e --gsg myb sm mob ylg dnl etc????---sh crsg t hlp wst trgt fr mob---hlw pk circ 1 lying 1 stg---cmng bk hlss blngs abnd circ---??????----5mdp???884 mvd awy fst nt hv eng time t see well aft ofg fd smngl hdg---????d cvs---wstb m 1 of 2 ofg $1---amer wnts u t hv $1 engh t kill u with bt nt jstc --dnt nvr u frgt it---smk rbts nx sysco tk nrb rec--smn ofg pza rbts crn i thk--dt fl urslf--amer onl prps is massive crm free srl etc as nvr were assisted drctl by its estb nd lw enf who dig certn prct jks nd mnc at expns of massive srl ong crime sfrg vctm

Thursday, May 18, 2017

wed----as i tlk t kelly mattis hv rtr slmn lkl pro mob lk---they dt wnt t thk of slvs as dvnts of any srt--thy blv onc thy lk lvl--all is theirs nd cnt cmprhd lkl it shl b othrwise--sm as amer estblishment who sees ntg wrg with their elimination persecution extermination tactics---amer blvs ths blend rgt in--thy blv im fl hvng fn hr nd the amers r nt respnsb---thy r the vry rgtfl fbrc amer is md of---incldg whn trs usa drctly mks ths actvts hghly psbl nd welcm--trs out tlt d lwr lvl md wt i blv mgt hv bn dsgst emulation snd---fd ofrd nx lwr lvl lib--als awards event for ths fcltg sfty--snds grt---except in my opin thy smpl fclt mob wishes nd hlp mob wst tgt at no cst---cmplmnts whlwd nd trs usa---mob wrkrm insd prk ofc--as i lft tlt prpsflly hnded me--hey---- lk my existc is my flt exc wt thy wnt u t thk---929p bpg svc s myb sh--mng i my nt hv hd gd engh view--hvy smk outer prk--js wht amer blvs is frdl actvty---als smkr emulating vc ovr---prb emultg ur sfrg---this is wt amer blvs frdl cmnt aiding actvt----dv smith shrf--grtg tgt---cmpltl hppy t hv amer wst tgt free---vh svc s blwg smk at tgt bhnd it sh f---hi abt 1013p---???gng mob tm ??shfs stn n if i rd my wrtg prop--hpy t wst tgt---ha.....-----prdl giggln amer drt---thurs----pmtr/sh palm w ofg $5---scmbg ds nt blv antg is wrg rfsd ofcrs----??? ??unrdb---hrsg mob m bike w kn w bk e--??ylg mob cmnts at tgt d crsg n---mob crm who pckts all cns frm big dmpsters w kn unldg trs mkn rpt zoo noises--thn rpt hrssg trg---hv nc dy rp.....---hrss trz on mob instrc---tm of 3 lvl dgs pwkn--dg wlkr ws swt unh 1 ws interested in me---lvl pooch pr drl did bd bcsv he trnd my wy----mntlt--drt blvs he dsrvs wt he dsnt--nd i dsrv wstd--exc wt mob thks tgthr with its estblsmnt lw enf fbrc who welcm their deeds---ng f? slpg lcn sw crn---918a sh lcn w--yeah---lkl mob celeb mob crm---rpt rng int wlcr ths mrn misng prt one lwr leg---wl nt b srprsd if ws prtcptg mob tool---922a---mob ???ylpg bike lcn w---cvs crn hlss lying grnd---hlss mob uslly in blk frq dncg--this time mvng trs cn phlwy e--stpd by shfs who blkd his wy---fld t nt hlwy prk glncd bk frm acrss aftr fct rtr bd view ----- smngl at lst 1 prs thr slpg ?hlw prk circ---susp mob hlw n psb insp crs???-- cmng bk e--plng up pts----???8u50046 hldg a bg on the wy t his trk wth frm i thk glcd at my bgs---rec rmvg cns mbl js bfr me--- apprtly in bth dirs---mob grp of 3 apc me prld w crn---1 sying gt outta thr--clmn t hv bgt fd---rfsd ofcrs--dictrship wstg elmntn crew gt gng s--mob lng nd hdg--- aftr i pasmbl e frm mbl m mob dsptcd ofg $5 rfsd ofcrs---mob blvs they cn pocket all nd totall all nd all this is free exc as intended by mob trs usa who dt see ntg wrg----??? ???---pljl e fd lkl aidg z dsrs--thy'r wth us as lee sd onc---z f bike hgs e??---hlo---2 stg bncs hlwy prk 2 under trees of wc 1 lying---mob ofg wtr wstb--1-2$ pltd grd wstb rfsd---by rec 5sxn531 ofg $1 rfsd---thy cn g fnd smn who nvr sfrd or lst---plnt of thm trs ard--ths scm r absl nt my frds--mst lkl mob grps who blv massive srl crm is absl free nd intd t kp cmng bk t kp it exc tht wy

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

tues----psb attm by lib to excld persons wo phn---rsrv stn enq for phone---yest eve tues they went for sec t lgtl mntn re prsn clrl out of it on drgs tht he was loud #23 --but i blv they did this exctl at bhst of mob oprtv drctv------als shrtl bfr i lft smn pltd jnk papr pieces on dsk myb tryung to pass mess as being mine-hlss in rd tp smng out of it??? ???unrdb trn svc mlrs e----mlrs svc crn agn hlss lkl mob wrg blu top grn rlg bg dsptc enq lgtr thn rfsg r lv t intmdt tgt --thy all kn i dt smk nd btrg me on prps lkl---the prps is lkl t hrss btr nd fnd wys t wst wc will sld wth estblsmnt who appreciates sc frds whn thy wst tgt nt thm----prps amng othrs is to fls ply yr frd nd t appear blngn abt u--whn in fct its orchestrated frd ofcrs----??unrdb---wed 623a pkntz w blu pts smkn at tgt bfr crsg rbts---857a ---hi----sh sptg mob plcn e lkg t hnd tgt nd wst her nd prep her for mob by frd plying frdl in fct mlcsl prsctg trgt---??? ???unrdb----cpl stg hlw pk gy w/cn tlkg wlkg awy wvg at tgt---frd plying frds----???guy dsg lk ??? ???? porl w---lks like i ws out of it fld t wrt hlw prk flks whn hdg e onl mrkg thm d w---*****ard 140p stbks wsmnt z ng grd brngn slf int view t intmdt nd thn rltg this on phone with intent t wst trgt fr zoo---by mns of mlcsl rdclg tgt nd prpsl mkn idiot out of tgt----put absl ntg pst rtlss west hlwd nd trs usa---its cld dvsng rsns by mns of persecution nd mlcs rdclng cmn tctcs used by mob t dictator wst their trgts---mob mex reseller wrg rd pld jk tdy psg svc e--hlss f w/lg bg on bk blk/blu smk at tgt sh stn--she thn lft trng svc s

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

mon---matt the trs strg at 23 ptng on endless act nt dstrbg the drg addc trs--but was this me the lib crmnls wld hv wstd me lng ago--rem the lib the prk the city hall nd shrffs are drc bkng the crimes nd desires of the mob----smncm ovr tl dude t kp it dn n lft 446p----trs mr paul on sgt lkl wnts me t spk vs myself t help mob lib wst hlwd mk idiot of tgt--outsd eric lplma aidg mob prgrm wstg crm---850p--lkl dsp mob gnrtg fg lk smk nx me wtg t b picked up but this time i wlk away nd nt lk at the cr--i do wndr why wtvr being smkd lks like fg---lkl ntg nice---agst outer prk wall gsg ng w/fls strt smkn nd i lft t svc---myb 630a sus gry cr--- oh well i hv trb eyesgt esp in mrn psg rbtsse crn psgrs??--hudng???----dfrdg mob prtcptg in free unwntd cvr up act---the cr trn w nd smngly slwd???---my eyesgt this time of mrn  prvtd me frm seeing nd i ws nt abt t chs them--amer helps these criminals very intentionally anyway---psb frm cnst prj nrb wkn prs insp santa monica vcn wrg plstic blu glvs----smn grtd mob pltd oj juice jnk nd chts top of my bg lcn cvs crn--i rmvd off my bgs nd lft fr nx prtcptg mob crm---se lcn crn f ofg $2---rfs--- amer blvs all its dngs in this case r very free no prob nd vr prd of their crm accmplsmnts thy hv evr intent t kp free unpaid---dncg mob in blk gry brd crsg frm cvs lcn d se crn---nx brn crm cmng by lkl fk str pretdg if his rd bg ws where my bgs are lctd---crm lft d e---u sw rd bg ovr hr??---i ws gn ask u qstn----u cn blv it---amer  mean well--thats why evr tgthr with my life is lng fr gn----nx mob blk polo shrt scrtc his assh lkg where drg qn slps patio crn bldg nx brnys thn inspctg my bgs--als lft e---lkl dsptcd t sntc stg---nt accdt mlcs persecution aided by trs usa---oth pers n pbrn blk tp rd ht---nx m blu jns grn t d n pbrn--oth mob headed n pbrn hi jwlk dhlw prk----mumb prs blk jkt i blv headed apx p olv w---  wvg in grn vest whlwd wrkr doing bike installations---lkl mob or wld nt wv at tgt----i blv hlw prk hd 2 slpg circ pls 1 grnd nd myb 1 stg bnc but i wtd t lng nd cld hv frgtn wth all strn nd dstrctn---wrg lgt blu unfrm on bike pswtz e w stff resemblng sec items in bk pnt pkts p swtz e---cmng bk hlw prk 2 lying grnd 1 circ nd 3 stg bncs---pizza pltd lcn se--mob btc grn drss nd ng tlkg ng styd by grnry shpg area plying wth cig cnt lkl empty abndnd by lk minded trs---the f lng grn drs lg drk hr headed w----??? ???unrdb----hiding e sd of mtr  bhdbushes lkl ortl frm sushi nri---hi maam---als the dsp mob---f sh stp ofg pot sld--i saw her bdg nd lkd up its fr dg nt wth her--she clmd her cndtn was seizures nd tried t pursue mob bfrdg dsptc bye--js lk she strtd frd frdshipp--so i md it as clr as psb she shl nt cntct me agn---lkl js antr mob dvlpmntl trs crmnl frmng dfrdg dsptc---f lng grn drss spsdly wtg on bus d w on svc sm nw sd----u shl ntc --all scmbgs wnt t fd u mst oftn is rtn fd or unhealthy fd to kp u sk---their intentions r prob even a lot wrs thn their nst dfrdg gm--by brn smn with really fnc dg--hghly stsfd with psn persecution mob wstg game--nvr mind where frd brg money went if not into mob aidg pockets

Monday, May 15, 2017

sat---ard 815p if i cn rd my wrtg dsp m ppk s --hi--bye----??? ??/ ??bd hnd wrtg unrdb----******mrn sun---ngs pba hldl w----ng jy wlk acrss sm nd fllw w fm w/strller lkl png---yrs ago used to hnd hrss me num times----smn wlkng very swt dgs blng t dsb tried to hi me--unfrtn i only hi dgs nd dt trst the people pmtr w----mob btc wiping keybrd myb wth hnd sntz js nw 409 mon---sntzer smells thn goes out---stbk wrpd cnd pltd lq str lcn crn----t fd all unhlt psn t hlss---f ??? lq lcn crn---hlss slpng e of se lcn crn---alfrd ??? whlwd clnrs ???? fr mb tgt---f---d u wnt ths btl w of crft crn---myb wnt t ????? bsn????sdl nt rdb----2 prsns lying hlwy prk--11 bnc nd 1 circ 1 othr myb lvng---1042a z hdg thrtg ins tgt lkl dsptc phlwy e----js lf hlss psb trkg same dir earl slpg e of se lcn crn ----ard 1050a phgs w--bd or insuf wrtg???----- ntcd 2 w tks lts of eqpmnt myb cnstrctn or utility????---giggln ng pglsns e----oldr mb slvr hr z phlw w----6xwh327 ofg wtr btl shlll---mumb hlss bk of 76 d ednbrg w---rec pme crsnt d s----*****ambsdrs arvd frf crn 127p----slgtl earlier fr thm thn usual psb drctd by shrfs who wrk tgtr t wst trgts --also hlss who are mst freq at frf crn were msng mkng it seem thy hv bn chsd--nx strng thn i ntcd as i brded 4 line gng w 9241 or stg lk tht the ambs were stll stdg wtcg at 140p same crn as i was wtng on bus----lib gvn me drt lks wrkg on bhlf ow wstg mob ofcrs sm as reckless ignrt sh dpt nd mob---whm west hlwd is aidg instd of me---totl. ignrg trgt nds--why py fr lgl tm--whn wstg tgt into tlt in america is very free---nd hghly encrgd----fll of opty to be wstd bst as cn be drctly wth hlp of trs whlwd nd wndrfl usa who intnd t kp it js tht wy---ntcd 2 unmrkd suvs wth energ srn lgts gng n on bntn trng e---flwd by w trk wth sm chrs plus w shell nd bk drs emgcy lgts srn----???lg sktg ylw skt prt rmprt ptmpl d n---mob pwhlwd  pk d nd  ??? ???wvg at tgt w stb bg lk thy ld t dmp on me lkl retrd--------smn disp lkl t hrss trg snd ngt svc bus sheltr gsg myb vcn 1030p wnna smk sm weed this guy gt int sheltr dlb t mnc trgt nd t wst her--his one puff at tgt wstd trg fr the ngt--i ws nt abl t lk at wtc fr a while nr lk bk in his drctn mrvr i ws put out so bdl thn whn othrs were abt ltr in the ngt in spite of typcl vry poor slp was put out nd unable t ntc ntg----trs sd--******stp sntcg btc--trs i blv clctg cns wnt svc s gsg myb t eat fd jews lft bhd---thy dt blv thy nd spply lgl tm---as bng wstd by mob in america is encrgd nd free---***mon mrn ng myb 545a d n lkl z??---oth susp d svc s-----hsp usng sntz t wipe shoe cmp 7 457p---ws js nw---????? ??unrdb----sh svc s lkg hlp mob dmp on tgt exmpt slvs----mess nx sh stn trs----ylg ng crsg wkn sw---ylng drnk plq w---hrsg mob trs frds w/nx brn  do evr hrss instg??trz cvs e---??unrdb ----smn ofg $2 nx cvs on dsp nx ofg mlc chg on dsptc--wnt sm????--mlcs persecution cmpl wrtlss inslt argd by mob----drnk agn org lq w nw alfrd e ths time s sd d e---meat up wth mob orchestrtg trs at hlwy prk whr 2 trs shk hnds---mob scdrl ws still hlwy prk pls lkl smkn as i cm bk---org 3 hlwy pk lying circ 1 stg bnc---on wy bk mob drctv trs ws fll of mlcs instg rems---ths drnks drg addicts nd mob artists r frds wth mob whlwd nd trs usa---als whisprg instrction to to mob prtcpts----the cotrs the city the shfs nd usa bk--where massive srl crm is lvl welcm nd assisted by trs whlwd nd trs usa--the cotrs who hv hpply tmd up nd r rthless reckless extrmntrs full of oprtnt cmplmnts trs usa---myb stg sml hpn9043 cl nt see frm ngl ofg sbw sp aftr pltg stg in trs---cl b off frd brg mny---bsn nd whlwd nd usa do nt dscr vs trs usg frd brg mny--mc rthr thy wl hppily wst total life of this tgt as they successfully hv----z ng lcn w rd ht???---tll ng ptj e askg re crstl meth -my be sme one who was lkng fr fmly vcrs nt lng ago--the tru frds of west hlwd wth drgs drnks nd crystal meth gng---amer adrs their ngs---bt trgt is wt it lks t wst----shfs myb dave smith nd jones--one wntg ths up --nd jns nst--weve tlkd abt it alr----shfs hlpd mob--thy did their job nd r still co mob nd in agrmt wth mob rgrdlss of csts t trgt nd reg mlcs lk of hlp---lkl mlcsl dlb dnied---mob brg 4 br cns---t pass slf as bng nice svc crn---in rlt they r pro mob pro wstg trs whose intnt is t ignr  all mssv crm nd t aid wstg trgt fr free while--dfrdg wthg pying anything wrth a cent t thmslvs--thy calc u shl hv ntg --nd all urs shl all be gn exc as thy intnded---their mob prob fully reslvd rbts crn 7fhw169 ng f ofg fd---hlssrbts ne--rckn on groc crt---hlss crss t his crt wth props sw crn--oth lkl z comp 7 ---528p--i recll ldrth ilg mex mob oprtv mon mrn myb gsg lcn vcn--lkl thtrtg --i hd no time t fnd this in nts so i jst pt this below to note this trs prtcption

Saturday, May 13, 2017

fri---lib ats lkg t dmp flt on tgt---mob trs usa crm style--sm exc rsn whlwd rcrtd cliffrd--t dmp on tgt----ngt ng with sm stff dec to slp bs shlt awh unk rsn???----sm tms thy lk t sm yr frd bfr thy pull off a crm--thn he gt his stff--whn he gt all his stff --isd thts it---he gt angr--dt tell me thts it--ill b cmng bk---i wll b hghl frtnt t nvr see none of these peoples protecting aiding crimes nd dng ntg t gt me jstc or lgl tm------thy bk crm twds tgt nd dlb act lk ntg spcl hpnd--tht wy crm is free no spcl effrt req---cmplmnts whlwd nd trs usa----oldr mx f lkl dsp clctg cns ptj w--earl ng w/own crt psvc w myb drg ws clc cns bfr i gt up to go--als psb dsp----ng mkng z sbds crsg wstb s thn w d mtr--slp nrb shkys outer bnc lkl ngr cvrd wth rd cltg---rng mob ng lcn w--hi---hls ha,,,, pmbl w----??6yhh942---hgr??? cn gt u sm fd--myb ortl f----mbl---sh strg mbl e t flt tgt---hlw pk--1 stg bnc--dg frm nx brn lying bnc---1 stg circ nd 1 lying circl---bw cvs nd ihp 1 hlss lying nd 1 stg---ofg $1's nx sbw--ru sr???----i'm sr amer is hghly stsfd wth crm of centry crms it has pulled off nd likes t keep thm intact----m ofg $5 wstb clmng t hv fnd it--sm exc str---i'm sr crmnls fnd evr of mine they stole nd dstryd---tht was usa assisted fnd----???ortl f hnk frm sushi --hlo/g mrn???----ng bike phnk ??gsg w---sh phnk e lkg dstry tgt---bsy aidg mob----tg w/wh city hall---vrs fd pltd abt mbl ihp hncock palm---gd stffs fr them --thrw away psn fr u---enjoy bng dstryed nd wstd--incl trs typ by w kn pulled some other way to preserve fr selves---their mnds actv hw t wst u while pretdg t b chrtbl---ans---hnd out wst nd pretend massive srl crms hv nvr occurred nr hv thy bn aided----frd nd trs actvt aided by trs usa----hlss dgn vcn rbts??---nrb lib--f clmng hv xtr fd-----just i wondr whr they gt hteir anythg--answr---they lkl swpd evr mine the sc i lkd the othr way drctl with usa blessings---cmplmnts trs usa

Friday, May 12, 2017

thurs---upr lvl ntty f tlkg slf smkn outs upr lvl---ths fri mrn--hlss stkng out rbts crn wtcg myb pkn up cigs---ng f sleeping pvmnt sh stn mtr stp---crz yll hrd frm cnstrctn site w knoll---matt listng in lib t frm tgt----ylg stpd at wrkr rqs---mob dsptcd t plt cn stbks wsmnt---rfsd---crmnls smpl blv thy cn cvr massive crime fr free nd pretend ntg hpnd---cmplmnts trs usa----amer crmnls dstry stl evr---in ret thy stk out thrw awy wst nd call slvs charitable-----ntcd wh clnrs using sm type outfitted trs bkt with pckts as wrker plcng trs int big dmpstr nd stealing cns fr zoo uses-----mob lcn w ---s sd dscsg stg re evr dy---lkl nt own bsn----more of prsc oprtvs----mob ofg tltrs lq lcn crn---u cn b dictatrd nd wstd fr free cmplmnts of mob trs usa---la pcking hauler loud bp noise p crft e nd thn hrd frm dstc once agn----hlw pk 1 bnc stg 2 sirc stg nd 1 corc lying pls fm fr lying bhd bnc----cmps tlt sd nt wrkg welll ltl btc strng---rf dsk sd f who strd int mirror rstr strng----hlss rd shrt blu gbg bg plus gd sz ovr shouldr luggage bg pbrn e --hllo--lkl dsp mob---ng vstg drgqn cmpg bhd fnc like patio area cen sm bldg nx brnys----ng als smkng wvg at tgt---smlr t mob---fnlly ng dg qn vct head w----7oil259 mobil ofg myb 3 btls rfsd--ths is sm as 1 cn by stbs---ths ws gry cr bk ant---z trs ??? trs----smk pntd at tgt pswtz e---cmng bk mbl   7nvr015 ofr btls rfsd---stg like6k4r4 frt bdl rdbl frm dstc--u dt wnt mn??---lkl cmpl wrtl mn inslts--their gm is t dstry yrgt wo py nd t pret ntg hpnd when guilt of ****srl crm of centry sz mjr theft lnk crms lk brglrs frd ident thft etc....pltd opn cnd swtz nw crn trs----myb 1240p blk cr pmbl? e psg in org rmdg me of mob ops---bt one prps --nvr py on amer mssv srl crm---ng wt crt stkng out brnys crn othr gn w---hlwy prk 2 stg circ pls wlc smkng sprd psn 1 othr drp by--- drp by bk d cvs pnh nd smkn---custmrs anywhr enjying life off frd burg mny wth drc sprt frm trs usa drc at price of total destrction t this vctm---ntty f tlkg slf outs upr lvl

Thursday, May 11, 2017

wed---730p nrl blk tk mlrs svc d n---ntcd bcs i blv i sw one prsn psb wrg rd bnd--stg gngs lk---in lib i was on tlt sd nr ltl btc lkl prty to grp cmpgns---apprntly thr r prtcpnt grps dlb trgtg people t wst---trs lk matt dnt undrstd why peopl nt hv cells nd hv n prbs with pbl phns being out blvg vctms lk me less thn human nd society ignrnces of mob dmg highly welcm---ths time prk phn rec was hnging-----???????---nd ofc few mnts nd tht nt evr wk by trs cnsp lk matt is jk---he thks if nt effectv its wst---ofcrs most effective people lkl call until thy gt job dn---nd ofcrs mob nd matt prps is t kp trgt wstd---cmplmnts trs usa----strng frm mattis ths thurs----amer fnds cnv t pret grps dnt xst nd dngs nvr hpnd or shl b blmd on trgt---why py on the crm whn cotrs lkl kelly etc here at lib blv all is free---thy kn hw t use cmptr nd hw t wst people--thts their spclty trng----8v?28700 svc w tk wnt it???--bd eyes bt gsg myb ins fd---rfsd---dcg z m rbts d s---rtn fd outsd sh stn mtr stp---rd cnvrtb rvsd at hnck mumblg stg thn hd bk d e---835a athns gbg trk wkn d e emptied str trs inspctg crfl cntent wth int t dmp on tgt---w kn w --hau--ru ????unrdb---nx mob trs w kn w --wt beaut dy!!!---mlc dstrc frm rlt mssv ong cnsp crm nd prsc---aided by whlwd city hall sh dpt lin nd prk---rem---mob is their knd of peopl--othr smth spkn fg mob chrs tried strk cnvrs p wkn w----lrg dmpsrs frm blk e of wstb loaded by z mob who pkts all cns fr slf per dsrs of local mob cnsp nd intentions---wst the tgts----hlw pk 3 hlss undr trees pls f stg on bnc---x thk oil btls fr moistrzg hv bn bit thrgh by rts??---smngl this is mr lkl in moist weather??---nd psor ofcrs is ong if nt argd fr by mob plntg prj---same lk hlss diabetic f death in jn --nt acdt----hwvr no one is bthrd as its mob usa intent t wst tgts---ntcd 1400989 w cty trk swtz d n---mob ng grd who chses out tgt fr mob aiding city hall lkg t wst trgts nd hv fn wth proceeds---mobs they enjy---nd tgts they gt wstd--cmplmnts trs whlwd nd trs usa---thts hw trs usa jns the mob oprtvs---6k?mw383 ljl d s mobs mlcsl trg ofr $1----gry tk wrg org pljl e---by hgs prb jw in mb prj--cl u use sm mn???---the ans is---mn mst be engh--thy must py fr evrtg lost sfrd pls pmtv dmgs---2 und trs hlw prk--1 stg grnd e of cvs---120p --sh hlo lcn  e--in rlt bsy wth hlss cnsp sc as bgs --in essenc smply wrkng t hlp ant hlss mob cnsp--nd drctl lnkd to mob prjcts---prsn lying js e of lcn lq--thn up lvng trs bhd mkng it sm its my resp t mobs wrkng t frm tgts--ths r brgt wstrs---js i hvnt sn thm prdc the lgl tm etc---instd thy r geniuses at crm nd wstg techniques---130p lcn d w  sv--gt outa thr---mngless cmnt snded lk mdslnging---thgh cl evn be adrssed t pet unseen ---athens trs i thk 888--336-6100----dq svc sw crn---drg adc  hls ylg svc w--at rbts he hd 2 crts wth prps---but all the drt in usa hv fr mr in cmn wth it thn i do--so mob trs dig thm--thts wts imprtnt here nd wt gts the sprt---dictatorship nd being wstd nd dprvd by cnsp trs usa

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

tues--350a wed mrn asmng brkn wtc is any gd???---presumably gsg drgqn as i was dng my best t slp at ngt bt cnt--i cnt adjst t temps etc--i was cvrd in plstic and jst hpng smfgt did nt give me aids by pltg slv on me as i attempted to sleep---620a svc sng ??? lkg bk--plng nx crm---shs rbts hlpg mob dmp on tgt---ng snk t bs sh stp myb flwg snpg tgt---nx sbw mob crm dmp mgzns on tp of my bgs---he ws gng e---???? pwkn rp lkg bk?---bike???? grn ?? hi lcn w---ng f slpng nx trs cn alfrd---hlw pk smn slpng in trees ????---unrdb nts---?? ???unrdb brnys----z mb pbrnys e--g mrn----trs lib mgr tdy celebrates me being wstd by mrkng  calls wc will nt aid my situation as effective nd no mr tll ??nx wk---lib is rng cnsp aided my movb cnsp trs libs---7ehn217--trg hlp kng nx gls trn s --ofg shoes in rlt lkl mob sprtg hlss extrmntn same as lw enf---btc nx gls trn e try ps tf plt it on bushes rfsd---we kn hw hlpf ths fine cntry is--hau mob trs oneill top swtz s-- rgt bhd him t ally e lkl pers blwg smk---6dnt????010 mbl psg $1 lkl mlcs trs insl thn smn try ps fd----clctd t wst u effectvl sm as clcltns by lib mgr nd whlwd----new antihlss coupe pres hghly poplr in us---******all hlss bdng etc in grbg hlwy prk onl 1 prsn stg thr i thk---******found mob ops in action ambassador trk nd sh sv chasing smn hlss out of alley nx clsd rest nrb lcn sw---mb sh --mrln hau??------wht ths lw enfrcmnt nd city aiding ant hlss cmpgn frgt is tht their knd mncd people sc as myself out of own home---nd it their intentions t fully wst u at ur own expns---amer lks mob nd hlps them instd of paying its victims fr their crimes etc--amer dlb wsts underclass fr free best as it can and dlb intnds t kp it jst that wy by mns of cnsprd grps nd tms----dg qn on bike red ptd hair headed lcn e lkl z prtcpt seen earl lkg bk mrn vcn w of wkn---pltd jk ice crms sh stn nd rbts ne----3 hlss hiding out hldl---while 2 on disply wth props crts rbts crn---tk/sv 7hlt002?? wstb e grtd mlc mn insl--tru intentions is wht they fully pulled off--my b mr gstrnmc thn i kn but no one in amer they care--thy onl care hw t dmp upon nd wst trgts fr mob--their hau is insult---thy respect aid mob not u--nd py slvs gstrnmc salaries as thy prpsl wst u---oth hlss wlkg ard rbts vcn lkl fsng fr fd myb---btc rd lng outft wtg on bus e at lcn prb t prtcp in hr mob dts---where thr my b ndlss othr mob scms

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

mon----the evl mds prtcptg f sty until i fns cmptr use although she fns wy earl...---lkl mds grpngs onst cnsprg hlpg nx crime---aided by trs usa-----wrkr out of lib aidg mob --gd ngt------ths r scm out t dfrd at no cst---thy all kn i wll nvr hv gd ngt bcs of all of thm--cmplmnts trs usa----js lk mds bus cos etc...---all aidg mds crms by trs usa at no cst----742p w mds cr mlrs n---hi-----bk on sun ngt reg mult times wk bngs lkl glass alc on seat t wk trgt then prps poisons her with smoke per mdsl dsptc---onc hrd ths scko sy he's suicidal---ctches bus guessing 30 gng s frm sm/svc---thr is positively no fndg fr cases---amer fnds ths who will nvr hlp u nd who will wst u in most trtrs wy psb----cmplmnts trs usa----crz btc lng gry hr smngl nt loaded mst ltl hng out outer upr lvl lib---lib aids mds asshls mlcsl frmng trgt---it will cvr up fr them nt vc vrs--thy r pro mob trs same as wst hlwd nd trs usa----918p---mds mx shs--m sh ola sm/svc d s---tues am wh tk svc s---wh tk pkntz e---mob sh w cr rbts e---w tk tltd bk ?svc w----ambl svc n---gry sh cr gsg hntl e----mds ng w/crt gtg cns stbk wsmnt trs thn t news stnd---4srm660???? cld hv blkd out gsg mrc f ha?--wnt bgs???---ths brglrs frd artsts r cnvcd their crms r cmpltl free---cmplmnts of trs usa-----some of whlwd utility type vhs my b some times cnfs fr cnstrctn vhs at spd whn one my nt hv hd time t see the sgn???---psb whlwd cnsp vs vr prl sgtd trgt---cmplmnts trs usa---one sch psb whlwd util type was at lcn i thl 032-----997798-----ths wld tk us bk t the dy cmpltl unrltd t ths whn dnls wh clnr frd ylf wo cause as is his mds style---dt btr him --call the cops dnl--ws anyone btrg him???---no thy jst wnt t wst trgt---i ws mvng my bgs awy frm spry---hlwy prk 2 hlss stg bncs --1 lying  und trees---pbrn n ofrg pzza mds jnk frm 711---smn scr acrr brn s??---ltr at orl ng e thn w thn s nd int restrt pkg lot smngl---ng tlkg slf lib nw---???unrdb smk poisn blwn at tgt--ng nw hs msc on lib----fdx vh blw exh drc at tgt--- by flrs trs w----5 hlss hlw pk of wc 3 slpng grnd---dsp mob --hi wkn w---rec strg at my bgs wkn w---grp crsg wstb n tlkg re hlss on cells--ng---trs cn,, oldr m---hlss----smngl kpng accntg nd cnsp vs hlss---9342 --bus 704 svc d e ard myb 235p---mds frddue's bddy reseller smk at tgt t trz psn nd cnt str at tgt----rbts smn ofr trshy ice crm lft ovrs---rfsd---lng red hr btc rec--tdy i ws nt ---in hr wy---js antr dfrdg mds---gry tn sh cr t lib prkg t hlp wth mob crm---cmplmnts trs usa

Monday, May 8, 2017

sat----as ws lvng saw paul stng at dsk with rthr bd impresssion dlb  lkl plng more aid nd protection nd dfrdg fr mob--they r joint cvr up---2 hrs ng sat csng  nd onl whn they hrs music rthr ld on his phones did they come out talrt this indvd whs loud cussing was hghly welcm by evrbd in lib on the occasion just dnt spk up re their support of ant trgt pro crim cliffird oprtvs---west hollywd city hall lib prk etc jnt cnsp--orsn bng cnvcd t cmpln f mb oprtv tdy myb 420p ths wl b mn i sw her on num 1----lib will try t prtry their dngs as lgt policy dsrpt wtvr --fct ntg but pro mob wstng cnsprcy---ng f prk ofc drt lks--trs on bike clng tgt hyena brdg 5642 1135p???? gsg the bus mst hv bn thn or earl thn thr ws 2mx fs pls m mnt stg re lib ultmtl wnt s---num times twd earl mrn ng stnd insd opst sd of sheltr unk rsn if rain hdg or trgtg---sun 2 fs gsg vcn sbw t frt rnr 1 ofg hlf thr awy bn----antg thy dt hv t py or sfr fr---u cn b the onl one suffering fr free----1 slpng tj arc 1 e sd outs----915a f sh sv w insl admntn type ld hlo yll hrss trg stg on gbg cn pwknll d w----lkl city  dsptcd f mob oprtv accmpnying 2 hlss lkl pnhdlng nonstp etc...smrtg off at tgt t instg hrsmnt at n cst--gld u ok---in rlt hlpng city trs persecution wo py trs cnsprcy mnvrs--dsptc by most lkl west hlwd t prsct frm trgt wo py--i hv yet t see west hollywd py fr vitally needed attys--instead they r cnvng t frm fr free----why py????---crime of centry sz srl crm mr thn welcm in usa----??? ln mb bpg sh pcrft ard 1112a----wvg ng phlwy e------2hlss slp grnd hlwy prk mx f brn e smk at tgt----z crm fg lee pyrmnc lkl adct---i lv u----hgs w trd ofr mny inslts lkl--ths flks objctvs is vr bsc prsct wo py nd hlp mob t their vdkas nd wst frn dstry vctm at n cst---slv tnt cr pmbl e ld bp--- blk sv pmbl e ok hny----m/f flrs e--hlo???oldr slv hr mb flrs w whn lvng swtz e was 1p----crs hts wtg at busstp d e 145p 2 ambs psng d e-----430p prmprt w bus did nt stp--usually its wl b nice blk f--i nt see who was drvng did nt stp rmprt west bd eyes cl hv bn smlr 5677---cgt nx bus 500p myb stg lk 5837 aftr being fully drenched ng m drvr trd telll me i cl gt on wo my stff lkl on advc frm mob thn he let me on---fct though he was following mob instrctions----mess whlwd prk entry trs--i prsnl pkd evr up ths time---*****mobs put prk phone out of service agn lkl it is dead----in trs by brn ths mrn wr empty vdk btls from mob f buddy lkl gsng---erl pcrs w 2 ms 1 wisprng---yt othr mob persecution cnsp----cmplmnts trs usa-----i ntcd tht whn it rains my plstc bgs crmbl a lot more with psor like holes mkng acid rain lkl fctr in psor prb----wvg trs insd prk???? blkt-----psb wsprg mob lib cnsp trs ong----???----ppk s mx mob --ths up---in sprt of massive crime of centry sz crms by trs usa---usa blvs its trs acts r lvl nd will stnd by their diabolic murderous dngs t kp them free----cghng scdrl prk sd wll outer als stng pointg flsh---***mon am mds sh svc lkg t dmp on tgt at mob cnsp rqs----ng svc e ofg insl mny---mess ovrl sushi nri trs nd ng f? slpng grnd ths is als acrss cf bn----24hr str trs dsp mob frc upn wstb pltd $2--as crm wl nt tk bk i tr it on sgt as prmsd---amer blvs its mssv trs acts r free-----ard 842a  pwd hlr gsg drc t my ns on gs pwkn e----m hi lcn w lkg bk mds----sh lcn e lkg wst tgt-----dst hlr lcn e ?????t lt t see----mob m trs phlw prk e---js nw lib mob dvd strng trgt hlpng mob trs cnsp operation t wst trgt----mob ??? sh pwkn e hlpg sprt mob cnsp t wst trgt----hlw prk 1 slpng mrn whn ret aftrn f stng---prs slpng outer crn nx brn cl b cnc t mobs?????or fine thngs thy lk t d-----********1105a porl e  gsng some srt of cnstrctn trk myb dst --hrd m vc---knk u out----nx xtr ld boom ns---f nx me askd if this ws a gn---myb ws vr ld nd immed flg the abv stmnt in the vcnt???----6lnf359 i'm gsg ths ws sm knd of fd ofrd by slv sv trng out of orlnd i fld t ntn so gsg my hv wnt e---hrd ng sx grs w crt trn t city hall---their knd of scm exc who is trl welcm--the drnks adcts etc.....------city bgt out cntrcts t kp people sfrng wo aid fr free--thts wt city lks nice salaries nd bnfts lk uc----thy cn nvr ctc up t mjr co execs too bd---vctms of massive lossnd persecution can suffer free------saw a pwd type hlr wth rivera sgns on cntnrs porl e----brn m/f---f ylg sir---lkl mlcs inslts---bcs amerca is cnvnced its massive horrorsshl b absltl free----rfs---opn sgry cereal wkn---why spnd mny on anything gd--thrw aways will do more thn fine on ths t b wstd-----america is dng mob asgnmnt---in the crimes by mob ---blm the tgt---cmplmnts of trs usa----myb cls 212p cgt line 4 svc e aftr snpng pict with cell gn in 2nd frt dr---7wsa337--wnt wtr--tssd wtr at my bgs---mob dsptc---blk sv rbts e---oldr f nd matt cnsmd in cnvrstn--no one tld her like lib paul me--this isnt a public lib proj last fri aprx---matt was nt interested re cmplnt--bcs they r sprtng the mob nd own pro mob behavior cvrng fr the mob----the tru amer plcy---sprts crms by usa---cmpliments strs usa

Saturday, May 6, 2017

fri-----mob use of policy fr cnsprd dmpng nd wld be legit operations freq successfull as they r welcomed by functionaries who like wst trgts nd find this lvl prctice rgrdless of malicious intent nd cmpltl ignrng its fttngness nd cmprblty t rsnbledness instd as in my prcticing mlcs trgtg---ng 23 mkn moises no one stpn him nr did they whn i hv sn mny cases arnd lib whs noisiness was ignored as they welcome drg addicts bt nt frdm of spc in ones own bhlf---ths nigr evn usg cuss wrds----susp mumb ng n ppk---tsd wipe as in mdsln vcn of my bg upr lvl outs lib----lng gry hr f tlk slf--nt t b cnfs wth mob lng blk hr i identf evr snc she attm gv me ck cn--she ws the prsn dude fnsg up at num 8 yst psg t cnvnc t prtcpt in cmplng on tgt allgng typing--mlcsl clmng it t b as out of nrm---in rlt dvc--plc dvc----by ths trgtg ths prsn----tdy lng gry hair qt myb off drgs as ng 23 smng cntnsl tlkng----prtcpts as of ystrd lk paul smply wtng fr me t use cm[tr t aid mob nd lib crm cnsp----sat---mtr sec f org vst yl strp vst---i was als hrrsed by f in tlt who actd lk she knew me mlcsl strkng up zoo cnvrs--admtng she nt kn me nd prps try cnt her mlc cnvrs t hrss trgt-----lib plng t aid cnsp trs who hv evr int t cnt their plns of dmpng on tgt nd whm the lks of trs whlwd fnctnrs dlb assist-----same kind vst wth lng blk hair wlkng e---smkng ptgt---hlssss ng lq crn crsng---hlss crssng w d lq---mob dsp crm nx hlw  trd frc leave $5 wl nt tk bk---i tr up on the spt----ths scm blv i cn be fld whn thy gv evr t ths who lst ntg--ive ls evr 1 too mny times nd sz of it is crime of centr srl sz nd ong----thr is nst z f stying nx brn nd tdy she hd cmpnion who was smngly pcfd by his vdk and decided t mk idiot of tgt---him lying pvfd nd her nst nd crsg----i lft aftr the idts hndg encrgd wl b sh call----on wy bk i hrd she cl nt fnd hr cell she lkl has free off of bnfts bt gsg she fnd it as she stpd cmplng---8w81945 mobile gbu trd gv trg 3 btls----gbu mnglss in lgt off wt amer plled off and fr wt it nvr payed nd bcs of lglt tm amer nvr paid fr bt instd wnts t manipulate----?? ???unrdb hlwy n----whlwd clnrs swtzr e---pltd frt mbl--aprtl thy prtcpt in chrt dfrdg---mng trng t fl tgt cnc wt they cst her nd dmpg antg unwntd or dfctv----mob sh aidg mob cmnty nd bddies wth wstg tgt lcn w----mob mx stg smkng lcn se crn actg dfctv cntrtd wth cig fr psng hrrssmnt pstnd wndw sill of crn jwlr str----mob ng sh strg trgt wstb e----aidg mds cnsp wth their mob dsrs----704 mike brd 704 e at svc---ng f slpng same crn smngl brded same bus----this was gsg shrtl aftr one prb----z resllr shwd rec tld grd--shes instgtr---he acts as if he hd job in rec nd lks t dlb upstage me evn mkng people blv thrs relationship---hwvr im nt in hbt sngn evr i dt need---i dt knw hw he disposes of his merchnds----als use trs cig----rp style rp ylpg smlr blk cr t lib prkng----rp ndg ng up outr lib strs--fld t see the tiny f nd her frd who is spsd vs ntty people reafn rlsed who r amng cmlntg types---hrd bfr lng agin their cnvrstn---kp cmplntg t gt rd of whoevr their trgt is---rgt nw i hv endlss rpng ng t my rgt 23 bt no cmplntrs still

Friday, May 5, 2017

thurs---svc crn wrd hls wth fls lgt strg svc crn sw trs---8v12191--ths trk dusty exhaust on svc sw arvl presmbl clnrs--wrkr sd he ws out cln sdwlk---sdwlk lkd dry but shelter seats were wet sh was headed n at the time lkg t ast any nd  all mob actvts???---pot smkrs pouter prk s blwg tgt---whn wk up dscvrd unk scdrl hd psn skr pltd nx trg---ovrl mess ba hldl trs---whlwd tk svc s----gsg psn t my fc bus svc w---ng slpng nrb sushi nori acrss coffee bean---hdg trs m w/crt sushi nori d coffe bean--wts up?--n mr cpns---ths crmnls wr lkl st vctrs custmrs--myself i hv nt ate thr in centries---myb 4 trs sh svs wstb w lkg t wst tgt wo py---same as mob----sbw trs hd ck remains pltd myb lnkd cinco de mayo bt i thk lnkd t this communitys scandalousness nd lkng t dmp chp sgr wst on vctms t sckn thm--hlpg cause mnc my psoriasis--why py fr grmt food amer js lks t do crime of centry sz wstg wo py--t dcv it has gt all srts thrw away psn nd wst skillfully lined up---trs lib paul came to harrass trgt nd hlp mdslngn tm on prps as prt cnsprd lib mob pln--hrrasser comptr 8 trd t hlp assist hrrssmnt--as prt of cnsprd lib hrsmnt prjct of whm lttl btc on othr sd is ALS LKL DNG BIDDING BHND SCENES---CRM LIB PAUL ALS TRD TELL TRGT T KP IT DN NT TELLING IT T CNTLESS DSTRBNG TRS ND DLB ABUSUSING ND HDG TRGT----THE SGSTN WAS OUT OF WRG OUT KEYBRD LIE PUT OUT BY MLCS  MDSLNGN LIB PRTCPT---THE SCM AS PRT  OF ORGNZD LIB CNSP T DMP UPN ND WST TBLS AT TGT----LKW RMNS OF CK SLC WS BRN YEST LKL DLB----HLSS NG STK OUT LQ CRN---****mob dsp crm glsns lot prkd lng dstc awy dng mob insult mlcs dsptc ofg $1 nd smgl coc wtr--rfsd---scdrl ws me lk wth wt the mob cst me---i wsd mob lk wth their mob crimes---u got lib paul dlb aidg mob crimes absolutely nd on prps wrkng on mob dsptc crmnlly passing mob fr being rtnl by bkng their dngs----amer bks mob period------in cs u r wndrg its mlcs cnsprd nd mob inspired--whr lib is prtctcg nd aidg mob ident---nd bkn dictatorship t prpsfully invnt ways t dmp on tgt----crsg ard cnsp mob kelly aidng mob wstg dctrship team lkl wrkng wth crmnls lk clifford nd city pf west hlwd----z sh flrs w----adct f rec crt swtz----cnsp mob paul lib cntnsl dlb prpsflly bllying tgt nd lkg t dmp upn fr mob crmnls free undr frdlnt fls rsnb prtnses----z md ag m porl w----6 z trs crm hlwy prk frd frdl--i wlk arnd nd cnt rd their dfrdg trs mudsl cmnt----not acdnt irgnzd frd realistic mud slinging cnsprd trs crew operation t dlb dgrd trgt----z lng skrt hair plcn w--- z ng smkn lcn crn----mob 8 telling lng hrd btc t hrrss trgt thy r in fct dfrdg mdslng trs crew----prpsflly ying dfrdg re dstrbng as mny dlb mkng wy ldr noises-----both 8 nd 9 cnsprd dict mdslngrs 8 nd 9----8 ws m ltr 9 the f----mr sgr inslts trs nx sushi nri---hrsmnt plnd preprd cnsprd----mob psg sushi nr w---gt ;gtr----frncn lftm act whlcr nx sh stn fr persn whs legs r better thn my frds--- smk sh bs stp---rbts ne crn z crsg s---hau?---dfrdr by trs none of whm pln py----oldr hlss grn blkt pba w z===pba w---ry hgr mob d w--antr dfrdgwstg pro zoo inslt clb---organized by addicted nd retarded mdslinging organization nd directly dlb aided by mob libs in this case paul kelly dlb hlpg trs rgt nw num 10 typing way louder nd way fast than i ever could but the scumbg earlier at was insprg zoo f lg hr/drss at 9 to prtcpt in cmplaining

Thursday, May 4, 2017

wed----sus ng svc s--earl dyt als saw smn slpg grss nx prk---thurs cls t 615a 2 wh tks svc s---by cllr leas 2 hlss one drnkn cnt yllg etc dncg mvs--ltr sn crossing jwlkg myb d cvs----hvy pwdr cntnr type hailers nst hvy mtl exhst lkl pcrft e mncg tgt n wrnsd t mv awy---bsn prsn js w of crft clmng hes expc vstrs askg me t g t nx trs cn as i was hvng coffee---in mbl 55738z1 was thr whn i was aprcd by smn gng t hgs thr ws als othr vh(s)ofcrs thy myb hd ntg t d wth this the gy headng t hgs bgt lkl gbg mbl nd whn i rfsd it plcd it nx my bgs anywy nd went t hgs--so i pt it bk nx mbl---psn wst nd nonedbl trs thy hv fr u---slvs thy eat fn fd--wl nt b srprsd off of frd brg mny????----hlw pk 2 hlss bnc--mtt rn ouy y do anything nt fr me as sn as he sw me----ntcs f grnd hlwy sd----*****sbw whlwd wstbrn nw wr thr ws fk cs js rec insd trs cn $1000 fu py me--now thr is addtnl sealed trs cn nx t 2 opn trs cns--not clear if opn ones will rmn--stg my hv bn cnsprd crdntd by zoo dfrdg sqd-----hlss f grnd sh bs stp---ng f strg my bgs rbts ne crn----smn hlss stg grnd sd strt nx ba hldl---by ba trs m cell my dir thn opst dir----m crsg rbts n--ofg lkl mny insl--stg t eat???---lkl mlcs orgnzd dfrdg inslts--the srt amer dgs--cst u ur lf---in ret amer hs cmpltl wrtlss inslts----u shl thumb up lk trump fr trs amer acts----z trs reseller try gv btl rec--rfsd---othr mx hs bn rpt giggln---???mb trd 1 btl dfr--rfsd----ard 355p sh sv headed svc n t sh stn sh f --hey--dsp ret ng upr lvl lib ofg btl--rfsd--prps t hv mob amer crm of centry sz crm ---free---nd t encrg thmbs up fr totally unpaid crime of centry sz srl amer crm

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

rues---small silv cr tossed unk fd mlrs svc crssng---dctators wnt t dfr tgt--dnt kn --hv nt aprcd---wed sautering with dngrs lkng sprks at the loc whr they mvd out lts of dst stuff js w of svc--8L98258 hlr nx pump rbtsn ofg strwbrs--grnl hlf m/ns psn trs abbeys--strng smell frm vh pba w---some knd whlwd srvc tk bw alfrd/crft--oth w trk lkl als whlwd srvc hlw sd ihp lgt blnkg on rf--tdy as i spk t matt lib kelly lstn t frm trg----grn vested whlwd wrkrs headed gsg d trk bw alfrd/crft----king crn acrss glsns prt used snks pltd--smn is pltg ths bt sdl i am nt dfr---no one hs done antg t gt lgl tm---z ???unrdb p brn n--3 hlss stg hlwy prk==??cnsp mob nx cvs---stg lk 5com147 i blv nx sushi nori ofg wtr -i blv ths was mx wrg mtr unfrm--rfs--ru sr???---m/f myb chn crsg plm n --f tossing lit cig d grnd wth accmp smk smell---hlss slp grss e of sh stn---sus ng svc w thn smgl svc s----sld kreat drink abbeys trs lkl prpsl pltd---frd gdrs pretn bng hlf ---their tru mtv my b less thn obvious--thy kill ur lf fr free nd thy intnd t kp it tht wy---cmplmnts trs usa

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

mon---upr lv outs lib lkl mob m ofg cig---p 625 or lib n m/f smgl dsgstd i exst in their prxmt prb prties t insprd mob trs prj--js nw hft f w/earphn noise nx me she is on 20 lib---tues mrn--z trs svc s -hey thn smkn blwng dir of tgt---6a---piece of choc in trs pltd by mob trs dfrdg free n/c psn tm---smn lkl rtnl plts ths--tues swtz loc f tried ofr me some of ths preprd jnks---??? ?? ??unrdb---dsp m mob wstb e--lot stff thr--miming z ng lcn sw----sbw trs fke bill 1000s fu py me--mob bn lcn lq trs/fries the rfs mob has resrvd frn inslts--wh clnrs appear t d hide/snk??? their trk pltd alfrd/crft ---trs f 20 trn on her music agn trzg trg---hrsng mob zoo pbrn n dfr at n cs-hi---bkt---drnkn f frm hlwy prk--s the fk up---thr was myb 6 thr lying hiding in shd---mobil gry prius myb hlwd toyota-d u lk vgs--grtd thrw away fr smn hs n teeth she lft lvng bhnd dfctv wtr rn ovr wtg t insl vctm ---js bf ng ofg $1 lcn crn---ths scm blv thy cn fl u---lkl adc f wth crt rec psng trg flrs e---ard 1210p stg like pico pstry hauler ylg vcn tgt ltr united hauler bpg vcn tgt gng pswtz w 2 sh svs trvlg sm dir myb frds wth mob----shs lkl kp ant hlss fls nd dnt bthr wth ths who my b impctng the hlss--rem ths r nrml peopl acdg  t wst hlwd city hall nd shfs nd orgs nd grpngs----????? ?????vwng mob as cstmrs wrkrs by their out of sndy sch img---??myb 6 hlss luing hlw prk 2 hlss e of cvs---wtg t prtcpt in nx heist---clmbng up tj arc steps i thk 2 fs 1 tlkng abt ??brng all trs--wld nt be srprs if wr mob cvrup----nvr mnd trs thy stl nd pktd snc ive bn in usa------amer lks ths unnoticed nd free----bw shs mtro f prtdg act imprsd hw u crry this dfr rfsd---sh stn stp pltd scm fd in trs nd dg qn dmpn pillow trying dump towel--- hd t lv pillow bhd as i nt see her lvng it frc upn lk pltd fd sun ngt--smn els gt all of it---i lft it bcs i am frml cnvncd the lw states blvs its crm of centry sz srl crimes r free nd ntg---smn prt cnsp wtcg rbts---cnsp grpngs city hall lib prk shfs grds wh clnrs etc....----mx f strng trn nhldl---m/f plib n f ptg my dir lib dir--ths scm blv their bn cvrs their mssve srl trs acts bn pltd lib trs--dfr crm rng---trs bn ws als lq lcn trs---opn jc jnky fd sh stn bus stp trs

Monday, May 1, 2017

sat---js nw---implication by mob cnsp mob trs cmnt nd pro mob lib systm in whlwd lib mgr tht lks hrd trtr imply vctm tgt fr ntcs---bk t sat---zoo hdg tgt upr lvl ???? smlng headed t street lvl---chldr m nd f  rpt ridg bks prk--as if t exercise???-----ng mkng mess trs outer prk---???js nw hlss mkng mess---svc trs  ??? ???unrdb---slp  bhd bus shelt set up tent --shfs came earl am got the guy t take it away---lt eve pwhpk vh created hrd t brthe dst ltr d s nrb pot smk smell--frm crdbl saintly nrmal people entitled t free crime--hlss using metal strip thts the one who set up tent crn svc sw---abt 1250a zoo mob flawless lkg--fresh out of sund schl dsptc mob ???zoo or mdsl blcd hair thug on cell phone text instructions---smngl was instrcted t lv me alone wthout psych trzg----headed s on svc myb gtg ride---*****sun am dsptc mob t rbts pu,p crn ofg dnt t hlp u by mob hdg in crn gtg drnkn?????--rthr strng----ng mob crts nx ba---hlss grnd ?????e of tj---zoo ng dsp spc brkf sdwc rfsd---frc lft--i lft in trs---z m blkt grtg??? ?? ??? ?tll hlss sht up unrdb wrtg--- lcn lq crn d s----chn f lq lcn ofg $5 rfsd t shpg area crn---?? ???unrdb pnh cvs crn---cnsp whl clnrs z mob 31636m1-----alfrd----w  tk lkl civic logo strng t frm trg pcrft e----apx 1005-10a lkl snt by mob operatives whlwd clnrs----d u wnt ths phgs w???--- ---js nw z mob f at 13---kelly nd matt frm trgt cnsp----smn ofg a fst fd mbl---ws ng in blk sv slv hrz strp---??? ?? ??unrdb cr ?? e mpnh psg act frncn cvs crn---pnh 711w---ask cn opn ...2nd pnh lkl mob--ru--ok??===145p--****2 mob dsp ambsdrs sn agn on bks frm bus crsn crn frfx crn 2 lds who hd mr thn engh spc rn off dslkg trgt wo cause--sffrng is too grtsq fr ths scm--gsg frm rf bt nt sr---cgt 9205 4 d e ---ard cgt time ard 145p same  as ambsd or js aftr thm---js bf hywrt f --w u lk hlf sdwc---z mob----wmn rng dsp ofg mlc ins fd rfsd crn bnt---gsg myb ortl---pd bellevue e bntn s----2 crs trn rmprt se crn w myb tsd $1 rfsd ofcrs --clr f d n---clg trg --w trs--thts exc prp of $1 fr ultra grnd sz of centry crm t g free----my lungs flng bdl psnd thks t all mob nd smkrs so welc nd nrml----mob outer prk smkn--insd prk smn wlkd ice crm int tlt rfsd-- outsd outer prk trd hnd insl?? rfsd----crm btr knw i cn cnt vr well---????unmkd loc apc trg - i chs off???----mon am t sh stn jst i gt curious ----rd trk shell 8u23663????-----earl am sh svc int svc s u trn bk d sm e gsg???----cl nt fnd pen ltr btl w/wtr--by me am gsg hlss with wlkng sprt--i was lkl slpng whn this prsn lft ng i blv---mob by cvs 1of2 hrsg trg fr cig all scm here kn i dnt smk=---crsg s---cvs crn mlc slm ofg trs hat he fnd dscrded---nvr mind the price amer massive crimes of centry cst--amer is cnvnced persons like trgt r ear mrkd t be wasted fr free----31636m1 alfrd wth mob whlwd clnrs rpt lkg bk at tgt lkg t dlb frm vctm fr mob crmnls----??thts whom amer trs  ??? ??----mob cnsp sh aidg crm cnsp vs tgt palfrd e---hlwy prk--1 in shd grnd---other stg tp of circ----?? ??? ???hd snt outsd of ????--???prst frm zoo---z ?? ????phlw w md age m ---hnd 4 u slv ooh trn hlw n----m/f w exp pooches mex f trng hnd zoo dsp insl $5 btc calls mny---pooches cld b fncd wth frd brg mny------by ths who blv mssv srl crms of centry r absltl free in america---psng me fr pc of trs is their gm--thts wt ths scm thy lk---lwr lvl lib m/f retds lkl encrgd t btr trgt ident with frm trgt----susp in out tlt ???----