Monday, April 30, 2018
sat---7p---oth grd hsp lkg wst dmp upn vctm ---mike sm t b tlkg t some hls lkl mlcs or qstnb type--ltr tgt lrn hes bn drkn all dy nd hd bg glss prt filled wth beer---nx dy he try deny ths gn cntn---allgd he nt tc any alchl in ls 22-3 yrs i knw him but snc out hlss ls time mntnd usng alc fr scd--ths i hrd invlv 20 pills pls vdk --bt nt kill him--nx hr of him drkg vdk wth hkr--ths ls time--he wntd brk mntny---allgd he ws alchlc until he gt addctd t meds---whn i met him i knew he tk meds --nt ubdrstd mssv srsnss of hismeds prb---fr evrtg thrs pill in amer--nd certn ones smngl r mr addctv ---esp t pill frk lk mike--he clmd meds kp him frm drkn--- *****hnc crms nd amer estb hv hlpd set off mikes addctn prbs----bfr usually ms frq if i cg diarrhea it nt ls mr thn 2 dys--nw srs prb---ths lkl cntrbtd by prvtn scenario---nd intent of mds t kp vctm prvtd nd frc her t lv off 2 cent inslts if or whn lky--cll ths hlp--whn thy gv mr t crms nd adcts wth all srts of checks nd collectg mny times the cns---thn thy call selves hlprs--as thy cntn t pretnd amer ****cost tgt ntg---mnwl thy hv csd vctm mssv diarrhea prvtn nd entrpment----aided by whlwd who awsts vctm fr mds--***thn prtds its hlpg vctm off evrtg missing nd evrtg entrppd/dictatrd---srt of like amer prvdsa hlp wth snctns---prfssnl rthless terrorists w/o any wtvr cnscience---aftr all why py---if its toss out wrtlss nd or psnd---its mc too gd----820p--mds acrs upr lib --- hlo---847p---hrsg gr kpg sk tgt strnd awk stg up nd sknd--all rg??---ths crms cl cr less thy killing u---but amer hppily kps ths in bsn wth no jstc cmng----kpng tgt diarrhea prvtns entrpment nd cmplt lk of jstc endlss----in esnc prvtg earl slp--klg tgt sched--prvtg tgt--nd ultmtl aidng sckng tgt----9p---agn grd wlk/tlk hrd---sun---625a--3 out of lib --hi--gmrn--cld b lnkd t chr or othr dctrg--7a--plib s---??cnsp wst tgt??---mess by shltr s of lib---sus ??unrdb wstb e--noon----frd of ars crm wth cmpnion ??unrdb 1210p crs n ??w-------bd nts--cl easily b wrg---tgt ws cmpltl out of nrg ths mrn fllwg diarrhea---unclr--exc amer idea--dmp vctms int strt---mk crtn thy nvr see jstc--kill their hlt---nd prtd slvs hlpf fr crm inslt mny t dfrd rlt of exstnce of mssv srl amer crms---1235p--- wkn e-- hlpg wst vctm gng shrff---hlpg kp tgt trppd nd crms psng vctm---gbg bg my? hv flwn awy frm tgt cn bg--fnd blk frtr e twrd alfrd---frm se lcn 113p--145p--ng f mds alf e---hlwy pk--myb 2 lyin undr trees---425p--crz ng f flrs e tore up rd pts nd tssng ard npkns---1 undr trees hlwy pk mx--lkl ws drkg br---sus ng grss nr circ/sm blvd sd----******645p---unwrrtd mds atk--w m lkl hlssjmp on tp crdb trs cn nrb tgt bgs---tgt sngd hr bgs nd crssd s twrd 24h--bkng him---lkl jw pro mds--rptg --oh felicia--t fcltate hrrssmnt hdg wstg of tgt----i blv guy tp of crdb ws ntcd by shrfs--bt thts exc wht whlwd bks nd welcms---7p--pot 24h crn---730p--sus mds crs ?twd sushi d e---745p grp hvy smp pmtr e---805p--mds wrg nvy clthg stg sh mtstp spkr----js aftr ntcd wtr mds psh stn d w---815p--p sh stp wlkg e--hrd--hlp hlss--ls thg thy intd is hlp hlss---bcs ths csts cmpnstn--nd thy blv mssv wstg is free ride--just ask usa---823p--- svc d s frm bhd sw svc bs shltr m/f strtg smk at tgt---835p---smkng obsrvd bk sd bnc at bsktb crts alley---m/f wth sml dg psn fld wlk --m t tgt--bg ld---othr prb m/f nice dg thrg pk twrd lib/grg dirctn---f mumb re tg bgs lkl---a f gv me cns am nd i drggd thm ard bfr trng in tdy am---grd frt of tlt---930p---mon--655a--obsrvd oldr hsp grd exc bhd trg pk entrnc----lkl tlg tgt fr mds wstg sqd city bks---at price of victims lives----730a---f wlkg out crts wth cig lit up js ptgt trn svc d s----835a---mob brtr rd top seensvc hmb hyvn crn crsg n---sml dg pk bk of bsktb crts--crious re vctm drkg wr/jc----their fr bttr frds thy nt curious abt drk evrtg nd do evrtg---while tgt is dying frm their ignrnce bcs thy blv wstg tgt cms free---num peopl slpg bncs--bt onl whn nt tgt of mlcs hdg or fbrctd causes---anyone thy nt wnt thy elmnt---no one gvs dmn whn thy r either evl or wrg--brg view r js mds hlp fr wstg vctms---why shl thy cr whos bn wrgd---whn brwnie pts r t b md wstg tgt----ng lkl smkg pot rec---old f lkl mx wth lots of cns---wtc nt bng abused or dictatored so she cn fly abt nd mk mny wy bttr thn vctm being decades older---lkl fr psn uses i wld vntr t guess bsds----945a--sh mtr stp 2 mds---1 ng f pls thg m--bth on spkrs trying t engage----1020a---hlr bad exh hnk d e---ng wth w brd occpng bs shltr nx frt rnnr lg gry swt--my hv ntcd him bfr stg outsd nx krtn w of svc---*****1105a--w f lkl clrd rds or strwb blnd hr--mds thrts at tgt---gn pfrt rnnr w--gt off strt into alley or else in 5 min------intrstgly engh----this type anlg abt chsg hlss off street vctm reclls hrg frm sheriffs bfr--rgt bhd her ws ret srvcs mds btc fllwd by julie wth crt cntng btls-- othr oldr f clrd hr lks wr wide rmmd ht nd hs smll dk dg ws mvng in oppst dir d e---1135a---frd of ars wth cmpnion hrsg mds lcn e---thn the sppsd frd of ars crm nt sn tgtr awhile cgt bus 704 -- 9278 mvng d e frm lcn---1225p sh lw srn mvn g hnk e at tgt bcs she stppd off sd wlk hnk whl mvng w whn sw ng f mds sngn pltd cig t hlp psn tgt---amer hs engh smks t psn all vctms thy nt wnt nd flt thm instd---gry clr unmkd lkl sh cr vh crsg svc d s---128p--ntcd bld hr mds crss pmp crn d hmb hyv crn---ntc mds julie smrt off rec---230p--ntcd sus grp bw bsktb/pk spdg time in grssy fld in btw---hrd rem re ?bg cnt if stln---psb lnkd t crms nd crm--250p--eric stkng out uppr lib shrtl vctg---t hlp dmp upn/wst tgt ofcrs---why py---bttr mk frds wth crm mds nd wst vctms instd----cmplmnts trs usa
Saturday, April 28, 2018
fri---ng grd pr asgnmt rp crs hrs vctms t prvt dctr slp pr whlwd wstg tg frm cns mny nd fd---thkg i dt kn dfrnc bw thft nd dfrdg inslts----grd vcts in time fr pot crm t smk pot at tgt 8p etc...----tgt nv awy as fr as psb frm smk/pot twrd frt t no rslv--sat---6a as she wk up nd wlkd bk t hr bgs thr ws pt smk rgt bhd thm --js as if smn came nx loctn nd psnd vcn---as tgt hs bd eyes tgt nt sr src ---ths cld hv bn cnsprd eithr frm upr lib or evn frm vcn rgt blw it----648a---as tgt ws wlkng mlrs svc d n frm bhd her ws lkl mxs?--of wc 1 mx ldl aprcd hr frm bhd as she ws wlkg palley ylld--hey... nd wth his cmpnion wnt t alley w whr thr ws sus hlr t bk ths trrst grp---sml nvy clr cr plib s 7fxb25?4 blkts drv by ng ofg bn---thts nt the onl thg ths r offrg is wt hs bn frgtn--ths r rng dctrshp cmpgn wc cs trg bgs stln--bgs on fire--etc--ultmtly drvng tgt out of her hlt--any mny at all--fd--etc----7a---2 sus ptgt bgs trn t prk entry---tgt hs no teeth--nd wts pltd is rfs--tg fnd ndls psb ctd wth crbn as grn peppers---???bd nts blk outs lkl---trs bgs tkn out nmrs plcs pk---pot smll insd 1 of mid bsktb crts trs cns---instd city crsg t dmp upn vctm fr mds who cnspr cst hr all thy cld---why py????----*****mds lkws dmgd bttm of tgt trs cn bg t hlp wst tgt nd hr effrts wc ws smngl intct onl dy bfr whn i gt it frm frd---frd clm nt hv othr---fct--crm is envious lkl blvs vctm lazy---he als hs lxry t dsps of cstmrs as num ctrs hv bn sht dn nd he hs plnty bsn nd crms t kp him company---hlthy dgs r mr thn welcm---they will nt rn out of hlt or vhs stealing frm tgt----nd bng bkd by md slngn whlwd---at expns of tgt hlth --prvtn--losses--fear---entrpmnt--fd--mny--etc...----mike smd vr hppy aprcg rita loaded on his meds nd bkng up pot/smk etc... cmplmnts trs usa----830a--md slng fg psn pmp crn wth 2 sml dgs-- he missed the adj trs cn---thn shtd at tgt---gt out of trs cn js bfr gn rbts d s-----his md slngn is wdl bkd by whlwd shrffs nd whlwd----js bfr sw svc shltr wtr crm---bsy????---thief mks fine mny mnpltg local mkts nd prtcptg whlwd mds crm rng--hppily ths crms pshd nd dlb chsd scrd tgt out----ng p sh stn e--ylg stg lk---go cll police, dgn in gbg cn...---i hd no dscs wth thm re police---bt cnstnly bng psnd nd dlb psd out wthout py--bcs amer blvs 2 cents is fine dfrdg crrncy---nd thy blv i dt knw wts up vs wht thy pulled off nd cst this vctm--wc crm amer--orvll nd whlwd nd los angls dlb pass fr free---at cst of vctm's life nd evrtg in it-----ntcd rsn spkg f nt sr dcnt psng stn d w sying stg re ???bribe line??---usually unhrd of in america except as linked to politicians----america typically maneuvers mkt ????nt bribes---else i am missing stg---lk at gngs nd spprt ths terrorists hv----pot hnk n sd w nd nw prmtd----sh wstb e, etc lkl mny othrs ntg bt bkn mob whlwd jnd tgtr wth thm at undrclaSS nd vctm expns---1235p mike/skv-gnvs svc d s---1255p---nvy tp/cp ba d e---215p ng strg at tgt nx ba vcn--lvs d w--shs svc d n--lkg hlp wst tgt alng wth wstg allgd js recntly thy dis outer pk by ambs grds-----248p--seen julie psn pk ct crn d n slnt strg---mds rd drss f psn ct crn outer pk s d lib--3p smk smelled plib---3p--upr lib--hls in sts nrb tgt bg pklcmnt unlshd massive srl smk at tgt thn rn off into--seen mds eric palma lkl of pac west psn upr libtwrd pk wth hndcffs aidg whlwd vctm extrmntg trtrng operation cstg vctm ---mny--cns--hlth---nd prvtn of all jstc---due t cnsprcy ---amer--orvll--mds whlwd---gngs hppily bkd by estb nd lw enfcmnt who bk wstg the vctm---aftr all---why py on tru price thy cst hr---whn crms cn easily mk amer believe 2 cnts r wrth the gazillions---amer crms dt knw or lkws dtst hppily the vctm--cnsqntl cl cr less re the price--mix some thrw awy non edb fd--pls 2 cents ---nd pass maasive srl vctm prvtd of evrtg nd dmgd in evr wy---fr jk---why py????---cmpliments terrorist usa nd its crm co cnstituents
Friday, April 27, 2018
thursd--tdy fri js nw--grd uppr lib myb 245-55p stkng out tgt whr sc actvt alrd csd cmplt mny prvtn--dct fd/drk prvtn--nd srl ong mdc prbs--the ms lngst lstg one lkl diarrhea--lmtd pks t pk frm nd dictatrd delayed slpng pstn trpng tgt tgt diarrhea nt onl nt gn awy bt mny times bn wrsn---bt city is oblvious t killing smns hlt instd lkg t abs tgt in evr wy fr md slngrs nd dctr slp --stl btls--stl mny--stl fd--dmp upn tgt--skn the tgt---nd wst hr free--nd dctr hr free exc prps of their grd who cgt on wrd diarrhea nd lft---lkg wst tgt fr city--exc mrdrs city objctv--by the wy vctm sffrd nst diarrhea at ls 4 times nt bng abl t rn t crn on at ls 2 occasions as rslt of city ignrnce of its orgnzd mlcs dlb wstg of the vctm nd all wstg thy hv csd hr---*******bk t thrsdy---dsb f nx tgt nt typing dt lk typng noise --pls--nw i kn nt sit hr vcn--blk grd ck up svrl tms t oppress intmdt prsct tgt/vctm frm lib clsng etc...---smngl aftr 830p mike/rita wnt twrd lib xt t gt rdy fr slp---earlier addc rita trd bfrd mk wth unwtd gmmy brs----prps grd hdg by city--intmdt wst dfr vctms---****shrff chppr bsy intmdtg hls vctms aftr 7p as well---why py--whn u cn wst??---cmplmnts trs usa---brg view sngs up evr ahd of vctm by city/mds clb arrgmnt nd is dsgnd t dmp upn/wst vctm fr mds/mds city/shrffs---pot 820p---dlb accmdtd by mds grds---accmdtd agn 6a---dlb t mnc/wst the vctm---aftr all---why py???****fri--6a mds smkr bk sd upr lib---650a--bctr crm sn psn pk ct crn svc d n wth hlp of city/shs who bk the mds----10a tgt hd t rn t crn wth diarhh rng---thn hrd mds dg svc d s wlk---myb?? jws--dsc rec---lkl t dmp upn extrmnt vctm---hvng the gll bsclly t dmp on srl mssv vctm------nd als smngl tried t nrrw dn spc???? rec mds nt wnt---t hlp wth trrtry cntrl/mny cntrl/dctrshp cntrl--prsctn cntrl--extrmntn cntrl---stl fr slvs cntrl---mny adcts prtcpt in mds grps--bt thy als hv othr frnds who clrl fnd their actvties lvl---nd tm up wth/sprt ths nd hlp brng thm abt nd dlb kp thm intct--t extrmnt vctms fr free of course---why py??---org vst lkl city lnkd fr dmpg upn tgt svc d s----leslie blly/adc svc d s----myb bf 7a---ct crn pk earlier smk mnl/myb pt?----smn askg dg qn re smn???----1050a---hmb hyv crn--sus in rd t smngl snpmg ard the hmb jnt----snkg out at tgt sm sd nd aftr tht rbts sd---myb jws pr rbts d w--m psb ptg out stg t f????----pot sh/mtr vcn----ntcd cnnbs lnkd lbld vh vn tlkg t sh vcn ltr aftrnoon---smk/psn sushi trs---??z mumb bike 24h e---my nts r bd bt rcll sus bike ls fw dys wc ws lw rdr---nd blv city abs csng brn dmg nd inblt t rcll dtls--exc as city intended---why py???----1257p---sh stp--psn smkg /pot t spkr seat--tgt hd t rn agn--diarrhea----112p--smk at tgt ba w----135p--f ctg crn d s hmb hyv wth bsn crd mkg nts---140p--trq tp/nvy cp smk hmb hyv crn rbts d n als simult m in blk tp als smkn---smkn ct crn rec---mx f wrg blk---225p---bctr crm bkd by whlwd psn svc sw d n----js nw 402p smn tlkg ldl dsb nt cmplng---wh ng grd apx sn 245-55p uppr outr lib snpn lstng hdg intmdtg nd hlpng dmp upn ---vctm----why py???---255p--clrl loaded on drgs or stg sus fnc ct crn smk at tgt--thn fllw tgt t lib sying--nt fllwg u----
Thursday, April 26, 2018
wed---smngl thr ws ?2 grds clsng time edgr nd bible blk gy-- edgr trd gv tg empt cn t dfr---ths r crms wlv thy cn pkt lf's wrt nd by it fr cn--js lk mike---blk grd stp at ls 3 times 7-730-8p---whn pot ws pntd out bksd 8p by flw blk adc ---he ignrd it ---thursd---so whn 6a rlld ard ng ws smkng evn mr prfsl nd psng tgt unable t escp ---nd as tgt lft the vcn gn frtwrds dn stps thr ws evn mr pot psn t brt in--unk if frm same src or adtnl src as rita/frd smd t b slpng----thr ws cpl people stg bncs bsktb alley so i hd t sit altrnt bnc--nd hrd lkl mob oprtv frm crts--***hi--earlier vcn 7a p pk ct crn s giggln wd mds f---antr smiley f celebrtg crime aided by whlwd twrds tgt ws hppy all smiles js aftr on her wy into pool check in reception area---9a--2 fs studio svc d s--****hi----in on mnvrg inslts at no cst---tgt lft bsktb crts earlier tdy thn dy bfr as ***unhldb trp diarrhea hit her mrng---nd vctm hd ntg bt crkrs ngt bfr--bt cld nt hld it nd hd t lv brl hvn time t mk it t crn---*****lkl still *****prfsly slfrgtsl psnd by trrorist usa---anythg gd if sc is thr wll b ncl hid awy frm vctm---unrdb--nd intnded for clcltd mds dfrdg wstg of tgt for---free---1020a--bctr ws seen wth fd bg gn svc d s--fd lkd frsl bgt as myb tjs---******gss why????---wh mds pys him fr wstg the vctm-----smn tl offr 2 cnts wrth of crn chps t tgt svc s--fct tgt nds dcnt fd nd hs no teeth---nd tht onl aftr jstc--=evrtg incldg all items vlbls nd sffrg mst be pd fr wth rl/pntv dmgs lkws--cst me evrtg---py up evrtg incldg wt u dt hv---u r estb /lw enfcmnt lgtmzd crms--amer cn py fr u t cvr fr evrtg u hppily bgt urslf drgs with at tgt life expnse-----***ths bctr crm ws at cmptr 22 myb 1 mint ard 5p wed---ovrhtg am svc sw--hd t rc fr wtr as diar/ht wiped me out---als mds 2 bgs lkl t pl aftr 7a--nd lkl blkouts frm psn/ovrstrn slp scheduling prsctn abuse----pot blwg f lkl ba w js aftr 11a--1120a a or aftr mtr vcn hlss mds grnd dctrg tgt--gt crt---f mds mtr drvr lgt up smk at tgt as tgt ws psn vcn---prps psn dictator nd keep/mntn massive wstg fr ----free-----smngl hlss plyin gtr tj arc---by 24h--mds enqrg re ofrg hlf bn----ard noon myb---m mtr de 1p--offrg t rfsd--apprd dtrmnd t dmp it upn ?hls---arsns frd ba w wth msc bx of some kind plying nd/bddy pba w--smngl blk outs fld nt time---225p--bctr out of pk d n---lkl fr pnh---thy py ths drt t ncl wst tgt nd prtcpt in mds grpngs----blk grd stkng out upr lib untl 3p whn clld wth wlkie-tlkie fr alms hlf hr strg t hlp dmp upn tgt---mike preoccupied with mon santo bayer fd supply nd chem trails---fct is tgt has evrtg gn nd no wy out ---wo--- rl/pntv dmgs fr all wstg by terrorist usa
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
tues---my w shrt lks lk drt all ovr--- in no time--- nst crm prsctn wstg fr free grp pltg non edb fd--the vry rsn it is pltd--drt shl srv this t the hrd wrkg hsb nd t kids neither of wc thy dsrv---fnd pltd in lib grbg----ncl brwnd wl b pstries--whr bttr ws cmpltl rw on insd mkg it nonedb nd vgs bittr nd non edb----- pltg crm frgt t eat ths---the chkn ws ckd by str bt gn stl nd they gt slvs sftr fresr ckd one--exc why stl piece ws pltd fr unwtg vctm---stf pltd am ws mid eas fd i wl lkl nvr py 2 cents fr althgh lkl frm chp grd jnk rstrt--i dt eat md east fd-- hd some beets nd hghl frtn t hv ths--bcs othrws aamer wld psn nd strv its vctms wth zro cnscience as it blvs they shl live prmtl in streets wo seeing jstc nd be dctatored frmd by mds fr wht t do instd so tht drt like mira nd crim brgs like usa cld live off evrtg hers-----eve--smk upr lib entry---tgt ntcd rd bg crm cmng out frm insd same gry pntl f----z types amng mny othr peclr chrs---706p----othr hsp pac west secrt cllng slf stg lk edgr wth lst nm smngl strtg wth g--this grd hvng gld nm tg dt wnt vctm t see it---nd splls ls nm as noneofyourbusiness--i cn see why *****the drt is drctl lnkd t whlwd mds cnsprcy nd needs t prtct crms he is aidng---mike the othr crm---acts as thgh hes hlpng u mng - in rlt nt mndg his bsn--gtn into mine nd smngl ritas----at ls 2 if nt mr grds upr lib vcn dlb t kp vctm wstd penniless hlplss nd instd assist mds crms---who shld be ncl punsd fr their crms instd----mnd ngt i ntcd smn slpg tbl/chrs---lkl their tiny ap/tng recipient----thts wht thy hnd out t kp mssv vctms prmntly dn fr nd entrppd--exc why abndnd-----8p--grd prh eric t strt sd strwy dwnwrd--8 stg--othr hsp grd escrtg lkl prtcptg mds crm into wstg vctms at no cst---aftr all--why py mssv vctms----whn pro trs wnt mny fr own thck pkts---*******city wstg cnsprcy is prpsflly bng cntnd stlg vctm mnys fr slvs nd grds instd---ths crms lkws sprt vctm wstg gngs/grps---- incldg prpsflly mkng fine lvng off vctm wstg---unrdb---820p--snk up sus at vctm ---825p ltr t fnc twrd strs---vctm hs bd eyes bt ultmtl blvs ths lkl hsp f drg adc --at lst ths slr t hr mo----aftr rita adct arvl she smngl chcks wth her at clsd lib entrywy prhps vcn 830p---thrgh mon ngt incidtlly tgt hd 5 or mr diarrheas lkl in ls cpl dys---840p--hrd 2 sus fs giggln myb hsps---tgt gsn thr ws on off ong pot vcn frm lib clsg time t at lst grd stp wrk hrs ard 10p---none of grds stppd any of pot edcts nr smkrs hlpng thm frthr wst skn dstry vctm ---free---aftr all why py???----840p grd twrd bk---ths wl b unusually hvy grd actvty---grds aidg wstg of vctms nd cnsprcy t wst dctatr dstry vcts fr mds whlwd dlb jnd----mike styd awk unusually lng fr him bfr gng slp lib entrywy----ritas cmpnion gt int fgt wth rita ths dy--nd thts wr vctm sw---mk nt mnd bsn dctrg vctm--whm he cst evr---nd he als nt mnd own bsn re rita btng in on othrs fgts----9p---xtr ld m lgh hrd bk sd upr lib---aftr ?thrt hrd----smngl sko lgher sd---ill fu up---lkl re all pot thy smk nd whlwd bks----pot nr 918p--??920p --mk nt mndg own bsn gtn int ritas---925p--pot bk sd lib---930p--mike lkl t sleep nx elvtr---wed---635a---mds ng hrssg tgt plib svc d n--crm blvs thy hv tgt dfrded free--sdl i knw mds prc t vctm-=-nd liars clmng thy nt cnctd t ntg cnt fl ths vctm--pdc grd stkng out the vctm lkl at mds crm actvty bhst-----ntcd w dodge trk 1042a frm sm svc d s---1230p twc pmtr e smk at tgt---1245p--sh trng sm gng w--trn s svc--hi at tgt---prps--ths prtcpt fr frmng vctms instd of gtng jstc---thn pktg mny fr slves--cllng frmng mnc fr nst whlwd grpngs nd mds whlwd thy bk ---hlp-----130p--gy wth fntstc dg pmp crn---clrly crz hrsng tgt---134p-z resllr rbts e--tlkg crp re thrghlly killed wstd tgt---by mrdrs amer mds----t whm vctm of their mssv srl crms--smply represents easy prey---150p--bld headed mds crsng hmb hyv crn d n---250p--crm w/bike hrrsng tgt--hi gn up the strs---rslts of mrdrs mds cnsprcy--no mn--no cns--no hlth---no dct fd or drnk--nr needed slpng accmdtns--nd evrthg vctms stln dstryd---wth no jstc cmng---exc as intended t psn wst//dictatr/dstry vctm---free--3p--ng grd--wlkie/tlkie----320-5p--dpty upr lib twrd bk---jnt cnsprd amer mds killers /brgs fr free-- mrdrs terrorist amer says----why py???----whn fully wstg lives inct vctms fr evrtg thy r wrth as prey comes easy and free in terrorist usa---******wth zro mny or jstice
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
mon--- on wy out tgt fnd smn lft cln clts nx hr bg--tgt pk thm up plc top of lib strg cntnr wr frm bg sd ths ws pkd up by unk hls who put cup insd trs---rsn---amer blvs its mssv crms r *****wrtlss whn applied t vctm of swndl--brg---prsc-- frmn--wstng md slngn/gng stlkn----svr skng smk frm mds attndg mtg cmnt rm cnsprcy vs mssv srl vctm and aids to prsctn nd mlcs ong smk/pot/exh psn als hng nx tgt bgs--whr crm mds btc tgt cnt evn see due t nr blndness espc ngt ********sprd vcs smk tgt hd t enhl bdl evn aftr bng frcd gt up nd awy frm hr-----btc smngl plt mnsc tng/apl/wtr all tht sz--tgt tld thm nt lv ntg hr bgs nd plcd thm at tbl wr tkn by hlss--rsn---lv ths vctm hlplss frmd wstd n d mssv crms aided prtctd nd free---exc mds rsng---crms free fr thm --vctm frmd fr mntl cs or crm---mlcs crm rvrsl by drg addcts crms brgs nd thieves----******nx cmnt prtcp sprd smk ct crn upr fnc----tgt hd prb slpng as svrl sns ht nd cld nd vr uncmfrtb--------tues----******tgt wk 6a t svr rpt pot smk frm bk sd upr lib hls----js bfr tgt ntc smn slpt prt ngt ovr sts nd tbl psb afrd of ****unk cnsprc re slpng grd by mds---js nw tues--- lkl num suspct kn/unk chs lib----******entire outer pk area ws cmpltl filled prmtd wth pot smk by mny occpng/slpng hlss nd bkd by whlwd nd usa as vctm ws bng wstd of hr enrgy nd thrghly sknd---nd as smk trvls it rcd psnd trgt mny lctns abt/arnd-----als lkl ths smk my cs brn dmg--tgt rems oldr grd swr prk--cnt nw rcll exc loctm --wth psn/smk/pot abuse suspected---smn psn pk ct crn s--mr smk---****tgt gt no slp pls svr wstd by smk pot ws agn slpy crts--rsn---delayed prb dscmfrt non exstnt slp---nd mlcs rpt thrgh smk/pot psng---lk/prvtn of mny--lk of dcnt diet--****mlcs dfr wrtlss inslts spplied by mds t hide dfrd mssv prsct/wstg crm acts aimed at tgt---entrpmnt--lk of cmmn cmmnctn wys/cmfrts---instd *****phn line fnded by whlwd anti/hlss prsc/dctrshp/wstg mtr t dmp upn vctm /frm hr fr ylng at wstg/hlplssnss/outrg--gd frbd if hv any energ at all instd of pying her or gtng her jstc--thts hw whlwd trs gt hlss srvcs ****as hs bn obvious frm crms at wh city scl wrkg agts cory/dvd nd all ths aidng thm as hs bn---ntc---instd of supplying vctm wth free phone---spcl phone being supplied t those wstng vctm---in amer this is called hlss services---waste the vctmzd hlss----thts exc wt thy do--hrd smn dg prk cllng--slpng wks up yllng---whl aidg entire filled up outer pk of pot smkrs/adcts amer drt knd of people mds amer/whlwd spprt nd same bk of lib etc----1154p gy/wth ncst dg svc ---thr r endlss ncst trnd dgs in whlwd lkl whl their ownrs prdl spprtg cnsprcy vs vctmzd wstd hlss fr free---- why py??---bttr mk mny frm smk/pot dg addcts drnks nd vctm wstg-----so vctm is trppd unb t mk mny--nd fd prvtd----ntc bsktb crts trs cns dlb emptied out so tht vctm who is alrd time nd energ trapped is also trapped dlb of evrtg she needs ---entrpmnt--mny --communications fd--cns----by prdly aided whlwd cmmnctn chnnl anti vctm pro adct cnsprcy-----vctm dt wnt ur mnpltn prsctn inslt wst---vctm wnts rl/pntv dmgs fr all losses/wstg/sffrg pls pntv fr grtd uncndtnl nice life she deserves----1255p--smk at tgt hnk e---110p sh crn pot prmtd lkl---bike/bgs stg sh mtr stp---pot pmp trs prmtd t psn tgt gt hr t thrw/up cndtn---140p lmpng mds m pmp t hmb hyv crn---hlss lying sm sd hmb hyv w/rd rlng bg--nt slpng lkl lkg pnh---*******240p---vcs filled up outer prk psng/klg tgtas am ---vctm nt evn stp int pk outsd mrn whn she wnt strg sus ovrl trs she cl nt src due ovrl--gtg cp cns lvg---*****amer mds crm frm insd pk tllng tgt t lv nd thrtng dmndg grd---ofcrs--crm grds thr r mds---nd r hstg 24hr pot prties shrffs/grds nd whlwd dig---******ths crm pro pot /smk psn gy frm insd cntnd t rpt lies fr cnvnt crm rvrsl tctcs--he sgs he sw tgt snk up on hls nd tgt crrying bgs blngn t hlss--crm cntn rp anti tgt lyin rnt nd dmnd pro crm pro mds liars pro vctmzg psn mds grds thy hv at prk wc whlwd rns nd spprts----***ard 254p wlk upr lib mds prsc crm wth smk--ths crm hi at tgt---mds style--*****thn prsc wtcd tgt frm pk/grg alley myb 25 mnts as she bggd up her stff bfr gn lib----insd frm all psn/prsc strn tgt dscvrd she lft agn stg outsd she hd go rtrv-----***shrtly aftr 3p--tgt sw mike actg suspiciousl as he strlled lib d pk dlb ignrg tgt nt hrdl typcl of him---aftr tlg tgt ystrd he acdtl rn int drnk/ hkr f fdg him vdk cf bn ls tm whn alg she dmp hm---smngl he is chsng brg hkr allgd by hmslf plld hdphns strgt off him--he lks crms nd bullies vctms---yt antr idiot co crm piece of rtlss amer drt---of crs drt wl b exc his/amer knd of people---blk f insd lib tlt ---hi at tgt---she lft lib aftr usg tlt as tgt wnt out t rtrv hr item myb 307p--327p blk f seem str tgt gn pher cmptr--bt nt same rlvnc as prlngd rpt ****wstd cnsprd flsl mlcsly mnfctrd cmplnd ---why py???----when amer hlps slf to *******hghly sccsfl encrgd lying/preying/vctmzng instd---the dfrdg country whr *****vctms r drssd up in mscrd and their ******life's wrth wstg by mds/bkd by estblsmnt/lw enfcmnt slf empwrd by usa nd happily/merrily passed for belonging by dressed up wl b crdb amer dirt----who instd of servcs---****** prvds/pys fr vctm wstg phone lines---as mike his self says---his late dad--- who once wrkd fr lapd in the old days whn he was thr seemingly they taught lapd to tell lies in rpts
Monday, April 23, 2018
sat---js nw mon wthn ls mnts myb 325p ckd out of 22 mds lng rd drss f--few mnts ltr ltl btc brfl lkd at tht cmptr num 22--i smply gt wtvr avlb seat--crm mds lnkd f lkl wnts prtst rlt nd hr lnk t grpngs cmplntnt plcng prsns int hsptl nd deeds ptntlly crm nd hrmfl t vctms lkl fr prps of dctrshp by mds whlwd nd trs usa----bk t sat---rd bg mds out lib d pk lkl---at clsg vcn 6p--sun---myb 6roh639 hv brg dry cln advtsm pdc mlrs/svc crn mvn n--rp ofrg pc of brd rfsd---mlcs psnd rttn old wrtlss inslts frq accmpnd by wrtls gvrs r amer intnt t kp mssv crm free nd nvr py the massive srl vctm fr mssv crm of cntry sz crms crm nd trs orvl/amer nd whlwd thy sprt----bk t sat eve---rp poisn pot rita 7p 8p ngt frm bk sd of lib---bg hsp grd sn strg uppr lib vcn 8p--nd it is ofcrs blvd--prps of mds/city cnsprcy here is t kp vctm frm slpng earl nd ultmtl *****prvt her of most all of the cns --mny---hlt ---dct fd etc...----none of prtty tches vctms wrs is accdt---anem--frm amer abuse---psor--amer abuse or poisoning---trnc ft/fngs frm frcd upn mds usa hlsns---pink blw rgt hnd fngrnls incldg prdcl hrtg lkws frm mnc mds nd usa jntl wstg the tgt---hlpfl people----smk/pot/exh cntns mlcs psng----wt u shl nvr frgt--ths amer nd amercnzd drt r all bttr thn their vctm thy thnk--nd fr tht rsn thy blv wstg at no cst their vctm is irrelevnt or jstfd--as mk smrtd off t me--u r in dngr he sd---t thm u r nthg--bcs u r nthg thy wl hv n prb killing u---as is ovrwhlmngl here nt onl obvious bt bkd by mrdrs usa---unrdb bk t sun---outer pk n grp h;ss vcs sprd out prfs pot psn all the wy t wlkwy ldg frm pk t crts---gbu mds frd of arsn crm crsg rbts e nd bk w vcn 9a nd js aftr--wtr trs snk crm lkl thief rbts ne crn hrrsg tgt----mtthw rp crsg vcn as hs prvs wks no dbt ntg bt co city mds nd wl hv n prb tmng wth mds grps--amer lks pssn fr nrml ordnry people---aftr all why py--thy wll prpsf cnspr nd dfrd crm fr non exist non rlvt blng etc--thy r nt admnt at the wrg or injustc--instd ths amer/nized drt r mnfctrg wys t cnt t kp mssv wstg nd injstc gng fr free --why py---whl trying t pss own drt grpies nd terrorist spprtrs fr bttr hghr brd---why nt?--mk clmd sko or imprsntg mdl sggstd shes gd---nt rd bggd crm sggstd hes prnce----rd bggd mds pssng rbts d n frm abbys sd---wtr mds trs rbts ne crn hrrss/ wv at tgt---932a---mtr d w dg wlkr smk psn at tgt---svr heat nd diarrhea apx 5 times this day per amer cnsprd vctm wstg achvmnt---1034a--ng stp nx tgt
b gs hnk -- dlb prfm snz lkl---thn cntnd e---smn pltd expr/exprg nrg brs 2 vcn hnk---prps---plt gbg---why py????---amer hs zro cnscnce of its deeds nr any intnt t cncptlz their sz or rlt--bcs wstg crtn tgts in amer is vry dlb free---myb 8ckn895 psn wstb e--org hd f crm wth ckiee fr tgt--aftr all why py??---whn prvtg all sc py is exc amer frte---1125a asahrffs sv wstb w spprtg exc sc vctm wstg nd extrmnt tgtr wth whlwd---1155a--md ag m/f frt of wells blnd--of wc f wth cell cptrg images in all 4 dirctns---1217p gry cr hrd ylg out psng wkn e---lcn w pt prmtd---124p---unrdb nts smk d w???---pot w of alfrd---frncn lcn se crn--***mds ntcd bfr bt smngl nt clrl eng notated nw insd hlw pk hrd sying --nst re cllctg cns smngl--***mds crm chris---who by mns of dfrdg clls slf nc gy--- the thg lying grnd vcn sd of fntn apx---psn smk brnys---as alwys---155p--rd lng drss mds f sn ppsng brn d n--lkl pot agn htg tgt vcn---417p---?/dncg ng psn mbl d e---??pot at tgt sktb---smk agn brnys hlwy d n---435p mds prcg tg by brnys--hv lgtr??--nx pot myb vh n---442p--mds e--445p--mdc t pk bnc w---aftr crsg mltp dirs????---shs vh --bd nts strg e??---smk cvs crn---mds f cvs w---smn ylg--ldy---??ng thg strg---?unrdb--510p--pot cvs crn---540p---??sus mds gry hair--smkng at tgt cnstrctn tnnl while mvn e---554p--ambsd bikes ?2 wsmnt d w---610p crsg wstb n sd d w wlcr spdg smngl drc at tgt---if wlc crm cmmt crm amer wld als cngrtlt him---rd bg crm sn 620p psn wstb e??--nt sr nts accrcy--=-630p ***3 ambs crsg wstb n sd d e---705p---pot wstb---9p pk grd in blu tp ckng bsktb crts trs cns---lkl all wkng on mnfctrg cnt wys dmpg upn tgt--whn tgt ws alrdy gn frm crts nd insd prk---she hrd lkl mds oprtv---lkl wrkg frtr ong cnsprcy---vry clrly ws hrd all the wy by pk trs cns--dgn in gbg cn all the wy frm bsktb crts---by drt who dt leave unless thy mnfctr mnc nd insr wsg of tgt ---nd mlcs nd crm entrpmnt hlt wstg nd lk of bth cns---fns--jstc--bcs amer cnsprs nd aids demolition of vctms---aftr all why py????---whn amer killers nd liars cn ---lie instd---nd whn thy do it t vctms thy cn pss fr idiots---amer will scdlsly nd blssflly appld nd cll mssv vctms--dsb nd mntl ill instd----grd sn frt of prk tlt eve---mon---grd oldr hsp wk up upr lib shrtl aftr 6a---he lkd at vctm as if it ws hr flt she nt gt mks cn yt---antr paid fr bng mds drt****heres why mk cnt cmpltl be trstd---thgh mk nt brk any bx in vctms absnc whl vctm ws stll in orvll nd mny ws thr---mk gt svr angr md nd thtg if he cl nt gt an addtnl piece of msc js whn he wtd---so this mon mrn he ws nt thtg at all but hd the gll try brrw $20 frm tgt--tgt dt gt ck or hv jb nd lkty if/whn she cn mv at all--nd his rcklessness mst dfntl hlop her lose if thr ws nt yt lkl othr if smll in cmprsn t gngs still sbstntl nd flnious cntrbution on his prt---js the wndrf prs amer wl tg fr theirs---money fr hlthy dgs---dfrdg inslts nd crm wstg fr mssv srl vctm---cmplmnts mrdrs usa nd whlwd---oldr hsp grd strg tgt outer pk yt agn---730a---8a--wtr trs mds spttd usg wtr bsktb crts attmptg hrrss tgt--intrstgl he extd--456p m/f shs pssd insd lib by cmptrs---wtr trs extd twrd outer sd of crts--tgt hs bd eyes bt thr mgt b strcs xtg twrd alley prhps---810a pot sml frm crts---9a pot rbts nw--crm mx smkng at tgt insd rec--arsn f in line rec---****1115a--mds strg insd sushi hnk---shrtly ltr smngl psb thwg plstc cup??? vcn 24h---1136a rd bg xtg tj arc out---sh sv mgt hv bn psng same time ??prhps e--thgh smngl i hv plnt mxd up nts---amer dlb wsts tgt nd bks all ths who wst her--aftr all why py???----1212p--wstb e smk--smn rlg blu bg w t stp smk---1240p adc trs stg spkr st shrf mtr stp--pkd up by drkr f---1255p z res tk up st sppkr aftr strg tgt bgs---psng abt sm time svc d w ws mds cap w/rd scrf undrnth----230p--nst blc pnt f wth drkr m smkn crsng tgtr svc nw thn s thn e---250p--ng mds f pk ct crn d n---3p--upr outer lib grd wth wlk/tlkie
b gs hnk -- dlb prfm snz lkl---thn cntnd e---smn pltd expr/exprg nrg brs 2 vcn hnk---prps---plt gbg---why py????---amer hs zro cnscnce of its deeds nr any intnt t cncptlz their sz or rlt--bcs wstg crtn tgts in amer is vry dlb free---myb 8ckn895 psn wstb e--org hd f crm wth ckiee fr tgt--aftr all why py??---whn prvtg all sc py is exc amer frte---1125a asahrffs sv wstb w spprtg exc sc vctm wstg nd extrmnt tgtr wth whlwd---1155a--md ag m/f frt of wells blnd--of wc f wth cell cptrg images in all 4 dirctns---1217p gry cr hrd ylg out psng wkn e---lcn w pt prmtd---124p---unrdb nts smk d w???---pot w of alfrd---frncn lcn se crn--***mds ntcd bfr bt smngl nt clrl eng notated nw insd hlw pk hrd sying --nst re cllctg cns smngl--***mds crm chris---who by mns of dfrdg clls slf nc gy--- the thg lying grnd vcn sd of fntn apx---psn smk brnys---as alwys---155p--rd lng drss mds f sn ppsng brn d n--lkl pot agn htg tgt vcn---417p---?/dncg ng psn mbl d e---??pot at tgt sktb---smk agn brnys hlwy d n---435p mds prcg tg by brnys--hv lgtr??--nx pot myb vh n---442p--mds e--445p--mdc t pk bnc w---aftr crsg mltp dirs????---shs vh --bd nts strg e??---smk cvs crn---mds f cvs w---smn ylg--ldy---??ng thg strg---?unrdb--510p--pot cvs crn---540p---??sus mds gry hair--smkng at tgt cnstrctn tnnl while mvn e---554p--ambsd bikes ?2 wsmnt d w---610p crsg wstb n sd d w wlcr spdg smngl drc at tgt---if wlc crm cmmt crm amer wld als cngrtlt him---rd bg crm sn 620p psn wstb e??--nt sr nts accrcy--=-630p ***3 ambs crsg wstb n sd d e---705p---pot wstb---9p pk grd in blu tp ckng bsktb crts trs cns---lkl all wkng on mnfctrg cnt wys dmpg upn tgt--whn tgt ws alrdy gn frm crts nd insd prk---she hrd lkl mds oprtv---lkl wrkg frtr ong cnsprcy---vry clrly ws hrd all the wy by pk trs cns--dgn in gbg cn all the wy frm bsktb crts---by drt who dt leave unless thy mnfctr mnc nd insr wsg of tgt ---nd mlcs nd crm entrpmnt hlt wstg nd lk of bth cns---fns--jstc--bcs amer cnsprs nd aids demolition of vctms---aftr all why py????---whn amer killers nd liars cn ---lie instd---nd whn thy do it t vctms thy cn pss fr idiots---amer will scdlsly nd blssflly appld nd cll mssv vctms--dsb nd mntl ill instd----grd sn frt of prk tlt eve---mon---grd oldr hsp wk up upr lib shrtl aftr 6a---he lkd at vctm as if it ws hr flt she nt gt mks cn yt---antr paid fr bng mds drt****heres why mk cnt cmpltl be trstd---thgh mk nt brk any bx in vctms absnc whl vctm ws stll in orvll nd mny ws thr---mk gt svr angr md nd thtg if he cl nt gt an addtnl piece of msc js whn he wtd---so this mon mrn he ws nt thtg at all but hd the gll try brrw $20 frm tgt--tgt dt gt ck or hv jb nd lkty if/whn she cn mv at all--nd his rcklessness mst dfntl hlop her lose if thr ws nt yt lkl othr if smll in cmprsn t gngs still sbstntl nd flnious cntrbution on his prt---js the wndrf prs amer wl tg fr theirs---money fr hlthy dgs---dfrdg inslts nd crm wstg fr mssv srl vctm---cmplmnts mrdrs usa nd whlwd---oldr hsp grd strg tgt outer pk yt agn---730a---8a--wtr trs mds spttd usg wtr bsktb crts attmptg hrrss tgt--intrstgl he extd--456p m/f shs pssd insd lib by cmptrs---wtr trs extd twrd outer sd of crts--tgt hs bd eyes bt thr mgt b strcs xtg twrd alley prhps---810a pot sml frm crts---9a pot rbts nw--crm mx smkng at tgt insd rec--arsn f in line rec---****1115a--mds strg insd sushi hnk---shrtly ltr smngl psb thwg plstc cup??? vcn 24h---1136a rd bg xtg tj arc out---sh sv mgt hv bn psng same time ??prhps e--thgh smngl i hv plnt mxd up nts---amer dlb wsts tgt nd bks all ths who wst her--aftr all why py???----1212p--wstb e smk--smn rlg blu bg w t stp smk---1240p adc trs stg spkr st shrf mtr stp--pkd up by drkr f---1255p z res tk up st sppkr aftr strg tgt bgs---psng abt sm time svc d w ws mds cap w/rd scrf undrnth----230p--nst blc pnt f wth drkr m smkn crsng tgtr svc nw thn s thn e---250p--ng mds f pk ct crn d n---3p--upr outer lib grd wth wlk/tlkie
Saturday, April 21, 2018
fri---myb 6p at clsng--sus dvt hng nrb upr lib entry---js nw sat m oldr who lks smk spkr seat sh stn stp 21--328p mds ng f ret srvc ptgt cmptr twrd elevtr??---unb t rd own tgt nts--d rcll ng vry tll who psb nt knw hw t sgn t lib cmptr systm lgn int tgt cmptr at time out js few mnts bfr clsng--I mvd seat ovr frm 1 t 2---thn he cnt strd at me frm 3 nd thn frm 1 whr I am gsng he ws lggd in asmng it ws nt smn els--I dt knw him---bt he ws als pkd up by ?sus w f ---dbt if thy hv rltnshp othr thn cnsp grpies -- lkl mds t grg hd gll t offr tgt 2 cnt cndy fr grtd prps of crm insl fr free---617p pot drct at tgt prfs mssv nst frm bk sd lib at hlplss trppd vctm--spks t wt amer truly intentions---640p---sn ng grd-- frdl othr thn prffssnlly wstg the vctm per htlr instrctions frm city nd md slngrs--wstg vctms nd cstg thm mevr at no cs by trpng thm is his job-----805p----snky ngr grd frm bhd vctm prpsflly lkng cst vctm health nd prvtg her ABILITY t mk any mny by slpng/vctng early fr mny/tips--rp mlcs nst smk ng smngl mstl frm bk sd upr lib lkl ultmtl wiping out nd dmgng tgt per city/usa intentions--- rita susp cruisng as if fr drgs---the lst type of people I nd arnd nr the srt who shl b hsd----tht knd of hlty drt usually cllcts undsrvd checks thn poisns dstrys vctms vcnt all amer style---ard 9p or js aftr mud slng aidg ng grd try dfrd vctm--hv gd ngt---ths one prsn bcs of all amer drt incldg him will nvr evr hv gd ngt---mike smn I nt spk bk t ths sat aftr fri eve ths drt I knw as bully crm insltd me yt agn--ths time sggstg hes dng tgt fvr tlkng t hr----gss wht---I blv he is at lst liable fr nmrs nst acts frm vndlsm t theft t bullying hrtg tgt t mkng hr susceptb t anem---hrd ngt time---dvt t elvtr---ubk src inf re tgt--hrd shes pkrt--in rlt ctrg t crms lk mk nd mds crm bkng estb---hrd frm sd lkl pk t grg ngt am---crms bkng mk---sying --he nt d antg----I bg t dffr --thgh cmplt invstgtn needed---nd jdg their evltn crm flty nd smply bkng slf srvg bully opprtnst amer liar---pro amer drg adc mds bkng crm mike--dstnctl recall my pelvic bone hrtg frm him fr mnths ovr in orvll thgh earlier in our stint thr nd dmg he wrkd insd whl bullying dmpg upn vctm scrd t dth of his crmnlty---------sat====vcs rp smk upr outer lib 6a--gsng frm bk sd lib but all thr r smngl adcts nd smkrs---nd wl nt wnt b nr any of thm---ths btfl mtc dscrptn of city mds clientele---351p--dngrs--crm rslt mds bctr t toilet blu pts js nw 351p---am --vcs rp smk n sd outer pk--dlb cntnsl klg tgt---prfsnl mrdrsl wstg cvrp---why py?? whn u cn dfrd nd inslt vctm instd----8a---pk entrance mssv smk---all cns tkn out by hlthy mvng crms mud slngn city dgs----whl tgt ws psnd rptdl nd prfsnlly trpped by city grds outer lib by prvtg hr slp nd wstg hr frthr----smk frm outer pk n sd cevdtl rcg nd prmtg fld twrd bsktb crts----rd bg mds out rbts s trn e---gt off my hill ,go awy etc....ard 930p--prfsnl amer rvs dmpg---935a---ba d w--mds gbu dfr w/crt---clbrtg wstg the tg---gbu---937a---unrdb????? trn hld d n---js bf 1015a rd bg mds agn frm rbts nw gng lrb w rp dng fngr gstrs I cnt expln due sgt imprmnt bt grtd implying stg nst nd nt impsb dngrs drctd at tgt----1035a---mds gbu rlg crt rvsg sh stn d e------unk sus jy wlk twrd tgt loctn frm n t s vcn mtr nd strt scrtcg leg nx her----he ultmtl wnt e---dsb w/stk nd rllng tot ltl grl apc tgt with lkl $1-2 apc tg tryin gv hr--rfsd---mds lkl use dsblds t mk mssv crms seem as accptb scenario---nd massive wstg of vctms dfrded nd encrgd in rlt nt onl fr free but fr a lot wrs very prffssnlly strgt int hole---js bf noon 2 crms?? wstb d e---lkl sus grp occpd vh hnk d e---lkg wst dfr dctr tgt---free!!!!!----1235p--mds shs pplm d e--lw srn same time as fr dpt lbld 7 ws headed w--nd vctm headed w mtr side---hls ws slpng mtr sh stp shltr---vcs pot sprd vcn ba duo m/f wth m als hldg wt lkd like pink dnt or ck bx--thy wnt pba e hld n---111p apx---unk sus f wth lkl accmplc brgt unk shoes insd bg--- tgt nt lk at---tgt knws wht evr she hd insd cndo nd insd home---nd knws wht types nd wht gstrnmc losses crm usa cst her---vctm cnsdrs dlvr drt lkg mssv mnc mntnd nd mc wrsnd at no cst---cmplmnts whlwd/trs usa---aftr all why py whn lying amer nd bully mike hv no prb cstg mlna evr---- free---t acv ths thy js mnfctr nd mlcs dmp upn srl mssv vctm of abuse nd persecution nd mssv srl theft nd frd-----same kind of amers -amer nd amercnzd trs mrdrs estbl lw enfcmnt bkd drt-----pot vcn agn apx 2p--- lkl bd insfct nts---myb vcn 210p crm bctr spttd pnh hldl---pstl wrkr m myb hsp gv him stg---pstl wrkr lkl wnt t vh myb -pkd hldl n---of rlvnc ths pstl wrkrs prtcpt in md slngn---imitating or prticipating in mds whl wrkng fr pstl srvc or hvng mds rlts---seen dng exc rp crsg bpg imitations orvll---nd meowing t bk mds drt in orvll als shl be posted under milana rakhman----smngl big gng of hlss drt s sd outer prk---drnks drg addcts crms amer bks nd digs--i hnstly thk thy shl mv in wth trump nd grcetti fr clearer undrstdg----mr mds lkl vcn lib---
Friday, April 20, 2018
thursdy---of intrst one dy earl ths wk whn trs ws clnd thrghly esp bsktb crts thr ws als sbst pot smk nx evr trs cn strtg wth one loctd field bw pk/crts nd evr trs cn bsk crts---als on rn frcs dy rectl prhps wed??- dk rd swt w m mds lkl ws hdg out lwr outer lib bk of strt trs cn------thursd 708p prs who mg hv lnk t orv cnsprcy at lib rg abt time mssv brgl nd ctff frm mike wth rllng bg smngly rdying t lv outer lib---733p---rd swt dk hr mds pss outer lib twrd strs dwnwrd---js bf psb dsc ???lkl z re lib cnsp wkng/wstg extrm argmnt--grd psng ng 740p---8p--oth sus ng upr lib dir strt plng new wstg tctcs---ngt mny times ovr svr nst psn smk outer lib gsng mnl frm bk sd lib---mk smngl frdl bt i dt fnd any pot thrts frdl nd dt fnd prsns he denies his frds mst r vr sus lkl crm nd frdl onl by dfr---bt mk frq tlks t ths as if mst certnl lying adc drt wr his dear frds--thn denies thy r---ls ng i ntc he dm bgs upn me evn nd ws tlkg t mdl as if psn klng adct drnkg lying drt ws the swts acquisition lkl in prcs mlcs dlb hlpng mds dmp upn tgt----bt aftrn whl ????unk wtc his bgs crm thgt he wl dfr tgt he hs n frds-------fri----grd wk up ard 6a---tgt hd vr uncmf dstrbd rp smk psnd slp incldg prvtd by grds /city mds philsphy earl evn---md of ngt tgt als sffrd vcs diarrhea---bd nts---720a smk at tgt ??? insd pk---abs all trs cns clrd pk/bsk crts----****rpt sitn frm city/mds argmnts--prvtn of earl slp---prvtn of all bttles---ong diarrhea lk i nvr hd prlngd basis---prvtn of dcnt diet nd endless diet lnkd devices aids i hd bgt acquired wc smngl wr stln alng wth abs evrtg of vlu upn loctn in orvll---nd nw strtgclly deprived in whlwd---pltg chpst mst psns clss jnk chp wst fr vctm if vctm is abl t loct anythg wtsvr of vlu t her hlt--resltg---orgnzd mny prvtn--cns prvtn---fd prvtn--orgnzd by whlwd--instd jnk psn wst trs lw grd fd dsgntd of wrst knd dmpd upn vctm nd tht if shes unusually lky-----eve hd t b afrd slp--thn dscmf--thn fll aslp am--svr diarrhea--nd agn slp am bsktb crts--no cns--no mny--no dcnt fd---nd absltly crm nd mlcsl by usa abslt lk of investigation or justice in vctm case in orvl or here---at wk up time vctm als obsrv dvt sus bhd her clmng trng hlp????cmpl unk---othr unk dvt bld stg nx lib wll wth ckn----1048a--ntcd mds bld wlkng w lkl psng or apcg sh stn mtr stp---tgt frcd t skip mst evr she goes---whl tgt ntcd rst of drt ystrdy wr hvng ice crm ---chs ck---nice frt cps---nd lkl mc better stff frm hlt strs kreation nd fnc jc plc amng mny othrs js e of hntly---smk wsmnt crn---lkl smkr cl nt smk rg insd stbks--so he psnd crn---??? bd nd non rdb nts--??fd crsg wstb s wsprg lkl re tgt csng smn lk at tgt---1210p---psn at tgt lkl 24h crn---psng sh frm s sd trn d w--hrd sntc--unb t mk out--prh ??tdy??---i chngd some cltg but evr wc is w clr---i hv thrghly wstd in dys time wth my srvival hbts---pot prmt wstb crn---ths wr lkl city/shrff mds frds----bsds psn killers of mssv srl vctm none of whs issues wc cst her evrtg wr investigated---aftr all---why btr or why py?????------1240p--mds rd swt dk hr plm d n---sus f algd ofg frm cf bn--cmng out trying frc jnk wtr upn tgt----vctm snt btc awy---why py???----amer blvs it cn keep massive losses free nd keep hndg out fr more to ths nt onl mkng wy fr mlln times mr bt hv cks cmng als----bt---vctm---why py???---whn dlb amer cn wst her free----1250p--oldr m mds crm stg spkr sh stn stp psng tgt-----brn ht ng smkng hld crn mtr stp 110p---lmpg ?oldr m sus crsg rbts t hmb hyv--137p---145p--gsn smk hmb hyv crn--bdl rdb nts---220p--org hd f smk tg rage d w--lng rd drssd dk lg hr f ntcd psb out lib ard 225p svc d n---245p---lkl retrd mds ng plib d s lwr---hi---10 yr or oldr pltd popc fr hlss---othr wst fd lwr upr lib---why py whn jnk psn nd wst chp trs grd scm cn b dmpd on mssv vctms wtht them evr seeing jstc?????---why py?????-----255p--ng grd t hrbie/nd rd w m swt bk upr lib---grd vct twrd strt side----slg aftr 3p smn w/cell acrss tgt thn twrd bk of upr lib---hrbie/rd swt w m twrd strt sd---rd swt w m ws sn am bhnd tgt on dy schd fr rn myb wed????--bt cl b easily mstkn re dy espc in my vctm cndtn----w m in rd swt lkl mds frds wth mds herbie tlng herbie re smell spc trs cn crn----i guess whn gng crms prsct vctm acqr brg mny nd ident thft nd dfrd vctm thy als stp stnkng nd get hlp frm estb/lw enfcmnt instd---these vctm life killers r clld amer fnst heroes---nd west hollywood exc mirrors their philosophy---stealing cans---food---money---frm vctm---aftr all why py---whn vctms cn b ncl frmd by crime rng nd its bkrs instd-----nvr mind amer killed tg life nd evr in it wth zro jstc in sgt -----it stinks!!!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
wed -- dytm myb ard 11a i rcll nx frt rnnr sus m dg addc ofg $2 he kpt sggs he rec fw yrs whl drg addc in effrts t dfrd tht as tgt nds incm tgt is dg adc--tgt nvr tcd any drgs evr---nd is cntnsl bng psnd smk/pot ??? evr she wlks---as psn nd exhst is effectvly bkd by usa---eve mike tlk slf lkl mstl re his prtclr americn msc intrsts - i mvd twrd wall in cs of frcs earl mrn rn---frcs hr chgs evr fw mnts---thr ws ultmtl alrd aftr i lft am small amt of rn wc is gd fr clng tmp dn--i hv svr prb wth hot weather---but ****i hv dvlpd unk cndtn blw fng nls cnsistent pink my rgt hnd wth hlp of dfr absrs wc seems t d bttr in wrmr weathr bt ovr all ht wps me out----i ntcd blk pro crstn grd myb ard 8p---i ntcd othr blk gy?? psng slgtl ltr strg at plstc wtc tgt hnd as if dmgd piece of plstc ws wpn t jstf abs twrd tgt----i ws nt wtcg t clsl bt wld sy tues ngt wr mr suspect chrs psng--------thursd---i lft shrtl aftr 6a-----bk sd upr lib vcs nst smk ard 6a lkl by smn hppy t kp tgt psnd nd rgt bfr she leaves---eve thy kp vctms frm slpng---bt als trppd lsng time as its hrd fr tgt t ovrstrn bk/frt unnec ---hd uncmfrtb slp re wc amer cl bthr less csg tgt t nd mr rst aftr brl slg rn---945a-- ret srv ng f crsg rbts w tw hmb hyvn crn s sd sm--i nt wtc bynd ths--gsn she cl hv gn pvlns---1052a pot lkl vh 24 h crn crswlk hvy at tgt----1105a --sus f nx frt rnnr ofg $2--crms lkl lnkd smkrs drg addcts nd mny cl b frm qstnb srcs---unk---lkg t rdcl dmp upn tgt thy hv wstd t plp nd kp the inslts prsctn wstg free---nvr mnd thy trppd u in streets prmntl nd lnkd t trs grps--terrorists r dfrdg as wl b fn people---mny estb scm bgs r dlgtd t buy prec sc scdls lies----smk at tgt 1113a wsmnt e---1118a wknl e---ng pnh lq lcn crn als lkg tgt bgs---1158a--z gng brg ng bike lcn d s --sng --bgl--crm fnds this fnny as usa dlb wld nt investgt or chrg ths crms wth fine leads---so drt is sngng hppy nd cntng prsctn nd mntnc of crms-----1205p---prb sus f rng wkn e wvg tgt----sh stn stp se svc crn---sus dvt hng out nx crn---wt num lgts crss n--ultmtl crsg bk s t ctc free bus rd-----1p--crm on bike psg sh stn stp d e---crm tlkg re insd tgt bgs---tk trs out of thr---crms r lvng off evrtg mine---whl i am gtng instrctns frm their crnies who r kpng their crms sf---sus mvng svc d s lgt up smk whn psng tgt svc sw crn---sus m in w swt frmrl in org nd als in blk psn tg rbts s gng insd alley bk t rbts nd agn s---oldr f cmplnt type frm lng ago crsg rbts w nd n----239p---smk unk loctn drc gtg tgt lwr outer lib--smn ofrg $5 sus othr thn the smkr---f w 2cnt btl--wnt it or nt?---bctr psng lib d s---ng gr myb frncs ckng on smk---psb---but smk ws onl whn tgt frst shwd nd no lngr avlb fr ctc---sus f prk t grg ofg usd sda---prd it out whn i sd onl cllctg cns---no sng cn nr inslt mny is gng t sv tgt frm ndg cmplt nd pntv cmpnstn nr stp hr frm sffrg in strt---rl/pntv dmgs sgt fr all wstg by cnsprd nd terrorist usa---many thnks
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
tues--ht stress nd strain alrd csd tgt lv stg bhd nd she is t tired t rtrk--hwv if crms dcd t mk vctm tgt they cn mk prbs on svrl times ovr brdnd tgt---mike dcd t hlp dmp upn tgt--ths is amer pill frk adc usr nd scko mntlty--of crs I frd rgt bk--nt aprc tgt---rcrs--he sgs mny people nt lk tgt--nd he wl als lk rd tgt nd rp thrt tgt--als he try btr tgt by tsng cn acrss fnc-- I tl the grd--so fr he lft me aln---???nts lk strng as I blv prsn ws gng dn strt sd myb adtnl prsn exc time lst---???sus fg lkl frt upr outer lib twrd bk sd myb ard 735p---745p-- mkng thrts--ls -- u hv 15 min t lv---u btr b gn thn---ng grd lstn tg re thrts nd med/alc scd--chk few mnts ltr--lkly mike fnd it mr intrstg tlk rita---805p--??sus hls t elvtr dwn==shrtl aftr blk grd lft---grd lk lkg hsp w tp aprc mk alrdy lying dn t rst---jus nw wed---cmptr 12 ---329p dsp mds f arvd nx tgt --ths scdrl hd gl hrss gv insl lbl svrl dys ago---aftr all why py??---whn in amer u cn wst certn people rgt free----shrtl aftr prhp 830p rita ws nrb lib entry--- fllwd by mdl who lft her blngngs nx rita fr unk rsn---I nt wtc bynd tht---mdl grtd mds pls drg usr/drnkr wth dggy---mk is sk eng t blv sc drt----wed---tgt lvng vcn 6a myb--oldr hsp grd wnt tlk rita/frd???----ard 7a tgt sptd crm cnsprg bctria psng strg frm mlrs/svc nw crn plng dvcs fr nx crm argmnt--js nw 335p --num 12 lft---outsd outer pk yl vst org strp fgr psn smk tgt---outer pk lkl mds frm snd hrrss tgt--ths mgt b new hlpt t frd rec ctr js ntcd tdy---brg view my well hv bn askd sng evr frm tgt--zro btls pk or bsktb crts---exmp of city hlpg mds grpngs yt agn---835a--smkr s of rbts d e---nts myb lss thn grt---algd frmr adc--lkl mds wth strg stry--cllctd cns svr yrs whl dg adc---ntg in cmmn hr nvr drg adc---vctm---amer prfrs trn vctms into adcts---aftr all why py upn mssv amer crm cnspr nd ignrnc----crz wko tj arc---pot vcn lq lcn crn--hlss pnh w of lq---1242p--lg rd drss lng hr psng plm d w lkl twrd lib---hlss thrwn abndn shoes--- sus f bhd tgt--ths urs sir re wmns flps nt mine nd dlb psng vctm fr m--she crsd svc d w sm time as tgt myb 102p nd went svc d s---tgt pkd up hls pltd ck piece dmpd shk restrt bnc nd ths mimics crm stlness amer/west hllwd hs gll dmp upn vctms---240p crz hls tryin eng lwr outer lib---3p--rd bg mds psd tgt upr outer lib smngl dir pk nd lkl dlb timed t wst tgt---
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
mon--- i chkd wind schdl in advnc and it was wrg -- lvng tgt unprep fr adjstmnt twc due to bd weather schedlng and city grds bkng the mob bullying---seen city grd psn upr lib myb vcn 8p mnd ngt--i rcll he strd at bg mk pltd nx tgt as mk nt lk crrying stff nd grd lkg dmp upn tgt-------the wind instd of t mdngt gt t b vcs ****myb t 8a tues---so aftr hrs of dscmfrt nd no wy out tgt mvd twrd wall t lessen wnd dscmfrt nd bggd up smllr bgs int 2 bggr ones wc kpt me wrm aftr i bnd t rdc expsr---sdl the mds city grds incdg oldr hsp all wrk fr mds gngs nd mds bkng city---tues 6a----wth wnd xtr vcs nd snrlg nd no one thr hls vctms cl bthr he g mrn tgt nd othrs nd lkl hpd fr prvctn wc thy r spclly trnd at instgtg per mds--- as rslt tgt in vain tried t assmb t g but wnd ws t hrd---so she sat nd sffrd expsd untl wnd slgtl strtd t g slwr thn pulled bgs dn nd wtd lwr lib outer sts untl wnd ws mngb---intrstg thg abt put out jws fd---whl nt grt sd dshes wr mngb but none of the chkn fs or mt wtsvr edb---nd tgt hd t thrw all thm out---mny if nt all people thrw out rfs---i dt knw of people who wld eat sc fd---so frcd t cll ths rfs wth abs no dscrm---i als lrn othr scr prt re mks new drkg hbts---allgd he ws drnk bfr i knw him---whn i knew him he hd srs mdctn frk nd ovrld prbs---myslf--i nvr did ntg of srt---nvr tcg drnks or drgs less accdtl swllw drp of psng nd do my bst t spt out blvg ths rgtflly lkl t b psn----so spsd snc i knw hm at the lst 95/96 mike nt drnk---allgd snc hlss hwvr he svr mnths ago attmpt scd pills mxd wth alchl---nd hs usd alchl smt ls few wks algd as on bth occsns gvn sm awy nd ms rec allgd drk vdk wth sppsd hkr trying stl his stff algd nt bng ntcd at ths cf bn nd clmng ths one tm instnc---bsclly bcmng agn alchlc---lkl hvng prbs wrs thn bfr--nd lkl susceptible agn--nt t mntn in his case pills lk clnp pls alchl trnslt scd---rec he got frm tsilia allged zoloff he says he lks---but bsds his alrd wrtlss bullying nd atrcs personality prtclrly if psd int crn he has now cmplctd evr frtr wth alchl---nd its nt i non crdb--its he nd his bully amers r both bullys non crdb nd trpng tgt life prvtg her frm mkng mny--skng her--i hd mjr diarrhea lkl mr thn 3 times tdy nd this is whl hlss nd unb t access any plc---this is spcl present frm cnsprd amer drt who has pot prmtd incldg thghout lib-----at 823a--i hv psn smk tgt--nd fld nt loctn lkl due t abuse nd strn bkd by mds gngs, city grds, nd shrffs---i am gsng ths mgt hv bn eithr lwr lib vcn or ct crn pk prhps----no btls pk or bsktb crts as gtn prv cllctrs nd brg view spdg t stl thm bfr vctm cn mv per mds/city anti vctm cnsprcy---snc wkng vctm ws frcd t wt fr wnd cmmdtn thn rst nd srvive 3 diarrheas mjr knd etc bfr wlkg 1 blk twrd rec wth nx t nthn ofcrs per mds cnsprd tgt wstg city calculation---city/estblsmnt drc cnsprg t aid the mds nd psng ths fr wld b blngn at vctm wstg expns--mnw vctm mst adjs fs t temp chng ht/cld nd if cloths nt exc kind she needs t do this fst she cl chk---hnc prb frm her msng frt opening swtr--other kind cn b fr mr time cnsmng t pull off---hvng dn ntg as her time ws wstd by grd who decided t prvt her of all slp due t mds nd mds city allegiance---as rslt ths tg brl gt gng frm svc sw crn ard 110p---as she crssd e t ck sh stn crn trs cn ckng plntfl prfs pot was blwng her wy cmplmnts mds bkn usa nd crm whlwd---220p--vctm ntcd rd shrt mds mdw hld/rbts mvng d w---230p--- tgt ntcd pr mvng hld d w of wc f ws blwng prfs smk wc hit tgt---lmpg tqs mds atrct tgt attn mvng svc d s---320p apx tgt ntcd guy lying dg fld bksd lib wth dg nd sbst prfs smk vcn---340p--insd lib tlt vctm ntcd smn md mess whl she ws insd tlt--als ntcd mds blnd clrd f wsng off aftr qkl usg tlt--als lkl othr crz crms---tgt als obsrvd lib dvd crsg lib cmptr vcn unk exc rsn but psb bhst of mds
Monday, April 16, 2018
sun ngt--3a---hrd grp psn upr lib area frm pk twd grg --- thn lkl dvt w f gsng sying--thats her sleeping--myb we cl send ... here---5a---grd lkl lnkd t lib bldg nd pk shwd uppr lib with mission telling evr thy cl nt sleep grnd -- cld onl sleep chairs or bncs---dbt if callers concerned re anyones sft --- more psb bullying incnvenience manipulation--- some slpng gt scrd nd lft-- some slept t nx hr-- i rprtd this t shrffs--grtd thgh--amer secrty deems sc cmplntnts lgt--- rgrdlss vr psb othr prpses directed at wstg vctms----644a-- nst smk at tgt vcn lwr outer lib nt sure frm wc sd--smtms its vh?? i fl t wtc or smn lk rita or her frd cmng dn or lng list of their frds---nd some cld vr well b dlb nd on prps--- spttd bggy w/swts--sgr hwvr cn b unhlt fr mny cndtns---lkl gn adc ps lwr lib vcn--insfct nts --- svr mess pdc crn lkl by drg addct---sus w/crt prb the one wth fcl tats hrrssng tgt ths dy strtg at crts--g mrn -- hrrssmnt cntnd mny tms ovr ths prtcl dy--vcn hnk tgt gt hrssd by new pr---11a hnk vcn--mk nw frds agn wth thief snc ls fw dys myb says shes nice t him --sch a sxprt--- he knws shes hkr--wrs---obv adct --mkng fr prfc amer mtc--btc scdls eng tk pictr of anem absd tgt bndg ovr trs cn t rst---- by city trs tctcs---time slpng dictrshp--dscmfrt---dstrbnc --dsmk/pot psn --frq qstnb fd----1224p---mds frm bsktb crt m hgrrss tgt agn vcn frt rnnr---1254p---pot at tgt wkn e---smn psg mlcs dfr $1 fr drk---mr lkl t insr tgt nvr hs eng---?? 7rbv442----bd unrdb nts or flr t notate---fnlly gt it--offrd cookie at mbl--orlnd---$1 pltd brnys---350p--$2 frm mds crm f --au ok??? swtz----mds tats m hrrssng 3rd time ths dy kngs e of glsns vcn hlo/hi --myb 326p illgb wrtg----- lkl crm mds city grds shrffs sggst sc prsctn hghl accptb----pot wkn w---lkl mds f bns--u lk tht--ths bns wr gd-- but amer cnsprcy hs mssv lftm cst wc amer vr dlb ds nt investigate at expns of prmnt entrpmnt nd perishing t tgt due t cvr up of massive cst nd mltfctd suspect mnc dngs-----instd drt mds lk ths f r dfrdg mssv crm fr free---why py???---650p mds tats frm bsktb hrrsg tgt agn vcn plm mtr e---715p---plm mtr sd w---855p---hls blwg smk at sh stp aimd tgt lkl mds--ard 10p lkl dvnts twrd grg lkl loaded threw trs lid---mon---old hsp wkng up gmrn ard cls 6a myb--- wnt t rita/frd psb try cnsp vs tgt--- mst all prsns wr scrd off by grd dy bfr--rita/frd wr still slpng upr lib nd othr prsn ws lying bnc---smk at lwr lib---myb evn frm upr? lvl---mr smk at mlrs m pr mvng svc d n---pot psn mlrs w myb js aftr 7a--- herbie sn lib outer strs vcn up/dn----bfr 920a at opening arsn f rec pvlns---als glncg at sr type jws fd unk pltd rbts ne crn---i ate some left some and tk some t go---t hrd t crry as some frzn---nd eatg any sbstnt amt at onc is t time cnsmng---its bsclly not spc nd qt slr wt thy mgt srv srs---frl blncd nd pkgd prtns--but bsclly lkl jnk???---hls stg by ba hldl wll grnd---sus mds hlss sh stn stp lkl loaded nd hrrsg tgt--- myb 950a---bfr mvng w---mds m hlss--****dt st tht on fire nw--rvs dmpng mds crms---tgt rcg empty trs cn---****thts stlg frm city---except whn all of thm drt dlvr tns rglrly wo any dstrbnc or hrrssmnt--thts nt stlg frm city---guess why??---mds dirt nd city dirt lkl one nd same grpng----bkng each other-----ng m drvr ??strg mtr stp sh stn 77909----nx blw smk---ard noon pfrt rnnr e--- tgt ws nppng aftr eatg prh t mc fr hr of tht frz fd--ard noon---tgt hrd lkl ng m mds tlkng lkl w mdl age f psn frt rnnr d e---gvng hr ***rsns cmndrng dctatoring dmp upn tgt---lkl prb stg lk --***t mn bgs---*****people dt do tht---psb ftr cnsprcy crm vs tgt arsn/thft bkd by city hall nd shrffs---who pass these crms fr nrml people---nt cnsprd grpngs gngs---same wy as non profs get cmpnstd fr nst frmng extrmntn dngs----smk frt rnnr bus stp shltr gy ctcg line 4 /4060 ard 1210p---gng w psn wstbrn---sus f gry hr lng skrt--lks frm vctms--bfr ofrd bgl sbst time ago wstb d e---windy tngt
Saturday, April 14, 2018
fri---***rp cmng bk nd agn ng grd eithr t dmp upn/intmdt vctm or t kp hr frm gtng tml cmfrtb sleep --at wc he sccded ncl--vctm sffrg frm ong anem/rp ong diarrhea cndtns dscmfrt etc---this kps her frm wrkg mkng mny or fndg dcnt fd---he als tlks t mike re bible mike likes--dt fr sec blv mike sensib prsn--nt onl his entire life a wst in trms of any frml edctn or career effrt--but he hs prb most scdls of tempers if u live cls eng t him u mgt fnd out---lks t blm vctms--nd sk rvng wo cause---most recently ihv yt agn hrd of his rklss or pot suicdl dngs---i knw hm snc apx 96 nd he as fr as i knw or sw in frt of me ws onl pill frk or addc--of wc i nt knw in advnce---whnvr he hs tmpr prb he blms vctm or pills---myb svrl mnts ago he tried allgd scd vdk/pills as whitney hstn etc.. qt glmrs----mst rectl i hrd he ws utilizing alchl agn sppsd psb rpt beers --u wl nd vrf---alchl/pill mix puts him nt onl int slf hrtg /bt bynd tht scdl mode---bsds tht i ntcd othr suspect cmmnts frm him---rltv t wht people or vctms mgt report---he sggstd vctms usually reprt 10 times rl amnt---cmpltl wrng in this case--this victim told him clrl nd he knows tht all money ws counted cntless times incldg num times bfr tgt left--nd each time it was vrfied agst exc notes wth container--no rsn wtvr t inflt---prvd notes--thy will hv exc amnts---prvd fincng nd prvd recrds nd thr will be most actual amnts spnt---othr thn wht mike wnts this wrth---not onl tht but replcmnt costs wl b fr dffrnt thn he wl wnt t sggst--bcs of rl costs nsd bcs vctm alwys sgt out bst dls--wc r als extrm nd time cnsmng effrt--hnc his attempt t sggst any inflted cost or lie---wl b cvr up crm attmpt in my opin---most times he sd gngs did this---hwvr i cn stll rtrk bk t dy wr his stmnts seemed t imply quite the oppst nd sggst his shr---dtctvs fld t investigate leads nd possibilities---but insinuation by mike is clrl crm nd mlcs like mny acts i hv seen frm him whl lvng cohabiting same lctn ovr yrs---mkng him dngrs--lying--addct--mst rec scdl as he needs cmfrts nd accommodations fr his hemorrhoids---so being hlss allgd cl cr less if he dies---i hv no phone--anyone of u cn try calling ****************psichiatrist ms tsilia bass nd convince her t put him to good rehab --he is addicted to his pills---nd allegedly lately has been utilizing alcohol---in mxtr case a lethl cmbntn----if she has any pwr ovr this--hwvr if hes liable---he mst als be responsible----i hv bn trtrd vctm wy t lng nd any of u who blv u r flng me by ur wrtlss prsc dwnrgt crm inslts---thk agn--evr u tk---mst nt onl b paids bt paid pntvl---this vctms sffrng hs bn beyond engh---nd must b fully reimbrsd bk paid nd sft assured---ur scm trs thrw awy jnk i wl nvr eat---will nt hlp t rdm u--sffrng hs bn t lng t mlcs t cstly nd t hrtfl fr ur rttn thrw aways psn ndunhlthy jnk t b of any rplcmnt upn tgt loss/suffering out of wc she cnt not gt out nd frm wwc she sffrs daily nd arnd clk as rslt of mlcs orgnzd mds wsng nd persecution----*****ngt time myb 1240a----2 suspect city fncy bikes lights nd lkl rfl vests upper lib fr harrassing tgt onl---1 hey---and training other t dmp upn prsct tgt lkl as dsptcd by mds aided by citywst hlwd/shrfs------one teaching the othr re tgt wstg persecution lklmess nx lwr outer lib trs lkl mds----sat---****655a--shrff sv svc d s---lkl mds svc d s mlrs d e?----704a---sh trng svc d n---mds tgt wstg aids-----723a---smk lwr outer lib----2 grds xtg dodge ball bldg vcnt t pk---myb utlzd fr frmng dmpng upn vctm smply fr brtg in vcnt--rita climbg up wth 2 hv bgs ct crn outer pk shrtl aftr fllwd by ng---****9a frm svc sw crn ng lkl mds dvnt w/cell rp hrrss fllow tgt wl nt lv aln--t dfrd typ gng crp--js out hlp u----mds crm mngd tl tgt t rbts crn fllw vctm t 915a---my notes seem t indc rd bggd mds als psng apx vcnt evn if nts bd smngl mvng d e----rbts cr apc tgt wntg if i wntd hlp re dvt offrg grn lft ovrs --rfsd--smngl sm cr ard rbts agn offg myb $2--rfsd---myb ---59846w1---all offerings here r mlcsl clcltd---nd crms get most money--while it is thghl insrd vctms nt onl denied but persecuted solely fr crmnl dfrdg nd persecution mtvs---aftr all ---why py???----whn in amer thy cn stl evr out of ur lf free---thn call u ---the nut---why py???-----othr rp mds ntcd rbts crn crsg hmb hyv d n--ths one wore org few dys snc--tdy wore blk top--ths crms cs tgt evr--int --kp hr dfr fr ntg---dfrdg massive srl persecution thieves---why py---whn thrw awy rt nd mlcs inslt on rare occs can b used to dfrd all prtcptg co crms cncrnd-----vcn sh stn f offg bns rfsd--ltr fnd loctn--dfnt bts ntg but evr lst one rttn----num loc bn offrd tdy---rlt t dfrd orgnzd privation thft strvtn orgnzd by crm---free crm prmtg supportg usa/whlwd----1040a--rd bgd mds lrb d w---1055a---lrb w mtr sd---??ng wth myb ident bg----*****1135a--gng crm arsn f wth her crt wrg blk top psng 24h sd wstb d w-----rd top mds frm pk spttd bhd---shtl aftr whn tgt chkd 24h fr cns--she dscvrd mess lkl situated by prtcipating mds bkd by whlwd city grds nd shrffs nd gngs-----1230p--frt of sh stn stp ng wrdo rp mumble wrg sndy clr yl top--???mta drvr als ng fcsng upn tgt lkl actg susp--msn out of nts---ldrt mds wlc crsg sw crn d e--mkng suspect noise---myb ooh----1245p--lkl pot adc tall older likes lib???? crsng sw svc crn d e----nx z resllr crsg d e----smk als insd shrffs stn stp trs----smk frm atm sd vcnt ba hldl rcg tgt at strt trs cn---tgt my b frgtf thks ht nd orgnzd wstg debilitation fr free cmplmnts whlwd/trs usa----2p--bctr pnh nw hr style ba hldl crn--203p---gone vcn??----210p--bctr spttd svc sw shltr---215p--l mid age slv hr m psn svc pk ct crn d s---cnsprd grp crm--dsgnd frm/fool tgt-----fr free---why py????-----lkl sus chs vstg rec who prc same philosophy as they privt u nd collect evr vctm shl hv accss to---instd city plus mds collectg fr selves nd mds frds-----why pay---massive extermination of evrtg vctms cn b vry easily hd---free---why py????------all ths while mssv crm of cntry sz srl vctm is trtrd nd trppd--why py???/---tht ntg---shld g t dfrdg drt fr their trips out of country---similar to ldrt money trsng--aftr tht no one cn stl---why py????--------wht amer cst its massv srl vctm to amer brs no cnsqnc---it is rthless rkless country----if mike hs hemorrhoids thy nt care---if thy vctmz trtr nd wst vctm---thts exc wht amer intended----why py????----sus brded chr arrvg hrrsg stg frt lwr outer lib---wrg w rimmed dk glasses----slp ng chr in sun outer lib also rp coughn--ystrdy lib smn tried brng tgt 1piece ck allgd slf bkd---suspected snt by ret srv nd rltd grpies--unk whts insd ck--nd wl nt abslv tgt out hlssness wtvr w/o ********pntv fnds/justice fr all wstg by cnsprd terrorist persecution wstg crm usa
Friday, April 13, 2018
thursday --- bsclly non brb ngt time wind ---rthless rckless and terrorist city nd its bkrs hppily bkng mds nd vr dlb wstg vctms by cnsprcy wtg t blw wstl at vctms thy prsnlly brglrzd of evrtg nd trrzd of evrtg and kp ths vctms hlpless pwrlss wth evrtg erased for free as they persnlly nd dlbrtl trtyr vctms t their demise ---thrsd js aftr clsng ntcd hsp/blk grd--- mike is antr scm who lks gtg awy wth evrtg free a la trs usa --the ng hppns t b his lk mnded bible drt thgh he ?nt lk nggrs or jws --aftr saying ths he tries t use bth---atrcs wnd entr ngt--fri----old hsp grd aftr 6a gmrn--drc tl of mds drt nd mds city/shrffs cnsprg incessantly t prey spcfclly on vctms nd fr free ---why py?---wht u mn jstc???---crm city dlb passes vctm fr nts dlb tries wst her free nd t hv hr frmd nd wstd nt the dctatr scdrl the md slngr their friend--wht u mn???--u r the crm fr ident these mds---the mrdrs city buddies city nd shrffs bk in fvr of preying upn wstg vctms at no cst-----evr ls bt gn pk nd bsktb crts---tgt wstd by wnd checks her wtc at crts dscvrs noon pls no dcnt lqds or fd lkws bkd by mud slinging victim frying at no cost fo free terrorist city nd country-----amer cnsprd wstg strvng trzng persecuting dctatoring frmng at no cost---cnsq hlplss penniless vctm---exc how amer fries lives---by hitler methods---incldg bkd by jews---myb 1230p--- mess myb w sd of mtr---sh sv crsg lkg dmp their buddies mud slingers dngs upn vctm bng prpsf wstd----lkl mds chr rdds pnts bs shltr sm sd sh stn stp wth sqsd cn bng svd up fr lng lst of addct frnds---unrdb nts lkl frm dblitating cndtns cnsprd crm whlwd and usa assist---at pvlns rec--7gxv178---mds f trying gv tgt lkl old nd usd matzos--rtrnd by tgt---wtc lkl hd or hs fn jb nd hd or hs fn hsb nd same re chldrn--nd lkl nvr lst or sffrd rmtl lk vctm---bt she is frnd of mds nd blvs vctm cn b wstd at no cst ---why py???--7dnu037 f trying offr empt thrw awy bgs---rfsd of crs--ths r drc md slngr frnd operatives lkg t kp massive wstg t this vctm free nd at no cost---why py????----evrtg thy hd nd all resrcs nd lkws wiped out---othrws drt is dng mc to swt!!!!!!-----crm ng city grd psng outer lib ard 3p twrd strt sd nt lkg it i lk up the time on him---mike's lk mndealgd pro bible mud slinging scdrl grtd wnts tgt fried fr all mud slinging terrorists gngs city pk nd shrffs prtcipating in terrorist frying wstg operations --- to eliminate exterminate waste nd terrorize and starve vctms fr free js lk hitler --- why py?????
Thursday, April 12, 2018
wed--- js now ******thursd---persn--*****f xtg lib tlt js bfr me myb ard 318p--unfrtntl i nt lk exc who tht ws--- if????--mgt hv bn jws f w/lt dg whm i nt ntc outsd aftr fct--bt nt src xcp fr cmptr stn--on the wy *******out tlt f sd twc --- ***mtcs --**** mtcs---ths r crms amer exnrts as non md slngrs-- in fct crm orgnzd crm grpies trgtg vctm--sppsd bttr thn she is --of crs md slngrs---****bk t wed-----ard 735p acrss upr outer lib grp smkng pot at tgt prfsl---csng vctm t mv--ard 840p lkl fg dfrdg mc dbt anyone hr frdl---arnd myb 854p apx grp hrd prsmbl mvng lib grg d prk dlb igntg cnsprcy vs ***bgs ptg drc of tgt fr prps of dvsg tctcs wst tgt---rem evr thy do mks thm bttr thn u nd u tgt fr wstg----ystrdy wed myb ard 530p insd lib at 21 f aided by matt at cmptr station ws the one who mike alleges stole his cell, head phones????----tgt bgs wr als hrrssd wthn pst few wks at pk ct crn wr ng grd hrrssd tgt dytm whl eatg wth shelter fliers dsptcd by mds terrorist grps nd mds city/shrff depts paid t dmp upn nd wst vctms at no cst while gtng paid fr the mnc----als wed aftrnoon--lkl crm hrrssd tgt strs as she wnt up/he dn sggstg she came t earl---lkl fr mds plnnd wstg persecution--btc at 20 stg slf nx tgt my als be lnkd?? t grpies offg dfr stkr----lk tgt dt knw wht amer drt cst her---all fd thy plnt--is fd impsb t eat---if its drt thy wld nt tc---amer drt hppy dmp ths upn vctm as spcl fvr--u wl b hghl lky if ths ws nt in addition rttn nd psns nd vry dfntl bd fr vctm hlth---thts wht amer offers its vctms---thy lie is frs etc...---smply people lkng t persect vctm nd dfrd mssv wstg shw---nd do ths witht py---aftr all---why py???--amer blvs all its mssv mnc is a free jk wc shl b rvrs dmpd upn its vctms----amer nd amernzd drt jntl prtcpt wo py ---nd r crm dfrdg or wy too stpd t undrstnd the shckng trth---cmplmnts of usa------thurs---732a pk ct crn mds f hrss dfr tgt outer pk entry wy trs cn---by lying amer sks its trzg persec fr accdt---expertised mds crm drt-----brg view lkg dmp upn tgt insd pk fr city crms nd mds----****ls ng tgt gt abt zro slp thnks msng swtr---tdy tgt wrmr bcs she pkd up trsd swt alrd tied up by brgt view fr gbg --- thn tied it bk---vctm sw ths insd trs ystrdy bt ws hldg out fr hr own---vctm svrl sens heat nd cld----i blv sppsd t b windy fr 2 dys here---mike sn insd pk lkg t dfrd evr at once----1015a tg blkts---lkl psn?? vcn sh stn nd ???cnsp aidg sh sv??----prps is t dmp upn vctm nd t kp loose whlwd mud slnging frnds-----nd t kp amer massive srl crms unscthd nd free of cst----1234p---pot sh stn stp--*****1250p los ang fd bk psgr thmbg up fr all amer terrorist crms--trk ws mvng psh svc stp d e---drnkn hlthy as dg jeanie brfl t shltr frt of sh stn stp----alwys hs tns cns drnks smks ds nt sm hv set bk frm unhlthy hbts--- wlcm usa type blngn gal----rvsg sh sv at svc --prps wst tgt ---bd nts lkl myb frm slp prbs ls ngt---rsn t blv mxd time as rslt js brfl---fd psng svc d e 1p--- lead frm engine smelled----mob noise by mds crim frt of rbts stbks crn with cell gry t top--noise vcl nt frm cell--csng tgt trip----time my hv bn 120p or ***140pgsn mr lkl ----smngl thts whr i hv bd time nts----smn insd rec actg crz as mds---prsn tgt hv no dlngs with tssd keys hr wy---lkl hrrssmnt mds gestr---crm wl nt expln frddy--212p---pot vcn rec???--225p---mds crm bctr hldl crn pnh--prty blvs ths prsn in on crime grps----250p---****rd bggd mds on timeto sprd pot upper lib tgt bg location----****js aftr model psng frm pk/grg side explng tgt tht she the vctm is mds---thy sggst snc i call them mds --i am mds--fct am not groupie or cnspired crime--am tgt of crime--except for crime rvrsl tactics arrnged by terrorist usa and its mud slinging services---btc is drg addct --nd lk othrs if nt mr cnsprcy tgt wstg grp aid---ths time no cmplnt frm mds---mds wr all on time--sus jw lkl psng area nd lnkd t hlpng mds dmp upn tgt ---rsn---addcts nd wstrs --all better thn u r--nd all hv cmmn cause---wstg vctm free---*****nx mds f myb 318p lvng lib tlt few mnts bfr tgt--rptg---*****mtches, matches-------
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
tues ---grd or dft grds seen twc upr outer lib aftr 7p bfr sh ws seen wlkng pupper lib myb 750p direction of outer strs prb--he engage mike in cnvrstn nd lkl prtcpt in frmng wstg vctm------crm wh cnsp dmpng upn wstg of vctms fr free----why py????----whn u cn bully wst intmdt nd dfrd ---tru terrorist american forte----wed----842a---old hsp grd tlk mds oprtv wstg free cnsprcy prk crn---grds etc ... wh nd their shrffs all bds of mds terrorists wstg tgt nd dlb cnsprg t hv hr wstd by mds their psns prvtn thrw awy inslts nd wo py at no csts wth direct bkng frm terrorist west hollywood its sheriff dept nd its mds bkng inslt poison nd terrorist groupings----844a---persecution mds sktb hrrssng tgt prk twrd lib--this gy clmd vctm---will nt lv the vctm alone---cmpltl empty pk/crts trs cns----cl b prt of pk wstg cnsp nd pk/city/shrff mds bkng/hlpng association at price of vctmztn of tgt----smk vcn pk strcs---?myb mvng n twrd upr lib/grg vcn----****1120-6a vctms apx nt exc---vctm hd blngngs nd swtr crn pmp--- prdc snt mnc sd ws bng dlvrd----js aftr w rgdy m fgt lkl eng in cnvrstn psb cnsprcy wth shorter ?mex nvy tp pmp crn rbts-----****aftr w guy rpt try lgt up tgt bg/stuff wth lgtr nd rpt t vctm t lgt up the stff hrslf her stg she wl nvr do---causing vctm t rptdl strn t yll 911 nd attrc attn nrb vh---vctm svrl anemic nd hlpless t d anything incldng evn dfnd hrslf--or evn yll on her own bhlf hlplssly strng------by now mds operatives at freddys rec place at pavilions hv hrd tht i cnt evn yll dfnd myself---nd celebrting mud slinging crimes alng wth their friends at west hollywood---of course---due t svr strn nd orientation prbs aftrwrds smn snggd tgt swtr either pmp or hmb hyvn crn---bfr crsng t hmb hyvn crn tgt fld t ctc plt of vh she tried gt call 911 --but cgt plt of fdx prkd rbts frt of abbys whr smn ws wtcng the incdt but cld b lnkd t crm??----fdx plt whr guy ws wtcng incdt whl tgt strnd yll 911 bt due t debilitating privtn nd anemia ws still hvng svrl impossib time unable to do wts needed due to debilitation aided by usa ND MDS---the fdx plt is ---chkd this twc smngl ---6s20330-----1220p--sus mds rd shrt ?hsp crosng smngl psb als thrtg rbts ne d se or pmp crn---jnk grd jws ck gvn tgt sh stn crn js bfr 1p---tgt put this top of trs untcd---lkl hppily sngd by mds drt---by abbys insd trs--jnk pltd fr tgt totally tgh stl non edib pltry fried in dnt type jnk fd psn--aftr tht prsn ckng insd abbys ws lkg fr tgt t gt it---trs lk tht they wl nvr srv---its grbg nd jnk grd trs----trs grd prt usd hlss intnded jnk jc pltd in svc sd pk trs---myb swr vcn 220p apx ng mds f sh stn stp shltr nd pot same vcnt src unk---234p---pk ct crn pot smk blwn tgtfrm outer pk ---tgt tld sht up by ng m lkl fllwd by ng f---the hlss psn killers mds shrff whlwd usa types----2 dys snc myb mdl/ng wtg nx outer lib aftrn---mdl myb trying ctc bus---ard 256p--myb jw? tllng tgt shes t earl---strs insd lib---persecuting extrmntg tgt at no cst m--why py??--whn they cn psn dfrd cnspr persecute and wst?????--scdrl ws gng dn--tgt up---
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
mon---bktrk fr itms mssd as cl nt rd---hnk e sus dfr mds--attmptg gd dfrd mkng cmnt stg lk---i cnt blv evrtg gd gftd u wth--- prps cmmnt---mkng mssv srl crms free fr envious slf srvg/hlpg mds who blv othrs blngngs nd wy t lf shl blng t thm---js ask mrdrs mds whlwd----612p--ret srvcs lmpng ng f psn tg cmpt vcn upr lib--js aftr lib clsng---ng ret srvcs mds--strt up cnvrstn wth mk re his occasional eats pvln--719p nx scko mds ret srv pnh frm him--nkl----mds prsctn glu drt----it sms mtthw blvs evrtg is free nd cnt fgr out u cn trz/wst vctms onl so fr---all tht whl hlpg trs slvs t fn lvs---ltrl dscrptns undrclss mrdrs fr free---the sd of us wth fn mny fr slvs js cnt fgr ths out nd bks out vctm extrmntn at no cst--- why py???----unrdb--smk lib outer prmtg air nd nt avdb drc frcd int hlplss nd sk vctms---als mr smk ct crn upr lib rail etc..----ng grd myb 735p--****prps frc kp vctm awk t stl time---fd--mny-----dfrd----myb aftr 9p shrffs lkg fr algd prsn slpng tg nt hrd---ltr aftr fct--myb ng f hrd ylng strt lvl lib vcn--
8888ng grd shwd 7p-8p-9p---wth int prvnt vctm slp nd wst hr frm fd--mny--time---sckn due t attrbts loclty upr lib outer--orgnzd cnsprd wstg t vctm psd int crnr by dngrs mds nd arsnsts bkd drc out of city hall nd its shrff dpt----tues---frt lwr lib--mssv pot drct int tgt blwn 646a----slpng dscmfrt crmps diarrhea weakness fcltated by entrpmnt of vctm---****mny sus shrff vhs frt of outer pk emptying all hls---nt clr wt their plns wr---thr ws hlss smkng pot tbl insd pk---oldr hsp grd ws spttd pk ct crn by pk field snky wtcg---bsktbl crts lkl filled wth sus chrs nt cmplng re rita slpng bk bnc bt lkl cntnsly cnsprg re vctm wth their cells bhd her bk---gd frb if tgt hs pls or brtg---1030a--pk spttd out of prk fld agn htg tgt stg fld sd awy frm crts trying avd psn frm crts----mny tms mlcs nd dlb no dbt---unusually hot uncmfrtb dy nd tgt hvng hrd tm stdg up t ht whl mny fd mds hppily lv frm frd/brg mny nd mlcs choice by usa dlb nt investgt their massive crm dngs at expns of tgts evrtg nd tgts life---1048a--noisy w dodge trk obsrvd svc sw crn d s---tll oldr prb mds lib frq lgt up pot sw shltr d s--??unrdb?? dsp z pnh crn??---2 seprt mds ofg $1 hmb hyvn crn--bth rfsd---dfrdg crm rng mds---whr thy cn cst u evrtg--py u ntg----mds amer style-----drctl lnkd t crm mob who blvs in wstg fr free--343p bhd tgt cstdn aidg mds cnsprcy tuesdy---**mike mntnd ths grds pln hv meeting in 2 weeks---on prgrss of cnspd mob mnc---nsy w dodge spttd agn psng rbts d n--it ws ht tgt blkd out agn nd mkng time guess onl my hv bn ard 1112a----hmb hyvn crn crm mds org ofg $1 rfsd---1137a---****1210-5p--suspcr dsptcd lmpg m mds frt of sh stn stp---stp nx tgt bgs blwg smk drc bgs nd drctn tgt wth int psn tgt psb set fr tgt bgs---aftr sprdg psn dsp mds wnt d e---******1251p frt of sh stp agn *****grp mds wkg fr whlwd via nt hs grp clld stp up trd dfrd tgt askn hr if she hd mnt---whlwd/shrff dpt//stp up etc all hv bn wrnd awy frm tgt---rsn--crms slf srvng---no intnt wtvr t gt jstc fr vctm--prps t kp wstg of vctm free nd dfrd vctm fr mds nd mds srvng trs whlwd nd its shrf dpt---104p sh cr lkl aids the mds dsptcd nd srvg trs grp stp up trng svc d e----at bsktb crts--crms w/cells lkl trng in vctm--bt nt their drg adc mt rita who smks incldg pot cigs... nd drnks-----ths mrdr sprdg drt r all nrml ***killers---nt u frgt ths----120p dsp mds rg ??---bd unrdb nts---ba e lmpng mds psng ths time ptgt vcn ba e---215p---unrdb bt lkl mds incldg in org psn vcn rg w?---frd my b aidg mds mny tms sggstg non existg insntns vs ???anyone he dslks--tdy sgstg i ws upst ystrdy whn i tl no one anythg wtvr ystrdy---ths occrrd whn i mntnd tht mny wr cmplng re ht ystrdy aftrnoon in his line---grp sprdg smk rg d eaftr i lft rec alrdy---sw svc crn trs --am ntcd spkd ng drnks---aftrn--ntcd suspect items useabl fr crms sc as bggd knvs plstc glvs--- etc..????--uppr lib insd trs fnd bn in lq chc---ofcrs lq chc drtd up shrt vctm js chgd--stll nt hv pts
8888ng grd shwd 7p-8p-9p---wth int prvnt vctm slp nd wst hr frm fd--mny--time---sckn due t attrbts loclty upr lib outer--orgnzd cnsprd wstg t vctm psd int crnr by dngrs mds nd arsnsts bkd drc out of city hall nd its shrff dpt----tues---frt lwr lib--mssv pot drct int tgt blwn 646a----slpng dscmfrt crmps diarrhea weakness fcltated by entrpmnt of vctm---****mny sus shrff vhs frt of outer pk emptying all hls---nt clr wt their plns wr---thr ws hlss smkng pot tbl insd pk---oldr hsp grd ws spttd pk ct crn by pk field snky wtcg---bsktbl crts lkl filled wth sus chrs nt cmplng re rita slpng bk bnc bt lkl cntnsly cnsprg re vctm wth their cells bhd her bk---gd frb if tgt hs pls or brtg---1030a--pk spttd out of prk fld agn htg tgt stg fld sd awy frm crts trying avd psn frm crts----mny tms mlcs nd dlb no dbt---unusually hot uncmfrtb dy nd tgt hvng hrd tm stdg up t ht whl mny fd mds hppily lv frm frd/brg mny nd mlcs choice by usa dlb nt investgt their massive crm dngs at expns of tgts evrtg nd tgts life---1048a--noisy w dodge trk obsrvd svc sw crn d s---tll oldr prb mds lib frq lgt up pot sw shltr d s--??unrdb?? dsp z pnh crn??---2 seprt mds ofg $1 hmb hyvn crn--bth rfsd---dfrdg crm rng mds---whr thy cn cst u evrtg--py u ntg----mds amer style-----drctl lnkd t crm mob who blvs in wstg fr free--343p bhd tgt cstdn aidg mds cnsprcy tuesdy---**mike mntnd ths grds pln hv meeting in 2 weeks---on prgrss of cnspd mob mnc---nsy w dodge spttd agn psng rbts d n--it ws ht tgt blkd out agn nd mkng time guess onl my hv bn ard 1112a----hmb hyvn crn crm mds org ofg $1 rfsd---1137a---****1210-5p--suspcr dsptcd lmpg m mds frt of sh stn stp---stp nx tgt bgs blwg smk drc bgs nd drctn tgt wth int psn tgt psb set fr tgt bgs---aftr sprdg psn dsp mds wnt d e---******1251p frt of sh stp agn *****grp mds wkg fr whlwd via nt hs grp clld stp up trd dfrd tgt askn hr if she hd mnt---whlwd/shrff dpt//stp up etc all hv bn wrnd awy frm tgt---rsn--crms slf srvng---no intnt wtvr t gt jstc fr vctm--prps t kp wstg of vctm free nd dfrd vctm fr mds nd mds srvng trs whlwd nd its shrf dpt---104p sh cr lkl aids the mds dsptcd nd srvg trs grp stp up trng svc d e----at bsktb crts--crms w/cells lkl trng in vctm--bt nt their drg adc mt rita who smks incldg pot cigs... nd drnks-----ths mrdr sprdg drt r all nrml ***killers---nt u frgt ths----120p dsp mds rg ??---bd unrdb nts---ba e lmpng mds psng ths time ptgt vcn ba e---215p---unrdb bt lkl mds incldg in org psn vcn rg w?---frd my b aidg mds mny tms sggstg non existg insntns vs ???anyone he dslks--tdy sgstg i ws upst ystrdy whn i tl no one anythg wtvr ystrdy---ths occrrd whn i mntnd tht mny wr cmplng re ht ystrdy aftrnoon in his line---grp sprdg smk rg d eaftr i lft rec alrdy---sw svc crn trs --am ntcd spkd ng drnks---aftrn--ntcd suspect items useabl fr crms sc as bggd knvs plstc glvs--- etc..????--uppr lib insd trs fnd bn in lq chc---ofcrs lq chc drtd up shrt vctm js chgd--stll nt hv pts
Monday, April 9, 2018
sat---smk uppr lib at lib clsg time ---md ng myb 1a sbstntl ong prfs lngthy pot myb frm bk sd upr lib---myb 5a smn lvng slpg area smkng ---numero uno priority fr scdrl nd all 2d hnd vctms---grd in grn rflc jkt vst mr frdl thn othrs onl prsmbl? blk gy clld frncs --enqrg re wk up time/prcdr clmng new--hv sn occsionally other hrs arnd 6a--ngt time---giggln mds suspects lkl uppr lib celebrtg orgnzd mds empowerment wstg tricks at expense of vctm--noisy chldrn als hrd psng thrgh area ngt time---sun--706a???----pot psn pk trs vcnt---bd or unrdb nts----sc pt mny times pt me on vrg of rp thwg up----bd city/state mk mny nd mst b fed ignrs ths---???grss fld bw pk/crts--alll bsktb crt trs cns emptied---7sjs662--this vh put me on alert that mds is in bsn nd dtrnd t kp wstg vctm--ths m offrd 1-2$ clrl sgnlg tht all prior arrngd losses incldg most recent ones orgnzd by mds/city/shrffs r t b dmpd upn vctm---nd all crm of centry sz srl losses r free lkws --hnc the mlcs insl mny persecution trk rfsd----dfntl w of svc on sm---$1 ofd w of rbts rfsd---ofcrs ths r bkrs of mssv srl mds wstg --arsn wstg--whlwd mob mds cnsprcy aidg---flks who blv thy cn wipe out ur lf---nd dfrd pblc fr $1 or $2----926a---hsp mds pnh?----psn? hmb hvn w strng tgt---vcn 1005a lrb w f/2ms ptg smk at tgt--nts vr bdl rdb------arsn crm seen bs shltr 24h busy sprdg abt the pot insuring scd hnd vctms gt thrghly poisoned as per cmbnd cnsprd mds----n1146a--arsn crm rdclg tgt re stg drt rd???---psng wth her crt wkn e---oth mds crm wkn w try gv $2 rfsd---amer blvs vctm cn fry t hr dth in streets because america is scndls engh t bk mds wstg--1250p ??js bf rd hr ?f 5867 e??--vr bd prl rdb nts--wrtlss---js nw mon 413p sw ret srvcs lmpg ng f pss by cmptr vcn upr lib---bk t sun---130p shrfs lcn w aids mds----hls mds f grn ng???? brnys smk psn nvr stps----?sus vcn tgt bgs trng brnys e----sus orlndo e smkng----smk kngs w of glsns--cr ?w suspcs clpng snds psn flrs w---pot smell mbl trs----smk glsns crn gy wth/brs----smk brnys---hlw pk---2 stg circ---minor mess lwn under trees---420p 8112 cvs crn lkl ng f brdg pot blwn drc at tgt--ng m dfndg her pot blwng tgt--pot prmtd cvs crn---nd als crswlk cvs lcn d w---wlc se crn trying ps/dfrd $2--ths r drt who blv i cn die in streets nd fr free--- exc who nd wht usa really is---trtr u t dth--steal evr urs---nd dfr pblc vctm blngs dead nd in streets nd dsrvs ths yr---cmplmnts mrdrs usa----i hv zro cncrn wt thy hv---the onl issue is wht amer cst me nd hw it dlb wld nt investigate leads nd crm nd dlb fld the vctm----445p arsn crm sn at lq lcn crn prsm mvng w----w m prsmb aidg gng drt psn lq crn d w--hau????--2 ambs bikes sn 510p wsmnt---$2 offrd dfrdg hrsrs wsmnt---ths r cntn fry tg lf free--why py???---tj--unrdb--hyd---tj--smk psn --frt rnnr shltr--gbu----tgt tld bk as smtg smngl fll off cmng bk 719p--dlb mlcs prfs pot fg wsmnt s sd sm---***752p---dvnt mds plm w mtr sd---tlg tgt t g t shltr nd ws off---ntg but persecuting dstrctn sqd t hv massive srl crms rd free --- why py???----820p--w pk grd pcng tlt hlw aftr tgt wnt in fr sec----948p--sus mds ng t upper outer lib strs cmng bk frm spt 950p wlkng bk drc of grg via upr outer lib blwg smk psn tgt whn psng hr by nd psb nt at all by coincid----dytm --poy mbl trs---mon---vcn 6 a hsp oldr grd wk tgt uppr lib--nw mkng wy less mny sffrng fr more nd hvng fr less access to whts needed---t rplc this if nd whn mlcs wrtlss inslts mnt t rn dfrdr nd rare at tht--lk nt ard mny dys---nd onl wrtlss rfsd sn sndy aftr mds sccssfully wstd evrtg awy frm tgt---bkd by lib/city/shrffs/mds-----the prfct amer dfrdg free cnsprcy wstg team/why py???----mon 808a hsp oldr grd sptd agn gsn pk area als seen psn pk ct crn svc s js bfr----bsktb crts wlkwy fnd mds grpng hrb the bxr/rita/couple othr frds bsy lkg dmp whoevr thy dslk alng wth othr mds drt----at opening arsn crm f pavilions rec lvng bfr 940a gsng------in grt hlthy dog shp wth fxd up hr--mntng hr lks---nd crtg hr unk hvy load insd crt---well cpb of mnc---or myb mvie if gets lky????----yestrdy it ws at times uncmf wrmr--nd tdy i hd t bdl strg wth heat-----i ntcd prsns aftrnoon time also strggln---smk rg crn nd ?e svc---**sus ng psh stn xt d e 1030a atmptg mds dctr ws tgt--bd nts 1035a p sh xt w m psn smk tgt---mtr str trs stb drk cup hvly spkd alchl psb attmptd psn----11a???unrdb---sh rvs sushi e vcn 1132a--- shrtl aftr sn bld hsp in bsb ht nd phones gng myb w-----1210p--wrg nv/rd blwg prfs pot tg m myb hsp pfrt rnr wstb w----110p--myb cgr psn sw svc d s---120p--f smk psn rg crn---pnh sus f frt of tgt rec--tg trnd in 90 cents wrth aftrnoon thnks scssfl wstg usa---frd thks exc lk mobs---wstg vctms cms---free-----244p--matt seen wth ng mnc wstg dctr mds grd cmng out lwr lib grg nd smngl up outer strc stps cnsprg ftr wstg mns----nvr mnd wht thy nr usa cst the vctm---i fl nt srry fr any amer drt---nd blv thy shl py fr all flnys twrd ths vctm if tru---mike included--scdl or nt---pk of crp----- i nd nt sffr frm any of thm----tgt hlpless cnt mk mny while mds merrily mntnd by usa----money fr bg bsn---vctms cn strv nd die----ask trump nd the mrdrs usa---usa will js mk this seem belonging or bttr yet deserving---myb ard 515p ---js nw mon 2 grd crms insd lib psng tgt by cmptr--eric nd cnsprd crm ng bkd by mds whlwd ---shrffs----gngs --lib---nd mds ctrng crm matt--of course--trvlng tgtr t hng vctms fr mds who r drctl bkd by whlwd!!!!!!!!!!!nd dt frgt matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 7, 2018
fri--mltp hrs mlcs nst ong smk dlb vcn of tgt and t hlp wst dmg tgt uppr lib---smn rp up/dn strs occasionally wlkg upr outer lib hng vcn lnkd t mds grpngs lkl---mike hng until his plnned lvng time nd bkng mds grtd crms as mdl nd othr mds crms cnnctd t grpngs as rita bkng their proliferating of smk at the vctm---i tl him hes gt thm fr frds nd nt me---sat--6 am mr smk---cmn nd prfs evn indrs bycnsprcy mob oprtvs---apx ?705a bd wrtg mob city/shrff bckd bctr crm cnsprg nx mssv mnc kpt abt psn lib s svc twd mlrs---mjr mnc cl b lkl in wrks gvn city/shrff crm bkng---? psn tgt svc d s -eyeing hlt/ mny wst tg fr ntg lk city/shrffs fr free---drctl affltd t mds grpngs----why py??---?crsg mob afflt lkg hw t frtr dmp upn tgt---957a---mds svc d e---?? pot rg crn lkl lnkd mds---hlo/hi crs se---dsp mds---mds cmng bk lrb d w hrrssg tgt blwg pot at tgt----1020a----??unrdb bd nts frm free orgnzd wstg by mds kept in bsn, dscmfrt, nd prbs wth reschedlg aftr wstg the vctm---hls tj arc wtg t b srvd by mds lkl by aidg the trs crew---time js aftr noon mds crn nvy top mtro d e---svc sw--ng f hrrss tgt w/$5--kpt the money---smn tl tgt ngs r fms fr renign----- crmins vcn frt rnnr by ths who blv kllng vctms lvs is free nd cn b dfrded----e cs crm f stg vcn frd rec----tlls u who frd is---frd als bkng jeanie her non crv nd lq filled bttles--while shes drk nd smkr hlthy as dog nd more--btc jnie hs n prb psn killing nd jmpn abt hppy hlthy as dg--js the kind usa loves t py out while vctm is trtrd t dth free---why py??---153p---ambs bks pr rbts e thn s---rbts n sw hsp uth wtng on bld head mds oprtv---bfr rec sh psn ba dw lkg wst tgt---whn tgt hs mr cns she wndrs if frd pys prop--bcs myb not--he thgt i ws bttr tdy---wrg---lkl dlb pltgs wther pk ups nd frt of mnth hlped---but if he pd crrct amt--wrt exc ntg---=mst b mds wlk svc rg s--in tht crs wlk mssv pot as tgt crs----230p--frt lwr lib ng f psn smk at vctm--shldr strp bg---allg wv at smn tg nt ntc---prsm--dspt---235p--lkl hsp f pnh lib d n---lkl jws wth $1 coins lkg fr skrs---why py??----hrb mob bxr/wth sus cnsp upr lib--252p---oth sus lkl svc nd or upr lib pls smk---
Friday, April 6, 2018
thurs -- ard 420p ret srvcs ng f psd tg area nrb cmptrs lib----nd seemingly was usg cmptr 11 js ard time tgt tk up spc at 12 fri--- bk t thrsd---712p w grd psn vctm vcnt uppr lib wrkg t aid mds dmpg upn tgt---ard 9p---bd nts ?f twd elvtr abt same time as w grd smngl pssd area lst time---ritas grp poison blwg smk ws settling by uppr lib entry wy sd hppily psng tgt but nt mob mst of whm lkl alr vctd--ths grps r enjying gd time kpng vctms awk nd trgt strng bt unabl t sty up lkl pot. rskng arrest as she no longer has strength left as whlwd is drctl bkng gng stlkrs nd md slingers whs prps is t cntnsly prpsflly dmp upn tgt---while othrs cn collect tns hppily no prb the tgt rmns hghl prmnt in the eyes of md slingers gng stalkers nd its host mds city west hollywood who dt blnk twc wht price it costs to vctm---frm her ft---t her strength---t her health---nd t her finances----exctl the trgt of mrdrs usa nd terrorisy whlwd etc...---832a--pot smk rcg tgt bsktb crts vcn----ltr reglr smk rcg tgt same loctn---ltr f hrd--we js nt wt her dgn in trs----fct--thy md slngrs---crms spec after tgt who also cost her evr she hd nd cntn t mutilte vctm in evr wy---bcs---sit thy argd by lib---wtg nt mvng fr any rsn---cl hv csd antg frm ft frzng t alrd sknd ft by trnc ft---t dscmfr--myb tndnts lnkd t dscmfrt crmps---none of sffrng nr anythg tgt hs bn frcd t ls ws nvr cmpnstd fr by usa whlwd nr any other localities lnkd sc as ls ang or orvl---nd tgt hs bn frcd t ls evr--thks evr usa hs t offer---nd thnks to terrorist tctcs it utilizes----fri---tg out myb vcn 6a lkg dn at shrf vhs smngl prviding secrty t crg arrvg pdc---theirs is important---urs incldg ur lf is cmpltl wrtlss tthis country its estblsmnt nd lw enfrcmnt ----smngl trmp is proposing but more mnc---in rlt solely to attrct cnstituents nd fnd strngs t mnplt bdg----js bfr cmng dn tgt obsrvd numrs chrs hngn slpng snpng vcn----smngl it ws ard 1040a frt bsktb crts--f vc ws hrd lkl re tgt who ws stg bnc=---mkng rmrks re nt dgn in trs---of crs nt dsclsng its mud slinging tgtg cnnections---t hlp attrct mr crms t cause---myb bf tht ng offrd bn---rfsd---ths tgt is lsng/lst evr--while usa nd whlwd blv ths free fr prc of bn----1052a--mncg tgt wth pot nd smk----nd psng mud slngn persecution fr ---fbrctn----pnt z m js bfr 1p tryin ctc 704 smngly bt vctg it nd wlkg e wth bg of cns--shrtl aftr myb 1p z resllr brdg org clr sht 704---infrq clr fr 704 gng svc d e---insd pvln rec--smngl jeanie smkng bk sd rec nd wntg t smk elswr---hlt eng t get tns of cns----pls in amer she wl als b qlf fr fst ck bng mny times as hlt as tgt pls smkr nd drnkr----snpng vcn ba trs ng f als lkg at tgt bgs---bcteria---kept in bsn by mud slngn whlwd psn pk ct crn svc mvng d n myb t pnh---lkl mny mds insd lib amng thm gry pntl f at cmptr 9--i wl hv guess as hv svrl insfct sgt---by the wy if dmg or pn t my ft has antg t do wth tmprtr it cl b lnkd t theft of shoes stln but undocumented by shrffs as thy cnsdr dmg t hlss hvng no vlu same as in case of stln acct checks---307p---custdn pupper lib lkg dmp upn tgt---ng clr hr mds ws lvng vctg js bfr tgt---nd vrious smll trs lft bhd by oth(s) cnvntly pstnd wr ths cl b rvs blmd at tgt--as rslt of manipulations and non assistance aided by usa tgt health financials belongings and assets are all done for --- u can thank the usa ---the place u blv t be just and lovely as tgt kills self fr abs ntg thanks this terrorist country
Thursday, April 5, 2018
wed -- i rcl frd mntnd rec--u hv gt bgs---as if i hd mc choic in mttr-- mike ntcd shrffs knckg lib entrnc at clsng --- mike rn t dnc shp rita whn she appear abt 8p--- whn mike lft bth ard 830p btc strt blwng smk psn frcd drctl int hlplss tgt who gts sk frm all ths nd ds nt wnt ths but is hlplss t gt awy frm mds cltr ---thurs--- gmrn hrd--bt whn enqrd of nrb hls he clmd ths gd mrn came frm othr thn grd insistg it ws street prsn---the prsn als had cell nd cld hv bn usng it t mk pictrs t frtr mnc tgt--- the gd mrn prsn sd srry whn he lft--- no grd sn earl mrn hrs prsmbl---hwvr bcs the plcy hs nt bn newly clrfd as anything new it is vr psb prsn slpng nx lib wall aftr clsng cl potentially b arrested by city/shrff pro mds policies mny directly tgtg hlpless vctm they prsnlly hlp wst nd as of nw nt onl paid ntg but r cnsistntly wstg her cndtn t absolute death hlplessness nd very sad deprvd end suited for mob amer drt nd nt at all the vctm---who fr all assisted amer persecution nd dctrship shl b funded wth real/pntv dmgs----lkl smkn sus vctg d s frm outer prk upn seeing tgt ct crn pk---sus strg z gstr??? svc ppdc s trn mlrs d e----time unrdb--sd vctm cndtn---bsktb crts bnc lkl rita slpng twrd bk sd of rw--nt ntc any mbs cmplng on ths pro pot/smk addct cntnt off ntg----exc the amer idea---billions fr trump or gates etc --cmplt ntg shrt psn lft fr vctms----vctm/tgt md it onl twrd w aftr sh stn stp---wr crm pot tgt ws orgnzd espclly t psn vctm---ng smkng tgt p sw svc crn d s---112p pot blwng z mds t vctm ns sh stn stp intnded t psn vctm---hsp z pntl rec srvng mngn bttr thn vctm alwys sbstntl cns nd lkg ok----oldr grd strg outer pk crn strg at trs preprd t hlp pk/city crms cnspr wst dmp at vctm--i blv i sw him onc am although due t mlcs wstg by mds/whlwd tgt cnt rcll exc loctn prhps ?pk----i did ntc 1 trs item outsd trs bt ths ws dn by smn othr thn tgt---srry----bike blwg pot psn drctd at tgt p pk ct crn d s myb 3p----ng lwr lib by strs blwg smk----oth othr prtcp mds t lib same time cnsp/prsc argmnt
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
tues--- at clsg cig / pot smk prfs prmtd evr upr lib---cmpltl rkless t dmg bng csd t skly nd nt ncly prvided for---- 728p ret srvcs ng f sn psng upr lib prsmb twrd the dirctn of strt or svc --- obsrvd 2 people slpg ---1 agst the wall nd one on bnc -- i decided t b cautious hvng nt bn tld re any plcy chgs--rgtf so--myb 5 mnts bf 8p hsp grd wlk up t guy slpng agst the wall who mgt be amnt ths wth aids nd hd him stng in chr--per ignrnce dctrship nd abuse of ths bng prpsflly bng vctmzd by gngd up city md slngrs---grpd up of shrffs---nd rklss ignrms--nd mds city nd mds shrffs --- grd wnt t cnsprd wth tg wstg md slngrs nd bkrs insd cmnty rm----8p---prfs smk/pot cmpltl ignrd by hsp grd----812p----prps city grds ---wlk tlk encrg dmpng dlb upn vctm--nts bdl rdb---???905p ng in rd psn vctms---lks lk i fld wrt int my nts but qt cnfdt seen ng grd psng aftr 9p myb vcn elevtr strg at tgt----prfsl medicated skly mike who is als suicidal frm all of their services nd ckng up on prsn thy psd awy frm slpng nrb wall who my hv aids---tgt ws cmpltl out of nrg bd hrtg ft prhps wth stg lk tndnts amng lst of othr thngs like psor, trnc ft, fngs, nd nw prb tndnts nd rp ong cmatose frm lk of cmfrts nd supplies amer cost the victim nd vrtlly always wth diarrhea fbrctg hw bttr dmp upn vctms---although qt sure mike tld ng grd whn he ws wth prk grd *****tht he sw mltp prsns frm bsktb crts 3 blk nd 1 w thrw dn btls accdg t mike---cntnsl these operatives wrk t dfrd blm upn tgt--nd t hlp crms mk it seem as if the tgt is smh implicated bcs mds crms killed her lf nd evrtg in it nd hv no intention t stp abusing her---instd r cntnsly fbrctg dvcs t hv the vctm wstd by mnfctrd mnc t plp wth no hope or remorse nd absolutely fr free----dfrdg this wth cmpltl wrtlss nd psns inslts --while gvg bddies fr better off who nvr sffred rl cmltv aid-----wed---myb vcn 7a---oldr hsp grd sms t b fr more milder actr---hwvr wstg my b ong---fr exmp the vr trs cns typ cntng cns cnvntl emptied while ths wth grbg still hv gbg insd thm---the oldr hsp guy wt t wk up at lst tdy am bng nrb in the strs instd---tgt set dn strt lvl lower outsd lib 808a as its a strn fr her t mv--whn she dscvrd cntns rp pot smk cmng dn frm lkl ng dvt outer strs----myb 7a---pr psng lib n--lkl ngs--of wc 1 myb f wth rd bg rp tlkng re tgt---bgs----lkl mds oprtv----shrtly ltr seen crt ngs dvnts with smngl x lg amnt of cns als mvng n plib---myb vcn 830a up pk strs lkl mob aflt wth 2 identcl wt bgs nvy bttms nd smngly trng thrgh entrnce twrd pool area----pls/mns 10a bsktb crts prfs rpt pot/smk vcn tgt nd mkng her frtr sk nd hlpless wth sk ft nd ong anem---oldr hsp grd drg tht time smngl staid vcn bnc chldrns area---mst crtnl he wl ctc less psng tht wy but vctm wld cntn be expsd to all adct mds drt bng prpsflly bkd by whlwd nd its shrff dept---ard 110a--ofsrvd blnd prmd mds f psng s sd rbts d w wrg qlt clr coat tp nd sppsdly ignrg tgt ths time----1148a--rd bg mob ht m mds m crsng svc d w----1210p--??f ??d sh stn ??e---cnsp dmp upn vctm in plc of crm---???svr ??? bfr mds wlk w---clrl bd nts---1256p lng bg drss lng dk hr mds f psng sh stn w myb gn t lib---shtl aftr 1p mds m ws psng sh stn stp agn ths time wth his frd gng bk e----213p drnk lying frt of ba hldl wrg blu lng pts----amer will mr lkl spply fnds fr drnks thn mssv srl vctms----rp gng lkl vcn ngt mrn etc mnfctrg orngzd lies nd mnc wst vctm at no cst----3p--ng grd upr lib t dmp upn tgt---lkg ovr rl t hlp mnfctr lies on vctm instd of ctc ths lkl dng ths---sc as flks who lft items nx t trs???----vctm svrl stressed by mlcs persecution as she strgles js t b alv gvn the srt of trs care crm usa hs t offer--nd hs on med prbs---yestrdy aftr outsd stresses tgt hd t retrn fr newsp--nd tdy aftr grd unwrrntd persecution hd t strn rmv evr t gt wlt---lst ngt ws wstd by their dmpng unabl t mv twrd the wll ltr ngt time--nd sffrd dscmfrts ltr ngt tm ---fr all ths----vctm but has t thnk america nd whlwd/orvll terrorist mud slinger spprtng policies ---nd los angeles endlessly aidg malicious neighbors--condo association ---but no justice coming out of anywhere --instd skllfully the vctm is bng wstd t plp by american machinations/wrkngs ---this type of organized assisted wasting at victim expense america proudly calls justice and success
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
mon--ng grd ck up upr outer lib 720p thn come bk wth who mike sd ws prk grd ard 740p--ng grd gv mk ascencia crd nd attmpt dctatr he fill it out--mike lft empty ascenvia crd tbl---prps of sc crds is t dfrd rlt re cmplt lk of fnds nd jstc----fnds r gng t dctatrs---who r smply rn dfrdg tctcs t collect moneys---while vctms sffr fr far wrs thn free nd wthout any hope fr fnds or justice--hnded on pltter t dfrdg artsts preying upn hlss---tues---rita dnc dn stps go s on svc --come bk n smkng at tgt prt of her trzg wstg of vctm assgnmt lkl----u cll me scdr---frm bhd tgt crm hsp grd who gts drk nd rp bullies vctms abt nd dmps upn tgt as rltd t him by his drg adct gng mds buddy hngn vcn who is trying t hlp grd wth crm bullying fr wc precisely he ws called scdrl---u gt trtrd mssv vctm rp gng int coma nd in atrcs pain unable t gt any cmfrt slp nr mk mny as rslt of orgnzd crm wstg by ths who blv ths vctm shl b able t mk no mny as thy hnd mnys hppily to crms wth multp checks mkng fr more can moneys nd who r fr hlthier thn vctm nd who hv nvr bn vctmzd let alone nt evn rmtl prxmt t dmg dn t vctm--hnc--vctm is bng persecuted---wstd t plp instd of hlp---mnpltd out of evrtg she nds---nd dlb set up t be wstd fr ntg nd wtht any jstc or rdmptn on mrdrs amer dngs wc amer vr dlb hs cnsprd t kp wy fr wrs thn free nd crm msrpresented t prpsflly mlcslly mrdrsly nd scdlsly kp vctm wstd---fr far wrs thn free----vctm trtrd all ngt wk up endlssl---grd wk up dfr thn rp snk lwr outer vcn t hrrss tgt as cnsprd wth his mds crm frnd bddy---i cl bettr identf ths drt wth bttr sgt but qt certn bth drt addcts cotrs nd bth mds-----ths hrrssmnt skillfully arrngd awy frm wtnss view nd drctly aidg mds trs grpngs t dfrd the shw hrdl in need of dfrdg wth crm shrff dept---ths r prfssnl scdrls sklld in rvs dmpg nd r typclly mds drnks/drg addcts nd skllflly wst vctms bng vctmzd--as absltl prfsnl trnd mds wrkg the pk---smngl up t 618a rp hrssg grd cmng each tm rgt bk lwr lib---lks lk 620a still cmng rgt bk hrrsg tgt---mjr chg frmsngl nrml sdg grtg earl am---bsclly orgnzd trzg prsctg mds groupie trs dfrdg wstg operation---same mob grd ultmtl seen lvng bsktbll crts hvng md arrngmnts wth crm mobs at loctn---smply t dlb dvs tctcs fr tgt wstg----2 bk cntnrs bsktbll crts wr empty cmpltl---pdc svc crsswlk nst smk---gng mbs strg bsktb crts----mbs strg bsktb crts----unrdb nts---drk rd tp hsp z svc d n---rp scrmg lkl gng prb frt rnnr shltr wth cell--smngl dng thngs onl upn instrctn----sgr psn insd trs---psn pls mns wrtlss inslts amer hs svd up fr mssv vctms----hv smngl smwt bd nts---drk rd tp oprtv i hv frt rnr e?--dir cl b wrg nd nts hrd t rd due t mlcs wstg fr free----pot psn frt rnr crn---1218p--rp u hrd smngl frm sm crn psb prsn stg frt rnr shlter wth knees trnd aprt---more pot e hntly crn--dlb t hrss nd psn tgt nd t kp crms gng ---free---tgt ft in cntng nst pain---nd ong vrg of coma anemic condition amplified by mntng crm wstg of tgt at no cst nd wo any intent wtvr t gt vctm ntr fnds nr jstc----1240p--sh stp crz actg ng on his knees wth hd dn as if in wrsp---no hlp ofrd---no cp stp---lkd qt strng---118p oldr mx f wth own crt wrg ht ptg on act dlvrg cns whl hlt as dg nd hvng lkl fr mr thn evr cmng pls no one btrg the btc---instd sc scm lkl sng up evr free nd gt endlss hndvrs fr bng hlthy thieves----crz adc hls t ice crm rbts crn---118p ----pot frm rbts sd at tgt insd pvln rec---150p---dvt aplgzd fr flg bike---dvt hd unk prb wth frd---bhd ws f sh stn wrkr ofrg cll shrffs---she smd hv uncndtnl blf in crms of trs amer system nd wore smtg t reinfrc her hnd--myb she hs stg lk crptnl syndrm---hsp pnh f sgn nx rbts ice crm---225p---crm bctr bkd by shrff dpt hldl crn---drt wrks fntstclly tgtr in crm usa-----3p---pot lwr lib nx trs 4 prsns crt s sd---nd 1 mr prsn pot n sd of strcs---tl cndy wrkg lwr lib---wtc grtd knws amer shrffs wst vctms dlb instd of crms---cmplmnts trs usa mds trzg wstg nd dfrdg fr free mrdrs wstg tctcs
Monday, April 2, 2018
sat--upr lib--620p---2 grds bgr hspnc old/wth in blu cmpnion prsctg trtrd hlplss trppd abused in pain nd in gnrl bng paid instd of vctms fr the prps of wstg the vctms--mob sh w m ask lgtr--hrd rita onc sy its hr srvc prvdg lgtr---thts hw she aids mob crms she lkl gts drgs frm---mst rec snc qtd vctm sffrg ft pain wc incldg goes into rp nst nd unbrb pain trpng vctm--dt knw--bt evn if smtg mrl as tndnts--actvt mst stp--bsds vctm sffrd in ps trnc ft ns plnt fngs--nd bsds thts vctm is ong anemic wo cmfrts or rsrcs wkng um mny numrs times vrg of coma onl t dscvr she is bng persecuted hounded stlkd by grds trnd t tgt he instd of ths rspnsb fr mnc---crm grds lk crm mobs blv their btr fxd up lks nd or jbs will buy them crdblty vs vctms thy mthdclly dlb abuse dctator cnspire agst nd most notoriously dlb wst nd lie upn=----myb 808p ??? hrssr hrd frm pk sd wth rllng bg hrrssng tgt cmng frm pk sd upr lib t grg----mike who is pill frq nd cnstntl has hemorrhoids etc has no tlrnc fr wt usa has t offr nd nw agn rptdl tlks scd---bd nts wrtg?????----sun---724a---pot smell frm vcn bsktb crts aftr abs all trs ws dscvrd empty fr easter lkl ultra xtra early--tld ard by mob hsp grd upr lib lwr lib pk tbls---as if evr tgt hd anythg t do wth amer cnsprd terrorist lying insinuations----the drt prpsfllt cnsprs t stl/abuse/wst//extrmnt vs prvtd abused handicapped vctms----????psb crm tlg vctm ?? ??---pot smell rcg outer bsktb crts psb frm grssy field area---mkng wld guess my hv bn wlc thr---hwvr vctm hs sgt insffcnt---935a--nx tndr grns spttd arsn crm f kpt in mob crm arsn bsnss by whlwd shrffs nd city of whlwd---smn rng mt ldl myb vcn 24---bt lt btc nx me 20 nrmlly cmplntnt smngl frds wth mob drt---??z crm e--js bfr sus adc nd adc /trs pssd up sushi/hntl e--wth adc sggstg he lks it hspnc grd is scdrl---***grtd abslt--city dt intnd send swt people t wst hndcppd nd abused fr frtr extrmntn---their entire prps is intnsly stkg nd dsgstg---city flt out cl cr less whm it wsts---the only objct is t insr its free t scdls nd rklss city----shs astg wstg crew gsn 1008a snc arsn ws 935a----crm hsp grd vcts rg aftr tgt passes tbles twd bsktb crts---prt of their rtn---t cnspr lies t wst nd dmp upn tgt/vctm---nx nrb sbw--f ofg wtr frm 7yfn073 rg prior eastr inslts---szb grp of hls pls incens brs etc shrtly vctg tj arc---sus sht w mds lkl wlls atm lvng js bfr tgt myb ard 1120a hrrsg tgt---psb sus vh myb nvy sv vcn---pr mds crss wkn d n whl blwg pot at tgt thn smngl trn w---153p mds lng rd drssd f gsn headng hlwy w---hlw pk pr undr trees---smk kng sw crn---pot mbl crs wlk---cmng bk hlw pk---2 bmc pls myb 4 crc blwng pot at vctm ckg cns----city kps smk/pot in bsn---cnsprs extrmnt vctm nd free---shs mpsn hlw vcn dvsg wys t dmp upn/dstry tgt per mds/city/shrff cnsprcy----vcnt plm--m/f psn smkn--f--srry--bd nts?---mtro w---plm e---smk---apx aftr 7p tpk grd in blu at bsktb crts---lkg hlp dmp upn vctm of ong cnsprcy wstg tctcs---4a rita smkn pot---mon---7a gmrn oldr hsp ---rita hlty dncg---myb 848a pot blwn vcn pmp crn myb frm vh---frd usually seems frd nc---i wl gss ths als mgt mn whn thrs opprtunity hes lkg t mnplt or wst people any time occasion presents---aftr all he ds envy prhps t mny types---ex--anyone pnh--wtht knwg hrdl ntg abt thm??---frd lft bfr tkng chg lvng tgt on hr ft---crm ng grd pvlns--if u cry i cll shrffs--he qkly chgd--bt ths tells u abt bth whlwd nd whlwd cnsprd mob drt drssd up t lk fine----tgt has frq nst ft pain--jst gsn cl be tendenitis--rp coma like symptoms with excessive time outer lib ngt whr its colder nd uncomfortable----but whr time tgt spends thr is mnpltd by city crms aided by grds etc......-----ard 9a rn int arsn crm crt pkd nx hmb hvn entry wy--no idea if thy hv anythg at all fr brkfst---dbt it----she knws hw t fx hr hair nd wk fr gngs---js ask whlwd-----smngl hd remrk at rec sying stg lk frgmnt---u kn wht i mn---rsn she wl b crdbl accdg t usa nd mike in this scene---wld b hr fxd up hair----rcntly read blk prty whlwd lease hs bn renewed--i wl guess whlwd likes hvng gng lnkd businesses ard nd wl nt b srprsd of any connections----aftr 11a hls frt rnnr bs sheltr twrd bus ctcg time the hlss appeared smkng pipe---othr prsn smkng d w---vcn noon ng blowing pot insd tj arc----ard 1230p---lkl z crm smkn up seat sh stn stp whr tgt mgt seat bfr vctg nd wlkng w---125p sptd arsn crm nrb la peer crn dg house bldg---135p---n rbts ng z trs smk blwg tgt---sus cndtn tgt stg area rec--typically alwys dry eng t seat---this time mddy as learnd aftr it gt ont bgs swtr nd nt onl tht bt the stky mud stnk lk shit---especially if thrs rl shit elmnt---the mddy wetg myb arrgd dlb t frtr wst vctmzd trgt---sw jeanie trng in cns---hlthy as dog alwys tns of cns---thts exc whos qlfd fr bnfts in usa---vctms gt extrmntd---whl amer hlthy dgs qlf---247p---pot lwr lib smkd by pair of assh ms--apprcd by judy--the wtc who clmd bng rtlss drg dlr--ths time clmd shes js out of hsptl on hr wy for psb adjstg her cell phn---ths r both lgl nd welcm--excpt i dt thk thy sppsd t smk pot in public--hwvr in whlwd this is ultra hip nd welcome like smk---instd whlwd is busy extrmntg tgts of mud slngrs nd gng stlkrs nd gvng thm sheriff city nd grd aids nd bkngs-----303p---ng grd fllw tgt uppr lib stkng her out by fncng nd adjstg clps t dmp lies upn vctm---crm blvs lies will b believed due t his fxd up lks---exc wht crm dfrdg america is precisely on tgt all abt---more pot smelled psn upr lib AREa---als smk smelled insd trs cn---nd more pot smelled insd lib cmptr area---prps--stlk frm nd lie upn tgt---fr whlwd nd shrff associated cnsprd crms drctl lnkd t mds-----orgnzd lying crm rvs dmpg---smn lft tlt flr wet---???unrdb
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