Thursday, January 1, 2015

america after purposed target

white mini van with horn turning nfrom nelson into 3rd. persecution from 259 table mountain blvd trained to scream - hi!! valeroas white large chevy dp sticker pickup likely bank person step out of suv as it left. person inside observed transaction for unknown purpose. bum sitting by dollar tree in brown hat - how are you doing? skunk step out of pizza - happy new year!!!!!!!!! food van by liquor store likely has ulterior motives and may falsely claim to know me assisting America's ter community's ulterior motives. lousy car by tower gas offered money insult. peanut butter sandwich was planted in trash at store entry.walking past transit couple - how are you doing? as fake as they come. homeless by civic auditorium saying she has house to warm up in - when I told their scout I have to go freeze at home the day before  smoking poisoning me towards bridge another persecution terrorist. scum walking out of alliance store attempted to insult me with insult change and when I refused it threw it under my feet likely planning to further assist problems trash create at gas stations for persecution terrorizing self feeding community ter assistance with persecuting targets and stealing moneys, etc. undercover followed me on 3rd to assist its purposed American fried persecution. america is ter  country where some are purposed persecuted w/o rights and w/o ways to income.

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