Wednesday, April 22, 2015

you dn't knw who i am, children trained to terrorize by persecution gang instructors, not give her - she stinks, persecution terrrorist commynity

the witch who showed up at recycler at behest of community gang demanded I open up her truck to get myself cans as her shoulders are sour. also witch addressed me gang style powered by gang as wmn or mn.incidentally witch has no value for state of your health or your death from actions by the us or the community - the fact that you could be dead any sec from those acts to her "is it could be any one of us" coming from person who has not endured 1 day of suffering or torture but who thinks you should open her lid if you've been abused tortured and infinitely sicker than she speaks to ter American mentality who dumps upon the abused. the witch was in wh trk is part of gang . I am certain someone drove by to check on the scum's progress as her actions are part of gang act. the scum bag herself said - "you don't know who I am." as I was too sickened by ter amer acts I've failed to take plate which would hv been grnd. my wild guess she might be part of bus co gang called bcag- butte county assoc of gvts -persecution terst club gang. at lib numerous gang instructors were there with kids to organize child terrorizing while posing selves as fine persons protecting kids as they train them to participate in ter act ter gang amer style. possible same truck drives by on nelson as I walk home other than by coincidence. bike in 13th blk lgt clothes and seemingly practicing going in circles up nelson. 9th blk near big dmpster shared by 3 houses - jlu terst voice. lgt gray trk trn beep smtg past 6th st. bike blue shirt orange pants to rw. persn ? down brdg. silvr car beepng. dirty pickup low sound horn. fem out of brdg abusing small gray dog forcing it to lug move cart. witch said- he's been bad - being punished. by civic on bench - wht a u dng there, papa? got cigrt? seemingly indian style language. I believe on poster of missing dog also I noticed as I ran 1st word -fq probably followed by u at myers/rob crnr - the q making it indian style maybe. bike in blk t w/wh design on bk myers stores down myers dir mntg. lng hair gng terst pst me. bike beige mixed tp to mntg. beige suv dir mitch beep. red hood scdrl who called me killer by big lots. 3 child bikes hounding. 2 fem teachrs were on hand by library to defend organized trained banging by kids, being likely part of gang selves while seeming to talk politely. the gang trains kids and older to run assist banging groups using prof. tactics. teachers stand by pretending to have no awareness  of the origin of daily multi group ongoing ter tactics clearly taught by groups and likely with teachers awareness if not assistance. a little witch fraud offering money they've no intention to spend on u and infinity less then endless crimes and murder of your life they and America cause you. trk linc to orod prob stepped on gas to damge dlr tree gang dictatorship terst who likes to call me larry and gt out of gbg can was with sm witch who must hv mentioned sm inslt  scm because he said - d't give it to her -she stinks. bk at recycler likely drg dealer thief black scum strg at cns and same person who aided gng hounding me out of trnst. he is absltly nt alone - the hoodlm is prt of local dictatorship thief demolition committee who belives 2 cents is gd engh fvr for lifetime of terst acts plus ongoing persecution. cruising susp bike in lng sleeve shrt vicinity of a-1. lng hair pers bngr - hv gd dy. at twr- child hi - accomp by susp fem. bike in blk pls hat shine lgt purp blind. 6bjz647 taco bell inslt crew. suspct crwd likely passed but whipped out I did nt spot them far enough in advance to take notice and wld need alert missing this time. bike out of spncr to orod cmng frm chin. rest vicinity. smne yelling across frm recycler.veh going twd lib yelled to puzzled w suv trngmitch to myers dir orod. whistl by zoo. w top w hair  bike bird dir linc. whistling gazebo mntg/myers 915p clk. dn mntg ped in lgt drk bpk and stick. gng bngr rw in grn hyd?hv nic dy! fem yellng at dog acrs rw. noise mkng w trk grnd to table dir nels. susp snds veh pst nels to cnty. bike blk swt bngr hello, hau tod? dir of sml schl across frm fire dept to grnd. near fire dept stepping noises then vocal noises frn gng. bpng drk car 2nd/nelsn- part of malicious hndg. drk trk w/luggage 7th blk. 9th blk w trk up nels. up 10th noise mkng trk. trn frm 12th dn nels w/susp pasgr shing blindg lgt - local pers tersts.

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