Saturday, August 22, 2015

mob promoters instigators terrorists persecution ring

w cr wvg up pst 12th. grn stn wgn up 9th blk mob tan 1.5 9th blk dn. 6pjb824 opn snk bg. mob scm thr ws mny in it. blu/grn mvn bp out 6th blk dn pst 655. I blv end of plt mb 09 seen briefly whn md susp trn rnd at schl. wld nt let tk plt when I spotted this activity. mb trst tan 1.5 trk bk up 6th blk yeh!... rpt. tht demon mobster hd red bandanna. I blv this is one of people who was hounding frm dodge connected to extended mob persecution elimination dictatorship crime ring. ter mob cr blu cr lbls scr dn 6th blk. blu grn trk yel ?4th to grnd. bg chev trk 1.5 mob yelg. Collins mob chris gv me drty lk protecting mob sentiments nd activities mkng ter ring 4extermination mob my fault. purp shrt bpk bk - hello. mob blk car yell mntg. ? duo youths mob squad participants. hey... u tweaker duo yths w-ts.also ter bk w/rd strps cmnctg w/yths dir tbl. youths also communicated w/trsts at axiom. yths rtrn oliver. sm duo trsts pst axiom.thy cmnctd to 3 going insd -thy wr grn sh ml. rd shrt fem pls 1 other mntg dir myers.tersts fr ??? ard me agn dir linc. x-dk blu cr pst kitrk dir rob.lts see ths tits. corkin gry suv suspect pizzaslice mob. 8v14098 894-7128 wtr -w. tk plt?-bcs hdg sqd are mob participants. sm drk cr yelg hey! extndg hnd my wy psb aiming smtg at me cld be dngrs. linc mitch trn awy frm lib. mob wvg brded drgn  dir ? linc/orod?by $tree mob recruit trst cathy pizza slc grey suv mamert heart pict.side of plt- protecting mob ter acts. similar to corkin suv. free fine suvs fr ter mob operatives ring operators. drk/gry mob trst trk am flag at bk Romanian psgr insd gigglintg 911 orod pst myers dir ohw. w noisy cr orod ohw dir twr. silv cr pst lw-tk u. that's fr being hlpls agst burglary nd mob amer system.. w lg suv -hi.imp to see plt due to lgtng nd qk mvg.mob sqd trst jmpng frm veh to nxt insd.  blkouts-yelg w trk pst lw. mob anim vc ovr veh pst tb dir twr. mob cr pst ohw dir myers. 1.5 drk trk gng bngr orod trn ohw dir mitch trn orod -crmnl mob - hv nc ngt.  noisy w cr pst ohw dir myers all mob. 5te -myers trn rob gry cr xtra slw.????10.:10p civic. lgt clr suv tbl up grnd scrmng.guy bk extended crt to up grnd. drk noisy cr dir grnd. crnr fogg apts etc. cnsprcy trsts. gry mvn -bitch 3rd to nels. bk pst 3rd up nels w/crt. loudspkr able to view discuss nelsn dmpstrs smwr vcnty acrs dmpstrs-prof pers mob service outsd of view.tlkg re bg wmn nd nxt dy cnsp prjct.
w cr odd sd dn frm 12th blk lng sdws bldg. mr jim walsh ws fam. with. cr mb als susp.-mob cty trst usa.

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