Wednesday, February 17, 2016

wed-somebody seemingly nice gave me bundle of recyclables at the recycling center and left. a lot of it was glass but other kinds too. its way less money for cert kinds w/o machine and agst crime eqls nothing. it is not clear if this is linked to crmnls .it may not be-it is my opinion the criminals intend to pull off as much crime as possible and even worthless and tortuous they must to eliminate u out every where and pretend like this belongs covered by fraud Christianity and fraud god coverup. not clear how long this will continue and the busn was closed for holid mon. prf type w cr rpb bpg p schl up nls. old drk mob grn stn rpb pme dn by mob 6th strt schl lkl prvctn argmt tgtr w/schl mob nd mob schl officials who are conniving t hv me had. mob aiding sheriff up psdmp- this operation consists expanded trst team schl cmnt pls le out to wst nd deceive-cmnt aid elimination by all available means trs project. unusual mob cr mb antiq at lst prt w p3d grnd d nls psgr ylg fr mob mb mex-gd dmn u. aq chev 5j74808 lkl dec gmk fr fd-abt the onl frd scm amer understds-it does nt believe one needs antg other then food or strt drgs alchl -hnc it blvs I nd nt anthg. fr this yr thmbs ought to be up for wasting stealing swindling scmng evr yrs out of yr life.  old grn stn bpg dn 2d odd sd. evn upr sd apts - ylr m =-bgl crmnl. blk suv slv ln bpg tbl trn nls. old grn stn tbl grd dnls bpg. a lgt rd tk bp whn rcd mnt/tbl. at rb ml tld me he gts cns frm 711 nd valeros both nd they dt bother him. hwver the mob prjct dfntly wsted me nd is cntnsly wrking on protecting its long list of achievements crimes and on psg them rgt alg. by the wy for 2 cents or less and nothing on the endless 40 yrs of crm -u shld thumbs up.dsrspctf lib cnstnt tlkng nd tx instrctns to keep me frm usng cmptr for mob in chg convince. sml dst blk cr rpt on gs hgh plinc dmrs. lkl solar blk trk w/attcmt bpg ord lnc veatc.scdr bk ard ba in nvy-hey.rtrd w/dg mnt mrs bus stp.-he did nt say antg js lkd ofnded also prb trnd-but mny of ths gt trained to intervn in  nd to be prt of yr life wr thy nt blg.nvy jkt bk ard ba scdr-hey. w trk w/flly enclsd w aatcmt w/sgn lnv trn ord dmrs. smtg smlr to 6hbb457 ths was tkn on othr occasion nd descrbd as metlc lk cr at the tm fm said -she's slpg now clg the cops or smtg smlt t that- grtd gng cr. the oldest fem went to $tr while othr tree flwd me ard w/cell lgt the oldest tcg them tk pctr of me nd clmg iim flg thm fr cvr. thy rptd mrdrer mob trs-thy sd I ws wrtg dn desc of thm but unf I cnt see qt well engh. did u tk pct of her?gt out of trs cn.-I dt see why nt-tht wy all cn beresvd fr mob frds. I hd qt hrd tm evdg the grp. re my bg- stg it dn- im gng t get it-hdg trs nd 54515r1-2 inslt lgt wgt btl pge. these are fine cos le po prtcptg frd gd deed mob clb-by th wy gd bls u as thy totl yr lf w/o ntc. no one will blv it -elimination nvr occrd only trs grp frcd self on u and psg as usefl instd of wt they are in rlty -trs obj. tll thn gry hrd csr cm t inspct wt I rtrvd fr mb to hlp rlv mob of its mlcs frs.thy wld rthr evr go elsw -the rl prp of elmntn nd lk of eql rgts. mob trs f apprch me by trs nr twr str dmpg chns fd prb.she sd mob tlk -hi bgl. then rn at hgh spd t rnded blk cr as thy pld off spr fst nd I cld nt get any prt of plt. est time betw 6-9p frm nx t twr str t twr gs fill up loctn. mob cnsp prtcpts.  grn trk rf lgts co at me trn lw.w le vh prb shrf chkg me out lkl to aid mob elmntn team trs cnsp prsc referrals ord ohw. unk yl vh prb dgrd. hdg frm rn shrtl at gzb hls st dn on othr sd when n/w pd apprched called him sct nd sd smn cld clmg lkg at bsn-mybe mob cnsp call or els this prs is crmn -I hv insuf sgt t vrf. mfld vc ovr tp mob yel agn shn blk smlr cr nd smwt rnded my eyes insuf t evn tl u if ths is the one frm twr -but they are mob pst allce dgrd prtcted nd aided by cmnt nd le who in rlty aim tgtr by jnt hstl cnsp t wst undrcls nd more spcfcly smply anyone thy spcfcly desr t mlcsl trgt nd hv wstd fr free. nsy w oldr cbn  type cr tbl cty nls.

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