Wednesday, August 2, 2017

tues--eric palma ckng upt outer lib vcn---svrl ovrhtd--my clothes gt vr stk lkl frm bth swt nd cnst prng of cld wtr nd ice t cl off--ths csd my frst lib ch t lk blk as clothes were wet stky frm clng off wth ice nd cld wtr---nw hv t pt bg undernth--if ths will nt b gd engh i wll chg shrt fr the occsn---smb usd frddy fr xtr shirts--i am carrying xtr shrt bt if put on it will immed hv same prb---svc s gsg ng nd mx--mx f--seriously???----crm alwys hv a dvc lie nd evr els arrgd fr gm thy r plying--js thy thnk exc lk city hll--thy cn wst u fr free by stealing sealing trs cns nd thn prt chrtbl whn thy hv rfs psn lined up---aftr all thy blv vctms cn b wstd free nd deemed wrthless as thy r being vctmzd wth srl crm of cntry sz crm--aftr all massive wastg of ths thy cn pass fr wrthless amer will happily deem free nd needing no jstc--so well it is pulled of nd backed by its crms bsn estlsmnt nd lw enfcmnt----vctms cn b hd fr free cmpliments of trs lblng usa by liars trs thieves nd frd artsts bkng mob tgthr wth their frd gd operatives--abs incrdbl--blkts nd inablt t thk lkl due t heat---earl pk up athns by ba lkl dng thmmds/gngstlkng ret fvr---sm their gm plying drt customers lkl trs in the head same as gngstlkers mdslingers who pulled the crm off nd hd it bkd by ba who thks exc lk thm--cert people cn b wstd nd dngraded fr crmnls--****insd lib tues cnt mob trs sqd oprtvs --the rgs nd othrs jng t mk cnsprc seem real--the duo yestrdy apprcd nd thy wr fms of wc one wsprd in rssn lkl trying frm trgt bcs her clothes trnd stky as she strgld t cool off in vcs heat---so dvd mssd thm as thy wr nt seated nx me tht dy----nd thy spk rssn-t be sr js the one gvng explntry instrctns---fr frmng wstg persecuting cnsprg nd rdclng wo py--evr urs is t b hd by thm ---free---cmpliments trs usa----wed----all cns prp gn--rfs prp plntd fr crm dfrdg rbts s trs cn--z res rbts s---???7ypv245 w cr nx ba nx athns lkg blm wst tgt smply as she cms thrgh---ths r jnt team mob dfrdg srvc lkg t steal nd wst alng wth city thieves stealing from victims nd wasting victims for free--hghly prgressive---cmpliments trs usa----fr prsecution inslts dfrdg nd wstg lying nd rdclng thn calling the vctm --liar---hghly skilled prffssional usa trrorists---ths r bkd lib prk city sh pump ba---compliments trs usa----trump is als stpd engh t imply cert peopl can b mistreated--certn people in rlt trn out t b anyone thy dslk----bctria pba w--d u kn u r wrt abt in bk--wrds dt py--sorry trs usa--athns pba w---???in blk---bk on mon ljl offg fd--lkws prsectn wstg fr free crm cmnt grp mob wstg prtcpts--thy r lkg t wst tgts wo py--cmplmnts trs usa--usa is hr t end tgts fr free nvr u frgt it---scndls cnsprd lw nd trs---8008246445?????--????crn org trk wrkr wrg org-----bt ths my be well too cmmn---lkl mbs vcn mtr---vh mtr prtcpts og vsts yl strps---all cns rmvd bfr me--same was the case bsktbl crt wc was smngl cleared out js bfr me---nd cvs crn trs still missing nd plm crn s one mrkd off---ng wth rllng bgs wstbrn--prtcptg mds gngstlkng--klng fr free---frt of 24h---earn resp nt mny as crmnl pkt urs nd tell u ft lie------cmpliments trs usa----othr sus crm strg outer sbw---sus wkn vcn trs wrkrs nd oth sus---pro mob trs shs lcn e---hauler wth org cnstrctn eqpmnt in bk plld by mob oprtv--hay--lcn w---?? ???unrdb---hsp crm crt hlw e--askg fr spr chg---crm 7smz946 ofg lkl trs $1 mbl--rfsd---othr blk f ofg $1 vcn gls--rfs---othr sd vcn flrs smn mst hv pltd $1 in my bg-i hd it tossed---wt thy hv fr ths trgt will pt her in grv lng bfr she hsanywr cls t eng t enj life wc crms lk trmp feel thy entitld t bcs their enemies r nt strng engh t wst thm---bt thy do need enemies t wst them bcs nthg thy gt thy dsrv----????---trs m swtz w thts m-a mob operative===oth sus vh etc swtz vcn---hlss swtz e hldg stg in fst---hayvnh crn w--pt smk---jsse t out of clst---hlw prk 1 lying bnc nd 1 stg bnc nd pot smk--- ?????unrdb 7xcc106?????--shell wt ths??? crm ofg bite or less off jnk ck--bcs massice srl crm of centry sz in amer is free nd sptd by trs usa-----valet flrs hlwy cleanrs tkg wlk on fnc---smk z orlnd w---psn ---lkl mob insd lib as i frgt wt nds dn nd rsk my life as zoo is bng bkd---crt lcn west clmng scrn brd new insd---7mim711 w cr lcn d w strg trgt---lkl crm---trs twd lcn w--hyd mln??---smn pltd crmlq my dsk--lkl crm whl dng crm opn---rfsd--o nt see who--js bf 150p lw dbp sh sv hrsg tgt--cl prt fr sft-i was on sdwlk wlkg twd my bgs--gngst hrrsmnt bkd by usa wo py----ldrt illgl drk red tp wt crt twd 24h thn cross ne--crm mtr e du hv ??? or cig????----mob oprtvs--rd sprts cr lkl wth gng of chks  t alley rbts n of ice crm d e---js bf 3p---

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