Wednesday, November 1, 2017

mon------long dressed grn dressed lg drk hr f insd lib--crm rng ng f or dvt stg sh stn bus stp nt mvg ovr--trg go t grnd ultmtl aftr shltr empty stg lft sd of shelter bg t insd of shelter so tht attker wl hv t hit it frm frt---ng lying frt bnc bsktb crts lft sd if fcng inwrds---he goes-hha....hhaloween---insd frt lft trs cn hv plstc cntnr cvrd by plstc bg gthrg trs cntnts--i nt lk in t see but cl hv bn psb ???dng psn or igntg fld----fcts---ng f wlc loose---bctr loose---lee bdds wth sht f hsp dpt etc loose----yt antr cntrptn algd spc agt frd psg slf fr rkf--george---who gv mike sbst mn on num occs nd whom mk chases fr kid trsng mn---in rlt bng pd by ths crm rng oprtv t frbct dmp nd lie on tgt--agn crm as kid in bth instcs---in rlt opprtnst thief wstg tgt exc lk trs crm mob operation--btc in lng dress loose---ret srvcs loose---alll gngs crms loose---drc bkd by usa who utilizes thm t wst antgnz tgt---*******apx 1245-1250a mon ngt--- tues am 2d time crm rng set trgt bgs on fr on dsp encrgd by wh nd shs lkl---ths tm tgt ws frt of sh stn w bg plcd on insd sd of bs sheltr wr it hd t b lit frt of tgt---prb --bth tms tgt ws slpg---immedtl frt of trg dpty ws prked--nt sr nm--cl b jn klaus or othr-- nt wt b wrg---plt on sh vh sv -- 1463153---hlw jk sh lkl mob oprtv---he sd--did u gt it re flms i ws fgtg t pt out?--he did nt call fd or rpt---i sd--who did it????---crm dpt sd---***u did it-----simult tmng als suspct--whn i wnt t sh stn i rn int ng f wlc insd---she sw me nd headed out dn rmp yllg at me--sty awy frm me--as i wnt t ck on wt ws lft of my bgs--one of the smaller insd bgs cgt on fr scd tm insd sh stn outer area nd depty brgt cup of wtr put it out-----ltr thr ws one mr small sprk--whn i clld intrcm fr drp of wtr--dep respded--spit on it--110a stn hd blk f receptnst who tl me call dets---135a--hrd pst stn--trying gt her bgs---ard 2a depty m wth cup of wtr put out sprks wc relit as reslt of mob hppy wh crms--- bkd drc out of wh city hall nd lkl by mny numerous deputies---num items outer inner bgs destryd 2d time alrdy aftr swt mr mjr incdt mon am wk up time---tg ws slpg mon an nd mon ngt--nd blvs thy wl hv tried agn tues ngt hd thy thgt she ws slpg---blvs mltp mob trs in on crm--bkd out of insd city nd insd shs--dlb psg crm t tgt hvng n vlu nd bng a jk---tues---??????735a mthg off mx n sd sm psvc e---?oth unk svc n bk trn e---bd wrtg ?8ahf232 stp nx tgt plm s sd--trs adc crt---pls mx blu tp phnk e---tj arc trs myb frs brt wrkrs lgtg cig t psn tgt--9a--cnsp orgn crm---?bth smk cgs at tgt--??bd nts---frm hr? phn---905a strg tgt ??unrdb in blu---ret ??? lcn--920a e ?gry sv trn ?alley w of lq---935a og clr jk--pnk ht---rdclg tg fr mob trs grps--ooh tht---cvs crs w---????unrdb bld pnt cvs e---hsp dvt mob se lcn crn mthg off d e---svr smk blwn drc tg ??? pmbl e---js bf ard 1030a bld mx crsg mbld d hgs---bld?? prtcp rp  rhrs??? unrdb--cll ths bd nts---old f wvg --hi---btc hd tns of cns nd clrl smply hvg fn wlkng thm in shpg crt--evn if wr lgl--- tg cnt mv one--i wld type cst all mnpltn trs agts---mob operatives---ldr wlc wth cell ljl/crs pssg slf as bng exmpt frm bng typecst as adc or mob exc the drt he hngs wth hlw prk---9278 220p  gdn d e wl nt pk up tgt---??bd nts mess bgs lft   ???---susnset descns vcn f bkng strg wy-- othr sus ?chrs---i ws wtg mltm wr fnd mrkt thrwn beriies bng bggd fr trs--sus f apc stp--au ok??btc clm she cl nt see--u cn cnt on tht---pot smk pk wr mktplc hd prdc earlier--js sffr diarrhea bt all frts i ate wr frs---i rarely fnd gd ones so ws lky wth berries pineapple---gt off lng line 4 lbr 930p myb 9228--ws in bk sd st---whr nosy mxs m/f wr anxs t gt my xtr st nd kn wr i ws gn--nd frtr the btc try sy i stk--thr is ind fire smell t num prtlly destryed bgs--othrs wr thrwn out---stg frms crn s sd--mx trd strt cnvrstn nd d u spk spns---nst ngr rp hrrs trg--u ok??---hrd sus vh w--d u hv a??---prhps trs plng mr crm spnsrd by whlwd nd usa---hdlm mira nd thm nd dstry ur lf free thn wst u free---cmplmnts trs usa---tk prb gy occups e insd--mkng cmnt??---nt slpg??---ndlss co mob prtcpts cnsprd dmpg nd orgnzd mnc t wst tgt free---prps t rdcl lie on tgt--t call tgt liar---nd t wst tgt free---cmplmnts trs usa---wed---gsg lbr trs mb f--hlo d w---at fllr elf rd ht e--gt ths---amer dstryd evr free nd its plt is t dstry as mc thy cn of urs nd kp ths free---so i ws lkl nt sf evn in ths dst rmt loctn---amer trs lk persecute dctr wst--- nd plcs lk whlwd city hall nd lib are accomodating their crm cnsp cmplmnts trs usa---js nw bng prtd by lng grn drss lkl nx crm in prgrss trs crm mnpltn---same sus ng who pssd my loc insd lib by cmptr-- ??sus vhs gdn e--sh mtrcyc crsnt w strg trg as if tg crz dlb mob asst---7pin998 shell lxs lkl jws yg f ofg $2 rfsd---ths scms cn fll ths who dt knw wht thy r bkn--ths one knws wht amer hs cst trg---cnsq--bth rl nd pntv dmgs fr all frms of trs wstg machinations mst all b cvrd--bsx wrkr str trg flrs crn--grd str trg flrs crn--mob operartv cn bg onl flrs w---ret srvcs hywrth e wth cig frm mob---gy smllr sz blk rllg bg rpt blw mssv smk---bike psng kngs gls crn ?? e--- z ng f hlw w---mk pbrn chsg aftr ?rkf mob crm sgs mk nd mny aftr mike trs all knds of mny incldg at unk cst t tgt----scdls trs lk ths amer cnt wt t hlp--the mr the scdrl is absv of tgt ---the mr hlp fr nths crms lk tht amer hs on plttr---hlw pk hlss frt of fntn pls hls nd wlc circ---crsg strg lina the lib ukr pg---24h  drc z afflt wthh all bttls drc t zoo sm as frm trs whlwd dlb wstg vctms nd cnsprg t dstry thm at all wys nd csts nd dfntvl fr free---why py--whn massive injustc is prpsflly encrgd  in trs usa---lg dk hr lg grn drssd btc mob wstb w----orgnzd crm plnnd wth nx mob mnc---gzln $ amer brglr nd killer is bsy dng u fvr---nd amer sys---u did it--m wlc lcn-hi--mob crm persec---sus exp m w/ht svc s---hi---drt drk rd slv ng w d bsn js bf rbts--hrrsg trg--btc--drt assh---smn wth bike nx alley s rbtsadc trs rbts nw crn crt--oth assh hlss stg n rbts---rec hd rdcls stry t hlp mob crm--sying drk gy wth mhk trnd in my cns gt mny---if so--i nvr knew re ths exstc  nr gy wth mhk---stry ws frtmlcs wr he clmd i hd bgs so he tk thm in---as if i wl hv hd othr mn wo bgs--in rlty crms astg crm dctrsp fr free wth bkn frm trs whlwd city hll nd crm crrpt pro mob sh dpt--i hv small brn fng lkl als lkl frm their crm heists wc destryd items i used--bcs trs mnc nd thy knw amer is fll of drt gvng thm spprt wth calling trgt liar nd doing massive srl wstg ---free--cmplmnts of crm trs usa---upr outr lib--grg--alg rkf crm prtcpts in mob crm trs gm--antg frm oldr insntn--re trg nt thrw at him wc trg nvr hv bt crm alwys hv--nw nx crm mob cnsprcy--ths trs who gv crm mk hndrds--few rec stg on tbl wc he ds nt cllct--scdrl tl tg--ths r mn---prtcptg in wstg tgt t plp crm whlwd mob mntlty bkd out ofcity hall nd sh dpt---z mob crm--cmplmnts trs usa

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