Monday, February 12, 2018
sat---tgt sffrg weakness incldg leg weakness mltp othr prior mntnd cndtns nd ***ong cnt cough frm mlcs smk pot tgtg by mds here to deny this tgtr with their lying shrff buddies parties to gangs or paid off---kelly prdl tl tgt at clsng re time clsng nd smd hghl stsfd re lib wstg tgt incldg wth recptca the lying sh and othr co mob oprtv trs aids---bkd away frm smk twd strs--imposb t evd--crmnlly arrngd persecution---cmng dn ard 11p-12mdn vcs smk prmtg strs--hd lib trrst org cop frm apx ls wed ?selvin he wl hppily sy ntg hppng--jb t wst vctm nd bk up the mob----if u recll cop once tl mike re libs--i'm on their side--nd mike added--he frgt no mttr wt----same like him 2d time hlwn fire cop---u did it---crsng frm pdc crn w sht drg qn wth 2 bgs stg grn nd i blv hd jwlr at one pt at lst---dq appeared stkng out bth crns as if mds---same one dq bgs etc ltr sn pump crnsbst ltr aftr 3a---ard 4a ng rd jk gt t svc ne crn nd smd t stk out unk prps--bt cl b prt t cnsp---whn vctg bsktb crts vcn 3a hrd frm unk innr loc m---cmmnt re ---fkn wth amers--**** lkl jstfng trs cn fires fri ngt mnt to put in nst scr---the scr is shffs hd nt arrstd thm lkl nd ths trs got entire blk of trs cns on fire----rl blk prty---whl tlg tgt lib clsng nd trgt vctg no prb--mny tms i askd re fndtns, recptchas, nd pd ovrsgt orgs but nt gvn any assist---bcs thy r aidg cmnty prps of wstg intmdtg spcfc tgt---4a--shs sv d s svc lkg aid mob crms nd pro mob estb dmp upn tgt---thy r mr thn hppy t wst smn thy killed -trapped--poisoned----nd blv thy cn fl massive tgt fr free of crse----440a nds dsp trs t sh stn fr hrrssng wstg tgt----blv ths ngt skn ws picked up lft wth bike--i nt lk out---sun--742a--slv hr ng svc d w---745a n sd md age blnd hr pnt blnd d w--855a e hnk sh lkg dmp on tgt instd of crms dlb loose---oldr slv hr mob wstg w---mltp dy pot psn w kn trs--lkl dlb pltd by terrorist grpngs---lkg t wst tgt thy hv trnd into svrl hndcpped vctm---hlw pk 2 at bnc 1 at fntn---2 lg fr trks orl e of wc 1 vcs exhst--150p---smk glsns? ????cst unrdb bd nts---234p bntn snst crn--hvy pot psn **aftr tgt gt off myb vh or f trng s nt sr as cnt see--but my hv bn crm timed----svrl psn tgt---rd rep rmprt t vrgl--tgt wtd lgr fr bus as hndcp---7p m xt cmnt rm lib nd try frc intrgt ps tgt--wt??rp---i sd scko hndg--he gt pissed off nd thrt tgt lkl t bt hr up---1a lkl pdc crn lkl unk vh pot blwn tgt---outer pk svrl smkd up---???gng nd crt strg tgt n---lkg wst vctmz tgt---sus slpng bsktb crts bnc pk sd whn tgt lvs lkl aftr 3a bng prgressively wrs hndcpped nd scrd---strg sh pkntz d w lkg wst tgt fr z nd city crms nd pnh act slpng nx kntz---crm lkl lnkd cnsp kdnp slpg grd sh stn crt yd wth bike lvng an--hv nc dy--cmng frm pot sprdg crm in on kdnp gms--hr in sh crt yd ofcrs t hlp wst the tgt co-scdrls mtlly wnt wstd---mon 740a---arsn blc f crt lrb stdg thr lg time untl i dec t ck trs--tllg tgt re shit in trs--as in mds----btc cntnd xtr slwly dn strt wth mds act ckng int estb nd ltr n plm--arsn btc kpt loose called trg mlcs inslt hrd frm hr bfr--dbr winger???----rem--crm shs dlb keep crms loose nd dlb hlpg thm wst the tgt--cmplmnts trs usa---prty weho located nrb lrb crn js w---crm at lrb myb untl 755a----m psn smkn t hrss tgt--sktb 857a wstb w mg b lnkd hdg tgt--nt my frds fr sr---9a frt rnnr crn smkd up---903a---tq top mds md age blnd pnt f crss wstb d s---926a---psn live pltd top tj trs nd dk sknned crm nv unfrm psn blwng area psb prty cnsp---smll bd cndtn choc cnd psb dng top of 24h trs---offrd gnrc egg sdw stb--gnrc is the point bsclly wrmd up jnk--thy peddle psn jnk nd abuse vctms--but selves drk alkaline fnc wtr nd bev hills jc---nice people hppily lvng off frd brg mny nd nvr hvng this investigated with pstv lnks non disclosed t vctm--only wl disclose to attys nd lw enfcmnt--lvng vctm hlpless--bcs ths crms dlb bk the mob---why py or bther???---1005a--ptc qlt w f gng opertv bthrg tgt wkn--wu lk cig wth cig??or jnt ptg tgt--pot smelling wkn trs mltp dys---btc crss n---america hlps loaded smkng drnkng drg addct terrorists nd healthy dogs nd arsnists but dlb wsts their tgt vctm---why py??---brded ng frm fire dy lcn e pcvs---- 1106a t se crn crm hv cig thn aprcg othr mob---othr nig loaded with cig e---crt rd bg nx pot dspnsry--thg rec lkl fr pot getg crt mvng e ultmtly fnd sitg glsns kngs stop pot smkd up---thts who amer hlps etc....--the mr able nd evl--more hlp thy will gt---7lku528--psn vcs flt e of alfrd presmb myb frm this vh dt kn---1140a rd ht??? unrdb mbl e--- smk---$5 offd nx flrs crn by lkl crm who wnt n--ths lkl addcts nt nc people---rfsd--smn offd sdw mbl--rfsd--thy hv jk sdw--i nd hlt exp fd--nd my own evr incldg with home nd nt bng trpped insd terrorist bkn persecuting usa---visas t vct---sw crm wrkr wlg se lcn plt psn jk dnt--rfsd---vctm knws wht thy do---smk poison fd psn vctm extrmnt--lkw fd pltd wkn trs fr vctm--wy t tgh t eat as crm amer intended---stealing evr vctms nd frcg hr t eat strt poison with no teeth yet as spcl flvr--cmplmnts crm usa--killers fr free--thy mgt hv inslts in blu mn nd cl cr less ths r wrthless--mn thg thy stl evr urs--cmplmnts trs usa----z crm og top e of sbw smk psng tgt--ltr tkng tp off nd t sbw---mob oprtv brt lvng it up wsmnt e---thts drt thy dig---prsn wlkg sh stn vcn e psn smkn at tgt---240p--f wth 2 crts hrrssng tgt smkn at tgt ltr aprcd by othr trs oprtv wth clrf smll gdg ins hr---2d operative als strtd smk psn lk btc t trz tgt but thn he brded 9393 e---psn used t dlb mnc wst tgt--nd bkd drc out of crm bkn sh stn nd city hall---sw crm smkd up--smkr crss ??s myb b wrg as tgt psn wst nd tot hlpless weak as reslt---i thk actually crssed n nd e at svc--ths ng wth rd bg fr nw lks mkng trs messes--but lkl has mny othr frds all of whom wh lw enfcmnt dlb bk---320p mds frm crssn rbts w nw w/cig psng tgt rbts n trng awy w wrg blk---sx hrrssr rec--at clsng gng smkr--clmng knw tgt fr yrs but usng crm rng orvll mnkr sprd by its mob --bg ldy nd cnt psn tgt rec---ofcrs sc drt mst b freddy frds--mds custmrs---psng tgt couging wstd with their crms nd psn---f bw rbts nd ba ofg $5--bt tg nt fld--earlier bfr rec ortl mds f ofg $1--but srry--tgt knws prc of americn wstg nd street lvng---423p crm mds mdl wlk out upr lib entr/xt t her crm ng buddy grp--smk psn shrtl frm grp--tgt has bn coughn insd lib nd hs svr hrd time dng anythg or gtn abt--with breathing --weakness--nd long list othr mds lnkd hlss prbs--thnks trs mrdrs usa--nvr u frgt ths--thy keep fr crms in bsn nd tgt cghn killed nd wth evr gn--trs wh nd mrdrs usa
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