Monday, March 12, 2018
sat---rgt nw mndy--440p-445p---mdsln mdl crm stg wth ng bddy nd crm ng sprdg psn drct int strglng fr hr hlt nd lf tgt--tgt nt g t rec echo pk---as ws t svrl wstd by city ongn evrw psn pot exhst orgnzd by usa free trs wstg nd dictrship slp schedl alng wth evr othr dvc utlzd t hlp mds cmnt mds city nd mds shrff dept t wst kill tgt lf---nt onl tht bt though i ws tl re time chng svrl dys bfr being t strnd by ong wstg nd mds i frgt re time chng 1hr frwrd causing me t miss rec closing--at the moment nt rng but any ftr rn will als kill tgt in trs cmmnty dlb aidg trs psn killers drg addcts mud slingers thieves nd those who blv tgt lf nd losses should be fr free nd be hnded ovr t trs mds grps amer calls nrml people---evr wndr why thy really xst??--its bcs amer nd its drt lk thm nd dig thm as blngng hot and in style at the cost of evrtg t vctm wc amer dlb lass fr ntg----bk t sat----bfr tgt lft lib rd bg mds wnt t uppr flr copy room---mnwl lib w shirt grd tld tgt frst dnstrs --thn scd time out the dr---nt t prtct tgt or put away crms but t hlp mnfctr all trs dvcs t prpsflly wst the tgt at hr own expns---wth mlcs schedlng rn prblm nd smk wstg tgt tgt nt go fr cns until grd wk up call----i wl bst lkn amer lw enfcmnt, grds, nd estblsmnt t htlr--hrs why---thy r prosecuting those thy cn fnd who acted in hitlers bhlf---ths trs effectively do evr t hlp mds city wst the trgt nd pt the fngr at city drctvs----in rlty drct doing the killing chores nd bng paid fr the jb---but wthout any rgtfl prosecution agst thm---wstg tgt ability t hv wtvr income capacity or srvival options nd cmpltl pls dlb mntng lvg tgt wo jstc fr prctcl blngng nd dsrvng jk--in rlty massive srl ongng crm vs vctm nd tgt---smk ng t sd of trgt tmprarily klng tgt w/smk--hv nc dy---nd persistent ong all ngt smkng grp rg nx t tgt ard rita cvrd area nx 2d flr lib entrnc--als eve thr ws lkl ng on bike psn tgt loctn sying stg lk---my bld---myb lnkd t crps/blds scntrl los angls------this wl be am--so sun am---notated 7545 num 30 gng s lkl frm sm--bt i hv no crcs--js bd nts---mrn grd ws still wkng people up---t me mst imprtnt is eve whn i ms immed g t sleep nd nt mrn time whn i wl othrws be gn--sw this grd wlkng thrgh pk am hsp lkl sprvising grd sying wt sds lvl--g mrn--u r missing the pt---mds cnvstn nd gdl stmnts cn snd lvl t seem blngng---but their objctv nd prps is clrl othrws--hd i bn up earl obviously i wl b more abl t do mr thngs city pls mds sccsflly nd dlb elmntd tgt frm evr mns--nd prd of bn drt wo any dbt--thy hv zro intnd t come up wth ****engh cmpnstn or rl/pntv cmpnstn---their intent but smply t wst the vctm nd prey upn vctm fr free--while killing the vctm her life nd evr in it---all wo anyone stppng in t chrg thm fr mlcs ignrnce bth nglignc nd cnsprd mnc---sun---ntcd sus chrs pdc crn one trddng ??s---hpflly not crrct--1 ask re bus--earl on smn crssd w---grd prk same as whn he wks vctms---g mrn--fct his tlk nd his wstg drc in tune wth mds persecution evn whn he blvs u ovr hrd chrgng nd wstg eagr t wst hlss eric palma hvg wrkd in mission nd bn trnd by crm city blu wrg grds insd prk offc---nvr mnd vctm bng mrdrd---this cn b as evr othr scm or cnsprd drctv--dfrded---??unrdb--drc bkd by mob shs---hey...smngl incmplt notation hnc unrdb---js nw mon--*****525p rd bggd crm t uppr lib wtr fntn nd agn ptgt othr dirctn---lng hr mds f gryish lng bttm skrts twrd altrnt xt lkl the one thts nrst wtr fntn---bk t sun---pot sw svc trs---912a--mds rbts w---old slv hr mds wstb w--ard 12p mds lg dress f myb psn vcn wsmnt but n sd sm d w---shs psn wsmnt w all grtd bkn mds crew--exc as mrdrs fr free usa intended---crm blwg pot at tgt wkn w---****63fc714--mds crm ofg bgl--hgr???---dt b fld-thy r the rsn ur lf is killed--nd thy r the rsn u r trapped wstd hgry nd dn fr---the aids t mssv mnc usa dlb sells fr free---why py???-----mds crm grp wlkg hlw w w/$3--u r missing the pt----ntg thy offr weighs in fr drp in bkt nor ocn vrsus amer crms--nd instd thy hppily mc better hlp pro mds hlthy drnkn nd drg addct drt who aid in wstg the tgt---hlw pk ---myb 2 at bncs--mds ng f hlw e---shrtlss hls who lks brnys vcnt smngl tld bhd tgt frm bnc nx hgs---he mgt b mkn messes--bt hv nt obsrvd him engh t grt---my fc my hv bn lkn othr wy whn smn ws orgnzg mnc argmnts---rem--tgt hs n teeth--so vrtlly cnt swllow dgst most she fnds or gvn----bt thts the intent of usa --wst the vctm---f smk cvs e---psn at tgt se svc--rd bggd crm js pssd up tgt ****547p nvy top blk mob hat gng dn lib strs t arrg ftr crm any sec whl grds r sleeping----mrc bnz cr nx lq lcn--i hv trb hndwrtg thrfr nt sure at all re mid letter on plt but myb stg slt t 5cpp609 or 5cfp609 at lqr--mkng dfr gbu u btfl cmnts pls crm $5--dt nvr u blv it--blv massive entrpmnt evr totaled nd gone--thnks mds crew nd trs usa who bks exc this---whn i wnt twrd my bgs i ntcs thrwn abt shit exc vcn tgt bgs wc i fld t ntc orignlly csng me t throw out one of the outer small plastic bgs i utilize---als e cst pr pnh lq crn thn nx sbw--this mst hv bn bfr 430p---430p--mds oprtv hrrssng tgt nx wkn trs trvlng e on bike but dlb instd stdg nx t trgt t hrrss hr instd--js lk rd bggd crm lkl outsd lib rgt nw orgnzg crm--whl lib staff nd city nd shrffs prpsflly wstg vctm nd tgt instd---why py???----ard 448p shs wsmnt e lkg prpsf hlp dmp upn tgt---e cs pr tld pnh nx sbw--thts drt amer lks nd aids---psn svc sw sm crn hdg n 632p m/f mds of wc m ng ws on bike--whl f mds ws gng---ha.....---gigglng upon vct hvng bn hd by mds crew thy r all prty t alng with city nd shrffs----ard 7p swr shrtly bhd tgt blu shrtd pk grd tl up lib steps nd across prb twrd prk---lkl t srvl mk slpng nd tgt scrd----tgt so sk dnt hv idea whn she wnt t slp---nd sffrd nst diarrhea svrl times on top of othr pressing isuues---rgt hr myb time alrd hs chg so it ws 1 hr frw or ard 2a wc i thgt mgt hv bn 1a hvg frgtn time chg schedl as drc rslt of hvng bn wstd---z lnkd grp nd myb city grd prb headed twrd grg js thn--in rlt all jntl wstg mssv vctms fr free--why py? whn amer cn hv their ck nd eat it too---mon---myb apx 6a smk drc intent t psn tgt---in amer this is easy--no one lks or ntc dffrnc--instd thy r jntl hppily wstg vctms nd hlpg drg drt---ths wl b their own knd of people---i nt ntc am grd tdy--bt my prb is agn bng abl t g slp ngt--but als ofcrs pymnt fr evrthg so i nd nt b hlss nd so tht loss nd entrpmnt mgt end--instd mrdrs usadgs wstg killing tgt lf at evr stp nd ooprtnt dlb trng vctms int tgt---why py????---hvy smk psn crswl sm svc s sd---pot nrb pk ct crn----rec--lg tm mds sus--julie as clld by hsp grd arrgd mssv smkn abt tgt nd rp tld ths in nrst vcn tgt is m---a frt---or she m---hvg sd stg lk---allgng she is or ws drg dealer on prob???---cllng slf rthless btc---u r flg t gt---drt lk hr is exc wt amer is nd wt amer dgs---she ws bkd up by og ht reseller mds who tld vctm t gt lf---instd of tllng off crm mlcs lying mds btc----pot psn vcn ba---by wells ppsng julie who frst psd mob brtr myb ??mrk nrb tj---top of strt trs nx sbw smn pltd opnd wtr bttls psb psnd---julie ws telling psb mds f rpt sggstg t hr tgt is m---fr wc mds f lkl gvs hr tips etc in rtrn fr wstg vctm nd tgt---1148a--ng mds f lcn w---1227p--smn hd gull offr tgt qrtr off ckn sdw nrb sushi---thts amer fvr---smn gv tgt bn wkn--tlg hr t hv gd dy--in effect t b wstd fr free nd trapped fr free as intended by usa--i blv am my hv sn ret srvcs pss rbts e--bt not notated nd cl hv mstkn dy but mgt be tdy--same as old slvr hr--ng w hr nd brd psn smk tgt lcn se---pot nrb alfrd dsp--nd smk blwn vcn brnys---shrtlss hlss lwn hlwy pk--hlss stps cvs---smk at tgt lq crn at crs stp--?rd pls ht--crm mob brt rd top frd of ffrt named julie and liar blk clm tj trs cn incense--thn tld unk sying hi t tgt he hd vdk in thr--bt vdk dt smell nd tgt non drkr-----bd nts??---335p svc ?lvng e sh sv stg off frm crn d e psgr f lkg intnly tgt eyes t frm mnc tgt---
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