Thursday, June 7, 2018

wed---js nw thrsd--ortl f bhd tgt t tlt--ckd 2 adj tlts--nt t hr lkg nd lft--bk t wed---mk spsdl abstnd frm alchl mst or all this dy bt tgt susp he lkl wnt fr mr thursd---gvn he alwys denies ong prb nd restrts same agn---as he just saw tsilia bass wed--it is clr she has no idea re grvty of drnkng prb---or its med cmbnd effects---mrvr --mds crms r busy persecuting tgt---reasons othr thn being nice--smply t ps menace dvs excuses and wst the vctm wth aid of mds bkn whlwd drt cmnty---cmnty of nvr endg wstg nd prsctn nd wrtls inslts--at prc of vctms lf---whr none of dmg to her losses or life count wtvr---crm mds--nd crm whlwd--cstg tgt her lf nd evrtg in it are grtd cntng on their wy with assistg cnsprd prsctg mds---why py????---jus bfr tgt cmptr trn off wed eve shrtl bfr 7p--lkl mds adc crm hlpg the dstrbnc nx tgt lft sd while he ws usng cmptr 19-----eve aftr mks arrvl psng mds on bk---pssd off at vctms--oh thy let u sty hr all ngt---mds bkr/prtcpt---tkng pctrs of bldgs acrss--tkg elevtr dn---thurs---ard 6a--sec--lkl prvt sec?? wkg fr the evnt trsng tns on crms nd fgts--nd wstg fr free pls crm vlu  inslts prsctg nd wstg the tgt--crm grds ptg tgt bgs--1 sying--nt stln---rgt---all crms stole evrtg fr slvs--wth cmplt ignrnc bkn nd mlc frm trs usa----605a--pr plib s---of wc hsp fgt trz tgt by wvg---dy bfr 1 of grds f psn grg trd offr pc of jk fd--rfsd ofcrs---amer clrl cmpltl hs zro cnscnce re thgs it pull off or wht it is cstg the vctm---instd--t tell lies--it has fn trng in rvs dmpng own trs crms----cvrg up fr mssv thvs at no cst ---mks trs crm amer drt lvl people----****sw svc crn ard 732a---tgt flng nst aftr coma effects ong---btc comes twrd tgt bgs hr either blcd or rdds--wth her crm cmnctns cell ptd at bgs nd smngl usng her cell a while---crm mds thn plnts 2 eggs tp of tgt stff--othr thn hrd ckd---ths crm ws lkl dsptcd by othr m mds wlkng prhps few mnts ltr svc d  s ---crm herbie ws lkl wtcg the attrctn nd wlkd s aftr mds btc lft---the othr wtnss aidg crm lkl--ws sh sv who in shrt ordr pssd vcn trying dmp upn tgt---ng wrg org top--- i thgt was wtng fr bus ---while i ws bent ovr due t wstg by usa---nd ong coma wstg------in rlt ng threw brd all ard nd vr psb trng t dmp upn smn sc as vctm---hwvr shrtl ths ws scpd by city clnrs---t this clnrs crdt--he nt sng cap smn lft---i dt kn who did---smk svc d s 838a---psng by 8932--903a--mds 3 trs m grp--1 smtg off tgt--oths lkl amused dlgtd at abuse---as drt ws abusing tgt---crm estb cnstrctn lkd out frm bldg t hlp bk crm drt--their own type drt---shtl tgt sw psng 8932 d e lkl same as dy bfr by 24h--nd dy bfr tht by abbys---oldr md age f mds wrg qlt lk mx clr coat --mgt evn be same as wth eggs bt gvn i ws so wstd ths mrn coma lk symptms cnt abs grnt---cmra wl b bst wtnss--cnsprd tgt mlcs prsctn---ong nd bkd by ths being incrporated due t fr or crm affltn---bttr hlp the mds thn py the vctm---why py??----938a---mds smk ????  e---lkl ovr strn blkts--crm shrffs nd crm bkn city operatives at smngl utility unit js s of rbts pmp crn---1125a--crm f psn smk tgt vcn frt rnnr---mvng d w---sus m chr wlkng thrgh cnstrctn tnnl w of wkn---blk t suddenl md shrp rvs trn---??no justf expl----tgt rvsd at wkn as ws alrd gtn lt and tgt ws nt mvng well due t bdl imprd cndtn frm crms bkd by trs usa---1155a--ng mds f sn psng wkn d put cn int trs insd paper bg---my als b dfr mds lnkd--why py???--vrtlly no cns---as some mkng vry substnl moneys because lw drt nt mnd thm--i dt knw whr thy gt the fvrs--but these alwys gt loads--nd clrl hlthy dgs--pls nt bng vctmzd--instd dng stpd shit---lk drkng--smkng--tats--or gmbl---none decent people--bcs all goes t trs clrl---mnwl all mn is amer crm snggd wth drc bkn frm trs usa---why py???-----sml xtr noisy cr mkn shrp trn svc d e frm s sd---ard 1254p---*****103p--sus f wrg shrts nd grn bpk hng vrious sds of svc sw crn nd crsg areas whl cntnsl ckng her cell dsply as am mds wtc---on the same crn--svc sw---115p--num smkrs rbts w---crswl smkd up d s---ard 124p---???--mds smk blwng prfsl vcn tgt---incmpl unrdb nts---132p---hlr trng frm rbts s sd d e---nst exh frt sd at tgt---***nrb same loc frm alley at rbts snk out mds operatv hvg gull offer 2 pieces of fry---why shl amer brglrs nd killers thy py????---whn amer killers do evr mrdr of theirs abs free--drctl bkd by mrdrs usa---rec---f264eo---dk sv eng rng  nx t pvln rec----lkl nst dsp mds ct crn pk d s--****mds crm nx ba---i wnt u hv ths--*****nvr evr mnd wht ths crm rng mds dnt wnt u t hv---as trs mrdrs usa lvs off evrtg urs-----i wbdlb strg nd prfsl blwg smk tgt--sus offrg tgt non edb spc pza tgt frc thrw out nx lwr lib---mlcs pot rpt at tgt lwr n sd of lib---orngzd mnc t wst the vctm---ths ws apx 244p---tgt sptd upr lib gy frmrl sn up/dn---ltr sptd cstdn strg at plng wst tgt---thy evn snggd outer lib chrs--****nd 4 dys or so tgt will b evn mr expsd ---as ****no whr t slp whn vctm is tgt---******nd mrdrs usa blvs its wstg mrdrs drt is -----free--thy killed my lf---my health --stole destroyed evrtg i hd--mvd rgt in--mk is nw trnd int alchl suicdl addct----***compliments of crm of cntr sz thieves and killers via estb/lw enfcmnt bkd mob---***thnks to los angeles---oroville--west hollywood---la/butte counties--and murderous usa---js sw 417p md age f pntl mds shkng hnd twrd ref dsk vcn-----****mrdrs usa is here t pkt evrtg urs--nd by the wy--kllrs nt mnd u hv cmpltl wrtls inslt--thy wnt u hv ths---as they live off ur skn nd ur life nd---evrtg in it******cmplmnts amer drt mob nd crm mob bkn trs usa---why py????----crm marie seen psng tgt myb abt 458p--btc is adc nd mds-- nd mk is drnk nd crm empwrg slf--wth his own slf srvg drt vs any vctm he cn use----bth ins nd dslk tgt hs hg vlu on mnc her lf nd property---cvrng fr crms nd crms---of wc mk lkl is smwr on lst--evn if wr it smllr prt of lst of wc tgt nt entrl sure nd cnsdrs him cpb of evrtg--lying like mob---wstg dfrdg vctm--nd cnvntl rvrsg his lies--insistg tgt dsrvs ntg nd intentionally nt vluating her property loss damage loss personal persecution trzg nd wstg loss--crms like mike and marie nd rest of amer drt hghly dsrv each othr nd own crm dfrdg acts--tgt is nt fld a sec--amer r murderous mssv crm of century sz killers fr free---rl/pntv dmgs t lst sec fr all wstg t lf nd prop of this tgt t lst sec sgt vs trs usa nd all its trs aids....

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