Sunday, February 15, 2015

amer. mamufactured undesired waste, living vegetale, and walking time bomb

hpolier than thou amer. menace is here to see to it that you see it not those are the alleged nice people but that is the last thing they are. this butte county community here is to have you penniless eradicated and fully framed BY ANY and all scam means. remember system vs people persecuting terrorist witch assisted by bus company and sheriffs named sarah - well the low slime has plenty of groupies and like minded thinking in low terrorist county. as flower seller in w.h. put it valentines day is her biggest day on tips. well in terrorist butte I have got nothing less than conspiracy provocation insults and zero money and zero tips. anything you see here if ever is lowest insults intended for dictatorship and persecution. it is a county of crime, fraud, conspiracy, and scams where all terrorists cash in on the act. exiled by ultra grand theft manufactured by ter amer. tactics the amer ter scam is assisted on a broad scale and especially in puritanical smoke in your face county. *** teen dark hair long sleeve red shirt. silver rounded roof car 1 side male waving other side yelling. small dark car beep by 259 table mountain. near valeros and going away making nasty remarks I could not hear this time group of 4 terrorists 1 seemingly in red pants and female I believe is panhandler and maybe your ride "home."gang banging pair by library fixing bike with loose dog which the banger long black hair female maybe mex did not want me to touch as her loose dog approached me but I was not approaching her dog in no which way. when conspiracy team other female petted her dog the touching was absolutely welcome and that is the true loweness of amer persecution style.`white jeep with black back beeping on orodam than masking turn into Lincoln away from library.DRM4TH1 offered bottles in shell. child on bike chase corner -have you got a lighter ma'am? ped. black dude with cell half  way to tower- how y. doing? by shaky's 28DLXN you have a lighter fem. 2 bagers raleys lot exit to side of lit. ceasars pizza. 5GCT159 dark blue car -Chinese food scam. -1 block from Mitchell towards robinson. cruising white trucks in Montgomery myers and nearby vicinity.block away from civic towards table mtn male scum - how y. doing? across street vehicle flashed lights numerous times at parking lot. by vet. bldg. loaded trash banging and screaming. river walk way black dude with bike red light - happy valentines day - at no cost - words and crime run free in America. 2 child bangers from 7-11 terrorize me in valeros vicinity probably mex. vicious turn by white truck and another vic. turn by anoth. white truck from valeros as kids did their terrorizing distraction activities and organized ter scams. someone out of car called me girlfriend at valeros - a female with fem companion. male walking dog on table towards grand past alliance- consp. ter. - ***why you act like this?***- I would give you my motor home to put your  stuff! these folks not mind business and dictate exterminate peoples lives conspired ter amer style as per sarah system vs people terrorist with her buddy co terrorist community groupings pushing forth their crime aided by amer scam hiding far away from being found out and other conspiring stealing and envious and hateful trash aided by ter amer system who is their active friend and directly assisting their crime. near fire dept dog barking white car pull out near home w/green light. also someone hanging by home with absolutely no lights first adjacent to fire dept. $$$$$$$$$$99999999999999........................ gazillion dollars sought vs USA for ist 40 yrs of ter acts aided by its communities groups AGENCIES LAW ENFORCEMENT AND GVTS. MONEY MUST BE LEGAL AND available to go for my lovely life in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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