Friday, July 31, 2015

america's here to "help" - trst amer mob

ext dk mb grn trk up 13th blk to fngr sgn mkg trst mrdrs ok. w cr wv trzg up 8th blk. trst ?faint  clr suv  bpg into 7th blk dn. faint blu tint trk wvg up grnd. yth w shirt dk cap trz rw to brdg. w clr pkup w/shell bp to grnd.guy dir grnd -trst -???be ccrfl in heat.blu mvn brdg to twn -hi! trst blu mvn out of olvr grn bldg.  ?s sd-hey! dir tbl. 4 bks w yths at least sm duos on sm bk  to mitch dir lib. ?7lng001 call me yg ldy rlys lot. ?? w shll trk 1.5 bpg orod pst shell.- heat blkouts. I rcll open pltd decked out wtr nd sm trst cstmr offrg sm knof scm fvr. shirtless out lq shv gbg my way dir arco bk pt shrt on mb blk to ext lgt gray mdrn cr lkd rea. shrp snd blu ?suv pst shkys dir twr. ?6fgn997 silv mvn by mks brgr offrg fd. 2mez015- hello twr. 8c09273 blk guy offrg drk/appl to hd trst deeds.4 fems pls grl of which one in blk tp w pnts ws insn lntc. rob pst myers dir tbl. 2 bks lgt nd dk gray tps yths cackling  myers dir rob. dk suv blk guy wlk to gzbo snt to offer pizza cvr up endls trst actvts w/o pay. he ws prkd myers crs frm gazebo. I blv it wnt dir of brd st. ths ws few min of 740p. blk tp rd bpk susp bk to tbl. bk w shrt hd gear -hyd? ??brdg dir grnd. dk gry sprty cr anim/brd type vcls brdg dir grnd. veh? mkg noises dir brdg. trst w trk siren amer flg pst grnd dir nels. silv cr bpg nels to tbl-trst mob. lkly sm silv cr bpg pst fogg up nels. 5kzb627 mob trst just trg to hlp pushg chg mlcs wrtls trzg to disguise endlss hug mob acts chsg persns w/malicious lies pers dict. tactics. chevrn. bk by fd one unifmd employee wlk all the wy to sd walk to exmn my right arm hpng to devise insinuations to assist trst mob squad which fd also has joined. ??mb w veh ?mkg 3rd dir grnd pst hd.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

drugies/drunks trst dg fem aplgz- frd, jim walsh hr buddy lkly linked to consp prob sngs trash food then tries hnd it out

blk trk trst bpg dn nels. gry the lunatic -jesus is cmng. I hv mr prob thn u. prior to ths blu cr wvng mb cig ashes. blk cr w btm to 525. blk trk ?solar sign  bpg 3rd to nels. prob rdg nts . lun. fem who has dog nd gets drnk apolgzd wrtls aplgy nd smk joint. jim walsh sm loctn as trst fem offrng lkly sngd pnt btr. bth lkly drnks as u see fem also smks joint -the obvious. cmnty of trstsw adcts cnsprts nd liars nd pers trsts whom amer lks as holier thn thou wrkng scms to frthr trst hold.grn cr noisy pst ??wd trn grnd. bk in rd  hrsg me pst rw dir grnd. yth bk in ht dir brdg. cp pst olv grv ????? also I thk fem in veh at alliance ws speculating re my prsnce. lkly susp cnsp fem by lib-cnsp mob. allgd nrs mob oprtv apprch w 2 cns. 7elf414 -nd a rd sw? at pp. othr yelg w trk nd bpg gry 1.5. dk cr bpg pst brd to rob. agn frm brd ckwr crnr dir rob lkly sm trst cr also sevrl othrs crsg the area a lgtr ?grns bgr cr nd drk red cr .lgt tint bgr cr to brd dir linc drk rd cr crsg sm area mny tms ovr nd lkly are prsns who invnt lies nd terst act of all sorts to hid own trst crm nd mk u bd instd -trst amer style. drk rd cr crsg myers/bird mny tms nd doing sm by myers/mntg. duo trst fem mntg/myers purp. trzg - hi. dir linc.. bk rd tnk mntg dir tbl. scrmg drk clr cr pst rw to twn. bk scrmg dir grnd. prob sm cr scr dir twn pst rw. br chested dude gng cnsprcy lies trst anythg to kick abt trgts in amerca grnd dir rw. trst cr lkly dk grn grnd tbl dir nels. noisy dk cr lkly dn ? pst vlrs dir nels. bldg. acrs ss scrmg. trst cr hey pst alliance dir grnd. I blv drk rd cr to nels frm tbl. lg w veh 11th blk tried to tell me to go frt of him thn called me weirdo -exctly ter mob cnsprd ter act thnkg. uve gt false wrtls trst gdrs who are cnsprcy ter act mob scmng to wst u yr life via lies nd prtctg own ter lying pushing scms nd crms at no cost. Americas terst wy to invent demolition of u nd ur life w/o paying the bill. scdrls are lkly connectd to church grps l e dntn Oroville apts tersts schools lrgr butte cnsprcy trsts pres holier thn thou who are addicts tersts violent liars but they successfully wst u nd ur lf w/hlp frm amer -terst murderous lying cnsprg nd prot ter acts cntry aiding ter groups.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

trsts wnt to big lots trst in drk brwn unifrm wlkg to am/pm arco nd taco bell stated - we are wtching u all the tm.

12th blk hm w/amer flg was directly observing me befr trng awy pret to ignr.. lwr 8th blk cr bp pst me but stayed in my sd of rd without mkg any attmt to go arnd inmstly empty rd. m/f pair up nels pst dmpstrs on bks. m- on bk rpt ...fnkstk. brk brns cr sd smtg befr going into brdg frm mid brdg sd rd. gry 1.5 vic mntg dir linc. bg 1.5 ??? -hey. trs thrwn arnd myers/mntg gazebo by unknwn src. 7f36272 gecko announced his ortl grlfrd hlpd u befr -u cn hv $10. too bd trsts believe their endls list of extermntn persecution nd ter acts are wrth a mere $10 -sorry I do nt cr to be acqtd w/mob operatives. rept lib terzg frm comp num. 1. thn anthr mob replcd drnk. all hd cns. gng wtd cigs evry looney in twn knws I hv tot. ntg to do with. as I left big lots area nd headed to check fr cns its catty crner silvr mob cr 7 lvn230 pretended to hrs grt to hrs by bait cns As its othr operative occupant went insd big lots nd fabrictd mlcs complaint. blonde fem cm out frm big lots nd told me re mobs cmplnt legitimizing scm to purp. orgnz invt problms - f u as gng hi operATIVES LIKE TO SAY. allgd custmrs fllwg wtchg my trail w intent to - f u.  lkly fnk stk cr ws also sw on premises.  trst arco vicinity just to let u knw - we r wtchng u all th time. sm out of arco to tb drk brn unifm. intrmission nd bk to yestrdy. I stpd into raleys waiting to collect the joke nd as always I cn feel the diffce in environmental cndtns which causes me to want to hold on to prevent collapse. I held on nd ofcourse if u hld on to anythg thr u cn hv an accdt which is wht hpnd ths time w/gls vial falling. but frm now on I hv to survive w/o hldng on evn as I feel lk I cn cllpse any sec. the trsts go rnd mkg problms on purpose devising scms to invent misery devices fr u which businesses nd likely law enfcmt will lkly lv to act upn as it gives thm a device excuse nd motivation to pose selves as being reasonable nd constructive while in fct orgnzg mjr stp by stp dwnwrd demltn lk hitler. feeding plntg poison scm nd crp trsts praise selves on do gooding as they purposely conspire to mk mr nd mr problems via cmnty undrcvr mob team. bk to cr pls blu cr-eh nd yuk snds to gv slvs mtvtn to kp up trzg. wtch mob trst in brn unifm to tb. dk suv mthg off dir twr. suspect blk trk to o- hosp-oh. brn vn w/og strp yel out pst oh dir twr.8p87694 pushed burritos at twr-junk nd scm to compliment demolition terst activities fr purpose of disguising big time mlcs truth. ths trk ws bg 1.5. ?blu cr psg by pwr equipmt threw its drink cup in my dir yelling f u. dir twr.drk grn trk w tp which also frmrly hd the mst cmn fu psgr silent dir orodam. 2 sheriff vehs to spencer nd out psbly snt by trsts. 4dbt -hi in thrgh recycler out currier crt. sm 4dbt bpg myers pst rabobank dir rob. trsts in sm dir mitch. w.y. dng? lkg fr ride? they spd off spr fst as thy knw I nvr tk rds nd tried to get their plate but my sight is nt remotely enough. I blv hd m/f occupts. persn in grn to myers toilet. gt wtr. 905p clk. trk mb 1.5 bg w/frm yell pst civic dir linc. cr syng smtg myers mntg to tbl. scrmng bk try to speed very close to me practically nearly run in to trz mntg pst prkg near bty salon .veh rw dir grnd shrp snd simlr to sltd blu veh the dy bef on ohw. bk frm behd me in rw youth scrmg -g me sm crk. plntd wstd crp sndwch trs by rb compliments dictatorship poisons tersts. noisy veh cr? rw dir twn. vic cr dn nels to fogg.rd trk opn bk vic pst fogg dn nels.dude wlking to hs bef hall of recs-hws it gng? law enf vehs. veh accented in drk blu shone lgt my wy sm as trst team lkly wrkg tgtr to intmdt trze trgts. vic. vn spdg behd cop mb blu. hrd svr scrchg smwhr dn nels. guy wlkg yellowish dog pst 3rd/nelson undr nels brdg prob to 959-965. duo wlkg bksup nelson undr brdg mb disc frtr trgtg tctcs. noisy zmg w? cr.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

8th blk rch cr dfntly tried to run me ovr by delib swerv wy into othr sd-bk acrs fr dept -i'm goin to f u up.

w cr going up 11th blk? lic plt frmd in rd/blu. noisy grn cr cbn style w/rd sd up 7th blk. gang sheriff cr bp up cty drv betw jh nd crt hs- affiliated w/nd bcking terzng by gng which eliminated me nd evertg mn.trio nr 7-11 -shut up nd they frgt to finish also lose nd suffer nd be wsted by trsts lk them.trst bk in blu yth brdg to twn scrmg?  iblv thy sd -is she hmls nd ans lkly ws yes??? ovrhrd conv vic test/retest ????? pair dn linc dir mitch -shrt fem yelg. ????trst mex -hi! sml grn cr trn spcr dir mitch. 73594m1. grn trk wtr pst a-1. noise mkg sltd blue veh pst a-1 dir twr. smn lkg out twr. noisy dk cr zmg pst tb dir twr. blu sltd veh vcs noise dir twr. vh gs pst a-1 dir twr. elite sec stkg out by po on behlf of cnsprd trsts. sm cns pltd in trs by trsts who lkly sent th terst to trz. lgt clr cr bpg pst 1375 myers replcg othr mob hdg vehs prev beg clr nd othr drk clr crs now aided by trst sheriffs in cty drive. the cr trnd mntg dir linc. silv cr pkd frt of unq grdns nd gifts. clk acrs civic 945p. bk also went up rob. vcs lt??? betw brgr nd mntg vet bldg. area. bk brgr lot to mntg lkly. I blv ?trk bpd going past rv bench -rb-I blv that my hv been fr cheap jnk poisonous drnk insd lkly. cmpltly empty alliance trs for trst req. psbl. bcs it ws nearly empty earlier by few hrs. duo evn to 2nd odd sd nels apts countg frm tbl located befr fogg -cll me bg ldy. hrd frm evn sd  lkly apts fem - I d't think they'll listen to her. bike out of 2nd st beh hd crsg ovt to fd cmpln re invntd alleged strg at him then stated he will fk me up causing me to run into fd driveway. bk w/bgs? 7th blk. 8th blk rnch cr frm evn sd up ln crsd ovr at spd all wy drctly at me in sd odd dwn ln trying to kill nd scrg lif out of me csg me to yell any tm I sw veh apprch aftr tht. it is nt accdt. tht area lkly is presumd cmra free fr lk of hses nd mob whom amer law enf let loose is invntv aS TO HOW TO AVOID BEING CAUGHT FR TER ACTS. AMER SUPPORTS TERSTS ND TER ACTS CAUSE they resemble hw the murderers wld act thmselvs - saw ths endlss acts dt cnt at all nd I hv to endlessly fear for my life. just now terst at comp 1 w rd scrf cussed my wy.

Monday, July 27, 2015

knocked ovr trash myers nd montgomery cntnd all arnd cnsp ter mob prjct

w cr w/smtg on rf bpg pst me shrtly aftr I stpd out gng up nels all ter team flwd by dk suv.blk cr bpg grnd brdg dn. 1.5 drk gry trk w/amer flg lkly suspct gvg me drty lks as I pkd up btl behd it.  lkly I ws too ovrhtd nd strsd to lk at plt - my be sm as I gt by frwrks nr dollar tree prior to july eng w/74 I spotted prkd acrs frm chvrn. mex w/crt attchd to bk pst ss dir brdg.bpg w cr hey dir tbl.  ????bp trn ard dir myers. noisy grn cr pst bw???? petland ter fem -gt out of my trs-thr ws ntg but litter in it. as I left fem cm out w/ml comp lkly wld be frdly in fct ter team prtcpt. the mn clmd they wr nt lkg at me thn announcd tht "I" mk mess whn I go thrgh peoples gbg - a mlcs nt accidtl fbrctd scm. in sec both stuck their fcs bk out. I thk outs ws veh pltd 6wer327. this one mb offrd btls by big lots 6jcl875. 4drt passing by wilc thkd me fr pickg up gbg. trst me picking othrs mess is nt my job. am already murdered fr abs tot. ntg. smn purp shoved ovr couple dmpstrs on myers. scr w cr sm as I did it mitch dir lib trst yelg frm behd -gng bgr. silv suv pst popeyes dir mitch. by bk of w 6wlk647 -wld u lk ths? lky cnctd to sm ter ring nt sep grps. they are 2 faced frm free burger to accsg u gt their wlt in gbg cn. trst bgr drk grn suv hello hyd? pst dennys prt of sm trst grp nd getting everyone to thnk along. saw a fem recyclg behd arco -unclear whose dmpstrs are in bk-mght belong to a-1 plaza. she hd bgs of cns nd but lkly prt of gng herself. drk cr to odd sd bet brd nd mntg blk fen stpd out nd went to bldg.-hello. 1.5??? trk pst myers dir tbl. bk pst myers to linc. purp??the drk cr 3ucf289 stpd by me in mntg-w. a u wrtg? lkly sm cr bk rnd etc. sevrl mntg dmpstrs trnd upsd dn vicinity bkwrm lkly by sm gng cnsprcy prjct skg to mk misery my wy. duo ter bks pst vet brkg dn mntg frt one scr. cr ret dir tbl. civic clk ws 1015p. 3rd ter bk swrvg nd lkly linked to gng. bk dir grnd frm rw. bk frm vlrs sd crs on diag dir to ss. apprchg alliance m/f kids m/f adlts. kids rptdly yelling bitch hey bitch. prt posng as fm in fct trst m-hello. children m mstly continue cllng me bitch go away go to yr hs -just as if I hd any intrst in thm othr thn wht theyre doing to my life nd trn rnd pst nels brdg dir cty? betw tbl nd fogg evn sd apts hrd gng ml adlts nd child. lkly adlts tlg child lkly to relax rptdly possibly inj child w/drgs nd or trgtg me -I yelled nd screamed. ntcd veh in drk hd lot. brk glss ck btl nd veh trks frm hd ext to 3rd.4dwt pst chev dir nels.gng scdrl snkg pst nels dmpsts - gt cig?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

america goes arnd infiltrating and orchestrating ter acts which it believes 2 cents will pay for as too much of a favor

7th blk fgt ? bk in blk tp dn repeating my phrs clng hrsmt tm gng bngr nels. ??582jn bet 4th nd apts. 37186p1 blu trk clns stkg out stp on gs actg as if I ws crzy. 6hid691 blk cr  offered chp junk tea cn whn I trnd scdrl stk thm nxt to my bg persecutioning w/psn in retrn fr mlcs extrmntn trzg. w scion lk veh - hi! to brdg pers extrmntn ter team. dk grn trk w cbn frt to brdg - f u bitch. 5hva900 grayish ???crnr at fm at ??? 6lmy751 cigs m/f??. w cr bpg nrg lib dir linc -bgr. 224fx?? by shell str grp w/pizza 1 prob clns dmpstrs mult stations w/infiltr team. that's crzy offrg pizza while stlng everything to th grnd nd trtrg to death w/cnsp team as result of which terst murderous amer hs no plc fr me except in jazzed up murderous coffin. rpt zmg cr  pst pp dir twr. noisy w trk dir orod . drk scr cr frm grnd to brdg.childrn ter team on tbl near tbl/nels tlkg out of conv w infilt trsts at shell - spell it. smn w/lgt frm inner sd of chevrn dir nels. noisy cr frm nels brdg area I blv dn nels bt hvg heat blkouts. intcm fd also hrd hd area- cnsprcy ter aids. car threw smtg school fence area as I wlkd by trvlg dn nels 7th blk psbl othr suspct vehs.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

mob w/trst cn, mob on bks, mob in nelsn apts, terst country nd hoodlum people

sm 1.5 trk frm behd me shrtly aftr wlkg out mb 12-3th blk. went dn nels frm behd. bk in rd 10th blk dn. drk blu suv bpg pst 895???? dir dn. suv??? w cr bpg dn pst nels dmpstrs. tng twstg red cr sounds to hrs ridicule wst terze grnd dir up of 4th. hyd drlg -gry trst? chevr. 4j55319 prob offrd smtg tot. wrtls chevr. jim grn shrt frm chevr dir nels.. bgrs pst mno dir nels mumblg re dp trio incl fem w/cell. pair w/baby behd thm. alliance - w/o nts so sml psblty of wrg not. 3tix718 4trg679 -hi! trsts. bgr rd cbn cr to brdg. duo dir rw-hyd rw  ???? stupd mf! 1.5 w trk bpg myers dir rob pst ???? w frnt hauler style  pickup pst shell gsg. drk gry cbn cr scrmg pst ohw dir cvs. gsg w trk pst tb dir twr. sitg by lib fem w/kds instrctg thm to put cns into trs -lkly sm dict manipulation perh gt thm to thk thy are btr thn ths being wstd. glue con by lib w/chld nd mini dog. rd 1.5 trk bp pst arbys dir twr. 6rss258 gry mvn myers/mntg. 837p the abv dumpd slice of cake put on grnd aftr refsd -ter pers team gng aids -mob. susp trio pst civic aftr crsg myers. rpt bln noise bk ??rw ?brdg. a yelg drk cr pst grnd to brdg. susp bk thk u  rw dir nels.. oldr rd mob trk alliance pushing cn decking it on grnd as cake. old svd gls ter btls pltd in alliance trs by smn who affrds synergy/kevita. abv trk plt cld nt see frm badly lit sd ngl. noisy cr trn nels frm tbl.trst in blk tp bk  scrmg pst odd sd  apts nels prior to fogg dir tbl. ANTR BK SM DIR.rpt intcm $gen. mlcs bpg hauler 3rd dir up nels. 2 bks apprtly hvg sm disc on evn sd prior to nels apts then both went to my dir scrmg nd cmng dng close -a gng resps frm mult mls cm frm upper sd  nels apts by dmpstrs abv 4th. prt of the mob is insd nels apts it seems. some pot smell sm loc. lkly cnctd to drnkg drug mob. spdg cr 10th blk dwn. bk w loose dog frm behd vic. brk upr 8th blk to 9th lkly 959-65. vic spdg suspct cr 12-13th blk psbl spd/swrvg dngrs as well as likely reglr cr sm tim whenvr I pass area.

Friday, July 24, 2015

real america gives green light to all terrorists and digs frying yr lf at no cost

i believe I smld sml disgs at clns recyclr whove done their job brainwashing guy to waste me as a fntstc ter idea. bk - w a u scrmg abt? prb frm  ??? dk grn trk dir grnd? 4d silv w/luggage bpg. diff 4d ???????????? bg trst vn bpg pst dwnr. all tctcs nd mnvrg are meant to wst u nd do so at no cst pret ntg hpnd tersts selves cnsprd nd maliciously trgt 24/7. 4d bg trk w shll wvg. w cr dir linc. left.?almst blk cr bpg pst 2165 dir rob. 4ulv208 prob offrg mny by $tree which wld much rtr hv fr selves as they kill dictator w/assist of terst murderous usa gvg grn lgt. scr bg/tn cr orod dir myers. 502kx ter ??suv bpg pst myers. 4uej838 r suv shell -trst gngstr psg chg so tht cnsprd amer  tr acts cn continue fr free as if non-existing. dodge step on gs pst pp dir twr. u8548 silv mvn cvrng protecting trst activity w prtner  leaving dennys lot. med sz w scr cr brdg to twn. trst w veh scr to brdg. blk cr fem trst-hey grl to brdg. lgt clr cr vnels to tbl hey! susp vehs pst nels dmpstrs nd nels. suspcts cnsprg ter acts lwr sd of nels apts while liaras nd crmnls last sited within pst few wks upr sd. trst murderous country celebrating ter activity and aiding its success doing nothing to pay for ter acts. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999999....................................... gazillion dollars sought vs usa for 40 yrs of 24/7/365 cnsprd ter acts to be had guarntd nd uncond for my lvly lf in rf to be expedited by trst consp. mob usa and its trst consp mob people. condo scdrl tried say my toilet caused his problem that alrm clk was fire alrm and tht exprt told him cat smell goes into vents as tersts smk into my face nd extrmntg my lf psng as gdrs inrlty trst murderous cntry who aids tersts and ter activity and supports crms with thumbs up and smiles. terst country nd murderous people. I recl they also chsd  Mongolian fem who alleg accrdg cndo assos married fr mny nd grn crd. -u cn tell ths ws condos business.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

24/7/365 mob butte/mob usa

a drk cr trn in rvrs at 12th st. w cr bpg up of 6th ?? blk cr w strps apprch me 5sdn779 - wht is it I jst hrd u yelling? cmng frm ter scm artist  glue pers trsts cnfgrg tr acts aided by trst states. grns cr bp trn 6th. lg tan suv bpg pst. cycl w/cn by Collins. jim walsh washing hands from bottle obtained at chevr. noisy silvr cr sprty tbl to cnty. red trk yelg dir nels pst alliance - ?fnk stk. 2 in shts bks. up hill at rb'. w nd rd shrts-hi Tanya fnk stk rpt. scr w cnsp veh. raleys entrce I recall cologne smell insd hnd sntz trst enhcmt. ??blk rd gry bg brk pst mrshalls po area. lgr tan suv rpt rd arnd $tree lot. hmls pedlng fem gvn fd frm rac. mbstr by $tree askng prob fr lgt. 6vks561 -hi! ??silv atchmt bks. drk grn 1.5 ?smlr pickup pst lq dir twr. rpt trzg fem in drs by arbys hau rpt. 2 susp ?? ohw pst arbys dir orodm. cop to beh w tv sympathizing w/trst pers mob butte . hi! duo w/ g s. dog up Wilcox. dg lkd simlr to the one on orodam yest in bg cr gong in dir myers. park strt is nxt to util com. prob phone lk att. police pst rob myers hlping mobstr tackl me into crnr nd blm me fr it after wstg hrs of my tm hvng sngd my bg as I suffered a blackout nd nt putting it bck until sm tm later. 2 susp lkly crmnl bks to bot sds of me up mntg pst vet bldg. nrg tbl. 2 prs stg sds of brgr. ped twd rw. sevrl sus vehs dir of grnd via brdg. silv 4d via chevr. ped chevrn ask whr to by cig at ngt. silv 1.5 up nels pst dmpstrs thn cmng bk lkly ??f u scrmng. nrg hm cr to 12th rvrsd cm bk nd trzd me w/lgt prob per instrctns frm silv 1.5. dude pushing cn myers rob lt at ngt lkly mb tm rob dir linc.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

hndg drk cr - trzg bks now on nels.

mike playing w my fcbk adding photos friends etc which I hv ntg to do with. bk in 6th blk askg fr cig. bk to mno lkg bk. gay m pls trns effem prtnr tbl dir cty trans anncg her nm snded lk smtg indian nd claiming to org nd insisting she will be wtchg me. trk old nvy w/fenders rpt wvg to mno going al wy dn. bluish veh sim to ?? bp tbl to cty pst mno. bg 4d trn nelsn-eh.. sptd sm loc. ??? silv suv,  grn cr, drk gry cbn style cr. purp cr gvg cig to peddlg hmls fem. grn  cr out of $tree lot. shtg style w cr tl lgts scr orod ohw. silv 1.5 wckd grbld vcs bg cr w/dg ylg pst b of w dir myers. 847lin twr inslt mny nvda. ??vn  bpg pst lqr. drk grns cr to sd of la cmda bk frt of dennys to spcr pst trnst. scr w cr ard la cmda. trst dk grn spcr to orod -hi!prob trn myers ??frt of raleys mitch to spcr. frt of ?rec scr dir mitch myers twd rob.trst cr trns prk bk myers dir of rob .agn myers dir rob in view of le spdg to emgcy. typically l e goal is to hlp my enemies nd thumb up fr trst success. ihv smtg ntd 7lhm256 unkn rsn if any bt nt crsd out. typically hdlm org is hdg non disclsg its tru crmnl intntions whl sm r reglr bullys both unfort cnctd to sm org w sm mlcs intntns. 2 bks in rd pls blk dn myers dir mntg. silv 1.5 lw rdr pst civic clk dir myers. silv cr pst civic dir linc - hi! 850p. veh scr pst vet bldg. mb grn trk to tbl. am ovrhtd nd svrly out of bld cmplmts wndrs beauties of ter states protected persec. 2 peds ?? to tbl. brkg bk  bpk dir clm abv rb. blu suv up grnd. mr neutrl clr suv mb silv or bg up grnd frm tbl. scrmg pst chevr dir grnd -hyd? noisy trk pst dmpstr dn nels. smn nr nels brdg 4th/nels grtg. 4 trzg bks 6 blk 1 to othrs -  she alwys crsg ovr to othr sd -opinion cnctd to drg scm. 7th blk 1 mr bk lkly prt of sm grp mumblg. mb 11th? blk gsng drk trk.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

engaged ultra grand thieves/murderers- giggles from murderers- litter mixture -co bk of vehs purp in face- shtg firewrks

bk up nels trn 12th inspctns trzg. bldg. dwn of 1105 yelg at poor dog. mb trk bk opn co 8th blk. sm trk dn pst nels dmpstrs.??grp guy nels apts. ??? suv psgr ??? up grnd pst 4th. tn gng suv - child psgr -hi. bk to trsts msg - cnt gt awy frm us- no intention to leave u aln only to wst u nd ur lf. abndnd cr still empty lot few houses up of nels apts 6kdp650. all trsts r terrorists mny tms ovr rung cmnty tr act cnsprcy nd giggling w/help of amer ter law enf. jim walsh trst -hi!. trst addict fem w/dog hc trst -go away lk I am lkg to meet her- butte co ter gngster going arnd hlpg gng mk prblms sndg reasonable while being orchestrated obvious mlcs conspired ter gng. bitch fr mb. ???????? 7ezf129 silv cr was public wrks area unparked thn drv out. fem trst cty drv -tm? mlcs terst eng. pers instigtr. sheriff cr psgr sd trst tmbs up fr tr acts. silv cr???? ter scion up grnd. psbly difft scion w/ blk wht frt to brdg. in blu bngr bitch sht up rw grnd. w cr to brdg scrmng. 2 fgts - org aftr u frm effem trns. silv cr bpg ard brgr crnr. crmnls bk portion of apt bldg. scrmg. ???6str590 mb suspct vehs lot adj brgr. blue/grn suv tbl mntg cirlcle -shut up. mntg blk cr w/spoiler-fnk stk  need nt do much as they gt gng wrkg. sktbrd r-b-r who once called me crkhd myers dir mitch. bpg red cr sprty via ?? mitch pst myers. raleys crt gatherer lkg to hlp mk prblms. spdg grn cr orod to myers. bk in blu to sd of la cmda dir mitch. bk orod to myers. w vn nvy sign sm knd of plumbing. f u bitch dir twr. 4d bg vic. pst ohwy dir ordm. drk grn cr to bk of tb lot. heey nvy shirt frm fd vn w/mny inslts apprntly wnt to a silv tint cr orod dir myers pst b of w ?jlu trsts child ???? team. fem -w. dt u wnt mny?- their mny is mlcs calc inslts -real mny is stolen. rem rem. lkly less thn 1 perc goes to cause -pers deception joke. m lkg out of a veh while fem ws bullying me w/intent to frm -all ter activities are well funded nd reimbursed nd assisted. 940 civic clk. by civic 2 trzg bks scrmg purprsly cmng real cls against me dir tbl brdg lkly/ ??psbl gng sound nr mntg /olivr resid area. mumbling ridiculing as if giggling co bngers pst bw dir myers. trsts prtcting mjr ter acts. rd lgt bk acr vet pls trk.??? fem jkt pst vet - intcm. trk pst me on gs as it specifically gt to wh I am at blwng co to my fc - the true ter americn nstness cltr. ???bpg w cr nels to tbl flwd by a drk cr. trst bk nels dir fogg - wnt ice crm?-nt opn. drk suv pst nels dmpstrs - f u bitch f u. flwd by w vn. ??bk - I'm gng to fkn eat u bitch fu bitch dn nels. trn 4th dir plms. m pls fem frm lwr sd nels apts cm out w/litter mixture insd bkt nd pour it into dmpstrs. mxtr cn be dangerous cn attch to clothing or glue all ovr shoes mkg evrthg stnk. noisy cr up nels pst dmpstrs cmng bk shtg multi noise fire crkrs at my bgs smngly. noisy grn cr pst dmpster up nels the on who lks to zm eng. noisy cr pst 7th blk cmng bk abt 705 shtg singl sound fire crkrs- I ws too fr to reach as I stpd away. ths mrning I found shogun wrapper prt which mks me think they usd shogun. also whr crmnls prd littr mixt mngr put sm hay to neutralize the incident. raleys rec. ws clsd early unknown reason.

Monday, July 20, 2015

mobster butte county - ter states

drk almst blk cr 3rd dir nels lkly yelg smtg. when it cm bk dng sm I rn to gt its plt 3ucf289. I recall this plt cited by shell once befr.silv smkg co gsng dodge trk 3rd dir nels flwd by grns suv scrmng 3rd pst chev dir nels up grnd scrmng. frd suv 4dkw502 prk n rd  -hi maam-whn I gt plt fem blkd it thn both m/f cussed me out told me to go bk to rssia. by ths tm ht gv me mr blkouts. grns suv to plumas thn 4th dir nels thn 4th to plumas to Collins lot to 4th nd bpg up plumas, etc. scr dk gry suv up grnd. dk blu cr chld trnd to trz wvg cty up nels. hrsg blk fem stkg out nr crths bs stp -hi , jlu rpt trzg thn wt dir of bh. I blv she wore blk shrts. alliance ter w vn 10331u1 -tried to push -$1. gng mob trsts in brdg 1 hobo drnk th othr lkly trnr frm mb grp mb cnctd to fgs. trio gng trsts rlys lot at lst one of which frmrly cited nels apts. scdrl lying by lib assignd to trze. fem frm bsns befr englnd chir. assgnd trst stpd out to trz clmg thr is med stuff in trs thn cmng bk out pushg fd she wntd fr self anywys nd nt wht I wld eat also in no wy substituting fr hrsmt or othr ter privtn actvts. ??trk linc dir mitch.??trio on bks linc dir mitch. 1 fem 2 mls frt ml giggling dir orod. trsts frm lib area rpt hrsg. m trst wlkg to orod -hello! frm bldwn up myers trst -smk mar.? bk dir rw trst -yuk. yelling veh dir brdg. addict fem strk conv. I discvrd shes nt only trst but addict when she disc. smtg at ss bus stop -trst dpd cty. blk cr mlcs co pst tbl nels churcg dir grnd. rpt gsg drkr shd trk pst fogg dir tbl. ?hello frm evn sd of nels frm addct trst.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

americas entitled to persecute and to waste-glue ter "services"

silv car wvg up nelsn pst 8th blk ?? ped lilac shirt dwn nels 1.5 nvy bpg up 8th blk nels. grns suv dn 8th. lilac shit m pls fem comp dir of abndnd hs 7th blk. 6adp650 silvr cr brk bklght few houses up of nelson. tan suv at chev hwc976 -it was hot I cn't guarantee this is complete but that is what I caught given heat nd my cndtion. freq thr are plts frm othr states accompanied by man on cycle also chevron- as I did nt hv paper in hnd I failed to note it but will need to carry small paper fr future notations if needed. frst pushed wtr, 2nd small inslt mny-all they wnt u to hv irrelevant of price of hrm they arranged. gry 1.5 to brdg - f u. noisy veh dir rw. fem apprched in pkg lt betw salon and mg shots coffee w/mb prt pstry- dispatched theft endrsmt trst. I ws too sk to look due to cig poisn nd heat day befr on trsh cn hid smwr near big lots. by brgr inslt trst - clctg cns? 48951s1 pge civic lot prt bg of chips - mlcs po  agn too sk to lk ast veh -d u smk? persectg murderers. 4d bg trk linc pst mitch - f stk? ?mb silv tint cr bpg pst dennys alrdy drk at the tm dir myers. w suv bpg pst pp dir twr.trzg bk in nvy 3rd to nels- respdg m brd snd apr $gen area. prob sm brd - d't be rude- I se no reasn I shld put up w/mlcs persec -they're rude nd a lot wrs. this ws cmng dn nels pst dmpstrs fr ter inspec. unknwn gbg mess frt of dmpstr. bg cr prkd frt dmpstr awhile unknown reasn drk at night I did nt lk at plt -prob mlcs agt.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

operated by butte mob - mob usa

dk gry cr scrmg up plumas cmng bk sm trzng. mb suv w plng lg attchmt w clr lg items bird pst 4th nels ?up nels.7dra299 trst blk cr - hgry I gt toast. scr 1.5 rd trk pst 4th up nels. sm bg toy. trk ? bp dir nels. vlrs emptd gbg nd to cvr fr aiding gng left sm btls in str frt gbg unsealed open. possibly thy did nt wnt ones w/o lids in their bk trs. the hv bn aiding alng w/7-11 cmnty mob trgtg ths prty digging in gbg cn to clnse trst dictatrshp pers cmnty. trsts who arrgd trst actn went to str wrkr cm out nd announcd -u nd to lv propty - which in rlty aids gng team. assist trsts wrkr co trst bgr cm out  anncd - u nd to lv- butte mob accmdtn serv. w trk nvy sgn. nr brgr fem stg dn w/dog-silly nutty mlcs questn cnt rd - mlcs parsec. w trk nvy sgn ?? 4dr ? duo scdrl one crs ovr to trz me -hi thn bth rn. myers dir linc. 1.5 ter w trk bpg pst ???recycler - hylton privt sec trng in btls psbly stln frm victims lk myslf w dvsd liability scm -true rsn bus company gng team consp. mgr frm prds teachg phillippino to hound me fr bngrs nd co bngrs such as raleys nd bus company. trst mgr pret hrt he dt desrv children - but it is my opinion ths who recklessly hound othrs lives doubtfully deserve their own. blu veh to orod linc -hey -gng trst. ***************cigarettes strategically hid on big lots trs cn to poison me nd causing me inability breathe  fr lng tm aftr plcd to frc breathe in regrdls which wy u trn away. alternt othr w dodge to pkg lot by big lts12276L1. whl chr w/ox supply to inslt me fr trsts. bk by vlrs bus stp whs vc resemb the bitch's who claimed hr bf wlk me hm pushng wrtls 10$ inslt -mast be theyre cnfsd nd do not knw wht they've stln mrdrd nd hrrors they continuously inflct. w cr pst thrift -??turd peon. rd cb ter cr twr 3u08075 trst attmptd $2 inslt. tb-8184z prpsg to buy jnk fd frm trst tb org on behlf of ter mob. bg vn. silv. cr -hey psbly vc frm nels apts dir twr. silv cr scr thrwg gbg. pst rabobk. dir mitch. dir lib. silv  cr pst crvs dir mitch sm pst wlms tv thr gbg -?yes it is. sm trs cr pst 1999 myers dir mntg. btls deckd by toilt trst no gbg cn dictrship team.vic trk pst civic dir linc.810p. scr blu cr pst civic dir linc. bpg blk cr myers to linc. scdrl trst in ht. scdrl trst in ht brdg to mntg. fem ter scdrl sd brdgpointg cmrs at me for ter team. ???scr w cr. brkg ter bk. lw enf aiding mob pst 3rd hlpg ter team dn nels. w shrt bpk bk dn nels. bk pst dmpstrs mkng me-any cns- wna sk my dk? antr scdrl w lgt by 959-65 trzg pers. lkly trst vehs.$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999................................. gazillion dollars vs ter usa for 40 yrs of ter acts expedited guar. uncond. to be hd for my lvly lf in rf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

conspiracy team dispatched likely reimbursed ter co-operatives poison worthless mlcs persecution w/o pymt on the crm

?? vic. 705 lkly drg qn vc g. me my cns. dn nels pst dmpst  blk?? tp - glue trst -hyd? rd tyta suv -frd- hv nt sn u lg tm -thgt smtg hpn t. u gt sm cns at my hm 303. incidentally thr are no hms in tht blk to my knowledge -it is occup. by nels. brdg-sfrng cma lk blkouts drctly due to heat. she brght sm cns nd btls - she clrly knew abt seprtg thm nd cld hv trnd thm in hrslf. 2nd stkt by mn oprtv w/1/2 cheap qlty tuna sndwch -orvlle trs fd assist mkts nd trst ntwk. silv cr w/splr - hi!-wn cld gng bngr th glu trst bgr cld me rcst. trst in nvy tnk cm out chevrn scrmg alleging I stl his cig per trst cmtee-unfrtntly fr hm I nvr smk at all-hr gng trs decided to apologize w/27 cents. silv cplr br cr to frwy nr grnd brdg hi!-whn I gt trd of hrsmt nd cld thm thr tru nm -bngrs -psgr cld me rcst. 4d bg trk frgn exp-?-dir tbl.gry shrt drk ht -hyd? dir tbl. 3 bgrs pst rob dir mntg-giggling -gngbngrs.??? hi! glu trst proximity hc. ths persn ws joined by one in blue thn only the orignl trnto prk dir ohw.????wtr dsptch by yel hs myers near prk. lkly reimbrsd ter crew. 7bjk503 drk suv 2 btls by $tree. gold cty eggrolls by thrift across oh pushing free wtr -trst dispatch. wtr cold w/tst of mltd plstc insd. cr mth off pst brd dir rob mb bluish clr. 856p. blk cr trst psgr wvg. it mgt be one of vehcls pushing free phones by $tree whose plt I've once tkn.?? pst myers dir linc.. fem in pnk tnk giggling going near brgr to mntg. duo seated brgr crnr on th grnd. noisy 4dwt to brdg. m/f duo into brdg ml trst -hv wndrfl dy -cmng frm parsec trst mrdrers. trst drk veh scr brdg to twn. veh yelg betw brd nd rw. cp/bpk brd to twn -lkly sm grtg. slightly rnded blk cr scrmg rw to grnd. ???bpk br bk -go fk yrslf to rw. expl.they f u nd snd u to f yrslf." blk suv w/psgrs -?I gt u. to brdg tr pers tm to twn bk pst grnd to nels.flwd by silv cr tll lgts rdio. alliance -empty. ?chev -trst wlk out scrmg dytm accus me fr no rsn stlg  cig. thn aplgzd 27 cents. early vlns pers 1/2 lsy trsy tuna pymt fr which feeds gng or Collins. gng trsts nels/tbl bldg. trnd chldrn to gng trze -hi rpt. yel myers bldg. located betw 2165 and 2185.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

sheriffs supporting persecution nd fed poison fag sent to insult malicious distractns suspcts nelsn apts

rather strange pot smell I definitely smelled near home on the property. unless smoke mvs smhw it occurred on or immediately nxt to property. ? mvn  bp pst nels dmpstrs.sheriffs dept showed by chevron hlpg cmnty pers team poisn approach trze trgts. ruthlessly fdg dmgd lng expird noned items to abused trtrd cmtse ind. nd frc hrsng w/o py fr amer md abuse lkg to do mr hrm. 2 on sktbrds nels th 1 in rd trzg whl I ws hvg rpt blkout fr highly pred rsns manufctrd by frc exile usa. vlrs trs up to dt w/arrangd cnsp team. 4zvr853 grn stn wgn lkly prt of trzg cmttee ws vlrs. w trk vic. co pst grnd dir nels. ??ass mf ??dk grn cr pst myers to linc.fg on bk dispatched fr trzg actvty by shell. ws stkg out at my bgs until picked up by tm trst went twd shell str as duo wh smn brght wtr out fr fg nd disregarded arrngd trzg nd thrts he md. 5vxd873 sil suv gigglng-ha... crnr ohwy orod. w vn nvy ltrg psgr fngrs pst lqr. fls chrt is cmnt trst cmte gvng advc instrctns  to orgs to terz pers trgs. aftrwds thy pret this is cvrd by mlcs pers nd wrtls charty nd lies. dk gry crANIM NOISE MB SIM TO CAT.MB GRY CHRSL BP PST TB DIR twr.-?gbgr. grns suv pst rob. hey ??flwd by blk trk dir mitch. ?noise. drk trk to brdg drk veh nd ?? arnd frm brdg- f u fnk stk -bitch to tbl dir bird. cr bpg pst fogg apts. ??wvg bpg pst fr dept up nels. cr bp pst 3rd dn nels lkd lk sml cbn type blk cr. just bef cr bp pst hd dn nels.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

drug addicts liars instigation

lgt gry- can I help u trst suv frm 12th dir dn nels. bk on 12th st - hi! up nelson aided by ml trst -tlng me to sht up uppr odd sd nelsn crnr prprty nd 1268 fem w/dogs on evn sd. blk shiny suv bpg wvg bpg wvg betw nels dmpstr nd 6th strt. ??unknwn apt smkg. vlrs 6hkl316 dk red suv inslt tpd mny..drk trk silv bk w hood vic. to brdg. slightly rnded w cr pst wel offices dir vlrs lkly smtg attrctd my attn. veh bpg pst rb ???4wdl748. 7bfz301 - au rec -inslt. jst gtg sm fries brgr mntg/tbl. w cr pst myers ?? 5mdp104 -trs cndy by rlys post office. w trk w/? orod dir myers. 3ucf289?? drk cr trst pst shell crnr spdy trn -hi! dk grn cr bpg mid ln orod pst myers dir linc. w trk mb fngrs ohwy pst a-1 dir twr. ???twr pepsi. $2 97663T1. scr dk cr ohw orod myers. psb silv suv scr sm dir. scr lgt/dk trk raleys lt frm currier crt. drk scr cr w/psgrs pst mitch pst myers dir linc. drk drty cr -gt out oftrs cn -thts my trs cn bird pst myers dir linc. 920p ws by clk hrd hi frm civic - ircgnzd prsn by exist of hs dg I cld nt see -I suspct ths pervt who clms to collect cns lkly supporter of community trst di8ctatorship encrgmnt cmpgn at price of victims for advtg of bully asshls -the real trsts behd cmpgn extrmntn effrt. disguised as gdrs their othr sd is to frm u extrm ur lf nd dictator whtvr if antg is left of ur exist -trst ctry nd lw people.??? psbl hmls fem w/dg slpg by vlrs bs stp. silv cr scrm grnd to tbl; to brdg. trk noisy up dn grnd pst 3rd. 2 bks 3rd dir nels one scrmg my wy then yelling to another going up grnd who responds with bird sounds nd voice similarity to fem claiming to be daughter of kat Stevenson -who evr the scdrl that is.. by upr nels dmpstr by nels aprtmnts smn yelling fnk stk thn joined by gng support ter scams nd flagrt fem liar bullying lkly doing drgs nd trying to facilitate sm crm thn fault me. at end the liar apologized. none of terrst apologies are wrth anything they hrs me 24/7/365 w/direct poisonous totally wrtless aid frm law enf who help aid trsts crms - trst cntry nd evil people. lw enf hr is hndg trgts pushng stl poisn nd othr totally cmltly wrthls aid to promote mlcs persectn engagement trzg menace nd poison as solution fr those bering wstd by trsts own hnds nd whs lif nd health they hv drnd -trst country nd evil trst people -trst dictator trzg murderer gngbngr ulra grd thierf nmd usa .

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

americas gifts - poison hounding terrorizing demolition dictatorship control-murderous trst amer way"

grn ? trk  grn cr pull out 11th blk nels. off w chr bp dir hey ?fgrs grnd dir brdg. 4dwt pst  pss/retest dir myers - u lie. w veh grn trlr olvr mntg tbl- smd to mth off smthg. saw off w chr bp rob dir linc. scr susp rd cr orod btw myers/linc. by slv army my wf bgt - ban,tom sp, wtr. fk lying stmts frm people whose jb is to wst demls kill - u dsv gd fd. ths are trsts who blv u shld be wstd yhv ntg be wstd at no cost nd fed rancid rtn moldy consumed stuffs nd that the moneys nd good s should go to them - the trst slime - because Americas slm hs  rgt to wst u at no cos trz kill nd pretnd ntg has hpnd  nd that heinous major trst acts are passed as belonging as reasonable by scm trst infiltr cntrl. grp trzg wvg blu grn veh pst dtch brs  dir myers frmng brdng persectg dictatrng trgt hndg. 4drt orov hsptl dir twr. scr rd cr  pst thrft str dir twr. yelg veh pst twr dir orod. f u fnk stk pst va dn myers gray tnk on bk 925p civic clk. 2 vic trst scr bks purp nrly rng me ovr. trk to brdg scrmng to aid gng act.   brkn glss thrwg veh hd mtl sound scr. blkd out -bd nws. 1.5 bg veh pwrd by mex out of tb. pst raleys myers to orod -hey! brwn vn strp acrs. ?mb silv 1.5 it ws drk at this point - f u bitch f u. mb psgr. no cns vlrs. alliance psbl empty trs dy. pst grnd dir brdg bk w tp purp mkg scry noises. pst church dir grnd trst dog fem apprcng tbl -gd lk frm trnd trst. chevrn ?lgt gry trk w/luggage. ey! w trk psng grnd to twn. orgnzd collaborated stake out trzg. flwng dy tdy light tint bluish/grayish faded tint suv offrd rd frm 12th st dn nels thn cm bk 12th st up nels while being prtct by neighbor upper odd nels crner and on even sd fem w/dgs 1268 I copied number -ths bldgs. nd lkly othrs etc... are likely in on trst conspiracy -trst country low people. while wrkrs at recyclre lk to aid my enemies the mex scdrl nd trst dog witch. and I pers saw the arab volatilecashier fuming by Collins. $$$$$$$$$$$$999999999999999................................... gazillion dollars guaranteed unconditional sought vs trst states of amer expedited for my lovely care free life in rf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! usa is trst country nd evil people gvt aided nd capitalized persec terrorists.

Monday, July 13, 2015

drugies asgnd glue pers trsts

blk trk w/silv bk dn nels 10th blk. 959-965 trgtg prtcptn. crnr nels tbl hi trained children bt nt lst ngt.graffiti by nels dmpstrs in blk as of sm tm lst few wks mb. one ptg hss picture of pls writing - boobies. I blv this mb frm ths who dislk remrks by hndg child who teaches kids to lie amng I suspct mny othr treacherous amer trsts. suspct w trk w/bk doors psbly fr delivering bds to morgue nels dir grnd. also ?blu ped gngstr arnd chev whn I ws lvg vlrs dmpstrs contained ltle of vlu posbly either empties by people or gs station or bth. red cr plus elect bk terzg rob myers. dk grn cr myers to rob. w stn wgn simlrty type w car? -oh my god. 6vbe633 raleys lot w trst suv -trst psgr - hi. othr dk grn cr raleys lot to currier court. scrmng -u welcm -scdrl trst w/$1 going into pizza by $tree. w cr tll lgts to dutch bros. zmg ?? grn dir orod. tasll lgts simlr to shtg cr 9-11 ml voice difft frm lgtr vc by dtch pst pp dir twr. twr 5cfu004 gry cr. nsy w trk pst twr dir orod -cld b dodge? twr rd 1.5 w/mtl lid -$2 to l.w. thn to ohwy dir orod. nsy cr prob aqua grn  pst tb dir twr. w cr tl lgts psgrs lgtr vc 911 pst a-1 dir twr. stg dn by bnk of w prb fem - hi! guy blu shirt brm brhd me to bldwin nd bk to myers. 2 bks w/lgts rob dir of tbl. 2 w/sktbrds lkly drg addicts brd/myers gngtrsts psbly smkg drgs or using lgt fr sm devious purp or pictr nd rpt hrsg. brd dir of tblpst fthr rvr kitch nd gifts. pst vet bldg. 2 trst bks hello dir tbl. gng call just pst brgr dir of brdg. noises behd crnr bldg. nd prob in frt bldg. mtr bk mtr bk frm rd into brdg dir twn. ped sd brdg to twn. ?sheriffs bk to nels pst vlrs. ??w cr mjr mjr whstl noise.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

butte terst community terst orgs join to waste persecute demolish lives to defraud nd gv self credit

w trk 13th blk up ?? teresas trst suv pst nels dmpstr -hi! wrkr frt of nelsn apts w/pnt red hat. grn mvn bpg pst nels dmpst. 4dbt pull out of cty prkg just on tm to put co to my nose. dytm vlrs remvd all trsh jst bef my arrivl to accomdt community mob whom they dig very much so nd to accomdt the lying loaded witch w/dog who is trst cmntys pet -the kind of trs they dig. guy who empties out trs stpd out to explain the obvious -he frgt the truth -his boss's connections to community mob.when I askd re checking the dmpstr which mny others hv checked -th scrdl said honestly I think my boss wld call the police. his boss failed tocall police on witch bully who terrorized me week bef -trst acts to me were a no problema fr his boss. the operation is gang police nd sheriff infiltrtd nd assisted.sheriff stepped into Collins also lkly scmng ter acts. lght chryslr bp trst -hi flwd by 2 silv vehss dir brdg. bg suv pst dirks dir tbl. trst w cr mntg to myers. blk drty trk w/thumb dn pst rob to mitch. sm desc pst rob to mntg -fk stk. if they did ths to u-u wld be thrwg rocks or shtg each one of thm. sm wld be edible frts wr plntd into oodles of poisonous dust esp. for trsts victims.bk at alliance thr ws non edible peaches esp fr victims plntd into all possible drt psn meant fr victims. rpt zmg cr mitch to myers. I ws repeatedly on verge of rpt blkouts. noisy aqua grn cr gigls rnd ?? myers. crmnl in grn ba crnr - hey u gt rlg papr? $tree trst dispatch cn - thy wld nt wnt u dgng fr cns -nt fvr trst persection dictatrshp mob -7g87382 rd trk 4d squad. duo to $tree -stnky ass -trst clb trsts. tk off w 2 btls. bk rd pts blk top asg fr crk whn his grp of 3 mr shwd up he said I ws bgst crk hd becs he saw me drnkg empty btl of wtr. dosge mid lane myers to linc. bk pst spcr bp dir ohwy. w 1.5 bp pst l w dir s. difft w 1.5 sm. sml rd cr wv to orvl hosp. yelg bg 1.5 pst arbys dir twr. zmg grn cr pst tb. trst blk trk bg btm bp pst pstm dir orod. mlcs gs frm rd trk pullg boat behd othr vehs pst  ????blkouts spdg yellg blk cr dennys lot. w trk drk ??? gs to ????? raleys lot.; w trk bpg pst Wilcox gng pst sign keys dir mitch. gry trk wtg on bldwin gas to myers co. dk grn cr myers to bldwin. 915p 2 bitches frm civic lot rpt glu trzg. prio to tht rd tnk  scr pst brd to mntg. ??hi trzg scrmng cr pst vet bldg.brgr crnr hrd crmnl bks. trio bks trzg me betw brdg nd rw cls engh to near hits. scrdl w tnk to schl acr fd - my day is - othr gng veh by tbl mtn tr nd whls 2 tn bg cr ??6jbp335. ws in dytm. sm jlu cr frm chev to nels. dk gry trk to nels. pst dmpstrs bk yelling hldg blu bg. susp mvg lgt nd rpt vehs in nels.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

persist mlcs dictatorship persecution theft of evr. by trsts - frd chrty cotrsts

rd trk bpg up 9th blk flwd by drk veh. 705 echoing -American homeless. fem lkg lk her hd lot offering cys? Teresa's gng suv bpg to cty dr - hi! hi!-bk to nels. trst w cr bpg cty to tbl. by crt hs -amer hmls. alleged hmls trzg. 5yar558 blk suv vlrs was lctd whr energy drk ws left behd. w trk opn bk pst vlrs dir nels loaded w/furn psblymkng mny frm lg objects crm. 2 scrmg bks lgt nd drkr rw to brdg. 6gaf279 -silv suv prot. wheel bdy. ???trst w scion? - hi myers pst prk dir -rob. ter cr mb sm as wntd stln id -f u fnk stk mitch dir spenc. rttn hc bananas by lib. pear cp stln by instig non hmls.smbdy cntns prog lib comp so that I hv to check intpo comp tw to get in nd clocks me out ahead of tm. mb this wld be persn frm cty drive called art who wrks comp databases who sees me all the time per gng parsec  trst or othr aid to th trsts. 4ekr650 -hv smtg f u -mlcs inslt prtctg trst acts.twr trs 100% empty immed bef my arriv per trst assignmt. w frd gs ??? pst l w noisy. rpt? rd frd 1.5 pst pp bp ohwy dir twr. bpg vehs pst Wilcox dir mitch.rob/myers gngtrst tm mny inslts -thts hw mch usa blvs u dsrv - trst ctry -evl people. gry trk behd w cr bp to opp sd of brdg cmng frm grnd bpg? 4dwt pst rw to twn. vlrs 100 perc empty per ter instr. cmnty ter cmpgn. bk pst vlrs dir nels. fnk stk rpt -crzy ldy 2 bks ss behd hof braus dir grd. old ultra faint tint blu or gry trk noisy rpt ??nois pst nels/fogg apts up nels. lgt noisy cr behd sm. ??????-sds w/trsts prtcts terst acts. vc frm trk ???3rd dir nels. trst trk drk yellg. trst drk trk yellg frm 6th dwn nels to 4th or apts. trk ard nd bk bpg frm 6th dn. sn emptied trsh bgs nels dmpst so that gluey ltr is whr I wld step sm wy as they hd paint squirting balls insd trash w/intnt to bthr u or shit plcd into a bg of urs by chld.-trst cntry -evil people. ***********alert as of today Saturday not only at night valeros clears everything out but daytime right before I come they clear everything out highly likely due to being coached by community gvt immune ter org whose purpose is to keep me from digging in garbage can and in essence in long run cause severe damage to myself. I believe they enjoy strong community law enforcement support and should be sued and advertised as trst community not just separate orgs. anyone please help with charges against community and long list of involved orgs.

Friday, July 10, 2015

trst america delivering poison persecution insult torture terrorizing

folks if mike is saying insn stf to people -this is nt me-he runs the computer here.  chev. 7ade388 -this hs ntation rdg pnk -oh this prty gv me pncks he did nt eat. 1w trk apprx 1.5 w/shl 3rd st acrs hd -clcltd inslt mny. susp w cr via vlrs to 7-11 bk vlrs plt 5stf791 - I blv this sm gng cr which yelled alng ohwy -I did it. hrd - gng bngr myers cnt rd??????????? sm noisy gray 1.5linc lib crnr dir orod. psbl bp mb frm othr veh. frt of $tree m wrng securitas unifrm who said he prtcts peach cannery propty - in fct lkly prtctg acts of trst pers org delivered rtn banana nd wrtls genrc wtr . gridley country w suv fem brgt sm wtr btls sm loctn. as reslt of amer trsts thr is trtr poisoning  dmg to my health ft etc. in plc of btls mny nd fd. ths flks trst org w/mlcs alt. mtvs nd are sm trsts who chsd me frm everywhr nd who frc glu trz. 130hm silv suv bg lts bdy w/protr whls veh bdy. noisy w 1.5 to dutch bros. dk gray 1.5 on gs pst mk's grnde brgr trn l.w.  w 1.5 pst t.b. hey dir twr- othr vehs. scr bblk trk rd shl tb dir orod. shrf pst tb my be in on cnsp. 4d grn simlt to one I sw crs strt frm us. vehs pst brd dir mitch noisy. nsu aqua grn trk pst brd dir mntg 820p. bk in tn dir myers. mn tlng me re btl loctn ped pst downer dir myers. gry suv dir tbl -gng bngr thmb dn.?ns frm grn suv. lw rdr w tp ? mntg dir tbl. blnd fem w/cell brdg to twn. susp blk cr brdg to grnd. trst dk grn cr bpg pst 2nd odd sd nels apts dir fogg. sm bk ? dir tbl w/psgr(s). bk pst fogg scr up nels. ???cr lgts dr???psb ????silv 1.5 dn nels pst schl acrs frm fr dept. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999999999............................. gazillion dollars sought vs usa fr 40 yrs consp terst acts 24/7/365 to be hd guarntd nd uncondtnl fr my lvly lif in rf!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

terrorism by arrgmt

6nkn547 offrng rd to rec ctr. ?6nsp507 $1 chev -gry cr. lgt chrys. bp flwd by grn suv. ldspkr beh prob. deptjim w/sm srt industrial crt pst vlrs, 7-11 trn up grnd. bluish susp trk to brdg. duo in rw 1 blk /1 othr othr - u stink.-u fkn stnk -ter cmpgn. ???????????w suv brdg  dir grnd - jlu. dude lgt gry pst clk dir linc - hyd? myers ? cr cr pst high st. dk grn cr bpg pst high to myers rob lot. sm pst hc dir mitch ??blue mvn.w cr giggling trn linc dir mb $tree ctr oor pst it. fem cross ovr chase to chevr -0 I ws wndrng if u wld shr sm w/me. hey hrd prob frm veh acrs pro dntl.bpg w cr grn whls pst tb dir twr. lg blk ?suv??? pst tb dir twr. blk cr yelg pstmk's brgr dir. lg w suv stp? bitch dir orod. blk suv w/wrtng pst orov. hsp dir orodm. drk gry cr pst tb - bag lady dir twr mlcs pers nd trzg w/o mny fr hrsmt. ??? w 1.5 . w trk mitch dir orod spdg. w trk bpg nrg park dir mitch. pst bird noise mkg cr. stng by clk trst -hyd? bk frm behd in rw -gv me yr crk. yelg bks frm brdg up grnd. ??susp vehs tbl dir nels. gng trst cr bp pst ss. dir nels. ???dk ?grn cr bk to brdg bpg lkd drk. terst bk w/cell to dmpst nd in rev. 24/7/365 endrsd trzg by ter usa who kill thn pass u fr crzy.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

persistent trzg lkly hmls pers utilized to frame brand terrorize people

w trk pst cty up nels smn mcking frm trk my legs are weak. trst fem gng bgr w/dg shws up at recycler trzg pushing her gng preach. w cr bp yelg betw mono cty dir cty. rd cr grn suv yelling ?cr bp betw ss to brdg. cr eithr lgt gry or grn w flag or sgn on sd scrmng to brdg. 6bwe515 blk cr cns vlrs. lg yel dg w/rd scrd in bg cr mb belgng to hmls pst po smngly overheated in cr. Collins Arabic cashier tues mrn/aft nsty I plcd my receipts on non mvg conv belt whn he thrtnd me I will nt gt paif if I put them thr -that is wht they are really lk. mrvr the mr nc thy are - the mr fk thy are. mr ovr raleys digs the cnsp nd assists its acts -no recycling on raleys propty to assist hmls gng cnsp team nnd cnsprd ter gng. the scm cn tell u wht u gt if antg at all nd purp uis -trze elimnt at no cos -serv poisn to chse out nd to kill -trst cntry -evil people. silv cr pst myers to currier crt ???gry 1.5 no flg crt attchmnt. w cr pst twr -"I did it". spdg 1.5 w trk trn rnd in strt acrs a-1. zoo rest - a u alrt - terst remrk. bnch acrs zoo -bully -go away instigtn ter rmrk . fem hrsr frm mntg brgr area dir beh vet bldg. rpt glue hrsr per trst org instructions. a u alrt maam? trk to brdg smrt off. m blk jkt bl -hydmalicious inslt pst chrch to grnd- hey. w cr apprch alliance - hyd? tbl pst nels dir grnd - vlrs. - rrr... -s'w my dp? I blv w bp up nels. up nels 2 peds bgr guy ??dn nels. $$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999.......................gzillion dollars sought fr 40 yrs of 24/7/365 trst acts pr terzng nd pro butte trst act uncond. nd guarntd fr my lvly lif in rf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

americas trsts dt sleep w/o frc upn trzg -whn they wst u -trst amer clls this accidt or yr flt

patrol on nels. guy in Collins lkg bk to frm instigt mk their trst gng instgtn yr flt. silv cr out of cty drv bk in fem -nd rd?5xjw021 snt only by jesus - nt so by lcl ter grps lk fnk stk dict trzg arrgmts.  6gjd614 vlrs - glss btls to wst u. 4dwt zm to grnd lkly cmg bk w/attached crt fr luggage dir brdg. bp pst rw silv. ?suv bench shrtls dude/tats/bk -hyd? wvg silv cr pst civic dir linc. trst lgt suv. ?suv prob tn/bg myers orod dir ohwy pers trzg ?? terst -hi!!!!!!!!!!!! terzg 24/7/365 prob md certn I'm trtrd mlcsly fr ntg w/o this evr being attributed to tersts or fnd as a flt. bg suv pst denies dir myers -hey! grn suv scr pst a-1 dir ohwy. ?g2060 susp bpg mb frm ??? mk's grnde brgr ? ?w cr bpg pst prof plza dir twr. gryish cr mkg noises pst ?? lkly susp vehs by lqr?? ??bp pst ??bk of w. bp frm grn refl vest dennys lot to othr gathering cycles.??? smn wlk ovr to veh at vet bldg. lot. duo m/f duo m/f to brgr tbl/mntg 930p to yr left duo to rw. in rw rgt behd u. 2 on sm cycle pst grnd to brdg -hyd tngt? 2 bks pst grnd dir nels. bird noises trsts on bks ??-gt u. bk ?gry dir nels. tnk blk bk frt othr. ml in blk stpng ldly /pls fem  fem hello - ml lkly lk to attack me. ml psng 2nd odd sd nels apt cmplx prior to fogg psbly dngrs wlkg dit tbl. 7z95151 trk pst del oro dir tbl - wld u lk sm dnts? fr dept rept abt me thnks to "nut cs consp" - she's tlkg abt mny shrf to 4th dir plumas. w cr pst ??dir grnd - fk.

Monday, July 6, 2015

project butte gang terorist

dk rd noisy trk dn 8th blk nels. trst scdrl. trst inslt ml by mach - cn pls 2 gng witches. 9th blk  rd bk -fnk stk. 8th blk suv -up to smtg  pausing fr unknwn tr reasn. blu lbl cr bpg 8th blk. up nels .?????cnt mk out my nts evn. bk in blk tbl betw mno nd nels dir nels rept ter brd snds attn. gtng dictatorship ter devic. nsty smrt ass thrtg  witch in grn voice simlr to alleged kat stevensons daughter vlrs to tbl to nels. fem w/dog  drnkn thrwg insn fits insinuations thrts thrwng my ht etc clmg I nd hr thw itch trzg me to protct me. anthr insn thrtg witch sitting insd gzb. rnded w cr cty mrkngs prob tbl pst grd dir nels. gzbo insn thrtg ass out w ngr. l e tersts assist gng hlpg ter pers gng sqd wst u. blk ter ngr - hi trn to high st dir ohwy cnt rd. ??? dodge co gas pst ba dir mitch. by bg lts gng chld -btl. blk trk w/sm grn pls am flg pst myers spd dir linc.3xsc959 dk blu veh psnd drk twr - gng. 6xne832 prob pizza -trsts hv gd ngt. gry 1.5 yelling 911 prev in phantm frwrks drvy $tree ctr ohwy to myers. ???gng zsuv dennys lot?????w trk bk - wt th  hell??? mex trst myers w/dgtrs 916p clk. trst frm brdg scrm nd purp blnd me w/lgt frm bk dir grnd. hd w tnk nd lkly sknhd. alliance ter station gng station wgn 4lcf458 cns cmpltly wrtls ter pers to aid ter tctics instigate trzg frm u.trst trk mb 4dwt pst 3rd dn grnd - f u. l e type w cr at 4th? dn nels . 2 vehs to 4th lst vicious. ter gng bk pst dmpstrs up nels lkly prt of sarah/dodge cmnty trsts cmmtee. mike noted whn he chkd mail silv suv slowed by propty nd one fem yelled - go whl the othr yelled -nice bod.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

firewrks - amer trsts

terst w cr bp 13th blk up. grn trk pull up to propty across ours. trk bk dn nels pst gngwy. w cr bpg bk 10th blk dn nels. w shrt og desgn up 8th blk nels. blu cr w lbls dn nels pst nels dmpstrs. 4xcu939 vlrs silv cr - u knw Emily? 4dwt vlrs w/flg gs to brdg. blu cr blk cr ?swr cr bp. mb blk cr pst grnd to brdg. 2 dudes tlr/shrtr pst rb shrtr - cig? -lkly gng trst. scrmg silvr cr to brdg frm twn. flwd by zmg blk cr ?nst w trk. child /adlt std by lqr child sgstd mb org prblms - dad left that to police -psbl consp I suspct mb. frwrks centered in shpg areas prob away frm bldgs. hi -adlt/chld ter gng tm pst twr dir arbys. w cr ohwy to orod - fk u fnk stk gt out of wy -psgr -gt out of wy bitch.  ylg blu trk tp lgts her bg.??????????. 1050p 6vqf034 w cr ????terst pst chev to nels w 1.5 trk yngstr -ugly.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

slit down my bg cmpltly wrtls inslts lies nd scms to waste -coordntd full frc terst le assisted pers activity

6pac572 blu cr chevron lkly wrg plt heat blkout- trst btls jk. fd hrd all th wy by crt hs. bg 4d nels to tbl grnd. alliance - tll w trk 1.5 - gt out of my trs cn -2 fcd trsts w 2 cents wrt of mny fr spcl trst fvrs wrkg to cut yr life alng w/l e fr own devious mtvs suiter fr civil terst scms utilized by usa to murder lives of cert people they need to dmg nd wst. 8p37151? bk in blk dir tbl ?????? 7t44201 fry w/flg near fire wrks by $tree 7p12292 wld u lk gtrd? shell silv trk. a-1 wrtls mny w suv lst 3 mb 299  heat blkout by prd terst crdntg thieves. 5arw744 drty mb grysh cr spit terst chg. 7g79052 blk trk twr - mk cert ntg u gt totally mlcs clcltd crdntd tr inslts. $2 just lk the drnks - the sort u wld nvr tch ptntly crdntd trst actvty w/poisoning added mnpltd tht wy trst cn sgst hes hlpg instd of disclsg  $$$$$$$$$99999999...... gazillion dollar elimination lynching dictatorship coordintd infiltrated contract  l e aided ter actvts. blk drty cr pst veterinarian  ohwy dir twr f u. bp trst trn rnd nd bp 2 mr tms  acrs frm a-1. 930p mntg clk. gd ngt out of brdg dir grnd bk due to persn clng crdntd ter scm 1 terst bk dir rw. suspct vlrs bench. prob hd smtg to do w prev non exist slit all the wy dn my cn bg. suspct dir grnd. w suv 7elf479 -2 fcd trsts clmd thy gv me "mny" aka mlcs wrtls parsec trzng inslts mnt to put me in coffin asap abt the amt theyd gv lwst grd scm to go with endls terzng ultra grnd theft nd torture they've arrngd w/ l e buddies.  w ter gng scion vlrs to brdge - hey - hi terst org mob persecution service. cr re tr act scion telling me to -shut up! trsts wnt their tr active. wl hid nd unknown. ter gray cr vlrs to brdg - mob ter gng - crzy bg ldy. 2 gng ter bks of wc 1 was lw rdr tbl to vlrs.  5xcl858 offering rd frm tbl near ss twd sw on nels - gng coordntd ter actvty. scr4dwt pst hd ?? hey-drk ter cr 6th blk dn nels pst schl.

Friday, July 3, 2015

focus on america - the infiltrated terst org

w pkup trk opn bk up nels mb sm lkly sm as the one scr in ngt few dys ago to 4th. rd shrt w/wrtg -fkstk dir grd. 1.5 drk nvy pkup trn 4th. psbly sm apprd in grp rw othr tms drng dy. chev. 6vub615 - had peach off her tree because u lk hot bth brwd phrases. jim wrg drk rd brgndy shrt rlng cnstrction tool crt at recycler lkg fr loctn of cns psbly antr ter location to attck. purp -theft -deception -infiltration -lynching -terzg. clns cnctd to mlcs instigtd consp to protect org. ter. acts. ??? 6jbp340 blu suv vlrs cns. 4udj348 blk cr bpg. bg ? rob dir mitch. blk cr bp pst ? 0848e am flg- by rec. nw nr july frth flgs my be prt pop. fk stk hrd nr linc/orod crnr. ter fem in bnl wld nt use wrkg avlbl atm nd wtd to use one frtr away frm me lkly cnctd to ter scm. -ter consp. successes. trk prt grn sld pst ?bg lts dir linc. dodge stp on gs pst ? o hwy dir orod. gry suv bp pst pp dir twr. 6kzz430 pp- ter gms prtzls fru to eat-mlcs poisn fr sk people w/o teeth like the blu suv who included btles of plastic infusehot wtr fr poisoning fr hmls. 7dvn919 w cr out of rbys gng ter actvty ter pers instig - see u ltr -by! phantom fr wrks terst by arbys directly prty to ter pers dict ter org - mny people wrkg thr- this prtclr loctn also lnkd to orov hs thletics fd rsg all lnkd to aiding ter org. fem thr svd cns frm trs - so tht - u dnt hv to gt drty in trs cn. jdg trsts by thr frts- because of thm I hv no res. trtrd big tim nd cnnt access any decnt fd. whl additnlly being fraud scm parsec by mlcs ter argmt - no case refused just ask the andersons. scr w ter cr pst orod dir rbys phantom cnsp clb. w trk no bk as earl tdy flwd by blu  etc. pst arco dir twr. rd 1.5 flg pst orod dir mitch.yelg drk blu suv mntg pst myers dir tbl. tdy 3-10p 1st frdy blk prty dntn. drty cr mb gry mntg pst clk trn myers. 850p grp on mntg dir linc. yelg tr bg trk pst oliver dir tbl. yelpg suv lgt pst ? nxt to bkwrm dir mrs. fence panel mv to grnd frnt of vet bldg. unkn rsns mkg it psbl to fall esp at ngt. bks lgt gry nd blk to brdg dir grnd - fnkstk. silv tl lgt rdio cr to brdg dir twn.chldrn tbl/nels apts ter team - hi/h u dng? pst fr dept scr lgt veh ?hd lot. ??chev ?? ped. infilt terst nels apts cm out to instigt -tlg me I nd lgt to see, instructing dictating - I d't tlk civilly  obviously to tersts as terststs think I shld as they frc demolish nd kill by infiltrtd ter amer assistd by gvt cnsp aided by orgs businesses law enf and othr recruited org prticipnts. blk shtrt og des dn nels pst nels apts at 4th scr. gng trst. trk yelp pst 12th dn nels. w trk trst 6th blk dn nels. the moral is amer plays reasnbl nd hlpfl but only at no cost nd while coordintg terst activities to defraud frame waste nd lynch yr lf jst as if ntg wrgfl ws tkg plc all aided by l e tersts fr dept ter orgs nd gng whose goal is to wst u into toilet mkg ass out of u trtrng yr lf nd persecuting their prey just as if this belonged etc. - at no cost for killing yr life whl defrdng positioning self as if usful or helpful with intent but to in fact lynch the life out of prey its sustenance its means nd coordnt terst activities to help own terst uses - terst murderous diabolical country - terst conspired infiltrated contract ongoing ter glue to coffin yr life -murderous country nd absolutely 2 faced tersts coordinated murderers intent to pull off determined hidden terst acts fr people. $$$$$$$$$$$$$9999999999999999999999999....................................... gazillion dollars sought vs terst states of America for 40 yrs non stp ter acts to my life - terst country - evil diabolical dirt for orgs gvt and people - this I see non stop live in action - non stop terst persecution fraud activity.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

murderous heat -wthr amer shvd me w/own hnds left me w/o resrcs nd persec me fr own ter satisf aided directly by sheriffs pd

dude bk rd ht pst 10th st HR I CNT RD NTS LKS LK SMN SKD QUEST. TRST 859 CELL rd shirt wlkg. in bl.? cr  ?? out at 9th dn nels. saw dk gry 1.5 trk 4th to nels. ult lgt suv skng smtg frm prob. dept dir nels.. 6agn618 $1 fr soda pd ter gng sil cr. gry cr 6vqf422 gry cr vlrs -brgt out cld seltzer. ??? vlrs crs up grnd. silvr tl lgt cr w/radio ? rd cr bp to brdg. ?????????? gs blk/yel strp pst prk to mitch. hrsr at raleys who wrks at shell said hi to me to hrss thn pret he said hi to smn not at all the frd glue terzg.blk guy wlkg pst lib pret to be resp to me thn gng berserk prob sm cmnty ter act. 2 bks 1 mumble crsg linc at mitch. ? mb gry cr pst  $tree wnt ?drk. bg silv faded trk ?? scr pst myers dir ohwy. silv cr pst myers dir ohwy. I susp lib assists ter acts ongoing rdy to fl dn any momnt ter amer assisted scms. 7jmg175 mks grnde brgr -heat mlcs inslts wrtls mlcs pers wch amer belvs wl py fr mrdr. 7hue600 twr rd suv mlcs chg. strip drk to crs ohwy dir l.w. frm rbys area prt of cmnty terzg. -hi! bp pst t.b. gry shirt pst vet - terst - -hey!  ????myers 943p dr pepper cn jmpd in rd whn cr went dn mntg pst vet dir myers. blk tp lgt in hnd sknhd dir brdg. silv cr ??? lgts w/rd dir brdg. empty dmpstrs vlrs . smn smkng to my lngs sd of vlrs. brkn gls pltd in vlrs dmpstrs to cause infections fr victims by rd suv lgts nd heat prevented me frm gtg plt. ????vn rpt gs fogg dn nels. ??????? dude dir ?????????????bk grn lgt pst ?????????cnt rd. thr ws ldspkr beh wlms tv. ldspkr by chev as apprch crnr. trsts I blv purp sgst I drnk fr persec. by chev smts vehs wtchg outer crnr or prk/rd attmptg to sgst mlcs frd to aid pers. rd ht up nels pst dmpstrs. vcl trzg lgt cr pst schl dn nels gng prtcpts. nsy w trk w/rf lgts up nels to 9th blk nd bk. smwr hrd ld mssv gt bngn noise frm gngs lkg fr impct or drnkn on drgs trsts lkly. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$99999999999999999........................... gazillion dollars vs ter states of amer sought guaranteed unconditional fr 40 yrs of ter cts to my lif no cost devic ter mlcs pers by tersts nd thieves -whr drks drg addicta ride buses nd terz ths nt their type by any means - terst country nd evil people - money is to be had for my lovely lf in RF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

america's favor - murdered life endless torture for nothing ma;icious ter persecution scandalously malicious worthless insults lies persecution

suspicious conspiracies arnd Collins based on aiding community terrorizing nd malicious instigated coordinated lies. 705 child fem terst- rpt t 50 times - those cans are ours - give our cans bk. her dad eric was listening nd failed to  keep trained lying youngster terst.blk trk silv bk yelg pst ??????????? duo on bk out of brdg -clng me gng bgr. bngrs in rvr area brkg glass tossing by rvr or into rvr nd sm or smlr acts in rvr wlkway brdg tm to time. smn frd decept terst in brdg said if he were dn thr he wld tell thm. gng rd cr bpg brn exhaust pst brdge thn mntg to myers. ????strg at me. yelg veh pst linc mb. grn trk or blk cr mitch pst lib  dir myers.5xwy?487. w cr bpg out of denny's dir myers. bpg w cr grn ptd insd whls dir twr. zm trzg grn cr pst l.w.  rd trk 1.5 l.w. bp . silv 1.5 pst ? ohwy dir orod. - f u fkn cunt. rd 1.5 bpg cycl in bk. w ? cr, lgt gray trk pst a-1 dir twr drk suv bpg pst wlms tv dir mitch. grns dk cr bpg pst sm  willians tv apprtly dir mitch. this was hdg veh fr ths eve. sm cr bpg scr bk dir rob. pst park. dk grn bpg bk dir mitch.  hs by prk near bus bldg. at crnr - f u. sm cr trzg pst bldwn dir rob.. bpg agn pst bird dir rob. grn trk wvg pst rob dir mrs lst 3 mb ???74 cnt rd wrtg unrel.. dk blu chev -hey. trk dir linc tlkg ment sac. 4dwt psgrs drk shell yell dir myers pst dirks 810p dk grn cr agn pst vet bldg. dir mrs. wht fk u lkg at me bitch bk cmng out of brdg to twn. this prsn ws wrg crs/crss nvy shirt on bk dir twn.. drk grn cr agn bp to brdg. under brdg sml silvr cr w/bg of cns. sheriff cr into brdg dir twn. aftr tht grn cr disap. scrmg w cr psgr rd hd bnd dir brdg. 6prm218 w cr by cn on grnd. all vlrs trs timed 100% empty per ter argmt. zmg grn  cr brdg to grnd. yelpg w cr mult-dt lgts pst tbl church trn nels. ?bpg ter cr pst fogg. fr dept bldg. of tersts aiding cnsp team busy mkg ass out of me. 73485m1 w suv chev ter inslt spit pers - a u rec. cns? red ht cell phn pst 3rd at nels. yelg w trk pst nels apts mb rom.?  fem dn nels. trsts hv l e in rnks nd r exprt liars frm frd insintns to strgt lies just tdy dy ltr at rlys persn who wrks in shl bt als at rlys ventrd to spec hrs me - when cnfrtd md up a clear cut lie nd likely ter consp which will lnd me frther cut off mny nd cns whn he fnds wy to kick me out of shell via gng connections or other pers ter acts whl the andersons are mst lkly linkd to bus line ter team nd sarah the trst w/lkly scrs of relat nd tersts who dig ter amer rationale clrly aided by publ serv busnses nd lw enf fr depts. who merely reinf acts by cronies as they assist mssv crms vs trgt passing thos as nglgbl nd usfl.