Wednesday, July 15, 2015

drug addicts liars instigation

lgt gry- can I help u trst suv frm 12th dir dn nels. bk on 12th st - hi! up nelson aided by ml trst -tlng me to sht up uppr odd sd nelsn crnr prprty nd 1268 fem w/dogs on evn sd. blk shiny suv bpg wvg bpg wvg betw nels dmpstr nd 6th strt. ??unknwn apt smkg. vlrs 6hkl316 dk red suv inslt tpd mny..drk trk silv bk w hood vic. to brdg. slightly rnded w cr pst wel offices dir vlrs lkly smtg attrctd my attn. veh bpg pst rb ???4wdl748. 7bfz301 - au rec -inslt. jst gtg sm fries brgr mntg/tbl. w cr pst myers ?? 5mdp104 -trs cndy by rlys post office. w trk w/? orod dir myers. 3ucf289?? drk cr trst pst shell crnr spdy trn -hi! dk grn cr bpg mid ln orod pst myers dir linc. w trk mb fngrs ohwy pst a-1 dir twr. ???twr pepsi. $2 97663T1. scr dk cr ohw orod myers. psb silv suv scr sm dir. scr lgt/dk trk raleys lt frm currier crt. drk scr cr w/psgrs pst mitch pst myers dir linc. drk drty cr -gt out oftrs cn -thts my trs cn bird pst myers dir linc. 920p ws by clk hrd hi frm civic - ircgnzd prsn by exist of hs dg I cld nt see -I suspct ths pervt who clms to collect cns lkly supporter of community trst di8ctatorship encrgmnt cmpgn at price of victims for advtg of bully asshls -the real trsts behd cmpgn extrmntn effrt. disguised as gdrs their othr sd is to frm u extrm ur lf nd dictator whtvr if antg is left of ur exist -trst ctry nd lw people.??? psbl hmls fem w/dg slpg by vlrs bs stp. silv cr scrm grnd to tbl; to brdg. trk noisy up dn grnd pst 3rd. 2 bks 3rd dir nels one scrmg my wy then yelling to another going up grnd who responds with bird sounds nd voice similarity to fem claiming to be daughter of kat Stevenson -who evr the scdrl that is.. by upr nels dmpstr by nels aprtmnts smn yelling fnk stk thn joined by gng support ter scams nd flagrt fem liar bullying lkly doing drgs nd trying to facilitate sm crm thn fault me. at end the liar apologized. none of terrst apologies are wrth anything they hrs me 24/7/365 w/direct poisonous totally wrtless aid frm law enf who help aid trsts crms - trst cntry nd evil people. lw enf hr is hndg trgts pushng stl poisn nd othr totally cmltly wrthls aid to promote mlcs persectn engagement trzg menace nd poison as solution fr those bering wstd by trsts own hnds nd whs lif nd health they hv drnd -trst country nd evil trst people -trst dictator trzg murderer gngbngr ulra grd thierf nmd usa .

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