Saturday, July 11, 2015

persist mlcs dictatorship persecution theft of evr. by trsts - frd chrty cotrsts

rd trk bpg up 9th blk flwd by drk veh. 705 echoing -American homeless. fem lkg lk her hd lot offering cys? Teresa's gng suv bpg to cty dr - hi! hi!-bk to nels. trst w cr bpg cty to tbl. by crt hs -amer hmls. alleged hmls trzg. 5yar558 blk suv vlrs was lctd whr energy drk ws left behd. w trk opn bk pst vlrs dir nels loaded w/furn psblymkng mny frm lg objects crm. 2 scrmg bks lgt nd drkr rw to brdg. 6gaf279 -silv suv prot. wheel bdy. ???trst w scion? - hi myers pst prk dir -rob. ter cr mb sm as wntd stln id -f u fnk stk mitch dir spenc. rttn hc bananas by lib. pear cp stln by instig non hmls.smbdy cntns prog lib comp so that I hv to check intpo comp tw to get in nd clocks me out ahead of tm. mb this wld be persn frm cty drive called art who wrks comp databases who sees me all the time per gng parsec  trst or othr aid to th trsts. 4ekr650 -hv smtg f u -mlcs inslt prtctg trst acts.twr trs 100% empty immed bef my arriv per trst assignmt. w frd gs ??? pst l w noisy. rpt? rd frd 1.5 pst pp bp ohwy dir twr. bpg vehs pst Wilcox dir mitch.rob/myers gngtrst tm mny inslts -thts hw mch usa blvs u dsrv - trst ctry -evl people. gry trk behd w cr bp to opp sd of brdg cmng frm grnd bpg? 4dwt pst rw to twn. vlrs 100 perc empty per ter instr. cmnty ter cmpgn. bk pst vlrs dir nels. fnk stk rpt -crzy ldy 2 bks ss behd hof braus dir grd. old ultra faint tint blu or gry trk noisy rpt ??nois pst nels/fogg apts up nels. lgt noisy cr behd sm. ??????-sds w/trsts prtcts terst acts. vc frm trk ???3rd dir nels. trst trk drk yellg. trst drk trk yellg frm 6th dwn nels to 4th or apts. trk ard nd bk bpg frm 6th dn. sn emptied trsh bgs nels dmpst so that gluey ltr is whr I wld step sm wy as they hd paint squirting balls insd trash w/intnt to bthr u or shit plcd into a bg of urs by chld.-trst cntry -evil people. ***********alert as of today Saturday not only at night valeros clears everything out but daytime right before I come they clear everything out highly likely due to being coached by community gvt immune ter org whose purpose is to keep me from digging in garbage can and in essence in long run cause severe damage to myself. I believe they enjoy strong community law enforcement support and should be sued and advertised as trst community not just separate orgs. anyone please help with charges against community and long list of involved orgs.

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