Tuesday, September 26, 2017
mon---mngd t ls pen js nw bw upr outer lib and toilet--whr it was missing frm ntb aftr i used tlt--hd t fnd other one bcs the orignl trnd up msg js nw--if wr on prps wl nt at all b srprsd but i fld t see it aftr i ckd out frm tlt nd evn db ckd---bk mn----mon eve upr lib trs hd pltd psn wrtlss fries nd cig t kp vctm psnd bs as cn b----dytpppby sushi nri acrss cf bn hnk trs enq re wtr clmng no wr fnts--bt whn i ptd out cf bn n sd of sm he wl nt go t cf bn t ask fr wr--trs clm js brk---usually due as wth mike due t lk of accntblt---aftr fct blmng ths nt t blm--same way as he says ngs misap blm---thy d mr thn misapprp thy prtcpt in trs grps persecuting wstg trgts--drctly astd by anti hls city/shs//anti hlss trs grps plying dfrdg wth wrtlss amts nd thrw awy fd--pret vctms shl lv of rtn nd thrw out wst nd wo mny aftr they the trs amers aided by their trs lw enfcmnt helped thmslvs t evr hrs nd dlb dstryd evr hrs due t crm actvt and mlcs orgnzd estblsmnt lw enfcmnt aided rvs judgement wc assts crm nd trs grpngs psg thm fr lgt actvt---in fct orgnzd nd mlcs persecution hndg nd wstg of hlss nd tgts---thy hv wrst of evr wtg fr u t dstry u bst as thy cn--nd trs cnt wt---drctl aided by trs lw enfcmnt trs wh nd trs usa---who pass vctm wstg as lgt actvt wth no py rqrd on massive trs wstg acts by trs usa---insd prk eve--lkl offc mob cnsp anti hlss mlcs trgtg co mob undr mlcs pretenses nd persecution---bnc cnldrns area at tht hr aftr 9p chldrn all gn 2 sus prsns stg bnc nd hsp f strtd chsg acrs prkwhen i ckd trs cn--csg me t g acrss prk twrd my bgs---thr i ntcd trs who typ hng bhd bs sheltr nx wtr nbushes vcn studio---he ws dng stg??? at wr fntns---i ptd him out t pr other tbl--of wc one thgt he nt btr no one---in rlt this guy cnstntl stkng out prb cnst aiming btr nd dng stg susp---this ngt he crssd out int mdl of str thn qkly snk bhd bus sheltr frm othr sd---he appeared strg insd bs sheltr nd ckng bushes frstg???--dt kn exc hw mny tms--but saw him snk bhd at clb clsr time strg insd bs sheltr sgn nd ckng bushes as if anyone ins bs sheltr ws trgt---he als seemingl cnsldtd wt he wntd int bg nd dt kn whr he pt his other bgs---his crrnt bg smng qt hvy---so in fct ths inncnt is actlly aidg in trgtg wstg vctm--whl mob trs estb nd lw enfcmnt is bkng psn smkn etc---lt int ngt but bfr clg smgl mob gsg f svc s blwg pot at tg---evn smn off $1 lwr lib--crm pret pss ths fr fvr--abs---amer gzln $ thief is hppy t d u a fvr nd frm u fr nts nd liar alng the wy---mike hs yet antr exc t blm othrs--stry of jes nd lazarus--his wy of frdlntl dmpg upn othrs who hv ntg t do wth his own faulty thkng manipulations---same exc wy as he thks ng hit him the othr sun bcs he hts w people---mk hims hwvr alg no prej vs blk people nd says ht is misplcd undeserved his ear still hurts nd if cnt t hrt ng dsrvs pybk---bcs hsp f zmd acrss prk whn i apc trs cn--she is lkl lnked t mob persec crew as well--mon dyt bdl exprd brd pltd fr hlss trgts nx city hall--bcs city insd blvs vctms dsrv rfs nd ntg fr their sfrg nd vctmztn nd wrkng upn dlb crmnlzg bng hlss instd of gtg the crms or grps prpsflly persecuting hlss nd seeing t it thy nvr see jstc ezc the thkg by city--frm thm---crmnlz ths bng vctmzd---nd hv massive injustice ong nd free--the trs who hv dn it are a fbrctn---trgts r liars nd dsrv the wstg---acdg t trs teams estblsmnt lw enfcmnt wh nd trs usa who sprt ths thkg nd mntly lkg t hlp ant hls trs grps hlp wst vctms--aftr all why py upn rthlessness nd mnc---aftr all js tht is hghly welcm in trs usa fr free----- pot smk blwg vh at tg earl am clsg clb time d s---prp psn tgt--*****tues---515a dstrb peace noisy blower drc at tgt----myb 15 min ltr d n prsn psg ylg ldl t dg as pssd tgt---myb bw 530-6a street clng trk noisy agnst edge of street---exp rtn fd pltd frt of ba trs---acdg t mob hlss cn be hlpd t psng---drc bkd by city, shs, nd trs usa---sffr fr free nd st up---pro mob pro crm pro trs--frd frdl mlcs wstg cmnt who blvs trgts shl b hd fr free js ask ovr at city hall nd sh dept or cntct the so called non profs----thy will prpsflly wst frm ignr trgts drc wth encrgmnt frm mob nd mob like minded city nd sh nd wl b help grp thkng---why wrk or why py---whn lvl usa cn wst tgts fr free---nd pass own crms as blngn or nonexistent--lt btc smngl 24---ths r frd frdl anti hls z type grpngs----745a---2 sh vhs wrkg specifically fr hlpg t wst trgt fr free asgnmnt sh stn e---drc astg mlcs trzg grps----why file reports wr i still dt hv mlng address t gt mc needed cks stln whn it is sh int t blm wst frm hlss instd----thy drc prtcpt wth city hall in wstg hlss fr free grpngs---why py????--- whn massive injstc twrd trgts is hghly encrgd by trs usa----small mess obsrvd nrb trs hnk---mob aidg shs phnk e whs jb is lit--dlb wst dmp upn hlss fr mob grpngs nd t hlp exnrt crm fr free nd exc t bk lk of py fr amer wstg ignrnce prjdc nd mnc twds trgts---835a red trk rvs e wstb flwd by 2 w vns smngl crml airprt shtls---wstb ???unrdb nx tgt bgs---brwns sh cr wstb e---pltd wst 24h trs int fr mlcs hlsx inslts wo py----905a or ?shtl aft cnstrct vh w dsty with lftg mdl ear bstg blw up ns exc as trs wr pssng tgt loctn wstb d e---fd pltd w knll---bt dt be fld abt mob psng wstg intentions nr fd qlt bng qt smpl in thrw awy ctgry wc is wt amer blvs trgts thy dsrv fr bng 100% wstd by mob cnsprd trs usa---935a--2 trs sh pro mob hlss wstg fr free vhs ptj w----drc aidg trs persec grps--nd dlb mkng idiots of hlss---z crm hlpg shs---dlb mnfctrg instgtg hrsmt vs hlss nd jstfg crms twrd the persecuted nd instigated----rec trs lcn w---dlb frd eng trgt--wu rdg???--cnt rd nts---ng lq fnc---oth z hlss tlk t ng crss d cvs--nx cvs hlss attm gv trg $3 rfsd---whn i ptd hlss t sty awy frm trgt---hlss trd cllng trg liar--i dt blv u---ofcrs---amer blvs in crm of centry sz crms fr free nd wrs---ths is exc wt i blv---vctms dsrv t be wstd by trs usa----srry killers---fl smn else---7tmd855 pk up smn cvs crn--blkts bth frm illness nd massive wstg psng orgnzd by trs usa---z cn pltd se lcn crn ng rfsd-----2 mr z stkng out crn----successfully wstg vctm wth trs psn persecution trzg nd heat---free------e of lcn prmtd pot---hlw crn nx fnt by prk vcsl prmtd wth pot---3 nx fnt myb 1 oth bnc---sh f vh hlw ylg t one at fntn---gt out---3rd blm of leist f sh whn aidg mob extrmntn drg whn sm tmng as dsc frm mike---dlb lying my bgs in wy---bsclly aidg hndg ant hlss grpngs nd hlpg ths rgt alng--nt js shs---the prk nd lib simult wstd trgt rgt abt tht sm time---anti hlss cmnty mob trs wstg bkd by cmnt shs nd city hall-wr crms vs hlss simply dt exst---nd on purps--as prt of hlss wstg cmpgn--anti hlss trs nd crms nd liars nd crm of centry sz crms drc encrgd alng wth hlss grpngs who cnnct t ths trs grps nd who hlp thm wst their trgts vctms---free--is the key pt--exc why i dt deal wth syst of injustice who dlb wl nt prvd full srvc lgl tm nd timely lvg trgt wo phn srrnded by trs thy spprt bcs thy r nt the trgt--the vctm the trgt--asgnd t b extrmntd free via wh co z--trs grps drctl aided by whlwd city hall--sh dpt affiliated estblsmnt nd cmnt grpngs nd trs usa--who stds by nd says---free--crm of centry sz srl wstg by trs usa is hghl prtctd nd absl---free----grp of 3 crsg mbl n of wc 1 crm thmbg up fr amer trs acts nd injustc--cmplmnts trs usa---?????--sx hrsr nt tlkg mbl d w---ng f swtz cell????? swtz crn--tg blkg out---strn pls heat cmplmntry frm trs usa/whlwd----trs lee trg t wv swtz e---oth lkl z als d e---2 swtz n sd bnc 1 of wc lkd lk small mean f who ws stdg---mob hls in ptio bldg s of brnys---3 trs hlw prk---hv gd dy maam--cmng frm trs persecution wstg grp whs jb is t dstry its trgts nd free-----nt fr sec u b fld of intntns by whlwd intrcnnctd mob co grpngs wstg trgts free----of ths 1 1 ws blwg smk whl crn still prfsl prmtd wth pot---53769e2 lkl wh clnr lnkd vh vcn cvs pkg---mess lcn sd lq crn---nx sbw us dot 2022631 ca 395023 enterprise cmrcl tkg pltg btl sbw trs rfsd--f frm lnc bx ofg hlt cnd---rfsd--sdl i am well awr of price nd mnc of amer dngs who in rlt pass the horrors fr lies nd fr free---i clrl undrstd wt amer stds fr----thts wts bkd by city hall nd sh dpt assistg drc systm of injustice----???psbw w---sh vhs hrrsg hlss sw svc crn????---sh vh hrssg hlss nx lib ylg lkl adcts as ng f lkd dn frm abv--altrc????----smkng mob crt nx lwr lib---??????pro mob wth cell??---bd nts---??ng f cell upr lib--unrdb nts--as i wnt bk out t ck fr pen missing smn ws stg insd lib strs wth sktb
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