Saturday, September 16, 2017
sat--had ovr 2hr dely cmng t lib as rslt smn at rec decdg t tk a vctn tdy so they skipped this dy nd it ws nvr open--the can call vacation fr any rsn mks them hppy---fri--mike clmd spsdl dr tld him he nds algd an orgn rmvd---mike insists they will nt tk cr unless he dies--rlt he dt wnt t ask hw t gt operation or if nt hw t gt appeal t gt one--clms in pain bt he is pill adct--pills mk him act up nd lkl pills psn nd kill hm--bcs he ds nt cr nd bcs sc is scndls trs prsctn amer cltr---1120p mob bkn trs ambs dsptcd t trz trg nd hlp mob tms thy wr psg svc bs sheltr hdg n nd all hd hrsmnt grtgs fr trgt as prt of city mob gng bkn initiative----bsktb crt suspct adct mob hrsg mx trng trz trg--- $2 atm lsb prs pmp/hyv crn rfsd ofc---tgt kn wt amer wts her t hv---ntg ofcourse--cmptr wrks bd due t lkng crsr---smngl hpf othrws it mgt wrk if frtnt---just bfr lvg lib fri twnt mints wr tkn up by smn who st dn nx me nd did non stp sng act---lib threatened thy r calling police but as this was closing time thy nvr showed---just bf i gt int lib fri f ofd bn nd gen wtr---rfsd---bw lib nd mlrs f ofrd unk qlt bn---rfsd---prps zoo persecution nd massive srl prsctn nd crm fr free by mns of mkng tgt lk bd dlb--thn amer crm is ok nd all cotrs gldl buy ths bcs sc cnsprd scm hlps thm t wst u--nd all wstg is free--why shl amer py whn its hvng sc fine time klng lives rdclng wstg thm free---libs sec nd shfs all trnd t bk mob nd kill trg free--by no coincidence thy r one nd same---mikes voice really carries too--as reslt of his meds ms lkl---amer gldl hds mds to ths who wnt thm nd ths who dt---it is abs happy t find uses t mk selves nd own thkng nd jdgments alleged justified--thts hw thy kill others lives nd pkt money fr free---wht els cl b mr fun frm pt of view of usa---lkl crm lft stg bhd in bs sheltr--othr crm frm bhd bus sheltr grbbd it rgt up t ck out--but initially the scdrl cl pass fr lgt prsn ---rlt==amer is full of mob bkng crm nd drt wo py---bcs thy r cnvcd their mssv trs acts r free---why py??---n sd of sm bw rbts nd svc lts of smk especially by some clbs nd ba---mob hng out off other peoples stln money---i brl escpd bsktb crts at clsg--i thk by tht time trs ng f mgt hv bn hrd thr---js bf upr lib ng smkr mob trd ask fd frm trgt---i eat thrw out scrps--so i blv ths smpl z mnc---i dt ever ask thm---ng smk svc crn---am sat---sh stp prmtd wth smk on time t thrghl psn tgt--thw awy psn wtg 24h str trs--z rd bg plrb walkng w---????unrdb z bw wstb wsmnt go...----hlw pk 5 circ 1 bnc--ths r crm rng drg adcts bkd by trs wh nd trs usa who bks sc grpngs who hlp the usa to wst vctms instd of pying wht wy fr ovrdue....----shs lkl aftr hlss brn crn nd olive gsns hvng thm gt trs thy md---gy gng thrg trs tossed 3 2c bttles my dir--scd ms thnk amer trzm mks me hppy---sdl i kn wht amer wstg is wrt nd hw it is blissfully mnfctrd wth help of amer estb nd lw enfcmnt---lkl mob bik lcn e---hlw prk psb fwr thr nw prh 3 circ nd 2 bnc??---1 mob ldg trzg--go u r hlt hzr--dlb dmpg upn tg wo cause--bkng adcts drnks nd drt lk hidsself--precisely who is bkd drc by trs wh nd trs usa---thts who thy dig----the amer drt who is wstg the trgt---smngl grp of 3 se lcn crn incl hiv adc mob bike---hlss ng wth sng trshy bg flw trg t wkn ofg ins mn----thy cn go ply gms wth fls---but ths one knws wht amer pulled off nd fr wht it hs pd abs ntg---wo dbt rfsd---prty dt nd crm mob dfrdg her as frds whn thy r ret frmng mob servc lk all ths in prk lk ths trnd by lib like ths wstg trgt all abt--by dlb dmpng on tgt to mk own crms appear all rgt nd ftg as is apprvd drc by shs dpt nd bkd by trs usa---earlier trs bctr mob crm prtcpt pwstb w---all trs prty t mob---lie they cn to ths who dt knw their knd or wht thy hv dn---cmplmnts trs usa---ntcd perna psbw ?e---rd bgd trs earlier mrn lrb w nw out of sbw e---f pmp crn ofg $1 t by moist---ntg in amer csts $1---asd fr lkl grbg frm 99 cents str----rfsd---js nw gt of 5820 trvlng w psvc abt 4p--frt of me stg lkl hlss wcell who tk up hrsg me pr lkldsptc--lkl mob idiot frm lib ntcd whn i ws on the bs trvlg e--he is oldr nd gt off frf---i thk i als sw md aged slv hr mob trvlg myb wstb w---nd am qrly mdag z f lkl pba w---rem---z blvs thy r entitled killing lives free---this is happily bkd up at all lvls cmplmnts trs usa---after all chpr blm than py---rlt of civil rgts in amer whr by mns of bkn mob by estb nd lw enfcmnt amer calls massive crms nd injustice on ong basis is free
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