Tuesday, May 1, 2018

mon---early hpf nt mstkn accdg mk pk grd wrs blu frm offc lkl--ths r mds lnkd--frmng/mh orgnzd wstg lnkd---hrd eve wlkw bw pk/grg---tll dtctvs--thy cn all sty thr exc ths prsn---mds obsrvrs bhd mds aidg city acts--ls time grd seen by tgt ws bible ng frdl wth mikeard 9p myb---mike jkg wth him re mkg frds wth ladies---bt tgt is hndcppd nd frcd t bnd ovr nd als frcd t dly slp nd hlt lkl wrsnd thrgh entrpmnt by dictrshp--tues---648a mds dvt/vcs prmtd smk outr pk ct crn aftr seeing tgt pk up nd wlk d s---whl shrffs lkg t als wst tgt---lkl aftr cmpltg tgt psng assgnmt---mc my b frmng instgtn mnpltn rvs thkg nd wstg lnkd----vctm strnd /trpd prvtd hlt dmgd by limitations of city wstg vctms /aidg mds hlss extrmntn argmnts---845a--bctr seen svc d n---mob btr frd frdl bsktb crts psn smkng pot vcn nd tgt---whl whlwd hppily fdg him cash cans money nd psn whl dlb kpg vctm prvtd wstd----mssv pot out pmp crn smtm vcn 9a whn wrkr stp out crn t cmplt chore--pot was very prmtd nd sprd twrd s so vctm bkd up fr as she rsnb cld bt cmng bk tgt nt ntc same prb---*****1007a pmtr w---sko wrdo crz obsc type gstrs --nx sx hrssr 1010a mtr w---tk --utility qs offrg wr of the mst jnky vrty wc i cnt mv or crry --nt b fld by amer offrgs--ths r lkg t wst vctms fr free---nd mntn mssv crms twrd thm at no cst---why py???----whn thy like tns of mn at vctms expns nd evrtg vctms also---****mds apcg tgt 24h vcn mvng e??---the mds engagng t prsct/trz tgt--hw ln hv u bn dng ths??-----mlcs inslts t hrrss bthr dstrb embarrass revrs lie nd dmp upn---fw mnts ltr ng sx hrssr ws trkng 24h e agn hrrsg tgt gsn smtm vcn 11a not notated---*****1120a e pfrnt rnnr w hr of ?sr vrty bt nt prtc old w/some knd of mkshft chr---the mds---wu lk chr??---indeed--why shl amer py whn it cn dfrd shw free-----*****1155a plq e--othr mds---rvrs dmpg---shes smkn at me----****bfr 2p rbts up n mds smkn vcn rec entry wy---vrs mds vcn wth wrtls dfr inslts---why py---whn amer cn fl evr one with its dfrdg---whn it stls lifes wrth  nd totals vctms lives----evr amer dirt is happily duped---but at expense of vctm life---220p--frt lwr lib bctr--nx ldrt wlc adct rllng lg rllg bg--syin stg lk--i cn mk it up the hill---leavg svc d n whn vctm appears---earlier gsn bfr 330p psb mds frm outsd lib ng use cmpt nx tgt num 2---240p--smk prmtd nx t wr tgt mst tie up hr bg---***nx tgt aprcd by mds who rglrl sprds pot bk of lib--***the ng tlks abt lftvr ortl/chn fd in gbg--hrrsg tgt who eats thrw outs t dl less wth crms some of whm my b dlb pltg ths incldg psn or psns style while kllng wstg dfrdg tgt nd lvng off tgt wstg---****ws tht chn fd gd??---nx he prtcpts in more mds engagemnt wstg---u hv dk ha??---i sw u hv dk----****sko mst b seeing thgs on drgs nd aidg the mds ---both--exc wht the usa bks---nx the bible ****lovng blk grd shws up---psb wndrg at observtns aprcs he my hv seen wlk/tlk dvc----*****fct---amer bks bth---drgs--nd persecution wstg of massive srl vctms fr free---why py??????------****vry rlvnt---amer lives off evrtg urs nd ur lf done fr----whl prtdg its inslts r chrty as thy kp vctm life prffssionally trppd wstd nd done for----why py?????-rvrs dmp upn mssv vctm--py drg addcts nd thieves---nd kp 99.99% fr slvs by chrtb orgs calling wstg extrmntg mssv srl vctm---chrty---drctly bkd by estb nd lw enfcmnt---drctl bkng wstg srl mssv crm of cntry vctm---*******abs free---als tgt recalls dscsg w/mk---why he gt int ritas bsn---smngl allgd unk ????mikes retaliation nd nt mndg own bsn usg ?unk mns--he likes t retaliate frq blmng fltg othrs regrds of his *****cause validity spsdly rl t him--aka--delusions or devices t rvs dmp  -vr psb upn vctms nt liabl---but whm he wnts???? t flt---i dt knw their bsn--bt he frq lks t pass vctms as unsvry chrs of wtvr cnvnt dvcs he thks he cn rdcl thm wth ---a thkg smlrl shrd by gngs utilizg dvcs----t hlp mk mssv srl nd crm of cntry sz crms  sld as if though thy nvr were---unuslly cnvnt whn bkd by amer estb nd lw enfcmnt

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