Saturday, May 26, 2018

poison killing thief mud slinger group/discrimination behind lib bag policy --- happily backed by lib

fri--- tgt lkl has brain dmg and sbstntl and serious health issues frm hlsness nd mds persecution---*****bfr tgt lft lib cmptr fri-- t the rgt of her was seated m on whm tgt cld smell heavy smk insd lib---he was aprcd by limping blk f mds operative w/rqst t hlp--lkl t frther their smkng terrorizing persecution dictatorship wasting intimidation insult objectives--he tried gtng frndl js bfr tgt lft bt tgt wl nt tlk t him---t explain to u hw heavy they sprd pot smk etc abt lib vcn etc mst evrwr tgt goes wl b dfclt--bt tgt blvs she hs brain dmg and hlt prbs due to these persecuting her with ong and or massive smk----***>>>>>>mtthw lib mgr aprc tgt re her 2 small bgs telling her lib policy was changing t 1 bg or no bg--?or paperwrk??--the bg he sd cl be bigger sz if needed--*****>>>>>>>>>malicious orgnzd discriminaltion--he als rptdl reiterated*****>>>>>>> tgt rglr plstc bgs--- wr nt hlthy--assistng *****crm rng dscrmntn grpngs---and anti hmeless pro crm ring west hollywood policies and organized wasting tactics---re ordinary bgs albeit bng carried by hlss mssv srl vctm lvng a lf of extraordnry strf fr wc ****responsible prties do not care nor intention to pay---evn as they hv actvl prtcptd in bullying tctcs agst abused disabled individual--basically aiding the image of dressed up dirt rgrdless their rgt t organized cnsprd abuse/crime------637p---city grd pupr lib twrd grg--actvl aidng orgnzd anti-hlss and anti vctm  hrrssmnt----my nts r bdl non rdb due t dmgd hlth nd brn dmg facilitated by reckless organized abuse and persecution w/o compensation on the menace impacted----myb ****frm ard 9p or just bf rpt ong ....  severe massive prfs ong pot/smk upper lib strs and svc---facilitated by mds *****drg adcts and ****wasting persecution artists--so thick and ong--it lstd well into am--- and smn cntnd blwng at tgt svrl times after tht---the smk was so prfs---it was not avdb frm any location---ard midngt sdwlk thn pk algd ws clrd---tgt hrd stg re dpty blw sying re bmb threat---whn clrng out up lib ard mdn---****mds bkng tgt hrrss city grd tld her hurry evn as she ofcrs ws hurrying---dpty enqrd re wgt mngb---bt tgt sgtd hurrying prb---****deputy trd intmdt frm wst tgt by askng her nm nd thn tried intmdt her agn by askng if it was her in hndcffs other dy---fct---tgt hps thy gt smn wrtwhl like crm or adc--but on tht day tgt blvd thy mgt hv bn ckng her frnd mike due t her poor eyes as he ws in tht loctn nrmlly---hwvr mike was nt there tht dy hvng wnt bths----hvng chased everyone out---smngly algd bmb thrt vnshed whn deputies clrd/lft  svc slgtly ovr an hr after ctg off peoples ngt---***deputies hd zro interest in malicious/mssv pot bng sprd vcnty nd bng used t hlp frtr wstg of vctm/tgt bcs they wl rthr wst the vctm---in amer pretty image and drugs and persecution wasting are far more welcome--then abused/ reduced to underclass victims---tgt sffrd 3 diarrheas slgtl aftr deputies left--tgt woke up to see fries thrown all ovr pvmnt exc her loctn---not by charitab gvrs----****bt by mds crms lib bks---same like it bks smkrs nd drg addcts cnsprd into gng grps t dmp upn prsn vctmzd by---thmselvs---whn tgt gt here tgt wlkd doheny d  labrea on ft  --nw tgt is lky t cvr any smll distnce---as reslt of adcts/mds amer bks and ds nt ivestigate and upn whose crimes bkd by usa ---america none the less does nt py cmpnstn---insistg gng crime and pretty crms r rgteous----950p --drnkng cstdn lkl hlpng mds operatives t elevtr----psn was so prfs this ngt it wstd life out of tgt----svc dn blw--130a etc...---rp prfs mssv pot blwn at tgt strt lvl dn below---crm operatives psng s---shs strng at tgt mvs bying into mds persecution crm rng orgnzd lying cnsprcy nd lkl prty t crm rng thmselves---nice deputies---jst like nice city persecuting ambassadors shl tgt evr rn int thm espclly ngt time lk she used to whn still was mvng at better pace intmdtg harrassing bullying abused wstd nd sck tgt at crm mds gng bkng whlwd behest----ultmtl prvtg tgt--trppng tgt--nd hlpng cause wstng of tgt---am myb 7a--tgt spttd rita ***psn smkng bsktb crts---crm dggies smk rbts n trn alley e--- come bk out and cntn wth psn smk rbts d w---750a--rbts d n---mds z reseller--psn smkng tgt as evr--exc poisn whlwd bks---jst like it bks his ?snggng etc?? operative tctcs---ths knd blnd rgt into whlwd spnsrd drt----???othr scr crt rd shrt 818a mds crss s----mst all cns snggd ****>>>>>per city tgt wstg tctcs----nd athns snggd bg dmpstr hmb hyvn per ***mds whlwd vctm wstg terrorist calculation----?????920a--blkts brn dmg---crm abuse by city/usa--- n f smk??---940a--???--blk outs insfct nts--- crms ptg at tgt gsn wstb e---1030a---wstb s---js bf--blkts--?brn dmg wstg---done by mds bkng city/usa----unrdb nts due t rckless psn wstg by pot/smk nd bullying of tgt nd stlng her sleep---city/shs---lkg dmp cnsprd crm upn vctm---why py??-----1127a--pba hld trs psn smkng tgt crn---12n--smk strbls rbts crn---123p---crm mds cnsprd crm bctr svc d n--thk u---orgnzd crm oprtv bkd by crm rng bkng whlwd--- 1p---rbts ne crn---prfs pot---apx 110p--mx mds f prfsl sprdg smk nx ba strt trs cn-----vctm sffrd 4th diarrhea js bfr pvln rec---mike seen gn rbts n---mike mstrts mnplts people---mike alleged jms spnt hndrds on him--he alleged jms steals mrchnds---he thn sd he lied on james at pvlns tllng thm he stls cp br btls dly----his bhvior mimicks persecuting rthless scdls mds---exc amer drt--nd amer style---but ******their pretty lks buys them crdblty---nd buys thm *****wstg tctcs america happily tgts vctms with-----the country who bks crms and their mlcs wstg tctcs nd crm lies------rl/pntv dmgs sgt fr all wstg by  terrorist usa t lst secd---fnds/jstc nd visas t vct sgt!!!!

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