Friday, November 2, 2018
crm mr ******matt
tuesd---gng lib frnds w/paul--injrd adc--brsg off vct--lkl frds w/crm bhd vct bk---crm f osrvd extg lib ltr--if she sw vct--she sprds spry---gng crm territory mssg--wc csts mny---but vry pssb---nt their own----why py??----ng dvt lkl xtg lib --sprdg smk drc at vct---same as prvsly--made brd noises--hlf wy up uppr lib strs---cnsp hisp mds who dncs---cnsp dg pk---nd als bksd---sprdg---mlcs pot--smk---dlb trzg--prsctg vct---incldg wth mlcs dncg---nd othr orgnzd ---prsctn trs acts----848p---****city hsp grd wrkng bsktb courts--whlwd pk--nt tllng name nor comp name--vct blind---but myb julio--- frm same comp AS ERIC PAlMA---PRK OFFICE---OR WHLWD SECRTY shl knw exc who wrks thr thn ---find secrty in the menu---or prk offc---nd call/ask---in any case--mds gng groupies--hsp/ortl???--nt sure--shrt f w/tll guy who hd rd strp in shrts--sprd pot drc at vct---cntnsl bng abused/poisnd---assistng *****city---chkng--wstg--sickening--dictatoring vct lf--agnda--at expns vct lf/hlth---grd sggs vct sht up nd bsclly prtnd---its nt hppng---****assistng killing fr free--the vct--????why py??------city/shrffs--bsclly sd wth crms in whlwd nd ths whm orvl keeps in bsn----why py??----940p---svr smk --wlkw bksd crts----assistd by policy mkrs--mrdrs ca nd usa--why py??---10p--svr atrcs potmid t bksd lib---nd more smk/pot rcng vct---mdngt cnstrc wrkrs--blkd off outr lib strs--but not yt the prk---ths blkng thm off--***whr notoriously sprdg--more smk---1053p----svr mlcs wdsprd pot bksd uppr lib---vct not knw who rspnsb is--but suspects--most evr if nt evr thr r adcts---bkng more adcts---frm rita at patio ---t lng list of othrs assistg poisn frm smk t pot....----nd this recreation---is invited---at price of those--like vct--hvng prbs---mvng arnd---mk mntnd wntg chk orvl--hwvr---due t lk of invstgtn---vct nt absl sure---re his own shr respnsblty---bsds---tht wc ws done by gngs---who abused vct/home---ong basis****wed---shrtl aftr 6a---snky hsp oldr hsp hfty grd who has specs--gmrn---640a--nx outr prk --svr smk--sprd---by hirees smngl wrng secrty unfrms--mrkd secrty on their bks----7a---svr smk sh mtr stp--850a---sus f ofrg $1 smlng wide---wkn d n---grtd prf---mrdrs city/usa---frmly blv--in kllng vct nd evrtg in hr lf---free--ntg thy hnd out adds up---until ndls yrs---aftr vct dth--its smply---mssv crm of cntry sz srl crms--trs dfrdg ---gmmk---why py??----902a---gng crm ****f ng gng cnsp wlc p/vct ???wkn e???---assmng---mrdrs amer hs nt wiped out vct so fr--tht she cnfsd nd or fld t mrk--loctns--etc..----925a---sx hrssr pssng--cvs lcn d w----1010a----pot nx--mds oprtv--adc--frmrl usng crt lkg blk--smngl--nw usng ordnry grcry crt--allgd thrw ovr tgt bgs ovr lib fnc---crm yllng--***fr fkn rsn---***no dbt---amer hs grt rsn---t b lvng off evrtg *****vcts---why py????----crm psng hlw d e---2 ?mxs---sprdg poisn vcn brnys---frm bk sd trs--or jlw twrd n---vct chkng fr air---1028a---sx hrssr mbl d e---mds ****crt smngl trng bk--at orlnd d e---****hvng grt ****rsn---t wst vct---nd rn hr lf---nd live at hr expns---why py???-----1056a----crm cited on city hall **rmp---w/cell---lkl usng cell fr dmpng on vct--rdclng vct hr---t cnspr wst vct fr free---why py????---amer blvs---in stng trsts---nt vcts--****ths hv ****rsn----othr drk skn ng frt city hall sdw--mkng crz thrts--frs t sntc dudes phone---thn hrssng vct---aftr vct ylld out--911---drk sknd trs--tld her t ljl---mkng rdclng--911----thursd--518p*****mlcs pot smll insd lib--ckn vct--bkd by libs/city/cnty etc ---pls frd lib--prt nt ntc----wed---1113a---bld headed drkr mds m---lkl tll othr mds f--re buses--nt rng--lnkd t hlwn--pln---explnd t f at stp ljl n sd d w---1120a---ortl/dggy--mvng ljl d e---dsp t dfr vct --inslts--amer---thg it fld u---???why py??---whn mds--lks ****poisn/dfrd/wst---???why py????-----dvt mkn call---lkl aid mds dmpng--free---upn vct---why py???----thy hv drt lk ****frddy--rnng rec--t bk their crm thnkng---any time---1138a---org strp vst--ovr nvy suit---smngl mrkng off---loctns--pssng crscnt d e---slv hr oldr----crm ****mlcs dfrdg--bkn---wstng---fr free--why py??----hv gd dy--****all killers will--vct wll nvr see one----****bcs hr extrmntn fr ***free--is bkd by mrdrs usa----ths hdlms---lkl lnkd--hlpg chs vct out of bnk-----high rsk--frcng vct chng bnk--rl inncnts---lk mrdrs usa----1210p---lkl poisn --myb vhs--???e---1226p---noisy rd cr----??unrdb nts---hrd ldspkr---re---ths nt slv case----rg on tgt!!!!---ur crms wll nt b slvd---wtht --gzllions nd pntv dmgs!!!!!!!----instd---u wll slv all srts mrcls----by pying fr---crms *****drgs!!!!---killers will b ---more thn mghty thnkfl!!!!!----exc hw amer syst wrks----pys fr addcts----wsts the vcts--why py??---as vct sits insd lib---****she isbng cntnsly poisnd --pot/smk--etc---542p---thursd----bk t wed----1230p----mds crm gng blu tp----ednb d e--hyd?---??crz f--?????unrdb nts----mjr prb---1p---???ng f pnk tp --gsng 711 hywrth d e---psn svr smk---myb hlr d w??- or ped d e??---122p---ng pnh---hywt 711--2 ambs bks--t 711---city dsp---156p---trb poisn--hywrth---thursd---555p--smn ws mkng plnt noise bgs----wed---220p---frfx d e----xtr ld tlkng f ---22--ng f--who hs--- dad att/mom nrs--*************js nw---gng crm&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ******mr matt 6p---****flsl insnt vct---tlkng--t his cstmr---****vct tlk t lib--frnd of pls--*****nt mds f---*****mds crm mr matt----******sggs--onl tlk ****him---***********bsclly aidg---******gng cstmrs--****mkng mnc--*****evr wy thy knw----*******js nw crm *****omrnaa---dlb *****try ****hlp ld tlkng cstmr--dscr abv--dmp on *****vct--who---vrtlly nvr tlk----wed---258p---gng ****crm hrd--s sd sm--psng org d e--hey!!!!!----frmrl rd bnd---326p---gnsee d w--- rd/w ht bsb ht--frmrl utlzg sctr drk hr---vcnt--?? retrofit---pot at vct---????prb rdg hnd wrtg----??356p e---410p w---psn----crms lkl sprdg-***gng bkn jew e of grdnr---try tll vct gt crt frm gls--****gng crm jw pret nt knw--thy gv tkts --fr str crts----427p---blk cr bpng crsn d e---438p---sm blvd 7555--svr psn e--unrdb nts---???inslts??-bd nts --vcn 711 crsn--grdnr nw---540p--ambs bikes---unrdb--gng shrffs --frds--grdn d w---4 more bikes---ambs---mr bikes---sx hrssr grdnr---d w---smk 604p---more pot----?????--515/648p--smk poisn grdnr---1140p--mny ndls rp srl tms---mlcs vcs ong --trb smk---vct slpls-lstng evr noise---due t dngr--orgnzd poisng---mlcs ***orgnzd mnc----***crz adc 22--tlkn--abt fkn kill u--done ths bfr 630p---jws--othr mds---dlb try----t dfrd--rlt of wht mrdrs usa plled off---why py????----free----amer wsts dictrs---free!!!!----nw thursd---bk t wed---svr pain blw vct fng nls---stmc pain etc--thnks--mrdrs usa---dlb aid hlpng crm---vs vct--strg fr air----******thursd---svr smk at wk up 6a ong plmmr---thn grdnr------738???a----?? peds----858aslv hr oldr--crm mds gng dfrdg crscnt e--why py??----*****amer celebs crms vs vct---cnt yllng adc 22---636p--etc...---942a----svr smk vct---ljl sw---956a---x noisy trk psnghrpr d w----crm grd pssng 640p---****aidg mds ****vs vct----1032a----psn at vct mbl d e---mds oprtv--who poisn smks --glsns crn---wlcmng---crm rng ****mds-----****shrff/dep abv--bkn crms vs vct---hlpng trs groupies--cmp 22 lib js tl gr/sh --kp hnds off hm----bye---643p--1040a----pr suspc mxs psng vcn la bhm/mbl---*****suspct xtr dk rd or brg clr jrsey--wth grt big--2--on bksd---rptg ----1044a****f u--jw--p orlnd d e---cmng nx vct bgs vcn mbl--mssng vct coat--vctg--whn vct yll out---myb 340p---***fri--***bk t thursd---lkl pot/smk smll vcn cmp lib-----1118a---svr smk brnys----1140-50a---svr blkts--time apx gssng---wed ngt---vct sffrd ong svr crm smk vcn plmmr prk--nd ndlss on smk am thursd---lkl ***mds here blv thy own prks---nd ths idea is ncl reinfrcd---by crm city/shrffs----mlcs ong smk/pot e of alfrd----mds chr e of alf---hsp trs grp alf w crn---brded blk dsb plt---cdllc pkp--nd lkl hv othr slr w pkp---ths r respnsb poisn crn nd outwrd int road--frc frc poisng ---vct---1205p---2 ngs psng ---lcn se in blk--lnkd mds mtr mob---lkl---???psng??---se lcn--svr ong blkts--vct frcd wk up evr fw mnts----due t crms yr bfr hllwn---nd mlcs ong smkng---spt in fc---zro inslts---by lkl mds bkng---crm rng jws---why py??----blkts--poisn--dyt scrchng ht----abs lk of slp--mlcs ong poisng---nd mlcs poisn fd--cmplmnts mrdrs usa---blk diab f nt die fr ntg frfx---****amer knwngl wsts vcts nd fds thm poisn---??why py???-----why cmpnst???----free!!!!!instd amer prscts vcts--wth--fr/trzg---smkr brd---line 704---9254 at 1213p--cvs d w----stmc pains als--stmc prbs---etc---svr pns blw nails---cmplmnts mrdrs usa---why py???----1216p---pr mxs--1 ptg bk vct oth w/dggy cvs d e---earlier hlwy pk---1 at circ---1 undr trees----f lying by lq fnc hd rdio/cell--bt vct nt see hr --fri---bk t thursd--rp poisn smk vcn vct---?at--frt rnnr bs shltr---135p??--- e of sushi nori --blkts---8crw938---smk ---??unrdb wrtg---??225p---s of sw ??svc crn svr smk--bd unrdb nts---earlier--pot mbl trs cn---smngl daily---225p---lkl poisn svc crswlk--lkl n/s---232p--lkl mr poisn strtsd dg pk--nw--**fri--ong poisn--pot/smk smll vcn vct lib----thursd---??410p--bd wrtg---svr poisn lwr outr lib----entr sd---??vct hps hv rg ?nts------wth *****abs antg cl b lkl----??????m/f cntns sprdg poisn---?????same ng strcs---aidg prsc/poisn--????vct nt see othr nts---assmng ths --??cntntn----or nts stln----bk t ****thursd---js aftr lib clsg time--mk dsc psb options--he cl do---no dbt--opprtnst tk adv evrtg--antg---nd amer wll aid hppily---any addc/opprtnst----****js leave vct as prey--vry cnv---why py??--lft vcts is free???--js ask mrdrs usa ntheir crm incldg jw---dctrshp frds----why py????----840/50p--gsng apx---grds tbl pk----dtf wrkg t dmp upn vct----prmtd pot---bhd bksd wlkwy bncs crts--fld sd----*****argmnts by mds--nd dncg mds hsp---why py???----***433p--fri---svr ong pot insd lib---lib wnts cvr up lk prk---nd dlb wnts lie/sht up vct----why py???----bk t thursd----10p---svr deadly pot cmplt entire bk sd upr outr lib---pot psn als htg vct frt sd---frcg vct shft lctn---cs dscmfr---poisn--nd more hlt prbs ngt tm----why py???----amer invts crms/adcts---pk/lib/whlwd nd usa--nd lives off evrtg vcts--whl--psng slf--fr chrt--***wth crm rng dfrdg inslts--*****as if vct ret cnt count--***thg ng elvtr int lib wrg ht---lks poisng vct--****svr prmtd poisn--rgt in vct vcn lib--*****drc bkd by lib nd its grds---dlb poisng vct----*****fri---hsp--dncg cnsp mds---advnc sprd mlcs smk vct vcn nrb dg pk---drc/dlb wlcmd ---by mds crm sprtg city grds--mds bkng shrffs---nd mrdrs usa ---why py???----***crms lvng vct--non fnctnl---ckng fr air---why py???------855a----*****athns sngng gbg exc--as vct goes out---rbts d e-----9a---ylg hsp---ba d w---csng vct jmp int str---aftr fct she hrd--him ofg mny--******rem one thng usa----****u hnd out fr ****mr money t gngs thn vct---u cntnsl dlb wst---brgl---skn--nd lv in strts--****the vct-----whl lvng off evrtg *****hrs---nd kpng evrtg hrs---dstrctd by crm rng----t dt--u hv pd--***fat minus way blw zero--twrd ong wstg of vct---on ong basis---amer buries vct---nd offrngs r wrth ntg--*****vs crm of cntry sz crms---amer is pllng off---t bd ******vct knws-----cmplmnts mrdrs usa---937a---smk poisn vct nose---hnk--caising vct rvs position--?ard 1030a-----****not psb insd lib --ong poisng at ths time -448p---****dlb ignrd by grd/lib----who intn t ****shttr up vct----scrcng ht--dyt--ong---blkts---*****ng pot at vct--p wls d gsng w--i thnk he ws fcng twrds vct---vrt csng inst coma symptms---????vct hs unrdb nts---nd lts of blk outs---onl gsng time---myb--ard 1040a---lib bdl wnt too--****ong mlcs ****pot brthe in---vcs cnstrctn ***noises--frm huge hmmrs---lngthy ong--nd --****dlb hmmrng vct ears----at wkn /w on sm bl---lkl vcc cnstrctn---crm boss--smngl instrctd thm---****wst vct ears---****svr pot htg vct vcn--***insd lib--lng tm nw 458p---ong----1106a----****bd news---vct cnt rd nts--bd wrtg---crm lq d cvs e----1111a---ng ihp w--pot int vct---inst coma sympt vct----2 hlw circ---1148a---sptd sh sv vh ---mbl d e--sptd psgr sd--vh --eithr jw or mob *****hat---svrl mnts ltr---nx sh sv d e---??trb wrtg---7trl151--mx poisn smkn vct---lkl pkd up psgrs alfrd---trnd d s----1208p---crm dlb low hldg ****pot vct nose--**scdrl alfrd d w----**unrdb--*******&&1222p--arsn crm *****rng f--cut blnd hr shrt--wth smll amnt tied up---wth shpng crt--***did u mk it t rwnda??----js aftr--*****crm mds bctria---rn ovr lq lcn sd---nd **prtnd atk vct---bt tk off--wo any actual blws--****crms ***amer/shrf bk---my hv plnnd out---in addtn ---t all othr mrdrs ****actvty---why py??----1258p--wstb d w--mssng--or unrdb nts--???f d e------nts t bd--t mk out----??2yfc877--bsclly non rdb wrtg---all gng t wst---thnks mrdrs usa---114p---****mtr pkg lot w of hnk----lkl sdw nd in road---all pot smkd up---***lkl intnl impctd --*****brain dmg-----122p---plm---cndn type bus vh--crm stdg rd t--smkng vct--nw 521p---***crm ong pot lib----aided by lib/grds-----vh at plm clld--prevost---pltd frm tnnessee---b238ba------svr smk rg crn----157p---thg rbts d w--tllng grp crsng rbts d s----frm ice crm crn---****js nt mk ****it--t obvious----7pxe399---lkl trng in rec--ths prsn nt lng ago hd wlkr--*****nd vry lkl gt paid fr evrtg---nt vct---nd vct hs---lng tm plld lgmnt ---as wll---strglng--****wth gng amer--****mrdrs fr free--orgnzd abuse---why py--*****whn amer is vry crtn lftm vcts nt ****onl free---bt thy cn cntnsly prsct ****poisn nd fd vct---gng poisn drt---free----whl trtrg vct lf---nd kllng the vct awy----why py???-----257p---lng rd drs susp lng dk hr--mds cmplnt/groupies bkn f-seen lvng lib--****svr mlcs smk bksd upr lib
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