Monday, November 5, 2018
stv thrts --sat eve--mon mrn---prmsng--t kill vct--thts ritas son--mk thnks--he lkl nt gt hrn on tm
sat---dncg hsp mds crm brfl ckng in wth oldr w f lib---ref dsk--i cl nt see the lib frm my vtg pnt--nd ws frcd t wlk up--t see who it ws--bd nts--oth cmng out---unrdb---mk noises--?aid gng crms---***mds hrbie-frd frdl prtndg--in rlt lnkd--t gng drt/oprtvs---nd gng mds--prmtg grd oprtvs---lkl jntl hlpg---mds uses----at clsng--jmp out--lib xt twrd outr upr lib---mds aidg grd--nd try prtd frdl--t vct---in fct --****plng --***nx mds---vct wstg trs **atk----als seen cmng out ***lina-lib pg/smn i nt gt gd eng lk at---lkl cnsp t bk mds grd---wth mds cnsprcy trs---****plns--why py????---thts nt evn t thm an issue---at issue--is bkng mds gng crm --vct wstg tctcs----mon---crm stg at 23--cnt wnt thrg ***his bpk---thn mvd--twrd 21----hpf trs stays thr---sat---of intrst---plnt othrs hd bgs---whr grd wntd hlp gngs---chs vct out---incldg bgs drc on patio---nd dg adc slpng rg undr grd ns patio---as grd stp out---the wlcm adc ****stv--ritas son--thrtn vct lf nd tssd his rlg bg d vct dwnwrd strs---sgstg t vct--hes dvl--wll kill hr--nd thr shl b no time fr 911---whn vctg sun mrng--he agn grtd vct--he wll kill her---mike thnks---ths hppn---bcs stvs hrn spply nt come in??---- vct nt hv dspt wth ths gy--bt lkl his mthr nd him---hv dvs lgc thnkg---vct ws qtng few thngs t mk----whn mds frdl stv--dmnded---sht up---ard or js aftr---6p--myb 635p---as vct ws vctg---dwnwrd outr strs---735p---pot at vct---trs grp pk d n---js bf 8p---trs grp frm bksd crts--bd nts??---msng sbst---bt ms lkl more poisn--nd ms lkl--due t mlcs poisn diet dscmfrt--life nd prsctn wstg---ong---the vry crms--trs usa---dlb thy assist---trb atrcs unrdb nts---810p---pot--msng loctn--or cnt rd bdl orgnzd nts---due t mlcs ---wstg---ong abuse----914p---ice crm crn --slt/strw---nx t dr agst blk crn wll--gng crm who tk cell picts fri---wrg blu swt pnts ths time---****gng drt ws accmpnd---nd gng bkd---apprntl--he ws wtg on gng ops---who mg hv wnt ???ice crm--nt sure---whn vct rp pointd him out---****bkn gng oprtv---sggstd--he sw no one thr----it als mgt be agst the wll---blk area twrds crn nx dr--is whr he hid frm camera ftg--lkl---nd is in fct---hdg out of view---of ptntl wtnesses vs trs grp---hvng gng bkrs---in prxmt company---cvrg up---mlcs prsctn---by gngs/city----915p--blu pnt oprtv vnsd---vct nt wtc clsl eng---nd crm---sklfl---snk out of---view--as mrdrs amer ---intnded----mon--***city cntrctr lahsa crms--on lib premises---mkng money----frm killing vct---lkl stealng vct name--wtht hr knowldg---etc--pktg the ovr 99%---wc shl b gng--t vct--nt t dfrdg---or adcts---or othr--- put on--nut cases----nd prvdg --dlb---zero---twrds--vct cmpnstn effrts----sat---955p--2 gng ambs city sec bikes--psng sh mtr stp--twrd svc---whl aidg---mds---trs wstg tctcs---why py???-----??ong srl smk rbts s of sm----*****sat dyt---ng in grn vs--smk rec---??lkl bkd by frd---10p---pot frt outr tbl pk----svr pot smk outr uppr lib---orgnzd---***nd dlb wstg vct---w/gng city/cnty bkng---exc as mrdrs amer---intnded---****215p---mon---gng hsp grd crsng vct--on crm gng dsp--************&&&mrdrs city/cnty/lib---crms--dlb thy bk---evrybdys stf rg in frt same plc as vcts---but ---***this grd crm--wlng t hrss rdcl/vct---fr mds trs oprtvs---rp wstg vct t coma--- as lib cnsp---bhnd vct bk---aids crm rng city--nd mds oprtvs---why py????---free!!!!!--nt one lgl prty responded----bcs scdls drt--lkl prty t mds---why py??----scdrl lkl missed vct arvl off timee--*****scdrl hdlm---grtd plng hrss vct---*****nx time---untl ****gng mds---by crm---lib/pk/city/shs----hs vct wstd---why py???----smk entire uppr lib ngt---/am---mlcs/ong---compliments mrdrs usa---ngt??---hrd pk t grg---mds gng plns??---qlfs fr prsc----sun---myb vcn 7a--stv ---ritas son---grtd he wll *****vct---mike sd stv ms b w/o his ****hrn-----js the flks u nd knw--8a---outr prk n sd---ng sprdg smk poisn vct---poplr clr brg swt top---mon---scko adc---tlkng--thrtg 19--blw ur ****ass up----exc who their lib frds are--ong----whn vct came dn strs--hvg bn thrtnd---by gng bkd stv---crms blw---wl cll no one---did ---dlb ntg t hlp vct---sun----abuse rsltg in srl coma type smptms----gnrl wstg of vct----poisn rcg frt bnc nx dg pk--****fr crm poisng cnvnce---intnlly assistd---by usa---why py??----blkts---unrdb---844a----ambs peds --city grds--psng svc d n---vcn dg pk---more poisn drctd vct----svr blkts myb ard 920a---wds mntnce w/bkt seen vcn rbts---no exc loc/time---thnks---brn dmg/blkts---assistd---by mrdrs usa---why py??-----236p--mlcs grd---slwl psng vct vcn---myb?? twrd adc???--i dbt it!!----ths r their----customer!!!!---ask mr matt---1010a----nsty smk sh mtr stn----brdg mtr bus d e----oth sus hsps crsng---dlb int dmp vct---238p---mon---js nw 245p---shrt f prp top ?ortl---sn twrds elvtr---lkl same crm as blws pot crts---etc----19--stl thr --247p--rng adc mth---chl mlstg --btc----sun--1125a--crm frm w/sctr rd/w bsb ht--gng drt grtg vct---crsng wkn d s----1205p----gng crm ng --bike--hi----wkn d w----1212p----mds bkn---prsctn wstg--gng oprtv --hrb--wkn d w----gng hrb---frd frdl--t cvr up---gng mds frds---aid---mlcs prsctn-----why py??????----??unrdb----pot olv intrsctn---pls w of hgs---hlw pk--1 circ 1 undr trees----222p---sprdg smk---mds dsp--gls employee---glsns crn seat---**whlwd prsctn/poisn/thft wstg oprtvs---why py??---whn hdlms---blv thy cn fl---mssv srl vcts free---wth ****crm rng city endrsmnt--***cmplmnts mrdrs usa---why py???-----322p---hls---thr ws hls jywlkg n/s vcn whlwd city hall---hls nwsp stnd flrs crn---?sus glsns crn---svr smk kngs crn w of glsns---svr ht dyt----bd nts ?? smkr?---svr blkts----406p----bctria sptd hlw pk circ---lkl lnkd---mds operations----mds smkr undr trees--nd 1 othr circ---7veb718--hgr?---ofrg fries---***gng crm amer---blvs thy cn fl u or the img---****fct---mrdrs usa crm of cntry sz ****brglr nd prsctn crm----wth obj---*****wst nd live off evrtg vcts---free----why py???-----418p----pot alfrd--svr nd wdsprd---nd mds trs usa---dlb ---encrgd----dcv!!!!--poisn!!!!---why py??-----19--adc--ld/dstrbg--exc lib type cstmr----unrdb???---430p---se lcn crn ??prp poisn at vct--w----bdl orgnzd non rdb nts---434p---brd 704 coack 9370--brded---americanized---rssn jws lkl gsng----****dlb---assistg--mds dfrdg--re vct---the more ****orgnzd mlcs dfrdg---the more---sccsfl ---veiled cvr up---of mrdrs amer trs acts----this is hw amer attks ***vcts---t kp evr theirs ****free--rgrdls liability----nd rdcl/wst vcts---fr fls----why py????---sdl--****amercnzd drt---exc alk---******drt --is the point-----522p----pot nx power zn e of wsmnt stb---smk nx spclty cvs e of tj----8afy500---vct not qt undrstd---bt smngl---vhs wt fr prkng spcs---one spt js bhnd thm---so lkl zero rlvnc---smk crswlk---plm n/s----712p---mds f ne svc d s----740p---smk pmp d n---mds dk thg--ice crm trs--lft d w---808p/?810p?-----srl smk poisn rbts ne---lkl mstl crs d s---***unrdb nts--bd nws---***ld scko ws hrd rp ylg frm lib tlt --mon--340p---sun---956p---smk vcn pk nx rl prtctg chldrns plygrd----1002p--pot bksd upr lib---1008p---thn rita/son stv decide---t sprd mlcs poisng up frt---aftr lkl cntmpltg---hw t rdcl wst frm vct----thy r exc lk--mst cmmn type amers--wst vcts---dfrd----***rthls/mlcs/crm/ignrt----bkd by mrdrs usa---why py???----***mon---rita lft early---son staid bhd unk rsn---nd smngl ws prprg t vct---ard same tm as vct---or myb wtg tlk mike??--dt kn----620a---smk poisn bksd lib---ng mds nx wll---smngl bkn poisng--vct wstg---free fr mrdrs usa----mon---ng 2 sts ovr spryd--mlcs spry--sd nt urs--ws myb vcn 20-----crm wts wrg?---same ng ws als ld--but outrgd--at adc---354p---grds etc... --dlb encrg --bth poisng nd prsctn---absltly --all thm spprt---exc why--crm rng groupies---nd cnvnt bkrs----more smk at vct outr pk lkl--vct hs bd unrdb nts---***mds snky oldr hsp grd nx pool entry----encrgng--***mds mlcs ****cnsprd prsctn--via cell---bkng up mds trzg sqds---trs poisng--nd prsctn--hrd sggstg---crm mds cnsp gmk--*****ld vc----lwr lib trs--s pk ct crn messes----argd by mds--tgtr w/brkn glss----bsds wth smk--lkl n sd outr pk am---650a---grtg---gng oprtv--svc d n??---**amer ds blv thy fld u---vry srry--****vct hghl awr of amer---mlcs mnpltn---nd ---rl prc ---of trs amer acts---706a--smk at vct frm s of outr pk---poisn invtd nd bkd---by city/shs----nw spryr at 222--sngn ldl---818a---dlb poisn vct---vct frt crts out???--svrl bd nts----wds seen rbts myb vcn 9a --myb n sd sm---blkts nt in nts---sus mds at rec smkn---thn cmng out w/brm nd more smk---slg ltr--it ws pstd --rec ws clsd--vct hgl frtnt hv --hsp grd lk it--vct ckd in aftrn--jennie ws hdg hrs insd--dt kn hw sf tht is---she sd--hr bk hrts---hps plc opn tmrrw--n jk---mjr prb--whn clsd----mds trs rec blw smk ard 914a--ard 916a---pot ws blwn--frm ??outr sd--mjr gnof mds co prtcpts---trs w/brm--hd pnt pulled up on one lg---bt clrl poisn kllng---mlcs dmpng---mds--cmplmnts mrdrs usa--mds dvt hdiie ckng bhnd lq lcn??---vct psng vcn --gsng ard 1130a---hlw pk--2 circ 1 undr trees--pot poisng bng blwn--cnsprcy clb---adcts---adcts--nts--othr drt---amer wnts gv u fr frnds---why py--****amer ds sc fn jb ---free mlcs rdclng---ng apx vcn ihp d w---***prsc vct--stg lk--gmrn--hau????----crm frg t add--thy r here--t prey upn u--t kp u wstd --free!!!!!!!---why py????---1208p--lkl sh sv strg lcn d ?e---lkg--t wst vct---ng pnh lq----lib/pk/city/shrffs pls whlwd---ndls wstrs---prsctn artsts---cmplmnts mrdrs usa--why py--whn amer cn pkt evrtg vcts nd evrtg she evr hd gng---free---nd pss this fr jk---whl poisng---trtrg--wstg vct t her dth--nd kpng her in endls fr--frm gng drt--gng bkrs--nd drg adcts---why py?????----seems lk time is nw xtr hr earlier
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