fri--hsp f adc frt uppr lib entrnc dng dnc on drgs---tdy sat she is hdg bhd pillar insd lib fcng drctl twd tgt bgs aftr mkng plns wth hsp m outsd???****tll z f frmrl hrrssg tgt wth smk nd lgtr tk up hndg upr lib aftr hrs prtcptg in cnsp wstg nd dspnsng drg jnt rwds???---****u r affctg me assh---u cn cnt on tht--uppr lib outer prmtd hvy smk etc as btc rptdly crs up dn strs incldg mny tms ptgt nd ptgt bgs ultmtl dspnsg smngl jnts t brkln mob f prtcpt nd t hsp f frm n ca adct on drgs wth whm she cnsp at length dy bf by mns of sd prf wsprg---mr matt bks ths sknks vs tgts bcs its bynd his cmprhnsn ambs cn b crms alng wth rst of prtcptg estblsmnt who blv it rgtfll t flly wst tgt lf fr ntg---why py??------
******lib is rgt nw ptg me agn in dngr as hsp f is eyeing tgt blngngs frm bhd pillar insd lib--u cn blv i am affectg thm as thy psn me steal; frm me set me on fr--steal nd dstry evr mine nd chs me out of home---indeed i am affectg z amer crm drt---ths scm wnt me t sht up--nd amer lw in ca nw mks pot lgl--i dt kn wht els thy do--bt thy r addcts preying on vctm nd pssng vctm fr fl asprt of gng cnsprcy trs gm---fct though is evr tgts is gn nd no one crs t expln hw ths ws effected pying inslts t tgt nd psg tgt fr fl wth cmpltl wrtlss mny---thy dt blv i kn gazillions in real/pntv dmgs/wstg vs dfrdg wstg persectn at no cst amer drt hs orgnzd ptg me out t die nd be wstd----ths drt lk cln fn sdtd dpndg onm drgs of chc nd amer dgs drgs nd adcts as hppily it kills vctms bng hd by its crm users/gngs---scko mk bsy pkng up drt fr frds nd trsg mn---psn pot aimed?? at tgt pdc crn---hlss nx ba---- bf 2a ambs psg rg w lkl---gsg vcn 3a ambs hrd mkng noise nd hi hrrssg sh stn incldg x ld hi frm mob amb hsp---u shl tlk t hr???----ofcrs gng ambs wstg vctms hv plnty of bsn tlkg t vct t fgr out ultmt mthds of dstrctn--cmplmnts trs usa who bks ths---sat am--ntcd hlss bhd crdbrd sushi nori nd kntz enclsr---730a amb trk nx hmb hyv ptg rbts d s---crm psn vcn ba atms nd ?sus f t atm---opptnsts gt checks bt apprtl hv hsg prbs issues---pnh arrvg grnd--pot ne svc trs--blkn out nd psn blwn tgt lrb??--pnk jk pls ht f oldr plm---31636m1 tlg lrb thn twd mtr vcn plm--by mtr sptd w gmc vn wth metal rds attched t rf wth pclr plt---1330782---hnk d w z slv hr oldr---rd bg z mob crm nt lk ptd out either--but is cnclsvl z gvn wt he did wth lgtr nd hw he std nx tgt bgs nd who the bddies r----crz yll act--scr agn at me btc--sr--i thk thy shl wst me out of hm nd evr i hd nd wlk lk ntg hppnd--exc the point usa is mkng here--usa is trs country who jls vctms nt crms----f pk jk pls wrg ht tj w??---5njm285 offg hlss lnc papr bg orlnd e---psn frm crms t u--why py??---unrdb cllng tgt sir ms b re abv lnc per gng---earlier crm pssng wstb d w--so cld tdy--slv oldr z m psng olv d e---nst smk brnys vcn---blkg out myb 1 pls wlc hlwy pk--pot addcts pssng cvs d e f addct cmmntg its t earl ...---crm/liars??? hlpg shs lcn e--pot 24h stp--110p svc d e 9308 psb susp oldr f gtg out bk---hrrssg lkl mob hsp--i fld t lstn as ws hrrying--ths scm nt gt am nt their frd--lkws thy cl b dngrs nd their crms bkd by trs usa---pnh stg vcnba grnd---strw ht mob dn lib outer strs---sus chr up lib strs--m hsp tlkg t adc hsp f frm n ca---mks eldrl f frd pot hd pssng twlib---all mob drt gthered hr impossible t evade nd crms rn shw bkd by trs estblsmnt lw enfcmnt nd trs usa
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
thurs--nw fri bnt bk lib nd sht ng m lib strg tgt insd lib js bf--brkln f frt outer cnsp wth ng--mike out lib lkl t py old in gd shp btc her $5--crm blvs evr he wstd out of me is free nd t b hd free--rspns shl b dlngs wth anyone nt him--scdrl is dngrs--chases endless btcs nd crms nd mks mlcs remrks twrd tgt he vctmzd bsds lkl bng liable fr gd prt of mnc prevsly admitted as well as stg i hd t see wc he did bt wl nt tell me as he dscrbd--in rlt i am mssv and ong vctm while all trs are in cntrl nd wstg me in evr way nd wth evr trs mlcs cnsprd mnc---bk t thrsd ngt---rpt ong mlcs hrrssmt frm trs f who hnded me wt cig nd lgtr nw dvsng othr excses t hrrss nd cnspr vs tgt nd aid wstg fr free as a mlcs jk vs tgt nd by mns of frmng nd rdclng tgt---t dcv wtc lkl hd ckn lftovrs she hrrssd wth thn cnsprd wth newly brnded oprtvs nd aftrwrds sprd cig psn as prt of co brklyn btc lkl cnsprcy---ths mob is bkd by crms prk offc ,, city ambs secrty--groupies incldg wrkrs wthn lib nd sh dept hghl lkl---mike ws recvg txts frm co cnspirators--nd cnsprg wth $5 wtc fr frthr gms nd fn---tgt he blvs he cn wst free--drctl bcs of crm assist frm usa who bks his trrzg, bullying, injuries,vndlsm,recklessness,mnc,s[prtl wrfr nd lkl szb theft wc he hlpd slf to--thn called it his-- agst emailed tgt instrctns sppsd he agrd t whl in rlt plng dtc dstry stl wts blngn t tgt---thts ofcrs onl an addendum t massive gng crm lkl--hnc tgt is vctm of evr--as amer blvs tgt cn b hd free fr jk--as thy pass crm mlc rtrd sz inslts fr chrt----hnc u shl all alrt matt tht wtc who hrrssd me re lgtr she kn i wl nvr hv--ws cntnsly hdg nd cnsprg vs tgt yesterdy t instgt mnc nd psn tgt who hs svr lng dmg nd distress rsltg----the btc als spnt sbst time cnsp wth drg adc hsp f lkl on crm mob tm---hsp f als t pk tlt so i rn out fst as cn as drt is nt on my trst lst in spt $1 offr rfsd dy bf---oth mob scdrl als hrrssd tgt frt sh stn stp insistg thr r mice insd trs cn--4--9392 pssd e ard tht time---frt of sh stn 130a*****crm mob cnsp ambs tm wth hsp frt ldr yllg hi---whn vctg sh stn myb apx wth hr thy hd rhrsd rst of persectn hndg hrrssmnt act aimed t wst vctm svrl ong hrrssmnt rtn prtcpts hi hv gd dy etc all bks prtcptg in hrrssng tgt---intnded t hrss tgt bt nt cnsp rng scm thy dm preferred citzns nd do ths nt onl wo py whl dlb hrrssg nd antgnzg prsn thy prpsf intd t trz fr z at no cst whl prt t dscrdtg wstg cnsprc ---city/mob cnsp crew crm mk als hpply crmnlly jnd bt wc cnvntl he wll dny t cvr own endlss cnsprd bullying recklessness nd crimes---jnd wth his gng frds --city/mob cnsp crew---ft ng wth chr std slf crn sh stn stp stkg out???---grtd by some prsns wth lgl rd wrdrbs---whn he frst shwd in wh nt onl he wl nt go wth tgt t shffs t fl rprt bt he rn off--nt onl he gvs crms use of his phone but he dlb kps it awy frm vctm he dspises whl he is the prty bhd bullying wstg lying nd crms---hw he wsts vctm mns ntg t him--hnc wr his scd evr sccssfl he wl well dsrv this----fri---hr bf 7a apx wk up prsmb ng f suspcsl seated slf vcn tgt sh patio--whn smn ws gng in she dmnded cig--whn rq dnd she gt it frm cig hldr nd wnt insd stn---rbts crn propane vh js e of pmp in on gng crew lnkd drctl t ambs wth entire hrrssmnt repertoire rhrsd hi hs it gn?---hv gd dy etc....---thy hv hp propane vh i blv i thk plt stg lk 85705j2---strg frm abbys as if me mkng mess whn its prtcptg z----vcn 740a--pnh frt of ba---sm pnh ws thr t aftrnoon grtd by smkng f---ltr replcd smn wth small instrmnt t fl u---cnsp sh crs hnk e apx 840a nd 850a---vry hvy smk vcn 24h bs shltr---ms wkn w of wc ng ptg bk at tgt bgs---hlss grd olv crn---oth e of cvs---insd hlw pk--blkts ht fld t obsrv d recall 2fs small dgs t bnc---ng sx hrrssr frstorlnd w thn ltr crft e---m/f d cvs of wc m smkd vcn tgt---4dye654 mlcs mny inslts retrd sz fr dgnrts amer wnts t fl free---by sbw 7s22676 felips tkg $1 inslt---adc trs wstb w---psn prmtd e of sushi nori---***crm sus slvr sv inner ln psushi e tossed used wr bttl t hrrss tgt---brkln f stkng out outer lib tlkg t ng---rbts vcn org ptd f smk tgt nd smk n rbts adj rec---adc trs outer pk
Thursday, December 28, 2017
wed--js nw thrsd--libs aidg nd prtctg the z--no coincid--419p--js shrtl bf sw lng drssd prp prt at 23--outsd dsp z frm brkln --hrbs frd---as tgt vcts wed lbs strg tgt as she lvs---js tgt nd no one els---cstdn agn fcsd upn js the tgt whl shes bng attkd by hsp f smkr dncg on drgs wth cell nd by z crm oprtv frm brkln---js nw thrs sw wlk by lmpg ret srvcs ng f upr lib vcn cmps---oth btcs mk lks--btc who slpt at 19 allgd 5 hrs wed on shwy spt---btc w/sn in extr gd cndtn fr age--rn int mk am--allgd he sld ipod wed spnt hlf brrwd $5 frm fn cndtn bld f nd $1 frm her sn--nd nvr mnd mln ovr $100K grd pls mssng off her property in cmbnd vlu---he nd gngs will both get away wth mrdr as cnsprd by amer injstc nd gng oprtv whlwd---mk is smlng wd as he mnplts evr he cn prffssnlly sntc and as vctm dies in streets with hlp of mrdrs usa nd trs whlwd--why py dmgs--whn killing mlna by usa cn b ptd ovr nd hd fr free----hsp btc srry fr smkn but tgt hd njr lng prbs tht ngt nd am fllwg her smk sprdg rtn---fct--amer killing tgt fr free pssng all crm of cntry sz dngs fr free jk--sdl with cmpletely lckng the jstc---thurs---js as tgt stp out sh patio 658a adc trs jmp out--708a--vh blwng smk at tgt svc d s--t lt t lk bt lkl dlb as well as mlcs cltrd mnc psn in cltr wc hs t mc bt nt fr u---pmp crn prmtd smk--pnh grnd nrb ba---psn at tgt scdrl frt rnnr w--948a--ambsdr trk ptj d w---asgnmnt wstg vctms nd hlss---hlw pk---4 circ 2 bnc 1 grss smkd out lkl---apx kng e aftrnoon --susp hlr irn mntn ident thft scrmng kng d e---7vun782 -ng f? psg sbw offg sdw--rfsd--m/f psushi e of wc m hd org ptd hr blwg pt at tgt--adc trs stb rbts crn --ltr pssng rec--ltr seen gng sm d e---pnh grd vcn ba same as am--grd strg out lkng dmp z acts upn tgt---illgl mx rec hvg stmc prb--air he clms---tns of cns alwys--drt nt bthrg him--instd amer drt wstg tgt---psn smk at tg f plib s--psn smk at tg ng up lib outer stps
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
tues---just now wed wshed my hnds but even after washing they most always look dirty due t life style its insufficiency and malicious recklessness to pay compensation instead fcsg on rdclng tgt nd wstg her at np cst as drctly bcked by trs usa---my hnds are soar and rgt one is clrly pnk at the tips--bt all scdls amer cn thnk of is hw t wst dmg kill tgt fr free--bk t tues--early am mnd ngt rcll thief suspect once slpng sh pario insd blu bg snk int patio briefly hldg presumably lgt up flwrs nd bk out--nt sr wht he wntd t fnd bt smt sw hsp f lv bk thr unattended--i cnt see well bt mk clms she uses dfrt bike js nw---als tues am as i lft patio clrf dressed up f fllwd me svc d n askng--u gt ??---i nt qt mk out bt grt js mlcs hrrssmnt---whl tlkg re mk ntwrthy ****adct cltr amer drt shl lck him up fr adctn if nt fr crm---bnz pls alc eqls suicide--ls one nt wrk he sd ths ws 90 prf vdk---nx tm he'll gt 120 prf--he nt drnk fr myb 25 yrs allgd--bt thy dt as crms ofcrs hv wy t mc in cmmn---blnd looney optnst he lks hd her yoga pd stolen wc ws mkng her cmfrtb ls 3 dys alleged--thts onl one of mny scm00wait till he chases dn lori for her fire fr lrd nd rfsg hm as byfrd as she hppily trashes his mn---bk t tues eve--pot bk of upper lib t wst antgnz tgt--mike try bully tgt insntg as usual vctm nt py attn---hes vctmzg optnst nd ds not pln wsly othrws--hnc addctn stpdty following flr t pln--he als ptrnz f mssng yg mt--sggstg dfns vs hr son---lkl abs nt needed as son gv up offer fr shelter t prtct lkl dfctv wtc--brkln wtc slpng elevtr wntd mk t rnt wth her in hlwd on wllghby--this bcm mk fn entrtnmnt aftr he dcded i shl be wstd fr free wo case as his own invlvmnt he nw denies my well be qstnd bt he dmnds it prvn whn amer drt will nt investigate t accommodate amer cnspiracy lies nd prejudice----mess pk tbl---cnsp crew bsktb crts d prk--exprd dfrdg crp fd pltd bsktbll trs cnss---ng? frt sh stn stp rp stg mny tms bt no one nrb wl tll me wt he sd--ngt tm---wed 714a svc d e dncg ng---exhst drc at tgt rbts n--nt sr vh bt blk trk ws frt me bfr i ws englfd in exhst--ard 740a myb--50504b1 hmb hyvn dk gn trk wr mob wstg employee shk ft mt at dmstr thn plcd it insd trk--scdrl myb the one who sprds smk pkg lt t wst tgt fr gng crms elmntg extrmntg tgt---??z oprtv sh stn e--bd unrdb nts--835?a--s sd sm acrss plm ?t psn/dfrd tgt--bd nts but i kn whts missing--wht amer hs plled off nd its int t kp ths free t thmslves nd pss crm of cntry sz as lie or jk by tgt bng trtrd nd wstd---905a--scdrl m ylld--wk up--crm mvng w stp hnk thn decided t mv w aftr all--smk psn at tgt p24h d w---notes unrdb myb mob d e--nx sbw f202jo--f lkl ortl yllg hi--thn--wl u lk ths?---unk ins mn amer blvs it cn fl tgt wth hvng her prmntl wstd trapped by their massive nd dlb ignrd gng crms--rfsd---mob m scdrl w kn crssng n rpt rdclg hrrassing tgt==ffrdl--wr massive srl crm hppily rds free wth vctm trapped at no cst--as their crm buddies pkt wy mr-- js bfr ntcd wells atm blkd--lkl smb did stg crm ofcrs---sus lkl t b the knd of flks thy dig--thg szd chr nx lq fnc---1120a--ng z f alf w--rp hrrsg mob ng cvs crn--mob grd strg frm city hall--trs nt pkd up s swtzr myb mnth--unk prps---dfrt type cntnr---unrdb--mob shs swtz d e---amblnc swtz e pnctuated by intrmmttnt lw srn bps--my b ?mob srn ply---myb shrtl bf noon--pot psn kng trs--z ng f mbl d n--z lng dk hr f rd dress--pssng hlw myb n --tgt hvng blkts cld ngt xtr ht dy temp---hlw pk--myb 4 bnc pot prmtd smn tlkg t prtcptg oprtvs--jrd smn frm pk yllg t unk m lvg pk d w--dt yll tk drg--irnclly he ws slnt whl yeller vr ld---amer is drg cltr---shs w--myb 1-103p***ng pssng cvs e--ha ha rdclg tgt insd trs cn---i ylld bk --z gng mob--ng--sht up btc bfr i hit u in fc--u wll b ms brk btc in whlwd---ths r the ngs wh estblsmnt nd lw enfcmnt hlp---the cnsp wstg trs grp clb--hlss stg w wgn e of cvs nd othr hlss cvs crn--myb mob ygr brtr--smk tp of tj trs nd mob older brtr sttg js w of arc grnd--2 sh svs mv twd sbw--pot pump crn trs--adc trs liar shpg crt tlkg smn hmb hvn crn---pnh grnd nrb ba--340p--z ng f xt lwr lib--355p--mob oprtv f frmrl hrrssg tgt wth cgs entr upper lib--insd lib f slpng cmptr 19 nx prtr--
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
sat--rvs t js nw mon 406p--up t myb 20 min ago ng wlkg dn insd lib strs ong wvg rp at tgt--untl finally i said--sicko--he sd thts nt rgt-psycho-------matt tk glnc at ngr frm bk sd---bk t sat---lib sffrd lgt out wth hr of clsg tm sat--ltr kelly tld me thr ws a mr mjr lgt out wc effected the blk earlier in the dy nd she thgt ths one mgt b rltd--drg ths prtclr one we wr tld lgts wnt out dnstrs lobby nd we hd 5 min t xt--aft evr lft lgt wnt bk on bt lib nt reopen---so psycho etc cl cs mt potntl prbs ofcrs bcs usa blvs ths drt t b nrml peopl nd prty t own coalition---upn xtg lib thr ws vcs pot bk of lib--althgh mk allgd nt usg pot--all ths drt r frds of his--he alleges he hs no frds---he thks btc he trsd all his mny upn is his frd--althg she rep tl him shes nt his grlf---apprtl the fn is so addctv --hes gt t hv mr---by nw ng my hv md prbs outsd wr i kp my bg per lib---smt sat ngt bg ws fnd t hv hole bottom of unk orgn---brkln f allgd mk trd suicd by tkng all pills at onc nd dlb drinkng alchl wth thm t cs suicd--mk nvr drnk in myb cls t 25 yrs i kn him instd addctd t psych pills fr replcmnt--svrl dys ago he sd he gt 2 bttls 90 prf vdk thn sld one t f---jus rec he sd he ws n lng suicdl nd alchl hd advrs reactn svrl dys ltr---hwvr he sd--mks rtnl--cld will kill or scd will kill--abt sm frm his prspctv---ths cmplctns ofcrs r csd by scdls reclssness of amer scty--who swndled me frst --thn fr scd time kept gngs in bsnss hlpg their tctcs and analytics---ultimately cstg ths vctm evr---cmplmnts trs usa--amer drt scdls eng t thk tht tips smaller than thy py mob t fl tgt will kp amer mob injustc cnsprcy free---brkln f als allgd she clld ambln on mk nd tht hrb sw him pkd up myb 2p??---mrn am ths stry ws denied by mike although he ltr sd he did tk 20 pills nd drk alchl--nd als said myb nx dy fell as reslt of combo---bsclly mk rns his life illogically nd dt wnt no one t interfere--wnts t see hw mc mr cmpnionshp he cn gt out of f he trshed his mny upn--but bfr ths allged he hd fw K svg rnt whl evctd--lkl he trshed it smlrly---gnl lgc of mk---1235a crdbrd cntnr trs cn msg nx ba--ambs ????unrdb d e---z crm ?? 1245-50a---myb cl hv bn ng w syin bgl as prt of gng affltd crm tlk---earlier aftr lgt out yg f ng wrkrs frm lib rp hi t mob tgt as thy xtd lib---ortl crm psg rg e--u wt $1??---sun mrn--- hb propn 714-375-5701 e of rbts crn--wrkr t hrss tgt--730a---g mrn---smk rbts nd hldl---rd bg z lrb w----*****kill ur chldrn---lv in amer-----pnk jk f ht oldr blnd psg plm ?e---bd nts---sh hlpg wst tgt hnk e---**rd bg agn ??hnk e bt lkl slnt ths tm---cnsp prtcpts myb mny crsrs rp wlkng wh--psb evn hsp f w/gry dg---ths dlb ignr sz of crm nd ignrnc nd blv vctms cn b wstd free as a jk---bsy dmpng on tgt as tgt cn b wstd by dmp sqd trs aided by sh dpt at any moment as jk is dlb pssd fr ntg in the intrsts of crm wstg tgt---slv hr oldr hnk w--7xdc6?33 offg swtrs nrb wstb rfsd---ths scdrls blv killing vctms lf is free nd cn be hd by mlcs ignrnce nd no payout as bkd by trs wh nd usa---ngt tm earlier--earl am--mob scdrl wth sng cn dsp t hrss trg sh crt ydcllctg cns--hrs cn--killers fr free--why py?-bkd drc by trs wh nd mrdrs usa---unrdb---6wxm199 or sml??---offg cp dllrs nd wstd cks????--rfsd wkn--1112a---mob bkn sh lw srn lcn w---2 ?oths vcn---bld hd z wtg nx cvs--hlw pk--4 circ 1 bnc 1 usg fntn---slv hr oldr hlw e---nst smk brn vcn--mess nrm mbl trs nd gls crn trs--lkl dlb dn by ign mlcs mobs---sh aidg wstg tgt---tmpl nrb rmp ortl f--5zum220 $2 pls mlcs chg---bd nts---lib upr mr vcs pot bksd---pltd rttn mc/chs---esp fr vctms---mk is frd wth z grps hng uppr lib--clms no ones frd---pk crm apc tbls---any fd?---unk obsrv pt bsktb crt--dqns hrd---ths r trs but bddies wth shs---thy wll leave ths fr shs t d---myb 1253a? rd bg pba e--bfr tht nx abbys ng f? jmp int trs cn i gt t bfr hr nd strtd snggng immedtl frt of tgt---mny people wld react t tht but mob btches hr r encrgd t d all srts nst---p rmp tmpl d e gry cr gsg cl b bw 330p-4p blwg pt at tgt---mon 725a hmb hyvn rbts crn deodrt spry nd pot---smn spdg w crss s----??z stg t eat---mob brtr psg d e---755a--suspct gng nggr dlb hrrssg insltg tgt--ng...nst drt btc...lrb d w--slr lng t ng f wlc i nt ntc fr whl---city clnrs lkg t wst tgt nd hlp crm oprtvs---got any crstl??---ng addct thkg all r lk him--prb mny amer trs r---sht up dk---ofcrs--in amer mob drt is alwys hlr thn thou---any fbrctd inslt wll do---m/f sushi e--z crm drt---m chr??---old slv hr plq lcn w---6mvc833 mbl $10 f insltg tgt--she wll pry fr hr--ofcrs---why py?----??unrdb sprdg pot--bf mdn ne crn svc n fd---smngl gvn t some nt othrs or abndnd mc earlier---unrdb---grp hng uppr lin entry ltr prt dsslvd jnd by othr mob grpies nd mike nd smkng--ths scm all blng tgtr--at ngt its frzg--yt mk hs flt rsng esp hvng drnk on tht occasion wth crz num pills he evn thgt of selling slpng bg js gvn hm nrb gy cntr hlwd---bf mdn??-- mlcs vcs pot smk svc se grp drc at tgt ---whn tgt crss svc d w on s sd--1240a---grp dg qns crssg svc d e as i crssd w 1 rng up frt e--mry chrstms--rst of grp vcsly blwg pot at tgt---wth drc bkp whlwd crms nd trs usa---tues---7a ***drt btc ng psng tgt nts unmrkd loctn nd hrd t rd s bdl crms hv vctm wstd--mob trs ng agn psg wstb e pax 855-9a nrb tgt bgs--the crm bkd drc by city nd shs nd lib--smk drc at tgt ?wstb bs shltr--mob oldr brt dfrdg crm nrb cllr/ls--gbu--cnstrc nrb wkn nd wrkr w/sgn hrrssg t/frm tgt t wlk othr wy---vcc cnstrctn---pot se crn lcn---pot w of alf--?unrdb t wst tgt---entrprise trk rntl used by bike clng prsns wrg grn vsts nrb brnys nd lkl lnkd t wstg agnts---smk at tgt kngs crn w of glsns--2 cicr 1 bnc hlwy pk--earlier my hv bn 3 circ fld t wrt dn--trs usa hs gt me prfctl wstd---wth mr trs actvty cmng frm mob operatvs bkd by wh nd usa---btc psn smkng tgt lq lcn crn stdg wth am fr num lgchgs---amer psn kills vctms in style---unrdb--sx hrrssg mob insp ng sat rec unreprssd--hlss nx yoshinori am--hlss nx us bnk dyt slpng--***endlss wvg mob ng dn lib stps insd lib--matt glncd at ths one frm bhd--idbt if ths will stp any elmnt of mrdrs trs acts--thr is lkl grp of ths nd nst ong trs cnsprcy amer drt thy dig
Saturday, December 23, 2017
fri--mkl smngl trsd mny fr the mnt agn as srl hbt and outsd agn trying t use anyone cn nd spnd trs whn nd upn whm he wnts but the main hbt persists trs evr-i hv n idea hw he slps wo blnkt he threw out or how he cn mk it at ngt wo mc wrmr cltg--but its nt my prb-- in people he sees objcts t b wstd s hrdl scmbg shl b my prb---smn psg upr outer lib lkl stkng out tgt---mk askd bi ny wtc t hlp sty wrm--?z crm -hi svc d s---815p ylw vst mob sec bks in yl vsts psg pk d s---psn ??? ct crn prk---i gt gng lt int ngt nd ms all cns gn nd lkw any mn wrth gtg n wr t b hd--bcs amer blvs its prfctl fn t wst people fr ntg--aftr all why shl usa py fr its mssv crms whn it cn cnvntl dmp upn vctm instd--mssv orgnzd crm of cntr sz crm amer calls fairness---hvy chg insd bg cmplmnts crm z--pr of x ld z ops pba ?e scrmng ldl mr chrstms--- smn drtd up dsk cmp #24 w/ink nd als brk lopsided the keybrd----prb mny crms insd lib---mny tps t these hlty addct drt nd pss massive wstg entrpmnt t tgt dlb fr ntg----mny zs als hv obsrvb lmps--- earlier oth z prtcpt btc hd mstl eaten restrt fd t dmp upn tgt---why py whn thy cn fl wth free thrwouts----???unrdb---smk plm vcn s sd sm--smngl i gt gng ltr nd city clnrs gt evn btls frm sdw nd rd---z f grd wrkg nx mtr--mess vcn frt rnnr bs shltr---10a--z crm rcd who thrtnd me re bgs bfr nd evn dmpd thm insd trs bt whm mob lw enfcmnt kp loose pssng wkn d e on bk w/gtr--ha---sc scm r frnded by trs cmnty ofcrs--thy jntl dg wstg vctms free---unrdb sdl---bike alf e--?lf spt...---z mess mbl crmbs---prmtd pot alf crn/crsg vcn nd nrb outer mbl---pot nx frt rnnr--vrtll n cns dyt eithr--rem nt onl vctms nd trs collect thm bt thr r cntless sld big bellys t stl evr frm ths in need--bcs ths prsns r onl on the lst t b wstd---smn brg me eggs ?qstnb cndtn--crms my be sptg int stff as sggstd by ng--its thr js t dfrd nd t kpp mssv crm gng fr free bcs thy blv u dnt kn vlu of dmg by amer trrsm drc bkd by trs usa who is bth ign nd cynical whn vctms sffr frm mssv wrg dng by usa---fld t nt in tm sw e of wstb sw slv hr old mob am lkl---lkl z wtc strg trgt mtr d w--ret mtr wrkr ofrg bn--i tld hm prc amer crm--scm sd--i dt hv tht---bt thy sr hv it whn thy steal as bkd drc by diabolical trs usa drc lnkd t crm mob---hsp yth pnh frt ba wth sgn antg hlps..??---mds gngst rd drssd f sn vcn d w---pot outer prk trs --pot n rbts drc at tgt--prtcp dfrdg crm svc d n hppy at sccss of wstg tgt at no cst--cmplmnts trs usa--free
Friday, December 22, 2017
thursdy---amer murderers dt blv i cn cnt or jdg z crm inslt scms scdrls r dng---amer is cynical diabolical and terrorist country dumping upn persecuting wstg vctms wth exprt frmng trs tctcs---js bf 745p gng afltd trs sh cr mlrs psvc d w audg gng afltd trs cnsprcy prpsg hlp hdlm grpngs wst tgt---2 ?fs ard pk d s---dks lkl--wts up ld??---unrdb pot wstg fg---******grp ambs vcn 230a outer sh stn cnsprg wst tgt--hnc city shl be tgt of lw st as thy employ the sec ambs---incldg one dlb yllg ldl as grp prtcpts in trs aidg gng cnsprcy scms--their pln--as cllctg cns is lgl--arst hr fr stg else thn--exc tpc of cnsprd mob aidg crm bkd by city nd sh dpt---ths stds fr coalition fr retrd wstg mlcs crm inslt dfrdg prsctn wstg frmng preying trs mob grp whr mobs estblsmnt city nd shs jn frcs t extrmnt tgt lvs by dlb trng vctms into prey nd dfrdg the shw at tgt expns----fri--mob afflt stk out hmb hvn bkd by city/shs t wst tgts---?sus chr sm/rbts--sve psn svc sw--dg adc ng insd sw shltr--my ft frzn ngt--psn pltd pmp crn trsfr wstg vctms wth chp thrw out psng---city clnr groupies thrghout area t assist dmpg upn tgt---psg s sd sm apx vcn plm f crt actvl cllctg cgs frm grnd t sprd mob crm psng----nrb sushi crswlk twd cf bn mny strg tg bgs t hv stg t dmp upn---lv cgs pltd cg hldr tp of tj trs--1.5 w tk occpt smkng nrb vcn 64763e2--z crm svr pot psn at tgt sw lcn crn--gng crm crss n---by wlls frt of grd dsp gng crm by mob psn trs grp oprtvs wth $2--psg tgt fr retrd nd mssv ong crm fr no prb jk sprtd by trs usa who lks t erdct dfrd its undrclss tgts vctms---scdr wth mlcs $2 lkd lk tns of mny---so tk their mny fr vcs crm wc is exc wt it is---drt dt blv i kn wht thy cst me or the fct its amer mob intnt t kps ths heinous crm of centry trhft trtr cmpltl free nd pssd fr jk---pot by dsp w o alfrd---lv psn smk pltd sw vcn kng crn w of gls---by mrderers bsy wstg killg tgt at no cst---lg rd drssd mds gngs f lg drk hr psg brn d n apx 1225p---hlw pk 2 circ pls 1 bnc---e cst adc btc slpg e of cvs--clnr wrg grn shrt sng js frt of tgt rsg tgtg psb int cvs---strs ??unrdb..--ng pnh lq fnc---pt hnk blwn at tgt--psn nw rbts---hldl vcn w apx mob dsp w/inslts--tk it--u gt it thy steal evr kill ur lf nd all of ur hlt nd u tk ntg nd nvr see jstc bcs ths scmbgs blv retrds in amer cn b fld fr free nd rdcld alg the wy wth trs mnkrs sc as bgl t mk massive trs ong amer heinous diabolical scdls crm of cntry sz crm a jk nd free---crm chg nx lib t trtr vctm wth cmpltl wrtlss chg---t hrd fr crms t mv in vhs but easy t trtr retrd wth bgs---why py?? whnmrdrs usa sgsts its wstg is jk nd free---i susp mny othr psn spts etc but lkl t wstd t wrt dn frtr nd hv prb rdg wrtg---mob ng hrbs co gng btc ckg on tgt ins btrm fr crm objctvs nd t wst tgt at n cst trng vctm int prey---svc sw sus oldr frq lkg cmpln lib usg lgtr bs sheltr crn lkl lnkd t psng???---
Thursday, December 21, 2017
wed---wndy wndchll hrd t slp--thurs--grn hlr n sd sm vcn plm ca 51646--lkl pot/smk vrs plcs/othr hlr exhst--in org thg szd mb chr rbts s yllg stg re ny--?z wlkg plm w--917a---lcn sw in blu tp lkl mob oprtv--u smk wd???--othr ?crm cmflg clt pts bike nd rd hdy undr drk jkt ws nx lq fnc brfl?? thn lkl wnt e---3891 p cvs w ws vcn tgt 1020a---hlss cvs crn grnd tssd pap cup--gng bkn sh sv crft e---2 mob hlss hlw pk crc--frd hlpf scm pkn up tgt cn lcn e--aftr all why py on massive amer wstg whn it cn be pssd fr jk by mob cnsp usa---1115a grn prnt lg drss f dk hr pssng hlw w---noon--704 rpb swtz d e---btc blk hr swtz e--hi---bwn mbl/kng d e mob oprtv w bng at air--thn ultmtl psng tgt ht tgt cn bg--hlss crt ng cns stk out olv crn---rd ht z ? lmpg hlw e--hlw pk 3 crc nd 1 bnc pls 1 wlkg w--mess se lcn--z rbts n---res z rbts e opng up cgs nd dng dnc---svc crn f smllr sz rllng bg crss ovr offr hlp tgt wth bgs--fls cn blv mob dfrdg--sdl i kn rl prc tg of massive nd srl amer crm amer intds t sld free by cntnsl pressing wstg vctms---same f ltr sn crssg rbts n--hsp yth pnh ba---adc trs crt frt outer pk--frddy at rec sms envious of pnh allgd sm of whm d ths inapprop--clms prsns pnh pvln lot hv 2018 vn--hwvr thr my be lts he dnt knw nd its easy t dmp upn people he dslks frm hs cnvt scr pstn---drk skn chl fllwg f int lib grg strd bk tgt---hrbs frd mob f up lib stps--hi--z strw ht bike mkng noises upper outer lib lvng vcn abt 345p--vrs snps int tlt--hsp yth wth itm? wtg on ng frm m tlt
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
tues--nw wed -at js bf i ws t entr lib fire alarm went off nd it tk lk ovr hr t gt bk insd so i nvr gt nr cmptr untl nw wed--5p--grd or sh ws stkg out lib at closing--js hrd lib sy fr alrm ws lkl frm cnstrctn???---bk t tues--pot hvy alng wlkwy n js outsd bsktb crts--mob affltd lnkd trs wrkrs vcn pk offc--mob drt?? strg trgt---prtcptg mob on instrctns t wst tgt nd at no cst---js sw nw wed 2 mob crm trs grp prtcpts hsp/bld hd g ps tgt nd stp mkng nx pln t wst dmp upn tgt---america fll of ong grtd hvy psng wstg fr free nd persecution frmng fr jk--crm of centry sz srl crm gs fully free fr inslt persection of trs org crm mob trs grp servcs--nd its perpetrators are fully bkd by mlcs ignrt estblsmnt nd lw enfrcmnt celebrtg its wstg tctcs nd its crms------bld headed/hsp smngl headed dn in frthernce of nx crm cnsp---wed---am kntz d pmp mlcs thrgh dsp srl smk psng drc frt of tgt fr dstrctn wstg nd trs prvctn---js bf sus mob clnrs nx sh dept entry lkl lnkd t mob nt mndg own bsnss nd lkg wst tgt---hnk nx sushi lsb f ofrg $2 rfsd fr cp cffe grbbd by mob--btc tlkg-- nt tht i cl nt hlp u--fct is ths drt lk vcs wstg of trgt nd lk wstg her fr free--nd slm lk t kp it js tht wy---mob prtcpt crm snggd crm $2 drc bhd tgt---ths drt drc bk wstg by crm rng rgt dn t lib mgr crm mr mtt---amer lvs vctms wo jstc nd flly wstd dlb nd on prps---mob ng bk alf ?e--frm wstg persectn at n cst crm oprtvs---hly pk ---3 smngl lvng scttrng frm loctn--fd oprtvs t cvs strg out tgt t hlp crm mb rvs dmp upn tgt--ng hnd mob z ng hdg tgt wsmnt w apx---cnt rcll due t mob psn strn blkts--pnh f js w of sbw sdwlk outer wth sgn--hp hld--g blss u---u cn cnt on tht--their gd is hppily mkng js chr out of tgt lf---sus psng strg psh stn trnd t dmp upn tgt---smk num plcs lkl--illg mx rec wth tns cns try gv non crv bt t vctm---cmplmnt of crm usa---weathr sbstnt cooler--pnh slp nx ba-- amer md fr crm oprtnsts exc lk mk and drt who dg this nd frtrmr stsfd at hvng wstd the trgt--mntnd t hsp f lib tht tues picts of frnds fcbk nd wl nt dwnld shares/ cntnt dy bf --she sggstd cmptr ntwrk myb hs spd prbs
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
tuesday---some fcbk psts wl nt dnld--temp unavailable--or rptdl dmdg rcptc--850p the e cst f crsg pk area in opposite drctns mkg ths sm suspcs snky bcs at strt it lks smn is gng one wy---i blv she ultmtl wnt t tlt aftr i cm out--js nw wed ng f snk are btrm upr lib prtd tk slpy yawns nd retrn t fx or wtc stg yt agn--bk t tues---sus chr out of ofc wlkwy d pkg or upr lib---???pk t grg wv ?? ng t hrss tgt--wstg fr free massive mob crms amer drctl bks---hsp f w/bk slpg sh stn crt yd--one othr fg ws thr prsmbl slpg--i md certn i am sbstntl dstc awy frm bth whn fg strd rp ylg nt lg bfr 2a--gt awy frm me---i ws no whr his prxmty--jst sknk dslks me due t mb affltn lkl--aftr mltp rpts he thrtnd--im gnt fk u up--trs wnt insd sh stn aftr i ws on my wy t cmpln nd apprntl its psb t slp thr---bsds it bng psb t orgnz prvctn wth mob hsp f inclded--the f cms acrss frdl nd gnrlly nt dstrb--mk did sy he sw hr drkng allgd num tms---nd all srts bk up mob out hr nd i wl nt pt anythg pst any lw slm---agn i hv hrd tm seeing espclly in dkness but smngl i my hv mr enemies thn i knw nd drt r gd frds ofcrs--srprs---thy wll nt gt awy frm u--bt u fly awy frm thm---psn smk bsktb crt xt area nd my hv bn dlb pltd by trs crw drc aided by trs usa---mr smk nrb sh stn etc...---due t cld nd uncmf plc hd vr hrd tm gtg any slp at all--out of sh stn earl am lkl mob f ofg 2 rec---exc wt usa blvs thy cn wst tgt fr---wed---ard 7a sn as i stp out sh stn dsp mob ?f oprtv blk tp tq pts dfrdg rlt wo py mob dfr act--cn i hlp u??as it is usually mr dfclt t mv bgs cld amat wk up--rlt mlcs wstg prsctn at n cst--aftr all crm of cntry sz mssv trs crms r abs free nd onl thr t b frthr expnded w/hlp frm trs usa---sus mob rnr svc d s---??unrdb vcn---mob dcds hw t wst dstry tgts wo py---whr crm usa pkts evr urs nd dcds hw t fd u drt stl rttn fd scrp--nggr gt ths rgt --sdl in amer crms bkd yp by usa dcd wt vctms nd---hlw pk 1 at crc lkl---cmng bk 3 circ nd 1 at bnc--ng pnh lq--rd bg z crss se d ne js bf 1250p--js nw pt smll nx tgt insd lib 452p-----unrdb??---rec cvr up f psg tgt apx flrs w---115p--sus trio wth szb sgn js outsd tj arc--m frd frdl--f thrtg--sht up---lkl their ong cnsp mb trs gm---dmp upn tgt --wst hr bst cn b--tll hr t sht up--drc bkd by their cmnt bddies in lw enfcmnt--shs nd grds who lk dg adct crmnls dsng drt--thy lk thm engh--thy encrg ths cmng---i rcll rdg thy wl nt fl rpts fr ths bng psd t tk drgs---bt thy bk rgt up addcts nd mob who tk psn vlntrl nd psn vctms alng the wy--in fct amer lw enfcmnt kps ths fr cls hghl crdb frds--as thy lk nd dg hw thy wst the mtlly htd prey whm amer purposes t b thrghly wstd free---why py???---7srv562 hlpg wth mny t py mob operatvs cmplmnts trs usa who wsts their vctms free---i ntc dnt fr vctms bttn on atms--bt nt dnt ths mssv ong... vctm bttn---ofcrs nt--amer blvs mssv srl vctms r t b wstd fr free---bd nts--prsmb smk lq lcn crn---pot 24h wstb trs--us bnk crn slpg hlss ---adc trs sng outer prk---pizza drty stl scrps pltd by z outer pk trs--sus hsp f pltd ck cn tp of outer lib lwr trs--thts amer fvr--stl evr--pt a cn on dsply---stk out smkr crn fnc uppr lib smngl frdl wth lts of pro psn kllng oprtvs---hsp f cmng out lib smrtg off??---the entire deal is prdly bkd by crmnl gtg smrtr at wstg vctms fr free crm cmnt---
Monday, December 18, 2017
sat---as i ws lvng i suspected matt of backing crm mob cnsprcy tctcs nd all ths who hv wstd her lf fr free---hsp f tk up st nx mike outsd--nd i lrned she ws the one on shrff patio dy bfr--mike sd she drnks--ofcrs predmntl thy lkl hv prblms--mny dlb mnfctrd by crm psn sprdg slf srvg--not my prb trs usa--myb ard 1230a js w of kntz----m/f--f insltg tgt--cn i hlp u--i sd the rgt thng--amer gzllion $ thief nd murderer is here t hlp u grtd--count on tht--btc wth $3 mob crm ins abbys crn---1240a hrd crm ng mob insl--bgl--1250a--hlw type noises grp psh stn e--crm inslts abnd--****evr amer stl is gn fr gd nd will kp tgt killed poisoned trtrd in street fr gd---by organized crm drctly bkd by trs usa---hrd smn cmpln rp t adc trs sh ptio--re hvng adc trs wtc crt but crt stln evr stln blkt nd pillow stln---sun---31636m1 tlg tgt clnrs incldg by cllr/leash---910a city z clng prtcpts---1007a--rd bg mob oprtv lcn d e---js bf --unrdb ?? hlss cvs crn---mob yllg ng crrss lcn d w ylg cmplng he shl nt eat out of trs as thr is ntg wrg wth him--nw she nds hrct he sd crsg t cvs crn awy frm smn lkl thrtng plc--sying cll the police--bsclly thy js mnplt drt dmp smlr t mk nd crm usa who use tgts only whl thy cnvntl fit into their game plan--thrftr thy psn wst thm t dth whl dfrdg wth cmpltl wrtlss amnts wc will keep vctms lf ftlly prmntl wstd fr gd wth zro-rl--pntv cmpnstn---blnd oldr f z hlw d e---ng f z mbl d w lkg bk---213p ambs stkng out frf sw crn lkg t hlp frm tgt--abt 810p--wtr trs spttd hdg twrd tlts---in rlt he is lkl z crm--i rcll him snkng bhd bus sheltr on mny occsns fr lkl suspicious rsns in addition t pltg stg insd grnd??---suspected lnkd t bth crm nd drgs---i wl nt fl cmfrtb wth anythg lft abt ths sknk incldg him lkl dfrdg me on day of thft my 23 whn 4 bgs wr stln frm tgt but dpts wl nt wrt rprt--amer bdl nds tgt sht up--so tht all of its cntns massive srl crms r slncd so tht their murder of this partys life cn b passed for belonging---rmprt mbl hisp offg buy fd--rfsd--amer needs buy me all mny it owes me fr wstg killing my lf nd evr in it----my lf is nt mob game fr free--evr tm thy gv me stg wrtless nd keep me strnded as result of amer bkd massive crms thy need t b hld accntbl fr pntv dmgs--i onl hv one lf t lv---i dfntl nt dsrv lf mrdrd by amer bkd orgnzd crm bkd by its estblsmnt lw enfcmnt nd trs usa---cgt bus 10 rmp tmple w at 5p--nd rcll mob prtc drvr bullying tgt t g t bk--as rslt mkng it dffclt t gt out---mk agn stg nx t pthd wtc upr lib---smk rp rcg or at uppr lib t psn tgt as drc bkd by trs crew---adc trs crt pssng prk lwn area twrd prk smngl--ambs sndg out crew t dstrb dctatr trgt--135a--amb nx abbys--hllo--mnt t bully trz chs out tgt--all mob like trng persecution wstg tctcs---smk svc vcn sh stn stp nd mny mr lkl---in fc one of ls few days i clrl rem psn smk alms ptg me int coma nd causing thrw--up--exc wht whlwd wnts--thats why they kp psn smk bz pot etc in fct ths ws lst ngt myb rbts vcn--t psn tgt bst thy cn--earlier bsktb crts sm sd hrd stg lk--she cnt see us--crms hdg sw whr i cnt see---recll ambs vcn rg nd e lkl as it ws closing time--main objective--dlb wst tgts---wst tgts fr free--pss ard frd inslts--pass tgt fr crz idiot--sht tgt up--cll tgt liar--nd prtd massive trs acts nvr trnsprd--i hv vr pr tlrnc fr bth ht nd cld--so i sffr fr wrst thn rst lkl--??smk nst rg ong---mon---9a--vr bd nts--unrdb--trsm entrpmnt fr free---vcs smk psn se lcn crn--ng pnh lq fnc nw lcn crn--mob ngr grd strg out city hll t aid all wstg wc cld b mnfctrd---thts knd of drt amer hnds its jbs t---*****1215-17pm cr prb pssng mbl e--unk semi lgt obj hit tgt myb slg abv nd bk of rgt tmpl--bt i cl nt spt the obj nd it md no noise--so evr nrb cl cr less ofcrs nd vh lng gn---shrtl bhd it i did ntc wh cnstrctn type trk wth lkl elvtn dvc--unrdb--js bf?--unk m kng e rp lkg t dmp upn tgt lkl---1 ng hlw pk circ--vcs psn hlw pk crn-ylg ng se--pnh ng lq fnc---bkts--lkl mob bkn shs psg lcn crn---??unrdb--vcn 1250p ?mx mob psbw e--hlo--ths i dt kn--bt thy hv unk wstg bsn gng--t kp wstg gng fr free---mob grd lib grtd mob cnsprcy prty t frm wst tgt fr orgnzd dfrdg---mob smk hnk e hnd hld dn t sprd smk--pot nx rg smk s of svc sw crn nrb bsktb vcn nd mny othr area prmtd bt lkl frgt t nt bng wstd by stress psn nd altrntg temperatures--smk ct crn outer prk--strw ht z bike--t insd upr lib myb ard 325p
Saturday, December 16, 2017
fri--bk on wed--rcll rmrk re hppy t brd of hr aftr hrs myb mdn bsktb crts--fri--828p dsp z crdntd hrssmnt fr free trrzg--as i ck lwr lib trs cn--820p--dsp mob scdrl--ru alr?? mob hrrssr mvg d n ---828p--dsp by prtcptg nrb sec prtcptg in aidg tgt hrrssmnt n qstns askd--tht is the mtv--aidg tgt hrrssmnt at no cst--jus bf 9p psn smk blwng at tgt pssng tgt plib d s--mob cnsprd grds city pkg acrss pdc/adj lib prtcipating in orgnzd hlss wstg /trzg mob harrassment wstg trs scms***svrl bks psg s in ylw vests svc d s lkl mob city oprtvs prtcptg in mob trzg wstg bullying tgts at n cst---dsp hrrss--m4essage t city---evr ms b cmpnstd--ur d gdg cmpnsts tgt fr ntg nd is nt engh t pt hr anywhr othr thn bcmng dlb frmd prey as crm suspects r prpsflly aided by trs usa/whlwd or grv yrd--ths is nt abt gms or drg mny fr ur scm frds--*****i dt vlntr t lv in any your prgs---t hv bn vctmzd cmpltl nd t plp nd ong fr free--i dmnd rl nd pntv dmgs fr bth t the lst drp nd t ltst sec--sdl t afrd js hsng wld b in mltmln plus taxes plus insurance plus maintnce plus all living comforts--i nd nt undrsell my lf t cntry who killed my lf nd my hlth nd is prtcptg in orgnzd wstg frmng trs prsctn fr free nd wo py on its rl csts---ths nt a mcky ms gm---mny mst b pd wc will cvr evr trs usa hs wstd nd trzd trgt wth incldg rl/pntv dmgs t lst sec---aftrwrds dt frgt my visas t vct t rf wt all my mny t b mvd simultnsly nd uncndtnlly--mny thnks trs mrdrs usa----srry ur wrtlss spt int fc amnts abs will d fr ntg nd amnt t less thn pkt chg--bttr luck wth ur addc frds aftr u fully py up fr wstg me nd mine at the full price t u instd--whr u gt t enjoy wht it csts t wst vctms nd t hv gull t d so at no cst--terrorist cntry nd mrderers passing selves fr people--dscrbd abv crrdntd hlss wstg trzg bng dlb ignrd by all outsd grps buying int hlss wstg mob scms ---ntcd sh stk out mlrs sd pdc crn --nd psb one othr outer prk entry lkg t dmp upn tgt---sh ptio person sleeping grnd nrb bike????--prsn myb lft aftr rn strtd wo bike??---myb vcn 230a ambs peds psg tgt pba d w--ambs agn by union bnk nx t smn as fd/amblnc arrv--unclr their prtcptn tctcs--thy few weeks ago wr clrl top of smn sw crn csg me t susp unjstfd use of frc nd mlcs tgt vs hlss--i see a lt of hlss drkg nd lkl on drgs--bt thr is no dbt in my mnd smlr if nt wrs ong outsd hlss rnks---nd nt all r adcts--i am vr ant smk alc drgs--nd wht thy r dng abt me is mkng mr svrl scknd by their efforts--thy poison hlpless people abt thm at no cst--as thy cnspr vs sm tgts--t kp their mob wstg as free as psb---all crms hppily bkid by trs usa--it is abs n wndr thr r peopl abt trd of bng wstd free---u g kill self mny times ovr fr wht u hv dsrvd mny tms ovr alrd--t b sr u my nt b lkl at all t mk it tht fr aftr all of amer bkd trs tctcs---cmpliments of trs wh nd trs usa--juice i bggd up ngt smngl opnd ?slf nd lkd out presm insd tgt bg---mst othr vcn bdl spkd psn--fk frd pssng sh stn e wth glass bttl sppsdl he pkd up t prtct it frm brkng ---sat---715a -sw crn bhd bs sheltr yllg smkg lkl adc trs---js bf--cnsp lnkd mob clnrs clcltg tlk whl pssng sh ptio--frt of sh stn z f ofg og--in rlt z dfr dsp---old mx f crtg bttles d rec pssng hnk w i blv--mst b still hlt engh at her age t d all ths timely if nt act altg---mob aidg shs 1120a pkng d w--z ng hi s??---js nw sat mumbl wko--frm in bnd nw bnie cmp 21 401p--3 hlw prk circ vcn nd 4th ?tkg off---js nw sh insd lib lkl aidg cnsp mnc unk hlpg wst ths mb passes fr 2d class citizens---??unrdb--bld headed f w/crt--potato wst unwntd by smn chsg hlthy dmpd upn vctms lq lcn trs--blkts due t pn falling out nd hrdshp fndg it--bf 1220p mob sh psng ptj e--apx 1222p-wl b actl blkt tm 24h crn wstbrn--mngd t frgt incdt???? aftr lkg fr fallen pen sbstntl tm--thr is smw mr mn wknds chrstms time--but sum is zro--bcs it mks zro dnt in mnc dn nd pys fr ntg in trms of gtg out of amer set up---smk sw bw rbts/svc--smk bnc outer lwr lib--i wl nt b srprsd if dsp
Friday, December 15, 2017
thurs--this is re situation yestrdy---t print sep items due to unk compter mlfnctin yahoo or firefox had to be restarted stg ws nt the case on othr occsns--moreover when i went to print last 4 items trnd up missing fr unk rsn als usually nt case but i did see one time roll ovr t othr sd prtr but this time that prter had rpt--due t****ncnss of lbs thy prntd rgt items cmplimentry----i hv nt ckd wt is gng on tdy--bt yesterday als whn i went t fcbk and hit my nm wc usually showed all frds--yesteday hwvr whn i hit my nm on fcbk pictrs of frds nvr shwd---no idea re mlfnction nd nt ck tdy yt---i blv cmptr my hv wrkd nrml fr 1 hr mtt hd it rbtd frm his dsk--bt whn it clked out of tht session it went rgt bk int the old foul prblmtc mode---myb ard 920p vcn bsktb crt frt outer sealed crn n sd of svc ws intruded upn by smn frm bsktb crts who pt unk items insd--i blv als insd the enclsr ws anthr m accomplc as he cl b hrd tlkng---the pt f earlier outsd lib js nw wnt t cmptr myb 8---i dbt if thy hd prmssn t b insd enclsr bt dt kn---myb 1225a hrd grp chsd frm sw nrb js outsd of sh stn ptio--hrd few times hrrssmnt yells sc as frq utilized by ambs hi rpt bt myb onl cpl times--sms lk thy wnt t use his t intmdt hrrss chse their prey--prdmntl hlss tgts as if their life was sbj t extrmntn bcs thy shld nvr hv bn vctmzd in frst plc---i see mny users amng hlss of wc am nt one--but thm people cmnt t ths clbs r mst all users--their only prvlg is mr accmplished scl status dbtfully mr dsrvg as some hlss myslf fr exmpl r smply vctms--t sy criminally acquired mny is mr deservng wl b hghl cnflctg message--hnce certn inncnt hlss cn b rvctmzd wo cause or help instd being frmd fr prey t justify scl crms nd lk of justice nd cmplt lk of hlp or cmpnstn--the knd of frd d gdg i see gd as i cn cnt wc is sdl fr crmnls mgty well lkl my nt evn b engh mny fr fnrl let aln any dcnt lf --i m nt lkl t spnd ths on fd as i dt evn hv hm t g t--hnc the mny will lkl be rethefted or cmpromised by id frd crime team who my hv pulled lkl unk lng lst of crms thy spclz in wth prd hlp frm usa who lvs fr itslf nt u----myb 2 stg i hrd at lst 1 of ambs do lesser hi hrrsmnt thn usual---ths jstf scty wstg fr free mgty crm bkp whr mgt mns rgt thrfr hvg totld evr mn amer prds itslf on jstfng its crms wth wrtlss mlcs insl prsctn---fri--dust frm blwr in strt trs nx sushi nr nd frqt in 24h outer trs wc hs ms all cns zmvd per whlwd wstg gm---pfrtr wstb w gsg bike--stg lk--stll dyin??----crm f mdcl blu unfrm wkn w--hi mss wl u lk $---thy sz up vctm as wrtlss nd easily mnpltd t plp---sx hrrssg ng lcn d w---hlwy pk---myb 3 circ 1 bnc---mbl 7zpx132 assmng ths cl b anywhr nr rgt in vcs ht psn etc offg mlcs chg---ths scm bsclly blv vctm cn b easily fooled--sdlo tgt knws wht their gmmks add up t---lf killed w/no rcrs---cmpliments trs usa crm entrpment drctly aided by--trs usa who cnvntly fls t ntc injustc of its dngs nd hs vr cnvntly gt all ths nt knwng fld bg time--thts why its so easy t extrmnt vctms nd t pretend amer is rgts whn it drctl bks mssv crm of centry sz crm wth prd dcptv smls fr their mssv crmnl achvmnt---shs mbl d e lkg t bk accommodate nd assist pro mob trs grpngs---ng z f orl w---?mob m mbl w---mob m lkl hlss frm insd nw swtz eatery d w prb aftr grtg tgt---hlw up n apx vcn nrb ihp on hlwy ldspkr 1245p hrd--ntcd sh vh vcn--bt dt kn exct vh src as ws dstnt frm loc at nrb sm--gsg ldsp ???hrd t mk out due t dstc--??be an idiot??----hlw pk cmng bk hd 5 circ 1 bnc--- pot se lcn trs--hlss am vcn bk of sw svc bs sheltr nd blkd by crdbrd yshinr entrywy---hlss ntcs adc sw lcn crn grnd--othr hlss shk restrt outer bnc--msg some nts but recall seeing sx hrrssg ng 2d time myb headed lcn d e---its ovrl ht dyt thn cld ngt---130p ambs bks stkng out tj entrywy nd strg at trs t see if tgt mk mess--nt the case---its their sbstnc people mkng mess nd mob people mkng mess if thy nt pd fr mkng mess t dmp ths upn tgt---hwvr wht thy use mks me sick--bt amer cl cr less---150p s wstbrn d sm w 4dwt psgr --hi/hl tlkg mob ambs style--same ntcs who wnts tgt due frm smk frm sw lcn nw pnh frt of ba---pot pvln xt nd hld crn etc...smkr bk uppr lib--smll dfrdg at rec nd othr insl $5---absl evr added up aftr amer exploits lkl will nt evn py fr brl i am cnvcd--thy cn bttr fool smn who dt knw truth or who has bd ctg aptitude--nt bng the cs here
Thursday, December 14, 2017
wed----smngl i hd stg ovr plstc bg cntnts nd fld t recgn it in drk ls ngt as its mc hrdr t see w/o lgts--mike bng entrtnd by 2 trshy scm of wc one algd easily in hr 70s nd jmps int st t tlk--the old one who tks ovr shw algd hv bxr byf she lks--ths one tlks frl snsb nd knws trivia but clrl othr thn rspnsb--aftr tht ***bully nd lkl optns thief mk is out t chs beautfl ck allgd grtd t nvr hv rltns wth him but he js bdl nds tlk t hr due t hr beauty tlnts nd fire fr lrd--shld any drt bcm ultmtl invlv in rltnshp trp he cn hrt thm or stl frm thm if thy lt hm cls eng--ths ws cs bfr me nd cs wth me---shld ths drt bcm mr clsl dpndnt thy will gt wt thy dsrv---scmbg mk hs gll t tell thm i hv dmntia fbrctd t dscrdt vctm--nd tell me as am t slpy its thrf my flt---abt 730p dsp m z crm clm up stps try strk cnvrs wt tgt nd try t gv tgt cig frcg tgt gt up nd awy t othr sd of upr lib---lwr outer lib sn amng oths vcn ng f z ret srvcs wth lmp--grd snpg up bhd tgt mlrs crn w/cell---910p nx pk offc vr ld grp re wc no one in offc hd intrst cmplng--thts their knd of drt--thts why---noisy grp w/rdio bsktb crts---apx 1220a line 30 svc d s mob scdrl who reg psnd tgt wth psn tp smk nd alchlc whn tgt slpt thr seeing tgt pss by dlb lgtmzd mob trzg---hnc mob oprtv--syg stg lk--oh gd??--i fnd nts--it sd oh lrd---bt fld t ntate--ws mnt as mob aidg trs inslt---shs strg as i wlkd out of bsktb crts consistently wrkng on dmpg mob dngs upn tgt--nd hlpg persecuting mobs wth harrassment---sus grp svc d s--*****1250a--giggling grp giggln grp trzg ****ambs rdclng vctm--sgs she nt lie--etc..---bntr trzg--hv gd dy nw--dt wk up--ard *****240a ambs agn rp scrm trzg tg slpg sh crt yrd hi etc...rp ldl cntnsl---paid fr aidg crm rng js like shs--ths thy r out t pls r ths who r lkl crm grps nd anti tgt or hlss mlcs prsctn wstg wo py---aftr all mssv srl crm in america is assisted nd free---aftr tht --the vctm is the liar--compliments trs usa---cl nt slp mst ngt as weather chgs grtly frm hot t cld dy t ngt---trs grds try t allg she nt slpg as i tried my bst ctc sm slp---9-10a mb dsp hlss hd sm inslt nst cmnt--d u wnt???? hdg wkn e---10a gry tk myb 1.5 agn mob prsc prtcpt lcn e innr ln pssgt hsp scrm ldl per mob prsctn ordrs --hi---crt ws insd trk---116ln slv cr--u dt wt fd?? thrw out jk psg hlwy d w---rfsd---rd hr w crt kngs d w f-im gn kill??---5 circ hlwy prk--mumblg ng hlss psn smk cvs crn---blnd lkl bng pd fr her lks elf rd ht wmnt d e--hv gd dy--wrds r free--usa md prf sr i wll nvr hv gd dy dlb nd on prps---why py??---amer prfrs pying crms nd thieves--bt vctms--why py??---smk pmp crn prfs psng--yth hsp stg wtg n rbts---suspect ct crn outer pk 6rua921 lkl mob oprtvs undsclsd mntl hlth persectn bkd by sh crm dpt lkl--rfsd ofcrs--thts nt at all abt t gt me anywhr--excpt gt frmd fr free by crms sh dept nd whlwd dsptc t prey upn tgt wp dsclsr---as sd--shs whlwd frmg persecution nd wstg at no cst cnsp--btc shwd up wth btls t rec nd offrd thm tgt--sko thnks thy $3 wrth bt lky if $1 after i empty all wtr thy nvr evn pr out--bsc crmnls dsp t ins tgt at no cs wth thrw out drt eng t wst nd kill smn lf fr free nd hv evr fld by trs orgnzd amer dcptn--mny t thm---wstg t vctms fr free--brwn nd grctti will pt few scdrls in cubicles nd lv vctms who dsrv fine prvt hsng vctmzd fr free wo any jstc--aftr all-- why py whn amer lvs mny fr slvs at tgt expns---smn blwg pot js pssd nrb tgt insd lib
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
tues--tdy wed--shd chr rd bk js lft shrtly bfr me gn insd---lt btc smng lft cmpt 19 myb js aftr 4p---ths tpe mob blv u dsrv some wstd or lw qlt wtr nd u dsrv ls evr els u hv--exc sntmnts of mk---he says he dsrvs 100 mlln---he wld kill fr lts of mn-bt js nw clms it ws crms who gt my mn---unfrt ths my be othr thn tot entr truth--ths is chld lk prs--gtta hv it--so whn opprtnt ars--its prf tmng---bfr he sd st vct hlpd hm bt nw it sms the plc ws blessed scrmnt nd he hd t cmpt vs othrs allged---thy hlpd mike sppsd sk vctm of gng brgs-fct he used thm lk he lks usng othrs nd lkl used tgt---i stll rem his rem if nt they wl hv used evr lst cnt on drgs--so i blv mike called ???some my money his and is consistently lying t dcv--he gts all srts tattoos incldg ones u dt see--he mntnd some chst tatttoo recntl--nd lks trsg mny on cks fst fd nd nd entrtnmnt--nd js trsg in gnrl wth ntg t shw fr it cnvntl--bttm ln --ultml usng evr he cn nd flg evr he cn--exc why he ws so clvr spttg ted bng a con guy whn he psd as gd doer in rlt hvg vndtta vs tgt nd srvg mob cmnty wstg causes t prsrv his fd ln by dmpg upn hs foes instd of terrorists or crms he and amer call happily wth confdnce nrml people--as sarah was foolwing his lead and command --i cl nt gt any hlp the sc ted ylld -----cut!-- tues--shtl bf 830p ng pssg uppr lib d dnwrd lkl--gsg mgt b prt of crm rng---vcn 1130p sus?? nsy ped grp svc d n---unrdb--pot gsg sw crn---unrdb bd nts---apx 355a ng f wlc rll int sh crtyd patio dt kn prps bt prhps t trn bttr twd the rmp int sh dpt---she sd bf gn up rmp---***fu---u drt ass wtc---wed--aftr 7a-vh smngl trdg? prpn jgs by mthr lode wth dngr sgn ofcrs-- nd hd plt stg lk 8670512---mke als hs bn cnsistntl vs lgl cs frm strt mkng him in league wth crms amer bks nd his onl mtgtg pts wr lkl t hld up the truth nd gt awy wth crm--althgh i do hv hgh tndcy t blv crm gng prtcptn lkl certn as ws wstd by cnsp mob drt on daily basis---ths scdrl blvs i dsrv ntg nd mntnd he dsrvs 100 mlln or scd--thts nt a decnt persn who hd me in fear fr my lf mny times--bt he dsrvs ths fr ntg nd nsty stff while many patriots sacrifice their life nd others put up their money on drt lk him---psychopth trs america who jdgs bk by its cvr as mike is hpply on his way t wst trs anythg he cn---whl tgt is bng mlcs insltd wth wrtlss ins dsgnd t dlb nt pt a dnt in cnsp mob trs amer orgnzd crm---vlmns deodrt type sprying js e of sh stn stp---z crm wstb w g mrn ??unrdb---myb 905a m/f lkl usrs z frm e cst wstb e---athns wth blu/grn strps psg lcn fcg e mid ln-hd phn on side frt--888 336 6100---nd hd ???some kind of ldsp snd frm insd cbn wc alrtd my attn--thy scp up vrt evrtg nrb tgt rbts e--mkng me suspect at times thy cl b prty t wstg vctms---hlw pk--1 grs 1 lwn 1 bnc 3 circ--cmng bk 3 circ 1 bnc it seems---crm mob ins btcs dsp t mbl gvg tgt $4--t kp up amer ,ssv crms nd t dcv rlt---ng dvt z vcn swtz-stp ylg lk tht--sr hn--i blv ur mrdrs accmplsmnts nd ths of terrorist usa shl b absltl free--of crs--i dt hv strngth t yl bt dmn trd of bng abused by deception minded terrorist treacherous mob country---m/f frm e cst tgtr wth hsp pk d w--cnsprc lkl insd lib?? bkd by pro mob crm aids---??unrdb---drk hr f wth grn prnt lng drss t cvs---ltr psg sbw d w---?crm mob blw pot tgt wstb d w210p sh stn crn wtr trs mob shl lng gry hr btlls tkd bgs--sw crn sheltr f strt smk t wst psn trgt lkl on dsp---mvn svc d n gry lg hr pnt f cgt mn wth pot onc insd lib----adc trs crt nd ?hsp crt--hsp--oh no!---z w crm lvg rec rbts d s---ltr spttd outr pk ct crn flwg tgt nd pltg hs crt lwr outer lib bfr lvg??--adc trs sptted outer prk--smk prk lwn---
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
mon---****js nw tues lib myb vcn 350p---mob crm hrd cmplng re rgn ltg out nt cases stgng act insd lib--bcs i st in cmptr avlb nx him he gt off of 20 nd shrtl mvd t 23--sl prps is t stg an act--- --dlb he gt up shrtl after and ultmtl mvd t 23--amng mny cnsp crms any lng lst of wc cn be expected and lkw lkl bkd frm crtn chrs frm insd lib bsds the fct the frd act drt is exc the org amer wrks fr----bk t mon eve ---mk tlkg t vrd drt as if wr mrrd nd he gts kicks out of sm blvg any mnc he hs pulled is fn if drt will crry on---mr he tlks t drt the less i gt ylld at nd mlcsly insltd nd mr rst i gt----mob oprtv crm nx pdc d s wu lk fd???--ths mob drt hppy t plt wrtlss or thrw awy drt as thy hppily wst u nd lv off frd/brg mny hppily bkd by usa as if ntg trnsprd---mon eve--crms insd pk offc bsy orchstrtg mnc pltg as othr trs operatives aid cnsp frm insd lib nw tues--sc as one brfl i sw at 21 myb vcn 415p--mtt ptgt twd wndws ---cnsp trs estb nd lw enfcmnt rthlssly rcklessly aidg wl b nrml frm trs pt of view cnsp mob gng crks lvg off of wstg tgt---mon eve---crm mkng mess lwr outer lib trs shtl aftr tgt ckd trs---assistg lklhd of wrgf plg blm upn tgt---sus psg pk offc d uppr lib or grg---mon aftrn bnd mob rlg crt hld w---tues am---lkl duo wlkg of wc at ls one f blwg pot drc tg mvng sh stn n vcn 650a---smk nx hmb hvn--hmb hvn stkt cty crn frq or reg thr ths hr---abt 8a z ?scm plm d w smngl lkg fr mob cgs crb--i hv tms msng lkl due t ht bt ng myb 9a nd rd bg z mr lk 10a wkn e ng blu or nv jk plng nx crm--rd bg z crsg wkn d n---hlw pk 4 vcn circl---unrdb??---ntcd lkl hsp f mb insd hgs--mst lkl dlgtd t lv off of qstnb??? mn---as they tgt vctms wth wrtlss mlcs inslt nd prsctn wst extrmnt thm alng the wy---*****vcn myb 1130-5a mob z f frmr hrrssg tgt uppr lib wth cigs nd ps fri prs hrrssg tgt by dmdg lgtr btc kn i wl nvr hv sh wlked out vcn mbl d e wth hry lgt clr pch agn--dbt if she sckl--bt hs pch or myb evn dvcs lies etc--thk mob paid hr or wrdrb items r hg insprtn t wst vctms---****frm 23 t prtr ant rgn ant tgt mob trs wth lib lkl thr fr dvs mtvs---js wlkd awy wth nc doc???---earl tues psg wsmnt e sm tm as tgt m/f frm e cst frd frdl qstnb bsn---seen agn wth mob frm pk psng pls pr wth paper bgs psng vcn mbl d e---pnh ng lq fnc---dg qn pr bld headed nd hsp psng lcn w nt csng any ovious or drct dstrbnc--wc cn mny tms b orgnzd instd----ntcd tll z frq smkr gls crn stg---shs crsg vcn lcn etc wl b hppy t hlp mob drt lkl--f wth chld myb mx--f--ukh???--140-5p mtr w m trs dsp t ins tgt $1--t hlp dfrdg nd crm acts fr free vs tgt----aftr all in amer fr crm of centry sz crm trs gt pttd on their bks nd mssv mnc bng pssd fr jk by dmpng upn tgt instd----****z rslr pkng up py usg frds spc as hm ins tgt by the wy sgstg--she knws shes in wy---smk stb rbts crn---f tlg tgt e--wu lk fd???----hppy psng frm amer t u---why py whn wstg bg tm cms really free by rvs dmpg co-trs usa----thk abt it mob f wrs flwlss fnc hrd nd certn attr items she nvr earned or wrs---whl tgt gts wstg awy free wth ong nst psor pain all ovr--why py??---cmplmnts of mob trs usa---slv hr old z hld w--mess outer pk ctty crn nd stg tssd nrb upr lib trs as well---prf rvs dmpg gm--amer nvr rns out of trs tctcs---
Monday, December 11, 2017
sat---hi mln 1 of myb duo ms wlkg upper outer lib twd sm blvd---mk tlkg t fs who smngl lk tlkg t mk loaded on clnpns--pk tbl lkl stk outs aidg cmnt?? trs??---ltl btc 2 sts frm me at 21 suspect cnsprc t frm rdcl tgt fr prps fr wstg as noncrdb---trgt sus lina lkl lst of othrs--nd blvs evn matt is paid fr spprtg anyone cmmnt bks evn the mob bng presented fr nrml people---mike cn tlk re entrtnmt crst or mlcsl wrgf nd dlb dmpng on tgt wo cause---it is allgd jw fndtn la wrth ovr blln in assets--but lk rst of amer chrt thy blv mny is fr thm nd massive srl tgts r t b wstd at no cst nd preyed upn alng the wy---sus grps hrd frm vcn bsktbll crts---???unrdb or insfcnt nts---115a js bf? grds svc d w--prd t b mnc drg qn hrd vcn ambs-------hrsg tg lkl--hllp/hv gd dy dsp prsc trzg--thy pk who thy wnt t hrrss bully per mob/cmnt/shrf trs agnd----wkd mb scdrl nx svc se trs ultmtl thrwg unk small objectg nd mvng d e--150a sh sv d n smngl trying his vh snd wrks---sun 630a----adc trs try buy cig frm smn ckng stg insd stn---lkl sm drg qn as bhnd wrtlss ins mny nd mssv srl crms fr free---bcs fri mtt jmp out so fst at lib bhst t hlp mob wst tgt nd bcs lib tgts the tgt nt ths hrrsg her--tgt blvs thrs incntv t wst tgt nd t assist mob and same gng on with wh city prk offc co mob attn etc operative(s) bkng mob trzg nd dfrdg nd assistg mlcs wstg of tgt---bsclly in chg of wstg tgt nd aidg mob crms----bh ???1485610 sn on bth sds sm e of rbts---725a or bf---smn wlk pbgs thn spd rn e frm wstb wrg blk top nd rd lng shorts---crd brd trs cntnr pt out wknds msng vcn stbks wsmnt---hghly pro mob trs location---bsy extrmntg tgts nd wrkng co-z intrsts---lkl stares 24h nd wells insprd by z---smk psn wkn---gsg smk wells 1003a--- ng? mob bsn ht bkwds crssg sw lcn d se on diagnl--wts up btc??--pnh ng lq fnc---psnsmk mob ng se lcn crn--vcn ba crs 2 ngs apc tgt wth totl $2---m wstlg wvg pshll d w---205p nw frf ambs d w---220p ambs crsg frf sw on dgnl d se nd lkl lkg t blm rvs dmp upn tgt fr mess md by mob this wk se crn nd wl bf sw bs sheltr---****hvg prb rdg own wrtg w vn 7?f93915 at rec e of rmprt tmple--ths one called in js bfr arrvl t mk spc fr his vn insd--sus blvs my b lnked t mob--heres why--i abs nvr smk nd hate all smk vcn tgt---the gy frm this vn--md it a pnt t blly tgt by askng hr if she wnts cig bfr thrwg it out--he ws nt interestd in offering cig to no one els----i ws the tgt-----earlier dyt ng z f phgs w---bntn wy d s lkl mx m hrrssg tgt while ****wrg blu tgts rd pts--slg aftr 8p gsg t pk offc co mob grd--atth trs cmng frm bsktb sd twd offc whlwd prk---115a svc sw crn grd/sh smngl ??srcg a hlss----210a rg clb crn rp hrrsmt grp grds js aftr clsg--- ong bullying lkl drctd at tgt rp hi etc..., hey---ultmtl crssg e nd agn--hlo--usd t tgt vctm fr mob ops orgnzg tgt wstg of tgts nd hlss---ngt tm vrtlly all drks spkd nd psb t lkl t gt psnd by inadvtntl drkng js a drp---fd/ shs ckd stg sh stn stp crn se svc---earlier ngt dg qn ?hrd psb cnsp thrzn by hrrsm trzg---mon---835a smngl ???yll frm fdx mvng won sm blvd gsg psg wstb or hnk --i cnt rd my wrtg t ctc loctn or wrd---nd bk on sun grp seen rng abt e of lcn in chrstms themed ---attire---smk--othr cnsp psb--outr wells---smkr smrt off re bgs cvs crn e---deadly hot weather---5 mob hlw pk circ smk---cmng bk 2 circ hlw pk---dfr snt frm hlw pk on bike t tgt gvg tgt dsy----i.e.--killers fr free---mob bike mtr e--g mrn-----shs psg sh stn e---smk wstb etc--t ht t evn thk abt---unrdb??---z dk hr f tdy wrg lg blu drss prnt svc d s----othr z f wsmnt d e crrying tj papr bgs ofg apple t tgt wth no tth or ckg fcl---thy sm cnsdrt--usually frd cnsdrt cnsp types--nd prps---entrpmnt fr free--why py???---z rbts d n ofg used ice t rfsd---thy clsd all their sld trs t wst vctms nd mk thm dctrship wstg dependnt--fr sm rsn evr is gnbrg earl on reg basis---freddy rec frdl bt tdy i thgt i mgt hv hd mr cns thn allgd---ret srv z ng f lmpg out lwr lib d n----m ofg $5 psb wth f lib d s--cl u use tht rp--flks i cn tk it--bt it will nt do me gd bcs i hv nt by fr rmtl engh cmng t gt out of trp---potentially thr r a lot of frmng wstg fr free operatives estblsmnt whlwd lw enfcmnt etc---some hld jbs wc enable thm t prtcpt or wc mk thm ensprd t bk dsrs of mob who cn b fnl fxd up nd smng nrml--ie--ls fri srl mob f hrrssg tgt outer upper lib hd prfctn done hair--bt ths cl hv bn dn on stln money---sw lina insd lib lkl symptzg wth mob trs mntlt wstg fr free ideology---
Saturday, December 9, 2017
fri--i nt print anythg ystrdy as smngly hd less time this dy and rn out of time---nw sat 314p--js rec ntcd lng rd drssd mb nx rw up frm me on smlr sd eat--nd i blv gy who frmrly hd rd bg is cmptr opposite mine nw wc is 15--ths gy ws pndg cmptr vcsly nd at crz spd bt no one is cmplng as he is mob oprtv-----i cnt cm clsr t ths people t vrf and wy t blnd t see their cmptr nos frm hr--bk t fri---aftr 8p apx ng apcd me hndg out mn gvn by cmpnion smngl dg qn---alwys i see prsn apcg me nd hr the drg qn so nt sr exc wc one it is---****js shtl bf 210a lng line 4 psg svc crn d e 4 dgt sqc strtg wth 9--nd rst of it ws t bg a strn fr me t see in vr bd lgtng cndtns m prsmbly drvr up frt ylld out ldl--i am wtcg u---earlier wlkg ambs bw 1-2 a mvng phldl e---smk at tgt vcn abbys nd elswr frq aimd drc int tgt ns at fll frc by bng hld dn twd tgt fc---my nt hv fll lst of plcs bt gsg thr ws smk vcn ba as wll---*****vcn 3am 3 ambs grds psh stn svc d n dsp t trz fl tgt fr gng trs oprtvs hlss prsctn nd wstg trs operations--ths r ambassadors wkg fr city of whlwd--frt grd yllg t wk up the trgt lkl stg lk hi nd hnd one t cvr the mnc--hv nc ngt---dt be fld ths scdrls dlb wk up abused nd wstd trgt dlb cstg her slp nd trzg her lf---sat---650a ---ng sn on dy of frst fire nx svc sw bs sheltr frm bhnd it sying askg stg i cl nt mk out--thn hyd???---flwd by othr lkl mob d n wth lkl invntd qstn--hv u fnd i phn???--i my b mssng nts frgtg t wrt stff dn---i thk bctr is ps rbts d e myb vcn 7a---sus wrg rd?? grtg gng w plrb d svc---830a f myb mx pssg ?hnk w cllctg cns unk dvs rsn lkl dsp t hrrss tgt--hi---wrkr nx pmp strg bgs---z opst me still httg keys ldl at vcs spd---vcsl ht dyt weather---unrdb---hlss lcn????--hlw pk 2 at bnc---grn bggr vh prhps trk/shll gv tg $20 nd mvd vcsl fst hnc tgt cl nt rlbl gt plt wc is strn fr trg t see--i wrt dn 3tdl577 bt bcs ths one mvd vcsl fst ths cld be bdl wrg--ths pssd lq crn d w ---mfn lkl old lcn sw crn ped---?psn sbw vcn--lkl ong smk mnc trs cntg psn sln rfs nd sld gbg cn lkw bng used by ths bsn vcn sbw 18-8....--mob brt t tj arc as clnr at sbw wtcg---7?xlt043 slv rng rvr---hv dfclt rdg my wrtg cnsq wndrg abt x---ths one gv tg $25---sdl i am nt at all dstrctd nr fld---ths people trppd me prmntl wth no wy out--i hv no plns t mvt flea bg htl at no time nd evn tht cld nt b affrded so amer is dng no cst deception act nd lkl paying selves and crms t wst tgt whl lvg ht lvs at tgt expns---smk rbts pmp crn --psb cnsp alley s rbts--rec---og hr f smk incl nx tgt---ths is prb mkng her wlcm by mobs---cstmr gv hr 3 cns fr wc she thkd her--frd svd up wrtlamt of cns dntd nd lkl prtcptg in flg tgt--sdl i kn none of ths scm hv n int t evn mk a dnt pymnt on their crms nd blv in wstg nd flg nd mkng idiot out of tgt free---wtr btll pltd outer pk trs alc psn tgt cl nt smell--ths is vr dstrbng bcs i dt lk t b psnd any amnt nd my hv resultg mdc prbs frm all mob psng---agn mr smk psn rbts svc unk exc locs etc as ht psn is wstg tgt---??lkl sus svc--slpg lkl drk outer prk offrd fd by lkl mob drt bkn wstg fr free--drnkn mob sts outer lwr lib mkng incmprh noises--mike allgng hs sckness cmpltl tkng evr out of life--he ds nt wrk nd spnds all tm t his enjymnt---hwvr it seems thy chsd 2 dsb people out nd dstryd evr mine
Friday, December 8, 2017
thurs---858p prsn wrg grn rng up pk entrc strs rgt frt of me wth rllg bg ths attrctg my attn---hwvr myb ths ws js t gt prm tlt spt as i nt ntc othr offnsv dngs--js nw fri--incdtlly mtt mgr nd insd lib drc bks ths srt grps as if lgt as in us estblsmnt nd lw enfcmnt drc emcrgng free wstg of tgt exc lk crm mk who hs gll t sy tgt nt dsrv antg etc..---ard 4p gsg mob f prv rpt hrrsg tgt nd stgng lying act dlb rptd smk at tgt--sgs she nt wt hrt hr--tdy cnt t hrrss tgt upper lib rqstg lgtr she knws i dt hv so she cld psn smk me smtg thts sckng me ard clk--2d hnd smk 2d ldg cs lng cncr--nd cs of othr cncrs--js bf hr lkl jw f w chld wlkg grg d pk pupr lib trd gv tgt 1 cn---dt undrestmt ths drt---acdg t jw jrnl i pckd up tdy vcn 24h ftnss avg jws rdg tht jrnl mk allgdl nrl $300k per yr--bt ths sm drt hv gll t thk tht vctm of crm of cntr sz crm shl lv off of the 2c cn crm hd gll t offr tgt instd of rl pntv cmpnstn she dsrvs--ths nt an accdt thy dlb persecute trz nd instgt vs trgt--same btc wlk insd upr lib ard 416p wth pooch agn trying t hrrss trgt tlkg re js chrst---shtl bhd her ws pot spreadg f----bk t thrsd---scl peer mob frcd co mob amer trs institution--fri am---strg mob lkl pro mob dsgstd w tgt ---bdl smkd up vcn wlls atm nd crwded lkws---se lcn crn small blk cr smll blk cr pssg d w wth dvt insd--wl lk sbw crd--trst stmpd stg nd gv me crd he cclmd wrt $15---dt fll urslf ths is dfrdg inslt persecution t wst frm u nd kp u hlpless persecutefr free---wthr dyt frying ht--bt ws rthr cld t slp ngt tm am---vh psn smk flrs w---swtz crs n pr ms strg tgt bg etc t rdcl tgt---hlw pk am 2 circ---drk glasses on rd lng dressed crm orgnzg trgt persec js wnt drc of cmptrs lkl insd upr lib----5 circ nd 1 bnc hlwy pk cmng bk pls 1 lying grss---wlc mob wth mob ht cvs crn cllg tgt nms sc as bgl dlb rdclg tgt---wstbrn crn d w mob blnd f brdg myb shldr lngth hr aftr hrrsg tgt ofg bn, cig, thn grn br all rfsd----z sh unrdb bt gsng myb n on wstbrn--bctr orgnzd crm hldl crn pnh ctrd t by snpg frd frdl crm mob who pys crms t wst tgt bkd by sh dpt city etc..----grd stk out rec infrmd by frddy of hs rlf grd---i thk i sw z ng f svc d w--nd sw dfntl z ret srvcs ng f svc d n---ths r mob dctrshp wstg operatvs---sktb dfr svc d n---ths r fk frds--thy r glu hppy wc is their prps---crm usa trzg vctms nd dlb preying upn vctms by mkng it own prffssn t lie rvs dmp nd ply inncnt whn in fct prffssionally skilled gng stlkrs mds bkd by trs usa---
Thursday, December 7, 2017
wed--hls hrsg z insd lib -hi---t cvr up mk crms mike sggsts mln dsrvs ntg bt ssi--stg she hs no int t cllct----mike bfrdg mny trshy irrspnsb chrs vcn lib---ths gy scdrl who cvrs fr hs hghl qstnbl stmnts wts t sggst i hv n cs -bcs allgs mssv srl vctm nt crdb---in rlt cvrg dscvry of own crms ftlly dmgng t my lf--mkng cmmnts lk--sht hppns--cvrg fr scm who mk it hppn--allgd he ws afrd of brk ins brgs--nvr mnd wht he my hv plled hs slf tht he nds t cvr fr????----ngt tm 1245a tll wh gy trying t hrrss intmdt tgt eventually ctcg 704 svc d e 9220---bdl lgb pen--rp smk psn--tues ngt ws vr cld but wndy nd wrm wed ngt nd wy httr dytm---1250a 3 mob ambs hrrsg tgt sh stn w frt bike yllg hey t hrrss/fl? tgt---rlt wrkg hlss wstg mob whdlms empwrd by city t trz hlss nd cst thm sleep---svc ne crn d n bus 5670 num 16--crm drvr ldspkr--i am wtcg u--hyd??--gngstlk hrrsg tgt arnd sm time---smn apprcg t hrrss tgt same time svc crn--u md at me???--hrd admnsd clld awy by sus drg qn--sdl nt sr wt ths dg qn lks lk---bt the grp is trs interactv persecution tm---w cr svc e slw u trn w trn svc n---smngl my grn plstc bg vnsd ths ngt bt i fld t ctc chr due t eithr dstrctns or mnr slp---i dt thk it flew--it ws vry well tkd insd of nthr bg---ambs grp wlkg n nt dstrbg althgh engaged in cnvrstn t lkl encrg wstg of vctms fr city/sh/etc mob grpngs---in blk gng oprtv on bike d n---mama hau---lkg pss tgt fr old so tht orgnzd psng wstg nd endless mnc cld b ignrd fr free---unrdb--smk svc---myb ard 220a crm grp of ambs on bike of wc 1 dlb yllg ldl at tgt t wk her up frm any mst mnt slp she mgt slvg wth bkng frm city nd shs t wst tgts/hlss--ws semi slpy wstd nd psnd bt grt ws fr mlcs trzg nd prb yllg stg lk hi--spr xtr ldl t aid prsctn trzg of tgt--cmplmnts trs usa---agn these ambs r secrty co wrkng fr city amng othr grpngs wc wrk vcn lib nd prk---pk is city--lib is county---thrd am--rp smk svc---pba w ng hrsg nx ba trs--dt u kn???---fct mob tgtg scdrls same as ones who lkl go to ba/wlls etc t orgnz wstg of trgt---7ghm329--wl u lk pstrs nx sbw--chp jnk psn thrwy frm amer t u--amer wl lv t psn u bst ---at np cst--why py???--whn srl crm of cntry sz wstg is prtclrly free cmplmnts trs usa who bks mob nd is thrilled t wst tgt free----athns 71739t1 stlg cns--unldr frm 25 t wkn vcn ng dmpstrs stealng 24h cns fr z crm operatives--why py whn city nd usa wl rthr py slvs nd extrmnt tgt prtdg ntg hppnd---hwvr i cnt mv any snr or frthr nd lky t mv at all--so amer is very prd t srv up the psn thrwawy--aftr all--why py???----grd strng on bhl of mob wells vcn---trs wth thr awy unwtd unhlthy pstry---why py???--whn amer cn hppily psn nd ignr wth smk nd thn psn jth psn pstry---- pot blwn lcn w etc....---vry ht dyt---unrdb---3 bnc hlw pk---sh sv rp hnkng ldl t bst tgt ears crsg t hlp wst tgt pmbl e 1258p t assist mssv srl crms by usa at no cst nd t prtd ntg hs occrrd--sdl thy cn fll all ths othr thn the vctm---knws amr crm fr u inslts r trs acts t kp amer crms free nd tgt cntnsl vctmzd nd trppd wth zro redemption upn amer mssv trst ent--js mk pss by lib trg t dfr tgt nt t occr--i knw the sz of amer ignrc nd crm---hwv i do hv mk eml statng he lft orvll ofcrs due t mssv brk ins brgs---lkws fr the mst prt he hs insisted thy did it--hwvr ths gy cld kill fr mny nd trs it in zro time no prb on clnpns fr wc i hv zro mrc---its lng time cop out---hlw pk--4 hlss bnc pls f wlkg dg---nx sbw crm w $7 fr u--exc sm as fu--abs zro twd mrdr of my lf twd mrdr of tgt lf by terrorist usa---rp smk psn vcn sh stn stp --myb whl ago slgtl aftr 4p lng rd drssd gng f vctg lib--earlier bfr lib time she pssd me up vcn sh stn stp nd smngl trn s twd lib----bctria pnh cp bldgs e of rbts n sd of sm---plttg nx crm bkd by usa--lib grd upr outer lib gng dn
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
tues---was nw abl accss thrm wtr wth zro bill---nvr mnd hwvr all property nd othr unk billings lkl incurred in my absence or the prbs generated bth to property and to me both losses suffering and income as result of scndls callous crm trs hdlm usa----mk tlkg t fn bt rthr stky cnvrstnlst--her stkness md her suspct as ptntl intrdr--bt i cl cr less i nd nt tlk t scdrl--prb hr lib kelly nd all co hdlms grtd bk wstg of ths tgt free tgtr wth city sh dpt nd trs usa--lw scdls evl nst bnc---847p prk s ctty crn mb dsp--crstl---nvr hd any cnnctn t nm bt ths r pln trsts--u r nt tht prtty---smply hrrsmnt---mk ws pssd i ptd out snc ht chk md it clr she ws usg him free he cld mrry sensb tlkg wtc--i ptd othr one ws hstrcl n d lkl grtd adct--bt mk ws pissed off ovr me pkng thm out---i shl stp tlkg t hm evn whn he pretends i shld---240a sh stn crt yrd ng rp snpg abt--ng f wlc pro mob adc appears nd smng goes drc up rmp t sh stn who bks wstg tgt free--js abt tht sm time ng snpr vnsd--it ws t freesing nd t lt t wtc--ngt ws qt cld--dytm gt hot but nt fr lng---lkl sus svc--vh pmtr d w tlkg crp re bld headed fkn cnt---rd bggd crm chg bg t aq clr wkn e----othr scm wtcg tg eat wst hppily--thts wht trs usa nd scm lk kelly blv vctm dsrvs---why py fr jstc in cntry wr wstg cms free??----psn? lcn lq gbg--wlc apcg ng lq fnc nd hi mom hrrsg tgt ---t bd drt blvs tgt is fld t their inslts---thy my als dlb int t pass smn fr old t mk crm wstg less obvious t all ths thy r out t fl---as amer bks crm twd ths trg t b sr crm mof centry sz srl ong crm nd wstg trs tctcs fr free---z crsg s--ofg $1 rfsd ofcrs----crm wstg drc bkd by crm cnsp wh nd usa---2 bnc hlw pk of wc 1 wlc---mbl--z sdw--rfsd--z oprtv s kng empt cn rfsd------dy bfr mob oprtv wth $3 glss btls--u wt ths---thts abt all scdls usa blvs u dsrv fr massive wstg thy prtd nt xstg fr crm rsns---tdy mob sknk snk 5 -2c bttles totlg dime if lky t frd who pt thm in my bg---z lvg pk d w--hi----thy thk i dt knw price of amr dngs---fct--i hd zro slp as it ws unus cld ls ngt---bt cnsp amer drt blvs lying stlg nd preying on vctm cms free bkd by trs usa etc...----3 bnc 3 circ nd 1 hlw sd grnd---hlw pk---mds f grn mstl lng dress lng drk hr lcn d w---by sbw sus ofrg by sdw---rfsd---amer blvs crm free---hlss grnd e of tj---mob brtr crt mvng e p sbw---dlb hrrsg tgt mob oprtv p24h e ofg stg tht lkl ws n mr thn $2 t ins tgt----rfsd---adc trs crsg hnk d n---??mob svc w unrdb---pot psn se lcn trs---prsn strg rbts ne crn---ng f sus lib tlt---mob scd smkng bnc lwr lib---???
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
mon---pdc vh psn d n lkl unk smk---uppr lib bg tied t bk rk--smn wnt thrg uppr blngngs aftrwrds tying thm tgtr thn i evr do--i mk it secure bt nt tgt---lkl trs cnsp ong frm grp js nw dn wsprg t m up stps in st lkg bk tgt---t chld wsprg lkl t f insd tlt lkg t bthr abuse wst tgt free as amer supports wstg tgt--i wnt insd t lwr frt dsk lib nd tld thm re fsg thrgh bg nd tying it tgtr--ntcd f myb wrkr gvng tgt lks as if she ws implicated lkl stg cnsprd wth crm lw enfcmnt wh and trs usa jntl support--specifically wstg tgts free--preying on vctms--bfr tht lkl lib ws cnsp cntmpltg re tgt usg scnnr end of dy i suspect as crms wl rthr hv it fr prfrrd cstmrs mst lkl--exc wt trs usa is trly all abt--grtd adc wth blngng tied t outer fnc md mlcs pro mob nst rem--who wl wnt t g thrgh ur stff?---js i wndr why evr of vlu is gnwhr i lvd at---cld b bg stpd mth of my frd loaded on clonopins nd or just prffssional amer scdrls---i wnt bk up lib stps aftr dscvrg i msplcd pen but m vcn tbl whr i sat shrtl bfr ws mkng susp cvrp remrks--the srt trs usa thy dig whn ths r aimed at tgt---sus plying bsktb crts--nd suspects lkg t hlp frm wst tgt by cnsp vcn pk tbls--mny trs cns clrd agn nd lkws 24h dmpsters frm wc bttles r prfssnlly rmvd---frd frdl rp tgt vctm sktb rp hdg tgt--rlt lkl prt t mob though clmng theft vctm psng tj d e---oth 2d hi mob scdrl fllng in fr trs gng stlkrs g mrn e---ng lgt ptd hr f crsg cvs crn wtg fr line 4 e--2 hlwy pk lying on grss---ng swtz e rp lkg bk---ng stg pole e of cvs--strg sbw wrkr eatg outsd sbw--js nw sw bnd scdrl insd lib--z sh cr crsg hnk vcnt---tl guy wrg st upw outr lib strs---oths upr outer lib---leavng or hng--m ch wsprg lkl t f ilib tlt--grp dwn lib strs--sus m aftr 1a sh stn decided t sleep prx tgt--lgtd cig--attm t mob engage tlk tgt--wnt t ?sleep--lkl thief accdg t mike--this dude hd blu slpg bg
Monday, December 4, 2017
nw is 4p nd bctria is std oppst sd of wlkwy twd frt dsk algnd by me---sat---as i gt rd t lv scnnr area dk blnd lib f sm t lk dsptd i am thr as she hds thr wth othr client--lkl evr wrkd so i ws fnsd whn she blvd it ws occupied--i scn in up t 10 pgs whnvr i mng--1 am rbts nw crn crm mob wrg drk rd shrt attmpt d stg t tgt bgs frm bk sd her on dsptc-i ylld out lv m aln nd wth ths ws frtnt ambs wr nr--bt in ths cs mc dfrt ofcrs as ths scm do persecution dictatorshp wstg bddg wr amer gts t wst its vctms free--stg amer gldl dgs nd buys---same scdrl g dsc stg wth hlss stg nx ba thn smngl lvng w w/cll as hlss nx ba cvr up wth blkt--ltr oth hlss snk stg t gy undr blkt prhps ms cmmn amg mob bng cig bt cld b any frm insl dfrdg---nt clr who wnts ths people t hide---the scdls city lw enfcmnt or mob---ambs lkg hlp crm rng whl hdg try mtvs pba e--earlier pkntz mob crm who blv massive crm tot free--$20--hp hld---if one thg is sr--bcs of trs usa nd ths who mk it what it is i wll nvr see wtvr happy evr--cmplmnts trs usa----129a--crm ambs nx rg strg--blu--sec---140a tg se svc crn wr smngl shp piece of wd drctl pierce thrgh her shoe upwrds---it sms ths mst hv bn pltd t d mnc--wlc ng ws stg crn nd additionally i hrd dq giggle ha....---once i hrd dq vcn sw crn tell grp re tgt---i really dt lk her---fine wy t prepr accdt wo bng cgt---ambs grds lkd at slt wlc nd lft e---sun---7a---psn blwg tgt crsg?? svc w---grn ??----????in blk lkl mob svc d e----825a bctria phnk w psushi nri lkg fr nx crm prj t cnt tgt mnc cnsp bkd by shs etc...---js bf hm 2 stdg nx tgt bgs strg n---pot ng cvs shltr--oth dfr crm mob hd sm avcds wst on tgt--some wr mush rot cndtn ofcrs---1006a mon trs ng ***hit tgt wth btl t dfrd crm prsctn wstg nd sgs he ws dn wth btl---ths ws lcn se crn--mess lcn se--svr smk brnys---sus ng ljl stp bnc s sd---mess ba trs---no cns---adc/trs ednbrg w--1254p ambs lrl w---frf sta mnc 9371 ng f line 4 d w wl nt pk up tgt lng bus---tgt ws pkd up by nx sht bus num 4---the sht bus pssd vcn vst plmr prk as ambs went insd their fclt---dt b fld ths ambs jb dlb pss tgt fr ntcs fl etc----all prty t mob city nd sh trs cnsp crm rng---wr trgt gtstd free--why py whn drt gts pd fr lng own pkts at vctm expns---mbl rmprt smngl hd evr emptied js bfr tgt---wtr trs z t bsktb crts--i hv tm msng bt thk he ws lkl 830p???but svr tms sw him ard 915-20p--a snky chr---js nw bctr lft cmptr js aftr 440p---i blv its num ws 9---nd is lkl on t srs nw crm wth blessings frm usa---1237a ldsp hrd frm lkl line 4 trvlg rbts w--sying--wt is ur nm--ng m vc---115-8a smk psn blwn tgt svc ne crn---i blv nd ths smngl msg nts ng f wlc apprd and blew smk ptg drg adc act on bfr sttlg int her wlc svc ne crn---mk ws tlkg t f smngl lkg tlk--crm dfrdr clm---she wl nt lv ths was outsd lib aftr clsg eve drk nd cld eve---fct its nt her--he gt all srts othr--""co"" gng--he rfrs to them as womens---while he ofcrs mnpltg crm mpiece of trs who cnvntl denies evr nd t fl evr lies nd pts at tgt--- aftr clb clsg ng wlc f do chrs nrb trg outer sh stn bfr lkl hdg insd---mon---adc/trs scr ldl ard 6a lkl on dsptc--srl smk pot psn evr nd insd trs whlwd--ovrl mess sw svc trs---tkg bike ??sh pkg w---tremptied bth sun nd mon w of lcn nd on mon als e lvg ofcrs nthg fr vctm----scdrls lk mt insd lib grtd mob smptzrs---bk t am--oldr mob brtr wsmt d w---oldr hlty mx f act crtg tns of bttles lcn d w---as shs hppily bk wstg tgt at no cst--dsp or crz wlc apc tgt vcn brn--aftr he aprc trk 2 times mex roll him away--aftr tht he went t smn pstnd hlwy prk nrb fntn---lkl ?crm cvs bs shltr--pot psn se lcn trs--grs g10 f wth smll amnt of gbg sggs t tgt it cntnd fd trvlng plcn e--2 dg adcts frt rnnr crn---sx hrrssr mtr w nd lvg rec aftr trgt arrvl-slv hr old cnsp mob rbts w bkng wstg vctms zro cst---wlc psg lib s--nv st t lib myb drkn---pot mob f tlkg t lkl sbst?? usg fk frd bxr stg uppr lib--qt cld excpt whn it gts hot brfl twrd aftrn time--bctr entrd upr lib psb frm pk sd abt 334p
Saturday, December 2, 2017
fri--i nt wnt comp 22==went t othr sd wr i sw mb oprtv lng rd drss drk hr cmp 1 myb vcn 3p stg---lkly fnd empty cmptr---634p time mrkd dn--grd ng dn lib strcs--mlcs smk prt wy up strcs--svc d s of lib crm ofg undsclsd thgh grtd mlc mn ins--rfs--ths r dn mnpltd nd wthdrn by mnc frmng crm tm who wnt t fl u mssv srl crm is free whn thrs zro wy out due t dsprty in mob mnc nd civic wstg of vctms vs inslt wrtlss smk on fc chrt---pot psn svc alley bhd studio----ng crp pk bnc nrb offc allgd ofrg mn--rfsd--dt kn amt---bt as its nt massive lottery check or jdgmnt pymnt its ntg bt wstg pro crime dfrdg wstg fr free nd in the nm of free cntnuous nd mrdrs mnc---i hv ong pn in lngs frm mns smk exhaust of all srts--amer lks this--i hv ong psor--amer lks this--i cnt endr ht or cld nd trapped wo home or rf--nd amer lks this--amer cst me evr i hd--nd amer dgs this--fr gn loaded mob m nx ba wntg t kn if tk $5--rfs--rsn--amer blvs its dngs r free nd prd of ths drt--grtd---it wll dfrd by any mns t kp its crms free--srry amer--i kn hw mc u cst me u lw trst drt---gng crm f ofrg 2 cnt bttl nx rg bkd by crm whlwd nd trst usa--rfsd---vcs smk of evr tpe svc sw etc dlb blwn tgt incldg nrl csg trgt thrw up due t psng amer dgs fr mny nd drggng---shs ambs city aidg mob cnsp---sat---trst wrkg frt of pmp called tgt --buddy--i md crtn he knws who the bddy is nd thts z their mb wstg frds--z smk mob wrkr hmb hvn lot lkl lkg wst tgt---712a ret srvcs ng f pba w---rp dlb smk psn tgt vcn plm--906a ng grd t wlls t stk out tgt dsp--lkl als t intmdt hr frm ckg fr cns dn evn by bnk emplyee---adc/trs crt nx sbw---prsns mny cns wkn w--lsy w cr pssg lcn w --7zqw621 bpd at m/f ofg smngl $1 fr fd tpss mssv crm of cntry szsrl amer crm fr free---hlw pk 3 vcn circle--lft ovr hsb bnc--mob dfr plt bns tp of trs---rfsd---2 z ms n twd brn prc---1 str bgs--slv hr old hlw ?w--cmng bk 4 pk bnc pls 1 lying grss--2 bks hlw w--of ths 1 gbu---psn spr ng nd wlc e of cvs---lcn sw crn shs det crt ng---whl w m ws tssg bks pgss pltd tp of trs cn by unk????--i tried glnc wo tssng bt ths ws nx impssb due ovrld---ambs tk t tj arc 1231p aidg shs hlss wstg trzg z extrmntn fr free---why py whn u cn frm vctms fr crz---shs/ambs lkg mk idiot otgt nd aid jstfng mob trs dngs---in essenc dmp upn extrmnt hlss trgts---intrstngl did ntg t stp w m trs tssng bks pgs ard trs cn lcn sw---lkl drt is mob oprtv lk thmslvs the shs, ambs----ng f wrg pnk ht lgt up smk nxtgt d w twd sh stn stp wr btc cgt 8587 d e myb ard 105p---at recfrd hd frm mob crm dfr cns algd fr smn needg wc frd gv tgt---ths mks mob thnk 2 cents will py fr massive srl ong cmbnd crm of evr type incldg killing fr free---psn sprdr m scdrl upr outer lib
Friday, December 1, 2017
thurs --sat dn 24 fri js nw whn ant rgn scm lft 23 myb js aftr 430p in sprt of lkng up any one scm hppns dslk---slnc irrlvnt--i hrd ths scm cnvrs wth libs bfr whr hs thkng bcm qt slf evdt---thursd --bctr lvg lib at lib clsg time mvn smngl twrd pk-----js aftr lib mk st out t prv he ws inncnt nd t mlcsl intmdt tgt------ths drt is crm bully vlnt scdrl nd liar nd crm mnpltr of his prey no dft frm mob trzg trg etc... mny rp occasions cvrg up crm nd fbrctg lies--i ptd out t drt tht ct scn mgt stll b abl t pnt out inj he csd me earl on orvl nd lkws frm sm incdt i hv dslctd toe--at flt as alwys onl the drt--scdrl hd gull t ask me fr qwrt---the scko blvs drt wllng t tlk t him fr free fd etc?? is alrd qn------sw svc crn m ofg $15 rsd awy by crm dq--bcs amer blvs wstg is free--why py??---843p wlkng drc at tgt ng grd twds outer prk crn drc at tgt bf trng awy twrd bsktb crts t frthr cnsp crms by city shfs etc..---seen earlier uppr lib js bf tg wlk in--scdrl ws lkg intmdt hrrss on instrctions--earl in the dy nx lib crm clmd srry--bt clrly slf evdt prsctn wstg tgtg trzg hlss is exc wt amer drt lw enf gt pd fr---nt t ctc crm drt--bt t crmnlz nd mk lf nonlvb fr undrclass nd tgts t b wstd--pdc crn ntcd 2 sep prsns wth cells stp nd wtc their dsplys??---223a---amb crm bk tm 1 trnd hrrssr--hv gd dy---myb 3 mnts ltr agn ambssdr bk team nd my eyes insuct t grt if same or dfrt bth mvng psh stn d e---nd purpose is t persecute nd wst tgt---acrss strt mob scdrls nd psb pk offc scdrl--sht up--attn--ths drt r bhd cnsprcy trzg nd wstg clb--myb ard 230a adc trs t sh stn wr he kp a crt outsd eyeing my bgs nt bggd int trs bg ths tm---fri---723a psn prmtd prfsl hmb hvn lot by mob scdrl trs---mob brtr twd wlls w psb trs othr cnsp mobs vcn---cnstrc wkn lkl prtcp in mb---z crm mob grd gsg frm cvs wlkg lcn w---psn sprdg duo mtr/vity unfrms crsg lcn se d n--psn pltd lq trs---f z crm rn w palfrd psn sprdg ?at tg---nx hlw pk sm sd--crm plc 2 pls bgs tp of tgts t insl hrss dctr trgt---rfsd--scdrl smngl wt s crft---drt scm smngl expctg gv awys vcn--ths r their type nd blg ard scm lk thm---*****psng hlwy w sv mid ln wth f ldspk tlkg mob lnkd chrch crp--rpnt....----smk stk out w of hgs--z crm ng f phgs w---lng org hr btc z stg stp nx city hall frmrl swtz sd stp wth hg vdk spg tllg tg none of ur bsn nd attmptg dctrsp--- hlw pk 4 circ 3 bnc sd--??unrdb--- sm sd hlss lkl offrg jnk 711 pzza rfs---rfsd---crln clm u cn rc billing but she is wrng--it is not vsb online--she my als b wrg its free t trn wtr bk on---i wld nt be srprsd of any cntrptn nor lng lst of rdcls chgs---psng hnk??? og hr wth tns of cns nd no harrassers--hlss nd crt tj arc---smk sprdg mex nrb sbw str trs--mob psn oprtv---scdrl t 24h--who r u???---gzlln $ amer thief ias hr t hlp u gt trtrd psnd awy fr free cmplmnts mob affltd whlwd nd trs usa who blv its crm of centr sz dngs r free--wlkg pst dvlpmntl lkg lib wth one othr ptg drctn of tgt js nw insd lib---wky actg mx sh stp cl b drkn---mob brt svc d s--svc sw unk ins gng crm plt empt btl tp of tgt bgs---bcs amer blvs its wstg trzg nd dstrctn t plp is bth free nd lvl---psb lib crt tp apcg mob nx studio hdg n--rng gng crm cnsp bkd by trs usa---adc trs frt outer pk--mk als mntnd rem re lst mnt--myb hent hv mc mny---tht wld lkl mn he cl b pying lns or crdt nd cld hv prvsl dn ths wth my mny---stg he vhmntl denies--bt there is zro rsn t trst ths knd prsn nd evrtg he sggsts shl b dfntvl ckd out--rsn bcs he cntnsl blms trzg inncnt mssv vctm---nd chgs fr t mny vrsns ovr time---drk mx unk t tgt hrrsg her-hw hv u bn??---f cut line as she ws drvg sknk---smk lib strs---hkr type wky f who slps nx lib ptg mk up tns of spry lib tlt---
Thursday, November 30, 2017
wed---830p smk psn blwn tgt pdc by smn wlkg s---yrs exp psn pltd fr hlss pk entry trs --thurs am---29387v1 nx ba--mob brt oldr psng pba e---psn exh wkn e----hlss gstrg to comobs lkl frm se lcn crn d cvs crn--psn spdg hlwy w--hlw pk--2 circ==1 undr trees--2 wlkg dgs---1 of grp ofg $2 lcn lq crn rfsd--scm is drmnd t prsct wst trgts free bkd by crm wh nd crm sh dept---crm f shack bnc offg thrw out jk psn chps---their spt nd scum entitles amer drt t kill ur lf nd evr urs anths is bkd by trs usa---amer drt nd mike alk--bth drt fr free----putin understandably wants more children--sdl america killed my entire lf nd any cpcty fr nrmlcy or children---trs usa is hghl expertised in wstg mnc it supports---hlpg slf wst the vctms----mike nd crms nd othr coscndls operatives grps estb lw enf etc blv if u mst trst him--u is stpd--clrl--as thy prey upn tgts---psn smk pot etc... mny trs cns incldg pmp , lq, sbw, tj, etc...---scdrl brded wmnt d s rp--btc---cup grnd tj arc---??hlss d w---shredding tk nx sbw 68554z1---152p mob sh sv strg hnk d e--all jntl wkg t wst frm tgt free!!!!!----lg rd drss cnsp rvs dmpg mds btc plm d w---smk prmtd rec area ---z sprdg smk rbts e cnt hldg lit cig---bctr pnh ba hldl bkd by mob bkng ba nd trs usa--i hv no wy of accessing their refc files bt lkl cnsprd mob crm vs vctm--as usa dgs it---my wr bill ws nt accessable online---hwvr ths cld b smply prt of cnsprd wstg mnc----amer lvs hlpg crime vs tgt in as mny wys as it cn pull---bnt bk lib prb lnkd t mob grpngs z fld t nt bt thk ws headed svc d n---ng nx lwr lib crm mob lnkd fr free ofg prt of fd plt--lk i dt knw who amer really is--thy use the rvs psych t mk u thk u owe thm urs nd thy shld hv this while it is cnsistntly bkd by trs usa---ng mob grd twd bk upr lib--hyd----t bd thy thk i dt knw wht thy r--qy smply cnsprd trs grp wstg trgt fr free wth hppy blessing frm tot jstc less trs usa---i dstnctly rem my grmps hvg a smell--bt hr in amer thy thk no smell is blnging--nd whl thy dslk gbg cn wht i cn fnd vrt zri cns but mny fnd lg amnts----thy r lkl the cnsprd drt who lft nc careers fr slvs nd tgt t b prpsflly nd mlcsly wstd out of lf free--after all why shld cnsp amer drt py????
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
tues---mike ws sk ths evn allgd brnchitis--cmplnd re hsptls hvng uncmfrtbl regltns nd hrs spnt wtg t gt mds he needed---typically he uses meds too mc rdclsly slf absng nd bng idiot---2 hlss fs nx lib entry of wc 1 wcky --othr nt respnsb---prk hd entrncd prmt hlss insd--1 of ths idts tlkg re lcfr??--3 nms--nd allgd prsn nrb who ws rp sptg---grp svc d s--bt wth hlp of the strn nd psn i gt cntnsl frm prsctn cigrt nd pot smk prmtd thrght area i cl nt grt wc dy ths occurred bcs i am bng psnd nd abused hppily by trs usa--wed--550a ntcd ng f wlc bngn plstc bg agst cncrt cmng bk t gt it nd thn smngly gtn hlp oppst sd of stn entrnc---svc sw trs spkd cmbca pltd fr psng but cl nt dtct ths by smell--frq smk nd pot psn trs cns---*****thrmlt wtr eml crln sd sndg me bk my ck---bt ntg re vdg bill--mng ths cn ptntlly mk u mr prblms by aidg the mob mny r frds t in trs usa---lk fltg me fr nonp though valid check was sent t them--usg nonacceptnc t prptuate more nst prbs---mr crm cnsp shs crsng t hrss rdcl wst...--unk trs mbl offr 2 bttls--orgnzd crm insl--all dy i cl fnd vrtlly ntg---t mny welcm drg addcts drnks nd sld bg bellies fr orgnzd wstg nd dctrshp by mob nd its aids in whlwd---crft crn acrss glwy prk f gv hlss bg of fd t hppily dfrd scndls trs---smk swtzr--1150p sh cr wth f spkg accentless rssn---ths nt fl me re drt she is wrkg fr--ths mns thy lkl hv rssn f wrkg as shf in sv as prtnr wth m trvlng swtz d w--lkl z trnd crms orlnd e---smk orlnd w crn nd crsg--pot smk hlw pk nd am jk fd lftvrs t dfr vctms nd adcts free---2 on bncs nd 3 at circ nd1 mr lying on grass---earlier d e--gy who gt fd crft trs cn crn crssd ovr int hlwy pk t eat--208p vh psn exhst svc d s--i ws nt lkg in time t ctc vh---my wtc wnt dead agn--so mc fr trs pltd wtcs---shs rlly dg mob crm nd encrg wstg of tgt--thts hw frdl the drt trl r---thts thnks t smrtr whlwd effrts at dctrshp persecution nd wstg extrmntn---wh pk outer lwn prmtd pot smk---uppr outer lib trs sit nd dlb cntnsl smk---ng f i cll ret srvcs fr lk of nm nd mob lkl affltn pme t lib tlt smngl--wstb e--mb trs-u gt it all slf alrd---crms r bdl wrried--cnt on tht--matt ws hlpf yest cmb pdf nd attc t fcbk eml--brt abs no cns ths dy due to city pls mob trs grp efforts
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
mon----****855p sh sv snp pictr of tgt as she chcked out refuse incldg spld lined up fr hlss vctm---tgt hlss cmng in hndy---unk sh nt gt out bt grtd prty t orgnzd mnc wstg---915p mvng via insd pk wtr trs nd lkl thief susp psg wr fntns insd pk myb twd the tlts wc mgt cls ard 930p ??psb ckg on tgt bgs---noisy grp pofc n nt at all bng hrrssd --thy instd thy lk hrrssg tgts on dsptc mlcsly nd dlb nd drt blvs i hv frgttn--sdl i kn exc type drt insd offc---aftr clsg as tgt ws vctg pk pot was blwb drc at tgt fr orgnzd psng assistd by the usa---psn smkng up sw crn svc w---tues--- f snkng out kntz pkg xt--720a---pot rbts e---z lkg bk rp rbts n thn w---i cl easily b missing nts due t psn indcd blkts--???hr mgt hv bn bctria w/cf rbts d e----***950a---nrb wkn crn as i ws stg rdg sus m ng nv jk rp thrwg lq? at tgt mvng e--mb drt prtcpt lkl bkd by lrgr trs grpng amer hppily bks nd is prd prty to---my hv bn trnd by bctr or othr mob trs prtcpts---nd cl als b lnkd t fire--as thr ws rpt lying bnc in bsktb crts ng hlwn time saying hha.....loween---crm pltd $2 nx tgt sbw am---othr crm dctr f gv $5 sh stn stp am--crm dctr--thy wnt tell u wt t do wth mny --buy fd inslts---mnwhl thy fry ur lf nd evr urs whl u rmn hlss nd flly wstd---their hlpfull dngs is ntg vs dmg nd or losses of orgnzd crm bkd up by usa---lkw it is ntg wc will gv u dct lf u dsrv---i nd a nice hm in nice area---js sw insd trs apt in wh fr nrl 2 million---i dt nd any apt--its t bg a hd ache--nvr mnd txs mntnce insrnce etc nd nvr mind all othr lvg nds bcs amer blvs ths r jst fr thm nt u---incldg whn amer wstd u out of evr urs by cnsp injstc it fnds ???lgtmtl rsnbl t jstf its mnc---amer blvs it cn bndl u up int prj---it cn fl fls---bt nt smn who knws thy abs should hv hd nc swt lf---nd did nt due the wy amer system is rn nd hw crm rngs r rn whl bng bkd out of estblsmnt nd lw enfcmnt nd cmplmnts of trs usa--fdx exhst at tgt wkn e---ng usually pnh lq fnc ws slpng fnc ths time---hlw pk 1 bnc 1 circ nd 1 oth hlw pk--mnw tgt cnt tk ht or cld ovrclg at ngt nd frying middy---sus ps brn vcn lkl---ng sx hrrssr btrg tgt pmbl e----cmng bk hlw pk 4 circ nd 3 at bncs---yst eve mk mntnd stg intrstg---he sd ng sngged his blkt while he used tlt pkg lot bldg at ngt--he cgt ng nd rcvrd blkt he sd---he als sd 2 wks snc he lst his blk bg nd phone insd it whl ovrldg slf on clnpns nd lkl abuses other meds---hghly rdcls prsn--js the idiot u wnt fr frd---****110p nx sbw gsg psb sm ng ths time his jkt tied abt hs shldrs rp rp threw lq frm sda cup gsg thn rn w smngl bt cl hv easily chgd crs---thr wr num people eatg outsd at pizza etc? nd actd lk ntg tl plc---instd lkl wntg t fry me fr my existnc--nx sh smngly zmd ard nd e hvg bn mr attrctd by smn els???? whl inrlt bkng mocrm cnsprd trs initiative---adc trs lvg rec ltr stkng out outer pk---1 slp upr lib lwn---??unk othr
Monday, November 27, 2017
sat---950p ambs bks hllo twd bsktb crts--as i pssd out nd mk is scndls t evn tell me whn he lvs t lt t use tlt--t b sr he clms innct nd insists he mvd in apt wth own 3 mnths mn--- i wl nt blv ths though as it cntrdcts own prior stmnts nd mny rvs stmnts he md--qt smpl i blv wo pying rnt he pktd my mny nd clld it his instd if nt wrs ---nw hppily trsg it wr he lks wtvr brd he lks nd cvrs up any suspect actvt by rvs lying re spndg --sc as buying $100 tv---thn allgd buying nt buying $360 tv as per stry he used allgd t impress his z smtm bddy---sus grp bhd me vcn abbys str trs vcn myb dg qns ----3 ambs 1250a or js bf d n---lkl dlb thr t bully wst tgt per wh jnt mob city shrf initiatv---prps hrrss rvs dmp intmdt frm wst tgt free=why py whn it is americas plcy to dvs dstrctn fr free trs wstg tctcs---it is trs amer policy t bk up gngs nd wstg fr free wth mntl hlt rpts t rdcl prsct frm wst tgt fr wc thy frgt t py nd re wc thy fld t identf slvs in advc---the mny is fnded to ths shs and agencies t dvs free wstg---aftr all why shl amer py on its trsm whm it cn use prffssnls t wst tg nd rvs dmp upn tgt t crms stsfctn hpply aidg cnsp mob trs grpngs---145a---ambs peds svc s??--sun ---7a ng f wlc came frm bhd tgt via grassy are gng n thn w prage crn---psn lkl smk?? lrb w--psn sprd plm crn---alchl offrd rfsd--pot smk bsktbll crts---all psn ntg i evr used--except thr is sc svr ovr suplly of smk nd pot here in ca i prpsflly dlb being psnd as alw wthn hlp of lw enfcmnt--z sng cig tj arc trs d w? smk psn sprdg---dvnt wkn w-- dsc psb of ???gag--re own persecuting actvties trs usa blvs crms shl b entitled t---myb 1045a lcn w bctr spd crsg slntl nt usual of this trs who cnst plots trs dngs t antgnz trgt nd wst her per mob dsrs nd fr free as mob nd trs usa lk t wrk ths out---ng z f w--????myb wstb--fgtg t fill ths in tml nd as reslt of wstg nd psng frgtg sqc sdl---210p frf s amb bike(s)---js bf ???itl mfia frm nyc d w---vcn 240p line 4 d e bw lbr nd frf----shrtl aftr i brded bk sd of bus frf mx m lkl sus js frt of tgt gt up nd opn wndw lkl t rvs dmp upn tgt---3bnn470 rmp e--$2---t wst tgt free---why py???---thy wld gldl py hlss addcts nd othr evn wrs drt mr mny----vcn 8p sw bctr hld crn e or nx restrt pnh usg cp---smn ws wtcg tgt upr outer lib nd wtcg fr tgt bgs insd pk lkl as well---bkd by trs usa--jst ask--dmg of crm of centry sz is free hs zro vlu nd thy wl rthr wst awy tgt thmslvs nd free mst of all--mob crm ops w/$2 bsktb crts bkng wstg frmng prsctn fr free---lkg t fl tgt--sdl tgt is sr of exc vlu of their crm--mssv srl crms fr free nd wstg awy frmng tgt free---why py????----nst hi m hrd pbsktb crts d s---1235a?? ret srv rbts e----mob crm prsctn oprtv rbts crn ofg $1 in rlt mssv brg free of crs--rfsd---1255a?? crm ng wlc f psg ba crn d w--prtcptg in cnsp crm w/shs etc...---mon----sh cr svc d n lkg rvs blm cnsp tgt instd---why py???---crm snk rg up agst tgt psn blwg smk drc t tgt svc d s---tgt lngs hrtg bdl whn she gts up am nd it is clr why--all smk nd smg bkd by trs usa prd of its trsm tctcs---ng scdrl z ret wstg trs servc nw nx tgt at 17 time bng 456p mon---mob crsg bw cf bn nd sushi nri lkl blwg smk tgt----psg up agst tgt agn psushi e trs blwg smk tgt bkd by trs usa---mb brtr oldr psg tgt svc d e---mob nx wells t dfrd prsc--mkg a dep? ng hrd t me thn smngl reitertg t cmpnion i nt lk at-----gv tg $20--thy msclcltd--tgt knws their prsecution prps--nd js hw bdl off the amt is of crs insuring trpmnt nd prmnt massive losses etc t tgt---sdl u dt gt it--rkf gv mk hdrds bfr bng chsd??? nd allgd so did st vctrs allgd twc--bt ths tgt is prsctd wth tss awy wrtlss wst fr free fr spt amts wc will ensr but trst brl of trgt as prey by wstg frmng tgt----lcn w sx hrrssr---lcn e slv hr md age tll mob--- ??? pwkn e??---lv cig pltd cig hldr tp of tj trs----pmbl w smk at tgt---smkng mb crm--cn hlp u--pmbl w---1155a--lkl crm ng? hlw e dvt cell --shes s nrcstc--shes crz--anythg wc jstfs stlg evr trgts ---free-------??unrdb---nx hlw pk 7b36797 pci---lkl cntrctr mob crm fr free prtcpt dsptcd as prt of estblsmnt free dfrdg dmp 5 small bttles by wgt easily less thn 20 cnts----3 circ prk cmng bk w nd pot psn blwn tgt of crs---incldg trs who ws psg wlls e--gbu--mob dfrdg free wstg inslt crew---earlier als 3 pk---myb 1 bnc 2 circ??---trk abv tk off--flwd by othr trk wc ws hlg bikes???---i dt blv thy wr city bikes--- mvng phlwy d w---1250p rp ylpg??? lsy w cr lcn d w---smk 24h nd sx hrrssr 24h d w---smk mny plcs smngl fld t nt hrrying----mdsl in blu d w smk psn at tgt--z ng f wsmnt d w---sh stn stp drk yllg---in blu svc w--re tgt--dsgstg---lsd cnstrctn crn--grd in grn rflctv clthg lkg out---mnw i hv lng dmg cnt flx knee--psoriasis--nd sffrrg hvg lf wstd dly wth no one hvg any int t gt me jstc---onl jstc hr is t thieving agencies fr whm tgts lk vctm r prey---why py??---whn instd mst abs all mny goes t this drt in the trs tgt wstg mrdrs usa who dt blv vctm knws its mrdrs dngs---?wlc ?pnh ba---slv hr oldr mb ba w--smngl dng lts of wlkng---2 hlss stg vcn rg--strw ht z t lib on bike d lib aided by trs usa going in js bfr tgt--ths wld hv bn smt shtl bfr 4p---mess lib tlt
Saturday, November 25, 2017
wed---js bf i lft lib dk red top lib bdg strer frm innr lib sd wth bdg cnt strg at tgt aidg smn trs t hlp trn tgt int villain---sat------crm adc btc ptg on act--lkg t use sko mike--2 skos crms blng tgtr ncl---sko btc vcn raises mlcs stkt hstria nd stkg out hrrsg cmptr area--thts drt mk dgs fr frds-----ur prb u jw---drt prb amer wstg ignrms who blvs mssv crm of centry crm is jk nd free exc lk lw enfcmnt estblsmnt drt clms he despises---js nw sat aftr lib cls 2 dy hldy bk crsg upr lib pln new crm --**** sat--crm bctr lctd 23--nw is 248p----i prfr nt use ths cmpt as it hs dft sttngs othr thn nrb cmptrs nd dt knw hw t adj---spsd ntr ds lib staff--nst wtc sko mk dgs lk bcs he is eqlly sko pltd her blngs nt fr frm tgt area nd nw cmptrs r occupied nd nt pssb t mv------bk t wed--crm mike--n smkng u r liar---dfdg smkrs nd wstg vctm---btc is nw skn dstrbg sqlg mtt---??unrdb nts---pr t upr lib bk lkl---pltd psn ??? pk frm ths who blv tot wrtlss items cn pass fr cmpnstn nd amer can kill lvs nd total evr their wiped out lk nvr wr as amer hlps scm t mk idiot out of vctm nd scdls drt fnlvl people bkd by crm estblsmnt nd eqlly scdls nd crmnl lw enfcmnt---fk slpg suspcts ard uppr lib t hlp lie upn tgt---terrorists prt slpg nd fk frds---the drt usa breeds nd spprts as it ds evrtg t wst vctms free---mk---the sko who nvr wnt t schl nr hd occupation cnstntly mkg it his prffession usg people nd bng addct nd bully tells tgt str he mlcsl prlfrts--evr knws u r strppr----u cn blv nd bfrd ths sknk if u r eqlly sk wc i thk mst amer drt exc r---scko btc hrd bng hysterical---mr lk wt mk dsrvs fr bng trs slf---amer is hr t hlp wsrt tgt free--why py????-----145a---2 ambs w???--hv vr bd nts grw unclr gsg mgt hv bn bw svc/rbts--- crm pba trg t dmp $1 on tgt--in rlt prtcptg in mob wstg frmg killing fr free--bt fr dcptn insistg dfr---oth crm ng try hd $1-- unrdb--rfsd---thursd--ng mob bk svc s 645a hyd?---mob bk seen cmn bk svc d n thn e---z crm aids crdntn srvc trs---320p sat js nw smngl bctr lft 23---smll blk cr pause nx tg svc d s thn g frtr s nd pause by bus stp--bst guess t fbrct aid lies mnc upn tgt---bctria pssg at ths time--sdl nts r unrdb but gsg he ws mvng n nd prt t act as if nrml whn in rlt ths scdrl is srl mnc plus act----bctr ws in cbstrc sd ths time t mk slf seem nrmlly blngn---i wkd into street t gt awy frm scdrl--gvn i ln wt scmbg drt really is---qt smpl z mrdrs crm of wc thr r scrs hr nd ong cnst dngr---ths r grp orngzd trgt dfrdg nd persecution wstg fr free trs crew---dvd js nw sn tkng nts vcnty---??unrdb--btc cnt t stkt nuisnc lkl othr orgnzd crm--ths r prtycipating in tgt nd bttl prsectn nd psn sprdg of all srts psn smk=thy hr t reglt hw few btles u see---btc scmbg sit dn in nrb chr t anny trgt--lkly session shrtly endg nd i will ms certnl mv---orgnzd persecution nd lies---in blu older mob brothr??? sm d e---vr hrd t rd vr bd nts---js nw mvd cpl cmptrs awy frm wr scdrl btc st dn nx tgt hvng bn prvsl bn tld num tms sty awy frm tgt----if u wnt t fnd a scko---ths wl b prf exmp of amer drt---lst tm though drt wtd adptr fr hr iphn--grp of 3 rbts 715a--??mob orgnzd mess---smk svc pmp crn--pba w hsp lk bk pba w---bald headed gn affiliate 730a svc d w---city cln yl at tg no prvctn--i wnt t see who nd sptted khaki hat on aprc---wtht aprc i cl nt see him --same as i cl nt see lib wrkr wrg drk rd top strg--hd t wait fr her t come out lib t see she hd dk hr nd pny tl--as am bdl nrsgtd--same thg here--whn i stppd clsr t see who city yllr ws---ng f ws hrd frm n sd of sm attmtg t sgs sm othr crz insntn---rlt--clnrs instrctd stl evrtg nd frq will nt fnd anythg if by any accdt lft bhd u---thy sd city of la ovr hlss blngngs but abt me no one crs--hghl cnvnt pro mob arrgmt-sko f cntns sqlg---the f who flsl tried t sgst stg as i stpd clsr t lk ws lkl sm blk f city wrkr who sd snc crm bctr threw evr i hd into street nd rppd evr t pieces--ths ws my flt---exc crm west hlwd nd sh rtnl--rem--i hv n idea hw secd time whn tgt items wr set on fr hllwn dpty cl hv missed who did it--he ws immed in frt her--but whn asked --trs sd--u did it---amer mob estblsmnt nd lw enfrcmnt nd injustice trpl wammy--agn---none of the emailed attys r cntctg---thy need easy grtd money---unblvbl--matt att btc --my frd stp it as btc prfssnl adc nd hysterical---shwd crm scdrl mike nd md othr mlcs nst cmmnt sggstg i brk glass--agn ngt time glass ws alrd brkn---i nt see it brkn whn i stppd cls t pick up 2 bttles--1 trnd out t b glass nd brkn nd hd t b tssd---whn i picked them up though brkn glass i cl nt see came falling my way nd is vr dngrs ofcrs as it ws in vr mny fn small pieces---mx nx 24h try ins trg--no quieres? $5 i rfsd it--othr crm rng prtcpt ng hdg wstbrn d s als offr $5 bt rfsd---sdl amer is tot certain its massive mnc is free--ths is vr popular nd scdls idea--incldg whn i sw gts fndtn add js bfr thksgvng re hlpg persons wth cmpgns--he wld mtc certn time frm payments---in shrt crm fndtn will py bt ths who r popular---if cause nt popular----the tgt being wstd ds nt cnt----10a bctr cmng bk pwkn d w--mkng nst cmmnt--mk sr u dg in tht trs cn t die fr---persecution mob insult nd semi thrt---??bkes lkg bk d e cvs t se lcn crn--pot dlb blwn at tgt nd prmtd---nw hv othr insn prsn dvt t my lft 19 who on alternt occasion wl nt stp sngin---unbl t rd mk sns of nts--dvt is typing sprgtly while my own skills r fr mr dfcnt---?? ng m/?mx f---ng f cell ??e crft---vr bd nts--hv prb understdg sqc of loctn---??tll psn z ?? d hlw??---slv hr old mob sm e flrs n--3 gn shs crs e---7hwr384 --?wr offd vcn shell---thn 711w--7sbt989--fd ofd rmprt rfsd---bcs amer blvs wstg ths tgt t plp is cmpltl free nd bkd by trs justice less usa---w tk lkl rmprt ofg lkl thks fd--u dt wt it?---8ubl341---plt my nt b crrct nd mstl tk plts frmttd dfrtl--910p--3 bikes myb ambs seen pssg pk twd bsktb crts---ntcd lkl bike rd lgt nrb tg bgs as she came out of tlt---ntcd mny messes trs bsktbll crts--skos do it---mobs pnt at tg---smn thy r certn thy cn wst fr free--cmplmnts trs usa----js bf i lft uppr lib--lklcrm grp prtcpt lkl wtg t gv t mk---bcs amer lks nst people who use others nd who destry others lvs best--thts their knd of people---distrbg rp crsg ng nrb tgt bsktb crts nd pssg her up whn she lft t sm blvd t lk fr cns---suspect wr too mny times i ws by same indvdl---mike tld me str re smn in blk wlkg bk/frt svrl hrs upr lib bfr finlly vctg shtl bf my arrvl---oth rec wth crt sng cns sm tm as trgt ws at abbys trs cn---amer thieves r both rude scdless reckless nd nst---wht mttrs is nt the valu but trs opin of value--mob on bike hild w--thts my cn---??ptg e frt of sh stn??---earlier ng f pdc stp ofg gbg grd fd--sgs restrt gv hr t mc----fct thrw out rfs no one wts--fri----ard 630a bct svc s--?mob crm prtcpts pmp e--oths sus lkl ba vcn---smk pmp crn---sus hsp z ?grn pba e---attm hrrss tgt d w lkg bk---wlkg bk e ??blwg psn smk at tgt----psn smk at tgt ba vcn---??tk all of it--evr bit of it--???---fu----smk 24h--earlier ngt hrs mx allgd pissing js outs sh stn--trd tell tg t lk awy--tg cnt see--i tld him t leave---945a--slv sv psg wkn e bpg flwd by w cr----athns e--wt fd?----rfsd---thy steal evr frm u bkd by city nd shs nd blv u dt knw it---sw stg lk 335125 on dr----lkl evn bfr hrd vcn pmp f tlk re--evr dy--ths r scm who nd rn othrs lvs---mng gng trs---sht ?? btc blu wkn e---prsmb lcn ?? mx , ng---unrdb nts---tll z vcn hgs--1140a swtzr hmb mrys crn br chested blk pt mex strtd gn thrgh tgt bgs--lkl reg gng operative---tl tgt t sht up---ntwrthy--svrl prsn cl see ths frm hmb mrys bt no one squeaked---they lk vctms bng wstd---unrdb 6?kln640 gry cr ortl $10---mbl---mob trs usa frml cnvcd thy hv u fld---???phgs??? msg nts---hlw pk gn e ws 3-4 bnc --cmn bk w--3 bnc 1 wlc--1 grnd frt of fntn---by cf bn dsp mob crms ofg $2----ths r cnsprcy clb nd prtcpt in persecution wstg tctcs--i wl nt b srprsd--mk thks whn thy gv ins--thy all gd---js add up their dngs---rfsd-- svc bdl smkd up--bsktb crts adj grassy area--als sgt of persecution nd mob prtcptn cnsprcy clb aids??----sus persns sen nrb pkg e of kntz---115a ice crm rbts ne crn--trs--crm--hau--u ok??---rgt bhd ths scmbg crm city ambs lkg t sk bsn t wst tgt--ths time ice crm ws alrd clsd t lt---ambs city nd shs plus mob nd estblsmnt mk grt frds---ambs sn agn myb 135a nx rage svc crn---sat---650a sus rng svc d s----adc trs stn--hlss bhd crd brd yoshi naru--hlss lyin mid of strt e of pmp---740a---mob aflt mumblng bgs svc d e----fd?? plm d w---mtr vcn blk f strg at tgt nx trs cn---sdly all messes in place rec hd nvr ntg t d wth tgt---whn tgt headed bk svc d e the plm crn trs cn was messed up--i did see drkn w prsn g tht direction bt nt actually see who did this---slv hr oldr hnk w--mob shs hnk d e lkg dlb t wst tgt---??f 24h e t wst? tg---sus m wlk ard tgt bgs at crn mob mkg bgs lkl thn wnt d s on wstbrn---unrdb wrtg ?5njm285 ht blkt as bdl ht dytm unrdb bt prhps ?? nx brnys--rfsd ofcrs---wrtlss nts as unrdb---slv hr oldr agn seen phgs w nd bk hlw e---hlw pk 1 f gng e cmng bk 2 bnc 2 circ 2 fntn------lng tn dress dk hr f pss sbw e prb d lib---hlss z pls crt tj arc---sbw crm $1--wl tht hl u out--drt is nt tht stpd--trs hv cause t kn wht thy cst me---srry---smk uppr lib nd mny plcs whlwd---adc trs blwg smk bk of rec---bd mny plcy rec--i thk its illeg fr thm t pay on othr days bt tdy he sd prb no mny tdy so i lft wth blnc receipt--bcs rec is hrd t cm by--no one will dr cmpln--thy dt wnt plc closed evn if thy dt do their job wth mny on time---
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