Friday, September 30, 2016

thurs---i trd ask lib t fnd me atty who will file reprst case and t use their his phone as call back num----neutral co mob ans----i cnt hlp u----616p lw dbp sh mlr n whl mvng didnt stp bt snded exc sm time as trn ppst me---blk cr sml le mlr n gry cr als smlrt le p wh pk s---per spcl rqs by mob mob grd---gsg eric palma---assh snt on mlcs dstrct aggrvtn by mob lvg prk t me at tbl-hv nc dy---trs mob aprc tctcs all ard dfrdg---pass evr fr fine nd crm fr nvr wr---mob dfr old f svc/sm crn--wrs svc? wcg wy lcn???? ofg out of blu insl mny t by me drk -rfs---i blv its dstrctn argmt---748p mob trs f psg t stn--hey---- ???trs bk pmtro e--cnsp trs sh w---undr trd js arc 2 hls brtrs nd 3rd m---brtrs psb int mob or othr prvrtd rtnl cntn t sprd crp nd lies one of them ws sprdg at rec ths mrn - as fr as i knw he is dth vtrn--but the crp lies dwnrg cmpl frdlt nd mlcs--agn the implctm althgh gnr frdly sdg mkg up mlcs lying crp mnc---stb insl pltd rfsd---ovr time amng oths ntcd psb susp ml rdhds???---ban pltd lcn--- frz fd pltd alfrd---2 amb bks palf--e----??????rg nw scr outs lib---rp...---cl b up t mnc lkl ----chtg----psb susp yls vcn ihp 1040p---strg w cr psg pclt e---lee dsp by mob evr ok???plts gbg bklt nd mlk lftvr---hdg dfrdg prsc mob tctcs swtz---bk by brnys the cmnt--the itms pltd swtz bklt bng water ???stv faucets murietta ca---mx w/grc crt fr cn clctg js mnt bfr i gt gng ms be dsptc exc on tm---mlc lib ldsp---****fri--blk cr 630a psg w.fc msk-- gv me ths fkn jgs --myb the w ml who sd --we wnt ths rms--or othr----bus 704 psb mltb 718 pcrs w -- mlcs noises ngr -mlcs f lib mlc inspc of tgt lkl ---7kcr895 --bln trs f i hv hrd bld eggs js i wt t hlp u----dfrdr in fct mjr crmnls fndg dvcs t dmp on tgt instd----76---jeep rd grn highlt accts sqbaguy--its lic plt ofg wr/fd t dfrd rlt of cnsp srl crm of cent sz crms--mob psg trs dstrctn as rsnb act by nc people --mumbl ng f sng---sm mex  frm js bf 630 jm rgt bf me 711w---fd dsp frf se crn rfsd put in trs---apl pltd rbts--mob ylp hrd unk ex loc vcn org grv---myb 3 trs cns rmv ogdn cnstrc or othr cnsp rsns dfrded by mob fd----mob cnsp shfs pednbrg??? e---??? ???711w--ng smk by phn ttrz on prp lkl--othr ng flw me w sm drnkn rnt---****wca trks mexs dng ??maint wrk trd push wtr cmn by mob --nvr neutrl--the sec aftr spkg t me mex ws hvng dsc wth anthr prty re -she spks engl well --as if thy may in some wy be lnkd to non eng spkg or illgl immigrt grps---mob sh phlwy w--psb crm mob mex hlw prk wv hair nt lng--mult sh vhs at ls 3 by ihp wt mvg lgts of wc one i wrt dwn 1463183 abt 1248p--m? dpty --'u--??gsg cl b efm fg???---i gt dstrctd agn hvng let plstc bg gt brd insd othr----??? ???p sbw w bld fg tats strg at my bgs --psb mob oprtv---ylg rd sv pst la peer e  ???b708go slv cr ofr $20 fr use of pkg rfsd by frd rec wrkr---my of frd nd amer---thy prfr cust vs ethics nd by into customer unethical consprcy---rbts stb strg dk f on my way to rec ctr---???lib cnsp--vr psb??? it appears lkl smn attmptd frd on my dscvr crd at nlsn location fully totaled by brglars  ---it wld be a surpsise anything remains thr at all evr of any vlu wtvr grtd stln nd gn

Thursday, September 29, 2016

wed---sh p lcn e--??lkl crm vcn --strg????--mob sh pflrs e lkg t accmdt mob cnsp sm lk neutral libraian mob grp--tk w.mvng lgts glsns -i askd nrb persn wt kind trk tht is -he clmd it was tw trk---gn e 2 of wc 1 -hi thr--bdl ths scms thnk i blv thm aftr nc thngs thy gt gng evrwhr--thurs---smt bw 613-620 vh d w pswtz---lkl thrw snf sd shlls ylg stg lk 'ta---h-ha i thk---hrd ard 620a peds vcn city hall whlwd crn--psb othr prtcpt vhs vcn---america pls le is here t hlp thm wth dfrdg dictatoring at tgts expns--ntcd grys tk wt smn in org p ljl 717a unrdb dt see drctn notated severe rpt coma like cndtn yest evn nd thjs mrn -thr hs been wy too much heat is lkl rsn pls i hv no access t thngs i need fr wc i hv but crmnls of usa t thnk????? ??????--frf ldrt ng f/tl w gy whos bn in mltry nd will tie u up if he has no check-the ng f gt stg  myb cig frm hisp she cld -??miguel???ng hngn crsn vcn usa gsln --sms lk ws wtng on smn????----sh vcn crs nd pcrs w lkg t dmp mess by trs on tgt---trs mess vcn 711e--hsd oldr w gy frf tlkg t ng f thn wntg t gv me mny inslts --hes bdl cnfsd--she is drk nd drgy lkl nd nvr strgl fr any mny wc is no exc fr anyone t stll hers bt wt she lst is way less plus she nvr pt any efrt int it pls shes a piece of trash stg her knd lk t lbl me instd at no cst wt mob trs spt--if sk in hd crmn cmnt blvs it cn hnd me ntg fr free nd pass crm of centry sz crm fr free--thyr sdl trsts nd america and its knd shld be pnsd untl thy py in full--sdly bt thy cntinue t dvs more new crm twrd trgt by dvsg scms nd lies wc america lks t hlp---prsn hndg insl is gnr 4th dn --nd wrt absl ntg espcl cnsdrg america pktd yr lvs wrth----1132a sh sv w phyvnhrst abt sm tm vcn rst type nois emltn ws hrd---????---sh porldo e---????===m/f mob cvs crn f pltd wfl t mk slf crm lk lvl --unfrtntl thrs no cmprsn nd as scmbg mob prtcp wl nt tk bk i tsd t trs----all ths t dstrct attn frm tru ntr of americn crm---amer lvs off crm---thy stl evr mn thy cl cm up wth nd hppy t thmb up fr slvs nd successes of their cnsprd trs deeds let alone help antg --nt at all anywr on their lst--- gsg ard 1245/1250p the pair lcn wt wfl i pt in gbg wlk e dirctn apx gss hlwy htl---nvr mnd the brglrd mny lkl in their pkts---ntg but cntns pure nd mlcs trzg nd frd---sh psvc w--****guy frm cfe svrl bldgs e of rbts-hay-----rbts gry tk n t sm trn e i thk ofg wtr pltd m wired---*****crm mob at rec deaf vtrn wt bk prb rpt tlkg mob mlcs crp t dfrd mnplt dictator trgt----u stl my fkn mn ths mrn g bk t czechslvk --w ngr nd rptg the lie num tms--i nvr did ntg of srt mst evr pc of trs is smply mob prtcpt----othr oldr m mob prtcp nr lib entrc upstrs--cn i tll u stg??lkl mob trying t rn vctms lvs--opinion--implied threat to elvtr dn

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

??tues---suspicious mob trs nx lib lee wlkg int nx lib entrnce js as im bgn my things--f opn cls rstr dr wo gn in --lkl othr sus cnsprd mob trs evr--grtd thy thnk thy nd their knd belongs nd u cn b wstd at no cst while being persecuted by trs grps---tues--scr vcn frt rnr nr wstbrn-----lkl lesb f dmp $5 on me refsg t tk bk -so i rp it rgt up--it ds nt snk in upn amerc wt thy pld off nd thy hv no intn wtvr t py on crm only t  mk up lies nd dfrd rlty at yr expns---trs crm grp ar ls 3 thk m/f  thmbg up fr cmtg crm t my life--smtg trs amercns r hghl prd of--ths is as rgteous as any of their syst scms etc..hdg d wst knll.---mob trs m oth trs hlprs plcn crn--mob trnd scdrl--au alr--??prk crmn chst dscss unrdb ????--mob sh pcolt e---1034p--mobil scr blk f ped--d u wnt sm fubu????---1045p--- rd ??? d ???--crs kng s sm w--med lg shd cr pmbl e---lkl ong cnsp in prkby grps unk mtvs ???---wed---ard 6a--lkl dsp mex drk attm t sx hrss nd hd btl wt alchl he ws als trng t gt trgt t drk lk thy nt knw i dt drk --thy js psn evr thy cn---ljl crn cls 7a mex srt thrg bg of ?jnk sdnl apc me wtg t knw if i cl sell him cell phn??? myb 715a --i dt sell antg but peoples blngngs algd t hv bn stln nd their phns --ths prsns jwvr drk nd prb d drgs--but no dbt thy will trgt any prey rgrdless--prs in w trk p ljl w js bf sh pljl e---??? ?????deadl heat csg me rpt on vg of fntg---****718a bk cr in org bpg ylg brglrs p crs w---*****724/5a cr ldl ylg ps me w -hy-i blv it my hv bn bg cr wc bpd s p711w yest---als ls ng ng ofd lsg prk nd ng bf grp unl fd int trs prk nd oth?? in mlrs crn trs?????----754a---sm gy as yest slnt yst tk shwr pshll w---6spz526 shll f --w u lk ths --mlc ins grtd---2 slpg crs hts prk one on bnc --othr on grnd---??????oldr rd tk mx in rd bnd mvng applcs bxd glwd by nwr rd tk w lg bxd applnc both crs hts--w---cld all hv bn bgt brgl mny----mex ofg btls nx t smk fr lss-oth prs ofg $2 bth rfs-thy blv crm of centry rds free---psb in on argmt by mob who slcts cmnt le bsnss etc----1208p dk cr cp lk porlnd e ??? nx t tiny hlr og--als blk cr trn rnd orlnd e--mob aidg trs lee hd gull t pr sda on my bk--slmy trs by hgs---eldr pair ofg $5--must b thy all blv i dt knw wts up is prmnt entrpmnt nd full scl dmltn fr wc mob trs states hs no intent t py--amr is scdls--it is gld t cs u evr nd in ret it blvs --piece of trs dsrvs ntg---prfsnl crm of centry srl brglrs trfkrs etc...---cnsp mob sh sv pswtz w--ba smn kp rec???stln??? mny----lee hs the gull t hlp flw trg apprg js as i pk my thngs bf gn t lib--suusp f opns tlt dr lib unk rsns nt g in---lee is nut lkl on drgs nd mob aid--lvl trst cmbo but hv nt hrd of him htg??? people

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

mon----1017p lg gry vn or sv ylg pkngs e---sh pswtz w---apx 11p sml w cr lkl w/tm in og pswtz w-it ws wtn sht tm aftr sh---shtl aftr the cr antr sh cr sm drctn--ard 1109p tk gn e stpd mid rd nr my loc w mny flkrng lgts mvng sd t sd---i cl nt see exc wt kn trk ths ws bt it styd pt mid rd fr mlt lgt chgs thn mvd slgtl frw stayed thr awhl nd fnlly mvd on????---132a trs bk ????unrdb pswtz w bhd me--ylg wk up----137a ambln w/srn it shtl pt out aftr blstg it ps me ?dlb----tues---605a w tk tm in og wk me up thrwk either ??tiny rks or unk grainy sbst nd ylg ??hi myb anm style----hrd lee prb loaded on dgs tlk ldl mdn--2 bks psng tl him b qt my hv bn als in on mxcns cnsp-as i gt up 630a out of nowr lee aprd ofg ngl i rfs ofcrs--smn is sdg me frds i dt need--ths guy lkl prtcptc in grp ds drgs nd cl nvr tstf vs crmnls--nt lk amercn shrfs hv any intent t ctc thm--hvng fny hrd clctg cns nd tlkg ldl r mc grtr crms in america--nt demolishing or persecuting lives--to boot crms twds a type of peoples deemed prey nd tgts r absl free totally ignrd nd i dbt grtly thr is wtvr intention on anyones prt t gt me bdl needed---- atty---?????hrd vh w/grp insd sgstg i md mess -- in fc a hlss lkl thr one itm out --i nt get gd eng lk bng slpy bt blv it ws dft prsn thn the 2 ive sn do sml acts bfr--pwsb dn t mk prblms fr me nd t blm me but no one pys me t cln aftr thm -wt i do i shl nvr hv t b dng--dq pshll e -wt sm mny??? rp wlkg awy--trs in blk t ovr w sht---js mlcs mnc t spt crms at n cs nd crt dstrctn ---why wnt u tk shwr???--sdl amr aplgies in this cs will nt do---ameica owes all losses suffering nd punitive dmges for mob acts nd cmnty nd le encrgmnt nd spt fr sc acts---nt thmbd up --rtr ths crms need paid fr plus punitive dmgs---?????? ????unrdb---??6xmm578--cmn out 711w rd sv ofg mn---tall w gy wl b brglr frm mltr pnh mny by 711w---?? ???825a--gy in blk ovr w shrt prvs pshell prb js gt out of 711w hd ??coffee--bs stp sm/frf vctm ng fms my hv cnc t gngs??---ofg $2 dq s sd sm fr beer-rfs---ldsp usa print shp as i pss nt clr eng fr me t hr well--unk old w trk ard 1050 w og rdrs phywrt w---???7psuo88 w cr slg bgr thn vr sml  or sml  f ofg bn lkl frds wt wrkr who glncd out--js bf 11a---on bk in blk phywt w -efm sd btc gsg ?ngr bt my sgt insuf thn crs sm s on diagnl d w---trs cn sm bl nx 711w hd cf lid on gd nd cfee lq --i pt lid ins though shl nt hv --smn els nt me mks ths mlcs messes---sh e p76----smk 4 less hs bn tl by smn t gv m btls in fc knd i cnt cry anywy by lcl trs who cnt see crms cnt go free nd i bdl need atty t mv on---thy r ignrms nd the intent is bt one t dfrd nd hv ultra grd crm free lk itr nnvr were drctl aided by amer mob cmnt nd its le---the bd btl nd btl wr all rfs -ntg ths peopl do hs any intent t either py on crime nr aplgz fr mrdrg smns life --thy blv killing ths vctm sahl be free--thts exc hw mob states of usa rtnalizes---ng on motorcycl lkg fr cns mobil thn gn ins str---smn argd fr mess by brnys trs cn---ths arrngd messes r thn used by cmnty mob nd cotrs t prp dmp on tgt--america digs this--this is very cnvnt why py on crm whn u cn dstry extrt vctm instd---mob sh lcn n plcn w???--erlier crn org grv disab in whl chr plying wt obv brkn pay phn---i wl nt be srprsd smn paid dsbld t kill phones dnt knw---aftr all tht wy its mr lkl this wl b free---tiny hlr svc num 823 drv in org --unf my sgt is nt any btr---sh svc lkl tkg thms dn as ofns--thy dt blv im ofnded by fine life in usa i gthr---amer will nt evn sply bdl dsprtl needed atty tfile cases in butte and los angeles cty civil rights and real estate--i hv yet t see anyone cntct me icnt nt even hv phn here--the 2 blk fs frf lkl lnkd t mob hd their stfs stln one mny times--thts wht thm upng amr hs t ofr its trgts

Monday, September 26, 2016

stares frm lib t hlp wt ridiculng mob crm srvc bkng crms of mob clg slf-ntrl===mob sh pmlrs n plng nx pro mob heist---ng vcn svc nr pk--btc fkn slt--???oth trs out pk---hi??---ylpg vh 723p pmtro--ng frm pk vcn lcn s---drt btc---mob fg in skrt frm mrn se lcn crn--oh i lv sx --ylg chrstphr---amb gds plcn w---dk sv lcn crn lkl fnd stg fnny lgt t bd t see plt---sh e trn kng n lkg out t hlp mob hgs---1023p drk jp orlnd hs yr dy gn? fst trn e lkl t evd plt mob oprtv---1015p???? lkl tm msprt blk sh? cr scr p hlywy clnrs nr flrs thn smn yld --go d w---1055p--hsp d e fg bye----1130pbk cr ldl bp pswtz e--112a--ng ylg btc pcity hall e --i blv hes drg adc nd dng----???bk cr e psb crsg---?? ?? ?? ??--wrdo sn nmrs tms ovr yrs lkl prt crz nt seem dng this dy tlkng lng mnlg fll of crp mob wnts t get int yr lf nd btr u--bt i ws afrd of dngrs ngr so i let the idt sty vcnt this dude clls self lee nm frst hrd this dy altg i sn lntc in twn ovr yrs he is fg wt byfrd nd smngl int a mob grp of wc thr r svrl some being mr dngrs thn othrs lkl---bt unk at frs glnc as mny r dfrdg---aprtl the dude is int yga---140a cr by city hall pause/mv-----2a??? ylg acrs?????rd cr rvsg 148a--bk cr etc??? crsg -in prsc of lts of vhs this cn b mr dfc t jdg---235a scr w of loc---253a bk cr bpg w thn e?????? ???310a--thrtg hisp tlg lee t sht up rdclng my hr frcng lee t rn fr dr lf--the husk hisp clms he lvs in whwd nd thrfr he rns the shw asks mlcs qstns t thrtn dctr intmdt whn shfs psd i ptd num tms at thrtg hisp but ws ignrd--thy lkl spt his mob thkng nd r in agrmt wt exc wt he wnts -bullying tgts lk me by mns of devious mtvs----bsclly ths r peopl who r wlng t bully tgt as mob lk lib pdc shfs mtr nd or anyone he cn get t jn the elmntn dfrg cnsp crm mob---he nt lk lee i gs bcs he ws nt thrtg js nw-so he sd -u nt dng any gd-whn nt thrtng thy dfrd tht mks ths more attrctv fr cotrs t jn---???slv hr---339a bpg e--bk cr ylp swtz s w cr w w cr trn rnd 346a nd rvs w pcrsrds---356a fg skt in blk d w--ylpg dk cr e--???76--au hgry???dfrdr---????711w?????f u---sun----711w--oldr pro mob frm rssa crs ogd w--crz--mob ofg $2 plm cws--dict -u gn t die frm dn wt u r dn--he refuses to ntc wt mob did chasing me out brglrzg vndlzg evr mine---weather now bdl hot---1207p p711w de his f -d u wnt ofg bgs??/ rec??? wlkg e frf rfsd---mrc vn dk at 76 pltg ltwt btls ----20744s1---?? ?? ????smk crs pk ng pls oth--gbu====dfr----wstb 8p 3 wlkg e 1 tll dk hr lkg bk==im nt frds wt thm n mr -im js rg hr pwstb e---831ppstb wsmnt in skt mlt cp mrc sds -h' h'--dude who cld slf lee vcn trs by wst knll??? drk wr fd rfs t trs--i blv ws snt out fr fls bfrdg t dfrd sz rlt of mjr crm mob spts----1015p hlw pk crn -hi prb dsp dq mob--sh pflrs e--mtc pltd tp of swtz trs---mon 636a w cr sm md ln pswtz w bp--agn 645a---mob prtcp lkl vcn---amrcn scm lk ignr ths as thy cl cr less who gts dmlsd or t wt extnt--thy r here t hlp slvs at yr expns nd gt awy wt this as untd states lks t abse its trgts and assists this at the lvl of le nd injustice system wr i cnt get bdl needed atty t fl rprst cases nd my life is dn fr thks usa nd i dt hv antr one cmng---vrs chp vhs wt dfrt tp flks in og---tk trng t fc mktplc frm wrg sd smnc --chp trk it was psg sd ---911---wthr t ht t py attn nd i cnt evn fl any cooling systm in lib now its tht hot---mlc ng 711w  823a ofg chg in fc dsp by white dude wthh tattoos nd pnk hr do the dude ws instrctg him its imptnt t kp up tlk--i kn why--t kp amr crm free wt no pay or pnsmnt--bk on sun ngt smn at mbl ws als ofg mn??? rfsd nd earlier nr shks f ws ofg $20 rfsd -no cmorsn t their crms is the rsn----??????7lva578 no rdbl notes clrl wtr too ht---ws pkd by lee strdbrg wtcg ndg prb prtcp--cnsp grp--vcv vcn usa prtg---835a---ogdn m.f mx m bl sht w wrtg nv cp wt logo--i susp ml illeg mx ofg chg whn askd wt ws on his cap f lkl trnd him t lie nd bth took up rng e of ogdn unk why hdg scrt----mob shs pcrsn e---3 prs ps 711e d e ask cig---1030a---p711w ????sh myb stg lk 998 cld nt see nd too ht f shh ylg--ws up???---bg cr bp gn s of 711w---ng by 711w ask smn -gt cig/wd??---1043 sh p711w--hay--1045 sh p76  1047a sh lw srn int 76 yt hrs out bk sd 1048a-hey--i thk fs or at ls one who yld dfn f==mlc hrsm---11abk p?cndlrm w--rcd----6rqv052 jp shll ofg $1---u dt wt----blk bf swtz crn cr pl ovr thn f flw me w enq if i wnt drk wc one---- sh w plcn---4dwt drp off smn by cvs lkl mob prtcp too ht nd mvng t fs t ctc plt bt cl b sml t8m87388--hwv i wl nt cnt on antg othr thn mob spts all its crms -rest is prsctn dmltn nd dfrdg---6wem077???blu cr ofg --mn--lkl wrt abs ntg---pwh pk dmlrs -u lk lk u nd sm wtr---rlt--hdg crm mob--pvl dk m grd rbts sd--psb re ht---i rcl ptg at mex whn shs wr drvg by sat ngt but thy lkl nt cr wt cnsp tm he is or tht he thrts bcs thy spt nd lk crtn grps lkl nd i suspc mgt b in thm i wl nt b srprsd drctly hlpg mob ops

Saturday, September 24, 2016

fri---wh pk scdrl wlk up--sht ml brnt -hi lee obv nt my nm -i js wtd t sy hi--unf sms lk frc upn hrsmt aftr trs js prp stk his fc int my cmptr scr at lib--dsptc trs ---thrss tgt--??scd wlk pst ?????? ???--??? ????cnt dcpr own nts --cotrs instg--mob le vcn sh stn --lkg at fng dn wc ws dn bf i sw him due t ong hrsmt trks ??? ????amb bks plcn m--heey -ttgt hrs instgt fr mob trs who gt scm lk him --the jbs----????unrdb912p ylg w crsm d e lcn d n--4sh vhs on emgcy phlwy e thn abt sm num bk---1023p porl w 2 ms -of wc i blv 1 ws wsprg gigglng earl 4 e pmbl -1 psg trs $1 rfsd--- ??? ???unk vh ylg ldl---****228-9a unk vh gsg w cr??? wk me up---pswtz w im gsg bpg thrss dstrb  sat-- i wk up rtr lt but all trs wr asmb in area thr ws btc in pnk swtzr s crn bus stp--clrl gng trs tlkg--lucifer mischief dt cm nr me lk i hd any intent t be near scdrl or any intr in the slm gt up wnt e in fct orgnzd -othr prty at stp--in min trs appeared hdg js t tht stp thts the one who hrs me dy bf sm blv myb hlf wy bw ljl nd swtz???thts the crz dude paid mob --rp-u grss oth scdr m jwlk acrs sm ne--- 7a grtd dsptc small w cr pswtz w bpg-----i ws rgt nt t gt mob pltd hlf pie swtzr as crz paid hdlm ylg gross ws lkl shtg fr the attrct in trs cn--ths r trs prp ridiculing trgts burglarizing eliminating nd totaling their lives--ths in fct frd chrt as their true mtv is wst u--lkw cfe wrkr spsdl chrtb prev w rfsd fd lkg if i lft stg bhd t hlp mob--in fct its mob lvng objcts bhd-thts their mob mo --frm mk mess brglrz nd dmls destroy nd nvr be pnsd by le --who lk the scm gm nd join thm nd their trs justifications wc help them to prey on tgt tgtr instd---mob wkr smkg 711w???? ????? ????850a i thk thr ws non uhl smll uhl type trk trng gng e on sm trng n on frf  insd ws org rfl on gn unfm ---in pink blk skrt fg off frn 218 sm w of frf crn this ws bf the 850a incidt----crz prs dnc/sng???? frf crn ---m/f trs wlkg e pgns n -m dsp ofg $1 t hrss tgt----rfs---hrd smn in crs clnrd--??? lks trbl---1040a prs slpg crs pk bnc---scr fr unk vh crs vcnt---gsg mvg w---prsn stg  actg wrd nx whd city hall--1110a f mob sht blk hair wlk int mobil t hrs me apcg ofg empty cn tld t sty away cm t trs cn ex wr i ws nd pltd the cn i rpltd it t othr trs nd exposed her as mob prtcpt---nd this mob so hpns ultra serial ultra grd brgl sprtd by amer le---12 noon---rcd sm n sd plcn e---mob m ofg sh crt nr sbw --as city prkng enf wtcd bcs thy lkl prtcp in mob---the mn went e as pkg enf w-----by ba blk cdlc 7rqso56 sv expl drctns t ng f--the scdr thn try ofr me empty btl-u wt ths--shtly mob aprd w/btl wr--u wnt ths--rfs--trd put nx my stf bt i tl hr nt lv ntg nr my stff---the wr btc wnt w drbts 205p--2 ms/fgs??-wt sm mn-ofg $2 -rfs--crsg crz mex btc pwhd prk crs d s---mob pwhd pk-hau hyena-i hv nt lghd in yrs bt scm cld me hyena-thn scdr cm bk ofg $5--sdl rfsd incmprb t mob crm usa spts---***as i wlk up lib steps a scrmng shn blk cr plib svc n--whn thy scrm lk tht thy lkl pld off their nx crm prj--bkd up by amer trs wrkg fr le --strg dlib wrkr frm pdc-moca--whr apprtly mob is lkw argd trs cnsp.

Friday, September 23, 2016

thurs---mob sh e sv???--cnsp t frm dstrb trgt--hrd mob hi vcnt mtro--rp hay hrd smgly frm frtrunner nr wstbrn--lcn blks 2 ms ofg $2 fr u sis rfsd due t systm rn by mob wr no one will hlp or b yr atty---948p bk lwrd porlnd e bkng out smgl nd lkl ylg stg --gry cr mbl ng ofg 2 btls coffee rfs-----oths vcn???--mob cnsp lkl---???unrdb prtcp shs???--- etc---fri--609a w tk ylg brglr at ls one of mob og prtcpts---pswtz w----oth hls stg w/bg of trs????---??hyvnhrs trs mess???--nmrs sml messes sn hywrt acrs 711 ogdn etc???w f offg jk by 711w sm bl sd clmng clng cr clmg t b sm vctm -in fct i am*****crm  sz of cent vctm outrage sptd by mob trs usa its le nd legal services not here to file or represent---ml hisp w ygr fs psg $ thn oth m hisp sm--psb slctd by crmnls who in rlt fnd me in the wy due t their crms nd own wts yrs big time----ngs pltd in trs----by hywrt str trs mess -i pkd up ths 2 pcs nd pt thm in gbg bt pltd by prtcp mob---pkg enf hywrt unk unfm my sgt insf t see ofg $1 fr cfe rfsd due t lkl dfrdg prtcptg mob---who in fc thk thy own trs nd u in wy nd cnsp wt bsn nd cll u sntc---nd cl b cnc t brgl nd mob rng---smn dg in usa gsl js bf me---3 sh vhs 711e incl 1489791...thn sw 1 she nd 1 w---lkl hlpg mob trs nd ted whm thy dig---bpg sml hlr plq gns w oth hlr sm vcn drctn 945a---bk shtl???? lkg bk pogd w--mechnc wrk tk of sm srt w db bk drs 63484z1 or cls ofg ban sm d w frf d n---m blk hair wv bf hyvnh ths gy i blv nts nd mob prtcp---mob tlk u lk grss/sk-u ought t b wr i'm----vly clnrs pkg 2 mls--hw mc hv we gt-we gt a--a lot--u drv out hr?? re pkg --no ptg t str crn to the e of pkg---mtr bk drv ofg $1 rfs---140p sh cr fl by sh sv out of stn sm ext frm sh cr rp ylg bk f-hi hi----hrsm fw mnts ltr lks lk i hd bkt fld tmrk tm gsg ard 145???p apx smith sh in cvln clts thmbg up--in fc lkl prtcptg in hls hrsm mob wc spts dfrdg gngs nd their tactics nd therefore likely their crms wch thy nt see as wrg nd hls as t b elmntd dictatored hrssed and preyed upn whr mny gs t sheriffs as ultra grd sz crime of centry vctms extrted out of hms wth evr brglrzd nd dmgdbig time ultra grd sz of centry gtg no recvry cost nd no legal frilings or representation empowering the mob t hrs hls to prey on them nd to thm up fr thmslvs fr sptg crms vs vctms --mlt mex fs pba e--au rec???---sh blk cr nr ba d614wo ml gtg in rp ofg $1 lkl mob prtcp---rfs---cafe detoile u type grbld vcvr hrd flwd by oth m vc  sying unrdb????yes???---???unrdb---ey rbts crn -brd noises rbts crn oth---sn s rbts e sm--pltd lftvrs????lcn hywrt--711w--dsgnd t dfrd the intended elmntn nd free crm mnc----shrffs in fct ign nd spt outrgeous sz of centry crms t extrted vctms lft uncmpnstd by atty services who fail t respd nd phones all out thks t crmnls so tht mob services cn mk mny nd dstry u instd --tht is the american fvr wamerica spts--strg gds frm svc pdc d lib--trs sm as sng ck cpl dys ago bnd int my cmp--hm---prtcptg dsp trs scdrl cld b crmnl w rlng bg

Thursday, September 22, 2016

wed---wh pk f frm grp apc ofg $5--unf ths attmp t buy ultrs serial ultra grand crime for nothing nd ofcrs rfsd--lkl cnsp ngs -ng thr stg ldl int trs--****-hntl 758p--subj of int -wrg w sht rds amzng ???slg??? mchine in clrfl ltrg i blv unf i frgt exc wrdg wth his sktbrd phntl w--attn srl brgl ???????unrdb*****813p wstbrn headed e--ths my trs cn ur stlg my mn u'r in my wy--tpcl elmntn tctc tlk--r u sntc??????sh d e--wstb $1 rfs---****nr brnys grds 2 sds nd psb mob prtcpts?? ins--mob gd -hey--ths paid by city t dmp ob hls tgts nd aid mob trs grps---****thurs---618a small w cr dbp w pswtz---625 w cr slw dn mv ps bs stp  thn mybe flw ??aftr prg tk??lntc who frmrl tlk crp lk dth pnlt swtzr d ljl at ljl i dscvrd pltd $20 in my ntb-as smn wnt int my prs wo prmsn ndas i nt acpt inslts due t lk of intents t py on crm nd injrs i did exc sm thg as whn ls smn pltd mn in my bg tr it up in frt of shfs--ths ws blk sh pltd 1488419 tr it up thn w one drv up bdl needing thmbd up bt instd i tl thm wt i sw wrg -amer stl evr mine nd hs no intent wtvr t py on antg the pieces i put int sm bl trs frt of 711w on my wy bk most pieces smd gn but gvn it ws mny pieces i dbt thy cn d antg wt thm--amer is mob wt no intnt t py whr crmnls r drctl bkd by le who tgts hls types fr mob nd cmnty---1008a---ylg frm ins usa prtg pkg lotsbj of intrs nw lctd nr usa prtg bldg--attn srl brglr--he sms smw scrd alt yest tl me le wld nt gt him fr ntg but whn he bld me nr trs i clrl undrs he is on elim mob sqd nd tht sktb cn ptnt b used as weapon--1131a ml mkg brd noises ped t mbl dk hat pnts szbl bpk??? 1133a m-hay??? in unk vh pmbl w---westb ofd $5 ins---trk w paper shredder sgn nr ba sml hlr apx 150-5-i thk trs mg hv sd stg alg inct i pd no attn --whn ths tk trn wth few mnts sm rbrts s--the scdrl yld --trs cn dvr--prty t mb crew---rec4mst192 w mvn lbld trans sport 2 dudes -1 tlg oth--shes nts--shtl ltr dsp mob -i adm u fr wt u do-cn i ofr u tht--lkl mlcs insl--but one prps dfrd nd nvr pay fr crm wc amer trs blv shl b free--dude was well drsd in suit bt dsptcd by mlcs clcltd mtvs t hv amer crm --free--abt 255p rp mob type scrms hrd sw js wst of ba--prsn strg seated frt of wh pk

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

tues--lib wlk ard svrl tms lkg t accmdt protected mob rqsts  ??? trs svc strt trs cn nx wj pk- i gt a cn of coke out whn sm crz hls rlg blk bg dk brn hair dec t sng it-i gt tht lkl pltd itm bk-myb crz indv or t hrs dstrb trgt-----833p-sbj of int--crkng the jk--clrl on lmnt tm though irlvnt of his prtclr rle-if u rcll i sd ths dude ws tlg me stg on gbg cn illegal- nw he ws crkng the jk agn on sktb attn attn serial burglar sm one as seen 711w nd 76 ths time he went plcn e.---5jkb494 lkl ofd insl mny mobil --prps is as always steal big time dfrd rest of time-rfs---ngr crsg vcn mobil tlkg crp re schizophrenia psb trying t dscrdt trgt--america does crime big time gets protection and defrauding t cvr fr its deeds cvrd by its trs justice systm nd trs le--it is my opin thr is *****grp wtn shrf frc distnctly hlpg mob gls wys nd tctcs--sch as one yest wt lw hrn nd hay in 2 shf vhs trvlg smngly tgtr nd if thr is sch thng as any lftovr decnt shrffs thn thy js simply bk it up---bf 130a smngl prsns wlkng snt mnc nr swtzr bth sds prb wrkng their cnsprcy gm ngt tm hrs----ntcd mult noise mkg shfs spdg smw d e---****wed 635a pswtz w orig blk cr low beep but nt sm as le and hrd smn yll or mumb stg m --i suspc prsn my b in org smtms thn do cnstrct wrk othr dys in dft vhs---but agn mult vhs nd persns get this num coordinated---ntc w tk dbp trn ljl 1.5---mob gds amsdrs on bks-ng gsg f lkd dstnctl bk at my bgs as if i ws invlvd in a cntrbnd of sm srt dstnctl wrkng t hlp mob nd cmnt frm trgts thy cm frm crs pk e sd t sm s sd gng e---7lvl697 f vlt sv -d u wnt ths re few btls bng usd as dfrdr--no mtr the sz of vctmztm --the scmbgs see u as wrtls pc of trs----nd intnd t kp crm free---crn swtz frm cafe f ofg nc fd--hwvr unclr wt crmnl pt thm up t it t dfrd---mobil empty--f lg blk hr lcn psg lkl opn gtrd thn mlc insl mny thn mob cmt--au ok???--prps defrd nd nvr py--crm in america is encrgd by le fr its crnies nd is free nd cert people r deemed wrtlss nd piece of sht rgrdlss hw bdl vctmzd---ths ws cls t 1239p dyt---cls t 120p nr wstb shfs arstd scr m lkl on drgs--librn bkg up nd prtctg lcl mob crsg upst area --4dbt prs on spd t pss svc e as lgt ws alr trning---smn stg strg frt wh pk--frt of lib smn blwng smk

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

lib bldg gd upstrs hlpg kp trg undr mob mcrscope fr frtr frmg---???7kog311 smgl ofg mn insl p lib rfsd due t mob dfrdr prsctn--undr lib dpty wrkg sying hes mr smith-jones prtner--b gd he says-he dt dr sy ths t his prtnr?????wh pk ng f smkg my wy ps me lkl mob prtcpt whl??? ago apx vcn hywrt wt small lnch clmg t b indp cpl peopl---cl b lnkd t trs lmntn grp---the pk --psb cnsp in the wy als psb cnsp pl--n rsn wtvr js mrcns lk t dstry dictator lvs free---trn alf--be 86d??? unk---??grp pflrs e---aox 1043 cr bp e--sm srt of shtg ns grl vcn swtz tues 616a----mob sh cr pswtzr w dng fn job hlpg mob---clng guy prb in mob wvg??? ljl---drkr skn ml in rd ljl stp w bk strg oth slpg by out of cls---mess at ljl--guy strg out of bkst---??? pkg ???unrdb gsg -in on mb???725a pba vc ovr hd ??no org??? shtl bhd shny blk cr gigglng bth pcrs w???cld nt see insd---??? ????unrdb dg qn ng hrsg bkg w dcrs--phyvnhrs w privet gp fr rs???ygstrs w d hywrth ng -js wt mn ???tie em up???---ldrt ng pls crm cmpnion shes bkng hes lgtr x tall w shldr strp bg acrs--ths scdrl wt lng au tlkg so wt ndl in pkg lor re artc--i dt nd yr mny i gt paid--if nt i wld brk in tie u up nd tk yrs-u dg trs t mc-gt cig -kp sntc ?wtc wt hpns???the ldrt ng fml wtcg lk mob trs srah ws lkg out how t blm me fr the trs nd thts wt kdrt ng grp is lk--trs m  als sd -he fgt fr ths cntry---848a???lgt sv w/psg in og pfrf e---scr ng e of ogden in blk hdie wth wht 1 on bk??/ ???711e 7ggu887 w cr ofg plstcs--rfs---exc me porg grv e lkl ofg $1-2 inslts---ng on cell tk cr slf d711w--mob ofg wr 6vcc401 vcn crs hts w-----2 fs plcn e mob -hi, hau---pshk rest e sm as west knoll??? ofg cn gsg mx fg---by stb wsmt nig in wlc ofg $--ths is clc t mk x mjr crm free---tht wy crm ds nt exist if whlcr ng is gvg $1 calculated cotrs crmn dfrdr wstg lmntn mob srvc bkd by trs usa nd its trs le---ylw tk prb mch of a knd nd w tk smlr psvc e--trees wr trmd vcn lcn---?? ????208p p la peer e sh sv thn cr mob low srn hey blk f frm cr--mob cotrs---smn strg frt of wh pk aidg trs cnsp--2 hls js out lib--1 ng gv m the mn rp --lvng

Monday, September 19, 2016

sat---mob lib actg as if dng me spclly ernd fvr---mob shs mlrs n--blnd f mdl age w jkt--hntl--cn i gv u ths --lkl wtls mny inslts--wrthy ones thy steal instd t kill yr lf wth--wstb -m-d u acpt mny--grtd mny inslts sm rsng--mny thy steal nd kp--vctms tgts thy mlcsly dfrd---fd lftvrs ofd vcn stbks--all rfs---mob aidg shs pwstb e--cn pltd lcn -rfs--sh hlw w oth rvs e cls t 1020p---orl sth yths ylg blk sv --1033p vc ns ?bk cr e ??? ???ylg frm crsrds pkg---sun am ard 415a ng f 7sov827 brg fd algd frs rfs lft anywy plcd t gbg ws obv dsptc--cncrnd dfrdr at expns of yr lf--f prt sctr as i aprc t wrt plt --smn gt cns swtz s js bf me---mob sh p crs w---d732co w cr gsg 76 hv nc dy ofg ins mny rfs the mny thy stl nd pkt fr u thy gt inslts---5dvc101 ofd cns 76 als rfs bth--f gns ofg fd dfr ?aUDI BK SV B/RD RNTL PLT I DID NT APC T RD --bw ednb nd 76 dq ofg $1or2 d ednb rfs---keyes rntl cr dk clr ofg ins mny sm nx shll rfs ??bk sm nx shll???? ??---1p ln 4 p crs d e 85?? bus rfs t stp--hlo 3 mob amb bks fm crs n d sme-hlo---brded nx bus 5679mob cns sh cr--sw vcn bntn hrd --hlss--lkl als tgtg--rec by rmprt--my ntbk kicked out of bg nd blu pn missing psb sntc??? kicked by ??ngrs---bus wh  p rmp 425p wld nt stp dbp ln 10----brded 7472 vr scblk blk f drvr smngl--here thr was****** moca pcf dsg dtr nd drv let me off mlrs sd--i set my bgs dn t db chk fr msg pn wthn mnt gd frm pcf dsgn w othr cmpnion jumped out clmng hvg recvd call across street --cld be coordinated wth bus tmng too telling me pcf dsg owns the sd wlk nd i shl crs acrss str--ofcrs dscr nd lie thy lkl jnd lcl mob who wnts t tell u which sdwlk t use--i mntn ths t whlwd trfc gd stdg crn -cindy i blv spk t her 618p so i imgn sw thn aftr 6p--at crn shfs drc me bhd mtl evnt fnc--i fld t see originally tht fence ws nt totally blkng sdwlk as i blvd here frm ****bhd lib hrd hls mob noises stg lk hmn brd type noises-----twds me svc guy frm chrch? who frmrly ofd me wtr sm svc ws wlkg twd me attmptg t dfrd wth empty btl --lk i dt knw wt mob trs usa has pulled off---***exmpls of mob frm butte--u stpd on my prpty u hrt my mns dk nw hes hrt fr lf--im gn t fk u up---she chsd me up a hill whn i ws prgnant---pretending t ply me nd tlg me t gt awy---all ths r devices t d crm bsd on cmpltl nvr exstg acts----whn on yr prpty thy act lk its theirs or tht thy wr snt by legit prty nd tht u the owner nd frd r nt hr legit-----thts how thy gt evr nd evr hply hlpd this hpn----cmnt hlps ths nd so does trs amer le----*****ofcrs this is lying nd orgnzd crm psd fr legit----2 trs wlk pbs e--one tlkg mkg rpts on hlss---f pmro w--r u nt trd crng tht?---mb aidg sh p wstb e---mob amb bks e pcolt---vcn hgs pair wlkg pst e ofg fd rfs---g mrn sm peopl---ths ws eve---?? ???thy own ld cr--??? 1050p sml m dk hr lk mex blu shrts tnk porl w--tk t lng as if i ws impctg him sm wy---psb ylpg bk cr pkings mbl e---m/f--pswtz w--- f rp hrs ofr $1 rfs ofcrs--prps --crm fr free assistd by dfrdr glu prsctn---*****mon ard 6a or js bf sht w ml med hr lng wtp red pld vest lg blk bpk thrw evr out of trs swtzr crn nr me etc--mstly 2 nrst cns--i fnd slgt thrw outs frtr dn--****618a -oth w cr mob m ylg---brglrs pswtzr w----***2 mls stg ljl stp trs sd ljl --dkr skn ml tlkg othr w--ws it u wstbwstrn???? ??why u dng ths ws it u in rd nd w pts??? mlcs dsptcd mob trzg---at swtz fd pltd rfsd drk brg out cf crn als rfsd -it is prvded cmpliments odictatorship dfrauder mob prjcts--ths who brglrzsrlly nd bg tm ---thn pose as fine people---blkg out bdl ths mrn---mob sh e pplmr nd cws dvst---empt plm cws---****pltd roses as memorial??? sm by 711e sdw e of crswlk---*****nr fr e ml elg bree--she resp dt hv tm --he flwd bth ngrs--u nd gt yr stff---****1027a--prs of intrst t 711w/hywrth hisp lkl gtg cfee nd dnt crsg bk sm few mnts ltr i blv thr ws sh in pkg at athe time ths guy rptd attn attn gn in thn sm gn out aftr crsg wlkd w---he is of intrst bcs onc tl me ilgl st on gbg cn nd lkl ws in one of mob vhs who mgt knw stg re who is cnctd to the mjr crm-----tdy he hd gry sht/dk nv pts--he lkd bk as i wqrt nts---ng wv pshll e----shrfs my b in cnsp w/711 etc...----crn swtz fd pltd tp of trs and crn cf ofg drk--rfs---mobil--m ofg $10--tht wy crm cl g free as mob trs intended--rfsd i rgrt i nt gt plt bcs evr is cnspr trs prj---susp shell on w tk nr lq 8n46006--i db mc its frm orvl but i ws wary of smlr shell on tk thr---sh lkg t sng me ntcd by shell--***susp grd rpt thmbg up bw svc nd rbts thn went ??hmb hvn  stll thmbg up fr crm vs trgt bng ignrd in my opinion---he went in js bf 150p---his f trn in cns frt of me rec --i ws trd wtg nt lk at her cr plt on wy out ofd $2 rfs

Saturday, September 17, 2016

fri---crz prs rng mth in tlt chg clths lkl---??ngr psg grnl br mlrs svc---by sushi nrst trs cn huntley m/f ngs --f psg lmnd--thn gigglng as rtrd---ha.....----??dfr trs lkl lkg cvs crn lcn--- pot smk blwn by vhs?? vcn sm acrs hlwy prk---1035p?? apx hugos vcn gng type noises ??psb dg qns???-----1047-8p bk d mobil--"we'r nt klrs"--nvr mnd ultra grnd crm engh to total peoples lives pls trs elimination persecution aided by cmnty nd le ignrms--hr le my b js prtl rest but prhps onl bcs dt wnt it lkg bd fr slvs in fct they r wrkg sm prps sm tctcs nd lkl jointly w/trs ultra serial/grnd crime crew---****sat--608a w cr bp pswtz w ths ws bigr thn their sml cr thy use smtms--lks lk its psbl t gt mny lnrs nd thy r exprts at lng vhs----i am sr itz the org grp cmpnts vry bt thy hv so fr smd alw org in unfrm---m i gn shrt ndg hi w dljla--d e sh cr aidg trst oprtn---d hyvnhrst mex ofrg roll fr brkfs pltd on trs cn wrg blu t---bkts---sh p crs w---832a 2 fms on bks sm pfrf n 1-ylg??---this sat mrn thy timed all str trs empty  wc usually stayed full sat/sun---846a--smlr w cr bpg pgns w--2 mxs stg pkg by baby blues sm nr hywrth--lk yr hrct--whsp??? thn int the baby blues restrt-------kngs stp smngly knwlgble cnvrstn re city issues -i askd abt any wy t gt atty--ans-n idea wt u tlkg abt and dt wnt t knw---thts exc the point re trs usa------mob sh p hgs e--mob is lvng it up wt crm mny but sh cnt undrstd neithr the sz nr impct of amer nd its dngs--gd as nvr hpnd--certn tgts in america blng being demolished fr free compliments usa the sheriffs will b sure t support and applaud the idea and t hlp the mob alng the wy--in the best intrsts of americas "preferred" kind------spsd rsnb shff by 711w--cmn gv m ths up--ths up fr him in essnc mns n life fr me is fine cmpliments trs usa-----mob pltd btls 711w--ngs m/f plcn e f strg my bgs---mob m huntley e aftr ofg $1 fr mob -doing mob tlk nd dfrdg act--thr u r plg out $1--ths is fr u---nvr mind crms nd their impct drctly orgnzd by mob club big time but in america totally free--its nt their prb -thy dt kn nd dt wnt t knw--exc rgt---rfsd---the tlk is out of vocal of rdhd f -gv m the gn crmnl---sh pstn e deciding t obstn fr jst the moment with their plnd out gng prtcptn gm---mex out of rec w $3 rfsd -why??--fct is thy dt kn nd dt wnt t kn -dnt b fld by why???--they r well aware wt hpns t their trgts---mafia stg wt wky fem pls shd cmpnion lvng lf of crm accepted by trs usa--mafia who i gt t tlk t on bus stp mnths ago--hyd????---he tlks fn but clrl in wrg bsn but usa lks ths types a lot more thn it likes me---america apprvs and aids crms cmplmnts of trs usa--ng pwh pk s--hyd???---mob ng cmp 19 sm as by wh pk---hyd?

Friday, September 16, 2016

thurs---????sms lk yth or chl ws lkg at my bgs as i was leaving wh pk eve----ng w hlwd pk ofr fd---cnvrtb w cr vcn of wst knll w tlkg--??thr r ??? hr js lk in orvl??? ard 910p---mob ofg fd lq str crn lcn crs s ---myb amb bks d brnys ret dhugs guy oldr org shrt myb ard alfred tlk cell--thy nt gn d ntg----gds/shfs pflrs---***fri----8 min bf 6a a 4dwt sng sqlng myb hhi?? p swtz whrd t see nd fcs whn slpy---**** ng nr stbks frf sying brkfst strg at my bgs---phywrth w gry sht mob ???dfrdrhd wrk re cns hrsmt----*****1025a ltn attn attn-sys tht evr time--mst b trs wr btrg me nd i sd attn--i dt see well engh nd blk out t easy so ifld t ctc who ex ws btrg me bt trs grp knws he went in out 711w ard tht time nd ws in line whn i stpd in to tell thr is no dial tone mng thr is no pyphones lft at all in ths vcnt thy all dead--whn i wlkd in he rptd --attn attn ultra serial brglr---mx pcrs w--hi--wt up???---smn slpg crs pk bnc---w cr bp crs hts trn hyvnhrst s---4 dudes shrtr hgt vcn hgs 1 qtl ooh --othr prb syg --crz----1220p plcn w 2-3 cycles bkts pair on each hd---hls---1250p sbw vcn smn 2 lkg thn blwng smk my wy w--- mnt ltr oth 2 psg cig t hrss--srry---e ----sh p pvln w sd thk u whn i pt thm dn--i cnt see thm mst tms--ths one snded lesb f wl b my guess--some cl b gd ofcrs but oths my prtcpt in mob????----hwv i fl cert usa lks crm free at trgt expns its one nd onl trs prps thy wst u nd pss ths as nvr hpnd nd u fr crz cmplmnts of mob trs usa---mx f pvln emplyy instrctd by smn aprtl ofg me antg???? in the cafe area---*****329p p wh pk svc s d mlr ylp frm sh cr svc s--i fld t mk it out bt blv crz sh myb f --said nc lgs??? tlkg just lk gngs nd mob in orvll*****rlvt mst evr pyphn dead and i cnt get t any--whlwd pk ws kld by smn nd sm 711w by hywrth is also wo dial tone--ths were js abt the onl ones i cld gt to --nd now thy too r dead so i am absolutely wo any phone compliments mob and usa services who need pay punitive damages********

Thursday, September 15, 2016

wed---cls t 630 p sml unk blk cr m -hlo lkl sptg amr crm ???svc n p mlr ---908p w ?mech or cnst tk/hlr of unk knd p lcn w rpb---????918p---lcn sm s w cr  hrd -n sht----cls t 10p phlw w---vh???---??hy u lk???? unrdb---???228a in blk --hay hay hvng ?? tngt???---****thrs myb  608a cnt grt ex mnt i ws slpy w cr rpb ylg brglr ???blk tk lgts at ljla----?wh city tk ljl w---*****735a pcrs w athns gbg doing mob scene --psgr ooh!--drv mex--ha....! thy r ofcrs crm mob cnsp prtcpts----******rpb out of 76 vn lbld faded --severnaya zhizn'----amer le bsy aiding crms of nd being frds with--brglrs gngs trfkrs rktrng nd prd t b aiding the drt drsd up nd trnd t ps as fn people---slf rgts rsn bts wlkng bhd me--gt out of wy--whn trs is wlkng the slm owns the rd cmplmnts of trs usa---the btc lkl loaded wt tns of bks none of wc she shl hv cmprtvly spkg --if anyone clms i dsrv trtd by ths size crimes while scm deserves t live it up nd b fine i wld mc disagree--instd nd nt less t all ths flng fine --more appropriate nd much more deserving yr life wstd cmplmnts of lvl usa instd of mine absolutely----??7stm623 mobil blk sv ---look--i nt lk i cn grtee u trs usa but wnts nst nd mr nst--tht is engrnd chrcteristic of trs usa nd all of its proponents defrauders nd supporters---rfs---by brnys f w cr bhbnz--4matic psng wtr---thy prsnl steal all yrs rent mercedes wt yr mny but thy r the dfr chr wt wtr----rfs---permeated pot smk lcn crn plcn mob rcd on bk nd ?gtr----d e---1204 vcn clr/ls ?anm tp snd---mob trs sh sv pwsm w---slc pz ofd by tjs rfsd---mob sh pwstb e aidg all pro mob prjs--*****???7nsn059 w sv trn svc thms up--prty t mob cnsp prj****prj prtcpts jones nd othr prtnr onc sptd wt hlf sdwc mob dfrdr bth thmbg up nd ylg thms up for prmntly totalling my life beyond any recvry nd plng mc wrs prt of shrf cnsp mob sqd ***128p unk mex in blk tp wo any wtvr rsn lkl prt t cnsp mob club myb ltl plmp p ba syng stg lk no tlk--thn trs mob prtcpt mrcd drctl ins ba whr spsdl trs lk him blng--smn stng strng js outs whlwd pk--????

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

tues---lib grd t elvtr --lkl fvrg gng elmntn prg --ins lib ntcd gng prtc f als frds w itl mob -nt knw rsn gy is ok t tlk t but aprtly sells drgs fr ???hbby few dys ago thy wr tlkg by rbts stbk at tbl i nvr thgt she ws int drgs bt who knws i am typically vr anti due t dmg nd rb off impct but gngs r ant me nd wt hlp of trs amr le int plnd hrsmt nd dctrsp--lkl cnsp trs lib tctcs in prgrs----- whn wtn few dys mon dk skn mex fem ws rng mth lkl on dgs she als smtd off---lt her use cmptr--lkl prty t gng thkng org als---lkws undr mcrscp cnsp whlwd pk---mob f aftr tgt w wtr by shk restrt lkl bgt w brg fnds---lcn trs ofg $2 -rfsd --trs ofg ban--rfs--thy cl cr lss sz of crm nd clm ng gng bngrs bt gng dfrdg is vr cmn nd trs gng grps frq lnkd t chrches nd frd chrty----rfs--bkts sh sv hlwy aidg mob trs crm cnsp nd jnt thkg wch allws thm t jntl dmp upn sm tgts--sh t mobil???reprs??inquiries--rqsts????---wed----****640a---prsmd sm blk cr thgh wt my sgt nd its spd absl imps t grnt frm ls wed d w whilst gng psng swtzr w whr thy swrvd the wk bf wt blue pnt md a singl loud sht wt rcl snd --drc as thy psd me--i dt knw wt thy frd nd fnd ntg in immedt vcnt -but bk in butte gng frd in my prsnc propelling devc fr eggs, pellet,  paint balls, fire wrks -lkw this sht tdy nvr actually hit me--****??? ???---pltg btls shell slv cr ??5huc430----mob m p ogdn e prp dm btl on me mlcs trs dfrdg oprtn t dfrd ret of time nd life stln at no chg cmplmnts trs usa----ths r pro mob pro tedpro crmnl cmn nd le trs tctcs---smn pltd btl trs lqr crn thn svr bldgs w of lq str at gns prsmb mex---****1025a wed f sh thmbg up nd strkg cnvrstn t instgt frm tgt--??blk cr lrl prk lnsd shll---ret f pba t crs bs stp d w ptd acrss t trs syng thr is 7 cns insd hwvr i js cm frm thr nd thr ws none---in rd swt lkl cnsp aid hdng lying by bldg nx brneys bhd fr lease sgn---1255 dyt or js bf pfenc sm nx shk rest d e sh cr lkl cnsp vs tgt pro mob ops---??7vgm613 m w/cell ofg by sbw grtd dsptc---dfrd--rfs---w cr i thk---trs rmv early at rbts by mob who rmvs it svc---by abbeys cnst guy myb in strw ht -tk shwr--- vracko constr and desgn 202p 3106579099---scr ret rp hdg by ba w blk nc dg myb w spt on its hd kp ldl hrsg me al r rpt ....ldy by ba w cell smngly lvg e ws cld by bty prlr who yld --becca---sm bg cr dbp pba w flwd by sv pkd by ba--trs by whl pk wt bk in rfl gn--wrkg hd ha??-trs inslt---dg adct ng by lib smngl gt up lft---

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

mon--ld who cms t lib ofr sbw sndw crd at mlr crn rfs--lkl othr mob crmnl put her up t deed w burglarized mny again--thy steal thn flw u ard lkg t dfrd --lk i dt knw the amnt or the meaning of crimes the terrorists committed----dsptc trs nr crn svc sm ofg fd or $1--tell the trs grp the crime thy cmtd is crime of century sz crm nd nt only thy hv t py on it but als the punitive dmgs--i dt vltr t b hlss --america murdered me dead and trtrs me t dth thn pts fingr at abused hlplss invdl nd passes thm fr ididot--america is country of injustice --nd exctl the country wr mgt mks rgt nd thy lk this.thy need t mdn u all thy cn nd d ultra serial ultra grnd crime totally grnd cmpliments of usa----925p sh ??lcn sm w--js ard or afrt 10p w svfrm hlw bhd ihp t sm bl---thy sd stg i cl nt ctc----mobil w cr 7cbt155 ofg lkl mlcs insl--stl big dfrd ply chrtbl w ntg----****tues---624-5 small w cr p swtzr w rpb ldl ps me--thy r well trnd on tgt----730a w frt hlr lsy sbstntl wo lid unk crgo lkg rtr blnd drvr yll mob rpt t dfrd trgt whm thy wstd --****ku ku this was pcrs hts w--gy in rfl grn rtnl uses mwr vcn wh city hall ard 630 whn i live nd i thk thy bdl wnt t frm tgt so he wtcs nd thrfr knws i dt thrw stff ard or out of gbg but hes wkng for cnsd city trs crw who need wst me nd hv no intent wtvr t gt me bdl needed legal team--1215 aftrn w cr swftl drv out of mobil smgl scrd of ?stg bhd thm was shrf but i missed thm cntnd psb unk ?yngstrs --i dt knw any -instd thy trgt me nd i hv t dfd ,yself both vs mob nd all othr fools who believe america nd its criminals can total yr life nd trs crw can pay fr ths with their mob trs inslt persecution nd spit int fc insl amts----pltd inslt snks mobil trs nd hghly typical of trs burglarizing org who fl evr wt wtls dfr team sm lk ted fooled myron wt a submarine sdwc----cns gn smn els gt thm---crn lcn ml snt tdfrd w $1? mlcs insl--thy cn fl smn els -i kn exctl wts up---thy r prpsl lvng me woa suing atty per mob desires nd coincidently per ted nd sarah desires--thy nd t kill lvs fr absl ntg---trs cntry brglrzg  serial murderers mascarading as people--at rec my mtr wtd t gv u $2 mex spns spkg f lkd at plt frm othr sd of bshes19jmj12 nd too nrv t lk fr state as i hv t strain t see antg in the frst plc---rfs i dt trst no ones ma--smgly fred chased out ernie --i cl nt mk out rsn as he wld nt sy it ldl eng

Monday, September 12, 2016

earlier sat rcd w bk nd gtr sltl trn s lcn e sm --abt 12 noon--by sbw fem w/acct myb brts trd dmp her sld lftovrs on me wch i trnd upsd dn int trs---mex dk skn f rng mth at comptr lkl 0n dgs--m porld w rp hrs me w cig cmng bk wlkg up t my fc t frc hrss nd blw smk int my fc min bf 10p---hgs crn grp mob chldrn psb eatng btg fnds jntly ylld at me --rp hi --but am nt acquainted t any chldren thy js trnd t frc hrss apx ard sm time or ltl off--- sun---****630a--lkl grtd mob trs shwd on 911--tlkg crp i admr u -u -r -tgh grl--scdrl lvng off brg fnds sldr w blwng smk in my fc psb drgs--trs wlkg w twd swtzr --g mrn---77dfj611 gry sv --76--cn i gv u mn--grtd mlcs inslts--rfsd---??? ????---mob sh 711e d w---????shltr cln vh lkl ????----sx hrsg ng frm st vctrs crsn, vst, --?? ???--??sh pcrs gvg me drt lks  ?????as if i ws ret---d e----76f ofg $1 of 2---rmpt bus bnc smkr dstrbng me----wrkr at rec i blv dft one thn usual nd shrted me as i did nt chk on him prior t sgn -i tl him #2 ws nt on receipt -he clmd he gv me 5 cents--the btles r 5 cents each wc wl b 20 nd i dt evn thk he gv me the 5 cents nd snded vr angry----sh p wstb w strg bus stp lkg t lrn or frm tgts--dk skn ml mex mob ws nx me lkl dsptcd w cell nd coke lft coke bhd wc i prd out as i dt drk sda---mob sh d e---mob by sbw try frc $1 rfs---***9p hlw trn sm w f sh mob trnd oprtv --hi----alm 930p f p orldo sng scrmg u etc..???--ooh yell vcn glsns---mob sh pflores w---*****mon 608-9am 4dwt bp ldlypsg my exct spt swtzr d w----lst 10 min bf 630 guy pstnd slf nx me wtg fr bus nd my hv bn dsptc t strt smkng---smn lft jnk swtzr oth bnc and prd wtr bhd bnc---earlier am 1 stg i blv smn on my sd ylld 911 -on oth sd d e vh rp bp----i ws t slp t wrt dn exc tm---hls prk blngngs crs hts pk---prsn w flg prb dg qn dncg abt hlwy pk sun ngt i thk---mon 711w ng ylg stg re btc hls -dt knw at all his vhc but thr ws bhbnz4 slv cr on site nd slgtl ltr mex sh wlkd int str while nig still thr--sh cr pltd 1327232---rp u ylpng ng vh frf p sm s ard 819a----ths occrd shtl aftr fem ws psg sndwc lkl free who brded bus the other day--she ws willing t pt sndw in trs if i wld get it---bng clvr mob sd srry---nsy rd tk shell red older e p gdnr---vst mob f w sm str thy lk rpt --i gt $2-wl u lk $1----dfrdr tctcs mkg thm sm poor yt shr it --in rlty dfrdr brglrzg prtcpt psng as holier th thou who lk elimination tctcs get u out of wy thn steal----unk og tk by 711e w sgn 911restoration---***it turns out rams sports team wc my b cmng bk t los angeles ftbll-----ylpg bk in nv w phywrth---???6mtv458 dk grn sv 76 2 ngs fs? 1-ofrg mny -fr stg t eat???---evr els cn b stln nd gn n prblm cmpliments grgeous usa----????----mob sh p 76 w ????unrdb--hls f crs as t wtc her stff---fm by ljl str wc ofrd btls sat  was ylg bhd me ofg $1 rfsd-----swtzr bs sf ofg $2 --thy cr nt ths will nt buy a lwyr nvr----u cn by brd she sd---crssrds trdg co trss cn mess all ard-----******1220 aftnoon  phgs w w frt mechanical eqpt tk of sm srt whl spcfclly psg me rpt played substntl tune with his vh horn ldl--7fef749 ofg btls mobil slv sv---p hgs e in rfl grn dude ofg pizza grtd by smn in nv t shrt on e sd of hgs wtg fr him---bld mob trs grp f strg by hgs prtctng ultra serial ultra grnd mob crime while in cmplete safe comfort fr extreme serial crimes committed--ultra serial ultra grand wiping out of yrs wrth out of life fr good is fin in america w sh spt----in america gngs church profits frm crm at no cost  whr le shrf spt goes aftr tgts instd----by trs cn nr shk rest ****dude in suite bndg ovr t hrss me gd mrn d e--108p--*****109p sh sv p sm loc e---hay mkng plns t sng hls tgts--its too hrd t ctc trrsts----easier dmp cnsprd crm on hls instd---***145p sh sv sh mk sml bp pmtr e---***smn  in w sunglsses crsg svc i ntcd u ht nd thrsty offr $ nd chg t by drk clmng i lk thrst n ht---it is typical gng tctc t ply cncrn as thy in fct cnspr mjr ong nd serial crm aided by amer le-------at abbeys crn i ntcd opn droor w lg mtl cntnr bkt--------cmng acrss frm pvlns vcn s smn on bk trng e mkg dsp mob inquiry i fld t ctc ???, ah??---gsg jws f pying fr fvrs at rec not brngng cns but mnpltg prsnl fvrs--smngl brgt trsts fr frddie nd ernie in spt of mob cnsprcy tm --clmng -were frds---lib wrkr w lesb f lkg dn at my lgs rep

Saturday, September 10, 2016

fri---?????dk mex f opn cls lib restrm dr wo gng in as on one othr occsn shes nt lib wrkr---???nsy w sv mlr n svc --nsy lsy vhs mr cmn in rural areas---nr sbw or js w m ng w cr paper bg -5mt?u281 thr u go -rfs--prb rdg wrtg--smk pltd unk loc tj trs cn unavdbl brt in---sh vcn cllr/leash--ygstr by brneys dk wv hair ofg cig----sh pkings e ---****glsns crn sd st blk sh cr kngs s sm e --dg qn tp vc  ylg ---peacock as if zoo---i cnt rd time so will hv to gs myb 10:01 p my wrtg is wy t atrcs nd i dt alwys chk wt it lks lk i gs----sat am ****apx 610a trvlg e pswtzr -i prsm w tk bt hv svr dfclt seeing in mrn espec frm distc nd nt qt fully wkn frm it ylg child yth type voice doing brd noises  *****623a blk cr presmg sm as wednsdy hwv my eyes nt rmtl gd eng t grt guys in og-w guy--****we want ths rams---prb rfrg t dodge trks --thy pretended t act scrd i gt their plt plg off fas rem whn thrs eve the pieces of wood rk nd spiky cone were pltd here whr i sit t slp is typ of zoo who mrk territry with rocks etc nd lk t throw obj but also lk t tell lies nd flsl accs--ths were lkl pltd t mk me lk dngrs or plng t thrw objects-nvr hv thrwn antg their wy--but dealing with these folks is like dealing with pack of lies but many people incl lib shrfs etc... like ths type chrs----this was w guy nd grp composition nd vhs thy r in does vr but stll in non t type solid org fbrc---unrdb-??? ????ng f  -bkd out??---wkg by city hall mxs tlkg i nt ctch ptg my wy--ella---line 4 trvlg w frm frfx 847a js bf f who brded--cl i by u sdwc---lkl mob dfr--thy r alw btr thn u evn whn algd brk---she ws md ag myb mltr or w dt kn----??? ???amb bks w p gns---7tdx762 ????cns rfs bg cr 711w--wlkg p711w wvg arm?? d w---?? ??? ????insp e p ljl trs ng yst fri dyt guy in bg cr ptd out t me the npkn i drpd wc i wld hv evntl ntcd --rthr thn being hlpfll he ws lkl trng t sgst im ltrg as is mob cnsp scheme---82?05 box btls put by trs cn -sdl i dt trst peopl n mr nd ntg thy do othr thn fn lgl tm will mk dnt int horrors jntly thy concocted---*****1033a thmbg up fr crm sh sv pljl e ***1108 aidg mob team thmbg up pmbl sh pkings e--thy hv crw of mob frds qtly cnsprg wt shfs t wst me--jones few dys ago nt evn intrstd in antg abt the gng dngs who totaled my life -he hd t go--his job being orgnizing hls files nd dispensing info to mob nd city mob teams nd t hlpg the cause of the trs---mr jones lks the idea i shl sfr fr free nd wo legal team--tht is wt free clnc is fr t live by preying on hls-- hlpg the hls is nt their prb -dfrdg rlty is their prblm --thts how thy cn do ultra serial ultra grnd brglries nd be accptd as fine people by mkng up lies nd fools out of their prey--whch amer cmnt digs shfs dig nd whs trs crms thy dig thts why the thmbs r up--tht ws sh cr lst tm i blv---pvln rec 6kgb560 sm gry cr mexs lkl cns thy clmd thy wld lv wo mny itk thm --i thk ltr gy frm rf trd hnd me $5 rfsd bcs their effrts wll nt mk dent int hg crm cmtd vndlsm srl ultra grd theft illeglly md keys t yr plc sptd by le

Friday, September 9, 2016

out of lib frm bh me eric palma--840p acrs ramada e sh mob cr i blv -lkl f mob oprtv --hi--thy nw hv file by jns with whr u frm who u r nd r wrkg ant hls --mob cnsp team for mlt rcl trs mob grp oprtvs whm thy r gld t hlp w demolition nd dictatorship instead of prosecuting them tgthr with sheriffs themselves like rgtfully this shld be---for the recrd the $20 pltd by trs mob prj in my bg t prtct crm vs trgt ******ws tr int mny pieces as sh ws drvg out at svc --i yelled --look and tore up the bill --i thn took it t the trash can at sheriff bus stp--****the fd pltd nx me on exp dt fr sm dfrdg trs tctcs lk i dt knw wt the trs thy hv plled off agn i put it insd of gbg rgt ovr at swtzr whr ws pltd by dict trs----******whn i gt thr in eve smn pltd wd pieces rock formation nd a prickly cone -all of wch i stk in gbg--unlk trs wld hv u blv --i dt thrw stff--gng trs do--****hi, hey, u hrsmt r trs tctcs learned frm mob participation by wh sheriffs--thy build hlss files nd destry thm fr trs dictrship mob run cmnty who wish t pass mob fr nrml people----js bf 912-3p up lcn ps sm blk sv  ylg stg i fld t ctch mybe ooh or whew---mob pltd lcn cvs crn--lv u blsd one ---trs dfrdr---hides true deeds intentions demolishes lives nd nvr pays on crm compliments of persecutionist trs usa-----937p crm mob ng f or drg -hi celebrating mob trs achievements nd progress red cr psb frg?? nontypical cr lk ultra grd crm sptg trs scheme---*******615a fri 4dwt bpg spdg pswtzr--- ??a w tk pljl w 7a--???md cr tn ? f gigglg acr 76 w---cls 830a w tk 1.5 pfrf w----amv bks pcrs w---the fd thrwn out in mrn ws pltd whl i ws aslp---orgs dsprd frm my bg----on my wy bk pswtzr mumblg retrd in org ws pltd in my seat---mob shfs pkings e---hndg mob lntc f--phlwy w smngl accmpnying m wt/crt---trs hrsmt phlw w--shk frm mjr brglr nd wh hrsmt tctcs caused menopause within immediate upcmng cycle---****1210p 2 sh svs up hlwy pihp frt 1 lkl psgr ylg m--'u----i am nt undrcvr bt thy r killers nd trs nd mob operatives------sh trn frm lcn s thn e chkg on hw i wtc lgts--im lky t b wlkg ard let aln chl on lgts--compliments of  trs doings grgeous wndrfl thms up usa----snd ofr f nr stb --rfs---- sh pwsmnt e---at rec mob dict rng mth re crt ---why py on amer crm brglrs dmltn nd murder whn trs crts r free cmpliments of trs mob---the mob is multircl -wthn few dys i ws spkg of rpng ng at lcn--nx t him ws f who lkd w anywy smngl gvg him instrctns thn he flwd mex f----outs wh pk nd lib nigs cnsp

Thursday, September 8, 2016

wed--mob trs dfr ofr $5 sh dpt rfs---*****ths aftrn thrs disc $20 bill in my prs smn cl hv slpd rec or ba --i will personally go front of sheriffs desk tdy--- nd rip this bill put it in bag nd toss it ou--the point here being is mob *****sh dept mob ambsd services mob city of west hlwd nd mob trs usa  r killing mlcsly frmng hlss at no cost--that is why they failed to pay for private atty in this case which thy blv shl go unreimbrsd as thy lk it----u frg i rfs $100 ls wknd -thts bcs it ds nt in the least cmpr vs american crimes vs this party for whose loss nd suffering america refuses to pay nd at expense of whose life it makes itself a living --thumbs up by all means for american framing this persons life whose community and le assist aid crimes of gangs nd r ruthless and reckeless nd professionally kill trgts lives bcs police state lk them knws best hw t dfrd nd destry trgts lives----stpd at shfs dpt cnsdrg hndg ovr mob plt but ---i rem jns wed morn ws interested in sntching me where i slp nd nt in crime from which he believes trgts should sfr fr free---mr of sm i saw wed eve at shfs dept -bf lvng desk a blk dpty anncd--d u nd a restrm?----thy blv hls r nt prt of life but prt of inferior dump upn trs whs lives shld be demolished dictatored nd snatched at own expense---unrdb---??? ???? hi-hyd--mob hrsm---7lnr580 ??sml blk cr prtdg inslts fr ultra grnd serial crm is fine ofg fd-rfsd ths ws acrs stb wsmnt---****unrdb ?? ?? ???sm acr hlwy prk mkg rmrks re ltrg tkt rqs i emptied smll wtr btl****u js ltrd--ths remrks hrd frm f who ws 1 of 2 peopl on shny red cycle lkl bought w/brglary proceeds nd in whose interests mob shfs, ambs nd city of whlwd r frmng hls t avoid py out on crm vs trgts-------------psg me buy f w/cell on flrs who psd nd my hv bn dsptcd t dmp on hls--js bfr mobil incident blk f ofr chips rfsd she went t sv myb gry clr i dr nt apc cls eng fr plt ltr hrd ylg at wrkr at mobil --rfs lkl cmplmnts of gng pltd at mbl---look up nms of ths peopl ntcd frm my linked in could be linked t crm rings ?????karen kushner i blv it sd she ws of orville physician for schl nd prsn nmd ??martin paluso --prb othr crmnl----nig psg cigs pswtzr--mob hnds trs t dfrd serial ultra grand crimes with which sheriffs ambassadors nd mob west hollywood r delighted t assist them destroying lives nd stealing moneys fr own fun nd games----*****amb bks pswtzr wst psb gns in hlstrs paid by whlwd t encrg crm t hls---*****bw 620-30 the w dodge trk frm ls fri ps crn had smll amnt of lq in ygrt cup thy prd nd threw hlf prtzel--ths peopl lk t pass selves fr crng peopl while dng elmntn dictatorship nd serial ultra grand crime burglaries vandalism etc-----aided by american le who routes for nd aids the mob as americas trgts r the vr sm people -ths whm thy pass fr inferior bad or hlss t get away w/mrder while pstng selves as fine crng peopl---ws yr nm--brglr--sd sm othr crp--bt i am bdl anmc nd gt vr easl dstrctd espc in the mrn it seems nt t mntn oth issues usa caused or the life it cheated big time-----th w dodge trk wnt rnd ex 2 tms total ps me acrs prs stg wtc nd tdy thr ws smn wtg on bus who yld at them --knock it off rp----als some of psgrs py be chgng bt lnkd t sm grp lkl----???????pljl e ?????unrdb---???7nss871 cnt rd plt hnd wrtng jag at 76 ofg btl rfsd---ng trs ne crn frf sm hv clgn---mess by bd fctr trs cn mob lks blm on me---??? ???unrdb--whwd aided mob vcn 711w lndrmt ofg btls n jnk intended t pass enless ultra serial crm nd persecution as non exstg by dmpg on tgt----hd t chs awy thy mlcsl dt undrst bcs thy nd t hlp crm t g free nd wo py exc fr own pkts----bd anem bkts--- mob sh pflrs e---ths nd oth bf----trs hlpg mob cnsp nd dfrdg tctcs t pass ultra grd nd serial crm fr ntg----2 mob mex fs out of rec one mlcsly rp wvg the oth one-esta loca---pass fr nonexistent by dfrdg rlty--*****sw bw 1040-11a thrsd at 76 out mex mob who yst tl me stg gbg cn illegl tdy he i blv hd sktb w him if my bkts prmt me t rem crctly nd dfntl hd cn fr gsln abt myb 1 gln prb smlst sz he ptd at me nd impersonated me while pntg -saying attn attn thn went d hywrth or e

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

tues--f lib lkg my wy---???mob cnsp wrks???---thmbg up fr trs eric palma----wlkg s on svc dir mlr or lib??? bt i frgt t ntate it seems---on tues bf lib yest i rn int guy dstr wtr wth chrch paper attchments i rfs wtr thn guy in whl chr who lks ted im gsg rqst wtr--ths gy used t wlk yrs ago whn aggrvtn t bk inj sdnl md him prtl paralized i thk--??m-hi--smn str frm w sv gng up pbrnys---??????3 peopl smngly rng int prtctd wlkwy insd bldg being cnstrcted bw kings rd nd glsns sm s sd--prhps im imagining bt it cl be an act --thy cl sy thy afrd--i cnt see who thy r so cnt atc thm t crm gng or cnsp bcs cnt see well eng nd dt knw thm well eng--whereas myself vr obv trgt---atd 1030p smngl---********wed---sweetzer 630a---crn smw---***brgl u fkn btc---blk cr sm lkl as wk ago whn mlp tms yld btc....ths time threw camel crsh lights contnr filled with *****blue paint the color used by wtr co pltd****7jvf976****--by now i am fmlr w 3 vcs at lst 2 of wc seem qt ythfl i blv the frs two my hv bn hisp nd lst my hv bn yng w guy bt nt know-------w sv ofg mny insl lkl---5zql887 at crs hts d w---717-8 ntc a wt trk pcrs w of wc 1 guy ws in og----ylg vh phywrt ??752a wed---711w ng strng out t sm---ng f wlkg t plmr--hyd???--ran int jones nd prtner in their sv sh vhc---14634431-he sd i gta go aftr enq onc agn  wr i slp at---cmnty hlss hndg trs prj--cnsp t dmp on vctm as orgnzd by lng hnd of trs prj--i tl thm re blu pnt nd plt bt thy wr bsy except t trp the hlss wr thy sleep per mob city hall nd mob sheriff who wld rthr demolish hlss thn py fr nt prvdg paid private attys----myb 940a??---711e mx fm frc push $1 wc i rpd fr her snc she wl nt tk it bk--thy r frc upn dfrdr srvc --flks who dstryd evr --nw thy thk $1 will do--brfl stg on trs cn eatg stg nr 711w -whn mex trs pntd at me nd dclr ths illegal---as prclmd in his trs bhlf by leist rthlss reckless nd trs sm as usa pro mob pro trs city hall jntly wrkd mob extrmntn prj wo py except fr own pkts at trgts expns--sm exc as crmnls in mo prps---?????---by ba crs oldr m ofg ins mny thn jn f--prps is mlc insl nd prpsfl nonpayment----bcs crm in america runs free nd wth vr calculated cnsprd calculation alwys at trg expns--crn crst shpg area rest tbl outs blk f--frm dst wo cause--dt tc my shit or ill bt sht out of u----i cmpl city hall wh--hlss hrsmt thy r prticipating --aidg all trs nd hdg nonpay prjcts---blk dude lcn crn rpg rpt stb yr ass etc... thn smngl flw ?mx f---jones thmbg up frm cafe near rbts--by ba svc $5 m rfs -ths one did jn mob f lkl--rl prp ---nonpay---

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

lkl drt lks ??/lib f--sh mlr n--??? sh sv f ylg hey==hlpg mob type ant hls mlcs hrsmt 615p--???cnsp mob wh pk  ????yl ???? n sd sm e of sh dpt---???gry cr---hls pwstb w sm one wh once ofd mtcs fr n rsn mumblg cl nt hear thn --heil htlr--dfr dudes ofg $2 d e pwstb rfs--the mob prps is t insure nonpymnt on crm nd insure no rgts atty---??854p pltd ice cream frm rawberri pltd cocn wr lcn trs -frc upn mob dictrsp dfrdr servc unrdb????--1 blk e lcn guy ofr $2 mlcs wrtls insl -ntc vr dfrt frm crm thy pull off rfs--??ws tht grl or gy???mlc rmrk--bt ths is mxd up area--?scr--hv wnd dy pls lf klg dfr---1035 hd yl myb vcn ihp --occd whn i ws hlf wy bw brnys nd hgs---1129p p swtz e cr stp bp crn swtz s--ylg ---crz guy vcn crs hts ???scr ltr thr glss btl int strt gn e  unrdb unrdb crz by 76 e smk m p76 w===blu/gn othr gbg co ylpg pfrf w--wrkg gy plumr area in org wv--- ?? ????mob sh p gdn e sun bus 5693 ln 3 gn w pgns scr -gngbgr 1125a---???ng blk e of frf???---???strg  ???mess nx cndelarium--slvrs jp ofr $2 mob insl shell--rfsd---earl ng vcn vd spa clm by fr me sm cks wc cs ntg grtd --sw cookies ltr tsd vcn 711e--dfrdr--noncomparable t massive extortion priced t high t remedy wt endls mnc nd persecution aided by cmnt le hr t hng u nt ths aftr u-trs mob usa style--bntn wy--ng f in rng engn tahoe blk sv chev 3svx153 wntg t gv mny -nvr mnd hw mc hrm ths lvl flks jntl thy pull off---rfsd---******620p sun scr svc/sm erl sh mob d e---  ???subw---sh psbw e---7ugg155 ofg fd?? by lq lcn 825p plcn w r cr --ow snd--****sun 925p rp scr unrdb ???? swrv n tk pict go e 4dwt pkmgs===othr scr hrd??? 930pnd 12 min bf 10?? wl b 948???? drc labhm vcn---scr  p  ??? e--655a mon urg cr crn w hlo ylg m sml gry cr--i cnt see nd yld brglr no one hr t trst--nd he yld --yes.---unrdb---susp ??? ??? ??crs hts vcn--why cm ovr hr????up frm dry clnrs t crss crn ngs ??? ft of me--- sd plm 4gcl975 cws ofg cns??---mob sh pgdn w---bs 4038 sm gn e--fld pk me up frf bt i blv ths dy the nx one ws in mnt---gsg bw 12-1 dyt---mon-- ?????5tnj403 ???? rfs-- 127 ??? s rmp crn mobil rmp/tmpl chg rfs--scr hd 306p crn mlr 512 occ scr hd vcn ba svc prhp js w of ba??*****523p p???shfs bs stp w---2 adlts nd 2 chldrn --hrd scr thn gross cmng out of child-i sd brglaries r mr gross they headed twds crn at west--i suspct mob bcs thy lk to mk thngs prpsl dstrtd vs my intrst t prtct crm which mny yrs trtr nd strgl cld nt buy bk---rp occsnl scr acrss shfs als hrd??? but myb nrml nd or rglr---610p zoo mob with possibly brglrzd brd new wlmt bag hau dg tdy cmng frm crz mlcs mob oprtv lkl one who thr glass int street saying thy will keep me lngr thn him --fr trs usa wld nt b srprsd---- m/f crss wstb e--m blw smk in my fc gtg ovrl poplr hr too--earlier trs ngr by ba drty lks---bst dscrbd cnsp vs prey--amer cnt undrstd i shl hv any rgts--thy thnk bklt frm which no one will file cases or properly represent them is rights--no lw enfcmt nor city hall cnt see any dift--ots nt their prblm--thy nd shrfs jntly frm wst nd dmls lives nd pretend crimes incl nonreparable value ones r invented nd thy let the trs loose nd help thm t wst u--hrsm???gt out cn -au ok???--mob hndg---by stbks -wu lk fd or cns???-ds nt lk it i dt wt ntr--i shl nt kill slf fr ntg cmplmnt trs usa thn hv evr ersd cmplmnts sm never mind cntg -bcs trs usa job is t nt blv it---919-20p  lw rd w cr scr pflrs e--i blv sh ws bhd it????----mob amb tk pswtz w--- ???ylp vh 942 d w???--********ngt mon--- 215atues or js bf  --gt job or u gt dth pnlty--fu btc d e bk agn stg dk ct rd bg---fu btc g t hell  fkn die -u chs dth pnlt no supls no fd nd mr on dth pnlt????crp dctrshp------635a crn swtz w sml car throws plstc bg tr frm hny bn cntng szbl amt unk w pwdr ylls -crz btc ard gsg thrg nrb prkg or ally ylg agn crz btc nd pwdr lkl t dstrct mnc nd hd plt----***shtly bhd wtn 10 min sm dir w bpg gng sh sv---mob f d w twd swtzr -g mrn---4dslvtk d w twd crs hts ylg ??u ?? it---i yld bk --brglr----??914a hvg hrd tm rdg ink st vctrs nig hrsg sex hrsmt as alwys pmrtl w--- mob sh pstnl e cnt undrstd hw i ws wrgd nvr mnd crm or lk of attys t tk all trsts t trial fr mny --- ****m/f w f chl --gsg chl scr----porl e---lkl ths chldrn hv trng lk dgs t prtcpt in mob---btls fd insl pltd bw lcn nd stbks--mob lkl on st stbks wsmnt---svc sh bus stp -smn lkl chr psg wtr -gsg dfr lkl wrkg wt mob nd lkl hlpg brglr--bk in orvl f in whlch at ftrs hs sd her cnty wrkr hs stln evr in her hm nd she was pastors wife--wrkr at clsd clns rec who ws thr one dy sd of brglrs-thy did the brglr nd shk sheriffs hnds on wy out--gd frds wth lts in common.1441p ba smk nx me--smn usng cell outs libr --tlkg in cs nds mr tm??????ps als by stbks mon duo of wc one ask fr prmsn pict of my hair -the othr tk pctr wo permsn

Saturday, September 3, 2016

fri--927p--??vcn ihp hrd -mob---js bf lcn 2m prb assctg me  with mess md by smn els -au ok?bcs thy nd t fnd wys t wst u wo pay---939p sm acr jlwy ??hl fkn btc???--??scr slv sv s on hlwy trn e uph strt js up n of brneys??????smn pt $1 on trs fndg endls wys t dfrd the rlty of americas serial nd ultra grd crime wo py---1025p--hi blk cr sm d e trn kings--mob grp smngl fs crsng frm hgs sd sm twd mbl trn e thn snging songs with rdclng dictatorship infsd cmpliments of dictatorsip crime fr free by gngs---lkl sm ones who sng bhd me one ngt re sue u---sngn gng---1055p sc vcn glsns --vcn swtzr shfs---sat mrn smn slpg bnc crs hts prk-no one snt t btr thm---trs in ??? ???mob hau---trs pcrs w 1040a bp pkngs? silv sv bp agn blk t the wst---no cns 711w or vr lt ltl-- or mbl js nw -myb tmng dfc???thr u go--by brnys insl amt mny rfsd------****dk sk hisp lgr wvy dngl hair plcn e---sngn a thrt---??btr wtc out--i'm tlg u why--ths will jstf mob crm accdg t which --u hv no rgt t stp out of hm -tht wl b nt wtcg out --thy will dsps of u nd evr yrs at which thy r gng prfsnls aided by le---sml slv cr bp pcllr/ls-- by sbwy rnt blk slv accent sv pltd d9c 363---blk sv pntd on grnd 3 btls w liq rfs--guy lntc pshfs e -clg me btc??? ????crmnls nt t b cgt instd prps dmp upn frm tgt prb rdg ???7fon936 hbtl dmp upn trs f ofg mlc $1 rfs--hrd gigglng f fm sml cr prbts e gsg??bk ard 1244p aftrn-ard crn 1245?? blk hr f -dfrdg js wn hlp u--in fc nt--lkg t see t it tht crm is cmpltl free -ofg $100---if u evr saw ths gv u antg u wnt see ngt fr lng tm t cm nd wtc out lsng yrs bcs the lst thg thy hr is hlp u -thy absl cl cr less wt thy nd usa cs u--the entr prps is to mk serial mjr ultra grnd crm free fr usa nd the trs org. sh lkg t frm tgt prbts e 1252 agn prbts e --prps mnc--dscvrd pltd rc crsp trts -i tk rt out put int trs at nx t lib--susp prsn prp pts blu bg bk of lib--234p hrd lntc ins lib--the trs nd drt is alwys welcm--thts wh america ws dsgnd fr--******on the othr hnd america nd its bureaucrts blv vctms shld b frmd nd dspsd of at ow expns nd americas serial nd ultra grnd crime shl go free nd no one shl btr t d antg abt this--its nt their prblm -their prblem is t dstry u nd mk crm twds u -free!!!!!!the prps of mob nd le both--als ltl iv hd mr bkts nd othr prblms -as mob usa pursues only one knd intentns t dfrd nd t wst u at no cst and for its endless serial ultra grand crimes t ride for free

Friday, September 2, 2016

as i stp out of lib smn ofr $5 unf i dt blv ths is drc bt myb thrg 4th hds nd none these cld cr less abt the enrmsty or trs american crime pulled off nr the cnsp btw mob nd trs amer system lkl wntg tdsps wst bnft at trgt expns nd suffering nd wtht cmpnstn as america blfs certn srt of people thy cn dmp upn free.----au sr???---wstmnt ng pose nx t my bgs etg thn tk my seat at bus bnc----smn w bkpk stg on gd nr stp gn wst seemed scrd of thieves when i stpd t let smn pass---???2 cnsp mob bks actvl ?psg gn g trs tctcs plcn w---?blk sv psg 1 blk e lcn blk f hrd sying stp this sht---blk lkl hls rp stp frt of me nd str my wy ?inst phgs e---????psb yl vcn bk cr???*******flwg gng mimiking jk occrrd--w trk dodge wrtn on bk plt flpr crn sd ard 3 tms in myb 2 mnts bw 602a-604a pswtzr w yld sm crp frst tm ard bt ws bk s fst i blkd out -ws cls eng nd slw eng all tms t see plt hwv my eyes wr wtry in mrn nd i prctcl totl cl nt see i blv bgng of plt mgt hv bn ****6u thn lkl 5 mr dgts myb incl 4s nd sxs bt due t rng eyes earl in mrn qt smpl i cl nt see thy wk me up als thr wrpr frm fritos barbc sunf sds it trn out thr was few sds in thr bt i dt eat ths anywys nd dbt sch sml amt was mnt t fd hwvr tm t time thr r mnt amnts of fd pltd nx me by unk prt i nv thgt it was these thrwng peopl bcs it wl be on bnc or by me swr plcd while i am slpng ms frq--als peclr each tm trs pss by he kp askng if i gt the plt yet als the tip thy gt frm orvl wr they gt the trs invntd crstl meth tip-nd ls time ard als yld mob type brd knd yel ---kukuku--vhcl lkl nt incld all members******??gsg w grp phlw e --hrd m this is hrs----i blv thr is als w trs grp cmpnts bt hv nt lkd clsl eng who -mr thy r exprts at rdclg nd frmng me----smn was rec whl i ws slpng nd smn lft a shoe tp of trs cn psb trs mrkr???**sh alley e bh out of clst sh out of ljl-----f slpg crs hts prk bnc---sh phywrt wtcg me w/cup lq????--stn sv sml slv wntd t chg btl i thk was blnd f--i ws still hrdl wkn as my slp ws vr dstrbd??--76 gs stn smn pltd plntn chips frm ross had ?jnt type smell -i tossed into trsh with upper bndl of chips after wc it n lngr smld lk jnt nd cl be eaten i blv samai brnd---????plrl ?w ???strg cr--e sh sv---ba crs gd in blu ofg $2 in lkl mob bhlf trs insl in exc serial ultra grd crm----for u he sd--i kn exc wt amer gt fr me---rfs---smn int in frmg trgt lkg at me emptying icy lqd t cl off--flrs trs cn pltd opn tea tp of trs cn---rem gngs wr alwys cnc i hv drnk ---tht stp thm nt frm hndg me or dng ultra serious elimination nd brglarizing trs acts----i prd it out nd plcd ins trs---??oth mob insp lkl---6dwh873 clr ??bg mobil f snd/ck i dt blv ck ws fll rfsd ths ws prstd frt of othr f nd cr nd ths grp cl cr lss entrl wt the amer mob cs me exc lk it nvr were cmplmnts of ultra trs fr free usa where ultra grnd crm flies free nd no one does antg t ftc it---???unrdb ???? w??? pls dg plcn w --??? ???unrdb----***blk sv ??m/f gd mrn/hi blkg out 1250p aftrnoon frid pshk rest e---wstmnt smn ofg btl of tea trn w???crsg duo vcn cf bn d sushi trng e ofg m $1-stg t eat -inslts frm mob rfsd---bkts---smk smll pltd insd ba svc trs unk loc frcng trs brt in---****ng ylg frm js outs wh pk ???sty out of my???? unk i nvr d antg flwd by btc---=dk sk f opn dr t tlt nd alth tlts wr totl avlb clsd dr--i cl b psb tgt sm as wt shrfs/mob---****mk tlkg abt leaving bcs too expnsv nt clr wr mntn gryhnd???--i nd him here fr wtness -nt seem t do anything i need t hlp me

Thursday, September 1, 2016

mikes contact phone (323)378-5934

wed---I blv thr ws cr ofg bg of sm knd at mlr svc crn bt nt sptg any nts--??gy clg me ?? ?? ???unrdb rfs---???mob m crs str lk dmp on tgt -unrdb insuf nts---at abt 712a  ntcd slnt w tk w sng gy in og??? pcrs w at 715a w cr inrms ln pcrs w-a ml mob oprtv tsng lftovr frm pza slc my wy as if t dmnstrt hw lwly trs mob wh cmnt shl b trtg me as trs extrmntn prj nd fnd wys t dsps elmnt extrt---hv sm pza-mlcs mb btn all ovr insl-hv sm pza---sm knd of mchncl trnsp hlr w cbn frnt ylg 748 d w pcrs---sh stk out 711w t dmp on tgt --lkl oprtv stkng out city hall sd 630a fr wshs of trs sh mob ops--btm ln lkg t dctr wst trgt---America pays its trs ops t dictator demolish trgts lives--the mny goes t operatives wrkng fr mob who jstf crm amer style nd who do trs acts exc lk lndrth t dmg lvs nd crt trs mob bsn opptunities---blk cr mbl --7jwu466 f ofg cns mbl rfsd --shtl ml e sm inwds orl bk out agn offg ins mny amt--thts wt amer hs in mnd fr tgts-evr u hv thy stl -cmpltl wrtls amnts thy hv t trs prsct inslt nd demolish nd bury yr existenc while stealing mkng out nd aiding mob as a spclty job prj---rfsmob trs sh pshk rest--mob trs f ovr t lft sd in lib lkng t frm smn nd argng mtg wnt ard crn t hd cnsp trs actvt ms lkl prpsl dspsg of unwntd prsns nd liability--by mns of mlcs trs cnsp prpsl invrtg the trth ms lkl--at the expns of prey stg trs mob really lvs in trs usa--thy spt trs actvt 24/7/365 thn dmp on u smply t elmnt by frmng--btc wnt t hd bcs trs mob whwd wrks by mlcs prsctn typical usa style actvly engaging in wstg lvs fr free--unk trs f lkl prtcptg mob wh cotrs afflt---????ths ws js nw hr in lib thrs earlier at 245p as I ws ptg ?? dn sh vh--I blv leist whl my thm ws dn yld -hi--js lk trs gngs antr scm t wst lvs tgtr w mob bds lk ted trs jntly sprt fr prps of wstg lvs lk mn at no cst--who crs their attys will do absl ntg t rdm trgt why py fr representation nd victimization -this is trs cntry who systematically fnds extrtn frm tgts dictatortiop nd persecution -incid btc ws tlkg ldl no one did ntg nd on one occasion smn ws typing xtra ldl--leist did ntg--ths trs scdrls apprv actvts of mobs lk ted and the like nd jntly shrfs wh etc g rnd prsctg wt totl wrtls fnds while in fct htg abt vctm nd serving up rfs nd poison nd jnk to dfrd t dictate to elmnt t dmls at trgt extnt nd t prv mgt is rgt whn attrnys r unfunded nd phones nt provided etc--these r trs mkng money frm cntns ultra grnd crm t trgts jntly wt mob whs fine thnking they dig as they dfrd the cmnt re crtn of ong prblms which America pays thm t create nd t proliferate fr prps of dstrctn of tgts wo pay