Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 Mon 311a embrace tailing Robertson Santa Monica corner few moments later ambassador seen passing again 615a Athens picking up garbage Santa Monica curson moving west suspect nearby victim bags vicinity 711 Curson fencing the suspect unload smoke proximity victim vacate same time as victim he also had two bags 723a someone grabbing can and smoking moving past victim San Vicente south 1153a ambassadors 3 bikes curson east hello after 2p kings west 704 seen passing line 4 coach 8478 not pickup victim victim move to sweetest line 704 coach 9587 refuse pickup victim and another line 4 just behind it not pickup victim victim boarded next line 4 with faulty back door 257p sweetzer moving west female driver wanted victim bag away from the door Tuesday mess maker seen moving Spalding east at 1129a earlier older m sitting Plummer park stop likely a ?conspiracy hub within ?last month tad of Greenwich village pizza and his groupie friend wheel chair Francine both independently complained about victim ?whiskers meant as insult Francine likes hildale bank location pan handling wheel chair Steve pan handles la Brea east corner both have checks section 8 free food plus assisted pan handling

Monday, February 15, 2021

 Mike says his phone already dead victim computer will not pickup beverly hills guest WiFi from city hall location needs toilet location where electric is now sealed preventing the pickup

 Mike just threw out his phone and victim is in dire danger from Hollywood dmh 103 assisted victim found it but crazy mike will not renew it

 other persons previously kicked out stolen from by Tori 1315 Nelson ave Elizabeth Ann Hess 5306937?491  1451 west oro dam Blvd #10 Antonio Anthony Garcia 5302624843 these claimed shoved out everything stolen from by Tori at the locations and suggested same fate occurred to Craig Stephens they also seemingly suggested junk garbage at the location is tori's garbage sadly its very possible Tori is criminal and other former occupants ?might have been criminals

Sunday, February 14, 2021

 Sun 345a large team ambassadors Plummer park to offices Santa Monica Blvd no cans vista carwash this time drunk ng deviant likely surrounded by mess Sierra Bonita corner 448a ambassadors Arco Curson east busy conspiracy toward this victim 740a force smoke blowing smoke at victim westburn west 31632m1 working cleaners Hancock east 1145a ambassadors NW labrea west 1150a severe pot crossing lanes south !!!!!!!!!!highly dangerous conspiracy by west Hollywood groupings ambassadors and sheriff department victim in immediate fear for her freedom

Saturday, February 13, 2021

 7a sheriff seen parked sheriff metro stop San vicente 226p line 4 coach 8424 traveling San Vicente toward west refused let victim board pan handler seen sidewalk near gelsons other by hildale yet other presumably deaf positioned east of prosecutions instead victim is being persecuted for her dire plight !!!!!!!!!victim in dire fear of encarceration persecution from home team triage Hollywood dmh 103 assisted by west Hollywood bad groupings ambassadors and sheriffs

Friday, February 12, 2021

 Mike hanging with James last couple days ruthlessly keeping victims life in danger !!!!!!!!   changing his promises ridiculing victim

 ?537a Mon frfx w bus not stop tuesday 930a as sheriffs turning from south side Santa Monica at Fairfax likely cnsp ambassador staring front Plummer park Harassing tad as always Greenwich village pizza Tuesday night 1120p banging bksd bus shelter pdc corner get out of here ?5cva817 female repeat ?you want Arco before 1a giggling black man bus exit labrea several Sundays ago kings going east go away stop spreading the disease as Sierra Bonita burnt inner trash can corner Santa Monica Wednesday 820a cleaners picking up cans for selves at hildale 840a herb harassing victim hi melange how you doing 9a line 4 San Vicente e not stop ?1148a Sierra Bonita east ambassadors hi melange Sierra Bonita east ???? 1234p black thug who makes messes to 711 Carson 520p Thursday herbie city crime passing victim Santa Monica San Vicente going south 3 ambassadors repeat cruising pdc corner between 8 and 9p Friday suspect m bike how is it going? Laurel west

 Thursday abused harassed home team triage Hollywood dmh 103 Karla Bennett 2136332900 med reach 2136337329 2134803480 8008547771 after bothering victim med and attempted Dr harassment attempted do away victim.to.suspect housing and persecution harassed victim re shoes and shower clearly employed by suspect city groupings behest then heard they went to sheriff venegas Plummer park savenega@lasd.org 3108558850 fax 3103595658 Karla also heard mention she somehow spoke to victims mother victims worst enemy and seemingly Karla very motivated aiding city extermination dictatorship targeting this victim in danger of being snagged any second this is aided by sheriffs and ambassadors and west Hollywood victims freedom is immediately in danger for absolutely no reason mike does not help victim as promised instead chasing james

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

1/30  --  jan--1a sha labrea e--hau--u came back----unr/inc--- using mikes samsung wifi as--- not able access bhills guest---they sealed electric where it was available----cig labrea/n---420a---crscent heights e--ambassador/ng---hyd/ok--stopped and harrassing vct--ovr collecting cans---sheriffs/ambassadors likely using body cameras--to frame intimidate--dmh 103 waste the vct--- cigrtte labrea/n----hyvnhrs/w----unr/inc---crsc/hgts/e---910a--ambssdr hrsmnt--glxy crn---gmrn----920a---glxy grd--hrsmnt--trying move vct--from--glxy outdr seating to sdwlk---1140a---ambssdrs--lbrea/n--gmrn milana---sun--jan/31---weho---free framing people---hrsmnt/persecution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1----extrmntn---vct leaving in fear--after gateways hospital lockup--by hollywd dmh 103---more--ambassadors likely --fuller/e---gateway hospital--or related--stole vct--vitamins scissors--but--tori---1315 nelson ave oroville-stole vcts--thinkpad--other--likely business cards change etc---tori --broke into--campert--supposed hers--before claimed--sold to someone else---shoved evr out--stealing vcts thinkpad--etc--gvng vct hard time--toris f--friend--being moved in --to replace vct---telling endless lies--suggesting mike stole computer--intimidate vct--over--recycling--and chasing vct--off her own property--feb 1---mon--pot--bike formosa/w---1151a---hsp/m---lkl/groupie/gng---rp/yllng--hey--at/vct--spldng/w---shrtly vct--will not--be able use--mikes samsung wifi--as he will not--pay for--phone---sheriffs--ploting--dmh--hollywd/103--extrm,ntn vct--for---city/gngs---tuesday--515a--bus--frfx/w--dlb stop--awy frm--vct---sus askng cigs-0--frmsa/w---also --tj/fuller/w----1463153--sheriff at--711/curson---info/missing---sheriff/f--443a---genesee/e---hi/hyd/hv gd day---feb/3---location---lq/gnsee/nw--likely---info missing--???wht/u doin?---probably same /f sheriff/speaking---448a?-0-coach---4082----date--missing---trvlng/frfx/w---ng driver--wld nt let--vct--on board--bus--telling her--her cans are grbg/!!!trash---i'm lkng at it--re vct/bg/with/cns---unk/date--1157a---f--frfx/edress up--go to--dpss----!!!west hollywd--out of--touch with--reality----fri---1130p---ambssdr--at--city/crm behest---s/lower library crn--chase away--mike vct--telling them--they are blkng--drwy--nvr in--use---sat---545a---bus/stp--frfx/w---likely skip/evade/vct---bad/incmp--notes----spldng---pr--siting--spldng bnch---suggesting vct--going through--their trash---mds/groupies---aFTR--ambassadors---let loose--a/sus/dvt/ng---ng tlkng crap---going through vct--bg--not stpped by ambs--vcnty arco---the dvt--tlkng crp---snc u are following/me--u/should--at least--leave/me--something--to/drink--lkly--mds/groupie---aided by--ambassadors--and likely--lnkd/to--mess/mkng/city/groupies---messes also seen--frther w-into/west hollywd--nrby wkn/crn--and/plm/crn---dates missing--ambassadors harrassing vct---vsta/crwsh/e---gmrn mlna--gmrn---1216p--mess mkr--just bhnd/vct--into/76----hvy set dvt ng---wrng--nvy clothes---sun---118a---sheriff passing frmsa/w--vh mkng--crcklng noises---123a--sheriff--poinsettia/e--dt dig--in trash---415a--same sheriff--curson/w--??---in trash/can--lkly same as--hlpd--city/gngs--chase vct --frmsa bus shelter--mike--s/lib/crn---drctly lnkd--city/gng--groupies---these sheriffs--instrctd mike---we cnt be--seen--sleeping---dates missing--messes seen--many places--nrby fuller/wlls/frgo gbg---daily--vsta crwsh--many other places--prpsly--situated--city/gng--groupies---mon--210a--ambassadors--vista--trn--alley/w--630a--athens pkp--wstb/w---sun---ba/hldl trash and--abbys trash--empty--early ahd vct---720a/725a---trash was--was--alrdy gone---mon 450p--glxy grds--eyeing/cnsp--re/vct--whl/vct--wtng for--mike--tues---445a---ambassadors---ng/on/bike---711/curson--537a-0-bus/lng/rd--frfx/w--not/stop--wkn--gbg--emptied ahd vct--someone seen --with many cns--pssng spldng---930a--shrffs--trng/sm--frm--s/sad--frfx--lkly/cnsp--re/vct--!!!tad--from--grnwch/vllg pizza---regularly harrassing

Sunday, February 7, 2021

 Feb 7 123a sun sheriff poinsettia d/e dt dig in trash----- 414a sheriff Curson/w --- loudspeaker ---  ???  In trash can ----  helping city crime group making messes

Saturday, February 6, 2021

 Suspiciously minded mike friends with drinker james

 My bent toe is hurting from shoe damage plus infection UCLA mobile clinic not give antibiotic told vct come back for checkup next wednesday foot still hurts although Dr Walter claimed he drained infection he asked strange question when was vct last time in hospital

 Sat Jan 30 sheriffs 1a labrea e body cams rp melanya hau? U came back unreadable incoherent 420a crescent heights e ambassadors stop harass ng ambassador body cameras hyd ok? Cig la Brea n

Victim fears altered habits and brain damage following wonderful dmh gateway mental health medications

 Electricity sealed backside Beverly hills bathroom by city hall tablet connects to unknown WiFi unknown if computer will at all connect from city hall proximity should be getting computer Monday after supposed covide delay