Wednesday, September 30, 2015

dispatched children cnsprcy trsts to instigate and assist provocation persecution w/o paying incurred mob manufactured community aided horrors

rd trk slv btm to 9th blk upr crn mob blu cr lbls bpg to 9th mob trs trk to 959-65 mob burglrs mrdrs -jlu rpt.. sm sec up nls. 9th blk mbst ? of w chr bp oldr dk cr dn nls hdg bk wrg tnk ?w/phns ps dmpstrs up nls. 5ved114 chkn mob trst league tkg plts- my gs ths is mob connection lkly to mob groups nd uhaul etc. ths ws w guy. they waste u buy brglrzg chsg out of plcs. mob gng dictatorship wstg drg adct grps who feed drgs to childr prtcpts lkly.w cr bp 3d d nls. bg cr bpg ps hd up nls. bully team aided by cops. w trk hlg ?? nsy grn cr p mno d grd. sml w cr lt rnd le lgts.hghlds eh bg ldy duo m/f ml tlkg. pd passing by chev to hlp frm me nt bngrs nd supplying nms to mob gngs lkly. ?????????bg ldy ps nls/tb chrch fr cr lkly ?dk cr??????nls d cty. duo bks in lgt nd drk p allian d grd lsy blk trk mob in brdg to tn  hey milana mob trsts cnctd to pd chrchs gngs nd infiltrtd suptd by mob cmnty who preys on disliked.chldrn bks in brdg drk skn nd w -w chld clg me ck skng  twkr??????bitch. twkr accdg to mk is crstl meth-crmnl mob etc within chld cmnty nd chld adlt tms spread mlcs trst rumors nd go out wstg lives for mob. child team wnt ard svrl tms thn the chld w/yl bkpk with crp tlkg mth cm by high strt nd cld me bitch cpl mr tms. bg 1.5 bp ps vet to tbl???????? w chev hrzt splt hey p mrs d lnc duo hdg chldrn mntg t linc gazebo tbl 310p?????bks d linc ps mrs 312-15.mst be drk sknd cmp hd blu/blk of wch 1 clr is bpk. mbstrs in blk nd gry offr t hlp chk- I ntcd blk guy sw grb my bg.mob fem ptd hr d mntg. susp rd cr blk ???brd linc.blu mvn suv stl brd d rob??? mob w chev trk -hi ps brd rob bk yl/rd -btch.bpg mob grn stn wgn lnkd to hdg nd dodge team grps lkg to benft by wstg othrs lvs mrs rob d linc. bg tny trk shl hi ps rob d mntg. bk yel bpk mrs trn bldw so lkly nt high. bk . hdg w trk bk ? d mitch bk rlys d orod. ml w suv ps orod d mitch. blk f -grl????mbs w veh ?wts tht? bpg grn mb cr. dk grn cr fems trzg - d linc ?blkout pls thrs klkly num vehs so I shldv dbl ckd grn cr plt. 6dub636 w cr mob pizza who clms saw me on nls - I cnt see but mob burgl terzs wsts thn pretds to be chrtbl nd frms u w/plc nd stls info no doubt. dk grn hdg cr spcr d mrs nvy suv -haha.... celebrtg aiding cnsp ter mob act-nxt crm of any srt aNY SEC W/HLP FRM CMNTY ND LE WHO HLP ENCRG THS. Z GRN CR -SHT TH FK UP. SCR  SM PS OHW D MRS BPG SILV CR. MB TRST CR ARBYS SCR. BPG D LW WHEW -SUSAN BLK TRK BEHD.. FRM PP MOB CR -hi. bpg spcr lkly 289 cr but I shld chk tghrs mny teams som sim crs nd occupts jump nd mv frm one t nxt.scr nxt to sd twr store- I pooped in tht trs.?????the brgr restrt onlkg to hlp wstg mob. scr ps ohw d on orod. nsy dk rd nsy dk rd silv bt ohw/orod/mrs.????mbs hvy w ml nvy clth mrs d rob bk w/wlooney brd d mitch.??????scr mb prk d mitch ? bpg prk d rob. sht ml crs/cr sht. d prk. rd mvn -hi-dfnt -grtd lnkd to le nd drg rings both mob prtcpts in wstg th dislkd. sc brd d mntg.mobg ter acts psd as nonsexist at no cost.. gzbo guy  insgtg but lft whn he saw mob fems they stpd out of cr lkd wt tlr/shtr thy ptd at cr mb prkd ?civic. 830p scr grn cr hldg smtg to antgnz chs wst ??grl ard brgr -sxy ass lgs mob brglrzg instgtrs mob cr brdg d grd -gt off brdg rpt ???rw brdg tn. crzy ped fem ylg by ss. rpt gigglng dk nvy suv frmrly on orod psg spcr haha sm giggling crnr for cmplx odd sd nls. ong crm cnsp. ?w suv/trk/shl ????3d d nls hi. bks blu/rd up nls w veh  smtg in attchd bed. thrs plty of tht sm of which is hg cnsp crm. dk trk ps dmp dn nls trk w/am flg up nls. free crms frm deception drgs insprd sprtd by amer mob chrch cmnty lw enf. scrchg  4th nd or nls apts 2 vehs. w trk w /cvr blkouts up? out 10th bl up ?gry. w trk to 12th.?????????????????????????????????

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

xpect nthg but mlcs provocation instigation nd horrors- cnt u see no one cares -"cop already told u to go to church" crap

grn cr rd suv othr cr dk rd bik up nls pst gngwy-fnkstk mob trst sml bg cr bpg  flwd by grn cr trk w/ mvn mob 959-65 jlu mob gng servc bg mvn gldn eagl rd ?fk cst aftr ? trnd 1st rt agn. bld fem pls a ml stp entrc 8th blk rnch. I blv mbstr oldr fem gry hr cmp 9. the duo abv mvg up nls aftr fem mbstr -hi! they thk they own u nd thy do in ths dstrct if thy blv ure lsr thn they are or cld be md to be despised in sm wy by means of oppression nd bullying.  ???pst schl  thn bp up nls  lsy ?chev-wts up  ? lkg gd bk trn 6th. mbst ??? bg cr bk up nls bpg 6th blk up. ?????? mbs ofrg?chevrn evr totlly 100 prct emptied fr mob nd so u cnt hv none to mk cert it goes elswh.. by nls dmpstr fem schl duo trnd to antagonize play innocent sm as adlts who are in fct frd chrtbl to deceive tru ntr of dictatorship wstg imposition burglrzg club. rpt lkg bk thn nt lkg bk at all as if totly innct only skilld at antagonizing prtcipation. lgt gry bk yl ?? bgs ?trz 3d d grd mob prt. mbstr old fem-bls u-in fct profsnl gt mvng wstg antgnst. tiny shky noisy blk cr flg cld? d nls. rnd w cr bpg wvg ps nls d cty bk ps nls d grd. ths cr containd psg w/white chef/dr lk ht nd mouth cvrd w/wt. bk bpg ps nls d cty. vic rpt gsg chev rw d brdg grn trk hndg mob w vr frmrly hid behd shl bp d rw grd. 2 guys lkly youths -fnkstk. bk d grd. ?mtr bk alm hit me d brdg. duo ,mbstr? fem-hi. d rw shrtls to brdg -hyd? vic brkg? ylw dg frm w cr ps brgr d mntg. scr  ?rnded fem w cr ps vet dn mntg. ?bgr veh ?ooh up mntg tbl. 5cah161 rpt antgnzg. stated no one crs cop alrdy tld u to go to church-spsd chrch cnctn being utilized in wstg peoples lvs thn passing crime extrtn brglrzng nd wstg expulsion hndg on serial scl as a ok nd nonexistent nd nt acctd fr wtvr. rpt cld me crzy whl usg lgt cmras to antgnz. did ths usg vrs inslts mny tms ovr also trd to pss slf as chrtbl in fct lkg to mk crm free. did ths on ths dy by olvr crnr prb prk w auto wst in trs.???????????bk ?blk twr? ? ??? mrs  nd rob  ?blk cr ps rob d mitch -hi. w trk opn bk ps rob d mntg. duo high dn nyers. mvn bpg by rac smlr as sm shpg area by pizza mtn mks offrg allgd bgt fr u fd-in fct mbstr deception persecution enblg frd gm. shll emptied out. twr 6bwe57?5 or mb 15 cnt rd wrtgoffrd $2 to fool. but thts wt they wt u to hv nd wst u urs potentl etc entrly free. lq mob crm ten frd fem-hau?,bsy dy ha? engagement istigtn mersecution as if ntg hpnd mob crm at no cst. ? mnt trs actvty to wst u wo py the real purps. bk w to prb brdg area -hi sweetie mob ext servc. nois to annc 2 bks noisy ?w trk  rw d grd. trk w lg  ????? 2 on brdg? bg cr 2 tn mob prtcpt. 3d up nls. intcm hd or pw?

Monday, September 28, 2015

pctr snpg rpt trzg cr plt evdg ard pss/retest dk gry med, tiny eh yelg hdg grey cr appr tbl bw-fk christians denying affiltn

I recall uhaul drvr sat also mentnd hs nicer bigger which hd some stuff left ovr nd thn ths one dt lk like it has much in it.hwvr I wld nt put it pst mob to give pd the the payoff or the items. 12th dn mob grn stn nt wvg/bpg bg/brn 2 tn med mob cr trn rnd 7th blk up thn revrs dn. nls ? 4d silv trk jst ps dmpstrs stp out thn slw dn dir schl. 4dwt w/num amer flgs psn to fx? prnd mex mobster by mchns w/his dghtrs nd bk w/attchmt. blk slv?? trk plng bgr sz hlg cntnr.  grn/? ? cell brdg up grd. inst lg w  ? ps 3d up grd. highlds tbl mbstr -bg ldy. fem chldrn rpt trio wlkg wlkg to fld tree bw mno nd nls. -bg ldy....sml blk cr highlds d nls. 24388t1 cn I gv bk allnc whn mbstr tld fem to enq re lic plt-witch ws mob hrsg mob instgtg wrk. othr drk mob cr on premises. chkrd gry sht lg hr wvg ?wgt strg my wy blk shrt lg gry ?bg bg pts bk-brdg -hello gbgr -?prb w trk w/lg cntnr. u flthy pig bg ldy dk gry med cr unabl to ctch plt mny tims rnd. dk gry cr d mrs. bg ldy f u ps/rtst d tbl????????? to tbl bk nd bk d mrs ???-fu to tbl scr. aiming CELLS CMRAS TO FRM U INSTD -HSTA MANANA THS WY MOB CN DO THS FREE. rd suv dk btm gbgr d mrs. agn cmrs instgt d mrs  silv trk lgts plg cntnr d tbl ?lgt cr ps foe d tbl psb lgt/cmr 733p civic.??????????lg w pkup ps grd d mrs. hyd gd dy mob bk w/attached containers. mbstr brd ? mrs t rob d linc.gry cn cr rob msg pls 1 othr ? bp mrs tl lgts to trk behd it. hyd? mid age ml high d mrs. dk rd shrt pls fls lgt w/blu in it rlys d mrs.gry tp  ????? w/w desgn frt of ba out d mitch. 6tyb689 gry mvn deceptn mbstr boght poisn spcl fr u.fd rpt. inslt brgt frm ultra grd thieves brglrs mobstrs/murderers. prb shl cashr fxg trs mb.? nsy trk w/???? d ??????ps tb d twr. 6jxs979-hi mob ps lw. srprsgly 6jxs979 by lq sm as othr mst be clmd hv fd lkly psn cld seld christian, -chr mob in fct. rnded w cr.  scr rnded w cr gigglng ps mrs d mitch. 1157p. blk gy in blu offrg tobacco jst dn off nd acrs frm vet. bg ldy crzy ass bitch-duo crmnl mob youths in rw demdg cigs. mb sml cr mb blk -eh tbl nls mst be dk gry. sm eh mb dk gry sml ps tbl nls church d grd. bk w bg ???p fd d tbl. lgt cr scr pst hd d up nls. I recl guy w/plstc bg mb 7th blk up nls. silvr rtlg cr dn nls trn gngwy mb frm 12th. sprty blk cr to 12th,

Sunday, September 27, 2015

mob deception persecution mob -timo mex hmls tls w dodge gv hm cns to drk-but if thy dislk u -they mob waste u

bpg w cr win sgn dn nls ?gs 7th blk I fld to mrk. noisy oldr fnt blu gry pstl shd tp clr ps mno d grd. clns coversationists just like dispatched plts lkly aiding mob. clns died hlpg mob, rd suv tbl acrs allnc ylg mob la palma drv gigglng. wt beh storge at crnr. dk grn suv thn yl ln yl d brdg..
ntcd 4 blks fem w blk/w chkrd clthg frm yestdy on bk -mob prtcpt.,youths in rd/? nd blk/rd nd heavy blk ml w t nd blk btm.blk trk with horiztl silv ln bp mntg ps mrs ? lkly ? d linc.657-8 susp blu cr apr mrs fr ?civic sd hey baby.agn hi bg ldy ? ps gazebo d tbl d mrs wnt $1 mnt tr mrs. ???8y trk ps brd d tbl bpg. ylpg lg w suv d mitch ps rob. disc re bg ldy trn ?bk optm tlt area. w cr blk fem trn bldw-hi! in blu mbstr blk bpk cn pst prk d rob. twrlng tng drk trk. lg bp veh linc ps mitch d orod. blk disptchd trst-hyd trn $tree noisy blk trk out $tree orod d mrs. hrd sm ylp unk veh bks pst mrs d linc.-sorry bndna bk t grd rd suv wts up grl grd t nls.smbdy ws trtrg ct tbl mntn tire vicinity -cat strn meowing lk crzy.?uhal ylp 3d up grd gigglng ?sry-mob bitch provocation stgng thgt ws smn els ps me w/cell pink shd in sm tp cltg. out of jl lkly scm rpt ask cig. ?dn nls to 4th chevr trs bx frm sml dgr knf cntg 3 blts. arco to twr mex timo who clms they dt stp him frm dgng cng or etg grbg clmd dodge who bpd the mob prtcpt gv him cns I ptd out mob cr(s) to hom also. thn he wtd smn buy him alc at twr which I dt do. twr wrkr wtchd me gt cns as cnsdrd mob trst motivations.. 1.5 w trk hi orod ohw d mitch, blk trk w/w strp in midl -wts up baby? mob bpg gry grn? cr to lw. agn ps tb scr. sm bpg dn orod.  ps arbys d lw  sm cr out of shkys d orod bitch. w dodge bpd at timi aprtly he gv him sm cns frm mob burglrzg drg sx ? lw.twr wkr inspctg me fr mob politics. sprty blk cr qd lgts trn ? vic rabobnk. bk wlk ps prk d wilc?-hey? oldr blk mob trk trn 4th -911. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

uhaul showed for burglary attempt more terrorists

uhaul trk mvd rocks drove all way in came knocking on entry w/scrn dr which has dmg frm 6/6/13 and knocked loudly when I came out thn my frd came out he demanded if eithr one of us lived here. claimd strvg stdts employed him and antr trk hlpg him out nd they were called here provided nonexistent address plt ab10968 I copied nums 77127565 also ab91460. a89146v I hv strbg notations on crd I pld out of my pkt jeff with line thrgh it thn 9030. othr nums on crd. ab10968. nd ab91460. I hv circled 420.his boss is greg dawson asst Kelly employee num 2467831, claimed address was 7432 nlsn a non existent address but clmd was jst pst 12th strt. he also tossed hlf fl btl lk he knew I clct cns mb. also lkg fr 6 hrs stbls grain etc.also mentioned smtg still left ovr nice hs nd ths one dt lk lk it hs antg in it. tan suv wvg ???? 11th blk. 5 chldrn up 11th blk sd to sd. ?yr cns chldrn thrw rpt rks. 9th blk grn stn mb ?????dn bpg grn stn bk up 7th blk..7jin878 ch bp clns - cns. 5ucc152 prb chg my nts bd w cr  2 bks 3d up grd yths.6gha063 rnd silv cr smlg btl? 8r57693 fd mny logo on vn mb cash smtg dt knw. ylng rnd silv cr to brdg. ? pls chld-hyd? mob club trst pls chld hrsr ive seen crnr of scl by 6th st. scl. bk lks lgt shr  mid bk des on lgt gry dr blu pts. dk gry or blk rnded ? choking vcl sds. pst bk wrm d myers as if ????????? pls blk brn ? bpk hidg pst drks d tbl. blu flwrs- ???trio wt guy instgt grtgs. wt t gry pts. blk t nvy pnts.this hisp blk t guy w cell whit clr tk pictr w/o perm  trio trnd mntg t myers betw 630-700p. 3stk920-offrd chkn ngts. w cr mntg btwn???????olvr d mrs.aprtly gt frt of me susp w suv trn  brd t rob.??????????? w trk silv strp btm rob mntg ???????ylpg w cr d mntg amer crm collaboration cnsp. w dodge trk provided his trk to mult crmnls in pst. 742p 2 suspcts frm mrshls ofr chg prb to the trk with y in its plt too drk to see. rd cr of mex rest alley at mitch trn myers. 2 dudes hello bg ldy cell plus lgt mitch nt frm linc crnr w  cr linc pst mitch ps rob. smn scr thrtg linc nr big lts. ?blk cr ask fr csino. drk gry trk psn mrs d linc. silv cr ????scr wt chg d myers. bpg blk cr suv d ????? blk frt gry trk ohw ps a1 d lw  rd trk ? a-1 d-lw hi scr cr hsp d lw . ?blk bdass d lw dk grn cr bpg pst lw. dk blu suv  yelp d lw. dk suv bpg pst o.h. d lw w 1.5 trk pst orod d lw fu. blk cr atmpt to hit w soda drink cup filled w/lqd by shpg ctr nr rabobnk.noisy cr ps high d mntg.  mrs toilt d mitchll cr thre 3 drnks yellg psycho aftr hrsm trzg thn yld gogogo. bk psycho d mitch flwd by silv cr chkd shrt blk fem bk lkws on to smtg wtchg flwg told wt trk ido it to hr all tim -wt u dng to my trs cn? in fct by olv grv attmptd to pn hdl chg fr me nd flwd apprx to tbl nls. ws wrg w/b checkered shrt.pst rob-hi! w 1.5 trk pls bk trsts pls old trk. w trk bk pst orod ohw d lw -fu. smlr med shd pickup pst grd d tn fu.thrsty?hdg mob cr d  mitch. by civic 1115p. wsuv oldr -girl...   w trk loaded tbl d mrs. rob myers crbr by rest w trk thrtnd nd wt ard mult times psbly assistd by blk fem on bk descry abv who said she ds it to me all tm. bk in blk......-he.............. brdg d grd tlk instgt bk to o.g.?olv grv desc abv.the bike tailed me slwly but on vlrs sd. sm one descry abv. cops showed nd instgtrs disaprd. I blv she mst hv yld gbgr I hv ntated. hell/hyd trst 3d up clr cr? bp to trz 3d ps chev d nls dk rd trk silv btm beh.bk(s)m/f trzg pst dmpstrs oshit-m hi-f. hey grl -mob drg hs dn sd of 8th blk rnch.

Friday, September 25, 2015

rpt trzg pictr tkg huge prtcpt nd co prtcipnt grps/subgroups

sml bg cr bpg into 13th blk. 4dwt to 12 frm unkn sd blkouts. bg cr abv rpt bpg 8th blk dn. blu cr lbls bpg 7th blk dn flwd othr veh assistd cnsp. crmnl hdg mob will call cops. 655 mob prtcpt I stll rem tlg me to wlk othr sd of strt posing as affected by ylg in fct actvly prtcptg in mob butte mob usa campaign. scdrl mob 655 -wts wrg w/u? lkly co mob co estblishmt trst.tan suv prkd up ped qstng in rd shirt. crnr bldg. 4th nls mbstr -hi sm loc ylg bgldy yest.orgnzd trzg instgtn serv. ylpg bluish cr sml 4th t grd.susp 02495a1 -mbstr -wt u smlg at -hyd?tl w cmrcl hlr bpg 3d d nls cr abv I blv md 2 rd trps drg 1 of wch I mst hv bn tlkg to mob detrctrs. bg ldy rpt ?2d bld 2 prsns stng outs highlnds rnded w cr rpt bps tbl d cty. aqua tbl t grd 6th pst allnc. noisy 4dwt lg d brdg yea.....rpt. sm agn mntg myers rnd agn ard. silv tiny cr trn olvr d mntg bef. out of olvr thrgh drks lot scr d myers. bpg lgt silv stn dirks to crs olvr pst grn bldg.??????scr ylg bpg gry cr olvr d myers. silv stn mid line horiztl midl bpg to pst mrs d linc bus co. prtcts. 5uvr379 rpt bp civic ard 630p. ?f stkg out ?ml sd  sm cr trzg now by gazebo. ????????trz agn bird/myers d linc. sprty blk cr ps brd d mntg ard at brd blk cr to mntg.gry trn ard brd fr mntg mob car ps brd d mntg pull fr brd w cmra mntg d rob laughing. grey cr...yea... trzg m pls f ?trn prk st attmpt to engage mainly ml bt als mob f trn to myers mitch crnr shpg ctr sorry scr. I recall fem say - really? susp mob remrk. rd lq sv. crsg rlys lot rptdly crsg agn bkgrd myers -u dt hhv phn mob cr to $tree I blv thy wt to $tree stylish ml in blk mb his nd smlr fem. lgt clrs ml gd physique 741p w cr mb mob prb prkd hid sd of shell as cashier lks on. w noisy pkup rf lgts mob w pikup w?? luggage pst arco ohw d lw. voice cty cr raleys Chinese restrt-stp dg it. sprty blk cr out currier crt. bk by brd I saw sprty blk cr wch my hv bnmustg rnd 2 tms. scr dk rd cr mrs trn rob linc. pltd lg exp psn theater trs cn. nsy trk ps mrs d tbl.  dk shd trk mb grn ? yl once ard cvr ovr trk bed 10p.  fem w/dg vic olvr-hi. mob blk trk w sd logo using roof camera to snp my pictr headed sw behd vet bldg.rpt noisy grn cr pst grd d nls. dk trk pst w.d.  d brdg sing scrmg-their true fc mob reincarnated amer. ?w trk sm dir.  cr nls apprchg tbl giggling trn d grd. ped w/cell jkt ps fogg d tbl. hmls cld tom clms sm flks trgtd him thn lost intrst nd bk in chico I heard gngs prey upn hmls.w trk w box via chevron out-blkouts. ?blk bgr veh 3d pst chev d nls scr. grn noisy cr 3d d nls. mob silv trk 3d d nels qtly scr-bitch sm prsn was in 4dwt nd lgr bgr 4dwt shell. law enf here to hlp mob. lg older w trk trn rd at 4th to dmpstrs waits to trz respds ok ok bk to 4th d grd. trks oppost dir pst dmpstrs dng obs I fld to ntc lkly sm bnch. blkouts pltd refuse to spit at yr fc no cost and steal wste w/o paying the bill.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

mob alternate locatiions but one real purpose- get going or i will call the police without paying for the chase

w tnk hvy ?bg gry shts ps dvw dn nls.?trn 12th. sml grn oldr cr ps gngwy dn. silv rnded cr nd???? sml silv cr t 10th blk up. nvy sht bk mbstr mimicking thumbs nd lkg bk to frm u instd for being hounded instigtd huge mob up 8th blk.????w cr sgn on bk win flw by othr w mob car lkly. w trk 5h57841 ?  ?507 old grn stn wgn bpg dn nls ps dmpstrs. bpg dn nls ps dmpstrs. smlr rnded blu cr hrd bg ldy smw nls/4th. sm type hrn sd yd nls/4th rpt chldrn. w trk oldr 1.5 frm wvg up grd ps 3d.ovrly frdly fem clns w/fem frd mkg crm sm ok wch ofc its nt.mob crm ?rg assist chev. med hr clr crt hs stp cig - mob -hyd cindy? mbstr cell rdg to ? ???????????????sprty tiny w cr to  mono shpg-hey. 2 sml grn crs aq trk w trk rnded sds ?gry oldr trk ???? chkrd r-w fem pls fem mb rd  whew 1w rds? ps grd d nls. opn bk w trk med sz oldr blk cr  ??? yelg cls t blk suv brdg to twn. sml blk cr mb sporty???? out of brd d mntg -hey grl-chks.??nvy pts lgt gry shirt yth-trs just pst gld mining d tbl. 1.5 trk dk ??rf attchmt ?d tbl. w rnd trst cr -hey grl mob trst?d tbl bk pst civic-trst u trst- f u. 622p rpt bpg blk cr d linc 99001j1-hi. w trk d tbl ps civic. blk suv bpg d linc. hi brglrs mbstrs deception purification clb frds.cop observing me chkng pltd poison.1.5 bg trk pull to toilet nd I hv trd to grb plt-I my hv mstkn nos nd trk mgt be sm one as bef-thn prior plt wld be crct becs ths tm trk ws mvg. these are hounding vehs using lgts cells to frm me as they rpt burglrz hound frm nd purify amer mob cmnty- prior plt ntd fr ths veh few dys ago wld be crct one- veh ws in mvg mode at crnr to dstrct me so wt I cght is only prt crct ths tm 8y39631.psg crnr othr side was their frd mob silv trkk exchg grtgs w/mbstr.ths scdrl lkly brglr w cmra wrkg to frm me. f w/chld dispatched to hi hrs me clmd she sw me clns dennys the othr mob hngout.???cnt rd wrtg bt I rem her trng to purp antgnz me fr mob scrmg smtg to trz frc hnd. 3rsm299 mob glu trzg prtcpt- my dgtr wts sy smtg t  u-hi-hwvr in mob cmnty ths is ntg lk innocence.tlkg to fems by apts at high the older fem said trk cntnd 4 ml nt 2m nd 2f which clmd they were in it nxt dy. nd ygr wmn mentnd w cr trng to fnd me w hnd team in it.blu mob cr qd lgts -hey baby.pst prk d mitch. lk ygr fem at high apts said cops wld instd gt me.thts wt thy do in amer. blu cr fem sm as abv -hey bg ldy pst wilc d rob. hdg trk to raleys psgr-bitch. thn the scm pret to offer fd or mny offrd by mob dictatorship demolition expulsion committee.all ths aftr trzg w lgt cmras cells I also recall by toilet scdrl asked fr pict w/me which ofcourse is manufactured by malicious hounding.4 to w cr big lots smngly threw crshd smtg thn pretended to aplgz fr smtg ws lkly intentional. w cr was prked catty crnr of big lots twds bk lincln sd.5cah161 trzg w lgt cell psbl cmras dennys lot - w u gng?also mlcs trzg trk mb lgt gry. bpg cr ps arco d myers lgt gry/blu mvn to bk lot a-1 bpg. sm w cr bg ldy w dodge trk raising hell in lt gs nd dst tkg room spng ard. w cr ws nt mvg when he did his maneuvering.w cr ylg bg ldy flwd. w cr cntnd w lgts elusv tctcs dlw ylg bg ldy. hi fem pst 2270 ohw. d orod. aprx plt 4njp738  shwd up twr while I ws tlkg wt cashiers nd instrctd me get going or he will call pd. this was w tall mid agd slgtly plmp ml nd was not employee or mgr si mob operative busy wstg my life w/cmnty rd pls bg fems by pp hdg me. I cnt rem wt they askd blking out definitvly their purpose was to wst me at no cost w/o paying any bills mobsters manufactured or any problems losses expulsions they inflicted- u knw they dt chg fr free trzg. w cr -bg ldy into tb thn pst tb d orod. the plt I mngd finally at tb 5cah161. wau dng? scr bg ldy pst bofw d myers via dennys lot. called self Karen strong told me common Karen.?sorry? rnd sevrl tms dennys nd nrby area cnt rd my wrtg. rd -hlo?w cr?mitch d linc.4dwt bxs by mrs rob almst 11p. kind of silly disc.beh me - mbstrs cnsprg new tr mob acts.??????????????lg hr ?dk pls cell d grd ml ps ss. gigglng blk trk smtg re ?now 2d dn nls. bk by civic cops lkg to hlp mob cnsp. 2 bks 1 w/attchmt lgts frm hd entry to acrs nls public cty bldg alley.intcm nr fstr fmly nd hgh ptrl.mob will be accommodated by amer nd its lawnf who lik mob acts nd are here to wst nd sc deceive u at no cst - mobstr ctry evl people.fem in tlt frd of blk guy sdg me t rlrd trks lkly aiding mb consp.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

mob uses police for malicious acts, object similar to jazzed up mower paraded

noisy s cr psg 11th blk dn. ? blu bp trn 12th off w ch bp dn 7th blk. w veh plg tl mtl cntnr w/itms bpg dn 7th blk. w veh abv plg tl mtl cntnr with prb ls itms 4th dir grd bpg wvg. 6x20017 unbl to rd nts bt at ths pt I jst cm fr clns. 2 police suvs showed appr betw 1-2pm nd prkd in 3d st frt of chev lkly reltvs of mob nd info thieves fr purp of rlrd while letting nonstp pers nd crm go free. 1 officer pulled out of each nd the sen offcr did qstng whl the hisp frm othr suv lkd. I blv they clmd I ws wlkg dn street nd failed to actually tell me wt was being insinuated. I rem when I ws once mistknly appr by polic nd they said smn cld on a hmls tlkg to people -abt sm knd logic - malicious class trgtg by mob activists. the oldr w cop lkly reltv of mob did qstng as hisp stl info hiding own.they pld out ticket pads nd actd as if I ws glty . my info was called into unit as if I committed some crm act. the questioning cop took off wh it tk a litl lgr fr hisp to do sm so I rn to his veh copied 1473249 were numbers on veh plt nd he said his officer num ws 21. the his cop res mob his. the w cop resem relat of mobstrs who brk in and or mb thrtnd me at one time-my opinion.suspct ml allgd fr fh nt disclsg nm nd thrtg ws ltr picked up by mdrn dk cr I blv grtd mob prtcpt assist protctg all mob consp acts. white limo tbl d mono flwd by antr veh pulling jazzed up red rdg lawn mower. I blkd out nd dt rem vehicle which pulled it lkly on attachmt as I was purp dist by sml silv clr cr going dir cty bpg to distrct. the blkout frm ilns indcd by amer persec nd poisoning caused me to miss cmpltly desc of plg veh. silv suv  to ????hi. 1 gr? 4dwt bgr w/shl dk suv to brdg d tn gsg thy were bpg I fld t nt. ?,bk to brdg.????rd cr. ?????????og hr? d mntg. pencil wrtg gts wiped out is impsbl t rd.high st im gsg prsn hrsmt prt apprchd 1z42113. ?hr I hv wrtn thou hv no recollection due to indcd ilns mob bitch rob nd high????? grn aqua trk -hey. mitch ???rob. eh yelg prb silv suv mrs mitch linc. dk suv or mvn mtl horiz ln if nt mist I rn to ctch its nos it stpd on gs so nos cld be tot wrg -I hv 069 mvd fst thn I cld nt seemitch pst linc headed awy fr lib. librarian outsd lkg to hlp mob. silv suv pst linc????? smn distched mob scdrl ted tall w mn to shell to assist glorify ter mob prjcts hyd etc allgd chrst sptg fh nt fh in fct mob -blkouts he crsd myers d linc. scr ml bg lt cr as gd as I cld det. mob trs pst ohw ?????? mb rpt or aftr brn/gry/grn scr bp ohw d lw. w dodge trk mkg vicous/gs pst tb d lw. dk grn mob cr bpg, sm prb bpg up ohw pst lw?prsn sngng cns twr rgt bef me prb fr mob prticipts. tmstr w dhrt cell to mks brgr. nsy dk rd trk d lw. dk rd trk d lw.  dk rd trk d lw. dk rd trk by lq stdg sdws. hey ohw d orod ?gr trk unk. w vn ovl sgn frt sd roof attchmt. trk pk lgt clr bgr cr mrs rob. silv cr ? ps rob mntg w trk bpg ps rob d mitch.rob/mrs blk mn sndg me t rlrd trks fr gls btls -amr scm gt gull thn ofrg fc smk $2 to defraud the occasion. 824p. 2 bks lkly stg strt sd of mntg tbl apts -hlo maam mob sqd.  bk out f brdg d grd - fu fnkstk -the real msg. w suv/mvn hey brdg t tn????hlpg mob ofcrs. guy w baby strlr clg to weelf dept sd frm rw hs nm is edy the huy who responded frm the grp welf dept sd smngly brndn. noises simultg brd sds lgts flsg welf dept sd fr trzg crm pers inslts w rd dn brdg blkouts. unable to read interpret nts wrtn in pencil. in blk bk d grd????????w f strg at?mx d grd

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

suv to 12th as i stp out then 2 blk boys and 1 white up nls trn 12th drk suv nd other veh w sticking cell out to intimidate protect persecution ongoing grd theft

oldr xlgt blue or gry suv w/psgrs  bg ldy bitch crzy mf up nls trn 12th. 2 blk  boys nd 1 w up nls .trn 12th blk. up nls 12th blk fedex - yl gngbgr. blu cr lbls bpg 3d d nls? scr dk suv grd up of 3d. nsy brn smlr mob cr hd to 3d. bg brn 2 tn mob car 3d trn up nls. w rnd cr ylg w smtg in hd lkly cl to orgnz mob frmg acts.  camo trk prb bpg blkg out  to  evn  rgstr ? d mno. grn trk rd pnl chevr frt of 257 chld w/cn rpt no - nt brglr nd murderer in fct cmnty who is racketeering burglarizing eliminating mob club.??????????????????????????????drk trk? psgrs stkg cell out to hlp concoct trzg acts agst prty being purpsly mlcsly trzd.????w sht wlk bk to rw. w dodge trk into rw d grd othr trk witch lgt sht bk to brdg dk gry ? to brdg t twn. silv cr -hey brdg to twn cns mls? blk gy w t blk bpk hyd? w cr vic bks ??d mrs 1.5 bg ylsh trk bp t linc. m/f drg addcrts adlts w/dgs pst brd to mntg hv lts in cmn w/hdg tms ml once tld me to moon the ylr nd rdcld my descrptns of hdg prtcpts. ?sle461 cld be off dgts mbstr stpd on gs- all rgt? -mob ter scm. mtr bk to currier crt. grn chev rd pnl trk lq t ohw d orod. bk hldg lg clthd obj crsd fr pp on diag d lw. people w/cells mb lnkd to crm nd frmg scms. twr empty trs all cns bef me. mbstr rd sht on bk on diag d or. hosp  noisy dk suv pst a-1 d lw.  l e. veh sm srt orod ohw  veh sml  plgts  frt of high apts myers 11:16p blk sml  cr mrs t linc aftr othrs? grn cr t brdg veh frm vlrs lgr lgt clr -gbgr. in blk w/bgs-hi! bk-3d to nls. did u jst gt out of jl?- mob scm.sml sprty cr dk ps 3d up nls-money. rd sprty cr trk prpd up? up nls. dn nls smlr dk cr, re -jail mob sent 2 police to chevron to collect my nm nd id info w/some mlcs wlkg str info. info theft by crmnl cops hiding own id nd hlpg mob railrd projects.

Monday, September 21, 2015

mob teams various locations secure that this belongs and that they can continue this aided by community etc.

trzgblu lbl cr bpg/wvg pst dvwy into 12th blk up. mx I w shirt mid lmgth hair bk -hi! gry ? brn hr bk up nels. 2 ? w shts rdio dn 7th blk.trk bk ?????7th blk dn. smlr blu cr bpg mob 7th blk up. w suv in frm 6th. w cr bk up nls. silv cr bpg. ?8k73020 hi hv gd dy dt lk at our lcnse plt wer mst sinc. - most sincer mob racket cmpliments of fthrs house allegedly.clns mkt aids mob its tactics etc. when their tall drk skn mn sht me up as I tld cashier smtg re mob  who jst cm out of their str because community protects mob projects assisted by mob l e. up grd fr? frwy at 4th mob bk via sdw instd of brdg at grd brdg. 5woh919 mob support steal gastronomic amts push peoples lives into toilet but they gt gls trtr inslts deception wtg fr u. suv dk clr wv. 6woh481-chevrn dk blu mny scm in fct gastronomic racketeering theft.???witch fr beh me -hi!mgr nls apts. eve I sw sec cr by als wtch fr mob crime protect. flying cld 2 bks grn nd othr blkouts cross to mono. bk in grn rpt fkstk. bpg lgt grn mvn line horiz d brdg. rng fst f wkr lkly mb  mno d brdg. cmo trk yel/rd rbr bts rf rd cr t brdg. a 1.5 silvr pikup-hlyweird. tbl brdg d mntg. bld chld nd blk hr mob ml chld spsd protctd jk -im gna kill u. in fact these nd other speeded at me nd aimed at me w their bikes md threats threw objects nd md series of thefts nd burglaries. pst vet to mntg I blv. gry tk scr d tbl. w suv to olvr lot. w cr bkg dog mntg d myers. scr oldr w trk w shl pst rob t mntg. high st to linc duo - blk gy-hv nc dy. veh bpg ? ??????prb d mitch. dk rd qd l bpg cr ps hc d mitch. 2 bks -fri- hyd? pst popeyes d mitch. fem?????????? rnd w cr pls mb blk trk ? $tr peds consp mob justfg crms. m pls f crsg orod at myers d chs hyd wow.brn shd trst mb cr orod myers mitch psg -hi scr susan? ard agn rnd whoa!i lk ur sks -ure bitch. tx sd ? bg ohw. 7kgj?333 blkouts retrd servcs by lq sda of to cntnu mob trst acts.  trst mb cr pst arbys-lv yr bgs -so thy cn brgrz ? lw. ?rd shd trk  pst arbys orod scr mob cr pst o.h. d lw. pst o.h. d orod. sh blk sml cr mrs sd of high st apts.******red trk pst brd  t rob-bg ldy. earl by bkw guy purp lied re my cns nd bgs. 10:47p u ok/alr mntg acr salon appr - mob ter racketeer scm by mbstrs doing pers nd crm.  pst dnr bpk.. w tp mob trzg. ? bk mntg veh lgts ??????gt pst olvr.brn cr slw dn d vet? bk? cr qd lgts ps rw d grd. w trk****fgt -bitch rw d brdg. hrd to id veh in dkness  but ths pers ws prev 4dwt nd bgr 4dwt shl mb othrs. bk fld to ? d grd.?????trst blu sht pst fogg up nls. 4dwt shl ? seald smlr cntnr pst hd dn ????? hdg mob dk cr pst dmpstrs on nls hi.christ brglrzg le prot mob.scrty suv hs video pls cruisg?brglr dk cr ps 7th blk money mx mobstr. cr ylg pst ?th blk up.trst mb cr up nls ?gngwy

Sunday, September 20, 2015

noisy siren drk cr bp ard dntn lkly consp at $tree prkg guy at evn sd nels apts bef fogg teachg trsts-that is baaa...g lady rpt.....

blk smlr cr gngw. blu chr bp mbstr =******thk u-w ml.blu chr bp-into 6th blk dn. thn w trk silvr lwr bk accnt. 2 bk trs grn blk. vcl 2g pst dmpst dn nls.wsprg chks. tn suv bpg dn grd. lng w suv sc t grd. bitch mex lgtr ptd hr. dk cr ??/// mb? dir tn. dk grn suv grn shrt mx whts up? d tn. w t mx o la snrta to brdg.2-tn bg brn susp cr d tbl. ?dk gry bk gry suv t mrs trn bldw. sktb -hello -dk skn bpg w mvn pst wilc d mntg. ******w trk dk shl noisy linc myers ls nsy thn ws bef.?ld trk gbgr to outr edg $tr lt ,,,bngrs ld tlk scr cnsp veh. veh dk mrs ylg -gngbgr. ****6bjz647 blks spcr -ha...... ml bl tp wldrsd dnys t qksv -my hv resembld arts companion.  scr rnded w cr fem  ps-a-1 lw. 2 in blk sktbd nd sktr.?????pst mks. brgr d bg orod linc. d popeyes.******6tip242 bg ldy twk  btch cnt I blv mb bg clr cr. dk cr ap brn med in frt of  nr wilcx d mntg hi baby thn z ld hrn twc tk off ****police suv went sm dir nd cert hrd thm bt did ntg grtd hlpg terst teams. pst wilc d mntg. duo m/f mb trsts hlo???? sm cr ear bstg bps nr high st aptstrn rob hd reg sgl lgts in bk.  rd veh mb suv pst rob d mitch. hey/hi trst cr pst mrs t linc. 10:36p. bpg trst pst chks at dnr d tbl. evn sd nels apts located acrs field bef fogg or dwn of fogg bg lady repeated to pile of co mbstrs trsts bg ldy thts ba...g ldy rpt...crmnl cnsp...?????gry trk cvr fogg dn nls. scdrl in grn pst lwrdr .?sev spdg vehs 9th blk up. blu trk w/frm luggage 9th blk dn.. fr gngwy sprty dk cr dn nls. my frd says hrd saw blk mstg gng pst hm dn nls shrtly aftr 11am tdy.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

cart tracks frm stolen cart missing wood toilet lights prnksters switch crs hide plts and fnkstk mob celebrate crimes elimination successes

toilet lgts wd stolen fresh indentation trcks from stolen metal cart terrorists used nd can be seen across drvwy by mob who keeps coming bk. oldr scm guy coming dwn nels on bike prb connected to ndless crime acts planned. ???????trio vehs amg them blk cr silv suv up nels.w suv whew up nels excitemt frm mob ter acts nd dumping on others.sprty blk noisy cr fr 10th blk dn. w trk opn bk tubing ins up 8th. oldr ft guy. mob blu car lbls bp. 719 sht up at me re terrorizing vehs cmnty supports. dn 7th blk to trz. on gs xd suv or mvn. 4drt wvg psgr sd up nls. 2 chks -hi -ok -lie in fct trzg wl nvr nd.blk trk pst mno d nels. blk trk mob psgr hi. big tree field betw mno/nls chld pls ml ?????? slv cr -hi ???mbstr tbl -grd. lgt grn cr -eh. w sht sml blk des beh bldg. trn tbl mob. scr w suv tbl pst grd d nls. gry cr scr d brdg w mvn bp to brdg. trk or jp amer flg too lt t ntc. silv cr hdg mob ps vet t tbl. wts up grl tl guy nr foe mbstr pldr. cr wky vcs too lt to spt blkt. pst mrs to linc. hmls yl bgs grtg. etc brk ? optnst gazeb-gt cig?grtg dk skn f  t mrs drg alley bet brd nd mntg. susp cr blkt gs silv ps brd t rob. grn cr ps mrs brd. blk cr rdio rob mrs mitch ?blu suv yl ps wilc mitch.  lgt shd suv scr pst mitch mnt mrs. bk in blk????hv gd ngt??? ??ylg dk cr mitch spcr. mx fem chld bg lts attmp t hd $5 but lkd too mch like prchr brglr nd rst of mob cnsp elmntn cmte.6wer327 lg mvn mid str rpt giggle blk prkstrs trsts. ?sm veh ylpg mrs ohw. sprty cr pst qs d ohw-mbstr gd eve. w cr fk stk. arco-orod ohw lw. scr camo lgr veh tl am flg pst ohw to myers.lgt gry trk bpg d orod pst a-1 prb frm yest mb dift drvr. 2 wlkg at lst 1 f  ps a-1 d lw. ylpg sml blk cr pst pp d lw.nst rm hyd w sprty cr twr crnr pull out d lw but smgly prkd sd edge. ths prsns md rpt nsty mlcs rem I cld nt ctch. 2gs 2f smgly qt yg. bld gy sd -its nt my cr. well stl yr bgs.****5cah161 ths plt my be ltl off w cr thy wr blkg it bg ldy cr rnd olv hwy -bitch migt be 5th prty I missed . rem us frm yest? said well steal yr bgs . I cld nt see thm insd veh ws fcsd on plt. aftr nsty cmts frm veh whn thy apprchd me chks offrd smtg in str if u lk gds frm ter teams brglrs. bld guy prb allgd son of cop ths nt my car - do you evr spl out yr wrds?lk he is rdg thm. the w cr went ard up ohw yeeling bitch by twr by one of wdrg if ths is gtg edited out because sm stf is msg.ylg smlr blk cr ps bofw d mrs. sml blk cr ylp ps wilc mntg.  bk rnd pst prk plc d mntg bk d mitch ylpg lkly. nsty trsts rdclg frm 1999 mrs cmnty mob sprt.-amer mbstrs are rgt if u brthe. by toilet mbstr - au ok? rem me? gd t see u to fem crs strt cltg str vic antr combstr. w cr blk guy-watch out fr feds mrs d mntg. w cr pst mrs d linc ldspkr mobstr. 12p trsts acrs sln/spa hello hv gd dy prty singing. on gs rpt trk mb gry t brdg. w trk fr brdg scr vclz exprsv imitn. ????? rd cltg sctr crmnl mbstr pst rw d brdg - w t f u lkg at fkstk? blk/gry ? tbl beh hofbrau. noisy cmrcl w trk w/lgts. rd suv trn crnr apts. 3 veh trn 2d ???? cr out of 2nd odd nls apts gt ot of m wy bitch.w? bk of trk opn ps hd dn nels. chev crmnl disptchd mob bully terrorize thrtn re cig -thn prtd lk ntg hpn. mob cmnty aiding mob acts holing lf into toilet psg as chrtble - mlcs lynchg -frd chrty.

Friday, September 18, 2015

mob vehs nd trk alleged son of cop-u dt hv phone -u dt belong at raleys

smn lkg frm 1215. cr fr sl bp pst 12th dn sml bg. mb wv cr ? drvrs  sd wv up nels. bk wv up nels. bg cr bk wv up nels. whn I crsd awy frm kids they attmptd to crs to my sd ech tm. ?suv  ??? trn 6th. ??? w tl hlr pst dmpstrs. blk noisy cr pst dmpstrs up nls. numrs clrs ntd blk rd br. nd blu bg prob peds. I thk coupl grls aplgzd by dmpstrs bt nt fr sr this ws accidt bk child w fem in rd. bpg to nels apts bg cr mbs- hi. silv cr rev at nels apts mex -eh.???? im gsg hr  tms hlo tn 4th. dk nvy trk. mx child lkly strng instgtg. thn attmptg to blm me -wt?hd blk hr w shrt nd attemptd to hound sm mr frm othr sd of rec.chld cld hv bn mex lkly or mb arb evn. fem old . fem ?frm scl hi ?????bk in w shrt nodding 7cqt822 blu cr hey wtr gv t nx prs. 2 gys up grd pst 4th one ws on bk askg sm crp instgtn re dope the knw I hv ntg to do wt. sm knf fire reltd shirt I missed exct wrdg due to blk outs hyd?cty drv art frm databases lkly mbstr w lkly othr techn guy hello cty d grd at 3d w cr ???sm mx fm md lngth dk blu jkt zigzag skrt pls ml blk ht/shrt brn shoes fem -trng to be nc mlcs rept trzg w nc free remrks which pay ntg fr success demolition.they wr wtg at crths bs stp smw vic. 5p. mob rd suv bg btm  bp pst 257 tbl. t cty rd hd in w suv ?mb wld be shtr. bpg as cr stp acr mono.gry tp bk lgt checkered pts mbst hey d nls. a silv 1,5 trk wvg pst nls to cty mexbstr brk fem w red lw rdr bk d cty. ws beh chldrn by dmpstrs.  rd bk pst nls d grd. blk fem mb blk cr or othr-its hrd fr me to see ntc thm except by their behavior. 3 vehs abv blk f hey grl thn og stn lk suv pst ss d grd. ???????gy in blk hello out of brdg t grd. grn cr -hey grl to civic. hi pst brdg to mntg grn ???sptd num tms. 4dwt noisy on mrs nr mntg. m/f w trk mb l gry fu bitch voices to myers toilet nd bk by high myers bench to bldwin by zoo ard mny.... times posing scrmg by high str bnch. mb silv cr bpg ps hc.>??????????????????????????????????trk ?blk fem off w chr bp frm 959-965. pst mitch d mntg giggles ?>?4dwt. mob trk plt caught at raleys****8y89631. I askd guy with big dogs mb rotweiler for phone to call police -he said he did nt hv it. thn abv said im son of cop try me. u dt hv phone. u dt belong at raleys accused me by making up a lie -dt u dr throw rocks at me again- in fct the mob is who throws objects and rocks also is resp for rock arrgmts near my home and even dragged a rock into a room they attempted to burglarize. nd thn followed w dodge trk. ??ass bitch. hey grl mitch p lib d myers.??????????prs pst linc at mitch. cr pst mitch d orod-grl cr linc mitch -sue. they jump frm cr to cr nd chg persons insd mny tms mkg ths hrd fr blnd prsn to def. ntc. susp cr bofa lot nt going in.if crct I wrt tm 20:49 on my receipt. ard lot dir orod ard ylg u brk it re pen. flwed $tree ctr nd extd cty crnr big lots d linc. cr bpg pst rac d myers. rd veh suv frt of lq. blk spts cr pst myers t linc. antr ?cr rdio sm plc. 11::22p 4dwt ?bpg d grd bpg trk pst del oro  d tbl.silvr cr 4 dt lgts sm. sml blk cr dt lgts on gs pst dmpstrs up nels. blk cr qd lgts 7th blk dn? hrd prsns out of gngwy dn.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

car club at senior center hndg frm time i stp out, unkn items may be missing but i cnt lk -my frd is cnstnt bully due to free happiness meds amer hds out

they gt perf trgt one who cnt see esp nt at ngt nd who blks out nd who is bullied abt- mob amer gt itself sucker trgt nd scm devices to wst it with long list of consp acts. dk rd cr pst drvwy dn nels bk uop nd dn agn. ped in blk nd jns pst sm up nels rd bpk.silv trk w/lsy shell 12th dn nels. w rnded cr w/l e lgts 9th blk dn. blk suv bg btm bp flwd by sher tbl pst mno d cty. sheriff lkly frds w crmnls. dk rd suv fem scr. bg btm pst mno d grd. silv cr lkl susp frm lst ngt mb d orod. 2 bks to mid field betw mono nels headed undr bg tree tlkg lkly lies scms re money assigning lies fault. drk gry trk sml am flg tbl brdg to grd. hello to gazebo fem silv hr lkly assgnd frd frdly mbstr. ???pst olvr ped ml to yr left - new mob scm. ths wy they cvn pers nd also nt slw dn bks. blkouts w suv bpg pst prk to myers. smk ter fem stks out by $tree alleged death lying mobster I spoke to him bef jumps in frt of me as sn as I get to the shpg ctr steals evry lst btl playsath  dispatched by mob w dog. I nvr knew he wsscdrl bef. but now I knw he is mbstr fr sr. nt once nr accidtl rthr on cue. rd suv w/rd on blk flg pst sp? dir myers. ohvfath lots of gs????? a-1 to orod. xd ?suv mb tn ln on btm rpt bp pst vet mob d twr blu/grn ? yelg mix up lies to mk u crmnl instd w/hlp of mob amer estblsmtscr bgr ??? w suv pst o.h. d orod. dk gry nst? tyta trk w/flg pst shkys d lw. wvg oldr w suv pst brgr trn lw. lgt grn cr lkly mob w/kids to brgr mom rd pts lkly drkn -thts exctly wt amer lks. twr 20?l6958 motorcycle mob offrg 5spt deception is free. 7amr446 mexk w $2. silv 1.5 trk shell opn pst pp d lw. blk cr pst ???  bp to orod. bk in blk out a-1 to orod. bk rd shrt why u do tht-mbstr crmnl. rnd trzg spcr ?????cm bk spcr orod.***** dk rd cr frm mrn to high out grls voices thn mrs to bldwn frt of hm. silv cr myers at high d dwnr. zmg w cr pst high d mitch.???brns cr mob bpg pst rob d mitch. wht? prb frm smn aids crm. blu/w trk  luggahe w cvr pst rob d mitch. ?mb ??? hrd to see ?w/sgnl. lg grns clr trk ped frt of Katie rob. myers str. blk sprty cr rvrs myers at brd d mntg. 3 prsns ccrs??? to brd d dwnr. 1 fem wlk bk myers d mntg. bpg mob cr pst brdg trn mntg ctr ****car club bgr dk ? veh d brd sml blk sprt cr mrs to mntg 842p. d rd cr d linc ? blk spts cr imp t ctch ?rw d tbl.trk w frm lts of lug linc. lkly susp cr ???d myers 2cr bk to tbl.mob grl susp cr dir mrs lkly scr. crm cr scr d myers pst dwnr. silv cr qd lgts blk cr 3d dir nels fr chev. pst 3d to 4th grd. noisy ?gsg hlr trn into 8th blk pst rnch dn nels. blk sprts cr trn 9th blk. blk guy rd pts rw to grd. scr drk vlrs bench - bg ldy. w cr tl lgt d grd ps chrch. vic noisy lgr veh 3d up nels. blk sprty cr pld to gs nrstchev str outr crnr as I appr innr crnr cr wt dn grd.cmrck 1.5 hauler w lgts 3d to nels.  rd trk bg btm in/out dn grd. 10th blk crnr mb blk fem whistlg nxt to hs. w cmrcl haulr up 10th blk

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

inslt crm artists wrkng on deceit pers terzg acts bkd by mob cmnty nd lw enf

silv trk to 12th. sprty cr dn nels sprty cr dn nels to 12...w rnded cr lw enf lgts 7th blk dn nels. blk cr w/splr up nels to 6th. m pls f in pink pts dn nels. duo fems to dmpstrs w/trs clmng no cns. sassy lkg ml to apts lkly prt of mob estblsmt. 4k21753 ? sur 1 cn? tl guy at rec attmptg to unld trsy crt on me nd mk huge crmes go free prty to grp elmntn pers dict mob.ret milit guy w lg chks trn in recyclables.noisy sprty grn cr tbl d mono.????? r w blk shrts-gry or blk?-bks? w r d tbl- fu bitch. mob crmnl  ntat all afr bk in rd mntg beh??????????cnt rd. duo w/rd pls 1 othr fkstk rob dir dwnr. w trk w suv grn trk chev? the w trk to hc myers dn of wch 1 bpd. alliance cns emptied out. opolice hlpg raleys mob proliferate nd persect. 4dst gs pst linc awy fr lib. 4ufg339 shl bg cr mobstr clmd t hv xtr $1. mob w cr horiztl splt ln -gng bgr. dk suv pst mrs linc bp . bm insp my bgs nr lq. bgr 4dwt nd 1.5 w trk twr to lw. dk skn guy rd shrt twr to orod. rd mvn?-crmnl mb -f -hi! pst shkys to lw. ?dk trk w/flg d orod. 4drt xnoisy ps rob to mitch. dk cr- 4dt lgts wvg psg pst rob to mitch. ylg frm brns trsy cr pst rob d montg. sprty blk cr-blk fem ylg pst myrs to tbl must hv ernd it w/her mob crms. sml sprty cr -susan.-mob. lkly reltd veh ths one trn mntg d linc. 913p . bk in blk -hello. lgt cr dnr tbl. dk gry trk plg frm tbl mntg apts ?t tbl. rd spt cr on gs nois brdg t grnd. rpt brk crm bk sd brdg d rw nd bk flwd by ped. sc in blu w/cell rw t brdg cell call rec. trio trsts angnzg inst - advsd grp mbstr nt to react to people on acid spread mal lies my drctn. to brdg blkouts ? ? d 7-11. ?cns mbst hd.nsy w trk hd shell 3d d grd to app $gen. silv mb trafficking abduction cr lkly mex pst chev stp - a u ok? whn ml orderd ?drvr to stp on gs-go go go much as alleged chicks tlg mike re his nice bod-gog0g0... 3d d nels. cmnty nd polic lk this or it wld nt prolifert  simlr sil cr to chev thn to prk nd rd tlg drvr re lic plt stpd. noisy w trk dk shl pst dmpstrs dn nels-mob affiltd.  spt cr sltd lgts p dmpstrs. trk mb grn or dk sdn on gs pst me 6th blk up. bk hrd to see mb prtcpt. 6th blk dn. silv mb cr pst 8th blk rnch. endls vehs lg num of willing crm prtctg prtcpts.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

blk crs mb a mustang sptd mb psng prhps fd or 3d nels or 8th blk rnch lkly thief tr trnd tbl grd on my way bk hrd to id at ngt

bk to 9th blk gldn eagle rd. hummer w/crt attchmt. w ?   dn 6th blk. noisy w trk w/shell pst nels dmpstrs.. dk grn mil suv bpg pst dmpstrs up nels. tn suv nels apts dn nels. pair smgly disc me to nels aPTS upr sd 4dst d nels/bk d grd on 4th opn bk flp. ntcd in clns lt grn cr gldn accnts. ipst it by in lkly blkout. in Collins lot grn cr gldn accents. it sms I psd it by in blkout.  ylpg gry cr dn grd to frwydrk d mno -wna cm to my mnsn?frm highlds apts -mbstr yelg -bgldy. oldr gry trk stp on gs my dir bpg aftr fct thn trn nels tbl? oldr x dk rd tk on gs bk ?op . dk tn orlgt br cr bp d nels. 2 bks hello d 7-11. lng slv blk tp rd ht. smlr dk gry/grns suv rw to brdg. bpg silv cr d brdg ??my pn ws nt wrtg . noisy lt tint or w mntg /tbl ?rpt.. bk blk tp w des.-hello. yelg dk blu tk pst olvr t tbl. yelg w trk bk btm silv strp trn olvr thn trn lft. dk grn suv bp pst myers d tbl. 4drt frm ? lg bg in bd myers pst high d mitch . ml ylp drk sml cr rlys lot mb othrs. bpg v pst linc d myers. mb ?dk cr rpt bpg ylp. myers ohw ?ml ped ? my bgs. shell 4cux280 mob pushg wst inslts. fgt scr bnch out of 4dwt the dy bef frm lngr sim trk w/shell pst o.h. d lw. sm trk ohw to orod d myers-bitch...????yelg. prsn wo shoes mnt d tbl 1157p. ?fr civic dn myers. car trn rd vet to tbl.w ? prk frt of vet law enf dealg w/smtg brgr lot. drk trk mob trst -yuk -tbl d grd. blk cr quad bk lgts bp pst fd up nels. ?silv suv hd d nels. w cr hd 3d  to grd. oldr rd cr talk to  oldr grn suv chev thn bth up grd. blk spts cr sltd bk lgts pst 3d dn nels. mob cr 8th blk mex mb blk scr money deception gimmick of consp mob team burglrzg bg tm.

Monday, September 14, 2015

crim suspect youth collins lot, f u i'm going to kill u insd trk to beh apt complx nr brgr, mob fems mvd on to w suv nd drk car

oldr smlr rd suv bg btm wvg pst dmpstrs up nels. sm suv mb 208 nd of plt 4th dir grd. suv cnt ml mob drvr-hello. *****bk yth in blk sd of clns going via lot dir nels. i'm ?hobo. I d't ply g. me yr cns -sht up. few min prior to 339p. 705 nels etc ment.wt fd vn mex kids rnd logo w/grn on wt vn full of unkn jk. blk chev vn fem -s y gys ltr. bgr oldr w cr co gr dir 4th.  bpg w suv pst 257 tbl.?inslt noise ????smkg fem psgr drk cr.w/accts trn grd.???? 2 w crs rd cr blk/w chev?w suv olvr wv blkt. gry trl drvr bndna sml am flg on trk d tbl. oldr w suv fem mob -hey baby.? to linc  rd cr trn tbl. dk rd trk w/shl plg clsd contr pst rob dir mntg. ??lgt clr trk pst orod at linc. ???rd cr lin orod myers???rd clr veh cls to suv sz yelp orod olv hwy dir lw. ?radio chks dir twr. mob fem twr hi-hv nc ngt mob trzg.mob ml w inslt poisn spcly fr lwr grd people.burglr cvr up tm. civic 11p 4dwt shell gy sdg ml -bitch wts up grl? d linc. w cr othr d tbl. ?pst olvr to tbl. trk? fu im going to kill u -ths pers frmrly yelled frm dodge reltd silv trk. this tm it ws in drk area mvg fst nd I cld nt guar exct clr. yelr sim to sm beh crnr apt bldg. mntg/tbl. w trk wch mgt hv brgt him to loc was pulling out of brgr lot. I recl dk grn trk pst lw gng s psgr fu fnkstk. lgtr veh bk to ? bpg cr? ?? w cr tl lgts d grd. piece of netal in rd on grd nels nt fr frm tbl crnr odd sd. w cr tl lgts nels tbl.silvr cr nelsn pause by evn sd apts up nels. w cr tl lgts nels evn sd acr frm crnr fogg apts. ft mex fem pnk rd clr tp pst hd up nels. suspct dk cr 3rd st prk rd ltr prob apprchd by blk chks I hrd aftr I lft chev.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

tell thm thk u nd respct their gd ngt when they hv every intent to keep massive crimes free

heat blkouts ?prb trk cvrd w/blu plstc dn 9th blk. drk rd splt trk sf gng bngr  up nels trn 9th. blk cr w/splr dn 9th blk gng bgr. lgt clr stn noisy cr dn 7th?. dk rd trk sm as abv. mob w suv up 7th blk wvg. dk rd suv pulg lug crdbrd cvrd blu plstc. scr blu mvn 4th up grd.sml blu trk-hi! 3d pst chev d nels. 4dwt mbstrs fu spr bitch  ?wanna tbl dir mono sm bk 4dwt mbstrs. drk rd noisy trk dir mono? on evn sd nels.4dwt bpg bk dir nels w both sd fem psgrs ptg fngrs sdws. blk tp bg pts blk hr yth bk- snd ble to inslt u nd tell u -u stk nd to empwr crm vs u.????pst sss dir grd. blk cr psgr d brdg -hi!????? w lw enf veh???hr fr mob cmnty. smlr tn cr to brdg-???? dk gry mvn scr mntg dir tbl fem. allnc wrkr inspctg. trs cntd 2 cns purp pltd by mob. combo blk nd gry trk mntg pst mrs d tbl. inspctg mbstr t. hrd to see crnr raleys/petco. rd grn lgt blu tnk bk raleys lot blk noisy cr mers orod. crmnls wl lkly be bk smply see me as easy trgts add. empwrd by l.e. blk noisy cr orod trn ohw.rnded w cr w/lw enf lgts. bgr 4dwt yelg. d lw.w suv by lq prob belgng to wrkr emp. ?vic cr frm rlys lot. likely prsns doing pot drgs high myers apts. bpg scr 4dwt pst rob trn mntg left psgrs d linc. crzy lghng grp. m/f tm mob in grn nd rd dir rob. grtg. w, nt? hey u haha . tlkg  with 4dwt bird to mitch -s u ltr bitch.  oldr w suv d mitch. 10:47p. drk cr brp smtg dir linc. smlr blu trk rpt bpg -civic. smtm lst few ds drg psr offrd valms thk shell crnr.- i'll get u -ml. ld grp by axiom.  sm blu trk bk to tbl. lgr 4dwt nd comrcl w trk mntg pst vet dir myers? ?w trl lug. ?noisy w/lug brdg to grd, ?trk stp on gs pst rb to tn.?cr w sgl dt lgts my als be freq on nels. noisy lgt cr to grd. dk suv to brdg fr grd -ter mob deception crime mob gimmick-gd ngt. drnk acrs tbl by vlrs tlk crp.?????skt blk spts outf to grd. when it blms trgts mb cn do crm at no cost w usa blessings and encrgmt. cmnty aids mob nd covers for it crm aMER STYLE -TRST CTRY LW PEOPLE. drk mob cr on gas pst del oro. dir tbl. 2 spdg shrf vehs to 4th. then dk rd cr.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

vehicle clicking lg dk blu/w police suv mntg/myers-lkly mob/fnkstk

im bdly nrg coma le hlps mbstrs. mex mb wrkr acrs strt strg insd veh. blu cr lbls purp trzg bpg pst 10th 10th blk up nels. grn cr - ?w fk??? fkstk yelg bk in blk ?antr bkr crm tm up grd pst 4th cnt rd my wrtg. silv gry old trk tl bx flw by rd cr ?ylpg w suv. 3d to nels. scr duo mbstr ?p dept sd als whistl mob bks thin nd othr. blk tps othr-hello. blk tnk bk grtg pst nels to cty. dk blu suv trzg to nels. grn? cr to grd..6 (vyk?)543 ??? witch in blk ? crmnly hdg me dir valeros. rec. sngd btls smn left-antr big ft stk up mbstr. silv 1.5 whose plate I hv nt fr frm Romanian in blog when he pulled into shell behd w dodge yel at me trn grd to tbl brdg. its hrd to scrl or I wld hv pltes if all blogs were prtd out. blu sht bk gigglng dir grd fr brdg. lt tn suv-hi mob suv dir brdg lg tn suv, grn mvn. blk tp bg pts bk othr- as abv - i'm gonna get u dir brdg. fu ?scdrl to brdg , mlcs grtg. 5nlc928 silv-spoiler - pers mob scm le assistd poison fd. pst axiom dir mntg myers. drk suv pst myers flwd by tn suv. dk blue suv psgrs mrs trn rob-linc -mob -ha-ha..... 6ugd793 dk gry sml -dispatched to scm defrd w drnk in fact prt of ter team.hc -ldspkr. 3xyc596 rd mvn mrsls-but cld be one of mlns. witch piece of pizza by big lots aided by othr witch fls clm indep -fk off gry trk. hi!-g.b.u. orod to myers s. mbstr fem mid ln. scr dk sml cr pst dutch coffee to myers ?a silv 1.5 bpg-cld be diff or accid. on this.mb rdio or othr noisy cr pst arbys. x-dk alm blk cr multi dt lgts pst  o.h. -fu. dir orod.  smn bpg crnr mitch dk grn to orod. bk -mitch -ohw -hi baby.sprty blk cr trnd mitch to linc. 2 bks of wch 1 jmpg pst rob to mntg. scdr crsg myers gry tp -wv. lgt clr cr rob dir mitch-hi!****clicking mob cop lg dk nvy/w suv by gazebo crnr usd to bully anyon thy dislk. cr mntg trn myers 10:40p civic.?????blk trk trn myers mntg I blv nt wtg me to see who thy are flwd by w suv-hey sexy hrd prev cmt dy bef  I thk 655 nels.lgt clr cr w plc lgt usd lkly fr crmnl purp shine my dir sev tms mntg dir tbl jst pst vet.w cr to brdg -hey baby.hyd? othr trzg vcs/noises mob crnr bldg. by brgr. bpg w suv w/lgt brdg to tn? bk in rd brdg -hello.-hdg mob scdrl bk in blk yth-f u fnkstk.silent w crt mb rec pull to ss bus stp shtless. sml dk cr up nels yelp pst dmpstrs. suspct vehs in nels incldg veh mkg vcl sds whch trnd rnd in 10th blk,

Friday, September 11, 2015

hounding deception persecution burglarizing mob team

i discovered a rock in the room where mike saw burglars likeways there were apaprently rocks near house corner nd prb chocolates are missing. chld rd shirt blu pts hello. up 10th blk .** 2 children appchg 9th blk trn i thk one taller w othr mb mex smaller.-the w kid-knck knock-who's thr -trs cn.-mb burgl cnctn. mobster**** 655 nels -hey sexy. ldspkr schl area fem. dk grn cr yelp. bg/tn trk hnd wvg to 6th mob team nt frdly. ?mobster w shirt bg shts up 6th blk. a kids of wch 1 hvy in rd top nd ?smlr bld chld up nels pst dmpstrs. 5rll622 offr $1 at chev per mob decept gimmick they do way more nasty  unwntd crmnl stuff thn  anthg decent -pro criminals dictatorship pers committee. the othr2 clicking bks.**** anthr mob cr lgtr shd grn in hd prkg area went to side nrst $gen th popped up mid hd prkg area scr mob pers instrctns -hey grl. wvg gry trk cty up nels. bk in blk ???tbl to cty.7t88243-**sweetie. silv/gry ?? ?? x drk rd dk shts phone lkg bk pst ss to grd.w tnk bg hoodie hnging attmptd to waLK into me in grd crswlk. ***silv cr psgr fem -hi. clns cashier reptg aftr mob sweetie.gry w/grn bpk blk shrts w/strps-tl w ml -wts up? plc siren w vn pst rb dir grd. 4dst -gngstr mntg d tbl. noisy w cr d. ?bird. ntcd sprty rd cr prev prtcptg frd chrty hdg bird near myers plt k vilas. ****mbstr fem opn tlt dr nd cntnd to kp it opn accsg me o yelg. mbstr insistd hdlms shld be abl to us snk wh i'm in toilt. ?mob assist bk fem pst prk ?inst ter? strp w/b shrt plus antr in blu dir mitch. ?6jzr?512 ?gry sm plc frt prk??? in frt of me by $tree smn w/dg prpsly stealg lkly per assgmt but tsg the plstic to outsd- unkn mtv but lkly sm as scdls slm by chev. dk gry zmg cr pst arbys d lw. silv trk shl to tb. rd shrt by pacific cw-hi! w cr rob myers mitch. mob tm 3 pls 2 - lk yr hr rob at myers-crmnls dt pay fr crm or trzg. w trl w/lug. pst myers to linc. 9:28p. ****cls to olvr vet bldg sd mex -is tht u?rpt.-cll thm i hv phn. 2 clicking bks frm tbl pst brgr sd to brdg. noisy blk lw rdg trk dir nels. ? pers cell wlkg 2nd odd sd apts ????dir tbl. w suv lgts acrs hd entrc ult. trnd. all cns remvd chev. mob trst cmte.lkly crm drg addict mob hgout. dk suv inr sd chev - ?susp activity. susp w suv pst dmpstrs dn nels. dy bef yest spdg cr up 13th blk. yest crsg cr up 13th blk nd bk at nels mob ter pers  burglrzg trzg aids nt accidts.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 mob females situated chev mob trzg maneuvering elsewhere

another hint re mex fem burg theft aid -lots of parfume.grn refl shirt nvy trk lkly mob theft aid up 13th blk. drk rd bpk  grn ?shrt up 12th. dk rd suv to 1268. mbstr sm w cr og shrt to gngwy. zmg drk rd trk dn 8th blk. rnd sided w trk dn 8th blk. 4drt up 7th. w dodg trk dn nels trn 4th. fem lkg bk lw rdr. pst dmpst guy rd shrt lg stk. lgt clr tr shl pst me on gs. rnd w trk 4th nd grd. sml ? noisy cr. cr pst ??dir nels. brown hood mbster flw awy brn hair to grnd. blu/gry bg accented btm suv pst myers dir linc. scr ml w trk ???pst sp? to ohw. rpt bpg silv trk w/psgr pst lw-stn dk gry mb ltl blu suv bp pst pp dir lw. blu sprty cr -bg ldy giggling orod trn s frm ohw.-mob suspects. mob lgt grn clsd. mob aid sd of raLEYS CHIN REST lgt gry clthg thn tl nlk ml. silv trk hrsg. ?bitch- a u kdg me?serial mob prtcpts pst rob dir mntg.silv trk rob dir linc. a a brd tlk w trk  old pst brd dir mitch. 840p civic-silv trk d mntg-nsty bitch tk a shwr. usg inslts to instgt crm. mob cr ard brgr hrd to see clrs. 2 bks youths prb hisps w sht nd blk shirt 1-fu bitch othr-fkstk rpt. brdg dir twn. blkouts. blk ml in rw csg re fem to pick him up who has cr. 581kx mob suspct grn/silv trk alliance pers cn. alliance lies re cns svs thm fr drnks drg adcts instd. bk in grn? ?hrs dn nels. whistl evn sd nels bef fogg. 2ter witches at chevron one w/sml blk dog prob trst frm prob dept who does drugs orgs trzg othr dngrs lying crmnl. w/dog inst trz me ovr cns thn -hahahha gt yr cns. the othr bitch md thrts.duo pst nels apts dn - mob trsts - hi!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

criminals hounding tactics nd fraud scams

accdg to my frd lbr day get away was 6'5 gray lg hair guy frm Missouri gt into blk mustang. the mex got into silver trk prob w/fem. bpg w comrc veh  w/lug to 9th blk. w veh 1.5 shell trn ? at 9th blk ?2 corrected num. 372aoi w trk rnded sds wtd for min in 7th schl yelg -bg ldy likely assisted by criminals rgt on campus. grn station wgn sltd inwd bk windw shape psgrs-eh! dodge friend wvg full arm.?93575h1 by rec w 1.5 trk. mailmn wvg 4th cld be linked to crmnls. 6c45957 ? w trk shell yelp cty dir tbl. smn cl cps by publc wks. john rodriguez whl chr frm nels mob apts wtg bus stp. sm grn stn wgn bpg mntg to tbl w/rubber boat on roof. grn suv -hi to tbl. yelg grn stn myers to linc. 2 fems multi clr hair bird to downer.fllwd by child tn w/rdio. horiz strp fem offr jnk fd wst by myers toilet wnt to clthg str acrs talking to addicts spec ml boyf r hngng w/fem bth crzy wld nsty scm ter artists they threw ice at me fr tkng a lk at this guy then the char femme came frm str to tlk w/thm ran off whn I went to toilet nd he went to clthg str lkg fr cig wch no one hd playing amic fr the moment whl still sme trst burglr murdrer nd scndrl. this ml hd blk shirt checkered pts nd fem yel-type painted hair. 4pzx232 rlys mbstr inslt menace cn cnsp.grn mb cr bp pst oh to orod.blu cr lk mini suv 2 sqsh cns by lq-too hrd to see plt lgt problms lt eve. drk? out of dennys??? mob -hi trgtg. ?veh bldw to mitch grn stn pst rob to mntg. ?vocl snd rob to dwnr. fem in og pls ml in blk-hi trn brd dir dwnr. blk gy shpg crt nd othr hls sitg jw str crnr brd/mrs???? blk gy on bk brd to dwnr. bk mkg lkly mlcs remrks. ?frm rnd ?csrl gls cvr? noisy w suv mntg myers 9:07p ?3j45279 w cr blk fems lkly nt mndg own bus.mntg nr myers yelp lgr lgt cr dir tbl. bk lgt shrt pst ps/retest dir tbl. pers w/drk bpk dir mrs frm acrs bw. ***scr silv 1.5 mntg pst vet dn dir myers.?????w cr flwd by blk. bk nvy tp lgt shrts out of brdg. bk in blk w/smtg blu brdg to tn. bk in drk cltg ?noisy rd suv 3d up grd. blk sprty cr 3d up nels. quiet disc evn sd of nels acrs nels dmpstrs dir schl.. yelg cns tsd up nels fr tsd cns dng objcts purpsly camouflaging menace frm dir upr nels apts purpose to hrs trz disguise mjr crmnl actvty.**** lg 1.5 w trk dn nels pst nels dmpstrs on gs purp pst me to suprt mob wstg of ths trgt.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

another burglary ard 630p yest-labor day

blu car bpg wvg flwd by grn trk ???flwd by 2 vehs with attchments one of which ws red attchmt cntnd blngngs. ?ths trk stpd on co. ?all dn 12th blk. blk hr w shirt tnk tlr ml blk mustache mb 30s called me nasty ass whore up nels trning on foot to 11th blk gngway pst viewing mob neighbrs. trio shool crnr yell 2 bks nd scooter. mexics were w/bks nd w ml ws w/sctr. the wt guy bld hair hd blue horiz strp shirt they trn 6th hng ard crnr wt dude threw 3 rocks nd tld mex that I go thrgh dmpstrs evry tm I go by which ws his exc for rocks nd menace instigtn. the wt scdrl thn pret to offr cans -fls chrty. I blv it mst hv bn ths dy if nt othr persn crnr 10th blk home w rocks ard propty mex ml offrd cns-cld be antr crmnl plng nxt crm. ?veh by dmpstr flwd by othr veh.6?2222e1 ??? psgr wvg-police protctd dict. cmittee. 3rd pst chev to nels-blk trk diagonally positiond crs on rd flg -gng bngr,. w trk ,4dwt pls 2 am flgs.. blk gray pts w tnk wv w shirt jns dir nels. ?????mls mono ? tbl. 5kfw6?85 gry trk to grd. 2bks youths blk nd w in blk -higger. ? silv cr ?bp to brdg. scr silv cr brdg to grd. drk trk am flg at bk pst mrs to ohw. shirt off approach trst mls cr myers pst rlys trn ohw. mob orod dn myers-susan. ylpg mob.? myers orod ohw. yelp mob cr d. twr. trn orod yelp agn. drk trk dk grn/silv bpg. arco dir twr.old rd cbn car was loaded top of attachment trlr to blk trk. dk gry cr bp trn acrs arbys mob hsp. sm mob cr ?yelg smtg I cld nt mk out I blv the main cr is dk grn w/blk fem drvr othr passengers vary ?????pst ? to orod.cnsp thrts?trsts yelg to lwpst pp. ?noisy cr. w trk pst lw. crmnl mbstr sml w cr pst brd d mntg - wna blw me?  2 tn mb silv/blu suv ?? to mitch. 2 slpg gazebo one wlkg ovr w/dg.1136p civic. trio crmnls brdg w/sktbrd I blv 2 fems nd mex ml -hi I rlly lk yr bgs ml. by rvr bench prsn ?stg thgh smtg ????mb fems nels 2 wkg in blk othr in grn dir tbl.noisy lgts ??pickup mb silv pst 3d up grd. smn bk of chev yelg-gt the fk outta thr possibly cpopying my frd chsg thm out of my hm being brglrzd. ldspkr bk of chev. ft 3rd to fd. trio broke in 630p tall male from Missouri 6'5' gray hair mustache 50s nd mex ml mb 5'7 like rest mgr lks nd slgtly bgr mex fem fat. they packed into plastic bag shoes eating cntnrs nd pulled new pair of shoes frm adj rm. I hv not exmnd evr yet.
door was double lkd accdg to my frd they wmn lied it was little open nd mex lied landlord put room for rent sign the mob was resp to.

Monday, September 7, 2015

mbstr frm veh to veh to veh all rnd cnsprd menace mob

bg trk  hi shell vcs ??? silv trk. js lv u 959-65 ths ar mob cnsprtrs who intnd to hv all mob acts go at no cost.xmnw1? brglrs ntwkg??? grn stn wgn bpg up nels pst dmpstrs bk sltd inwd shp. trk ???? pst dmpstrs. 23260c1 pst 4th dn-bitch.  scndls lw enf 4th to nels.**** mbster sm w cr pst 4th up prhps lnkd to either moron or im nt thief -fu rotating drvr argmt so the mob need nt be caught. susp grn cr gld accnts ???trn 3rd ?bth vehs.  sml gry cr wvg bpg tbl cty grn refl  bk gry clthg mbstr wvg hey? bk dir grd pst chrch.w shirt w yth fkstk ltr bitch joined by blk yths in grn nd 2 othrs. rpt bpg bg cr rw to gr.-vc ovr scr-suv plg trlr to grd. og suv -brdg rd stn othr veh dn mntg blkouts. tht ass. lkly co mobster.trk sml am flg d. linc. blks near high st nd myers brdg. fw brdg vic. fem w crt pst mitch to rob.2 sml btls dkd out by $tree cn by dict. mob. gry suv scr pst myers to linc. drk mob blk cr mbstr -hi! orod trn ohw.noisy 4dwt  pst bofa. also rd/silv frm myers. blk cr ??kio pst lw silv cr bp trn lw. scrmg fr twr vic mob atmpt to instgt. scr frm tiny sml cr bg tn who spsdly kind engh fr cns in fct prty to grandiose crime mob elimination grd cnsp.purps attrct attn. antagonize instigt.insn gigglng at veh raleys lot. trzg mbstr ml fr brd dir mntg-hello-hyd?crm inc at no cost.mbstr crt w btls blk plstc bg trying to mk btls attrctv itm to gt crmnl amer mob theft murdr demltn frd scm gazebo area. lg slv blk shrt blu ht bk to rb trs thn to brdg. alws suspct vehs crsg  but mr day bef.apprx fri mrn I wlkd in nd tld mk abt gangwy Dillon scm whn he told me I ws liar mkg up strs cntnd to call me liar nxt mrng insist he lst cndy nd mny whn lemnd he nvr drks cm up misg lk cndy br. on tht occsn he also defnded drg addicts saying theyre jst hvg hrd tm qtg nd clng me crzy -lkly mbstr cnsprt who helps invt crm rgt.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

elderly couple mentioned shed break-in by 3 males....

cycle w clr trnd rnd in my drvwy bk up nels. blu trk-dk  blu bndna up 7th blk. duo to nels apts gbg dn  strt. silv 1.5 rpt bpg grd up pst 4th. 1sha672 said she is nt thief  w fem cr psgr of mex unfortunately they lkly do scms to steal wts nt theirs thn pose for alleged fine people at no cost whl stlg intmdtg doing nxt crm. mob w cr wlk fstr moron 4th apprchg grd nr cllns wld nt slw dn as I cld nt wlk any fstr mlcs mob intimdtn consistent w/705 nels. mob extrtn team tctcs nd Christian fraud. cld nt gt plt nd hv hvy wrg knd of shs. 8d76929 chev wv hd 3rd to grnd. w suv bpg bpg beh ?cty to nels. trst mob suv giggling ? use clns fr inslt loctn team trgt. lg dk blu suv mth off trn cty tbl dir w ch bp to mono. crsg to highlnds apts cmplx mob trst - bg ldy rpt w/chk who sd do not aPPRCH ME WHN I TRIED TO GT A LK AT THM AS I stll dt knw wt these mbstrs lk like.2nd ?dwt  aw frm nels. w suv frm highlds ter mbstr - crzy bitch. that allws enables crmnls nd their amer law enf mbstr helpers. mbstr cr rpt bpg rw to brdg. silv suv to brdg gry cr mb ?  scr w cr mbstrs rw aw dir grd. hey slvrs suv. bk in blk lw rdrd brd to twn ?grn ht bkwds -fu. gry suv bpg brdg to twn. x.d. gry cr bpg trn tbl ?aw trn brgr. smlr gry cr ml-hey pst ? mntg dir myers. cr on gs  d linc. mob drk cr alm blk pst myers dir tbl. mth off lkly sm. mbstr bk blk shrt noise trz pst high to mitch. lt shd cr terzg pst rlys lot. mob trst po sd at rlys lot. hi!- cnt ? insn 4dwt to mitch fu rdio linc. bpg veh psb a trk resem dodge hd to see in drkns or othr reltd mob veh. mob bk pst spcr. ?-eh!. trnst sd antr bk mb cr sp to myers.-hi! bk pst ?ohw-hi!ngr w cell drg dlg lkly ths area pst arbys d orod. grn mob trk pst lw. blk guy bk via brgr w hlf cup ice-pro mobster...police aid mob cnsp.blk prsn bk twr-orod.wcky mobster pp d twr. wcky noise cr via a-1 sml lsy blk out d twr I cld hrdly wlk of crs no plt tkn.  12:40 civic . bk early on hus/wf eldrly tlk of shed brk in 3 mls sd cld cops but I fear trio nvr gt caught.bk in l slv blk sht. bigr guy ib blk w/grn brdg area d grnd.trzg dk cr rpt zmg snd nels ldsp $gen vic. lw enf pst dmpstrs aiding crm mob w/lgts.**************** lg very noisy w suv or trk w shel cc 12th to 11th out 11th dn nels.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

america protects deception crime mob and its crimes-mobsters poison deception persecution community ter fraud wasting "spirit" mafia scam

blk mob witch witch with long hair to 8th blk -hi. conspiracy mobster pick up another fem at schl nd continue trzg after hvng bn wrnd to leave me alone continuing in mobsters behalf trzg instigtn w/hello on wy bk. 6th block 4 boys  amng thm blk/w -clng me crkhd _school yard bsd mob scm. trio trzg schl crnr mob team. scr w  trk pst nels dmpstrs up nels-yelg fem w cr anim brd noises blk fem mbstr pst jh dir nels. sheriff cr to jh helpg mobsters just as thr was in 8th blk after mob provocation. 2 mbstr bks 1 in blk rd othr in lgt gry cty to mono. ?duo stkd out at ???? blk susp pst mono to cty. duo blu/rd cltg nd grn tp blk guy - btr gt the fk awy fr her. noisy 4dwt pst ss brdg. rd trk to nels noisy. 4dwt noisy to brdg. yel fr veh mbstr suv to grnd. silv cr trz rw to grnd. cnsprg synchrnzg w/mob. noisy 4dwt brdg to grnd.. bk spdg rw to brdg. 1.5 silv trk antenna frds w/dodge dn mntg pst vet bldg. mob blk fem hdr plying innocent stkg out hihing brdg bus by foe. hrd fr blk cr 1 of vehs by $tree -stnk lkly trying to man all probs they cn organizer me with help of scndls low mob amer estblsmt lkg to hv mob sld w/endls mob demolition tctics conniving to roll u nd evrythng yrs dn toilet w/hlp frm l e.  ldspkr dn fr pk dir lic. mbstr high str bench smlg.bk by $tree m/f duo demdg syringe allgd thrwn out yest. fr toilet lot mbstrs scrmg whl police crs nr me skpng ndls mob addicts burglrs mrdrs etc.  also I rcl smn addct/thief wacko askg fr cig near big lots. mobster smk into yr fc bitch amer trs scmbg - hello.mbstr wlkg aplgzg mthg off myers rob wlkd dir linc. arb at Collins lkly likes mob cnsprcy mob aideder acts vs my lf. civic 1155p. lgt gry cr mth off pst myers dir tbl-fem. blk cr prob usg pot trn mntg myers. noisy blk cr pst myers to tbl. 2 bks w/lgts 1 out of axiom side othr dn mntg hello. 2 vehs pst grd nels first bird voices blk fem othr scr. mny yrs exprd jnk fd pltd postal trs by raleys. bef tht dir brdg blk trk silv btm co. ld spkr fd. yel nels ?? scr lgr dk veh pst hd trn 4th - f that. person walked into 11th blk approaching me asking if I was Dillon thn pretdg this was mistk or accidt whn in fact they are a trgtg mob.

Friday, September 4, 2015

americam mob here to protect enhance ter amer mob acts sinking your life as if it never were-murderous country nd low ign people

wvg grn 1.5 mobster, w suv pst my drvwy up nels blu cr pstl blu trk gry drty cr dk gry ? grn 1.5 bk pst 9th blk dn. bp frm**** w cr appr 7th blk dn frt brkn windw. grn mvn bpg dn nels 7th blk. w ter trk/shell noisy w cr ? style ard 6th blk trn ard nels apts old grn stn bpg mb to veh while pst me hwvr mob team. bg/tn suv lg out of clns up plumas.***************7g16535 - virt guaranteed crm mobsters trk pull 3rd by chev dir nels contained 3 younger mob males the 2 on sds pointg to one in middle- wt do u thk abt ths guy?-guaranteed pro criminals with knowledge if not prtcptn cnctd to brglry. bk in blk  ?rd sds 3rd up grd. 4wvk104 gry cr diane nd driving daughter jasmine - nt clear hw they cm up w/any mny.5dup868 wvg cell mbstrs. w cr frt bk blk strps. 2 tn bg brn mob cr md sz to $gen. shrf wvg out of juv hall -nt sgn of frdshp lkly mb team.w jp mb wrg flwd by dk grn 1.5 w cr lg bpg dir mono trn 1st st pst nels dn.  sml w cr mth off tbl nels flwd by blu cr . 4dwt nels tbl dir grd noise nd co flwd by sml silv cr. blu cr trn tbl - mob hi. bk blk tp pst nels cty hello. 3 bks 2 in w nd 1 in blk youths at least 1 my be frm mrk trk abv-knw ure going to die 1  dy bitch, etc. yel out 4dwt dir grd. lg bp w cr pst me dir grnd. 1.5 grn chev. dk gry cr scrmg mob. shrf frm 7-11 lkd at me as if I did smtg frds with mob crmnls incldg ones at 7-11. duo sht w fem rw -hi! mob trsts at no cost.hi frm brgr lt prb on bk- are u scrd- nsty cmnt blkout.w 1.5 trk arm out. w bks pst myers fnkstk. psbl othr cr also difft in light ard bird area crsg.. lst myers bird -hey brd myers mntg mob team bird myers mntg rgt myers civic myers left bird, myers - wt? guy in w hldg smtg w-wts up? dir toilet. betw mntg nd brd I tlkd to guy going insd bldg. conc cruisg but mob hs mult prt vehs on spot who like this crm gm. mob cr to bldw yel smtg mob cr myers dn pst bldw.2 in  2 in rd pls 1 in blk via empty lot nxt to 1765 dir dwnr. cr chgd clr slgtly w/lgt. sm pst wilcx dir rob.-bitch. myers hrd cn mlcs scm frm mob bt nvr seen it. silv 1.5 trk mitch to myers  frds w/dodge drvg tgthr num occsns-f u bitch im goin to fkn kill u-snded loaded- clearly prty to mob extensive instigation concoction ter crmnl pers elimintn  team-it ws 830 p by lib abt 1 hr pst 730 nr civic.orod nr linc fem mbstrs rpt scr hi per ter mob trzg instrctns. mbstr clb -hi orod pst linc jk in bx ?w trk. ?fk stk rd.vic ???orod. rpt zmg grn cr pst ohw-mrs. duo to brd d. linc-mob trsts -hi-fem brglr mrdrer aids.  trk rw to grd -hi. lgtr noisy cr flwd by blk noisy cr frm 7-11 to brdg. prty mob dem lgter 2nd odd nels apts sdwk. mar. fgt scrmg hd lot. bk nels nrg dmpstrs mob prtcyptg hisp police officer aiding mob crime nd ter scms cm out of 6th. othr mob aid on bk 9th blk dn.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

mob by collins , myers robinson

?stn wgn up nels to? hrd scr up nels  mb frm w trk wch trnd frm 6th. grn mvn dn nels to 4th. 6atm810- I had hrd tm seeing ths plt  mb glare or mistk. gv bg of cns denied anyone tld hr to do outer sd crnr Collins sw blk cr w/blk fem psgr -mob. my sight is insuf at tms  to spt these vehs or persns. I cld nt see plt to rd it I wld hv hd to stp up. w cr bk trnk opn cty to tbl. child-yelg plyg tbl apts near nels. tbl wlkg to cty ml pls fem w/baby m-hi! wld u lk a $1. frm apts acrs child call out -daddy. lkly affiliated drctly to consp mob acts.scr brn ?rd ??trn nels. drk rd trk pst ss silv tn btm lkly-fu fnkstk. mob gry hrd mn wlkg dn strt sgstd I shld mn the mbstr who sd tht. hrd yel prob blk chk unkn veh. scr sml w cr fem to rw dir brdg. dude blu shrt rw gry hr-hyd? sml dk gry cr chicks -scr hi!. whn I lkd mvd xtra fst to hd plt.scr silv cr lkly sml. 5ziu604 bst as I cn rd my wrtg. grn vn w/strp? fem frm rlys lg wvy hr-hi! mob blvs theyre entitled to hound wst nd demolish u. ****military clr trk oldr guy w/2 fngs up. mobstr cop by lib- iwtd fr lt chg nxt to lib whl blnd nd blkng ou - us crs wlk "apprp." mob aid usa. near 6p. cp headed mitch dir myers. grn sht smlg by $tree -hi! smkg. mob witch by big lots with br cn.****6mqk765 blkts nd distrctn yelg frm insd hpfly plt is rgt but blkouts so bd I fld to nt clr-wld guess cld be dead wrg grn mvn. child yeld hi-drvr cvrg mob acts -kidg me?to prot mob ofcourse. w trk pst myers to linc.smlg. vic pst orod blk trk co dir mitch. bg ldy nt frm shell crnr.a drk rd trk silv btm chev pst myers to linc. w trk drk btm myers linc smlg. 1.5 drk gry am flg yel out  pst ohw.. opp dir silv cr bp. guy in blk  w/blk bndna inst trzg. guy trgtg wnts to knkle celeb mob ter acts welcm by usa pst a-1 dir lw. tilted noisy blk trk silv btm. noisy drk trk d lw. 3 sktbrds to behd rlys chin. vocal intimidtn snds bk mb in blk myers mitch.silv cr dt lgts pst prk d mitch.bk in drk gry lg slv trzg prk dir rob. hc adj alley mb?blk cr dir mitch w cr w/blk strp rob myers d Mitchell.noisy grp pst olvr to myers. w vn nvy thin logo d myers.bk to brgr yelg noisy trk to brdg.bk at rlys cashier offrd missing cn to keep up big crm gm. yelg noisy trk to brdg. flwd by a trk. 2 bks incl 1 in rd ht rw to brdg.drkn fem in rd suit headed directly at me rw adj to olv grv. smn loaded yelling bitch vicinity of rw hlf wy twds brdg.noisy gry pickupmb og/blu lgts as yest pst fogg dir tbl.blk cr frm nels trn rnd hd entry near $gen.noisy cr pst dmpstrs up nels cmrcl trk.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

false charity from mob group with major othr motives

w trk no lbls simlr to dodge flwd  by gry blk suvs  w mvn.                                     wcr sgn? trn 4th             grn mvn dn nelas trn 4th.noisy w trk??? 4dwt noise snz pst crths dir tbl. to trs clctr drty lks by rec.i tld wrkr who smks  re smkg nd wt hpn to me bt my op. typ. am. thnks ex. lk ngbr. ?3txd505 fld to note. drk stn/suv type bp rw to brdg. w suv or trk w/lid- f u fnk stk. shrtls drk ht out of brdg bk trn brgr. blk bpg sml cr pst vet to myers. silvr cr ard vet to ? rd mvn -gngbngr bitch fu ?? pst retest to myers. w sml cr hor ln???pst olvr to myers. lw rdr grn shrt? 3lxm559? bd wrtg do u wt $2 bks- lkly sm ter grp as hdg mobstrs. mob lgt clr cr scrmg oro pst myers d. linc. noisy w trk luggage myers pst orod dir mitch. scr silv cr pst thrft.nsy w trk lw to s ohw. 7mak972 bdly ovrhtd blkts w suv twr trn lw. mex  mbstr hdg bk up/dn ohw-hey frm bk psb instg? w guy at rec smks poison. prds mgr at raleys prb aiding cnsp. yelg w cr ohw to orod to myers. scr rd suv orod ohw d. mitch. scr grn trk hyd? dennys lot dir mitch. fire clnp seem in prog. vic cr. mb blk pst prk dir rob. bk w pts blk bpk shrtls ht pst brd d. mntg. mntg dir bird ? scr mob cr dwner mntg myers nw mb othr blk yelg -hi! 3bks pst myers to linc.  w trk thn 1.5 w or silv trk mntg pst myers dir tbl lst -f u.. rd cr yelw suv gry suv pst myers to 9:07p civic. 1.5 blk trk ??cmrcl 4dwt lgts? grp at civic. mb fncy blk cr ofng fd lkly prt of mb team. multi lgt ??? lkly mntg to tbl. cr bpg out of alley jst oppost nd belw vet dn mntg. ?mbstr frt of vet stnd thn wlk to tbl. mbstr w sht gry hair -wts hpng? noisy ?? rw. drty lk frm mob blk fem wlkg into rw dir brdg. smn crs frm ss dir vlrs. ?cr nels tbl cty. scr ml cr pst fogg to tbl.shkng silv cr pst chevr dir nels. mlti dt bk lgts. flwd by blu cr.? w cr bp... 4dgt std drvwy thn out of chevrn. $gen hello siren lgts trk gry? to beh hd.drk suv dn nels. up to 3rd trn frwy. to psgr - sht the fk up. ?w trk 1.5 out of nels apts  dn nels.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

mailpersons, mob terrorists, etc.

dirty ?. ? ml 1215 -unft my sight is insuf but my guess he is one of suspects-i'm sure they are the people who had hounding children on property nd knw exctly details of crm if nt desgnd it- exactly wt mob butte nd mob usa hd in mnd. mob wt cr lw enf lgts lkly ter project mobstrs dn 12th blk. 2-tne noisy cr mb bg/brn dn 7th. mob bitch frm schl offrng spit instigtn persec $1. mobsters lk mob acts -the lst thg they are is sorry.amer mob decides wt u shld hv nd wt they steal. slvr cr - hi! nels fr ???silv tiny cr 4th upnels *****6lmy753 just after 4p chevron red car smtg lk cbn style ws my dp? psgr drvr bk frm str.?wt hpn to the dp bitch? 4 in cr. rd ht checkered pts blk vest rw to grnd. trio-? a d? they hd 1 grn tp nd 2 blk tps abv rw. f u bitch frm silv 1.5 brdg to rw. mail ldy offrg mob grp drk nd dry snk nd of veh 059. apprd nt to undrstd meowing by mailmn. 2 yths mb -bitch fnkstk brdg to rw. drk grn cr anglr bpg dir linc.3usk255 m  yelg blu/gry veh myers mntg dir linc. dk gry? mb cr-hi! pst kitrick dir rob. w trk vocalizing to rabobank. grn suv mitch to linc mb cnctd to lcl drgs orod pst rac to linc. vic smk by big lots. mob w cr pst myers to linc.-hi! bgr noisy trk mblgt nd silv pst lq dir lw. mb blk cr pst a-1 dir orod-bg ldy. mb trk w/cmrcl ftrs ??? pst pac to lw.. pac-hvy gs sml. susp ml bk pst tb d. orod. guy w t sht mb drk ht cell pst pp to orod. bk in nvy dir twr. nisy med tn trk? gs pst mikes brgr. yelg rd trk pst pp d lw. 10:07p crmnl mb exc to cmt crm by being ?grtg w/o shs shrt dk nvy desgn hi wv  pst myers d linc. duo w/purp lgt nd othr sd pers in blk jkt dir myers.bk pst vet dir myers. bk in rd rw to brdg.. *********duo hdg mobstrs on bks to rw dir brdg-bitch. celebrtg crm success. ld spkr near $gen nd fstr fm. noisy w trk pst 3rd nels trn mb 2nd.