Saturday, January 30, 2016

anther stnt attmptd cllns-by frd chrty frmg stlg inslt trsts actvsts

w cr 4th t grd-fkstk yld by f psg obsvd by rec. chrs csr cvlns lkd bdl dstrbd by rcpts wet frm rain gng cts/dgs.???? nv sml cr bp up 6th. w suv rec -mb cnsp.hvy rn. clns lot mrn-1.5 dk tk stkg out fr hrsmt mlcs frmg -bt annc clg plc btr lv fst. I trd t see plt in vain s crm grp trs hpy t cnt w mob le blsgs. trs lkl hv wys of shrg nd plc scnrs t hlp aid own cnspcrm trs brglezg prjcts frmg actvts. at clns-trs grp mlt vh nd jmpg fr vh t vh. prb sm fem mob usg dft vhs. I als suspct clns my be custmrs w/whm bsns is hpy t agree. blk trk w/frm nt suv as othr dys bpg 3d pchev dnls.objctvs- hrs, stl trtry,dictator, extrt, cll shts,frm...... slv tyta trk 1.5 bp trn 6th t cntrbt t cnfsn use of mlt vhs.

Friday, January 29, 2016

mob -sheriff(s)

???whlbrw-cmt frm vh ?2pcz777 bd wrtg wr 2 sms t lk lk 7. ths vh gngw t 12th. 4d tn tk bp dn 9th. out of 9th sdstr mtl tn med-lg cr dn. sm up 7th bpg. mth off 2 mls tsch. sch adm lkl aides brwg lies gngs hrsm hdg thy dm slvs  hvg rgt t orgnz nd encrg.-lkl prdct of invlv mob trs nd schl crmnls who blv thy hv rgt t yr lf nd t ws u. ?sch trs ylg -brgl etc... nst instgt rp encrgd my hdg mob.*********** shrf cr -wts t tlk t u??? t 6th thn bk dn nls lkl w/imprd chld trnd t crp hrs trgt fr mob- whn sheriff rchd me 2nd tm chld sd on cue-bozo mkg idt of me nt trzg wstg mob team whom le aids nd prtcts. vh thn trnd rnd agn nd wnt t 6th I blv. othr shrf p4th I hv as gng ?up nls.hpf strs did nt mk me blkt cs ltl I am strglg smpl t hv oxgn t b fnctnl.*********on grd brdg trk 2 tn pstl blu/w doing frmrr w dodge trk mnvr rp on gs whn rch me sdg huge smk my way for free mlcs wstg t yr lf gng up grnd brdg-mob ter butte mob usa. fd 3d dgrd fd aidg w/frmg trzg dslk tctcs. all emp chev. blu cr flpr clns lot mvd t fs t spt plt hd 6 as 1st numrl on plt. ns 4dwt 4th nls dgrd. exprd dslk evn 1 cn I fnd nt exprd my frd clms bdl exprd ths ws prps plcd tp of gbg fr vctms t eat psng.mob ml askg fr bus by po-unrlstc qstn as he cm frm bus trmnl drctn.prb mob w cr dnys lot. oppst dnys by la cmda lkl mob grp stg. clns csrs smk nd do frmg fr mob trs. thy smk rgt outsd dr nd mb evn insd bcs I hd hrd tm insd up frt str yest-tpcl rthls smkrs who see ntg wrg w/wstg othrs evn as thy kill thm.twr als empt. lgr blk suv slv hrz ln tbrdg dmntg bpg... **********prp med cr fld w/mobpsg-hey pgrd suv as went tbrdg bpg grd up pfogg.**************bk ml in lgt gry tp lkl dk bpk mob brpg grd up pfogg cld b dngrs.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

wed ngt -thrs mrn

trs bklk f nls apts exmng my bgs as if ths wr grbg gds, yl lkl frm rd cr crsg ord ohw dmit flw by nv/w plc suv.**********mob trs w chev trk t dk t see plt prpsl pld int burger lot bhd me frm mntg dg mob talk -dg ok? lkl sm scdrl who rfrd brglrs frm 1215 lot crn tgtr w bld fem out hm acrs I blvd t b 1268 but it mgt be 1208 cs its on crn. w trk wnt in mntg bhd me as descry abv mob tlk out tbl bk t mntg prb. spdg w le cr cty up nls.nv/w ohw dmit pord. bk in blk brdg dmntg aiming thit me wrkg fr gng mb sm as ws htg me wt rks or othr sm grp bnger. this actvt ws ongng as of prior t brglry craftsman red riding lawn mower tgtr w/ong. trzg the entr tm hr by pro mob cnsp trs acts. when I gt t grd it was 709am per fem at grd/tbl loc. lkl f mob vh(s)in mrs . tan mob trk dn of fogg grd dtbl scr prf mob scr ml. blk suv slv ln bp p4th up. tan suv bhd sm. crdntd ctrsts t cnfs trs actvty. w cr 3d hs dn of 6th up nls. old grn stn d 8th bpg. bp sm up 9th lkl trn gngwy. tan mob cr out of lkl 11th blk up p12th bk t12th out agn gng up of 12th.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

mon ngt/tues..., wed aft

mon- ngt- shrf w suv-lkl aid cnsp  tbl pgrd tbl pgrd  tbrdg blk suv slv ln p4th dn grd bpg mob &*grn slv ln trs engaged aid who lives hs nx t clns on 4th w 2 wt dgs hd the gull to bp at me fr deception crm mob projecttues-mob prfl shp mob car .shrf mob chevrn frd nc-hyd ths mrn-attmptg t wst me fr ter mob elimination frd frdly prjct cmtg crms w/smile cvrd by mob le.shrf ws lkg at cns I clctd hpg t sy I drk which I nvr do. mx fem on bl blu bpk ps my bgs  ps dmpstrs up. tues-mob w prfl cr bpg up 11th blk suv slv ln bpg dn 9th. po vh f bpg dn nls lkl frds lcl mob who wsts victims t prtct own crms blkout 9th? schl mob child grp trio at ls 1 fem nd the hdg mob ml in red top hyd-tlg me nt t lk at him bfr I evr glcd their direction. they are all cnsp mob spnsrs which cvrs crms with frd ncns frd chrty thn wsts u as if ths blgd at no cost. dr rd chev frm dn thn bk up 7th dn chev drk red smlr w/mny fld plst bgs.scrmg frm grp schl hs -drwg us -cll the cps sch chldr scr cn I hv yr bg-mny mlcs scrms I ws wy too ovrstrnd t nt. ntd one of mob vhs bg/brn at rec 6jbp555.shrfs clns lkg at my mny lkl cnsp.w/lcl mob t prtct mob crm nd wst me.???????crs gld rd deceptn crm mob prj. hi-lk yr bg -gt cns fr u.they thk I dt knw hw mch they all cst me-mlcs trs free rd crmnls aided by local law enf who participate in wstg undesrd desgntd trgts. blk guy by chev drkg br I blv, ??dk sml cr 3d dnls. blk guy rb-hau. blk ml on bk mtc/mrs.twr-empt, shl-empt, allnc -empt.mob bk in gry  pp-hyd bck dlw grbl. ??mob trk ptc...rp.????????????? grd-tn trk dn pfogg ylg smt smlr t eh. 2-tn bg/br cr uyp pfogg.tan suv bpg pchev dnls. shrfs mvn w/attchmt pushg lftovr meals by chev-that's wht they shld srv t sk nd trtrd nd wstd-t big of fvr. 7b88728 dk 1.5 bgr pkp. ml pls psgr-frd decptn brglr wstg scm tctcs whr mob acts g free.blu bbk in blk  rnd rec 4th dnls. grblg psgr blu mvn lkl yth 4th up plms 959-65- rp jlu...**************wed  aftrnoon w trk w/attachmt 13th ?dn.out of 12th tyta fnt gry oldr pkup w/psg t drvw nr w pkt fnc mthg off mlc remrk at me out bk t 12th-unkn bsn. I blv end of plt was 49 bt he ws mvg so I hd nt sfc tm t see plt.  silv suv/stn psgr ylg-brglr p705 dn. yl scl. old grn stn w hnd wrt on it bpg up 7th. wlk tl yth bld wvg-unk rsn thy shld be wvg t frds. i hv  n frds bcs I knw wt thy jtly hv pld off-I dt wt t knw thm. up nls trn 6th yth w sht????????4sly553 bp 4th/grd?? trn ldry phn shpg area. a slv mob cr bp 4th dgrd.

Monday, January 25, 2016

sat nd then sun ngt-trp gng hit on rec machines by lcl gngs who plgd up mchnes nd appartly if u cn blv this did this the dy bfr

sat-old mob grn stn wgn 12th t gngw.mumblg bk in rfd shrt crs gld rd up. 8p37151 gry 1.5 trk blk f pza pcrs gl rd dn lkl chrc grp lnkd t bngrs-dy old pza-mushr ws gd I dnt lk ham or sausage thrw thm out for free u cn hv stuff u wld nvr eat. othr mob clns csr at reg blk hair blu eyes ctg fd stmps he nvr sn-clns assoc lkl w lcl mob grp cstmrs agn nd jntl smkg int peoples fcs killing alrdy sk people rklsly rthlsly. mob wtc w fem hnk dry grd p3d dn free stl psn fd fr mrdrg dn tlt u nd all yrs fr own crms. cnt rd bt gsg mob symptzg wkr rec.??????obsrv ngr btls nt g int mchn. mob prb 4dwt lsy co undr nls frwy brdg mkg ns nd gsg me psn undr brdg fr xtr effect. grp vlrs sd p allnc dgrd-bgld - mob....5bha977-lcl mob chrch mlcs inslts -i wld lk u t hv ths-shld ask thm hw mch they stl frm me w/trsts. trs smk  ???civ pmrs  ????9p. ns 4dwt trn ?????rob mrs brd lnc-too blnd t see plt.??????????????????????????????****susp vh-2-unk???--we did this yest-lkl mob mlcs mtvs ths is 2-3 vhs ard clns frmng plg mchnes act-nt retrded they plgd the mchnes w/intent t deceive nd blm u. the cns used t plug up lkl tkn wr I wld othrws clct thm thn usd t plug up mchines frc me trtr slf w/crg gls while lky if alive at all drng engy nd xtra rsk of comas.the trs hr lk gd as they wst u nd evrone cnctd smltnsly but they gt them dcvd psg slvs as nice people. ?cr t lot bw rb nd brdg. nls cr bpg dn lkl blkt cr vic spdg up smltn. **************sun-ngt-lkl gng vhs frds w/pd up psdmpstrs-dng mob acts-whl bds w/pd. blu cr gsg mgt b one w/flpr bt t drk t see othr thn clr.3d grd dnls. by clns 4th/plms susp mob w tx/pls othr cr w/prb ortl insd. ms tht dy sd -lks grl gngs.xtrms lk mny hr-clg me she dvl-nd lkl prct sprtl wrfr.nd gts hgh off amer psych presc meds pdld by amer drg co lobby aided by usa.mchns still dn frm mob hit**************blk suv slv hrz line p4th dn grd bpg p4th up nls bpg thn dn nls bpg lkl ard dn nls rpt. ml bk yth dn pdmpstrs. up on bk pdmpstrs f mex sml in blk clthg blu bpk???

Saturday, January 23, 2016

duo susp crs brdg tgrd- hls mob mrs/prk rlys sd lot-als lkl a1.

bpg mob dk rd chev trk  up nels ylg -"al fride?" tn cr bpg dn nls dn 13th w cr bpg. slvr tn mob fncier cr rpbpg up 11th. *grn stn t 959-65 chkng mail -mb other the orignl mb mr run down oldr. slv tn ?????? mb ? ml. dk suv pkd frt of  ???fr schl bus drv fem offrg sm trs. f. w suv rd ln hrz bpg dn 8th ?slv dn 8th dk red suv up. l blu 1.5 tk bp up pdmpstrs.unbl t rd nts -gry 6th nts sy cpb of crm???? but I cnt rd ths. dk blu le up grd frm 3d. p 4th dn ?bg grn suv ???by clns so mst be grd. blk mob cr bpg ptbl/nls chrch dgrd. cr slv smlr brdg trn up grd -u rat. ?cr brdg  dgrd**** perm mob ml chgng vhs lg ago usg w dodge trk-fu brdge dgrd. cr bp polv dmrs trio wlk dg mnt dtbl -hlo-no she dt kn ntg abt me ml resp t fem. pprk hls trnd mob  hlo rpt... whos tht rpt... fems-u btr wtc wt u  sy -I ws brn on *****my soil.?????????????????ha....-instgtg mob. rlys sd hls ml mob- mopb dict. =ths up!!!!!!!!! for mob trs acts by mob bngrs nd mob butte/usa -here t blm victims esp hlpls ones-sfr at n cst-absltl.mob tctc trs cut frm bk sd t blm u. free cmnt encrgd crm-why pay-amer crm rds free scr gry vh pord dmit. scr mob trs frm a1. mob bk bw rob nd brd.

Friday, January 22, 2016

no cns frd mob dcrtrshp instgtg trs frd chrt mob tm in plc

blu cr flapper 10th up bpg. mob tgtr at chev. w vn frm out of state drvn by ngr inslt mny vs grnds thft nd lf wrk. I blkd out due to insuf tm t wrt dn plt thrfr dt hv 1st hlf of plt -w vn drvn by ngr lkl nt ownr prtcptg wstg sht clg inslt mob brglrs- ???v41 6ar. thn mob dsptcd fem clmg tb on her own 7kcy758. rec trs-is yr frd on dsb out of blu-amercns ws the disbld amg othrs in exchg fr mny in own pkts. ?????????????????scr drk trs cr 4th dnls. pza mob m/f to mob addrs 257 who are prt of mob wstg frmg me clmg live ovr on mno. med cr lkd blk. too dk t see plt w/o stkg eyes int plt thrfr I dt hv it mb smtg lk 7____133 cld be wrg pza whs slc aLLGD 1SR GVN T THEIR" FRD"- WHO EVR ELS MOB TRS ARE BUSY DEFRDG WSTG.????HRD PMNO SHPG ARE HGHLDS SD VIC FLG CLD VOICES WHICH HRD BEF PRT  of mob hghlds smrtg off-bgld crz,,, prt of defrd trs frmg team brglrs mrderers lf wstg scm prty to serial mob in ths ter cty.mumb smk ??????nls cty t nls-?????dk shd shl bgr vh mb trk tbl brdg up grd-prb mob scr -cnt rd nts ???fk u. mob ml in rd pss -thgt u ws gy-the othr mob cnsp. dgrd -yl. mb oldr ter trk w or gry hrd t see due t dkn fu fu grtd mob p711 t brdg. bf grn tk slv ln frm mob 257 tbl tbl dgrd. duo mob tl/sht mls sht ml-brp flw by brk snd w lgt prp t yr eyes-mob tctcs the sht trs ws in lgt bg wtr tp jk. crmnl trs mob ml w/wlkr trnd t trz defrd cnt mth off-dt btr me... u cld tk adv of me-trs tlg instg crmnl-prty t mob gng stlg yrs pers wstg at no cst thn crmnly amer stl prp ptg wrg wy.sml grn cr brd n sgn lkl cs othr trks elswr pld off at yr own exps. plc vh mrs nd als t hgh nv/w suvs. hls? duo by lib incl cnsp whisp fem  mnt bg scrd gng t crt-unkn rsn -thr are lts of trzg mob hr. hls w plg crt lft. loc. hls by lq -ylg fr mob-hey lk fr 257 tbl scm hs  in pst. hls ml w crt pspc dir dnys. sw u stp at bnk tx stp-nw hr -ha??? prtcptg mob. thts scm amer lvs.grtd mob lgr mdrn bg pkup ml mob ylg-hhey dn 6th blk nls

Thursday, January 21, 2016

absltl no mny due t cmnt elimination-theyre gigling to brglrs brk ins etc they did aided by aMER LW ENF WHO GT PAID T HLP

grn stn dn prch 4drt bg dn 7th. mob w cr bpg dn dmps flw by 2-tn bg/brn. trp bp lgt cr plib dtbl. vh-?-bk dk shl-tbl nls grd.whisp duo brdg nst gigl trz bk brdg trn - my frd trz j nw no rsn. scr dk suv mb grn pbrgr flw blk cr wch is frq ylr ws hgh ptc mob fem. nls rlys mrs sd. psb cnsp dsc  lnc sd $tr ctr. mbl mex sombrero p.pp lw.rpt ylg thgh. mob mrs ??? pgrd tbrdg ngrs-whew cnsp inslt hrsm. glmy jim walsh grd brdg t 3d lkl frds w/bd people nd lkl prt cnsp mob if not rfrd thm.TM SAYS CLNS FRWNS T DGNG IN DMSTR YRS AGO HE SAID THEY NT MND.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

my friend tells me good news dog tied to tree- anything whatever keeps him from going into street and after me is fine

tues morn lgr blk dog frm hs lkd lk 1268 bthrd me bt this hpf now fixed-mk tells me dog tiedt tree. guy crn chev-hi.6fht290-hdg insl fr god on bhlf of lkl major addicts or bangers whove lkly dmgd u infntl mr.ths ws blu cr chevrn. up 9th  4d dk tnt wnd trk bpg lgt cr bpg dn dmpstrs. schl-mob yell-bgld 4dwt  tnt wind up 11th blk bpg trn prb gngw dk vh 6th up frd chrt? ?dk grn cr bp grd 3d dnls bl up grd bpg -mb 289 hrd t see. lgt vh tbl dcty mb f scr. brpg mob bk w/mob blndg lgt grd rw brdg..nsy trs ngrs by lib. hyd?-$tr bus #20 BPG AT ME MNT TBL. SUV W/?MOB blk tall chld ml -hey pdmpstrs t 6th str schl. mob youth bike dn nls pdmpstr prb thrt rem mob lkl

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

mon-cmnty mob utlzg dogs for crm their real intent burglary wstg trzg -no cost-their animal control cant do anything

mon -machine failed to give read out or pay for 12 btles. bef 755a whn I gt t chev aftr unbl t gt paid. cmng bk rn intn tom who said t gt rid of mob he hd t do favor fr hells angels. slv cr up 9th tom at rec hd to delvr fr hells angels to get cmnty mob tlive him alone -chg of stry bef he clmd he was svg objects for people nd then thy lft him aln.lkl mob vhs ps dmpstr but either drk or did nt lk out vic rain tues mrn. too trd t obsrv w/o alrt hrd t cry btls glss. bk lib-who a u ml. linc mob fem ylg- dord if tht btc-... i'll hv her klled. blk trkvh? dn bp ps dmpstrs mrn. mrn 1268 dogs trz jum tug at me follow owner cld cr less-1215 antr mob I was askg fr hlp was hlpg bk 1268 trs who let their dogs out to kill me. js call anml cntrl-tell me cld nt do antg.

Monday, January 18, 2016

othr suspcts-money sought vs mob butte/usa for my lovely life in rf-crmnl dogs 1268-brglr mob referral

frmrly 705 nels, nw 959-65 nels,certn pers cnctd to 1215,1268,1105,1111 nels, highlands, nls apts frmr mb now, high str apts, senior servcs, retarded serv, mh serv, law enf nd po linked to mob, businesses accommodating bus company b line, hylton security, public works butte cty, sheriffs, Oroville pd, po, smn at fedex once seen drvg on sat I blv, 711, valeros,Collins, raleys,orov high, schl at nls nd 6th,coarse gld rd, arco,quikserv,beacon,attempted big lots, lib computer controlling entity,psbl lib trs cntrlg entity, shell aiding mob dictatorship gang targeting, nd lkl smn dntn orov area. I blv mexs acrs hv cert knwldg of smtg if nt prtcptn,fire dept who fr cmpltly unkn rsn trtd me fr suspct-not at all the cs.**********sat.-clns dk blu suv-ylg murderer. blk cr on gs ps dmpstrs trn 4th ltr. I hv jttd sm number frm unkn src cmpltl 880?228 ?2dd9. blk suv mob out of chev 3d dn grd-mex ylg mob-hi as chld scrms frm suv solely bcs I ws hpg t ctch plt but I absltl cnt see but mob gng bdl needs prtctn. w cr rpb frwy undr nls brdg bw 3-4th grd. hrd smtg lk keith-clns mkt area -mb gng call. nsy dk d win  w trk shl nls opp tbl dn grd.?trs cn bf olvr ?mb ps/rt. mob mntg t mrs ml mob-gd in thr? raleys edge lot mrs rpt serl hrsmt I typ. ignr this is recent but rpt. 212a ba-LGT CR fr lot to lnc wall by atms unkn why they mvd chgd loc or hdg? aqua cr ord lnc mrs -fu flwd by nsy red cr. ohw acr oh ped prb dord fu mfkg cnt. *****I was plng t g out sun ngt but was scrd whn hrd rain wind as I hv trench foot nd my feet hv insuf prot nd rec pair of lugz I js hd t thrw out due t tore off sole prb as reslt of bad rds or bd qlt.************* mon -repl machine stl 2 of my gls btls whn they failed t register they were 2 sml pale ale gls btls stlg 10 cents. if guy fails t pay me my be grds fr lw suit. they did nt regist. each time mach retrnd to scrn w/btls. 755a chev tlk t tom frmrl vict of zoo he said thy gv up on him whn he strtd svg thgs fr othr people. ths tm he sd thy abndnd him whn he delvrd smtg fr hells angels-he wld nt do ntg illegal tom said. silv cr bpg up 9th. 1268 dogs trz me orig jst smaller but today their big dog trz me as well jumping and biting at my bag-its fem-theyre just intrsts -crmnls smn frm their hm nd 1215 referred mob directly my way before burglary..i hrd frm hm a lot of barking this eve nd believe 1268 lkl fld t hv dgs lkd -anml cntrl needs called fast before these dogs wind up injuring me. this morn they flwd me to 1215 gt jumping at me nd the big blk one tugging at my bag causing me to get scared nd drop it while fem insisted -theyre js interested. hs lwr 8th rnch offered some bag I did not tk- they are lnked to mob bangers dope drugs cigs-the very type folks who keep revictimizing me nd lkl sending fraud charity nd persecution of all sorts to distract from real and major losses orchestrated by ter local huge mob ter community.

serial theft burglary hounding gang suspects

who should police check in most recent theft nd other break ins burglaries to this target-- all persons nd vehicles  linked to white dodge truck reported in last few years to sheriffs. all persons and vehicles linked to 3ucf289, jeff Paxton -unknown suspect whose mail was received cpl times at this address. these are not individuals they are hounding beeping nd or thrwing etc. greeting hi, hey, etc. gangs, retrded serv nd mh sptg mob, also it is highly lkly based on info I hv that lw enf mh are part of these gangs and are aiding their activity by helping to dump hounding and crimes on me and or helping to frame me. I even suspect my extremist Christian buddy who backs gangs saying they are nice people and I should not call 911 on them then calling me liar while aiding and protecting mob is frq psychopath but looks fine as any of you-I recll 20 yrs ago mob amer system called me paranoid when I had scars on my head from this lovely fellow liked by usa way better than myself. there is guy called tom at recycler who collects cans prb hmls formerly target of zoo gang who claims they left him alone when he started saving up things for other people. tom has told me other story today- now he says zoo left him alone when he sent hells angels after them after delivering something for hells angels-tom says he would not do anything illegal. in this town law enf strives to blame me for mob acts instead of catching criminals helping aiding criminals in framing me and ignoring crimes to me by the mob whom I cannot see to ident and whose plates very frq I cannot catch because mob very purposefully evades this and are criminals and not your friends as they frd pass selves in full ignorance of ugly truth.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

another theft on property-mirror taken away from trailer by thief out of trailer chairs taken and propped up agst shed which they left opened up

I came home in the morn nd found shed door ajar. I walked up to the shed closed it nd then went on to check insidwe trailer where I have been checking quite a bit lately so I know the mirror was wlked out bw last night nd this morning and they took 2 chairs from trailer nd propped them up against the shed. the trailer they closed both doors screen nd glass. we only kept scr door closed. the guy who last expressed interest in trailer climbed into house oct 30, 2015. mike says he saw this dude on bus 24 this mond jan 11, 934a line wrg red hat up frnt frdly to ladies nd says it might be same dude who was scrmng by house this wed nght. arnd same time as ygt also came up missing in frdg more rocks were again planted by corner home probably sign of gang which uses them as prop hrsmt or to defend theft activity- one lked like thin mrbl pnl other like some alternate style rock. mike said he hd ntg t d with ygt bt rptdl defended gngs whm he cld nice people nd tld   me nt call police on these nice people. tdy my frd tld me police do more damage thn crmnls. I blvd mirror frm under desk was carried out sm tm as mower nd mtl cart. at tht same time couch insd trailer was moved mirror was missing under desk. frm was popped up  agst wall midway which recently I ntcd t be mirror when I ran my fngr agst thk dst. this mirror was crd out lst ngt or ths morn. couch was pushed back agst the wall. crmnl also carried out 2 chairs out of trailer put them agst shed then doubl clsd trailer but left shed door fully ajar which is wht cght my attn. trk which bpd earlr in mrn ps dmpstrs dn 11th blk nt schl hrsmt grp but one fem ws frd chrtb offrg any hlp rpt as othrs md stpd mnc remrks. mob w cra bpg dn 11th. mob grn stn  wgn  bpg up nls trn gngwy as 1111 nls yld prb mob lk the owner christian named dan who lkl knws all abt lcl gng dngs. blk trk prb w sgn mb solar bpg up 11th nls co-mob lkl all part of mob deception nd frd chrt as pd shrf post office fedex nd businesses nd buses which accommodate mob. my frd cnstntly tlks interrupts my thinking completely. 5wjl668 stp 8th blk prb pkd up kds mb. scr chld 8th. gng -nc people-cmnnt elmntn grp ylg crn sch  yrd bldg.???ylg remrks mkng me nd js being nst cnt read nts -frd offrg crp t prtct cntns elimination theft crm acts nd to position selves as fraud helpful nd charitabl. my frd tld me t spd mny on ygt???grn mvn up nls.????bklk f med gry cr lkl bpg up 6th.5sph970 up grd p3d frd chrty scm mob setup frd hlp nice spnd own mny on trs food fr u  w/hp center fliers fem w/child mb mex-smng t apprv mob gngs-ofcrs thr are gngs-psg hc which rfs evrtg lk rest of help mny stlg orgs-who will nt hlp w/ntg bt gldl will hrt u-srt of lk police state police -accdg t mike. he is rgt- thy trt mob as nrml citz nd me as ntcs who is much easier twst nd frm nd prtcpt in nd spt gngs. ltr duo brdg drw-trnd puppet jstn brb call 911 tgtr wth mob trnr mr sphstctd hrdr t hear crmnl.- they dt wnt u t call lk my frd says-nd they want all crm free. trs yel hy by  mrs raleys lot rpt on wy out. raleys hd secrty by str.???mob bk tbl dgrd-btc. chev-rmvd cns js bf me-lkl their real nc dmnr. I was lt accdtl ovrslpt.****to rdcl frm me fr idiot duo trs peds up ps dmpstrs -hey rpt. dn 8th blk nls blk suv-gng bngr. cnt rd nts bt smgl prb mb ??trk wch bpd yest mrn ps nls dmpstrs??? mike I on sd of hm where he cnt see thm  go in out- so they get awy. but wrs he prtcts thm -clms he hd ntg t do w/ygt nd lk them lks to blame me nd prtct thm pass thm fr nc people at least this occurred drg ygd incidt nd incidt w/brd.*******immed Property sale sought nd compensation on all losses-money cans stolen goods etc nd cnstnt hdg suffering loss of sleep money nd cmnty/le  hrsmt support for wstg eliminating mob nd heat etc dmg to my hlth-all losses sfrd vs cmnty usa nd all invlvd.

Friday, January 15, 2016

ygt msng as of wed ngt - if nt mk-mob lkl hv keys as mike belvs

bag cntg bnch of ygts stll msng as of yest- ws thr dy bf- ngt bf I fgt t nt ngt tm - smn scr ps hs. bg w suv dk wnd bpg up 11th. bg/brn 2 tn mob cr dn 11th blk nls. mob f stk ?9th crn. w cr bp 8th dn. sml blk mob cr bpg 4th dn grd. clns csr chrs usl vr nc- I thk ws snfg fr alc-unf I nvr drk alc-as if sm mbst sgst im drkn. mob is prf at crm nd frmg people- hvg plc hlp mob at own crm gm in wch sm prtcpt. duo= ped pls bk brk p-ss tbl dnls..I blvd mk thr out ygt wed ngt - bcs he sd if fnd it wld nt tll me nd dys bf tld me wled thr evr out of rfr if I dnt-tdy cmpl denies nd sgsts- me or crmnls-its nt me -so if nt him -th crmnls ofcrs-wed ngt he says smn yld ps hs at ngt. bt I frq hr rem frm him hw he cn be dng fr any rsn he thks up-tired of lst to such rem.spsdl lk ths all hs lf. no frdsp- bully nd cld b lying if nt crmnls-hwv-I dt thk he wld tpcl do it-if did -bcs xtrmst chrstn-evr els she dvl nd goes t hell-js lk frd chrstn crm mob. thy are chrstns t fl u thy gd peopl whn in fct brglrs-trio lbr dy lkd lk chrch people he sd. hwvr lbr dy mk says dbl lkd dr mx ml pls fem pls tl w dude fr Missouri. mob fnk stk grp pot smkrs lkl chr ord dns sd to qk srv spcr apprx tsg smtg snd lk cn int str. hwv wt ws tghrn spsdly did nt lk like cns whn I wlkd up. mb ard 4a. 5bhp197- I ws nvr tlk t called out fr allnc -dt yel at him -mkg me susp mob cnctn aftr mx fem fumed smk int my fc-I did nt mk out wt she said. she ws sht lg hair. I stl rcl-Sylvia chrstn nrs frm jrdn crsng allgdly-8k wkly for oh nrses-trtr slplsns nd thg fr me w/mlc inslt trs dstrctn pls brglrzg-mob trs butte pls usa.le cr - sgt nonsuf pd or shrf ord?blkout dir.rb-dsb -hyd smk-lv thn anth affltd mob -ps crm fr ok job - mob trs butte/usa. I dt blv no apolgs.mik clms bip his excs.mrs bldw mit -mob grtg cnt instg. tbl dnls rn thn bk nd bk dnls.?mob bk up[ grd thn up ps dmps nls wntry knt ht. w trk lst frm cvr? bpg up pdmpstr nls. sml hml fem drk hair-frm I sw w/crt t vlrs ths mrn by clns. *****************mny sgt vs usa fr 40 yrs trs acts-not t chrstn mob but t me so I cn mv vct frm hr.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

immed auctn dmnded-smtg wrg cntns in ths hm psb mk strfld or cmnt trs w/keys they stole or made lkl illeg. somehow

yogurt the srt mike nvr eats vnshed frm refrigerator. mike nd trs shr sm frd relig chris concepts which allow them do trs acts at no cost just t waste smn. only 2 things cld hv hpnd mike did smtg t yogrt t flt me smhw or the trs grp w/keys who likes t wst nd fault me did this. srt of mike likes t mk brds wlkng on their own nd flt me t protect other motives or crimes.************ immediate auction sale of all property at yr expense nd compensation for all losses demanded. U DSRV THE fine fntstc LIFE AMERICA GIVES ME ND U DSRV MIKE STRFLD- PNSMT IN KIND IS THE ONLY FAIR DEAL - I'M VERY CERTAIN- gm plying trzg at expns of vctms by usa is far too painful nd expensive ter most mob activity eve. clns mob csrs nd othr csrs smkg- non stp smkg reckless smg co fuming cnty.rpt ndls balloon noises approx. out of 4th /nls vcnt. trs mob crm cr bpg wvg grd trn 4th.?oth ylg dk cr grd up ps 4th rp.... bpg w lsy trk up of 4th at grnd. w suv dk wnd w/empty w/o wls hlg attchmt bp 4th dnls. rpt static noise vlrs sd of tbl bw mno nd hghlds apts apprx by bldg. wch still hs chrst ylg  -trs tbl dnls grd? brkg bike ??? dgrd? earl chev - smn clctd all cns. smn pltd fish unkn frsness or sft. at home tdy I dscvrd msng ygrt fnd nw nd mike the srt u nd fr yrslf lk u nd my knd of suffering life nd t b wstd prsctd in evr wy lk me-ntg bt lk of slp horrors-nd no rcrs nd cmplt entrpmt els I cn go t strts lk I am alr nd die or be chgd js fr gtg prpty. rem brds- mike kept trying t flt me but smn othr thn me was playing instgtg all nsty trks. ths few brds gt mvd but place was illegally intruded burglarized or othrws instgtd cmprmsd mny tms it needs immedtl sold nd I need fully cmpnstd by usa LOS ANG ND BUTTE TO HV A LVL ND SWT LIFE-idfntl dt nd butte mob env weather. I dt nd t be cnstntly mlcsl instgtd nd cmprmsd nd abused by offerings of usa. u cn hv drg addicts drnks smkrs nd anyone els u lk. I onl wnt peace nd lvl life outsd of mob cty wr cmnty le aid mob nd wr wtr permtly killed my hlth alng w/lk of access nd mlcs instgtn rgt nd lft.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

addicts frd chrstns/chrt brglrs instgtrs gsg chev 7nda725 frd chrt rfsd grn stn bpg dn pdmpst vgl sw gy w rd in ht bln noise up nls brdg ldr bln ns rpt..... bk dn undr nls brdg lwr rpt bln  snd rpt.....grn stn bpg bk up.... skny trs mob csr bk instgtg frd x frdl -s u ltr-mob trs. shrf out cty nls inspctg evltg. trs frm rec cld nt see lkl asgn instgtr-ale wt tlk t u. jm wls earl w/mob cmpnion als trs -hyd mlc instg.. grn tk slv ln plg out mno tbl nls tlg me t g ahd jrkg at me so I abs cld nt see plt. cnvltd vc snd bw mno shpg/hghlds trs grp mb youth nr bldg. stl hs chrst lgts. allnc frd chrt rfsd all due t trs mob ongng trs affltn trzg 7llz539-wt sm mny? thy stl all mny y cn mk nd brgl thn go out t defrd u w mlcs trs inslts. ths ws ?gry suv- trs dt thk I knw wht thy cst me or hw thy trz me on prp non stp. ths lst one allnc. ???duo scdr??????gs stn rpt hrs?????.... at ls 1 bk trn hdg dgrd. ???rw-cld nt see t dscr smn tcg jstn hrsmt-jstn sy smtg-duo ps rb tbrdg fnkstk rpt duo bk rw hyd?-u sd tht ls tm -orgnzd rpt srl hrsmt..... bus co nd mob bsn nd mob le etc.... mob sqd so thy abs nd nt qt but trz instgt instd-ths is prp cmnt encrgd t wst trz trgts cts thm evr nd hv thm destrd w/mira rakhman/ted lndreth applause fr nst acts rthy bdl nd t encrg t wst u-tht wld be rl amer nd real scm lk thm. mny fr thm-wstg trzg dth fr me -mob trs butte/mob trs usa. agn  hrd ?btc fgt dlnc. bpg cr ???bpg trk trgt cmnt elmntn hrsmt wstg w/o py. civ mob-hey thr rpt- their mny frm mob acts rpt. mnt mrs 3ucf289 hrsmt lkl drg fld -I blv I hrd th bit saying my rgt nm smn hlpfl gv hr t hlp wst me in fct. oth vc 3ucf289 mrs prob brd-hey thr bk prob mob trs prob dhgh-brpg flw by cr fr rob ?mb og- cmnt aided encrgd at n cst trs actvt elmntn trs tctcs. gt out of thr???btc prk.??????????hwv lt?? cr???????? thn t brg. blk trk slv ln mitch mrs drob at civ ws 820p??????mob 289 mitch plib lnc bpg thn lnc plib dmit flw by lkl mob aID cr. mob slv gry ml by ???? fem ps/bk??-hm. cnsp tctcs. crmnl in blk slv gry hair by lib bnch. to ba blk trk duo insd fem wlkg arnd t instgt hrsmt at no cst lkl brglrs  lvg off mob mny at atms ml sm tm as me 00:16 bitch frm arnd out of sm trk trs-hyd? bpg sml w cr ptwr s mob ml rpt.....trz acr orv hsp as pd ptrls t hlp flp blm on me instd of wstg mny slp lf stlg trs mob. prk/mrs trs hmls -lgt rpt dmd... sus w cr prb dmnt. clns mkt lkg out t hlp mob dmp flt on me fr mob trs cmnty le nd srvcs. gry med oldr cr rpt....... bpg 7th dn orgnz trs instgtn......

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

i fld t gt up so nicely usa hs me sick nd wasted

I did nt gt out uninten bcs I am too skly as rslt of usa- I cnt tk any weather variance wo thermostat nd do not hv hlth to be hnded by frd chrty brglrs thieves wsters nd gngbngers nd le who support them bcs of whm I cnt mk mny nd my life is hell but no one crs. no wr I cn go t mk mny or ride bus nd mob cmnties butte nd la nd wstg prtcpts are nt pying me they are delibrtl wstg me nd cnsp t wst me.

Monday, January 11, 2016

amer fad- gangs aided by community le mh businesses nd so called jstc to wst eliminate nd destroy undsrd trgts w/hlp of fk frdshp hdg brglzg nd crm tctcs

sat-mob prt scr crs gld rd -m. ps vh(s)? n snd. w 1.5 tk up 8th. w 2-tn mb drkr shl crv up 8th-ylg fgt. stp f cr by 4th strg lkl mob offrg trs rgs fr wrmt-thn syng yre bndld up.mob stry -hnd out scm-wst lvs -pkt mny. [3d dn brgt mlt dt rd cr bpg. ?wvg mny vhs mb t reinfrc crm tctcs or t cnfs. bk tbl dnls. at rec effem vc blk gy assrd me 3 gys shtg rks wnt t his hm aftrwrds wr their recs wr run by pd. clmd he hd licensed gun nd descrbd sm incid wr he let his wf use it nd she thrtnd him with it. I blv I hrd his effem vc out of mob vhs scr in pst- so its unclr t me hw mob lnkd indvdl wld hv gn or why mob yth wld g t his hm. sm sngl mls ps ss bs stp ptntl aidg prtcptg mob acts orgnzg new ones.wrkr at rec-my opin-thks if othrs wst u- its fn t hv u wstd.hwvr I stl dt thk smkg at loctn shld be pss dnls.???? bk int brdg hlo.zmg sml gry cr sml yest chev mnt mrs tbl. 905p aft ?gry trk pciv lnc-hey. by prk dmdg cig...? bk lib lnc kitrk. cr ps lib susan bk susan bk susan prb dlnc lnc bk, bk, bk, apprch- w hv u bn? mit tmrs bk pslnc-susan-bk?nsy scr bk susan, ? scr. mob unld out of cr lib-mob brp noises-trzg out of bushes stg act-grp trzg frm lib lot-its Grinch-???yr prb chrstmas-re jail-bn thr cpl tms, noises,???cnt read nts...alwys wrtg,-????in mvn-hrd scff-msg w/????--??yr lit sis at my wrk---btr be publsg ths bk ??--see wt ur wrtg abt--book-,lk at yr penis??? shk yr boobs--- evr bn  ???wer nt gng mob-wer nrm people wrt on ???-mlcs???gigglng--rep???wt is tht---ths is ????a lot fgt-???????-glpg flwd ???nt gng t hrt u-nt gng or mob--we hv jbs g t schl---rly wer js frds ?????---shooo---atn nbl bk wrtr/peacev wrtr---???----smlg or kill??? fr t hrd t rd my nts.--wer nt as mean t u as othrs---intrstd????---*****allgd trs cnctd t blin---d u kn Kelly fr???- s wts u------I cn tll nbl wrt....---twerp???wh twerp on us--???????I lv u lib publ---mvn trs w/cell---vgn psy bn brkn----w dt u lk me.thts wt I wnt it be--- cnsp cell txt lkl---sorry -- gigglng----say fl ???hey u pbl bk ur beaut---lv my phn by ---hrsmt--sorry -one went tw trs cn wn i ntcd her hr md ptd dk red---lv u...I did not hear thm leave so dt knw wt hpnd t their cr 3ucf289 ???ops sd of lib smn ?????? lkl othr vhs in area slv tn cr t hgh rd cr vcs brdg tmntg. grn stn nt bpg dn 4th. prb thrs new mob tkovr asgnmt as I sw nx dy. vh ps dmpstrs-whl I ws nt lkg -ths is wr she gts her cns-mob trs pln in actn. *******nx sun ngt I slpt all dy as ngt bef scdrls lft me no slp at all lkg out fr trs. mitch lnc mrs bk???ts cn--- blk trk slv ln ord lnc mrs--erl-yc tx obs clns/thrm wtr, in dkn persn dk sd of twr.hgh mrs lkl trs lkg at trs pkup cnsp vs ths trgt w/mob at hgh apts-one of infiltrtn spts. w mob pd tbl pnls cty-thy nt hdg u thy js whn thy g t wrk defdg mob - als thrtg me-dt tell me anythg as ths will gv me bd dy bk on the dy of mob mh cty wrkr---?????mob tctcl oprtn hdg brgl trz frd wrtls chrt fk frdsp-cnsprd crm acts. blk suv slv ln bpg dn grd ps 4th bk up nls ps dmpstrs rpt bpg fr mob crm prj smgly tkn ovr fr grn stn nd dodge trk etc...,,,,mkg it hrdr t ctch mob gng grp.------bg/tn crvt hrd t tell clr dn 11th. mob bk dn ps dmps. tan suv bpg trn 12th at sml dg.*********************tdy mk sd he saw guy who clmbd int hm oct 30 on bus wrg rd ht frt of bus nd nc t lds-he says hes sure its the rgt guy. ths was bus 24 and he says he cght the 934a bus. I dstnctl rcl a mob fem srt who steal nd bnft brgl mny inspctg my evry act by rec machn t frm me nd t asst mob crm who blv thy cn plnt psn nd refuse nd pkt pkt mny nd wst me nd prvt me frm hvng or mkng mny. all scm in ths cmnty stng thy are nt mob nd nt crmnl are lkl exctl tht flks tmd up t wst me nd prvnt me frm mkng mny. sm lk plc who cld cr ls if I die w/o slp or tlts or mny. rem atty wdw in sac tld me xctl sm-she lft hm fr 2 dys t fnd evry lst spec crd out -$200k wrth- amer police did ntg.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

red trk bpg 7th dn. frd chrty cmnty wstg mob nd trs ngbr rfr srv fr 1268/1215 etc.....lg grp schl chldrn nd at lst 1  blk ylg frm schl- stl yr cns stl yr wlmrt bg rpt.....4th nr nls lg blk suv slv hrz ln-crmnl! chev insltas t defrd frm brglrz elmnt rlty of amer cmnty ultra grnd mob elmnt/pkt mob pls cmnty crm pct. 7lst561 sml gry cr $1 offr on mob nd amer ultra grd ter acts sm fr gd trst 6ttp213 slvr blk whl n rim crsndwch frm clns in excg fr wch clns prtcpts in mob acts-bscly psn I wld nvr wnt t eat t kp mob pls mob bsness hpy whl wstg trgts with unwtd mlcs inslts aimed t defrd rlty.-ths they are dng fr gd t defrd rlty agn. susp lkl mob prt csr clns w guy. rec-sac ant hls slpg ordnc ???? duo susp mbs w/dg out of rec. 24 by crt hs-wtg on bus? le mob t cty.  aid mob cnsp act ylg chldr bks nls dhghlds. bk ? tbl grd.. le n/w suv plc lkg my wy tbl dnls aFT OTHR le sw me stg on bus bnc mkg cert I dt ctc 1 drp of slp-mob trs butte/usa. blkt earl ?cr tbl dgrd.?mb grey trk hit me w/hvy obj upr lft arm bw rb nd brdg crml crdntn tbl pbrg circ frm vh fm ylg aidg mob crm-btr be brn agn baby drctly aidg brglrs nd elmntn cmnt ter acts.?gry ns trk mntg brgr crcl brdg???? als ?othr sd of brgr circ. god nd amer mob le giv mob crm spt servcs. w cr scr bpg mnt  pmrs lnc. 1030p ??????smn ylg ordrg jstn mntg ddnr. sm w cr ylg bpg mnt mrs tbl-mob gng trs f/m etc.???? 1035p by thtr pltd trs trtr gls btls. ns blk trk pohw dwlgr. rw dbrdg at my loc trn lgts on to blnd mb med cr gsg drk bt easy t b wrg in crmnl orgnzd blndns. pd fr bh me up nls dhd smkg ttrz. blu cr lgts on acr dumpstrs-ntg insd. scrmg mob clns vic. mob csr out lkg tblm me for mob prj.

Friday, January 8, 2016

in burger lot grp of 3 of wch johnny nd mb othrs threw rocks. in the hr snc mk gt hm nd i shwd smn propped rocks to completely seal gate

i may be msng nts but I recl grn stn bpg dn nls thn bpg bk rptdly t trz up nls pdmpstrs. w mob cr bpg up nls out of frwy up of 4th, rpt zmg cr pallnc dnls. trs prtctg mob crm-gd bls u rw-grd thts t keep crm free w/o pay lk nvr hpnd cvrd w/lies nd mlcs inslts fr frdlnt apprnce so amer mob crm goes free fr mob dictatorship elimination brglrzg ter scm. bg/tn trk w/w applnc pmnt. trio youths lkl cnctd t cmnt frd trzg brglrzg gng team rocks brgr lot orig thrn by gy thy cld johnny. uncl who thr few mr rocks. at least 2 trnd dir of apts. 1 my yhv trnd othr dir on tbl but my sght sevrl nonsuf. cld me tweaker nd ridiculed me ylg 911. thts jst scm t dmp flt on vctm by usng mlcs lying trzg tctcs t mntn fr crm by civ 1030a hrd cnsp idt crm prt ngr at arco dmpg flt on me wo cause bk whn I ws thrtnd by lqr. dk mob cr ylg dord pdtl sm bk dlw ylg4d lgt gry trk plg eq up phd.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

mob trs crm gm cnt wst nonpmt fr crm t dcv-crmnl sndg mail t my addrs lkl

slv cr bpg dn dn 8th flw w trk ???1v3 gwb lky if I cn rd ths Oregon lkl plt sep at mid w/tree. d u wt? sm totl inslt lkl-wr amrc steaLS BG TM ND ACTS LK ITS TER ACTS ARE OLVLY THG. *************mail frwrded by unknwn crmnl lkl mnths ago I recall letter sent t my addrss from 1st aid responder at chico sent t jeff Paxton cpl dys ago I gt flyer frm bike Friday in Eugene or addressed t sm suspect ?mb brglr or one of gng trs.***** sml blk cr bpg rw dbrdg psn ns fr vh rb vic. m/f mrs/mnt  t crn brd/mrs f- pk hair? jesus-wt? new gng gmk. as yest wt?/rb bk ml yest. w cr sml t pd lkl sml dg snd. sm dg brk snd mrs dord rlys as I wlk bk dspt ?yl  ?tx ml trs --a g? ths $tr lot yl tx. ml out of ths tx aprch me as I nr crn twd rac inst hrsm dmd cig? whn cld bk by tx drv- nd rsp ok mkl.  ppp ard ohw dlw-hah? bk wch trn rnd hrsg thn fltg me w/hah sm as wt. chev -mob trk I fld t ctc trs ml insd ofrg thrwg lg empt mnst cn. flwd by dk rd trk w/lgts lkl pt of team 3d dnls.dnts psn thrwn my entire rt I wlk. I dt hv sgr prob I hv nst anmc prb. bt smbdys sgr tst ws in trs chev. m/f in pnk tp hrs me gzb mnl fem agn demd cig or trd fr chps mob trz instg prvctn ter gm, ths went mrs gzb dlnc. nrg 12th blkout ?vh t 12th w cr co dn nls. up 13th slv cr flw by lkl mob shrf vh.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

thr evn ngt tm prsngm susp causes to wst u nd prtct own crms

scrm schl area -unknwn actvt t hrd fr me t se almst blnd. als unkn cnsp chldr ps dmpstrs lkl peds I did nt lk out unfort but merely hrd. bscly bhd it serial cnsp ter acts no one intends py for. lkl cnsp dictrs crmnl frd gdrs at yr exps trs w/lgt cty tnls. earl pd dn nls. aidg mob cnsp-ngt dk med suv bpg tbl dmno nls. dk ?mvn trn rnd bk twd mno nls. bk trw-gd mrn. vcs scr nr tlt lot als wsml dg brk crz drkn fem lkl paid off trnd mkg vcs brd flwg tps hgh. tlt clsd agn wt tlt paper in trs. I onc askd hls why? thy mntnd tlt paper tore t pieces by chldr but ths was yr rnd. if I was thr nd hd time I pked it up but did nt knw who did it. smn t bsn acr lib-als susp ths lt at ngt. bk mitch dlnc. bk ps $tr actg strg nd prpsly gng up agst me clg me fkn wrdo. trs ard bg lts my drctn wt itms I cld nt mk out in lmtd lgt. duo slpg nr bg lts. shell crn trn rnd inmrs  4ssp187 ofr coffee instd of prc thy cst me in elmntn nd  brglrzg. ths was fem lkl w sml chl I hrd vc fr vh. ths lt at ngt lkl mob prtc. ba 157a. hrd ngr ord bf ohw. med drk tn cr bpg ptwr dord. blk trk slv ln rlys lot I thk d rlys pst po.susp w/bk rb-wt?

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

long prtcptg crew of mob terrorists criminals who commit crime at no cosrt w/le support nd nt get cgt lying nd plying mob deception game

mob w trk  shl w drk tntd wnds bpg up ps dmps -mob cnsp. grn stn wgn 4th nls dgrd. brded weird guy hng sd of chev hngng instgt cnv. shit by sd trs. up 8th w trk shl dk winds plg shed or crprt flwd by othr vh lkl.mob slv cr crmnl brg lkl who ofrd cpl bks by prk rd acr chev dec 30 mob bp ps my drvwy up 13th.

Monday, January 4, 2016

hrsmt br cn thrn at drvw by trs crm mob. brgl ?  mob le cr unbl t see clrs mlcs trs strb lgt w/cmr ptd at prk/rd sd d up grd. thy are hr t see t it u're killed by ????????lgt clr cr scr sm mnc pvlrs dnls. ant le gr tbrdg. wvh mob yel sm dir prw. bf ?pd tgrd

Sunday, January 3, 2016

trs cnt trs actvt w/their kids butte/usa encrgs cntnd wstg of ths vctm nd is out t wst ths victim

sat mrn grn jkt trs dn 13th lkl grtg or hpy ny blkt thks usa wstg trsm mlprct. w prf cr up 6th t hm thn dn strg ps dmps per mob trs actvt. ns vh.sw ?slt ?swp w pbrd dmit.?susp cr unbl t see clr in dkns aidg mob actvt lkl sgnlg etc t rlys pkg thn trn prlys awy fr str dcur crt. this cr was hlpg adlt chld rock rthrwg mob at mrs/mit crn nd hdg its plt. rlys nd or prkg prtcpts mb aidg mob prj.alg w le wch wts ths t cnt at my exps. othr cr frt of rlys mitch mrs. bk at civ prior it was 930p. lkl ml nd fem nadlt w/childr nd sm my be fr crs gld cl me bgl chldr thr rcks prb. ltr lkl mob bks lkl hdg sw mx rest crn. sn use atm bf me tm 121a.trs in blk insp by $tr.n cns twr rp. instg bk in str bw rob/brd. lft whn plc shwd in area. flsl slw prs brdg tmnt.svr dys ag mob pltd shs rb smn bn thrg ths ard. thy prb bgt new at my exps. grn stn bpg dn psdmps.chp brd siren 3d. mob lgt grn cr bpg hs nr dn rch. 8th. mob f rng ths up fr mob trs crm dn 10th.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

wed/thurs mob wstg dictatored cmnty wr le is prt of and aidg mob ter crm nd tactics

wed-?4dwt shell up 6th stk out mob mnvrg lkl gng gstr sch as fnkstk grn tk -ylg chld mcking me-murderer- he hrd ths yld whn I ws gng hnded.70519t1 4drt bp t frwy at 4th grd aftr jrkg at me t trz fr mob who blvs thy cn trgt me thn fls blm wth hlp of le mob aids prtcpts. 6caf046 grn chev lft 1 can as bst as I cn read .?sp gry suv 7blz430 chev trs chg mlc inslt. 7en?b or g 314 cpl dls my wrtg insf coord due t grv dmg t rgt arm by usa als dislvl bk frm fll nd dislvl gait frm rtwlr dg bite csng dissimilarity in feet as well.ns zmg dk cr rmns me of snd nx t lib. nls tcty. lgt swt bk whistl brdg tmnt  ? 2 acr axiom. ?mitch acr lib cnsp trs  fr mob. guy grn cbn cr bp mntg bf brd thn aprch pbrd w/loud mob dog mb one who trzd me in 10th blk nels-othr mob psg brd. lkw bp hrd tbl mnt vic.whew tr bk ps lib als  als sc mob mb fkstk??? 1154p ba mob trs grt twr dlw.?????thurs. ml adlt plyg w/chldr crs gld rd. adlt lkl prt of mob.-ml wlks phgh lkl mob oprtv????up ps dmpstrs mbstr w lg stk-I clrl rem mob trs engagmt atmpts rpt in pst. I sd the brg, mrd, mob.-trs said call cops-mob revs tactics. trz wst t ntg thn flt u nd kp hndg at no cst- mob ter butte mob ter usa.LSY RD MOB TRK PS BRD DROB MB SMLR T ONE FRMRL SN W/BGS WCH NT WTD ME T LK. HD/$G VIC-trs eng pers gng mbstr hp ny-ok hv gd one.-ofc y hv gd one as lng as thy wst pls brgl fr free drctl w/le hlp. 214a ba-trs crks????ny wh stl bg smk in fc.w cr blk hrz ln ps civ dlnc bpg... 925p blk trk slv hrz ln sm dir als whl aftr red trk pbrd.mob brgl trs.sw w trk t cur crt rlys lt frm prtcptg in lot ard hlwn sda cup thrwg.als blk cr crsg pkg area bg lts $tr. ylp dk vh ohw pord dmit. blk sm cr mlt lgts brd drob-hey baby lkl blk fem mob. trnd on rdio. bf tht sep 2?bks hgh dlnc.trs pd old ant cr prb als hlp mb ws u the trgt of mtl mob prps.drg brglrzg cn stlg aids-hlp wst me js lk slf dsrvdly-mob ter butte usa. sm cr crs mntg aft 3a.???????grn stn bpg 11th dn. w tk shl 4d up. ?trs ml phgh. opst sd ptlt dmit-?scr fr????? ????scr mnt opp brg crn mob fem vc. ml trs scr dir vlrs- susp vhs smlr blk cr lgts.ns cr earlier bk in eve. mob cr prb blk or cls trn nls odd sd dn dir frm fgg apts -hi hpy ny- cmg frm wstg brglrzg prsc mob team aided by le crmnls aiding mob trs cndct.grn stn bpg dn psdmpstrs flw by grn cr agn w mob crmnl le aid nd blsngs-mob ter butte nd mob ter usa.this mrn 80?304j1 blkout ofr cfee per mob free trs dcptn gmk clns mob silv blk whls n rims can stealg trs offrg cns frm apts btc nvr invtd me t-lkl she will nw stl thm wr I mntnd I gt fw-that is trth abt mob stl big tm- thn ply frd nc fr abs ntg. als mob le at chev this mrn nv/w suv lkg to aid nd prt mob crm.