Saturday, April 29, 2017

fri---hghly strng actg f wth an act alsv smkn gsg stg fnc attmp tlk trg svc bus shltr-- she sat nx trg wth bgs brfly wntd hide stg tlk prvt bhd shelter wall adg t susp ntr of her trgtg bhvr--she als chgd num clothes and lft smngl few clthgs bhd but i cl nt grt exc wt bcs either people kicked it stole some stuff dt kn but gsg event cleaners scpd up wtvr she lft---seemed smwt out of it lkl on drgs nd tlkg re lsd????--when bus showed seemed out of it so i yelled bus nd she got on bus--thts the trs amer wst hlwd shrfs spt nd trgt they blv shld be dgtatrd or sfr nd b abused fr free cntsly as shrfs slvs r mob nd crmnl aids nd r lkl fnst of frds wth mob wth whom they hv fr mr in cmn----she brded 11p bus 5818 i thk--dy bf mx m/f thmbg up fr crm vs trgt aided by trs usa as if it nvr wr----abt 1230a drnkg guy als smkng brded bus---sat am hmlss slpg wth crts nx ba hldl--ng f stg outsd at a br e of svc---mlcs rfs psn mtr stb mbl hppy t b of srvc fdg psn t hlss----stb wsmnt m ofr empt btl rfsd---trgt is nw lft wo pills aftr tj no lng crry mga vits in lcl str and its grd prp trtng vctm as trgt lkl in cnsp wth othr mob grds nd mdsl wst hlwd----mob m g mrn alfrd s----trgtg onl this ped amng mny wo cause bcs prty t mdsl cnsp t wst dfrd dctatr trgt----susp hghl amused crwd ptio brnys---terminix myb 119007 rydell plt  unrdb lkl psn insl???----smn slpng grnd bw mbl nd kng nx new cnstrc bldg s sd----smn vcn swtz e by n sd trs sm t cll tgt fgt wo any cause or vldt--- swtz crn smn try offr mlc insl mny amt myb 1-2 d s----rfsd---mlcs pltd or rtn psng or nonedb fds pltd dlb t nt spnd on trg by mdsl whlwd trgt wstg psng dmltn at no cst policies----fg mdsl cvs crn--r u dniel???----mlcs insl---ofg psn wst fries frm stk rest rfsd----thy gt fr u stuff t psn u wth nd nt spnd due dmgs wtvr upn---amer crm of centr serial wstg at n cst---smn slp grnd  sh stn bs shltr----chp btc svc crn nx sld trs--r u svg ths re wrtlss btl--ans--no ofcrs she pt in whlwd trs---prty t mob crmnls cmpgn t inslt trgt nd kp mny fr slvs--------ng svc s rpt strg--he cnt undrstd amer massive srl crms nd fct tht btl is wrth ntg---wky strg ch f lkl ret ?hi? p hldl w---m/f myb ortl retds ofg lkl mlcs insl svc ppk n----z crm w bgs incl rlng bg(s) strg dn outer lib strcs plng fut crm----wrd lwr lvl stg frt of lib plyin wth ck cn

Friday, April 28, 2017

thurs---on the grnd upr lvl outsd lib lng gryish hr btc lks tlk nonsns--ngr dn prk strs---mx chks prk strs lkg frm trg---fri----brkn glass nx ba trs sh sv d w lkg at brkn glass---trs nx wknl--35733m1 lg mrc vn offrg cookies--prty t mob nd fd wst fdngs nd mlcs inslts by zoo mob to pose crime of centry crmnls as up stnding citzns---ths scm bgs nd lib coscumbgs r untcd by trgt hlplessness nd gn frm frmng trgt nd wstng trgt on purps dlb nd evr time---by brn 10:17 w hlwd clnrs mob prtcpnts---positivel ident the mob when ident hisp as orig comp t ng f nx lib who tld me bfr thr r shltrs fr evr bd--tht prsn yld t spryr as i mvd i bgs awcall the cps daniel--but thr ws abs no reason nor any crm wtvr invlvd---scdrl rpt frm othr dy als mob --g mrn pbrn e---ng on bk scr n pbrn---fk u--the othr mob---w 7xez123 psg bpg mbl alrm ofr mob bn/apl----f us ml by sbw wstb wrkng fr zoo--ofr $1--as z m lkd on t frm trg---rfs--arde 2p sh ylpg e pmtr gsg f---dust mkng dvc myb sullair?? cld nt see vr well cnstrctn atcmnt ds nt actlly mk dust but the cnstrction process on this loc creates dust at sh stn bus stp

Thursday, April 27, 2017

wed----sh gsg f strng t flt trgt eve mlrs svc d n----smn plt sld rfs nx outer prk gbg cn--2 hls agst outer prk wall i thk one strng one myb asleep bt my eye sght insufct--thurs mrn nst dust nt vsb but cn be hghly dtctd when breathing same remodeling place couple drs w of svc myb--i tried wlkng arnd still breathing in all dmgn mtrl--nst lks here in lib frm kelly wlkng pst upr lvl lib bcs i went t chk on wallet after being trtrd t death by evr who blvs its price is free---am --guy allegedl miss 2 buses bcs he wtd away from stop sign aftr presum 2nd one he yelled nd cussed at evryone than saying he had t much cocaine--mnwhl sh drv pst inspctg t dmp on tgt nt on his friends and like minded folks doing cocaine----***ard 650a mob sec amb trk hldl fcng s--lkg hlp mob dmp on tgt--instd of paying for justice amer is paying sec ambsdrs shfs nd city t wst trgt nd dmp on tgt---because wstg tgt life in america is absolutely free----hls slpng tkd int nw crn bldg svc---small mess nx abbeys alng with sgr psn cookies nd small mess nx ba trs---small mess vcn mtr trs---****1047a 2 sh bks pmbl e???----same time as ntcd shfs hrd yell frm vh sounded like f meow----pltd mbl rtn sndwcs exprd trs snk fds intnded fr trgts---cmplmnts of trs usa who blvs wstg lives fr free is highly apprvd tctc----nx city hall f tried ps $1-2 bfr gn in---apprntly bth her nd compnion wr bffld whn i tld her awy--tht is agn bcs amer has absolutel no inten t py wtvr on its massive srl crms bng cmpltl cnvc all its wstg mnc is free---2 nhgs swtz????---ng by cltg excg trng strk cnvrs aftr calng trg wkd wtc---dude who hd org strp pnts yest tdy ws in gry--it appears in his bg he carries chng clothing--this time he wlkd ps my bgs by mbl w---****gng f sh scr hi p orlnd e---time 1250p----m/f frm ny hlw prk d w f trng t eng wth crkrs---but ths prt nt intrstd in dfrdg--wld b hppy t knw their tru gig?????----ng sktb lcn w----one of cnstrction trk attcmnts prkd sh stn bs stp crn hp ??communications   ?????sulter 185 wrds hrd t rd due t my bd hndwriting---by this was dust num util wrkrs org vests yl strps trd gv few btls thn trd gv chng bth rfsd---rsn --amer blvs its massive srl crimes positively free---upr level at lib entrnc gay person tried offer cookies---sgr psn rfs needs to be dumped upon sick people as a favor mkng ruthless whlwd who will do nothing t get me legal team appear as swt as its mob aiding and assisting lw nefrcmnt

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

matt the lib mgr is wrkng the disable milana team and enable mob team on purpose aiding cnsp city and sh anti trgt cnsp--he believes like trs usa someone in dire situation is less needy than americas endless criminals he wants as customers and deliberately wants to undermine target while cntnsl defrauding as slgtl hlpfl---in fct rare occasion to be helpful is undermined transferred and cut off with lightning speed wo help to target immediately and reality i have no help at all--the scoundrel constantly postpones and cuts target short figuring his crimes are free or can be passed for such by consp trs usa the pro mob trs country who believes world revolves around them---tues----eve windy melrs svc - car dfrdg insl mob force dumped bag allegedly containing snacks lkl throw away poisonous scum--i left it unopened---the car plate car smngl blk 7fdz323----by outer prk mob btc ofrg poison rfs fries rfsd ofcrs--othr lkl jw mob cnsp ofr mlc insl mny rfsd did ans my question re grp noise claiming that was dodge ball being played allegedly just s of pool---845p--- mob adct w bpk out of prk d n twd snt mon blvd mkn myb hmn noise???  thats who i blv was smkn hvy psn myb wk prior---wed---mob ng g mrn rbts s---dfrdg cnsp wstg rlt by trs usa----passing palm e 2 sh bikes plus sh cr js bf 715a myb nd shrtl flwd by sh sv----the cr md some knd of mumble myb --u----sugary oatmeal poison pltd metro--sugary rice cvs trs--thr u g--e d lcn mob insl mny dlb totl wrtlss---rfs---mob brt grnd nx cvs---ng lcn se stg re strwbrrs mlcs scm t kp trgt wstd at n cst dlb nd on purpose as per landreth, zoo, usa-------sgr rice cvs trs--exp grn mobil rfsd--pltd by ths whose prps is in fct t kp trgts wstd nd hlpless as cn b had----such as dfr matt----f hlss crt hlw prk lkl adc---js bf 12p sh bpg m ylg mlna pljl w---thy r prd t lv u thrghl hlplss----thts the kind of help trs usa is fndg---ofg ins mn --mobil jim falk lexus bev hills--rfsd---prb---amer nt intention to help--its lkng t undermine evr it can same crim lib nd matt----mob trs dsp ofg $2 phgs w---purpose to have trgt life totaled nd srndg scm dfrded---jntl thy r drt who blv ths trgt cn b wstd free wth hlp of trs amer lw enfcmnt nd trs cnsprd amer mob wstng massive srl crime of centry destrctive cnsp mlcs estblsmnt--rkless nd ruthless who likes their drg addcts nd crmnls fr better than me nd intentions t kp all in bsn at total nd complete destrctn t ths trgt----2 hls incl mob brtr cvs crn e---mob brt cell a susp hlss flw w---ng w org strps on pnts decided t chk int my bgs wstbrn actg as if cnfsd--bkd up by w crm bike dir e--in fct trs w hlp of usa r wrkng their nx cnsc crm----rbts se crn smkn mob f trying pus mlc $1 --ofcrs rfsd----m nrb lkg t hlp tgt t b frmd nd mob t b kpt in wstg bsn-----7jug499 lkl gsg armen ofg wtr by ba hldl--sdl at no cst mob dfrdr---

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

mon---discovered monday that my previous posts blogs are smngl not all on blogger??? or els i am not expert enough user---it appears only one of my posts under milana rakhman appears on blogger and rest are on google plus???----nt sure too confusing----sus f actg nutty long gryish hue hair cntn tlkg t slf frst upper lvl outsd thn at ft of outer strcd lib--smn smkng d s???---tues----by ba util wrkrs--1 ofg ins mn rfsd dng smngl utilt wrk nx ba hldl--trk mrkd 716 wth bvrl hills logo--whn cmng by lt aftrnoon 716 was still thr nd i ntcd its atcmnt smngl 703 as bst as i cn rd my wrtng trk plt if nt mstkn wth my bd eyes stg lk1241175---unrdb--dst w of cvs s crn??? due t rmdlng???----ng suspct slpng nw svc crn---by brnys 1050asmn briefl trnd on lawn sprinklers typically onl used occas at ngt---sus gy blk jk grtg pbrn e thn bk n--sm prsn was als lkg drctns t ctc bus swtz crn fin brdg the free lttl whlwd bus----on swtz d n---shtl bfr i lft brn loc drk cr rp mkn eng noise---pbrn e smn ofg mlcs ins mny lkl dsp d remodeling store e of brnys---hv nc dy---bldg s of brnys hlss telling othrs re his dry hair nd bdl needed avcdo oil---crz lee hrsg wstb sw crn----vcn sh stn grnd mob brtr nd othr hlss whlc--rbts crn f myb j ofg ice crm rfsd--unk snk chsck slc frm pvlns rfsd lft tp of trs--lkws mrn smn trd dum wtr on me prd out by trg whn cmng bk still thr--

Monday, April 24, 2017

sat--trs ppk s-- hey hyd---ngt mex trs dlb try strt trb---he nt nd seat fr antg nd fr no rsn attmpt st nx me--whn i nt wnt him rgt nx me he strt thrtg---clld ovr by drg qns who smngl cnvncd him t stp fr the moment--hwvr nt t be precluded this is dlb instigtn provocation wth planned lies---othr lkl sngl fg als lkl dsptc bt hv brn eng to sit dn a st awy frm trgt--put on an act wlk ard nd jywlk lkl bk t dsptc---sun====cnd pltd ba hldl trs---??wh pk???----myb rbts vcn---????psng slvs on tgt???---as prvctn,rvsng, lying, blmng tgt----mst cnvnt dmp----wth pro mob  ?? t hlp assist crm cnsp---mtr ba mds ?? ???trn n hldl---othr ,ob pkn used cigs by ba flw tgt svc by clubs mr used cigs --twn non stp poisoning trgt nd on prps blk swt----z btc d pvln--z trs sh bs stp ng wtcg ???? nw svc---hyd ???unrdb---mob  ?? ???----svc w---psb trng blm trgt=---mess shs stn trs--smkng shs stp ???hls---****753a mob sh sv psh stn/mtr  e use srn ttrz fls blm trgt----mds ng lcn w---g mrn---hlss slp e sd cvs---hls scr crss d cvs 3 hls w an act se lcn crn rp cmn bk d trgt--1 bk e nd 2 crn t prkn rp bk---ng js w of alfrd stg by clsd bsn crn--lk t st dn ?? sda????----dfr mob----sh hlw w---shlt ???vn---mss nx brnys trs---6smd360--at mobil dfr insl mob ofg pltg mob sdwc ofg $1---just the crmnl rthless brglrs frd artsts i need fr frds-----rfsd/pltd---othr hrsr rpt lk swtz e----brnt trs hrpr===lee is one pyromaniac bt thr cl b more---sus drty lks hywrth s---711w ngr grnd mkng thrts---oth ng wth grp frf ne als mkn rpt thrts---*****125p hi thr----2 amb bks frd frdl cnt wait t hlp zoo aids sc as ng grd stbks wsmnt aided by city hall crmnls nd sh crmnls--all 3 trs anti hls orgs grtd prtctd by trs usa----******gt off 8121 bntn line 4--hvng brded it frf e ard 130p--its drvr lkl zoo aid--tl me this is lst time i cn ride wth my things--mng i wl b strnded shl i run int this sknk mds prtcpnt aid----tmpl rmprt pd?? lw enf erpt strng dmp on tgt----rmprt trs mess made bfr trgt---750p---scr grp of fgs s---js bf or erl smn ofr $5 dfr grp---srry this sit vry dft thy cn dmp this on zoo mob--this one knws wt amer did---blk cr gsg mxs smkn at trgt---nx wlwd prk---grp s smkn ---ovrl pltd trs--rp trs scdrl dlb wk up ngt nd dlb psn trgt frcd t brt hv smk psn----sus orgnzd mnc---aided by mob grds nd sh dpt---who sprt this by trs city of whlwd who wsts vctms free----mon 828a  sh cnsp w/mob t blm tgt---mumblg z pcrft e---2 hlss slpng hlw circ rtn fd rfs in trs t dmp on tgt---hlss blng abt prkcif psn trs ?? trs ???----f/chl pbrn e--frd grtg mob---ths r scm who sprt wstg trgt free alng w usa nd its trs estblsmnt---vcm sbw blk sv  financed auto sales--svrl gtng in pres frm nrb salon one of thm smkng nd 1 othr smkng simult same loctn---4v22643 sbw ????-----f d e mob dsp dlb lkg t wst trg free ofg $2----thts hw usa kills lives fr free---nvr mind wt thy cst u thy hv no int t py----stbks grd aprd mrn 828a is lkl whn i timed him in lkl aidg z----thtg mob knt hat sh stn stp d w trnc ct athltc mnvrs---trs dk nv  crsg ???rbts w---trn s ptd cell drc trg fc whlcrsng rbts d w---mg b mx--- 307p----8avx591 drk sv nx ba hldl ofg $20 fr cnsp insl stg t eat----rfsd----spry lib by gng???---??? ???--unrd---hls lkl adc ng svc bus shlt d w

Saturday, April 22, 2017

fri---mess in place bf i gt svc crn myb 930p---sat---620a--whlwd tk s on svc---625a apx sh cr s svc---fri dyt hlss ws slpng grnd frt outer prk tht ws mb brtr wth prmt brk/hgr sgn---835a wknl mob sh lkg t hlp dmp messes in plc lng bf trg upn trgt--7bmr142 mbl fnc blue pstl sv sz vh mob ofg psg wtr frc dmpd by f rfsd---thts hw brglrs prsct nd dfrd their true massive srl crm stry lkl---pnh hls w sgn e of cvs---hls w/blnkt insd bs shltr nx cvs---12 noon sh lcn w lkg dstry trg -f --hi--z lcn se smkn slwly trng chng dir nw d e---****m/f mx p shk rest e--m mlcsly ps dn on bgs---f dfrdg --srry---in fct ptntl mnc cnsprcy-----2 sktb blwng pot at tgt wkn w---hey u --hlss brtr tj arc ---lkl dfrdg mob ofg fd by sbw-- nx mob out sbw ofg cookies bcs thy r sgr nd psn---z ofg wtr nx ba hldl---rkls rthlss mob trs lib mgr giggln abt lib---reseller ptg on act at pvln rec i susp purpsfully frt of me---in rlty thr is absolutely no cnctn---???unrdb--mx lg hr grnd js w of stbk rbts rng bhd me ofg insl zoo mob $1-rfsd---ng wtcg crts bs shltr vcn pvln--hat pltd grnd la peer crn vcn of my bgs

Friday, April 21, 2017

thurs---wrpr fnd tp of my bg js outs 2d lvl lib whn i js stp out--als flp which i try t push inwds was outwds instd---ard 752p mob hisp scdrl wlking psvc mlrs w sd attn-----lkl plng nx mob trs act---out of prk mob trs ylpg lkl sm one as mrn or smlr sndg ylp ithink he wlkd nrth w/bpk while sm othrs gt int cr cnvrtbl---sdl i dnt knw their bsn but suspct drg adcts prk area hwvr i do my own thng nd on top of it cnt see unless super xtr cls--mob d s -hau???? ????unrdb---******mrn fri--ng svc d s askng qstn---shs svc s nd e hlpg mobs wst trgt---s on wstb by 24hr hlss slpng grd---hlw prk--hls ofg fd--pltd chok sgr jnk or wst t psn trgt sgr is bad fr trgt skn etc -thnks----dfrdr ds thnk i am eithr fld or stpd--i kn exc wt mob usa hs dn---ng tsng stg grnd nx trs---mob oprtv f swtz bnc dlb adrsg me as m nd clng me ilgl fr nt bng qlfd fr fd stmps nd gtng cns frm grbg--the btc well ftng int usa nd w hlwd hd lg vdk btl tkng smll sips frm nd hiding it whl attmptng t dictator trgt wth exc pro mob west hlwd thnkg--let trgt lose evrtg nd life alng wth it--dfrd trg --nd snd trg fr insl fd stmps wrt sm amnt of ntg as psn mlcsl pltd by mob thrghout twn wo py nd intentioned t psn trgt---2 sh vhs cnsp wspng js w of swtz---lcn w ????14089f1   ?? midori???----hlw pk 1 slpng bnc wlc ptg t cn rfsd thn lvg aftr tllng guy on bnc he will b bk lkl fr stg ilgl mtg ng d w crsng lcn w---cvs crn gsg smk---*******dsptcd amb bks 2 of wstmnt strng at stbks gbg cn ard 140p t dlb aid mnc t trgt wo cause fr prps rdcl cnsprc pressurizing t hlp zoo mdsln causes city of west hlwd nd shfs sympathize with ----hrsg grd in tj nd thy no longer hv hghr pot mlt thy hd thr bfr----tht amnt was t littl nd i hv absol none compliments trs usa---w of n sd wstb shltr hlss f stg crb---bus 5934--num 30 d s f ofg fd rfsd she is z ng hgr?? 247p----thy blv i agr t be wstd if thy gt insl mob psn fd---js bf ---????unrd ylg??? ???rd trn svc s????----ng adc ylg rbts --i hr bf u--btc ng trn se smngl---pines and waterlost us mail check similarity--both times check was claimed to be missing --then turned up after the fact seemingly hvng spent lots of time in unk spaces

Thursday, April 20, 2017

wed--js nw sw matt thursday for 2 x sht calls 1 of which not go through nd the other had a recording nd matt ds nt wnt me t ask othr wrkrs here whn he is nt in effectively precluding me nd delib preventing me from getti9ng vitally needed attorney nd this criminal low life had gull t talk re gvt benefits nd maliciously deliberately prevent victim from geting attorney nd cover up for criminals in butte west hollywood etc--people like matt and west hollywood in reality should be sued for evr last cent they got for preventing me from getting legal team---bk t wed---lib prtcptg in trs cnsprcy vs trgt incldg crm kelly nd crm matt wth his bnfts nd dlb prps t dfrd trgt of legal team in 2 sec per week wrth of time if any nd maliciousl preventing getting help at other times---apx js bf 815p sh sv mob aiding trs shs f hi mlrs svc d n----prtcptg in aiding ant hlss mob dictatorship no suing pro benefit pro framing extermination trs community---at expense of trgt----ng crm dfr ofg fd cgt bus ard 10p svc d s----prtl rtn frt pltd entr prk trs t mk certn trg is dfrded from all justice nd lgl representation---m/f nx lib disc r antihlss dictatorship consprcy minded trs who wnt t dscr vctms as attcking  thm --whn thy attcking vctm by nt prvdg vtlly needed legal team nd dictatoring victim life nonaccidentally nd on purpose in joint conspiracy order----dlb wstng victim nd intentionally preventing legal team for victim----thurs am----aftr ngt full of smk smell nd psn spry smell MRN THURS HRD swpng thn ylpg the lkl ng resp as onc by lib aftr-n one is btrg u--u lv me aln crz btc thn dlb t add t show threw object t mk it seem as if i thr it location--ths r cnsp crmnls who r skilled t dmp on trg instd--nd as in cs of lib kp u sht up--hlss rd blkt slpng bhd lkl t hlp dmp on tgt----the liar als had rd top of some srt smngly---alt matt says csrry prf is in pdng if i cnt hv othrs hlp me wth phone ---ntg is bng dn-----ard 625a mido ri trk svc s nt bpg---by the wy bth west hlwd nd matt shl be sd fr dlb prvtg legal team nd delib intntioning frm dictator trgt----mob ng btc wlk bhnd insd lib js nw---??? ??? ??? ??unrdb--rlt lttl btc nd cmp prtcp in mob cnsp as is crm matt vr dlb----pba e crz lk mob ng--lt me ask u qstn---6096----hrsg trg psg insl can thn nt wntg me t see wt he wore or bus num aftr he dmpd mlc insl cn per mob dsptc aftr rfsd---it lks like time is unmrkd svc e shtl bf 720a prhps--strn nd psng cntrbtg t blkt lk cndtns lkl hlpd by htg envmnt as well---ltlbtc 20 dlb cnsp--- p wkn e lkg bk at tgt????---???w kn e unrdb---frt scrps frmng cvs trs by crz idiot or prpsl frmng trgt---z ng agn alfrd w sm as erl pba e ---ongng---rat like holes all plstc cntrs bggies cnt fd nd is smlr in appearnce swt t psoriasis---nvr seen this until wh svc gsg bus shltr nd nt imposb pltd associated wth zoo-----amer dlb undermines trgt ---giggling at dlb frcng free sffrng nd ptng on mlcs totlly wrtlss dfrdg act-----a trs systm of injustice---w cr 7lly??7 nt ctc ls 3 trng hnd fd mlcs inslt mob dfr cnsp at no cst-----lkl crm rng btc by cvs wth dggy fincd by mob crm ofg $5 rfsed ofc----stll lkng bk t mnc frm trgt--thts who thy rlly r---lkl drnk tlkng crp br on crcl algdl his--smn stg grd e of cvs---mob btc lng rd drs lng drk hr sm d w lcn d n---midori w of w knl drpng 2 cns trn s of w kn--shs lib intmdtg trg--askng fr thmbs up--fr cnsprd american crime nd puting trgt life into wst bskt---smn slp grn sh stn bs stp---ng adc gtg 1 btl frm trs lkl t dmp his adc ndl sw--- he had rd jk pls crng 2 dfls--dsp mob btc ofg mlc fd vcn outer prk js bf lib---

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

tues---mob brother i thk prb s of lib svc--unk prp???except his grc crt alw says brk hngr---fgt hrd outs prk myb frm pool area---wkd actg m out myb same as stged trzg smk dy bf--was swftl pkd up lkl by smn els--my eyes r so bd i dt evn hv a gd lk of him---myb 845p---ngt myb ard 148a f brdg 30 w trzg rpt hv smkr---her ng frd kpg cls lk at me got on nx num 30 i thk wc sd indiana station after drvr of orig 30 nt stsf him wth his answr spsdl---i was dbtg if i tk dn crc time whn i heard club music still cont for some time after fact still---i did run int num trks with yl rect tdy nd vrfd indeed they r midori landscaping wrkng fr west hollywd---myb shtl bf 8a by metro entrnce drvr of 5444 bus 10 line mex was giggling alng with smngl 2 more mex drvrs----z ng pwsmnt w apc me ???unrdb---mob aidg ???? pwkn???-----mob sh lcn e lkg dmp frd on tgt---w vn mobil ofg btls tx ex plt myb??? lw enf 1385962---rfsd---america ds nt blv i kn the dfc btw wt thy did nd their frd do gdg----i md rdclsl ltl off btls tdy --mob mks certn it has cntrl of wht they prcv as own revnu----mob brtr stg nx bike rntl station js w of olv---ng slpg grnd frt of ihp---smn slpng js e of cvs---lee psng lcn nw crn smg crz or out of it----obsrvd smn strng frm bsn area se lcn crn---hlss slpng se crn by bush---mob accommodates who evr thy please----by sbw 2 hls by trs cns grnd pls 1 prsn stdg smkng vcn of sbw---thy r prd t psn vctms all thy cn---abt blk e of larabee sh psg wvg at trgt apx 220-5p---shtl flwd by othr sh vhs mvng same dir----shfs r prd t sprt all crm twd trgt---mumblg wky m drnkn biking e p mtro in blk jk by sh bus stp hvng beers nd smkng---none of shf vhs stp this persn drnkng in publc nd lkl in mob grp???----als shs pswtz lkg wst trgt---wstd nd abuseded by amer trs nd ignrms system at trgt expns----pvln grd wrkng fr mob lkl inspctg trgt------sh p la peer e---lkg aid crms of trs vs trg----m wth fam ofg dsp trs mlc $2 ins rfsd ofcrs--bng ignrt is free in amer same as being system sprtd trs---mob slv hr oldr m phld w---cnsp drt lks libr paul lib---i now have also a bogus email from cheryl knoch----wht is americas nxt crime????

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

mon---dated april 15 were suspect num emails from xfinity welcome to xfinity and containing my yahoo email address and comacast email address i once used t check into my account--concern this being used not by smn genuinely having same name but someone using same name for devious motives while this is beung totally disregarded by xfinity who is virtlly impossible to contact because they like to steal your time nd evrtg else u got based on certn things ive seen---email also prompted alert as potentially carrying a virus---smn n sd of outer whlwd prk brgt smtg that seemed a lot stronger than even a cigar spreading immense fog and carrying long ways-0-i yelled poisoning but sheriffs who bk crmnls as own frds failed t stop--the trs with ultra hvy smk was picked up by 7uvv859---this trg hd t sfr yt othr hrror whn smn myb hls was dsptc t her bus shelt loc nw svc t trz trgt--the hlss sat dwn in crn eating nd spreadng ultra hvy cgr smk lvng t bhnd shelter vcn when his companion showed----lvng smk insd shelter nd nt mvng wth wind---the occasion with fog was myb shtl bf 9p gsg 5-10 min bf----******tues myb 645a bpg svc s psb midori w trk used by lndscprs--nt sr but cn verify whn see one of them up close----bpg bhvr is smlr t mob so can b cnctd----also bk drng ngt smn put sm obj nx me---nt sr but i thnk ths r asshls nd drgies--i chsd thm away best as i cld alng wth all their hrsmt gdgts---thy cs me hlth dmg dstrs nd lkl aidg monstrous crime project trs usa pulled agnst me wth no intent for any pybk--sffr fr free as if nvr were---singlr used cigs pltd tp of trs cig cntnrs empty tsd nx trs by trs mobs lkl---mess nx abbys trs---smk svc nw crn---??mob dsp f w---btc w/dg --g mrn mob crsg d cf bn---*******inr sd of hlwy prk hrd ldrt ilg mx---he ws insd of sft drnk hlng atcmnt---bsd on his cmnt i cnsd him als suspect---whn r u gn t die????--drvg prt --us dot 1765150----hsp drvr stpd out smngl t ihp--S09098---splash???? transport inc---i shrtnd the wrd nw wndrng if crct----p flrs e--mob btc --is ths yr ht?---ths scm wl ms lkl kn if was mine---nt mn---mine evr thy pktd destryd nd r wrkng on plnty mr dmg---hlw prk 3 dfr hls gbu dfrdg gm by all addcts nd trs---adtnl one stll slpng on grass frm earl tdy---mr psn sml cvs trs---******ard 1255p w tk frnt myb 4d bt nt sure on lcn trvln s trzg trg trng on ldspkr nd ha.......----ths r mob wth nrml jobs lvng at expns of vctms nd aided by trs lw enf whm thy gt fr rltvs buddies nd frds-----shtly  fd nd shrfs shwd bt smngl fnd no one thr -----pwkn e off blk sv psgrs strng my wy?????----hls stg grd nx tjs mgzns tssd abt lk mob----lee js bf by cptl drgs--dt kn wt t d wth ths--as if i tlk t him the pyromaniac mob case but the frnd of amer cmnt rem---the fd is with them---so is city hall nd shfs no dbt

Monday, April 17, 2017

sat---js in on mon after inqrg fri evn re ca;;s --mattis sd mnd--but matt the mngr nw mon nd alwys strtches anything t infinity dvses thngs t do nd mks trgt wait infnt lng fr any calls with no alternt option---matt the mgr west hollywood lib, nd city hall,,shff dpt, nd park all hv intntnl mlcs stk in aiding the injustc as grd eric  palma pac west i believe here t aid mob purposes----bk t sat ---lk?? 2 ??? s on svc---prunes missing frm my bg lkl rslt of mob trs drt---pltd bx of cns nx entrnc trs cn rfsd--mon--vr srry amer wnts mssv crms dlb prpsf free prpsf wo pay nd antr fem lib at info dsk as well--bk t sat---sun mrn---zoo mess abbys rbts trs----larabee w ??oldr crn scdrl ----m --thumbs up!!!--pro mob crime sprtg trs pwknl w---lkl mob oprtvs insid lib nw mon---ylg frm adj collar/leash homeless mob group -1m ylng dlb mob cnsprd crp-i cn smell u frm acrss strt---thts hw thy bk up their persecution nd crime acts----nvr fool self --amer dlb aiding mob nd assisting its crimes---rem--amer endless massive nd srl crms mst b free---empowered by mob communities nd trs usa----nd lw enf who dgs crms twd ths trgt----mob crms frds of estblsmnt brainless evl minded drt-----blk ht rd bg zoo trs plcn e---mobil pltd exprd wst fr trgt lkl wth knwldg of smn in str--x old rfs free wo py----dmgd exprd sks pltd sm prps flrs trs---9234----long line 4 vrtly empt let on evr nt me though x lng nd empty p swtz e--i was vr unusually frtnt anthr lng 4 ws vr shrtl bhd this one---time myb ard 1230p----hls nt ng on bike w bgs pcity hall e i imagine gsg---lkg bk at me t ck if aslp--if i were ths trs wld stl---blk sv n nrg sunset on bntn ng mkng mob like noises----m in grn n frm tmpl on bnt--=hi mob prtcp---gsg hisp---eve crm aprc trgt attmpt dmp 2 cns on tgt rfsd---prps ---massive crime of century size crime perpetuated at price of trgt life fr free by dlb whlwd assisted mob cnsp--u r welcome t b trtrd t your death as they enjoy life at yr expense nd prpsflly pass massive crime of century sz ong mnc as nvr hpnd-----ng mob ppk --hey u---othr mob ofg grtd trs ckn--ntg thy ofr is either any gd or any use--but fr trs lk trgt thy r cnvncd thy cn ply trs gms at no cst as estblishment dlb ds evrtg t kp trgt wo lgl tm---hrsg bk w/crt d s on svc---?? ??unrdb---mob trg ofr $1--rfsd---2 ms n--1 training othr re me collectg cns--dsgstg rcrtg potential mob oprtvs----wsprg pme s mob cnsp dirt---mon----ng zoo mob lcn w ---g mrn---tssd pglass sw lcn crn observed by mob shs lkl---ng ne crn lcn wh clnr ws dstrbd by this--nd mex wh clnr nrb alfrd psb dstrbd myb by my existenc???----mobil--7mbj875 ng try ps cn/chg bth rfsd---smk nx mbl crss wlk----ng rec crt swtz s mkng rpt frt t antgnz trgt---8w???su345 ----vh lbld i rfsd the cns--he mngd plt thm nx my bgs but i left thm mbl rgrdlss---bcs cns r wrt ntg----prps of ths crm trsts is t keep massive serl crimtwrd trgt by trs usa absltl free--js bf w vn swtz crn nd human gas smell simultneousl----frncn wlc lftm act by smn who cn dnc extr well but rds wlchr nd smkng pot in her wlc lcn se crn---she crsd n---pot smell brfl by lq nw crn---hls grnd acrss tj arc sdwlk---lkl drnkn mob brtr bhd wstb bus shelter n---lying on grnd--- ylk mob ?bike w/atcm  pwstb e--------yl grn jk dk bpk smkn p/svc w---hlss rbts ne crn---ng hls ??in strt n rbts----pavlion rec hisp grd frm pvln who does nt wrk at rec but goes in for sclzng nd intimidation----???unrdb??---slv hr oldr mob phldl w---reseller frm rec crossed sm time as me n--thn he finally trnd e--dnt knw if ths sus hs rsn t b sm vcn sm time as i ????----oth mex did nt trn in his cns--claims gng catalina/pico-----js w of ba hld--f trying gv awy unk fd crp lkl mrkd fr dmpng nd dfrdg ths bng mlcsl wstd---suspect xfin email---cl be more ident theft

Saturday, April 15, 2017

705p sh mlrs d e svc n -f hi---lib 2d lvl outr ng wlcr tlkg pls oth ng--the stdg ng trd ofr insl chg rfsd---mx onbike sng cn mlrs crn nd wld hv n prb wth any wc sngng----the scdr sd sry---dt u blv it at all amer drt is in wst u mode---thy r trnd trs frm brt nd blv slvs btr thn u---*******ngt while i slpt svc crn--cntents of one bg was thrwn all ard seats minus lkl antg thy wntd?????---bottle with small amnt of juice sngd frm othr bg---pulled off by cnsp mob menace america nd its lw enf dig nd spt--crm mob amer drt posing self as nrml people nd lkng t wst u--lkl assh wth 3 vry nc dgs hwvr s dprk whn 5snv?801 picked him up---he md out dsgst dnd 'ha.....psvc e sec amb trk 91035n1 lkl shtl aftr 7a---their appointed job is aiding the mob thieves eliminators etc....---nd mob lkl keeps them in bsn nd city pls shrffs r lkl mob oprtvs--- w kn ng w cell rp chkng top of trs gng bk frt thn grbng rec at crn nd hdg bk w---prty t mob---dfrdg as csl cnvrsg persn----hls stg grd nw lq lcn crn---lcn d e m/f dsp f wth trs mlc insl mn fr dfr---rfsd---31636m1 w frd tk w of alfrd 7f?op038--ofg fd frm mbl str--rfsd---noisy dodge cr w twd hgs.....lee insd grg dng ntty nd mob thngs insd grg acrss stb wsmnt--??stg e sd mtro ???----smn mtr e--hlo---w tk 1.5 slg aftr 130p?? sm d e svc d s--fk---rbts ne crn hlss stg crb js e of trs cn ne crn--mob trs chris in yl frt of prk wth rolling bg nd paper bg???----susp ng upr lvl lib bfrded by ng grd--hes jls of all knwldg dvnt is gng----while lkg t mnc the tgt--als ng lying sm/svc crn----chris lib ng etc?????all cl b lnkd t mob-- nd trs lk grds lw enf nd othr estblsmnt trs r their amer md pro trs aids backing mob nd cvrg it up for free --compliments trs usa who kills titals peoples lives nd everything theirs absolutely for free---why pay on crime of centry size crimes or serial persecution whn tgts cn b wstd fr free whn thy bk their knd of dirt nd pass them for nrml people

Friday, April 14, 2017

thurs---m/f d s t lib grg m trying ps glas btl t tgt---america ds blv its crms r welcm cmdty nd as gd as nvr hpnd whn thy wiped u nd ur lf cmpltl while psng orgnzd crm as legit activity---mob outer prk s--hv cig?---insd prk blu top lkl sm guy who prev md wnd noises tlkng re wtcng evr insd str---sdl i dnt kn wt thy did wth frd brg mny bcs amer wants massive srl crm of centry sz exprt crm absltl free twd this tgt---fri am---3mwp378 rd cr nx ba hldl ofg inslt mny---rfsd---js whn i gt svc sm crn usually myb pls/mns 9p---ong x hv rpt helicopter noise vcn sh stn presumabl---rec crt smll dg e ahd tgt wkn e-------mob ng w kn e---g mrn-----yngr m apc mbl grtd dsp--i fnd ths--smngl bgr bill---prb absltl ds nt vlu antg usa hs pulled off on tgt--all this rds free--rfsd--ru sr??----hlw prk 1 stg 1 lying bnc--scdrl in rd pts rpt ylg inslts at trgt gsng ng dvnt---dsgstnc etc rpt...instg assh mob aided by whlwd trs usa----mob gtg cns se lcn crn ...smngl d w or s---lee vcn hlw d lcn w---smn slpng n sd lcn bs shlter empty sd---??? ??unrdb---sh stn smk blwn ??7ahx378--ofg ins mny vcn lc bx js w of sbw lkl mob ng rfsd---6xyl142 rec slv bg f askng qstns ofg ins chg rfsd---f rec hrry t eng class ucla presmbl????----othr reg pnh at lot xt hisp usng smll chldrn fr props nd undstrbd by hisp grd---stg crb nx trs ba hldl mob smk antgnzg---algd ucla btc smkng---svc --cnsp mob sh aidg plns dstry trgt---

Thursday, April 13, 2017

wed---mob aidg f svc hrs n???????---the othr arm of mob---erl mrn thrs hrd crz sdg scrms svc n t sm----othr persns sm smngl yld at scrmr evn in tht erl hr whn techn all is empty---thrsd----2 ng dvnts on rbts one smngl rp hrss me wth fls whl rdclng me re trs cn --he hd grn vst org strp nd i cl nt dscrn prnt on vest wc he smngl tried t hd--ltr he gv instrctions t ng in othr vst t pk up unk obj wtn trs vcn---dnt kn --cl b ovj was cntrbnd--i cl nt see it nd cl nt vrf----unk rsn thgh the orgnl fls lgt ng wntd t hide prnt bk sd of vest---740a--sh ylpg p sh/mtr d e---by mtro 5350 strtg gs d e-----by sushi nori strt trs cn aprd rn in trq grn unfm lbld reg nrs????---clmd bgt sdwc fr me---mob is trng t mk slvs crdbl wth dictrsp agnda nd cvr up dfrdg img---???unrdb---7wrv791--u dt wnt any---sam as evr mlc mny insl---cnstrctn flmes mayb frm sautering cls t my loc---i wld nt b surprsd if argd t annoy---crs wlkr wth crossing sgn lkg tgt wy t hlp flt tgt---mob ??? insp wkn w lcn e---bk in blk pls gtr lcn w----myb rcd bt i nt gt gd lk--grp lcn e of wc f smkng ptgt---???unrdb--lcn crn ne smn lying frt of seats bs shelter empty alcohol btl bhd csng fr dpt t stp telling him t sit up----f smk ptgt lcn s---hlwy prk slpng 1 lwn 2 circle----1120a---mlna mlna sh sv ms porldo e as i sat on trs nx t rd cup thrwn bf i gt thr by unk prty---pltd rfs sgr psn mbl---thy mk certn thy nd nt py jst steal nd dfrd---als mob pltgs swtz ne---smn lkl dsp fr grtngs swtz--nt my frds is key--i onl sy hi t dggies bcs flks sdl r ntg bt dfrdg nd trs dictators---mob t city hll ptg t tgt rcg strt trs cn---lkl prty t mob nd welcm by cityhall co-mob who preference the mob terrorists t tgt---hlw prk 2 lying grss 4 stg---z trs prp rbn w ht lcn w---au ok??---dlb lkg t blm tgt per mob cnsprd mnpltn----sm scdrl gv insl t lcn cvs wlc--crmnl sd gd lk crsg lcn s----had org plstc bg  ?? zoo lbl---bike in yl vs org strp gng in circles rd lcn s sd thn s als psb shwng off 2 fng sgn---but srry ths trgt knws wt price mob cst her---unfrtunately mob american cnd punitive dmgs mst b paid in full--as amer ter acts r by no means a jk nd must b paid for absltl evrtg mob pulled off nd hlpd cause nd cost plus pntv dmgs---the jks nr circus will nt help cvr up the trs org amer is sptg----mob shs lcn w---zoo trs crsg s --sd gd lk --in rlt lkg frm plnt psn psn dfrd massive serial amer crime----????unrdb--comob le----smn smkn act lcn se crn --ng askn fr cig--smkr n---sht up btc---bike in yl vest after this---svrl times ard wth 2 fngrs in rd s sd ultimtl gn s--i acdntl pstd this js aftr zoo---ths was aftr the smkr at lcn se---prps of bike jstify free ride t mssv srl amer crm---srry this will nvr occur --mgt as well ply gmssw else---totlg prsns life fr free lk nvr wr---kdnp prvtn dstrctn--cmplmnts trs usa---ok--dfrdg rec zoo crt wkn w---7rqs990 rd sv ofg bn thwg t grd rfsd---huntl e---

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

tuesday----mgr at lib dng spsd fvrs nmd matt when i showed made big stnk re timing being 430p--as reslt i pulled out watch to keep trk of lst few mnts---but frgt t put it away being preoccupied with few calls attempting t gt legal help---america and its evil rvlv arnd thmslvs nd own cnvnce--nvr mnd the cst t u wc they nt onl dnt assess but try t suggest that no one is liable for endless joint amer mnc by estblishement gangs and lw enfcmnt aidg each other and own mnc----in this case matt failed t assess that i blk out am anemic--dnt get sleep as hard as i try at ngt hvng mjr dfclt adjstg t incnvnc smk hrsmt vrd temperatures pain diet etc and as result cant function--thy cn onl support own manipulation nd dfrdg scm thnking----thats the amer purpose and amer way---u lose evr---but wht do trs amer they cr---trs whlwd nd cnsp trs usa.----wed mrn smkr rbts se crn als thrwng plstic drnk glass in dir of my blngings----oth ped crossing strt w/own bg d w bt i cl nt see this far and had to come closer to see btr---whn lib vcn tues evn dg qn ovhd me sy wtc---i ws vr lky kelly had it but as i mk less nd wy less mny i hd t mk evn yet less as reslt of distrction nd due t hvng t ck int lib dytm t see if wtc ws trnd in---mob sh pwknl e-----zoo oprtv se lcn e--i stll rem this dude frm dy he wnted t kn wts in my bgs---tdy he hd 1 bg---sh sv endg 695 smngl went t pza nx tj as f sh glnced at tj arc lkg fr mess nd t blm tgt who has nvr hd ntg t d wth this---thts wht grt frds mob shs are wth rest of any mob americans----svc e--cl u use $5----lkg t mk certn price of srl crm of centry mnc is ntg---rfsd ofcrs----f w/strlr e pba hldl ofg appl---amer lng has decided t fully ignr tru massive value of its serial crime of centry sz trs acts---at rec strng pvln grd nd prkng vlt used by mob t dmp on tgt---thy sd melrs rec clsd dn due t lkl cmplnts so othr wrkr will be wrkng here lkl tuesdys---smngly num rec r able to get mnybtls nd clm no one bthrs them nt people nt shfs---thy apprntl js lk hghl cnvnt tgts---wvg rec ng d w--thy all kn i dnt wnt their wvs or their ignrt kind fr frds---bcs amer blvs lk lib trs mgr matt amer massive crms r free nd no one is liable---he is obviousl lkg fr fl--the trth is amer nd his knd sprt a systm of injustice---outer lib strcs grnd smkng f--hlf wy up blwng smk m----frm my perspctv persecuting tgt wstg zo prtcpts or their dsptc

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

hls w/rlng bg strng frm js outsd lib 2d lvl crn----mob f hlf wy up outer strcs smkng---i tk othr sd trng avd smk---2 p outer pk s---gig f ask lgtr---pop mob scm t wst trgts---mob ng wk me up ngt--au ok---insprd by mob shfs tht hdg trgt fr wstg trzg is cmnt lw enfcmt apprvd aprvd trs tctc----??? ??/ ???unrdb--smk fm vh pmtr e----smn blwng cig wsmnt e---zoo on cncrt fnc drsd in blk blk ht m lcn sw crn---abt 2 stg e of cvs grnd incl prs who lks tj loc whm i cll mob brtr---smk at tgt pwstbrn? e---pr of wc 1--cn i gv u fw $s--srry usa u frgt the price---it mns absltl ntg t u---f nx wesmnt--hau?----hlss lyingt on grnd js e of shs stp---svc ped crsng e rlng bg ylg t me rpt???-----rbts se sht f--cl i ofr u tco--i nt eat it d s ---rbts se m--wl u lk smk sm weed --he thn smngl crssd awy frm crn ard clkws---wl u lk sm mn--lkl mlcs insl mn nx ba hldl--matt trying t sgst who is thr t sue?????--js bcs i am in dfcl sitn nd bng prsctd by insl nd mob trs dnt mean smn is nt in fct liabl for cnsprc t wst this prty fr free

Monday, April 10, 2017

sat---335a ard time hndg trs strtd smng on vrg of vctg bus sheltr svc  js s of sm---i remembered this trs frm mnths ago trrzng me sm bnc clrl mnpltv mdslngn hrrsmnt type--als whts strkng abt this indvdl is his thug body type smlr t body type of this chris guy who hrrsd me lib nd vcn--this one cme here t wst trgt nd hd t do ths wtht gtng slf in trbl lkl--cmnctd or chkd cmmnctn awhile on cell without tlkng nd plnnd out trzg effrts made thg like bng noises svrl times whn gt gng sd--evr gn t b alrgt---thn gt acrss strt t e sd svc --tld me --tlk nw--- i'm gng t kill u rp.... ultmtl--ths trs hs frds--onc smn smlrl wgtd brfly st nx him nd onc smn tried tell him t g home---trs cn b customers here no problem nd cn hv gng full of lying buddies t aid crms--sc is trs usa whom amer lks t assis blv nd hlp---******sun----2 hls incl mob brtr stg grnd wstb n crn----trs matt js seen gn dn strs lib--prt of lib cnsp mob trs wstg team---trs sm acrss hlw prk cntnd open pers ltr papers insd 3 of wc wr adrs t nm off by 1 ltr sml t one of nms i hv sn on bnk frd attmpts nd wr t gs eds n un bn --whn i rd peopl mgzn fnc t lcht als hd nm sml t 1 of ths prsmd suspcts off by same ltr in mdl of lst nm---i just md obsrvtn of nm smlrty---ofcrs hv n ideas of lnk--i dt kn ths peopl nd cn rarel see thm or recogn thm----smn slpng bnc hlw prk--hls brn n rp wt tm is it smngl dlb cpng tgt---unk vh ?pkng ?w----m  ???? mbl----smn ??? fr lgtr kngs nx glsns w crn---cmng bk frm tmpl rmprt line 10 whlwd bus stg like 4033 ard 530p ntcd spry up frnt no one acknldged frm who---i mvd---outer prk 2 wth rdio blnkt --1 hd usa cltg plying mvng on blnkt t mn in mirror mk jks nd antr sng i dt kn--insd prk grp of 3 sht f thgs accmpnd by nrml sz m ptlt d bk of lib m tlkng re btry insuf in cell fr cnsp pctrs-----mob grpie ppk s--u wnt my wtr?----dfr as t rlt of who rlly the gngs thy r----9p svc crn shltr mob trs spsdl ofg stg rp smkng nd giggling at annoying nd psng tgt--at 9p d s line 30 came drvr psb indian came out nd sd thy hd t stp smkn bf gtn on bus--wh 1 ancd its js vprzr nd drvr lt him in welcmng scmbg t psng bus fr othr people---i had t std up on inj legs the entire time this grp was psng me wth smk nd frc breathe it in---?? ???---******mon messes most strt trs wst hlwd frm ovrld mstl---ldrt whlwd cnsp prsc mob ofg jnk fdbg sm blvd acrss hlw prk prevsl sn arnd wknd wk ago whlwd prk vcn---in stg smlr t w mnvn m/f insd m ofg---drctn e pcrft----ng/bpk n pbrnys--nx w m smkn--nx giggln f w/dggy----shfs lkngdmp on tgt pmbl w ---2 mob trs 1 eith bg of cns--the othr tlkn--ws ur ft---ur ft r drt agn----shs pcity hall ??lkng aid mon frm tgt---num his etc on swtzr orgnzd by mob trs free no py dfrdg tm---erlier 2 myb 1 dg qn prb chr ofg $1o pflrc e--rfsd---no frbs fr amer----rp smkn obsvd wy t mc in wst hlwd---sktb spdg flrs kng w----smn slpng brass e of cvs--mx f dsp sng cns lcn e----sh cnsp vs tgt lcn e

Saturday, April 8, 2017

fri--this occrd js nw sat--ng f lng hair  into bthrm t mrk off bthrm sgn off nd t frm trgt--bk t fri dyt--zoo slv hair oldr prage w ---eve mob set empt btl nd lkl prt usd cig nx my bg js outsd lib---i typically rfs nd abndn dfrdg prsctn or rlly lw grd etc d gdg--ths flks lkng t pass slvs as fine people while lkl bng lnkd t nd dng gng drctvs---2 fs upr lvl outsd lib the ng f nd lng gryish hue f---bth smkng oprtvs---bk on thrs--ths is wt we do--trs matt jstfng mob lib cnsprcy t prtct trs mob intrsts---re essentia shelter in glendale nd nt bringing in legal or assisting services--thy basically assist west hollywood in chasing out the homeless nd wasting them t the best of their cnsprd ability-----amer fnds its wstng deeds but nt its assist deeds it ds evrtg t wst------fri 7p sh sv mlrs wsvc n  --gsg m hi---flwd by othr sh sv trvlng sm dir f--hlo --svc n---am sat----705a prbts e--hi----grtg f lkl--i had wtr btl in my hnd at the time--nd u cn cnsdr slf frtnt nx clbs if thy r nt spkd--wc is psn i wld dmp as sn as i dscrn it---sdl all drnks nd drg addcts r bst frds of theirs alng wth mob oprtvs whs drctvs nd hrsmnt tctcs thy fllw--shtl js bf ng svc s lkl aidg mob cnsp---sh pba trs w nd phntl trs e----dsp ofg $20 nx stbks rfsd---amer clrl blvs its dngs r free nd it blvs its hlpfl whn it totals your lifes wrth rptdl yet---amer is hlpfl onl in fooling the image--it purposefully nd dlbrtly destrys nd totals lives fr free nd sdl cn fl anyone nt trgt--sdl i knw wht amer pulled off in addition thr nt bng legal team while i am extrted hlss as of lst may 2016----i thk west hlwd resdts mob prtcpts nd lib nd park nd shrfs who aid their menace shl mv in into essentia nd hnd over their lifes wrth so thrs plenty of pntv dmgs t go arnd instd of psn nd frs---mny thnks amer---nr lcn se ofd $1 dsp mob oprtv---nx lq myb stg lk $1--its alw gd hv fw dlrs---nt whn amer hlpd itslf t totaling yr life pls infntl mr nd nvr blnkd twc abt it sry---pntv dmgs in ordr--hlss in sad shp atnded fire dept/shfs---nt prsnlly acquainted dt kn----f clm bgt fr u juice--rfsd trn alfrd----orlnd crn ofg -$2 -r u sr---i am vr sr wt it wld cst t rvrs situation in america---its nt wt ths flks r hndg out----evrtg i hd t bk it is lng fr gn nd bth my lgs still hrt nd i cvr less thn hlf distc fr sure---wstb s f ofg empt btl --rfsd---pltd thrw awy fd no one will eat hntl --rfsd ofcrs---nd if nt tht thy will lkl see t it its psnd---i am cnfdt iam sfrg by no coincidc---smk pba e etc lcn sm i thk---3 stg nx sbw trs mob hls telling the pair re spd adcts--thts the one who was cntrtd few dys ago dytm--sd he was drnk---1 stg nx ba hldl -=-smkng at tgt d w---smk rbts crn--zoo hlss smkng at trgt plib whlss sz bg crs e d pdc thn n---

Friday, April 7, 2017

thurs---missed on lst blg 920a thrs mrn 2 sh bks pwknl e flwd by sh cr the hind bike gsng hsp f---ola----740p sh sv trvlg e trng s f tlg --hi---shs p svc fri am lkg dmp on tgt---ha.....-----2ms pba??? w----psn soap prdcly stbks trs cns---psn pnt rd vcn wknll cnstrctn----???????-----brnys smngl mob hlss f slps bldg adj brn telling her frd she wts me t leave as i sat on crb ptg on oil----mob cnsp afflts----grp of 2 m mob lkl--1 lkng t hrss instgt---pass self as bng nc ofg sda--rlt cnsprcy in prgrss mob----pbrnys unk vh scr--yeah--cl b clbrtg mnc???----psn smk blwng ptg out t lq lcn trs--zoo hrsr hlw prk--agn plying flwng game hrsmnt lcn s flw hrss wknll w----mob f trs w/smn cnsp thn hrsg trgt vcn hntl--hyd u-alr????crsng n d cf bn gsg sw---mdslngr thrtr svc sh crn rpt ptg at bg---sgstg trgt ths nice bg---aftr lkl he sngged it nd emptied fr vlubles---he smngl wntd brd 105 by svc sh stp--i my hv wrgly cpied its 4 dg num myb 6110 js bf 230p---ths prsn prtnded t crss vrs drctns bfr crsng N on svc----aftr i crsd smn put prt---thts the zoo jk rt br flt int ba trs---rbts i ntcd mob still tlng frm lcn etc---als hrd bhd me rbts s--ths is yr twn sis----nt fny in ident frd----mob oprtv tuned in lstng rec---reseller nt here this instc but frdy rec wrkr bkng him--the stry frd gt frm lst sat--smn stl his cns/bpk---the stry i gt---he went cllectng aftr smn alrdy pkd up the cns----sus wlc lapeer---mrn by shs stp trs unloaded smngl unwntd grcries

Thursday, April 6, 2017

wed--am in on thurs delib as earl as can to make calls instd mr matt is out on break nd i had zero calls this week thanks anti trgt lib mngmnt by matt nd kelly--purpose of west hollywood malicious insults malicious persecution---malicious lack of legal team or communication on purpose--u can celebrate u r not trgt of trs usa but the amer trs will still lkl trgt u evr wy thy mgt----bfr once mattis helped me inm matts absence---but now with matt/kelly cnsprcy dlb aidng zoo cnsprcy vs abused usa/them trgt---rgrdlss of tmng the trs real intntn is t wst u--cmplmnts trs usa/them-----bk t wed---nst ng  f psng tgt nd mk frm bk of lib frm all trs flvrs of smkng psng cnvnc trs all  kn is called 2d hd smk----smn pltd fd metro prk trs ---earl mrn bus sheltr svc smkn ngs hv bn lied t bus rns all ngt--after it was too late matt showed up nd tlkd out of it prtndng all amer nd his crms r lvl nd jstfng dng ntg----to keep crime vs trgt prpsflly --sdng wth mob whlwd mob exprt amer prsctn trs--rklss rthless nd evil----on purpose-----smn pltd fd outer prk trs---antg wrtlss or altered they mgt be--just like west hlwd its lib prk system clifford nd shff grd persecution nd all be sued tgtr------bcs thy r sm rthlss mlcs trs cnsprcy----thrs mrn rbts --smn trd t dmp wrtlss btls on trgt rbts crn instg  se psich if  nt tk wrtlss trs inslts frm zoo trs---f w dggy frm frd/brg--ofg stkng $1 pba w----????trs zoo mob--ri sk?----kelly nd matt wrkng tgtr t prvt trgt frtrg case nd ingnrng gtg agncies who cld hlp----prty t cmnt cnsprd hlss dictatrship prsctn -mob gng cnsp asstg pact nd snkng trgtswhom thy prps t prsct nd dctr js like mob----lib, prk, city hall, grd, shff emplyees mntnd fr their wllngness t assist anti trgt mob pact--------dlying cutting absl all time nd aidg anti tgt mnc------mob dmp btls int trs swtzr d lyfe clnc---?????----smn strng ooppst sd swtzr--mrn smn strg nrb cnstrctn w knll psb drctd by cnstrctn co---mrn hlss strng frm slpng nx brnys--ltr 2 hlss mobs slpng slot----rttn fd pltd mbl t hlp abuse hlss====am hlss /dsbld smkng pot hlwy prk---bw lcn hld ng trd t frc push cn int my bg i threw out---thy hv zr intnt t py on amer crm---mtrcycl trffc cop lkl hlpg hnd trgt---p tjs e--wnt sm cs----srry amer hs zro int on compensation --thy cn lie elswr----wstb e --smk blwg his---f/m ngs psbw w lkl mobs f wsprg---rec smkr insistg cleanness wld prvt the cndtn in fct caused by skin oil stripping for trs idea of cleanness---smn slpng outer wall whlwd prk dyt----ngs yllg prtctg own crms nd god dfrdg same as west hollywood/trs usa  supports extermination of homeless lives by trgtg nd intentionally dlb nt prvdg vtl assist--paul aid at lib wrkng fr mob trs crew--wl u pls kp yr vc dn----fine lkg mob crmnls---cnsprcy t dfrd and waste trgt

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

tues---printer smd t mlfnction printng stg else bfr printing mine---grd stdng crn hlf wy dn lkg lkl t hnd trgt(s)---nd hlp frm fr mob trs lkl frm u fr crz---or sy am in fine cndtn whn was stillhrtng---i suspect i can onl expose t sun very ;tl as the skn is gn nd it hurts lkl due y opn area--lib wrkrs lk kelly lkl fcltg mlcs frmng dlb--prt of trs whlwd wstng cnsp wr u r wstd wth no hlp nvr mnd thy cl hv bn dng this  lng ago alrdy but thy wl mc rtr wst u--thts their tru assgnmnt lkl reimbrsd by cmpnstn rwrds---lks like yr is gn nd wth their mlcs ong lk of hlp ntg is dn----??? ????unrdb---grd insd lib wr drk nvy nd out i thk was labeled alliance---smn pltd prt used cig top of my bg--thy kn hw t kp annying me nd lkl affltd t stg mlcs sc as zoo afflts???----giggln mob t alley bhd lib---smkng f stg lwr strs outer lib at clsg---whl stg outer prk ofrd fd twc smn wth plstc bg--thn smn prb jp fd cnt---bth wnt s on svc---trs his crz mob rpt smkn in my fc wstb 24hr vcn ws wrg bsbl cp khaki army clt jk yl sl shoes---hrssg his--dmpng trs int big dmpstrs grtd aidg mob lkg dmp on tgt nd dfrdg wrds r free----lcn se crn f frm eng ofr $5 rfsd--vr dft frm wt amers lk t tk awy----she sd gbu--unfrtntl i am of the opin wrds r free---sus strs brnys f ?? ???unrdb----????---3 sh bks porlnd e ard 1115a--atd1120a int mbl bk w---myb on bk dsptc t hnd trgt----lee actg ntty city hall entrnc---giggln ng clbrtn crm swtz nw crn lkg t engage hrs trgt---m/f w/really nice frdl dgs smngl m trying t sgst fls info re me nt lkg dgs---onl nt lk unsupervsd attacking dgs--vr frtntl nt seen tht knd hr--seen hrmless supervsd dg tmprs few tms nd tns of xtrml frndl pets---vr dft frm orvl wr thy brk prctcl nonstop nd its nt gd t kp thm loose if thy r lkl t attk--crmnls lkl dlb concocted the mnc---shs out swtz lkg dmp on tgt---mbl--blu jp ofg wtr---brnys f brgt out unk lkl altrd or old sdwc ---js in cs---rfsd bth---js dfrdg nt nc oprtvs---ng rd bg swtz se crn adj shoe spsdl---lkl crm nr ???? ??? lcn cvs crn---p wknl w f in blk tp blwng smk drct at trgt--????stb dmpstr svrl ?????--unrdb----psbw w smn ofg fries---mess by mtr trs---???askng if i hd all cns rec pvln--onl trying instgt prsct fr mob????---whn lvng rbts stbk crn--smn sys--shes bk agn---thy hv n othr bsn thn fllw othr peopl wth unk mlcs mnc dctrship mob prjcts aided by cmnt nd lw enf---sh nx prk cnsp--arrnd by lib bk n on svc---smk upr lvl nx lib

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

mon---tdy is tues nd as i pkgd my bg 1 grd stdg lib entrc crn upr lvl---outftd w/drk--othr grd outftd in blk wndbrkr type ws wlkng upr lvl twrd bk--lwr lvl by trs the w/drk grd hd a glnc as rslt of lkl dsptc--bk t mnd ngt prv vr frdl ng grd nw ws escrtg smn f non blk fr  wt i wl call lkl cnsprd nd hghl qstnbl rsns---nd ofcrs mob aflts r grd sponsors nd nt onl tht but thy dictator prposes nd ideology of hndg prsctn nd mlcs trgtg of massive nd srl vctms whm thy prps t kp vctmzd rvctmzd nd mntn vctmzd by mns of mlcs nd mssv dfrdg gm--incldg one in lib wc pstpones calls srlly evn as its alrd bng vr lt in game nd stat of limitns---bng as mlcs nd rthless as west hollywd nd bkng in essence previous intentions of mob trs cnsprd w hlwd lkg out t wst trgt nd prvt hlp t trgt t vr mnml nd ntg mlcs cpcty----cmpliments orig lib mngr nd nw matt---smn dnstrs outs lib in blk grtg t lib grg---bike smrtg off mlrs svc n---840p zoo dsptcd prk grd pst trgt outr prk prps of hndg trgt fr mob prsctn intrsts nd dfrdg inslt fds t dfrd thy en masse4 r dlbrtl nd prpsfully wstg yr civil rgts by nt prvdg the legal team in crm of centry sz massive brglrzng frdlzng prsctn hndg case---???unrdb--othr num prtcp mobs pvcnty num lkl on ft---dyt rec f lkl mob prtcp--her sn cllcts cns prepkgs thm--her sn wl gv u insl---dfr---t b sure mk certn u nvr see jstc as prps is dctrship most frq it seems---mob oprtv brfl bus shltr ngt--strks me as drg affltd indvdl mex---****tues mrn w mob dfr ofr coffee drp in trssvc d s--prps is nvr t prvd assistnc rqrd nd mk idiot out of trgt at no cst---sm svc w hisp lkl on drgs ofg mini sgr dnts js bng nice--in rlty zoo nd gbu both blv by bng --nice--thy cb gt away wth eqvlnt of mrdr--crm of centry sz massive srl crms nd ong persecution nd injury set off by joint mob nd community anti underclass acts----dnts rfsd--mob sd gbu js bng nc--ntg bt insrg ur poisoned nd wstd fr life at no cost by trs cnsprd pro mob usa----nx mtro z wtg--r u gng hr--lgtg blwng smk in my fc bfr hdg w----while in tlt kelly in -r u alr num wr insd--i sd my leg is still hrtg--lkng lk pddler hsp mob??? unk ng cntnts psb pkgng mtrls trd strk cnvrstns offr enqr---lkl mob dsptc???---wstb d w----drk sv by sbw marinadelreytoyota smngl rntl ofg mlcs inslt mny d w--rfsd ofcrs--the prps is mlcs dfrdg insl nd no intnt t chg sit wtvr by cntinuing dlbrt prsc nd injustice prtctn nd mntnce---mx dude dmpng trs int wknll lrg dmpstr hs all cns tkn out fr his self---lee knd of crz hng wknl hrsg trgt wtng lkl on his gy m frnd---tll w gy w knl e---ng lcn s lrg rd bg-u nd gt fk out????--dnt knw cmplt cnvrstn no othr peop prst---mob f bpk scrf lcn w tlkng crz crsg smkng----hlzoo mob type alfrd grn pts--wt is all tht stff??? ptg at my bg hdg t hlss mob nd drgie hngt hlwy prk---dfrdg mob by hgs ofg mny fr gd ml--rfsd--mbl m ofg by in str--rfsd--f ofrg stbks bg w/fd rfsd--lts of fd pltd tdy--prb ntr tht one dy fd nor antg dfrdr4s intnt is intnded t hlp slv yr prblm ---this t cmpltl dfrdthe rlty of situation where they delibrtl massively rob most helpless per5son nd thy prps t kp it js that way wth afflted cmnty grpngs and lw enfrcmnt bkng the mob crm pwrs nd hlplssness---by tj js w mob brtr lkd cntrtd lkl dlb adct

Monday, April 3, 2017

sat---mrn sh p tj w--trd dictr thm up mc rmndg m of z dictatrsp tctcs---btrm clnr smngl thkg t blm tgt---hls hrs ins lib--hi---usng tlt on my wy out----lkl ng dvt twds my bgs in f tlt myb lkg t ck my blngngs---as lt as yest still hrt vr bd rgt lg psrsis---??? ?? ???unrdb---ntcd clgn spry insd prk trs pcnc trs fri entrc trs sat---smn smngl sngd pltd ltn js aftr me sat---fri thy tried t hnd out unk lkl jnk snk fds--sat f w/cat nd frnd lying on pcnc bnc trd t send me t sycamore fr fd--thy will snd u anywhr exc wr u cn gt hlp--sc is exc systm trs usa-----??T TRZ TRGT---??? ???? ??UNRDB----NG VCN OUTR PRK SD STG RE BSBLL WC IN CNC WT NG rmnded me tht i hrd of smn put in whlchr by mns of bsbll bt orvll------sun mrn trs shs stp---?????mess sw svc nd nx abbys rbts---by 24 hrs ???? ??? ??unrdb mob oprtv---strng frm tj arc tp strs dn---sh ptj w---lkg dmp on tgt---19902w1---unrdbl but do recall w chev vn plntg small dry crl cntnrs in trs-- lkl thrw awy grbg rfs bng dstrbtd upn hlss trgts whom thy absltl nt intnd to py on their crms---hls hlwy prk incl hlss on grnd---the dy bfr whn shrf ws lkg fr crz actn smn hlw prk vcn thr smngly wr some drg pddlrs--i hrd opium heroin mentioned--just the knd of folks they do like---thy thnk evr in strts cn b wstd nd thy intnd t wst thm instd of prvdg the needed srvcs------2 zoo ms plcn e---1 fu mfr?---zoo f p brn e sit grnd olv crn smkng---mob le  sv polv w--i ntc num pd vhs in sh area ltl so cld hv msd exc wt knd--smn strng pswtz w---silv hr oldr m mob pcrs w---2 ambs bks crs w prk--their job wst hlss flw drctvs of mob---hywrt crn mob f-i askd fr time btc lkl dlb try sy i ask fr dm was 150p---ng sm frf stp bus shlt sw crn occupng 4 sts----chrch bnt tmpl crn---smelled up entire crn w soap up bntn---rpmrt bus stp ne crn--trs cmpltl thrwn t grnd js lk zoo----ntcd hlss cmp by adlt ctr e of hvr on tmpl nd undr brdg e of nrmndy --the one bfr undr hvr brdg smngl gn---ct my skin t bld on fc dys ago brl tcg t rmv stg--so i hv t leave lts of drt on fc as my xtr mstrzg sp hs vnsd---als qrt of oit vnsd bcs i cld nt prop lid oil aftr its lid vnsd---rsn hlss cndtns---lkl sus ng plib n---sun eve smn lying prk bnc as btc w cat tried snd me t sycamr fr mob---why py on amer crm---its nt their prb----outsd 2 ms d s imitating my pain scrms--my rgt lg still in pain---lkl ngrs sm s svc---usng orvl mob mnkr bgl---all shrfs grtngs grtd als pro mob--thy r frnd of mob nd arm of mob---mon----pwknl w---mob g mrn---dsp mob ng dvt wsprg --hi---pwknl w---crz lkg mx d e --tdy??  mf-----???unrdb cvs e---hls slp frt of cvs---js bf 920a sh--sh sv--sh zoo lcn e lkl sd stg nt ntatd--blv thy z prtcpts or other aids lcn e---aidg trgt dstrctn---smn slpng hlwy prk grnd--cmng bk sw abndnd blngngs--dt kn wr prsn wnt----suffered ct loss incidt--gt ylld at ljl fr askng if knw re coat--thy sd smn was wrg it ptd dft drctns t mnc---finally ptd rgt drctns--nd i hd t phys rmv my ct of othr hlss tall w gy---wntg a drnk---1155a f sh sv pswtz w--gd ng--plying dfrdg mob gm to bk mob persecution dictatorship nd tctcs elmntn extrmntn---sm vcn hrd frm mobil mscl bsnss wr smn ylled --hy u go hm--dt kn who thy yld at???---f pmbl e mrn ofrg bn mx w/strllr oldr---all ths cvr mssv crm fr free nd d exc ntg t gt lgl tm---??? ??unrdb---mob in blk usually dnc se lcn---****stb crn mstmnt ng grd zoo trs tctcs--wt r u dng---by lib sh drv s grd out d n --thn bk nd up strs thn dn ng pac west frdly---hyd sis???

Saturday, April 1, 2017

fri---625p sh sv mlrs e svc n--hlo--f---zoo mob ppkn--hlo---exc t peopl nt their frds---sat mrn sh stn trs mess---shs nd wh wrkrs rbts --affltd t mob lkl---845a d w m sh sv ptjs--gmrn--ths up---u cn tll rcklss rthless ignrms trs r yr fn frds---wrkr dmpng trs int empt lg dmpstrs in strt nd gtg cns fr hsslf--t psrbys--scr---hi--lk zoo--prg lq frm cns on sdwlk nx wknl---ng in rd cnvrtbl d w pshkys scr--u drpd bg--aprl fls---?? ?? ???unrdb---bk on fri in lib f lng drk hr lng rd dress lkl rcrtg oths fr zoo smngl assoctg encrgng blnd at cmp 19------lcn se blu shrt lkl rp smkng zoo hlss act--bk by stb mx ofr $1--z---7fyj190 blu cr mbl ofg cig--mx wtr vndr ofg wtr---rec--smn brg btls ofg btls--nvr mnd wt thy lk t stl --bcs it dnt cnt at al in trs usa--rfsd ofcrs---amer hs n plns wtvr t py on its massive srl crms--tdy our z vndr ws nt hpy--he sd smn collected all his cns bf him nd hr in whlwd we dt frgt this--r u frm whlwd????