Friday, March 31, 2017

thurs---smn in blu insd prk stndg wthn cls prx of my vcn csn me t be curious with cell--- the color reminded me of blue staff shirts liked by some prk persnll or sec---noises he rp md als remn me of zoo noises--the guy said he was imitating the wind----it got very windy twd ngt time causing me t b worried wht mgt b flying----fri---smk in my face drct gsg hlwy prk---brnys vcn numerous prsns mstly prb wlkng dgs wtcg as i rd paper and put on oil while thy mob cnsp to dmp mess prbs orgnzd by their mny mob prtcpts on tgt instd---thts why thy need mobs loose and appreciated so thy can kp mkng prbs fr trgt tgthr----mob btc lg rd drss--sclzg ms lkl wth othr mobs ths one at comp 20---js now fri----shtl aftr 5p---i pkd up paper incl wch hd ntg t d wth trgt--typ i mstl lv othrs mess exc as thy lft it--in crm intended cndtn--i prsn blv thts prt of evidc vs crm excp teir prps is t dmp on tgt----hlss unrdb--oth hlss grnd e of cvs rp ofg cn thn smkng---????---zoo ng wvg cvs stp---amer estb lw enf lks ths---instd thy r lkl aftr trgts lk me t kp their massice crm of centry dngs free nd ong at n cst---thy lkl hv meeting plns t dstry dmls lvs nd bk each othrs dngs---zoo hls rp--d u wt ths cn----why evn acknwldg the vlu of crm---it ds nt xst nd amer crmnls estblsmnt nd lw enf lk t prtnd all ths is free nd md up dlb by crz people bkd up by sc trs as wld be td lndrth who dgs the type of idea he uses in his own trtmnt of hlss trgts--the trgts shl b strpd of rgts nd amer estb alng wth ted shl nt b liable fr any massive srl crms cmmited---ths knd of drt r appreciated flk in amer----???? ???unrdb hlo lcn mlc insl---i nw rem zooo mx w/dghtrs cnst mlc/fls accsng me rlys orv mstl nd mkng one trs cmnt--hes gn t hv a home---but i will nt hv one---fct i gt chsd out of my home gngs bkd by amer estblsmt--lw enf---actng as buddies in concert nd a system of injustice wch is dlb nt providing the lgl tm---why py fr or acknwld amer trs own crms????-----smn up tj arc strs--wnt sm chg?---ins mn---scr w vh psushi nori e---by sushi nori t sushi zoo ofg $20---cmng frm flks who  in sec wld gt evrtg yrs nd prtnd ntg evr hpnd----rfs---smk svc sw---zoo reseller rec str tmprl his jkt insd lvng mrc bgs outsd---come bk nd trz trgt wth smk---othr mex hd little tiny fn wth peack he gftd frdy the wrkr----lee rng ard wth mny pvln---chrs the zoo frm lib crsg svc nw wrng grn t lkl cmng frm lib---

Thursday, March 30, 2017

wed ngt---eric lplma ws frd i thk hes wth pacwest---smking pouter prk---???smn lkl   ???pdc//mlrs svc---svc bus stp ng smn smkng smtg hv lk cigr hlpg dstry my hlth--wed aftrn at lib cls check out time kelly ws glncng ovr me at dsk--*****thurs---crz crp tlk ng nx cvs---?? ?? ??? ??sdl unrdbl---i blv it ws cvs vcn smn ofd mlc insl mny thn pk of inslts --rfsd---lee palfrd e---zoo ng smkng p??? w---prsn snk up nx trs smngly sqs rec cn put in trs nd blw cig smk at trg----smn smk adj atm t my rgt 356p--mds slv hr mob phldl?mismrkd strt smngl ws msng ls l-- w---gvg tgt instn type lk--srry dt wnt mds fr frds--the ls thng thy wnt is hlp sdl--thy wnt mssv srl crm free-- the trth abt trs usa--smn smngly nt mndg own bsn at desk --and wed mlcs sprying sch as by mob prtcpts in lib entrywy--incid such sln sprying may b cause for future oxygen tank problems
wed mrn----cr wknl ofg $5 pltd rfsd pt bk int cr---11860a?2 ofg bn rfsd gry tk---mbl wtr selling vndr ofg wtr-----thrs--wlkd in thrs sw mob prtcpt at cmp 20 vcn of tlts whr he wld alwys spt trgt wlkg in -thrftr aftr matt let me mk few calls mstl frtlssly---3 on grnd e of cvs--smn lying on grss e sd mtr lot---ng rd sht pmtr w

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

sat---trio grnd lvl nx lib sprtd by mob trs usa----ng f lkl hsp cmp nd othr myb ortl f--spsd hsp m tlkg re sm knd of stry wch lkl poses thm fr vctms---sdl i kn too mn crm in ths area plyin vctms nd its nt clr exc wr ths grp falls exce--cmp 24 6p mob rpt ait stk noisy gdg int my fc thn lib bgt tht hes srry nx slime wnt t plg it int chrg whlst lib szd me fr idt wth drt fc wc is t dry t ws----this is out of tdy tues----als at res tdy 1 of 2 mxs threw bgs my wy nd zoo lft tsd wrpr aftr lngthy act unwrpg stff fr sl nd unk othr trks----the scdrl bkng up trs was mgr matt----bk t sat 2 sktbds outr prk vcn---unrdb lkl mob pdc sd wkg nx mob cnsp----ths sentc js bf  mssng cnt its unrdb sdl---mess by tbl prk----smngl gsng 2 adlts dcdg t tk pictrs vcn of my bgs thy hd 2 kds outer prk---sh as city r trs bkng mdsl---jntl aidg trs tgtr wth their grds---315a im gsg hr ths mst hv bn twr ylg re dg pillow tmy wy as insl nd lkl hpn call cop on me instd--aftr allgd tmmy cl nt drv whn ths knw her sd she cnt drv nd cr ws impounded--tammy snt swr---???trio hng unk rsn????--??arg kick at me----smn p ??? s---prb dlb m bhlf of mob---7cla755--mob dsp unrdb ba??? mds----*******sun---- smk cvs crn mrn must b sun---ng yl jk og strp smk mtr zoo----unrdb stbks ?????----f--7???hpi878---unrdb ltrs by sbw ancd thy wll brng u out fd----hdg zoo rlng bg pwmnt??? w---31636m1 w tk js w of alfrd out of alfrd ???typ---f nd wh clnr thnmr clnrs---uhl trl nx t crn alfrd mvng str its shell i blv hd tt5261d whr ltrs i blv wr cptl--gy wrkng outsd trd ofr $2 t hlp on bhlf of mob---plt pltd trs tp brnys rfsd---trgtg by mob t mk crm free nd dlb n lgl tm---g mrn mob pr pbrn e----6883471--algd pstr ofrd frm chrch---chrch affltd wtmob orvl----rp crsg old slv hr mob swtz e crs w---smn  ofr mlc jk fd shll---unrdbl grpngs----????? ??unrdb----ambs 711w t frm trgt 2 bks dfrf e---i blv ths wr thr ard 2p----prps frm trgt fr mob dfrd rlt--[bnt e pd lkg t frm trgt--- pme s on bnt ???cell  ???????----line 10 rmprt wh 7574 rfsd lt on tgt 4p stg---ths prtclr time vr shrtl ws flwd by vrtlly empty 7530 drvr nvr tl me abt--prty blvs whevr drvr wld strnd trgt lkl in any circ--cl nt see well engh t spt drvr who let in smn in bk dr dlb avdg tgt---ns blk cr ?? ???unrdb gsg d e----3 ?mx crss mlrs e---1--hlo maam--mob sh ppk blkts--ins prk chl trnd t b nc wsg nc mt u---in rlt t mk mssv srl crm hvng nc dys at expns of trgt nd cnfgrg fr crm t g free---instd full prc on all mnc nd pntv dmgs r sgt---the drv who pkd me up passes slf fr nc nd gv me 2 btls 2nd time---in rlt mtvs my wll be mc othr thn nice----outr prk dfrdg ins f--trng t by fr mlcs insl mny wc pys fr ntg---othr f grtd mob--hw lng hv u bn hr trng t lrn abt u------ppk n---hv cig??---z mob---*****mon----ng grn rmd glsses strg ???bgs wstb e---smk nx sbw--?? offg $1 psbw e---930a cnst wrkrs strng ovr fnc on rmp rprtg on cell re--???hlf hr psb t mob---crn wst knll---gy stg 13 ard 548p wed---js  nw sd--crrptd rssn scmmr--dt kn myb mx or ind????----lies dlb sprd----??oth sus shkys pkg ??? ?? unrdb---2 slpng hlw prk 1 bnc 1 grnd---??? smk brn n----hlo mob pkng//hgs e---zoo slv cr mb phg w---3 hls hlw prk--of wc 1 slp bnc----?num strg se lcn hlp frm trgt fr mob tpstrs---f fm sw lcn ???cs?mlc dfr inslts---smn ??  ??in svc sw crn--hi/hau--???fg???crm ng t crn????--i rcll incdt crctl lkl fls insn thrts bt ths mgt b dft itmng cl b stg els--lkl i ws lky he mst hv fn stg els t d---ba atm--hsp lkl mob prtcp---lfs t sht---lkl gtg cs frm atm unk rsn--??aqnt tgt shfs rbts svc hlpg mob lkl w prsctg tgt---gsg ths ws 1741p --cncrnd re tmng nts accrcy unlss my nts r bdl off---845p prs mon ngt thts scr trs ng lkl dfr thrtg act---svc crn---thgt dng--lky gn---*****tues 725a hdg sh sv f p sh/mtro e trs---hi-----prsc mob aids---??mob sh sv trn w knlll s---stb ofg $1 mob---????lie ins ??? crp wknl trs e--??? ????? unrdb lcn---prs slp grss hlw prk---mbl--f--??tn cr hd othr prtcp f by jnk sdw ck---rfsdwtr slr--prmtg wtr ofg tgt---??? ???swtz 2 mx f strlrs smngl smk vcn????----flws wrvr i go??---plt mob fd vcn brnys stkd tp of trs gsg whlwd wrkrs---m/f n pbrn ofg lkl ins mny---lkl dsp by dfr--fgrd fd ws dmpd--rfsd bth mn nd fd--bcs amer rl prps is t hv trgt hlpless hpless nd wo lgl tm---no mstkng wtvr---prsn hlw prk mv t slp shd grd---smn lie dn in bs shlt n lcn---lee w kn e---hls on grnd by sbw trs ltg smn use nt wkg lgtr---ins mn ofd wstb e---m/f m smk nw??---??7allied unvrsl ????in/fc thrt g w/???? frm tp lvl unrdb?? ????zoo ???----hlo in fc??? as wth  ??nd trng t ??---???unrdb tgt wkg fr mb whlwd---do rcll incid tues lib whn aftr mkng frds w/libs nd psng slf fr fine prsn lkl zoo tk his gdg/ty??? nd hd it plgd in t rcg----outs lib pacwest wlkg bk lib 2d lvl w---bfr tht alliedsec on wy in pntd fngt thrt trgt---whn i cm dn out --allied ws at bttm---

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

fri--shtly bf 650p ng ylg nw crn svc mlrs-----i am afrd of ths prsn --it cl b sm ng who bt me up whn streets wr blkd off fr evt yrs ago nd dstnctl i rem shfs nt evn wnt the reprt--thy clm its bcs thy cnt call me t b wtnss wo phone---as bst as i cl mk out insntn of stln jk nd smngly thrts ofcrs fbrctd lie moreover fabriby mob when people appeared vcn he crossed i am mkng guess se crn mlrs---org grd sm intrstd prkng nw sd but unclr as to why he was intrstd----whn shrt while ltr i wlkd n d prk thr wr at ls 2 peopl wtc frm bldg n of lib---1 of wc kp rptg u drpd stg---bt nt so as t b nice or fnd antg fr u--lkl mob prtcpt---grd prsm eric plma tl him why did u say this---sdl i cnt see qt well engh but my guess is that grds nd shfs r vr cls frds  or at vr lst bkrs of zoo nd mdslng associates----ths cnsp sdl is aided in my opin by wh estblsmnt psb frm lib to prk to city hall to grds nd to shfs---lkl fnst of buddies amngs each other nd lkng the idea of dmpng massive srl ong hrrors on vctm instd of dng antg wtvr abt the amer cnsp crm mob-----thy dig mob lying nd oppty t dmp on tgt----whn i js extd lib smn frm rst ws ofg sdwc--tht is wth crm intention t nt py antg on massive ong crm nd pass this fr fbrctd jk----mx f smkng plib s-----???bl s of lib---psb rltd t grp????unrdb---ths wl lnk plm t at ls one mob frd---pltd exp rfs fd nx me as mlcs insl by mdsln---earl mrn---mds---au ok???---mlcs hrsmt bkd by sh dpt---lee p rbts w --wt sm mn gsg bt ths nt in nts js rec i rcl seeing hm w m/frd---in rlt lee is mds pyromnc---adct lkl----wvg mds t hrss trgt lkl ???psvc----???crm ??? ????unrdb bsn askng illct????---thn yllg sht the fk up---pltd psn crp exp fd bs sw svc mds---sus ft m nx sbw trs---mvs wts----up nx ?? ????mob smkng hrsg hls ????? in blu---???drc at tgt ??? ???unrdb---hgs vcn f ofg lkl mlcs ins mn---the entr prps is dfrdg gm wth intnt u nvr see jstc whl all fls r dfrded---mds smk ????sbw-=--n lvs----sh/mtr smkd up --??inst ??? ???unrdb----5410 gsg nt pick up la peer---aftr pvl rec clsd ths sat frdy sk----nx mbl rmp ofg cn--thn mkg it t obv vh trd ofr stg bt i rn off---we knw wt amer lks t d--total smns life nd kp at it till fully fried or wrs----nw i cnt evn fnd mstrzg sp or ws fc---

Friday, March 24, 2017

thurs---lib trs i blv hd yr exprd popc---thr she is lkl vh svc --lkl rgt bk dlb smkng psn my way---appx clsng time fr clbs smn lks t bng bs shltr frm bk---mob ng frm ntcd as atmptd thief in trs bgs slpng cvrd up nw svc crn---mess trs sh stp---ng grd jmp my wy on bhlf of zoo whn i stpd t glnc fr cns---crswlk sm nx stb lkl zoo afflt---hlo----855a--rd sht hlmt thmbng up fr crms by trs usa wlkng w ;lkl frm vcc cnstrctn at w knll city hall code phone sgn at cnst sgt---32384865?76--whr 7 lks unrdb---??????? smlg mx w knl trs strng w---sw lcn e--cl i hlp u out--gy wth shpng bgs gsg grcrs lkl mlcs dfr ins mny---6cad714 ng f ofg pza---lcn w---prps dcv ers massive wrg dngs wth dcptn psn dfr inslts--oth dfr mds d cvs wth crtcs ofg t hlp me--ths mks crmnls in fc btr thn me nd mks their crms seem ok t ign--evn as massive crm of centry sz nd srl---cnsprd dfr tctcs---cvr up massive ong srl mnc wth cmpltl wrtlss dfrdg dvcs---m sm w lcn s--mds nd sm hlp---ls thg trs intnd is hlp? u---thy r hr t insr u cnt gt hlp---3 ms w/cigs lcn w---?? ?????unrdb se crn lcn----in org vst yl strp crsg lcn e---jlu---zoo mob dfr-----hlpng brglrs nd frd---by sbw smn plt fd tp of gbg rfsd---orgnzd dfrdg to ensure no lgl tm nr justc---smn ofg wr wstb crn rfs---lee svc n sm lkl w svc crn dfr--wt sm mn--ths cmng frm mds pyromnc---pvln grd lkg t hlp frm trgt fr mx trs nt sn at ths time tdy snc i tl one cpl dys snc i wll nt miss him if dt see him---im nt trying t chs cust but ths dude is dstnctly dng mds drctvs nd cntnsl dly ptg stf fr sl frt of me nd trying mk instgt prblms t st off dlb--as is frq dlb orgnzd bgngs --so vy hpy i nt see him tdy--but nt sure if the calculated py fr cns was fair---but cl b mstkn--thy cl smpl opprtns advntg of trgts --nt impsb

Thursday, March 23, 2017

wed---prk shrtly bfr i lft smn wlk up lkl wth stl old kreation bg rfsd--thy will hv n prb wth smn tkng ths bt its prctclly vluless bcs they will gv u any crp js t mk sm thy r dng a srvc--tdy smngl spsdl matt expc me bf 5p nd snc am aft 5p he is bsy--smngl i am hrdl mvng nd trs wrld is usng ths t explt vctms frtr---hghl cnvnt---915p 3 amb bks frm bhd me pause try strt dvc exc cnvrstn by smn who nd nt kn thm by svc bs shltr dsptcd by mob sqd--these ambassador terrorists were hired to team up with mob city hall operations to trgt trz extrmnt hlss---bx of lwst grd jnk fd pltd swtzr bus stp---by hlw cln frm e f ofg lkl trs mlcs dfr mn thy hv no int t gv out in fct---crmnls dt blv i kn the prc of amer md crm----??? ???? ???? ????-----m wstlg wt cn slv cr mbl--ofcrs rfsd--i nt evn wlk tht wy---amer blvs thy cn kill u fr 2 cents really lvl----pclr lvs hgs trs smngly cut out of plntrs---??????hi phgs e----??? ??unrdb--dsb wtht lwr lg grd e of cvs---othr wth cn ndg wlkg lcn e---mrn tm spc fd cvs trs--uslss as spcy----if antg is gd its fr thm bt the absd r mc t lky t gt the rfs t scr fr crmnls brwnie pts---hlr mjr exhst pstb wsmnt w----unk vh yth scr w---mob yths up tj strs mkng dictatrl intent type rems----the hg open [sriasis skn prts r cnctd by dry flm---i ntcd othr pclr obsrvtns re plstic gtg holes as if bit through wth no pests visibl t sgt---cld myb b microscpc psts or acid---trmites eat wd--i dnt kn wht eats plstic/fd--it smply dsprs --thr is no sgn of ntg lk moth----i do rec mnths ago whn smngl small zoo chrs pltd stg in crn of bus sheltr---i dt kn wt though---i am nt crmnl or methds expert----t sushi nori gy drssed as chef carrying unlit cig----stg lk yst thr ws opn envlp lkg empty sd joe by ba hldl cnt cig---tdy by hldl atms at time of use alll ws smkd up nd hrd nst rmrk lkl trs prtcp stg lk stnk--thy my be dlb trz by smkng up mrkng vcn immedtl frt of atms---f med clr lng hr pmtro e--hau--mob---rcll othr mob f lng drk hr lng drss smngl crsng hlw w---bth mex trs mob prtcpts bolsas nd peddler zoo shwd---the zoo tlkg re rn shwrs tm---the othr hvng gull lkl imitg pn snds--t trs ths hghl amsng--nd bth wllng t d crm grtd---as bth will dny ths nd cnsp vs trgt instd by rvs trs trgtg crm gm---frdywl lv t bk thm nd aprtl their mob ptntl mns ntg t this gy or usa---whr i suffer thnks mob nd their hlprs---atm hldl smkd up mob crsg vcn---hls ylg frm acrss lib pdc sd --rare---usually i see grd thr----pltd fd bnc nx lib---i skp zoo mob grn top hfty blu rlng bg eat the scm intended fr the drt who ds dsrv ths--i dt--thnks amer----

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

tues---dyt rbts crn ice crm m ofr lkl mlc $1--ofc rfsd---wed mrn bw svc rbts f zoo mds dfr ofg crkrs----???unrdb----smkr frm pmp crn d n----g mrn ---z f crsg cf bn  --???? ???unrdb---z in lng blk vst thmbg up fr zo trs cnsp dfrdg scms---pwkn w---smn apcg frm e tl m myb hsp ofg-lkd lk cnd--rfsd ofcrs--wt fr i nd scm--amer owes all loss all suffering nd pntv dmgs t bt--amer put me hls-- amer chtd me out of mny--nd amer trs actvt nd its massive srl injustice is exc wt gngs nd amer trs establishment alng wth its lw enf r dstnctl bkng-----ng lkl ins mob adc prtcp ylg frm sd of clr ls pt str d e----smn slpng bnc hlwy prk----3 ng zs lkl dvt acmpnd by sec grd pcvs e---lkl z frm w/sktb slw rp prct stg strng-- ths tm rln chair frm se lcn crn d cvs crn---by sbw--smn brg smll pzza/sda rfsd thn f brgt lkl rfs frm stbks rfsd---the slime dt blv i hv a vr fine understndng wt crms amer pulled off nd wt crms it cntns t hlp nd wt crms it sprts-----frt of sbw 7wmf151 gsg co--nx othr vh sprd co whl dmpng 1 smll piece of trs nd wtng t xt---z smk pmtro w--psb als hd tblt----??? ??? ????unrdb---lkl drg adc ng pltd ndl pvln trs--prb sm one who in pst pltd sm in lib nd or prk vcn---same one whom i susp gvng instrctns t ng mob----mjr prblm z suspect who has as of ltl frq rec exc sm time as me thn brb frd nd or sell items nd or psb lkg t d crm---my main suspicion is trs lk this exc r used fr elim--tdy he askd me my nm nd rp he wnts rspct---hwvr lkl gng prtcp--i blv i hrd him use wrd stnk tdy nd blv is smpl lnkd t mob nd orgnzg dlb hrsmt--bcs he brbs nd peddles t trs lk frdy--frdy nd othr mex wrkrs see him as merely out of sundy schl --in rlt he has exc zoo trts frm peddlng cig at zoo bhst--t tk shwr--t stnk--smply trbl mkr drcl lnkd t nd wrkng fr mob---amer syst of injustice hwvr onl see wt it wnts---nd as it cnt ctc him in gng it will prsm him t b nrml smply fr hvng a mr ftng lk nd blndng wth trs lk frddy nd wrkrs at pvln--on num occasions i hv sn mex spsd mthrs pddln fr cs thr t fd their chldrn---i wl nt b srprsd thy r smpl hv an addc daddy--or usng chldrn fr srry scm--sm as pet wl b a srry scm attrctg mny dntns---hwvr insl dntns wll nvr pass fr ntr gd deed nr wtvr frm of mlcs cmpnstn thy r by infnty in cmprble in lgt of amer crms wc amer supports nd lkl all ths wrkng fr trs lk ted spport----most specifically endless crms they pulled off on the trgt fr free---loss nd paIN DNT CNT--THY WILL be happy t make some more--why compensate rentals belongings share suffering or othr issues whnn ted nd public counsel nd amer blv ths r free--why pay on massive serial ong crime and suffering or persecution whn all tht in amer is perfectl free--they support mdsln disptc nd amer lw enf nd city hall r both wrkng fr nd in league wth the mob--so the criminals and trs r more thn welcome--amer absl digs this--hlss mumbln f t bldg js n of lib--sm wy instd of tllng the crmnl mob t chg his schedl frddy trd t tell m t cm earl---nd im sr he hs endless mobs in his trs oprtn alng wth endlss mhlth all bkd up by sec who cl b lnkd t crm

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

mon--upr lvl js outs lib-- f/dg  lkg fr ?cigs/lgtrs???----grp of hls psg my bgs enquiring stg lk --whr r u prkng at---prk n sd svc --re ??suing hr????----thy nd t d a mnc t gt awy wth mrdr nd free---bkd up by trs usa----ylls snd lk --mob ne svc crn---js e of atms nx ba hldl 2 hlss cvrd up slpng one uncvr brfl --ng----??? ??bd ink cnt rd----pba e--lv u---zoo f slntl pba e--othr occsn by hgs she ws ylg wo any cause--dt hrt me---lee mob wvg svc n sm w----mob ng f sh stp ofg cn sausgs---ard 9a wknl wmob wrg org yl strp d w ???bd ink unrd----hls stg on grnd shtl aftr brf rn----slv????unrdb----nx cvs dncg mob usng hnd fn---???grnd e of wkn----smn slpg bnc hlw prk--mob f crt drc hlw prk---??unrdb due t bd ink or oily paper---sus hlss w p orldo???----?dnc mob myb hgh on stg cvs crn---ldr wlc mob lcn s--f se crn lcn ofg shk rest lftvrs---smk at tgt w kn w----154p sh sv f pmtr e--hi???-----m smk pmtr e---f smk sh stp---235p sh sv hnkg mlna unrdb--i cnt fnd rd loctn but must be frtr w of mtro nd e of rbts--i mst b bdl blkng out frm anemia----6xsg374 rbts crn d n ond or e f cl b mlcs mob hdg i cl nt mk out strng crp of some srt----2 ngs ps bk sd of rec twd pvlns thrtg----hit that hoe etc---mex cnt brbry dr tctcs wth frddy tmnplt-----adct dctr ng nx stbks sndg by wall w sd rbrtsn stbks----by hldl atms m/f mxs smkng thn hldl n----adct ng wait fr me t lib trs cn thn plan his nx addctn crdntn---apprntl thy mst be addcts --i nvr used i hv ntg in cmn wth any of thm

Monday, March 20, 2017

sat---eve prk cnsp---??? ???unrdb---sun 750a mtr/sh vcn--???? ?aid hau dfr mds--m wvg my drc ??cof bn--m ofg fd be alfrd-crft--smlr fd cnt nx prsn  hls slpng hlw prk bnc---their offrngs wl b sm as t any crmnl--or btr ones fr the crmnl--thts the onl mntlt bhvr thy cn empathize with---8p35161 tk slv 2 pccpts f/m  nx brnys f ofg bn--rfsbk on sat dyt mex frd of mob othr slg brbg mex rdclg lghng at trgt by imitg her pain pmtr e---psb cl b intrprtd as zoo type noises---hls slpg sat by my fit fds sun wth rd prs ofg $2 by mobil mds prtcp engage----??????zfv095 crsd out---ng--sry  w cr---mbl e----hlss myb glsns crn---old mn tkng nts nx hlwy clnrs sgn---cig cntnrs nx ljl trs---zoo blk f old--frm phgs nd nx cvs frmrly dmnc rnt--slpng bntn bnc --wr trs ws outed by zoo wk bf----bus if nt blkd out myb 7432--- 4 epd pbnt e hpng frm trgt---I was eating melon still gd insd trs---betw rmp rec nd bus 10 west hlwd w my pds eithr flw out of bg or wr sngd by swft trs mob--as I hv no pass cl nt go bk t ck---I brded 10 t west Hollywood arf 430p at rmprt---clrl though frds of zoo r easily in vcn???----thr ws slg strg actg cpl on bus--gvng me a seat stg js bhd nd ltr mvng wy twds bk--gsg m -mx--f ??myb w---oldr md ag---pr of ms plib n--1 ofg myb $1 rfs----sw sm in prk at tbl --shtl thy lft----lg grp of giggly mx fs pk tlt---smn mx bf gtg 10 e--thr at me btl--I tsd bk--ltr mex f came gt btl nd wnt ins grg---ngt nx svc bus shltr pull vh f stp out ofg ?gd fd 7w?mg306---- d s---*****mon--hrsg lng bld hr fg nx w kn trs bk agn try exm my bgs---d w ?z au hgr???---lng hr bld fg bk e---mess lcn sw crn---wh tl ng clnr sprts lds frm cps he pks up---se crn ng f tsg wrpr t grd---f lts of pnk psb tgts skrt psng ovrld hls crt--????pkngs e----???2--hi-- ?? ???unrdb e---mb?? slw sktg on sktb attmptg t rpt mnvr w/sktb???---??w lcn---???tmpng ns phg  ??? e---??se crn  as???? ?????unrdb sh ??prs n ng strg---hlss stg grnd e of shk rest---sktb idt ?zoo bk psbw e---au hgr psbw w----dfr hyd prbts n???? smn ofg $20 bw wmt/wknl w--bkts rfsd----lkl zoo out of alley e of rbts sm tm as i ws trng rbts n twd rec-- i knd of fl susp ths gy wnts t shw up exc sm tm as me--zoo lk t hv lvrg by all mns--incldg fvrtsm --bribry--etc---but their mtv my well be mlcs mnpltn nd dctrshp---gigglng cr ngs rbts trn e plt mrkd riviera myb rntl--bth mexs at rec the dude wth bolsas who lks rdcl me prb at mob bhst nd brbr reseller---frd mk cmnt re hng rec psb orgnzd by mob----lkl mob f lng red hr rpt cmpl dlb trying t mk it seem im in wy t mnc trgt----ths f frm w $2 nd nt lkg lwyrs nd onc wth ugl f hvng allegdl sm frst nm as mine tlg hr tht she hs mr cns---as if cns wld cvr wtvr bill--usually mlcs trzg nd mlcs dictrsp nd dfrdg nd crm----grd frt of pvlns lkl mob prsctn or othr cnsp dict nd nt mndg bsn mdsln oprtn---

Saturday, March 18, 2017

fri--620p--zoo m mlr n blwg smk drc at tgt psg svc mlr stp pdc sd---js bf nx lib lk few dys ago mst of grp dmn hsp  myb msg---ng f oth prtcp ml myb hsp nd oth ng--ctr boss smngl ng f--prdmtl slnt nd tlng hsp--dt tlk t hr--she lkd vr dft frm few dys ago whn lkd vr sphstctd--ths time clrl resembln a hlss---the smngl hsp guy askd me fr lgtr--typc mob srl qstn---?? ?? ???unrdb--ng tb hr???nd insp my bgs???---hsps m/f crsg mlrs w---f wsprg---lib trs bg wth bn/dry pin pltd on my wy bk only dry pin was left nd was thrwn t grd typ of mob--i mntnd this t ng wtcg bk fs bgs nd he pkd up pin nd pt it int trs---psb mob agts svc pprk nd lkw prk at pres allwd slpng loc wr gzell did nt dstrb slpr thrs ngt---prties wrkng prk cl als b mob bkrs nd symptzrs--mnw thr is no indc wtvr wr i cn gt no up frt lgl tm wth no mns t cmnct effctvl nd whn amer nt onl cl cr ls- but is aidg sptg injustc---mess sh stn trs ms lkl frm ovrl---zoo or hlss trs nx sbw trs cns vcn---smn slpng hlw prk grnd same as dy bf nx sbw thn nx nls---ard 1215p 3 ambs city grds pcvs w---prs slpng ??unrdb js e of cvs---ambs bks smngly stkng out vcn lq lcn---fr unk tgts???----hls on grnd stg w of w knll syng ??stg----hls slpg nx my fit fds w of wsmnt--- mess nx stb trs lkl cnc t ovrl??---smn psb lkg t blm vcn stbks---wstb sm w zoo f lg dk hr lg drss---crsg n twd cf bn--hi hn--ofg ins $5 thy wl nt wt prt wth--rfsd---thy shl nt tk away frm pr peopl--bt frm liabl crmnls or ths who cn easily do wo shl ms dfntvl cmpnst on massive losses nd abuse---rfsd---zoo bg dk rd cr vcn sushi hntl e ofg wr---rfs---sqtg at frt of tgt rec smn smkng t the amsmnt of mex lkl mob f---lee prbts e---pvln grd ckg smn at eatng tbl smngl but possibly mslf as well iws nx bs stp trs cn vcn---tll m pls dk f lg hr svc n bng sgstd t by f???---tssf ard news grb frt of lwr lvl lib---pwsmnt e armrd trk red pls drk clr nst exhaust poison smell rgt bhd it

Friday, March 17, 2017

thurs---js saw matt clrly available fr phone bt nt vlntrng t hlp me clrly lkg t ct my access to vitally desperately needed attarneys and case filing seting everything backwards nd cvrng ths up wth tues appt lkl fr brl vry fw mnts if tht--he ancd ucla mbl will be here fr a refrl 6p mon--i will b hr--i thk he sd its his dy off myb bcs of mrtn--bk on thrs at prk--insd at tbl gy dude wo prvctn--u lk gtg sued dt u???--out i wnt t outer prk but nt out of mlcs cnsp hdg by the mob--here came grd --called self gazell ns sd it ws his frs dy nd as i ws stg eatg tl me--u cnt slp hr--gt frbd i cl ctc a ltl slp whl stg dn--the rsn ofcrs he was dsptcd by mob most lkl frm prk fld -- ---gazell reiterated again u cnt slp hr and wlkd ps me 2d time---he did nt tll ntg prsn slpng agst outer wall on liftd cncrt stg---i nt mntn this t him js thn bcs cl nt see fr sr prsn ws slpg but imdtl aftrwrds i wlkd up cls nd dtrmnd the prsn ws slpng nd he was nt a trgt of the mob but i was-----prk is wrkng fr with mob---sm as whlwd is vr lkl dlb wrkng t undrmn nd prvnt me gtg the lgl tm----gzll clm t js b pcng---ths grds smngl r dsp by city hall at behest of mob as ws smngl whn eric palma ws dplyd nd thrftr flw mob drctvs onc ins prk---althg ths my snd innct t u---sdl the trs mob cnsp r the opposite of innocnt nd intnded t prvnt the jstc--prp --thlp frm rdcl trz trgt intnded t b kpt prpsflly hlpless--fri by mtro 5495 blwg co2---in grn sht --mob dsp hlo w d hntl---mds f wstb ofg sks--nvr mind wht usa cst me --bcs usa intnds t pass this for lies nd nonsense as it fries yr life to its cmplt wrtlssnss---rfs---rd cr d w pwkn w--smngl--oink....----btc rp smkn at me lcn d n--ng smkng lcn d w---f p wkn trs w--tlk crp re gd fr u gd fr her---lkggd t mk massive crms free exc as intnded by wh nd usa---ng pcvs e--hlo---vcn hlw htl---??hrd ?? ???dqn-shes sntc---mb ng grd stbks ckng bhd me lkg t hlp mob frmng---6nfr969 pkd up dsb f--prsn f drpg her off trd gv me small p bg--rfsd--7ppa424 trd gv $1 nd org i thk rfsd--- ths ws nx sbw--prb wth amer dlb ignrg actl mssv crm cmtd nd dlb nt prvdg lgl tm---sh bs stp f w drk fd--hau--wt ths--rfs---smn smkng psvc w---mob mx who slls lkl stln gds onc sn sld t frd lkl bhd pvln mdsln---bhd yestdys oth mex there rp ha... at my pain sm prsn as psg cig fr mob ths tim ofcrs mob slg tk sh i hrd mkng him lnkd t mob on top of this this was cnsp with yest mx pvln grd nd tdy wth mex pvln prkng vlt---mob pltd sda rbts crn rfsd---smn at rec fr unk rsn ws askng if crm mex is rltd t me--no ths prsn i wl nt evr wnt t b nr nd ita shm i hv t dl wth crm mob dsptc nonstop nd lv in fr of thm --my time is rng out--susp items outer prk trs---cntnd prsnl bklt svrl lg empty wet ntbks--hwvr ins prty cl hv plcd thm thr  --sc as mon

Thursday, March 16, 2017

wed---i headed t mlrs crn thn bk n twd lib wr i alwys dbl ck trs cn whn i pass thrgh---sdl i rn int drg adc ng clrl prnd-- he sd u wtcg fr me t cm out dmb whr thts why u r hr---rgt---i cnt see 2 stps frnt of my ns a lot of the time nd the last prsn i nd rn int is crm or drg addct--their wrld is slf ctrd nd lkl crmnl--mch lk mob trs whs jb on cnst basid t frm dfrd flt elmnt wst dstry--nd gt awy wth crm of cntry sz crm absltl free---i ws frtnt ths time as  ng rn off--he cl hv bn mr asshl as mex who accmp ng f few dys ago---smn smkng pme---ppk d sm n--smn smkng nx crn svc sm bus shltr---??? ?? ??----ylpg lmpg ng w drbts--f grmng on grnd vcn sh stn bus stp---trs jrkd out aftr trs people emptied svc ne trs cntnr---wh cleaners rtnl usng spry t cln top of opn trs cns----mess sprd bus sheltr s wstb----?? ?? ??unrdb----matt agn clmd bng bsy while dng ntg nd scedld phn calls fr tues allgdl--hes bn pushing times fr away engh t mk me wndr if he cl b in mob---smn w/bks stpg t wrt dn stg vcn lq lcn trs---insn ylg f own crt nx cvs--snded real but knwng mob with stg acts cl easily b an act----nd my be intended t dcv dfrd the pot buddies of mob???----z mob f prv frd frdl--now stgng rvrsl act weh no prvctn plying slf fr vctm--rem if thy r vctms thn massive crms dt xst--well fr n rsn wtvr nd wo wtvr prvctn strtd an act while psng js w of hgs w-----dt hrt me---tht cnsp lying extrmntn wsrng tctcs rvs blm nd mk trgt the fl espclly whn the crmnls hv flwless as my frd describes lks as if js ckd out of snd schl---ard 1125a mob n bgs othr thn 2 bgs cnt onl cns rmvg cns frm mbl imdtl bfr me wrg grn top nd if nt mstkn blk bnie--as my route is much shrter now its evn mc hrdr fr me t cm up wth wtvr cns---my nts sy ths prs wnt mbl w---tdy i flt esp anemic nd hvng resp problems aided by rpt nd mlcs smk---mob m nx city hall trying t d $1 insl---blk t pls bg pswtz  e--ink t prty mob hrsm--hlo---??? or thrtg hlss lkl plcn  e---grd pvlns lkl wrkng fr mob on mob orders nd in mob bhlf--bkng mxcn trs repeatedly lghng as i went through paoin in my lgs frm psoriasis nd lkng t bk him fr obcrs the lcl mob grpngs prtctng massive crm fr free cmplmnts trs usa----sch scdl is ofcrs bkd by ther slk freddy wrkng t bk the mobs in rec----the mob lk mgt is alw rgt --cmplmnts trs usa----num mdslng oprt vcn pvlns as i dscvrd pres dy whn lib was clsd---outer staicase smkd up 2d lvl lib nd f stkng out loc wr i tie my bg sordg smk nd aidg my resp problems---continued ong problems with error 19 which locks up accnt lib dt care -yahoo dt care

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

tues---wed   tdy matt was unavailabl t hlp me at lib--so i cl nt proceed cnt with calling nonprofs bfr ultmtl calling prvt attys vrtl grtd nt t hlp wo mny up frnt---no one crs nd this gy smpthizes w/nonprfs nd lts me mk onl 2 bsn calls at time fr instc i ws gn try fnd shevtsovs--he clld this prsnl as opposed to orgs or attys nt prsnl--tues---1 prsn t tbl in prk slnt i thk one of mob prtcpts--unfrtntl my sgt is less than prfct so i can easily mk mstks---wed----******dk/grn/w unfms w sheriff on shorts 4 sh bks js e of sh xt abt 745a psg trs cn d mtr e as a tm hrsng booing trgt dlbrtl pkn upn hrsn trgt still bdl in pain wth psoriasis nd now xtr susceptible t skn cncr bcs shrffs wr hlpg mobs wth whm thy r buddies t tell me t tk shwr--rsltg in massive loss of oil from my skin nd ultimately hghly mjr psoriasis dmg--bt shfs r nt dn thy r still hlpng mobs frm trgt nd hlp mobs hrrss trz nd prsct trgt cnsp t hv trgt wo jstc nd dlb prpsflly wstd frmd fr mob---******fire dpt hlss hrsmt lcn lq crn w--i blv ths ws fr eng 7 time 930a --hey--i trd t obsrv wch one this was--whn othr frmn lkl yld --g bk---*******shtl aftrthis the 4 sh bks wnt pst sm dir of which 1 myb dg qn md lkl zoo noise---ths are fr dpt nd shfs hlpng the zoo---mbl 7uja564--ofg sm mny mbl--grtd mlcs inslts--rfsd ----*****1255p sgtd  amb grd bks phlw w---prps lkl dng orgnzd blm nd mnc t trgts for cmnt mob afflts ovr at city hall nd sh stn etc...---sh sv trn lcn w lkg at grbg thwn by unk prty lkl their fine frd--city clnrs lft cup on grnd at w knll lkl thrwn by their zoo frds----myb 215p if ths nt 205p unrdb wrtg f mob lkl on bk  p mtr/sh vcn d w smngl snp pct w her cell ptd my drctn--mob btc trd dny this--no...----sgry stffs cookies exprd frm kreation pltd svc crn tues ngt---wed---tdy mr sgry thrwwys frm pvlns i thk l pr trs cn--ng pltd stl frd fsh rfs outer prk trs

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

mon---prb;m brwng nx lib ng f/mx m nd smn els i blv wr dsc gds fd thy gt sw--on my wy bk frm mlrs crn mx trd offr loaf of brd--bt othrws was bth jrk nd scdrl--he wld nt dscls orgnztn gds cm frm--thy cl b frnt fr chrch mob or city or shrfs--or grds or mtro anywch who or othr nd tried t dmp mycrst nd prjdc on me--but i ws rgt--ths chrtbl frd scdrls wr nt on my sd--nt onl the crmnls wrkd hrd t dlb frm me but thy hd ---dictatorship motive nt a chrtble one fr wch they hv no intnt t py--the mex dclrd--thr r shelters fr evrbdy---so ths grpngs r enabled by smn t frm peopl nd bsds lkl gt cmmission fr wstng peoples lvs by mns of dictatorship---js bf thm upper lvl ns lib smngl armenian older mn ws tlkng his language nd numerous times said trash--psb in rfc t my bgs or wt i do---antrwrds alterior mtv dfrdg cnsprc grpng is lkng t frm me nd dfrd the shw---amer apparentl is scndls engh t welcm ths kind of mobs--nd lkl reimbrses scdrls fr aiding mobs nd fr preying on trgts---zoo frm btm lib bsy dlb frmng trgt headed n nd decided thts nt direction i shl go--i hd t assure the mob scdrl --he ds nt own the street---susp tlkg cr nx prk--hwvr my sgt is insufct t lrn antg evn in the vr wrst trs cs scenrio---ths scm lkl d plnt vrs fd---nd lkws in fct drctl collaborate mlcs affiliations nd wstg hndg instgtn tctcs---ngt tm svc sm crn shltr hrd wtr clng noise rgt nr nd hd t pick up evr mine cross across street---though thy wr rgt nx bs shltr thy wr eithr clng stg els or servng a dlb mlcs prps lk hndg hrtng trgt in affiliation wth community mobs who r lkl lnkd t scdrls in orvl nd sprtd by shfs city hall---mob pwkn--ru hgr????---ng/bxs phgs e---ws up --ned brd??---2fs crsg n frm mbl one wth brwn dgy vr ct crls--acmpn f trd gv me $20???---rfsd hwvr in lgt of mobs hdg nd lk of lgl tm---smn slpng bnc hlwy prk--3 stg on grd js e of cvs---m cvs crn ofg sm mn --smngl $2---thy cn g fl smn els --sdl i knw their tru keen--thy r no one nice---suspct f w/cell hngn stkng out trs cn w knll trs lkl dlb hlpg dmp on trgt wo cause othr thn trs mob cnsp--wch is smngl exc wt amer is all abt---???vh psbw w smkng drc of trgt---prps antgnz nd psn---crsg mtr grd vcn mtro===psb mtr rltd mbs vcn mtro---mob ng rgt bhd me by ba hldl trs cn wrng rd bg d w i thk---rp prblms error 19 abt week now

Monday, March 13, 2017

sat---atd ls thrs matt lib mngr sd i cl use phn bf 5p mon---mon was fnd usng the phone fr unk prpses nd nt availabl---fr unk rsn----apcd by mob prtcp mta sat eve pdc mlrs svc crn ths was line 30 drvr i blv tkg brk at crn--this was mtro bus 7570 i thk---au ok??---used t cnsp prblms hrss nd rvs at trgt---js bf 2d lvl lib ng mob apcd mike fr lgtr wc ntr one of us use ofcrs---smn hdg d sm--smngl ofd $1----??? ???unrdb svc crn----sun----1636m1 ??n t drv whl wrkr f rbts e????---ofg bkts---???? ??? ?? ???----?? ?? ??unrdb p croft e--trs vcn cnt rncd or nonedbl fd itms intnded fr cnsmptn by hlss w pf croft---150p 2 ambs sec bks s on crs e on sm----gt on 4036 crs--instr me t bk thn sd---au alr???----especially if i hv t sqsh self i hv cut off bld flow---but amer desires r alwys mr imprtnt thn rgts of ths thy intntn t lv wo rgts----thy wnt t snk u t dfrd nd t gt awy wth mrdr exc free----bnt crn mob mess trs attrctn wth trss tssd all abt lkl by mob cnsp tm---pd pbnt e---lkl mob grt ally---cmplmnts trs usa----smn trd t plc ???unrdb--cn on my bgs rfsd----m/f ngs bks clctg cns inspctg trtry prmp w--whlwd cnsp 2fs s of prk d s----1 kp lkg bk---insd prk f at tbl mkng jdgmnts on bhlf of entire grp doing unk activities invlvg boys playing?????----smn mkng mess svc crn gsg earl mn mrn--mess cleaned up by clnr clng ovrld mob mess mon mrn----mon---zoo mess nrb w knll trs---mob ng w knll w---g mrn----sgr psn grl scts abbys trs---frt sgr jc plus grapes etc ---sh stn trs---????smn dsp tdfr mob w/fd swtz--in rlt dnt cr ntr abt mdc nr lgl issues or the fct city nt prvdg thm --tht is lkl their intention --keep victims wstd nd hlpless as cn b--the rlty of the shw---z ng f nx cvs bus stp hlss se crn lcn--imprtnt mob int bkd by shs grds cityhall00thy intn massive vctms b totlly prpsflly hlpless--- oth zoo hlss f se etc----zoo wvg alfrd d lcn---its nt abt bng frds--its abt insrng trgts hlplessness--1155a or js bf m/f  w dgs orl w mn thmbng up--wmn thy nc  dgs--their dgs r fbls nd thmbs dn r nt at all abt dgs its abt thm nd trs usa who kp trgt wstd nd hlpless cmpltl---se lcn crn grp 6ms 1 smkng w on sm---ng smkng se lcn crn--nx tjs mob brtr on grd dfrdg peopl wth wtrs---othr pnh in whl chr by sbw trs smkng---rec lkl mob who sells sngged by unk mns gds ofg cig t trgt nd freddy bkng the trs--au ok----slv hr oldr mob ppvln w-----amer is grnd at playing gms at yr lives expns---why pay for massive crms t most abused trgts--trs gms r much more fn cmplmnts trs usa

Saturday, March 11, 2017

fri----??? ???unrdb---m ofd ins mn nx outr wh prk eve---lkl mds trs act--scdrls prpsly weted up bus shlt svc sts t trz trgt causing me t trtr sel on my knees t wipe thm dry---fld t fnd trs in my bg t thrw out psb bd vsblt---hrssg btc ofg mn--nt the mny trs usa cs u --but trs mlc ins chg--ofcrs i nvr pk up--ths r scm intndg fr trgt t sfr free---thts who america keeps in bsn--nd thts wht amer jstc systm is abt---ngt tm dg qn smngl trying ps $1 rfsd-???? ???--earl out of prk srl mdsl trs rlng his bg dlb plyin frd frdl t tk vctms by srprs----als nx prk mds jw psg mlc insl mny lkl----sat-----w knl mds btc hrsg re brd----aftr mx wrkr hrs me by dmpst pulled t wst knll loctn----w tk agn by alfrd f drv 31636m1whl wh clnrs were n sd of sm at loctn---js bf alfr e--m---u wnt my nm hldg ins mn---ntr his nm nr mny--rsn--wld nt mk dnt in amer lvl dngs t my life wc thy wnt t kp entrl free---trs hls woke up bldg nx brnys nd rp kp crsg btc...-----hls slpng hlwy prk bnc--????m hrsg sm sd nx hlw prk---bkts----sh sv f pwstb e--hlo--psrb tl me time ws 1230p--vcs ong pain--bgt oil cnt tjs---oil hrts less whn put on thn ltn--hwvr t tk cr of cndtn properly i wld need more items nd fntstc ckng fclties nd hm t str them othrws t hrd crry ard nd t expnsv t by rtl--mess by sbw trs smn wtcg as if i hd cnctn  t trs scm crm rng---smn ofr smngl myb mr mny thn usual stpng out of pmp rbrtsn rfsd---thr r too mny grtntees amer has no intn t py thrfr it will nt mk dnt of dfnc--its smply trs decptn gm t hide truth nd mk certn mnc is mntnd in same amer trs oder with me being wstd  fr absltl btg---unrdb ?? ?? ???----sw mtss shtl bfr rec outs--prb in cnsp ng mob--by prk prsn stk out cghng put out jnk sgry ckies--rfs ofcrs--more error 19 yahoo prbs

Friday, March 10, 2017

thurs---problems with err 19 wthout cause--als cl nt file online fr services at drlc--application nonfuncional---gvs probs wr it asks fr valid num wc it invarbl ds nt accept---smngl a rcdg evnt at pdc---nd whl wh prk hd eltn jhn aids fndrsr lst mnth--i dnt kn of anyone who is dtrmnd t gt me the lgl tm--thy thk thy cn prsct frm ths trgt by dfrdg nd at no cst----nd as pain is cntinuing frm psoriasis on the street nd fr free i dt hv a wy t sccssfully fgt it nd ofcrs thts wht amer lks --as u rcl ng grd at rlys ws hpy f died algdl bcs she ws hrtg---fct---no amer drt wl hlp smn t stp hrtg--instd thy do exctl whts free wo py prsct nd rdcl extrmnt trgt--why bthr re trgts of extrmntn---cmplmnts the tru rlty of trs usa----fri mrn ng w/bk smgl wtg fr bus??---svc p shlt s--gsg 2? people---frst--did u gt mny??--nx shtl ltr--mny???----dlng wth drt who ds nt blv i kn wht thy cst me--ths r drt lvg off frd/brg mny who blv this is free rgts nd dsrvg----nd r grtst of frds w/estblishment nd lw enf who bk nd agree t the mob brnws scm lk thm thy dig----the trs thrftr cngrtlt slvs fr bng fn peopl----wl lk t fnd tat/vlad -nd dt kn whr thy wl be js now--desperately need smn t hlp me gt lgl tm------mob ng bk pwknl e--g mrn---mdsl wtg stg shpg crn se lcn wrg blk top w wrtng--whn he sees me he strts cmplng rdclng me--in fct wtng on prps t orgnz the attrctn--he shtly leaves e on bike nd i dt evn thk he hd any lgt bsn at cmplntg sgt rdclng tlng t vct nd thn t hd his tru affiliations t mdsl sggststrgt b quiet in fct wrkng on trs mob team bkd by estblsmnt nd lw enf hndg dfrdg tms---at the time prsn in blu unfrm psb mdcl ws smkng at loctn sprdg psn mob digs---??? ??---31636m1 w tk f nr alfrd gbg sz bkt nd mltp shp crts on brd wh tk clng clng wrkr frm blk e---crn alfrd pkg lot 6tot996-----frmng mob in x cln clthg psg wr/bn smll drk grn cr---thy orgnz preying on peopl at trgt expns---p brn s ped ofg mlc ins mny---nx dsp n pbrn--g mrn maam hv blsd dy trn imd bhd brnys--oth dude frm yst pbrn n ths time grn ht--yst i blv his t hd grn by cvs hrsmnt sprnt---ups--9p96754 ofg $5 dsp swtz e---mob f pswtz w--lk stg t eat??? she mngld brfl wth smn wtg on bus e at swtz with whm jntl thy r in dfrdg cnsp---aided by city hall nd lw enf---7hbp649 mobil--thr u g--psg ins mny rfsd -w cr i thk---0757?6p1 w vn frm hs tr idnt--blk f? rp smkng at incap prsn thn smngl flw smn frt brn --lkl mob---low srn lcn w m sh sv ???bkt---cr lkl blk crn s lcn ofg lkl ins fd--nx fd trk nx lq lcn als ofr fd--bth rfsd---blk/rd bpk smkn at tgt plq lcn w---????f svc try ofr sm knd of cnd or grn brs nd mlc ins mny nx lib trs thn cross svc e---prps--mk certn hlp nvr arrvs nd trgt is frmd extrmntd instd---b assured cmplmnts mob trs usa--trs cntry of trs injustice wr i am trtrd hlss nd dnt evn hv a wrkbl pr of pts bcs trs rtr mnc rdcl dfrd frm extrmnt trgt----at trgt expns nd at the expns of my life wc amer blvs is absltl free nd ds nt see antg wrg wth its trs cnsprd crmnl evltn

Thursday, March 9, 2017

wed---outer prk --mob tctcs ofg mny by drnk--ltr psb adc mob hrsg smkng at me---zoo blvs u shl by all mns b entitld to insults nd thmslvs t evrtg yrs--i cm t suspect at one time amng persecution tm cn b mny wl b nrml people in gvmntl utility etc ctgries nd als rn int smn i kn i hv nvr hd cntc wth who clm t kn as tl by brtr of prim oprtv--by vet bldg orvl his brtr is oprtg n ca trtmnt ctr fr addcts i thk--ims dfnt nvr tcd any drg or drnk in my life--so smn ms hv hd othr mtvs hr lkl---nd tl him he knws m vry well--whn i absl knw no bd js abt--this cm t mnd bcs i fnd crysalis crd in wstb trs tdy nd ws hrssd by num dspt scm i nd nt b assctd wth---othr psb trs sktbds frtr aggrvtg trgt---all dy in atrcs pain pls hv bgs--nd ht unbl t mk mny---??unrdb--????prsc mob hdlms p?????? outer prk----****thurs---pmp restrt crn rbts m ofg ----opn???lkl jnk frs brd rfsd crsg n---ng lkg bk at tgt phldl e---oths lkl vcn--w tk cnst llkl prk hntl bsn pkg 36554k1---mob w vh myb trk w/shll ofr cn--rfsd --lft bf i wrt dn plt so dnt hv it---by wknl trs unfrmd m--tried wrt dn lbl on unfrm nw cnt rd---myb dn?s hdspl ofg $20--js trying t hlp--in fc lkl dsp by mob who blv crms r freend inslts will ncl dfr evrtg---trs trk stg lk7k779?89-----wrkr trs trk athens  gv me/gbg drty lks bfr pkp--- wknl---835-40 sh pwkn e--m--mlna---dncg m mb in blk cvs lcn crn crsg s----twd brn m pnk hrdo rp...mob anmsty dfrdg chnt---ths up...thn askg gt cig??? wlk bk frm brnys s nd e-----2 bks n phlw m/f--m smngl ylg--fgt--thy r mbs--nd their jbs is hrsmnt nd anmsty trbl mkng----erl by lq lcn smn lkl trnd out of str offrg lftvr fd----rfs---mob gng gry sv pswtz w--gt out of rd ylg whn it ws my trn t crss---1225p mob f sh sv--hi---pmbl esmn smkng in fc phgs e js bf---cvs crn trs cn dsp mob zoo hlss wrg grn hue top--ru alr----lq lcn crn trs zoo dsp rlng appliance f gsg myb dsb rcvrg if authentc--lkl dfr though ofg dsptcd $1 rfs due t orgnzd hrsmnt---lcn se crn f ofg prt btl wtr???----u cn rlly trst ths nc peopl----susp ma m i susp as mob lng tm pwkn w--thr stg stpd lkl---dsp mob clm bgt pza fr me nx tjs --rfsd--he gv t othr mob cmng dn tj arch---mrkd blu unifrm  try hnd ovr jnk nx sushi hntl/trs--lft fst--i fld t ctc wrtg on unifm---smngl she wnt t mtr prkng---org jk grn strp mtr? vcn smk ps trgt---mafia dude lwr lvl lib wtc trg pt cns in bg--agn all day excrctg leg pain psoriasis

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

tues--pltd bg sgr psn jnk pstry svc crn--mst lkl t murdr vctm with--instrctns r nt t eat any frm of sgr nt evn frt nd mst evr ieat is swt mng mst hv sgr lkl---if thy wntd kill me--thy wl abs gv ths t me--js bf lee by outer wh prk js aftr small w cr pause brfly nrby thn lvng??----js now mattis actd highly prvkd whn matt hlpd me wth phn--as if i was thrt nd trs both----*****wed---2 hlss crts wnt w pst svc dsc ???? plns fr their ????btls--??mob zoo---?trz rpt hdg lkl---drk oprtv e psh stn--mob sh stn intc----zoo trs frm svc nw at hntl---nx sm by wknll---smngl whlng awy tm thn agn psng tgt----ng zoo pwknll w--g mrn---cld in blk dncg m /?qn mob cvs lcn crn crsng s---smn slpng on grnd hlwy prk--smn wkng up hvng slpt bhnd enclsr bldng s of brnys---1035a fr trk gsg porl e--??mob op ps orl w---??? ???unrdb----old zoo mb ng f pcvs ?w----bike f??smk crsng lcn lq crn s---m blwng smk blu sht lcn e---frm mrn dncg mob in blk lcn js s of sm---sbw--strg grbg--psbw w mob scdrl ofg $1---lee psushi hntl---????? d -n-----smkng lkl zs se/sw svc----mumb mob crsng bk in the mrn nw grnd ba hldl--ltr fnd br cns vcn---lkl the drnk---jn mob fr its incentvs----cycle sh frq ths time of dy gvng trfc tkts--psb als lkng frm trgt ???----crz lee crsng rbts e rtr frq in my vcnt---mob brtr wrng strng hd gr  gng d e of svc smngl---ng f whlchr plng mob scms nx pvlns lkl--aftrn tjs arc pnh --askng chng fr pot--mrn--clng gy sngng trs nd smkng--lkl jnd mob

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

mon---i tld libr matt re ndg medics nd ong psoriasis pain --he cl ofcrs tws it nd sy i cnt tk cr of hrslf--ofcrs the sitn is arngd fr by mob amer estblishmnt who fnds this an optnst scm t dmp on tgt instd----810p ppk s---grp of 2 ms lkl brkng----apx 10p frm sm svc s in outer ln mob sh sv hnkg its hrn--t intmdt trgt nd aid mob oprtvs--js bfr mob trs--r u cld--wind ws mkng it cnsdrbl cldr tht evn----*********tues----smn at tjs arc trd mkng mess imdtl aftr me it seems--mob brtr who cl be bhd a lot of this dfrds svng up a btl fr me algdl--thy nd t fl the estblsmnt---so ths gy lks t deck out rfs---w knll crn trs lts of mess orgnzd by zoo---wh wrkr in org vest clng tall ng---did stg strng while ptg mess int trs---=he tk lds off jnk shmp nd lotion mkng ths less useable fr anyone who might decide thy r usefl--so in fct the advrtsmnt on trs re whlwd lkng t rec nd rec 85% trs contents my b fls if this guys acts wrkng fr whlwd r endrsd by whlwd ---erl by hntl sushi trs smn plntd $3 on my bgs bt i plntd this rgt bk on trs cn under cup---amer cnt by killing my life nd swiping evr at onc with its mlcs wrtlss inslts---by lq lcn trs smn inspctg smngl me nd adj prkng lt lkl due t mob lies---sh psd zoo mess at wknl d e---2 mobs psctt e---sh psctt e 1045a--ldrt ilg mx pmbl e--whn u go on diet???---i cnt bcs nt eng sgrless fds fr tthlss hlss----hlss wth gtr stg on pvmnt agst wall swr--alfrd/sctt vcn---lftvr sgry smthd frt mbl---f w/strller ckng wtc lhl e----nrby nls f vcn apx hrpr f stdg smkng---oths lkl vcn---****sgr psng trgt wo jstc is smngl prt of shfs city hall plcy wc mst lkl aids the mob-----cvs lcn  crn m ofg mlc insl mny--ltr sm ortl f wtng t brd bus in xtra fnc lkl stln glasses--wt thy offr is wrtlss--nd wt thy steal is evtg--swpng out smns life drctl wth amer blessings---zoo crl crmbs ard lq lcn trs cn----?smn wtcg t frm trgt----smn psb wtd mk phn cll bcs i st my bgs dn sec vcn wstb----sh ???unrdb hlp frm tgt---psushi hntl w ng f mtr trg hnd lkl old appl slcs---smn lftvr wrp frm tjs ofg crsng n d cf bn---smn dnstrs lib smngl mkng cmnt re mstc i hv frm eating fd--my face lks clear whn i js ws it but i cn usually do this well onl in frt of mirror--so amercns like to dlb oprtnst hrss trz frm rdcl people---lts of entrtmnt

Monday, March 6, 2017

sat--yhoo wld nt snd mssge  wo sgtg error--thn yhoo anncd tht i hv to periodically sgn int my acct agn--i did and thn it wnt int sec hassle mode costing me time nd locking me out of accnt---smk mob 2d lvl nx lib---susp lks frm ???dvd---as if my spc brgt up a prbl?---invtd ??????unrdb  susp which  ??? svc stp --bpg sh intcm mrn---sat ngt whl ch dsp slp nx me on instrc blk f yrs ago dngrs nd this yr using zoo mob tlk--nt dng much of antg but spnd entire ngt sm bus sheltr this ngt--had fds with her nd threw rfs nd empty fd cntnrs sm lk zoo mob--i hv engh prblms wo hvng t pk up aftr othr people so i frq lv othrs messes fr clnrs bt do my bst nt t lv any mess myself--smngl she ate num salads which tells me this dsbld f has better teeth thn myself nd btr fd supply more healthy fr her to sty well-----als the cso called dsbld smkd cig mid of ngt psng me w/sec hnd als prt of trs mob initv---******sun mrn--dsp zoo mob m--brgt all psn jnk fd he js bgt fr me t gt killed with lq crn lkl-----rfsd thn he flwd me nd dmpd int cvs crn trs----city affltd trk 31636m1--lkl accmdtg city cleaners wch frq seem t mv abt me qt a bit---this sun they emptied some select trs cns wstb ,lcn, etc????----may be thy r spreading rtng their dly brdn or accmdtg mob rqsts----more pltd sgr hlw prk--smn bdl wnts th hlss psnd--its the sgr wch keeps me hlpless nd in pain all day--thts exc wht the dfrdg crm mob plns--thy kill their vctms wth sgr----pltd $1 flrs trs rfsd---unrdb ???? ???hrsm mbl----????? ??? ???----ips t spt in trs hrpr---7hqy875--w cr 711w lkl ofg btl rp-----js bf at 76 bk sd whr thr is nonprf strg clctr cntnr--m/f hlss mngd t dig out the cntnts--whn i askd thm if thy hd prmsn ng m sgstd cllctg cns ws lkws illegal although thy dnt seem t mnd--nd clthng cnt blngs t nonprof nt the stn itself---he clmd thy r hlss but in my opin actng js lk brglrs-----ofcrs if thy r wrng thn frm their pnt of view i am crmnl--my onl pair of pnts is bdl tr up bt i dnt try t brk int a sealed nonprft cntnr---line fr aftr 1p 9391 lng bus lts of room ng m drvr nt wnt me on frcng me t wt---pfrf e----at rmprt mbl 7pmw071 ofg wtr--mx crs rmp n--hd spc $1 ofr fr trgt---thy cl cr less wt thy brglrd etc...---mAssive srl ong amer crms nvr come int any cnsdrtn--t thm trgt is pc of shit---cr pull ovr t rec ofg jnk trs rgs as t big a fvr--u wnt tht--cmplmnts mob crm usa who lks crm of centry srl crm cmpltl totlly free---why py whn easily u cn fl nd dfrd---bk in wsthlwd p outer sd of prk f wth grp--js wntd t hlp u--rfsd unk inslt????---i dt dbt thy wntd t hlp me--thts why amer mks extra certn thr is no lgl tm in ths case----thy went ppk s---drg adct ng try t wlk cgh my drction bt lckly revrsd nd wnt n---intc sh stn---*******mon---??????????????--unrdb---ng binx brn pnk on seat nvy hdy topped by coat nd bpk lkl wth nvy----flrs f apc trying hnd 2 cndy---amer dnt blv their their psn fd is engh--its bdly needed t dfrd nd t psn vctms--t go alng wth cmplt nd delibrt justc privation---4???hiv106 at shell unrdb due t bd pen lkl psng jnk fd----agn unrdb 7p?xm991 thrwng trs t strt lk zoo pljl w--earl m ofrd me $1 ljl crn--the crm blv thts rgtfl amnt fr pcs of sht lk me --mc as thy blv it is rgtfl fr crms of centry crm sz abuse nd ong t b perpetrated twrds vctms lk me--thy blv their cmpltly wrtlss dfrdg cvr up of mob is eqvlnt of jstc t vctms thy prpsly mk appear as pcs of shit cmpltly chtg thm of lgl tm nd of justice as amer establishmnt and as trs amer gvt----mob sh sv out hyv d w-------mob hls cvs crn--all rgt???---2 pme cvs vcn e 1 smkng--f psg out sdwcs vcn ba hldl w smngl gvng one t mob brtr lkl loaded nd trying t push one on me as if i was same srt of trash---why bthr wth lgl team--massive ong crm of centry sz in amer is vry selectvly trgtd at certn type of vctms w/absl no recrs--cmplmnts trs usa

Saturday, March 4, 2017

fri---prk cnsp in cnst prgrss as t whm w hlwd wnts in their prk fr any num scs----lkl cnsp in field dsc fct i cnt see thm--though am certn on cnsp mob tm smngl aided by city and shfs at wtvr lvls nd wtvr prtcpts---sat mrn---9208 704 bus e ws wtng crz amnt of time on hlss w/bgs who cl brl mvd clrl due t hlss caused cndtn----swts plts mlrs svc n crn--nd als prk crn--any excess amnt of swt in any frm cn be psns esprcially wo bng cntracted sch as by lg amnt ckd vgs---as vgs r nt ckd or prpr drssng is nt available i am unabl t cnsm thm at all whl hlss bng vrtlly frcd on ovrdses of sgry diet wch causes gve ong excrc pain due t psoriasis amers fld t snd the mds t hlp -----mob sh intc---sat trs e of w knll mnvrd by mx cnctd t sgt t unk othr loctn fr btr stealng by mob afflts ----??zoo ??? hlss sh stn---trs sh stn nd by sbw trs---by sbw trs mob brtr ancg he dkd out rfs nrb tjs---rfs----cvs crn lcn mb brt ofr ???unrdb nd dq ofr sdw he ws abt t eat hsslf---t dfr rlt img---pbrnys blk f ofg pncks--rfs---pltd grns hgs trs but cnt be hd wo fine dressing wo teeth---7gtj504 blk sv slv ln dt u wnt mn --mbl--lkl wrtlss nd mlcs inslts---5jqd977 f ofg jnk shs t dfrd the rlt of cmplt lk of jstc nd evrtg lng gone with no access t jstc-----mob stg nx city hall sdnl ofg mlcs ins mny --rfsd---mob f pswtz e rlg bg--u alrgt sis---lkl lknkd t mob sdl---zoo mb f gn jkt pmbl e smk blwng t my fc/ns t skn wst trgt----p brnys n f---r u hgr?----smn slpng on bnc hlw prk w/sktb---zoo mob ms smkng at me out of pkng nx shk rest--did sm yest frm rbts ice cr ne crn----drk mb ng undr tj arc--rp f u---ylg wstb f--fk dnld trmp---rbts crn ofg $20---sdl i dnt trst the mbs who dnt blv i shl hv lgl tm or who my b mob cnctd----thy r prtctg one gl---free massive crm of centry crm by amers bkd up by trs usa---f w/2 tots pbln lot w/sgn  askng fr hlp frml---usa will b dlgtd t hlp lkl drg addict mob prtcpts---at expns of brg nd frd mny t trgt---trgt lose---mob alw gts paid drctl aided by evr frm trs usa----the fls r jmpng fr joy frm dfrdng so smlr t own trshy scndls wys---apx 325p mncg sh sv vh xtr slw pme frm prk tlib---shtl lkl bk arnd nd out of lib prkng xt chkng on hw t mnc trgt lkl----mob f drk lng hr who lks lng dresses 2d lvl outs lib---mob ng sht hair f dict insd lib--i wl als call her mob--nt mndg own bsn----

Friday, March 3, 2017

thursd----lib --kelly strng ???end of dy aftr trg fns cmptr use---als strng f int toilet wrkng on frmng trgt myb mob????--******-ard 1005p sh v rpb at trgt p bus sheltr lkl hrrsng trgt fr mob was shrtly fllwd by oth sh sv both frm sm svc s----**fri mrn mess nx sh stn stp trs---evian wtr btl pltd mobil--in fct stale----oth f there was als rp ofrg wtr---noisy prsn nx me lib 6--rp tlkg sngn --no one cmplng---susp trs agn plntd on swtzr bnc lkl by zoo mob inc----unrdb?????? ???? ???-----cmng bk sw west hollywood strt clnrs hng nx brnys----i see thm frq smngl in bth drctns---nd lkl on prps--i wl nt b srprsd---by po dsp jew ofg $20??? rfs--ths peoples intentions center arnd massive dmg nd sffrng all gng free--rfsd bcs thy r mob aids nt nice people--whrs my lgl tm?????--prf is in pudding i hv none----lee w knll area---shtl mob eit fd bggy or $2--js t bless u--i dnt tnd t thnk so--thy r blessing me with trtr hlss sffrng fr life-----bk in mrn by sbw m ofg cof???---by tj--f ofg drt scm chp skr cnd--othr lkl ofrg $1---i wld nt wnt t b dstrctd by ths trs--thy gt rfs psn lined up while bkn mob wlkng with lifetime of yrs---the prf is in pdng--evr mine is gn nd dstryd nd none of ths trs mob hs wtvr int t cmpnst--thy r dfrdng mob nd massive sz of centry lifetime thieves persecution artists

Thursday, March 2, 2017

wed ng--???---thrsd mrn ----dsp m ofg mlc insl mny tj arc area with int justice shld nvr b paid fr---hlwy--hlr ylg advtsmnt on pnl rd---iron mountain---drvr sgstd i wl nt b able pk up my bgs----mob bk phgs e---hv gd dy---i usually gt ovrly cld smtm in ngt--nd ovrhtd dytm---als in excructg pain due t psoriasis wch alng wth bgs shrtns my ablty t gt any cns by 3 t 4 times less nd prgressively lesser--i accept no pinsl presnts frm dictatorship mob who intention fr me t nvr see jstc--lkw no medcl hlp avlbl witht transp, etc--nd no one here crs incldg nt whlwd nt ucla mobile clinic nt gwhfc----????? ??? ????hrssr swtzr bnc---mob ng frm city hall up hlwy---gsng mob or f sh out of civln vh myb gry trk pljl w---hi----rec dkd out at mobil????----w knl w ofg zoo ins $2 rfsd ofcrs----w vn pro plmng smkn t sbw lic 893425---phns area cds 819/866?? unrdb wrtg---hlss f mob thrtg hrsng svc sw crn---seen mike mny times pst few weeks--he sms t hv rthr susp opinions re case i have vs butte almst either wrg stpd or prtctg smn???????--thr is dfntl mjr case in massive srl elimination gng hndng ong brk ins brglrs and bng mrkd off by gngs deadl summer heat and ptntl fr massive fldng and dog policy--jew in yamaka come back t atm after my crd was alrd insd dmnstrtng mob type jws prnoia

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

tues--ngt nx t prk--zoo--wl u lk a cookie?---wed----84731y1 rng gs nx sbw co---i dslk ths---by stb wsmnt 2 stg--spsd f?? or dvnt ofg ?sdw--bkts---zoo nrb ws knll ofg psg $2 rfsd---drnk zoo scr lcn crn by lq---rp f u fkn cnt----athn mob grtg plcn w--??? ??? ??---unrdb---gb/alr??----shs pslplss trg palf e---num prsns srvlng nx brnys nd hlss slpng pvmnt-- as i put ltn on in hps of hlpng pnfl med psoriasis---cmng bk ng on trs cvs lcn crn psg chng t chng massiv sitn none of the scm intnds t py fr--sdwc ofd se lcn crn rfsd--unhlt jnk--t kp u sick nd hlpless is amer brnd of hlp---tj f cmng out srvlng trgt pkn up bgs---zoo ylp mtro vcn---prsc--oohoo---mrn zoo chs crkrs st sh stn   --mob ng w f ofg orgs nx pvlns---ngs ups smkng rp nx lib---oth ng plmp strng dnst lib---evr drt knws t hrt trgt