Sunday, January 31, 2021

 Jan 31---Sun ----ambssdrs ----   labrea /n---- after vct ----gmrn

Saturday, January 30, 2021

 Jan 30----sheriffs labrea smnca e -----body cams ---- melanya ----hau u came back----1a---ambs----420a---crsc heights e-----hyd ok?----920a---glxy----gmrn

Friday, January 29, 2021

 Herbie is seen twice Thursday lkly ong sheriff and security ambssdr persecution vct will be lkly snggd dmh Hollywood 103 in no time

 Suspected behind dmh bad groupings city west Hollywood security ambssdrs and sheriff dept 

 Terrified dmh Hollywd 103 as ws locked up gateways hospital mntl health center btwn Oct 7 and Dec 9

 Extrtd frm own property 1315 Nelson orvlle----- by Tori friends and family Jan 21 now scared severely********dmh Hollywood 103 -----persecution backd by west Hollywood suspect groupings ambsdrs and sheriff dept

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 Thursd Jan 21---toris trailer ----break in -----theft ------property extortion

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

talked to dep--manuel ayala--and then--dialed--my mother--mira rakhman--who assured me--she is--old and needy--and tht andrew--not working---and--whtvr little--they got--its for--theirselves---worse--mira suggested--vct should be housed---in facility---she is--person---who is---not--my friend---she does not--want to--hlp manage nothing--does not--want--invite vct--to be housed--with her--while situation--is resolved--and--does not--care--to hlp--resolve situation--her answer is--blame--all wrngful society doings--on milana--and---get rid of--milana--in facility

Monday, January 11, 2021

 brian--1315 nelson ave----vct suspects--brian--not exactly understand message---recieved--????threat message--from--dep--manuel ayala--530-353-1557---unknown to vct---supposed--someone--!!!!!not hrd frm vct--allgd threat--!!!!!!pick up--vct--if vct--dnt call back---vct does not know--whom to call--and has--no phone---also--just accidentally here--since ngt of dec/10---vct left message frm mikes phone--*****vct--has no phone!!!!!!----vct is dsbld w/o checks--since 2010---and--!!!!!!!no phone---vcts phone/computer--and all communications--stolen brg--myb arnd 2016---needs--*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sought----business/legal mngmnt--for county citations--and-- compensation for--all losses suffered--linked brgs/and property tkvr--snce arnd  myb--2016----vct mother--not vct friend--and does not--talk to vct---317-872-1205---!!!!vct demands dmh hollywood 103--stop persecuting vct--*****if anything---connected to---butte county--as stated above--*******vct is prepared--to lose property--if butte county--does not supply---!!!!!*******volunteer teams---for junk removal and property cleanup---from situation--due to--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!crmnl/property/tkvr--and also---free housing for---dsbld--w/o checks--mssv vct---and----volunteer team--to/undo--red/tggd home--and or other--home replacement---!!!!vct---is *******tkvr property vct--from--gngs --brgs---and loose dogs----!!!bad people--************created situation--and disabled vct--w/o checks----left uncompensated---deputy manuel ayala--is welcome to---supply----*******volunteer-----!!!!! free--junk pkp/clnp---and---free housing----for tkvr affctd--vct---of centry sz brglrzng/theft--plus--property tkvr---if--anything to do--with tori---****she made numerous threats--beat up--break vct legs---brian says--shes just a hot head--but because--of her---we were--denied generator use--when--tori--*****turned up--angry---"i dt gv dmn"--and--also denied more--!!!!!**volunteer cleanup--which tori--knows how to--arrnge--via sober living----instead--she chose----dumping upon--dsbld---mssv  tkvr--- vct--w/no/checks coming---

Sunday, January 10, 2021

needed--non/profits----and or--other help----to/step in--with timely hlp--vs--citations below--plus--any pertinent plans--to resolve situation---and--hlp--with--home rd tggng--1315  nelson  ave----oroville----*********vct  needs help---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!out  of--all--code  violations----effectv immediately--and or--within 30 days---dec 7---ce20--01456--unauthorized  camping--phil  preader---5305523702----5303530544----jnk  public  view----all  over  proprty  ce20---01694-----env  health----dec  8----darren jones----mon-fri--8a-10a----5305523866---junk--and waste water----plus--help--undo/fix--rd/tggng--or--property  exchange--for livable--non/extortion--property---else--vct--guaranteed---will lose--all property--plus face---further--legal---complications---*****vct is dsbld w/o checks since 2010---became vct of serial massive brgs and theft at 1315 nelson ave--vct was tgt of-gng houndng--dog bite hrrssmnt---by dg 12th/nlson--frm property--evn/side--whr they had horse--at the time---!!!ultra super massive string brgs--arnd myb 2016--mltp yrs cash income---evrthng insd home---log cabin trailer--ebay purchase---which cost--over $20k--just--in transportation costs from alabama---****vct does not drive--and has no phone--since stolen frm her home nelson ave arnd myb 2016--with vct computer-etc!!!!!!!!--in west hollywd--vct is persecuted by--city--and susp/grpngs---powered by--dmh--hollywd 103--causing vct---hrrsmnt--no cause--lockup--vct hrdly got out--frm cnservtrship trial--dec 8---!!!because of these---prsctn tmstrs*****vct is askng----she is--such major vct--!!!!for *********volunteer grpngs--to resolve--all probs--listed above--and or gift--free housing--plus help--with--new ca/id needed--vcts--is expired--2019--vct will lose everything--fgtng--on her own---groups who can help--with !!!!!all abv county issues--plus rd tggng--of stripped/dmlshd home--bcksd rmp and door rmvd---!!!etc.....----elect main breaker missing--wtr meter--brkn--sprnklng genie system--tkn out--propty hvy db gates--stln---!!!!!vct needs hlp--extrtion fmly camping--on site---tori--does not care--fr vct to get--free help--"i dt--give--a fck"--sadly--vct mother--******mira rakhman--317--872--1205---does not care---she called sheriff--to check upn vct----she/andrew--should hlp--business manage situation---and invite--vct--to live--with her--for the time--needed to resolve--housing issues---instead---!!!!!!ignrnt needy mira--who says andrew is not--working----would like--to conveniently--dump vct--to facility---and help usa--with its---brgs--and--takeover heists--glide away--with--all massive crimes--to this vct---free--***as result---butte county--is very close--to property takeover--very likely--mikes cheap generator--has been hvng probs lately--going off--unexpectdly---and untimely---and hrtng mikes hands

Saturday, January 9, 2021

toris generator--connected--anyone/everyone--not vct----mike spilling gasoline--presuming  brian--mixed this--with cycle oil--toris far better generator--connected--anywhere--not vct--vct thinks--this generator could break--uses far more gasoline--and likely--mike must pay--brian--fr ride---to get gasoline---mike says--they may not have--erased--his warrant---after already settled in court--from bhls--also says--it shows here--but not there---but--county--grntd---cost vct--property--over--crmnl plntd junk--and--campers----mikes--stupidity--not using--porta/potty--after--toris bullying----disagreements--calling mike--lazy---tori heard--screaming--ignrnt  mike-plggd/up cmpr--toilet--instd of--using---porta potty--also allgd-he spilled gasoline--powering generator--computer--hd probs yestrdy-dltng yahoo conversations--and--stppd up tdy--whr vct--not know--how to drag/align window--frcd reset

Friday, January 8, 2021

?around myb/2016--string of serial burgs--incldng--mltp yrs--cash income--recycl/and/rent--evrthng insd home--plus rv/below--1315 nelson ave- orvl

You Won eBay Item: 39x12Ft. Park Model RV 400 Sq.Ft. Interior NO-RESERVE (110041077190)