thursd ---450p---crime ring aiding sheriff --from s/sd la brea turn santa monica west--- blkouts-- unrdb notes--- sheriff fuller/e ---- 920p---blk man nrby vctms---light cig ----76/w ---1033p---sheriffs passing--immediate nxt vctm--crscnt/hgts/w---lkly trying camera rdcl vctm--rchng--into gbg/cn----smk---san vicente sheriff/crn mtro/stp----***fri --sus wlc -- passing---vctm location s/sd lib crn aftr 447a twrds north ---coming back south 456a --- lkl wld be crm prtcpnt ---messes---lwr lib gbg---mtro/entry gbg --and hnk/south sd santa monica---gbg ---athens 609a--pssng--plm/w ---616a ---cmng bck--kntz/e----la pier gbg--rmvd ---ahd vctm---pvln cleaner--wrkng prxmty rec----wtchng vctm---lkl hlpng grpngs---dmp upn vctm
Friday, May 28, 2021
Thursday, May 27, 2021
wed --- blk dvt going through gbg -- crwsh vista --- mess frm -- 1 emptied gbg can -- other blk deviant --lkkng --drctn vcts(bgs) at vista frm --west sd --- 714p -- pot drc to vctm ---?peds --p/arco/e ----shrff ldsp --crsn/w ---blk pnh --outsd 711/crsn fnc ---lng gry hair/pnh stng---rgt nx/711 crsn --rglrly ---1105p --pr ---cnsp ambs ---mlrs/svc --pssng ne crn twrd/w ----*****thursd ----6a----sheriff svc/sd --into station --- svr smk -- e of -- mtro entry --- cleaner pavilions -- busy inspectng --- who is ---arriving frst---at rec--mike alleges his buddy james claims vctm was put away twc for 5150 because of efforts by ************barneys beanery -- the other location where vcts heavy bag of cans was stolen super fast while vctm checked gbg cn for cans
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
---tues --arnd 515p/520p --- sheriff fuller/w --wrkng vctm extrmntn--- ---svr exhst vista side crwsh exit ---arco - --gbg almst empty ---sheriff --frfx/e ---- 952p ---drnk throwing glass --- city/hall crn ---swtzr sw----1009p--svr smk aimed vctm --kings sw ---mess gbg hugos mtro stop ---!!!runner/svc/e---*******wed----629a -- svr smk -- ne plm/santa - monica --- mess --gbg mtro/entry --- mess --gbg --hnk/s sd /snta monica --- 655a ---sheriffs seen rbtsn also nrby la pier --8a--sheriff--- vctm !!!/kdnp/extrmntn --- extng pvlns lot past recycler twrds rbts ---- 855a -- susp m---moving west twrds rbtsn --- trying !!!!!******inslt vct -- "jewish stalkr/kike"---sheriff/mtro stp --?blk/mn fallin pnts -- rp askng---fr cig
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
mon----615p mess maker car wash vista sneaky trgtd messes --- likely aided by groupings city and sheriffs ---purposefully not locked up nor insd nuthouse ---pnh nxt 711/smkng --- smk/shp ogdn likely buddies of mds clvrly dsguised !!!cnsp sqd -- pln to put away vctm nuthouse has lng been in the mkng of ---mds weho/sheriff backed sponsored groupings ---- vctm rgtfully ovrl suspicious snc serial !!!!ong raird and kdnp --903p --- vctm dmpng sheriff hywrth/w ---- hrrsser/hywrt/ne no/msk rp/askng lgtr ---!!!!!mess 76/curb --- situated !!!!!vctm bg location ----1020p---shrff crsc/hts/w ---blk mn bike harrssmnt fr lgtr doing smthng with lgtr flm loaned by other blk man/wrng hat--- vctm brded 4/9519 lqd was widespread agn vctm bg location ----hvy wood brnch ---insd sheriff/mtro trash---*****tuesd ---fire setting fem--whom weho should gv--awrd--fr setng vctm bgs --on fire ---sleeping--grassy area weho pk-----messes--mtro/plm gbg---and hnk/gbg----610a---srl bullying wh/gy/mn ne/plm/sm -----hvy smk --w/of plm ---!!!!mds/sheriff/stb/rbtsn crn ---632a----js aftr--sheriff---rbtsn/e----728a - vh passing rec --- hvy smk---sheriff/mtro stop -- hls --with/unusually lrg/amnt luggage ---!!!not being sent--to/nuthouse ---
Monday, May 24, 2021
fire setting fem seen sleeping park grassy area few days ---***fri---524p---ambs stndg vsta crwsh--just aftr mess mkr --walk out---west side crwash twrds vista---- 642p--- ambs vstng arco -- gtng a lk--at some arrngd messes -- mess mkr makes ---?smk heavy serial 2 hls myb 711 crsn----812p-- orng vest with wlc sneak up twrds vctm location frm 711/crsn---850p--mds/sh---76/e----!!!!seemingly ba/crscent hgts -- is no more ----too good of location --- probably new plan for the nice size corner lot ----vctm just became aware when --ba trash cans -- disappeared----1029p---sheriff swtzr/e----*****sat---615a/620a----weho pk--bsktbl crts---mds/bully f----cuss/bully vctm---bng trash cns---rvrs/dmp vctm --- vctm eyes--too bd---to clearly ident--the/fem----!!!weeks since ---shit like mail----kngs sw/trash can -- addressed someone ireland--- mike mentioned --alleged fire setter fem --jailed for illeg weapons possession---only---very briefly----nearing 9a---mds shrff---heading san/vicente/s----1010a---ambs--vista crws---hlpng--dmp vctm---1215p--unrdb---vct blvs fire setter fem passed this location shell/sm/blvd/laurel--at this time----101p---fire settr/fem---collect cans hugos/kings nw crn---ahead vctm----line 4--kngs/w--not stp for vctm---so/vctm--wlk bck twrds swtzr--missing second--line/4---coach---4028---?126p---very fast---fire setting fem--made it--with her cart---to san vicente----seen crossing--sw/san/vicente---towards northwest---she is way skinnier than vctm---but sheriffs--not want--this one--insd ---nuthouse--thats not---what city crime groups---have planned-----arco--more empty than usual----851p---mds sheriffs---hyvnhrst/e---915p--sheriffs--swtzr/w---hvy smk nearby--hmb marys swtzr----and--sheriffs/mtro stp svc/se---corner---****sun---fire/setter fem-- passing ba/hldl--twrds/w----642a--sheriff/kdnpprs----hnk/e----10a--sheriff/sv--passing---hyperion/sunset---twrds/west--518p---mess mkr mkng mess--vista crwsh---very welcome---to hlp facilitate---vctm/dmpng----*****mon---cnsp/sheriff--p/san/vicente east---entrng sheriff/station frm santa monica side---sheriff seen---mvng---swtzr/w----**sun eve mess seen org/grv nrby grbg cn---with brkn glass---***mon early am---mess seen lower lib--nrby grbg cn---and mtro/plm plus----mtro/entry---nrby grbg cns
Friday, May 21, 2021
thursd--536p---sheriff fuller/w----busy----FRmng/dmpng/rdclng/extrmntg ---the/vct-----!!vctm--lkl svrl wstd---bd/slp etc--frm dpndncy--and bd weather/cmfrt tolerance----as rslt--unrdb/inchrnt----arco--trashy non/edb--junk food----hnded vct---as always--mlcs/poisonous---non/edb---persecution junk!!!!--why py?---????----806p--amblnc--p/ogdn/e------mess seen---swtzr trash s/of santa monica---a mess seen--gbg/cn--mobil---and another mess---gbg/cn--orlndo/santa/monica---sheriff passing orlndo/w---nrby vct--to bttr/frm/dmp/vct****fri---?5--38a---!!!!fire setting fem--moving---from weho pk grassy field to bsktbl area--outer side----710a/712a---smk pavilion entry santa monica side---m/frnt/in line pvln rec--spanish spkng/dk skinned--bng at vct--as she--entred rec/area---arnd 735a---same unleash smoke after moving--nrby vctm---continue with smk ong------unleashed--more smk--vctng rec---at rbtsn---and--jywlkd rbtsn----never hvng been persecuted---as many others--dlvrng---way more cans then vctm---but not---picked out--for mlcs---prsctn/tgtng---as/vctm----848a----!!!!***sheriff--pass/!!!nrby vctm--frtherance of---city/crm/cnsp---pssng sheriff/mtro/stp---san/vicente---toward/east---chicken seen tossed ground---nrby lower lib--gbg cn
Thursday, May 20, 2021
CLOCK 858 time minus 204 arnd 654p -ambs strng at vct fd in hnd p/arco w-----912 clk or 708 time mess maker enters arco from west side moving toward/e sneaking arnd gas station gbg cans and messing with/fd ----leaving mess behind including top of trash in furtherance of ---!!!!city crime sheriff/city/dmh ----anti/vctm cnsp-----726p---!!!cnsp sheriff passing curson/w--- svr smoke---west of curson south side santa monica --- 8p -pr ambs hrssng vctm--mvng p/ogdn/e---"gd to see u - mlna"---prties to cxity crime --- sheriff crime - dmh crime ---!!!!vctm extrmntn ---!!!!!cnsprcy---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bckd/by ---dlb mlcs and ignrnt ---usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----ngt time--mess seen vcnty sheriff stp gbg---to/encrg vctm prsctn dmpng---***thursdy--ult svr smk 5a-- lwr lib green vest --cntrctr --prtcptng city crime vctm dmpng---poisn spreading---vctm---?vcn 9a--sus!!!/pssing shrff stp twrd/w---wearing lrg strw ht---gmrn milana----!!!!*****cnsp vctm dmpng sheriff---strng at vctm checking gbg can----hlpng frthrnce--anti vctm cnsprcy---aiding/hlpng---city/crime/grpngs---not/jailed/or/charged----pssng santa monica/san vicente twrd south------mvngshrtly aftr 9a---704--shrt orng---coach 3906----black man--no mask---back entrance bus---threatened to use knife and pulled out stabbing knife then passed self as minding own business gv vctm drty lks--when gtng off at la cienega as coach was moving---twrd east---time was arnd ?909a----obsrv--mental persecution and hospitalizations----take away !!!!gun rgts frm---!!the--most massive and passive---vctm----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!america steals---freedom---for free!!!!!!!!---!!!!!persecuting vctm---fr dggng meager recyclables!!!!************vctm demands ---compensation vs all property theft persecution and encarceration losses and additionally to full service lewgal team and full service armed guard team to protect vs all criminals and cnsp backing operatives
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
mon------arnd 709p---mess maker--into--carwash vista--towards east---steve ?sadler---giving compliments---to ted landreth---917p--frfx ne crnr--blck man--with empty bag--digging--through vcts---alleged---not get anything vcts---**similarly--sun bfr last ---blck man--sdwlk--nrby arco/curson/santa monica--was hiding something--insd his shirt front--was also digging insd--vcts bgs----just bfr--fem--was offrng--hls gbg/jnk fd--at frfx ne---bus stp---at 76--gbg--cmpltly empty--just ahead vctm----do not know why---he could hv been---cleaning up--behind--mess mkr---942p--sheriffs p/shell crscent heights/w---?lkng--to/hlp dmp---upn vct---*****messes top gbg trash cans---west hollywood pk---125p--ambassadors--plummer pk entry---seen from bus---bad notes---sheriff labrea west---sheriff passing frfx--?eve---ovrhtng--blkts---vctm prbs--heat--and cold---906p---76--gbg--totally empty---928p--blck man--crnr shell--nrby mess--askng for lgtr---smoke--towards/?w---*****wed----****worker green vest lower lib--ultra heavy smk---mess lower lib gbg---frqt seen 5a- fem---bg fire setter--?supposed--accrdng--to tad of greenwich village pizza--has been jailed awhile--for gun/knife possession--- 633a---sheriffs---?hnkack/e----smk blown to vct--svc ne---?708a -sheriff strng rbtsn/w------svr smk pavilion bus shelter--mess rbtsn side pavilions entry nearby recycler---serial smk/pot---east of rbtsn---731a---gry car extng pavilion rbtsn--smlr to--sheriff gray car----
Monday, May 17, 2021
fri---mcdn---grd wtchng vct--during lunch---?myb askd--to do--so----smk/pot labrea/etc..---657p--sheriff revrs--gdnr--back toward west on santa monica----sheriff crscent heights toward east----smk/pot---lkly frqt---messes crscent heights swtzr etc...lings nw/nrby hugos---??sat---sheriff san vicente-- sheriff fuller--moving toward east---hlpng---hate crime--extrmination--city linked groupings---1124a---ambassadors frfx twrd west---coming back---towards hayworth east---pot vicinity robertson recycler----do gooder offering ice coffee--blowing smoke--at vict---freds money ran out---more money dlvrd by hauler---?between 8/826p--frfx sw---m--mkng--***brd noises----830p---76 gas station west of hayworth crnr edinburgh---pull in *********************sheriff---?myb hisp--judging by--skin colr---shouting at vict--checking--for cans--****************get out of--trash!!!!-----vict askd him--wht trash--he told her--to check with station worker--?if ok--to collect cans???----!!!!!sheriff angry---!!!!suggesting---****************there is letter with agency--on file-----!!!!!likely groupings/city----!!!being encouraged/hlpd--to bully/chase---the vctm---acting same as other sheriff svrl times--ngt time drvng down santa monica blvd--yllng --get out of trash---sheriff suggested--!!!!******u cant just go--through--peoples trash----!!!!suggested/encouraged by---bully/groupings----920p---sheriff passing--crscent/heights/east--wrkng jointly with--other sheriffs---!!!!aidng groupings----dlb/bothering--vctm----1030p--hrsmt susp--nrby mobil---left--twrd orlndo/s---??sheriffs san vicente strng at vict--bd notes---****mon--621a--frc/smk--madonna stalker--mds/groupie--hrssing ridiculing vct--plm/twrd east---!!!!!gd thng--u are not yelling--like that--drnk--acrss street--!!!cmng frm---drg addct--ultra loud yeller-----i hv not!!!--seen the slime---at gateways----!!!he's---city crime---!!!groupie!!!!-----mess seen lwr lib--grbg---mess nrby bus shelter--se san vicente--and mess nrby grbg---nxt ---metro--door entry--athens seen--scpng up--grbg----aftr 6a---mvng ---plm/twrd west---sign says--village here will be closed tomorrow--no explaNATION---given---past fri----i was given 1 of 2 meds---by parmcy lnkd to--hllywood mental health--the ?pharmacist--said--!!!!thts everything----problem--any dmh dctr--will back up----gateways and groupings---keeping their own crimes---in business--and vctm--passed---for/mntl--schizophrenic---!!!this is so---as vctm--has no insurance or moneys--to hire--own dctr--who would--disagree---with meds--and diagnosis----vctm--suffers--slpng dscmfrt--frm concrete---and cold temperatures---also--lkly lnkd---to med/dependency---as previously--vct had---way better sleep!!!---seen---?fri ngt---pair--of gay guys---seen previously----thght--rther peculiar--they are digging--into vctm info--sppsdly frndly---and handed $2----unfrtntly--i'm centry sz---vctm---and need---!!!!!cntry sz fnd rsng----and protection---frm persecution
Friday, May 14, 2021
thursdai---line 4--coach 3868 --traveling east--420p---mess maker board at la cienega step off at sweetzer----sheriff seen passing just west of sweetzer heading west----sheriff prkd galxy labrea sw corner---galaxy guard staring at--victim recycling---??maybe around??? 8p sheriff pausing arco/curson santa monica heading east---likely--!!!!!helping--future--kidnap conspiracy---9p---suspect ?blk man looking to steal passing s of lib corner toward north---**fri am---victim went pickup---pewrsecution meds from dmh hollywood mental health--looks like---this too--was mixed up--as they only had---the depakote---!!and purpose of meds---in this case--!!!mainly--continued persecution!!!!!----
Thursday, May 13, 2021
wed---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1persecuting sheriffs ---moving curson toward west between 8/840p---cuson north side santa monica--bus stop---suspect--black man spreading smoke--ridiculing victim---and--making threats toward other absent party---858p---gry car sheriff exiting---from sheriff station san vicente exit---around 930p---mess maker heard moving p/lib south corner--san vicente---toward south----sidewalk being cleaned nearby library west side of san vicente ---***thursd----rebecca--the hollywood-- mental health scl workr--not yet ans--her cell---not clear if--office phone--of hers---is---accepting---messages---!!!??persecuting likely sheriff seen moving santa monica san vicente toward south--maybe around ?856a---sus adct wh/m--mkng malicious remarks---while sitting front of vict--seemingly?--trgtng victim--he got off at highland--and--went west--then--reversed--toward east--and attempt--pan handle---off victim----!!suspect--law enfcmnt--sheriff or pd--seen passing mc cadden toward west--likely--looking---harrass victim--should she look for recyclables---just skipping --the--city crime--mds groupings!!!!!-----they/sheriffs/pd--could not--possibly/be--that ****confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
tuesday--myb ard 615p---sheriff into plummer park---north martel---bad groupings black wheel chair hrssng vctm crossing santa monica fairfax ne/s--then se/w----also---sus/f--sitting sidewalk--nrby bakery santa monica/se of fairfx---jump up--and harrass victim---**wed---around 5a---lkly drnkn mds/m--lkng into bus shelter--probably hoping to steal--and celebrating--extermination--of--this victim---after 7a--m/sheriff--same as---cant sleep--pdc melrose san/vicente bus shelter---greetings--passing pavilions recycler toward robertson---***victim--only few cans---seemingly someone went just ahead her tuesday afternoon---**mon--recycler was closed--freddy had accident----new fem--sec guard--let victim save her cans--to nxt day---but---threat!!!--she will allow this---only--this one time----hllwd mental health--working hard--at geting victim--free med---and passing her--for *****mental case---and hoodlum--crime ring--for nice people--mess makers--thieves--and persecution/extermination---artists----included---the site of foot infection is still somewhat sore--and one black guy--at recycler---told me to check this out--or could turn--into gangrene---***sheriffs vhcles seen west of la brea moving west---!!!remember according to west hollywood and hollywood mental health---all persons--making trouble--for victim--are nice---and---!!!!!normal--people----****victim in constant fear--cant collect cans--when she needs to---sleep impaired--as result of--med dependency--arranged by---west hollywood--and gateways hospital--vctm--has not--before them--suffer any--sleeping issues
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
suspect passing vista carwash toward east --u look crzy--?when u became ---?crzy---multiple persons panhandling proximity 711/curson/santa monica ---drunk cussing threating victim 711/cursaon santa monica---then tailing cussing/threating--toward fairfax----815p--mess maker---many messes seen west of edinburgh including gas stations---and many left behind sunday as well ---pai alleged helpful gay people seen la jolla/santa monica--victim likely brain damaged cant read their phone number she wrote---***tuesday 10a---704 san vicente santa monica traveling east not let victim board bus ***sheriffs persecuting victim seen toward sheriff station santa monica side entrance other sheriff working victim persecution toward san vicente south and yet another toward santa monica entry station---
Monday, May 10, 2021
since hospital release victim has severely burned nose and sore hurting at previous site toe infection --- not able recieve meds alleged not sent by dr sabshin at rite aid la brea sabshin is suspect dr tried pushing even more meds and ridiculed victim for eating out of garbage can sabshin was even more pro dmh cohoodlums calling the railroad artists thieves and endless malicious persecution -- nice people---very clear why hollywood mental health is part of dmh team recycler was closed ***mon--- this morning at pavilions and new female guard mean unlike the previous was nice enough to hold victims recyclables until tomorrow but threatened this is last time ---***fri---line 4 traveling swtzr 10p -- toward west thief black female smarted off re victim "i dt hv no money"---****sat--sheriff traveling can vicente north around 944p---*******sun---suspect hispanic passing martel se/toward/w-----next-- around----- ?728p sidewalk nearby arco/curson suspect thief ng going through victim bags throwing stuff around and hiding something in his shirt front vacating after victim yelled out----victim clock resets frequently ?950p and 956p lines 4 passed up victim crescent heights towaRD WEST---**MON--AROUND 825A sheriff pause passing pavilions recycler towards robertson----today monday guy newly on ssi with 10 million cans alleged told hollywood mental health he was talking to hitler/mussolini and ofcourse not taking prescribed meds--after fabricating--the lies--guaranteed he lied about his income he moves more than pickup truck any given time--do not know how he will make it--with freddy not having shown up this monday
Friday, May 7, 2021
again persecuted -- 5/6 ambassadors ogden west hi milana 5/7 210a **************sheriffs aiding persecution by anti homeless groupings san vicente melrose moving north told us you cant sleep here we were sleeping in bus shelter as previously ambassadors told us those could be slept in around 306a suspect anti homeless groupie man banged loudly the bus shelter at pdc corner melrose and san vicente and yelled wake up!---hollywood mental health dr sabshin pushing med---- and malicious persecution ---eating out of garbage can
Thursday, May 6, 2021
rebecca the social worker from hollywood mental health where victim was sent upon vacating the gateways hospital and mental health center called freddy recycler around 6p on may 5th and did not give victim sooner hollywood mental health appointment canceled the appointment as cell belongs to freddy not victim sheriffs likely consp passing pavilions recycler and many times sheriff metro stop plotting help put away victim yet again and keeping victim in horrid fear
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
victim living in horrid fear needs legal help threatened by sheriff female suv vehicle traveling orlando santa monica east april 28 why are you back why are you back be good or we will send you back victim spent 2 times at gateways hospital as result of suspect west hollywood groupings aided by sheriff dept dmh hollywood 103 preying on supposed seriously mentally ill working likely with west hollywood city hall aiding bad groupings targeting this particular victim victim spent 2 times at gateways hospital and mental health center october 7 through dec 9 and again feb 17 through april 27 both times on holds from karla bennett hollywood dmh 103 and pushed by psichiatrist dr shayan rab hollywood dmh 103 gateways hospital and home team pushing psichiatric meds inside and outside hospital victim forced register hollywood mental health and her appointment time is in july 15 940a but social worker rebecca was promising sooner appointment but is impossible to reach her phone mailbox not set up yet victim in constant fear she will be snagged any second exodus mental health facilities too hard to get to without car to get meds which are addictive dependency prone and now too hard to get to clinic and rebecca not answer phone maybe around 830a