Wednesday, August 31, 2016
americas sole purpose destry lives at no cost --applaud slf w/thmbs up --dfrd nd trz till the end
wed---js bf i gt int lib ard 315p --lntc whi frq tlks t slf nd onc sd -die btc ---tdy prclmd btc g t hell which brgt t mnd rec attmpt t sng bgs lib vcn -stg a crz prsn mgt do----tues---crn mlr svc sh brs my ears wt its hrn as i rcd int crn trs cn---apx 621p--amng gng tctcs is prpsl trzg nd dstrbngflwd by ???sln shl ?mlt trn n.--wh pk ng at tbl on my wy bk twd my bgs at pk tbl usng dict tn--nt cmb hr--js bn hr-gt outa hr----wrkg the mob wishes fr area---shs flwg ???their orders---???$5 ofg mob ml crs sm at lcn wt ??co trn w--no--dng gd???rklss rthlss trs nt mndg own bsn--its amer intent t antg but py nd t destry evr-but scdrl is tlkg crp abt stg he will nvr d ntg abt--amng thngs ntcd re jns yest by ba--he rlly likes mob operatives lk ted--also wntd t kn my age nd if frm rf??? ???hau w dlcn pcolt--****1043p pkings e---blk sv --btc once---***7dck971 w cr ortl f insisted she nt gng nd went t tlk t smn frm mbl??? hd svrl$ in hnd thn tried t frc ps exc 1 or 2 per trs grp instrctns--- smn ngr crsg frm drc hgs twd orlnd dsc stg wt othr prsn m crs?? mntn amzn --susp ngrs my b lvn off brgl?????? mn-----****ard myb 325 a--hrd cnv by fm --re ??? of all thgs 3 yrs ucla nd ????lost mny---no such thng amers r prof crmnls sptd by le wt thmbs up=====****abt 343a w trk spdg w aftr bpg pswtzr--at the tm thr was onl wt vn unldg smtg???? by city hall--nd myself t trz fr gngs or shfs by prpsl wkng me up whl trng t gt slp-----***707a a wt trk pljl w one ml ylg--btc****crs hts crs sm e mob -g mrn--ambsd bks --1 tlkg frd frdly dfrdr in fct wrkng fr mb sqd nd its intentions---mr thy dmp on tgt -the mr the trs r appreciated----??? ????mob dfrdr "nice" frm jns nd trs grp shfs pnt of view---sm as mob clnc nd mob lndrth--out of sm trs dictatorship wstg dfrdr opera---prps bt one -frm/dstry/annihilt/elmnt trgt.---***930a sh sv pgns?? w--hey ??thmbg up sh-i thk the rd hd nd thmbg aprvg mob trs deeds nd tctcs at n cst---jstc trs acts mob trs usa style----****gng dfdr d w----???7kaa126 offg chg usa gsln---mny miles under by mob--thy gt chg t fl u----cmplmnts trs usa---*****4syf947 dk sv dk sv gsln --sry dt hv cs--offg bgt jk fd??? mob dfrdr rfsd---by 711w--mumb loaded ngr---7sow968 sndc/wr ofd shl--unwntd jnk rfsd---****thts wt amer hs fr u fr serial ultra grd crm wch eqls endls yrs bkwds---31635m1 tk w pcrs w smn in bk strtcg arm myb wt trs $1----abt 1155a---whsp m/f aidg hgs mob cnsp wt co trs t hgs----crm in amer is fully prtctd nd n hlp nor free atty nd b served----america spts crmnls on brglry mny fnds---128p pwstb--hey sh thmbng up in sv--gng e--mob sh cr p wstb---sh cr trn rnd hntl bk t e---guy blk run up t sushi strt trs by hntl offr prt used jc nd try t sgs its bdl needed whn ht--he frgt gngs hd it prt used----nd lkl hd him dsptcd by prtcptg mob ngrs???----g bk p hntl t plc wr thy nk hlty jc---pvl mob f -ofr $5---assmng i hv n clu as to value of americas infntl grnds brglrzng extrtg crm---mtg loaded lntc t lib -psbl plng stl my bgs --***ard 315p wed --g t hell btc*****recieved svrl mssages containing nothing from mike--the alleged new email address is dft thn bfr ---please check if in fact the right mike satterfield what is phone number etc?????
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
i kp rng int jones shrf by ba w of svc-now myb thy wll g chk stg out if thy nt rthr hng me
mon---?????frt dsk lkl cnsp ?tgt---eric estrada wlking outside dn lib steps--lib gd stkg out lib gd fr sec---cnsp wtc??out of pl ofc wh pk----cn pltd tp of trs bw sh bs stp nd mtr--cmplmnts frds of mob who r nc peopl allwd t d antg-----wstbrn cls t 825p rd cr ngs -f ylg-dt lv tht sht out thr---lkl mob nt mndg own bsn---erl by wstb trs ml hsp try ps chng nd glu --rem thr is glu mob in orvl-unf i thnk the glu grp lnkd t thgs othr thn glu-bk enq at lcn -hv 50c?--mob sh pkngs e---sh????**** 617a--ctc btc btc btc crz btc -mltp mls blk cr wrg org---pswtz w---94221a2- 76 ofg cns btls -psb cnsp blu trk---*****845a p spldg e sh sv as im hvng bkts ylll -'u as it passed me --i thgt ths tm alms fm sndg???? hd t tell but sm as gngs do in orvl---ard hywrt 7 sh vh---crn frf fm frm rs ofr $1 rfs shtl i dscvrd my ****blu bg vns or stln-mnr vlu js bg drnk plstc cvr insd---by crsrds w/bpk -mn askng -cn u sell me?? -i cl nt undrs -i dt sell ntg---earlier vcn 711w hrd ?mob ngr syng stg i fld t mk out---m by crsrds trn pkg thn out t bnc---ws clctg cns at mbl whn dscvrd ngr gtg cns lvng w shpg crt tlg me -gt out of hr---unrdb mnt t wrt plt cnt rd rd hd fm lg hair rec pvln age 69 frm msschsts ofr $2 rfsd---rn int jns/prtnr by ba-mr jns sd he ws alwys nc--nc isnt the issue -issue is tgtg fr mob-he wl nvr tll his prtnr t b gd---he als js abt cld me liar whn i tl him i dt eat thr bcs he sw me vcn-ys onc spd sw ted -sw med clnc -sw sarah nd phn-nd stpd 99 cent str-as sn as sktbds ps me outs wh pk gn s t mlr sd one strd smk blwg int my fc-69 yr old at rec ds nt trsts attrneys strg cmnt--nd itl mob stbks smngl gv me wrng nm fr jws attrn whos on brd fr evrtg bcs i cnt fnd him--trs mr jones again tried push me to clinic for mob operatives with whom they jntly team up
Monday, August 29, 2016
my opinion--depties intract w/mob grps hnd hlss fr gvt fndng orgnzd mnc-dfrdr tk cr yrslf---hv set br chested hlss lkl stealng at ngt--suspicious approach and comment-u snz -u ls---
at ?mlr 7lvn013 -cn i hl u out ltl--w cnv cr--old mn wvg at prk --lkl all hndg mob prtcptcs hnd clct fnds kill lives and nvr py on serial ultra grnd crm operations---sh bs stp 2 btcs wtg on bus ofg grn brs lying thy nt knw nt t bthr ths trgt all orgs glu on prsue own victims of ultra grnd serial mob crime fr own profits not yr cmpnsation----dsc $1 in bg lkl snkd by trs-i tr int smll pieces but ths is nt abt t stp hndg hoodlums of whom sheriffs r prtcipants thy too gt fnds t kill vctms lives nt prvd hlp-thy wrk hnd in hnd wt trs orgs nd mob nd do their bidding nd encrg them t prsct trz trgts lvs demolish nd destroy nd mk vr certain ths paid fr crimes r not compensated for -instd all ths trs grpngs nd systm prey on tgts nd hlss--trs cntry md of ultra serial dfrdng brglrs mkng mny out of hndg tgts nd trng thm int prey wo pay----mltp trs grpngs prtcpt encrgng anmst sc as -hrd hr ylg at blk gy-ths untru-i will yell at times but the scdrls dtrmnd t kp up hrsmt nd non pay nd crm fr free thts their frndship nd cr--thy steal evr yrs t set u bk many yrs nd nvr recvr nd thy follow u rnd nd dfr wt ndlss inslts mlcs mob persecution wrth nthg nd gng nowhere except t killing a life for free compliments of trs amer mob---trs gn grp ofg ice crm ps shk rest -dt wrry thy will plnt it anyway--the prps is t mk certn the crmnls crimes r nt addressed--instd thy gt thrw awy ice crm t fl u---mob ml trs scdr kickn ard obj trng t blm rdcl u--a u stl, angry--prtcptg trs frm trs .org sm as all lndrt ngrs thy r all bhd sm tlkng denying hdng regrdless all prt of sm trs mob plot----pro lndrt pro gng dirt----shfs e---?? ?? ????smn slpg hlw pk bnc---p hlw e -wu lk chg????fr austria--mlcsl invntd fr inslt---amb pbrnys n---erlier by abbys gd lkg t dmp on me as stbks trnd ngr all trng prvded by mob---ng by ba hrsd me after my ntbk fll nd i pkd it up--he sells trs by ba nd was prkd dstnc awy bt actd as if he lst stg-he sd bk--so i thk he intntionally wnt t hrss me bcs hndg tgts is fn gm aftr all bn thr all ths yrs fnl disc smn t dmp on---mobil--sh stpng algd undc fr lapd newscasters---in fct lkl hlpng mob trs atk tgts----ths ws silv smlr sz sprty cr----sun mrn ngng p ljl w-tm tk bth*** ng lj trn e on sctr---btr nt ?gt cns im ahd of u btc--??lj crn askg--cig sir---i'm austrian---crs hts sm w cr 5bap833--ofg grtd wrtls mny grtd brglrzd----sh p frf w---sx hrsng ng frm st vict. pgdnr w---?? ???ht bkts--- cws smn ofd cns--rfs--711e smn ofd $2 thn cn rfs----lft in tn ??sv---???2dgn893--unrdb---shll f tkng pict -algd brkn cmr wo prms---*******bus 4 d w vcn ???2 pcrs e nt pk up---5693**** 2 pd vhs gn s on bntn---2 whd bses on tmp gn west wld nt stp on prp fr mob lkw--5655 nd 7599 gsg bf 5p----by bs bnc mob mex m trng ps $1 t hrss trgt--crmnls hv no cmprhnsn of sz of amer mob crm----ard 537p i arvd mlr svc---smn trd psg $2by abbeys bt am cnvcd its all sm bd grp---anywys i cnt tell nd gvn the lss crmnls csd it will add up t ntg as amer crmnls destroyed evr w/impnt nd with le blessings thmbs up fr amer trs crm nd ignrc----sun eve 2 ms d stbks wstmnt e-wl u lk cigs -trs kn mn tms ovr i dt smk nd pantgnz tgt--- 2 mob trs phgs e---sun eve--undrc lapd mobil---slv sprty cr---ngt tm crg guy--u snz u ls ft hls brchstd myb thf?????als susp ng w cell mob oprtns---******1.5 w tk mon mrn p swtz w wh ds yr hr btc in og sts-i rem lkg at wtc nd fld t nt ths wo eng slp blkng out i blv ths ws shrtl aftr 6a but earlier thn usual myb ard 610a????sh e pswtz---fem og $1 frf clrd hair dt rem clr blu or prp sms lk i dt hv eng hlt t hv clr hd---ths trs prsctg pd trsts blv thy cn stl yr lf fr $1--sun brnys scdr cm w nkl -prp lying its all i hv--ths r trnd brglrzng dfrdrs who stl evr yrs nd prtnd lk it nvr were--rthless trs cntry who pys shrfs nd prvdrs t pkt mnys nd demolishes nd kills the tgts nd vctms thy jntl hlp crmnls t hnd---slv cr t spldg tsng cn rfs---sht nd glss strt trs cn by 711e---guy tosses empt sda cup ovr fnc 711w ctr---ws in blu jkt lgr hr--smn lng crs pk bnc---m gvg me lks e d hlw---smn by stb wsmnt md rm-shll thr it at u--thy shl be thrn at bcs thy prpsl bthr peopl---thgh i dt throw objects-scdrls r hndg people jntl w sheriffs fr paid demolition prj where thy all gt cnv paid nd tgt gts cnvntl dmlshed cmplmnts trs usa--tk cr of yrslf--wr u slp--d u nd hlp w/cl wtr whn its wy too ht--trs assisted persecution ---frt ba mob hsp shf earl jns/klaus frt shfs station ignrt trs -thmbs up fr trs lk selves nd fr mob crm--***********hyd-u r mighty lky if amer trs says its nt my prblm bcs thy r mc mr lkl to add t tht mnc--ntg gd is cmn wtevr--america is trs cntry persecuting demolishing lives of tgts nd pretending ths nt hpng
Saturday, August 27, 2016
fri---ylpg sktb yk..--- psh e????---by hntl trs f ofg ins mny--rfs---m w/dg ofg $1 rfs----thy hv vctmws of their own x grd srl crms fr $1 trgts----frd chrt mlcs insl on tgts of own crms---=946p-rp scr wstbr----bk in dyt bk f w lch paper bg prt of trs undrcvr grpg clg slvs cpl peopl--nr ramada vcn hrd smn sy wiedersehen--in fct intrlnkd trs org w/hdn prps---******1118p med w cr t inr sd of shfs cr p swtz w--lkl w cr ylg m--wts up???---shs nx it lkl cotrs oprtn--it was the 2nd smlr w cr fri mrn thrwg aukey box wgich cntnd chrctr who orig yld re crystal meth---- amb gds p ch e i blv erlier thy wnt pbrneys up hlwy---*****ngt tm whstl bhd me i ws t slpy t lk nt t lg ltr lkl ****trs ng sngn grp-im gn t sue u????----- m psng me lkg bk pswtz e--trs cnvsg w guy w dgs nd trng blk e p urgent cr----earlier by mlr shfs chkg up fr nvr rstg trs mob desires----mess mrn by out of clst---sh e pedinburgh---5bap833---nd sm mn??? 711w out e---mob f ofg $1 frnt sm --bth rfs---erl sh p711w d e---mumblg bk in strpd mlt cl nd w t shirt??? p 76 e---guy stp by candelirium dsptcd-ws gn t gv u $1---mob hs tpd trgt as drt t b hd----pkd sdw frt of shll?????? dkn mob blu tp int shll sm as hit me bn pl yst 711w prp smk at me d w---*****1125ash cr pflrs w f psg sh mx ylg--hy-i ws etg by trs cn--prp hls hrsmt dsptcd trnd by mob oprtvs---mob tactics affiliate----ltr rd jp ofg insl mny mbl lkg bk t see if thy r nglctg t chs me out per lkl mob cnsp trs plot 7lzx127 rfs-----smn int mbl apx lgt nv or lvdr sht crsg???---apx 105--8p trvlg e of svc---grp mob prtcpts brglrs---ylg hi--at rec f clg wrkr swtie thn ofg me $1 rfsd onl fr grls-----js outs lib algd wrkr wt unwtd sld in fc mob dsptcd--*****frd neutral frd hlpfl librarian has come up with consultations twc yr at law lib -i cann neither get in thr nor do thy hv any intnt t hlp me--js anthr amr dfrdr srvc--wrs as he spld the rfrl he gv drty lks t my appearance typing it as a piece of shit wrthy od drt mob fd nd of $ and deserving of evrything stolen mob trs american style--thats the librarians nd scndls rklss american neutrality-mny yrs ripped out nd no way out--terrorist and evil and scandalous pro crime and pro mob trs usa
Friday, August 26, 2016
smn js rec psd by me in lib w extr hv clgn--smtms sgn of mob prtcpts althgh im cnvncd all srts of frd gdrs mgt b prtcptg nd bkng vrs trs hndg dfgdg elmntn dictatrshp phases----thrs eve vcn wh pk dsptcd mob -wt sm brd-lkl rfs wld nt b srprsd if qlty ws t bd fr brds evn----fm w/bab in strlr ofg chps -onl s thy cn mk dgn in gbg cn lk bd -nt ths who h;pd brng ths abt or streotype it----2 mob amb gd bks plcn w--trnd t thk nd act as mob---erl f agn by sm svc crn agn ofg brd i tl hr t gv t brds----f lcn ???chg unrdb---******corrected---623a w cr gsg med i js awk scr pswtz w in og unfrms in mnt 624a ylg wt sm cr p swtz w psg in og unfm i js cld nt gt any btr of view at speed of ths coffee?? thr tny crd brd box wc was lbld as being aukey wrls prtbl cr audio ****rec mdl br-c8------tp on box prt tr off onl 506 vsbl at end****few mnts ltr--sm dir ld bp...??????smn lying in crst hts pk--amb gd on bk tlkg t a pr by 76 nd gvg drt lks my wy insprd by mob nd cmnt lkl--my gs thy hv sm trgts--ths is cmnt nd cntry who will rklssly dstry evr abt u frc u hlplss nd gt ths t stk lk ths wt u dsrv nd wrs--trs cntry nd hdlms fr peopl===sx hrsg ng ylg as he ws lvng vcn of 711w lndrmt d w---mess sd st 711w hywrth===f frf d s ylg hrsg me?????? ?? ????mob cnsp dct sh pgns e----pcrsn 4dbt ld sf hrn bpg ??? ???unrdb---??mob on bk pgns w---erl cnsp mob aflt sh pgns w=hwevr im sr prtcpts wld dny ths pss fr nonex--in fc ths r afltd intrlnkng grps wt suspct gls----by 711w smn hit me by thrwg bn peel denied dg ths on prps---as he lft d e he lkd in drc of my bgs d w----mob shs p76 e lkg out psg sd psb frmr leist drvr or othr plmr area zoo assoc---1120a--shll 5tfa575 sv-ofd $5 trs mob ins -sho?thts how thy prnce it totl dft frm sure--??? ??----smn hdg bhd fr lease sgn e of brnys--?prsn thr mob ---hi----aftrwds prsn at brnys ws ptg m t shd???as if it ws my lwn----in rlt of crs fr free amer totals lives reckless ruthless mnfctrd endlss prblms--nd i hv lvl usa t thk fr the mnc---alwys smn mks dstrb noises at lib -tdy trs nx me is sngng t the rgt of my 11 cmptr---mob trs cnsp shs plcn e--als p shk rest e---blu stn lk cr othr thn sv thr hv gs rng fr sbst tm nx me thn lft---i strgl fr ox yst n ths mrn---mob sh p svc e--****by sushi at hntl drsd up ngr w/?cmpnion telling th cmp--lt her g thr grbg--the btc is hr re myself----hrd crsng svc/sm stp---3vdg172 ofg chps nx abbeys d n i ofd u fd -u wnt ths??? dsptcd slv sv-thy total yr entr lf dtrmndl nd on prps bt thy gt sm psn lnd up fr u no prb???--frd at rec pvlns my opin mlcs prsn----smn thr wntg t kn if i wnt hr #2 pls -mch dft frm wt thy lk t stl---f p ba w sht dk hair strng at my pkt---
Thursday, August 25, 2016
smn trd dsps of my bg or stl by lib wed--lkl stl it all tdy--thrs usl tm ?oth w trk arnd 2 tms swtzr w psg on my sd org unfn-,trk myb frm tuesd cited trn sm svc
by lib my bg tied t bk rk ws hd by sm crmnl nx opn trs cn--no wtns aknwldg sng---crmnl lib plyng neutrl ws wlg t gt brian frm mh wt strg rfrls -in rlt t hlp mob frm trgt-the ntrl librn is in fct cvrg fr mob nd frtrg mob gls whl hndrg mne vr prpsfly---rem ths pleases slfassures mob librn who clms t b incn smply bcs algdl he nt brk int hm--but thr r lts of prts who frthr the desrs of trs orgs whom ths mob librarian digs---ng f mob svc d sm ofg prt btl of wtr thn clmg t lv it bhd--mlcs hndg rdclg tctcs in frthrnc of mob cntrl dictrshp---etc.....mob oprtvs on cite in lib lkl frthrng intntns of mob---mob ng sm svc gtg off 4 askg pr mob trs scrpt fr cig---erl 2 frm nz dspt-t ps fd--rfsd--erl at mlr chks gigglng???---*****cvs lcn crn 2 vhs d w dspt qrl ylg lkl re nx ong crm t trgt---rem mob lib cvrs fr mb org nd nt fr u-----mob 3 whisper p brn e dhgs---mob pmbl e ofg nts---mob gp pglsns w try ps $1 insl---rfs---???mob cs u mny yrs yr lf in rtrn thy n amer hv trs prsc nd mlcs inslts---****thrs mrn w trk pswtzr ws mumblg at me stg i cld nt mk out grtd ntg nc ard bk abt 625a sm prs on my psg sd ws in org -i cl nt see frtr nd blv trk ws lkl oth w trk i sw no bsn sgns---****mob ng phrpr e*****mob sh p??? w???unrdb---hdu7560 ny plt slv cr gsg ednbrg nx 76 ofg stg lk cookie???grtd mob dsptc prsc dfrdr at trgt expns nd wrs---lkl mess by out of clst---*****917a thrs vcn spldg hrd in dstc -the u yell sml t tht of orvl mob--ths tm i cld nt dfntl tll vh or exc loc bt gsg frm sh vh cr nx fr dpt-thr ws als othr sh cr wtg acrs fr dept sm blvd wt fm mx sh outs--if crct mobsr actv in shrf dpt lkl-----usa gsln f ofg cocnt wtr frm sv 7hdk761 lkl mob dsptc---?????mob ???amb???w rvs at crs e?????by 711e---m pcrs ?????ask???cns mob ?bk w n sd sm????sprt slv cr ylg pogdn e--*****gt out thr --mob oprtv---le md dk cr p711w---lkl shs gds libs hlp --trst org dmp on trgt abs trgt t their jy-----wow mob ylg bks pswtz???w---*******sm e svc s w trk myb frm 2dys ago ws 4dwt sft angls smn insd scr thn othr shes cmng--they wr slw trng so the plt my be cls to 24933k1 trn svc s.--ths ws ard apx 140-145p----bk cr ofg wr p abbeys n 4tul194----erlr smn set wr on trs cn -bth rfsd--amr bd peopl nd mob who blv crm is free nd u shld sfr fr free----acrs pvlns oth dsptc mob-d u ls sngls----ital mob who sells dgs by stbks rbts----lkl dg adct pba svc---au hgry? mob sm---by wh pk trs mob w 4 lt dgs his nd sgr daddys ofg $1
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
tues---cmng out wh pk ofg pz-no int t fnd or fnd mc needed atty---rfs---by sbw--lkl mob ofg any drnk-dt undrestmt wt ths btfl flks d whn u nt lkg---rfsd---susp bk ptrs nrst shk rest dw lkg bk---??hlpg cnsp--ong rp whstling lcn crn--ult whstler nd cmp d e---ng f bk e of lcn d e--frd frdl---lk yr hr---bkt--w vn 21241c1 ofg brt--unk wc brglrzg srcs ths dfrdg trs thy use---1blk e lcn s--rp scr swmgl frm w cr lvg mobil abt 1020p i blv their cell??ws ptd my drctn? -i nt aprc---ws strtl cnfsd--*****wed---apx 633a drk med cr pswtz w smlr tmng as w trk sm drctn dy bfr lkl sm prs who yld grtd nd ws tlkg re crystl meth tdy ws hpy t cll me crz--as js any scm mgt be used fr prpses of trs demolition---thy r the crmnl wth all their fn frds nd u r the fk bng wstd wo pymnt on the crm----thts why crm is alwys free--all srts of dfrdg nd all srts of fn frds who alwys hv plnt in cmn----????7mol569???---ng stg spldg trng mk me fl bd bcs sm oth dy i yld at rp hrsg ng who wld nt stp syng stg lk brn u up--thn denied clmng he sd hlo gd mrn---mob is entld t prsc anyone thy trgt----4mtshaa--u nd ths? trng t dmp emp cn on me crs--as if i nd spt inslt nt pymt on ultra grnd srl crm--mob listens selectively nd prfrs view trg as pc of shit who cn be decieved nd dfrded by thm nd by trs amer estblsmt----mob cns sh d e---i hpn t b prjdc bsd on rklsly bng extrtd int street as if all ws in order-----mob wrkr by fd at stnl smngl inspctg the bldg---???? ?????oldr mob oprtv w/$1 blvg hes dng me fvr as mob usa stls abs evr mn nd irreprbl dmgs mr----- rfsd----sh lndrmt sd t711w--ng w ?brd ??d e mf rp??? ???mob m p???? e---hi--cell--smn ofg fd by tjs----tht wy ultra grd crm as gd as nvr wr-rem ted bgt myron w/sbmrn sdwc dbtfl antg rsmblg wt he rthlessly cst him--my prsnl lmtd info opinion-----by sbw mb tctc-wnt hlf sdwc????----mob sh p wstb w---lg grp w lncs frm shk rest one offg me his pwstb w-rfsd---thy d wt mks thm hpy nt wt u nd---at bst if ths is nt drct brg fds---- or free of chg t grp---shs???? rbts crn dsc trvlg on emgcy frm svc e--angr ng adct wh pk vcn--oth ng ofg mcrn mob dsptc t pk.-lkl dfrdr dctrsp spclsts---shs js w of ba--jkg mob is hr---nvr mnd wt the mob usa did t ths prty--amrc thks its nt thr nd invntd--tht wy amrcn ultra grd crm is espclly lvl n dbt--smn ofg chg inslts acrs pvlns---
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
near sweetzer w trk hdg west wo bsn sgn frm my sd psgrs in og unfrm--one ylg inquiring fr crystal meth giggling as fls propaganda cnction lkl frm butte cntyaganda
mon---bs psg wstbrn 740p 9375 d e bk f drvr ofg $5--non cmprble t americas crms vs me rfsd---ng wtg on bs lcn rp ofg bn---rfsd---mob cnsp sh pflrs bkt ---swtzr trs pltg old mt nx me on bnc nd tp of trs cn--also mess trs cn js n of sm on swtz---******crmnls in og unfrm gng lkl ins-----sh f myb ***leist cnsp w/mob lib live at ths tm ****who is cvrg fr mob----time i hv mrkd 625-7a cited hlf bk e of swtzr hdg w--??hyd -gt sm crst mth grl gigglng rp -thn afrd id crs gt plt-wow wow-i cl nt wt hv bgs evn as thy hd t wt fr lt-but the idea of invented crystal meth came frm chld crmnls in prb schl wr one sgstd my cn bg ws full of crystal meth and rest cld me tweaker---mob idea spread by butte cnty t gt awy wth crm---------mob f stb frf lkl dsp fr dctrsp dfrdr ofg -wd lk stg t eat???-----hrsg ng ???p stnl--sx hrsmt serl ofdr frm st vctrs-----i yld bk at him -fls hv trd blmng me------???bf ogdn ---ns cps?????cvr up mjr crm---?6zva571---usa gsln ---??f of $1 pltd hlf jc hlf wr?????--mob tactics????----p711w aidg mob---???????hls lvg hng 711e cfe????? mob sh pgns w erlier slv hr mob prtcp e----yll hey sw frf crn sv ld sft bp in rspns d w---711w lst fw dys wy less cns if any----?? ????tues 1020a---mob trs ??rcd w/gtr crl hair crs lcn e slnt---cns msl gn--mob sh pwstb w--peter thiel --sf blnr---cited in tbloid paid fr hlk hogan case attorney accdg t new yrk post
Monday, August 22, 2016
sat---strg thg -mrjna expo lib grg sat--annyig me each tm i mst smll the psn---mob dfr psbw--mb sh p??? e--p shk rst trs-wu lk $1--bk pshk ?? ?? ???dlcn e ??? ????---???? $3 nd stg???--lkl atmptd dfrdr dctrsp--chrch rltd -g t chrc???---?? ?? ?unrdbl lgtmzg crm--bkts--- dk skn f hdg tgt ???acc. by smn---oth sus f d w---mbl vcn---******6jky553 w cr pflores w---nc shoes -brglrs lkd stealng shoes...?????psb mob cobrgl wtr acdt mjr tht ngt unkn ---sun --sh frf e--*****stnl mob afltd sh fr dpt atmptd dfrdr -their aflt went ahd of me scpd up cns i wld hv hd thn atmptd dmp dfrd ths on me psng fr chrt--in rlt whn i rfsd the cns trnd out thy prpsl stl my cns frm my own route prpsl lvng me dprvd nd cntnd mlcs mob prsecution wo acknowledging ultra grnd crm mob trs cmnt pulled off--ldrt trs f ng -mlcs smkg---crs ng vcn 711w lkl trng t pt blm on tgt???tlkg crp re hair/shwr frm drctn of ldrmt---mob oprtv---gry tk am flg pull out ldrtmt sd d w. mob cr at 76 ofr $1--cr was all the wy dn in lot so i nt lk at plt sml dk cr i thk mlc prsctn dfrdr hndg dctrsp scm---rfsd--****bntn ng f 126p hit me whn cn i emptied hnd strtched as fr awy as cld be btc clmd it wnt all ov her-hrdl lkl -mr lkl ngr cndct--btc yld --gt the fk hm---dctrshp crm sc,----??? ?? ???i blv my upr midl rgt fng ws sr.-ths ws bntn bs stp--???unrdb ?? ?? ????papers in strt nr wr i pt my bgs psbl orgnzd mess????crn rmprt--/tmpl---mob ng js outs wh lib lkl fmlr wt mob scm??--***mob afltd sh f psg gsg hsp --hi---707p---sh p wstb e 707p----lkl tld t d ths by mob trs mnpltg brglrzg dictatorshp prj---smn ofd wr?? thn wr nd ????--lkl thrw awy---bk at wstb smn trd hnd $5 -rfsd tk bk-so i tr it up fr trs mob prj-who stl xgrd thn ply gms at expns of yr lf--mob m w/cell cnt str bk at lcn lkg t prp flt trgt fr mob by mns orgnzd dfrdg---sun ngt --unk prty pltd 2 bgs of gbg nx me t hrs--the ngt bf thr ws susp ng w/cell bt i ws aslp nfldt ctc trs ths ngt--bgs i mvd twd gbg hpg trs peopl pk up but thy wr stl thr on wy bk--mon mrn---mess by urg cr trs mob tm-- mobf 711w vcn??? gmrn-haumob tlk--scdr crs t fc mktplc lot?? ????sh p76e****4kem175--mob trs psg $1--wnt it or nt???bf psb cnsp ng out---711w---??frf rp--?dl-fk? ??????? ??? ????hlcp stnl------ng???gt lgtr fr sl????---js bf slv hr mob ped dly crsg pfrf e---?????mob gry cr wvg p sm n on frf smngl twd w ?? ?? ???strg at my bgs p76---????gng p hrp e?????---ngr thmg up t cty hll mst be fr ensrg crmnls nvr py on crm twd trgt----*****bk on sun ngt amb bks prtcptg in aidg mob trzg prpsl hrsg trgt apx pglsns flrs d e.--frd frdlns sm as w cnsprd mob shrfs whove no plns wtvr t py on crm twd trgt----hl pk ldrt trs nd wlchr w/weed lkl psn---bk on sun cns ofd by fr dpt in fct stln frm my rt in efct thft------psbw-mob trs ofrg fd frm shk rest---***rp hrs ng f stg js outs dwnst frt of lib--$5 inslt trd wstbrn rpd wn nt tkn bk-- mlcs trs inslts mbl lkl entrl wrtls -whnvr thy sy fr u --thts wt amer wnts fr u--nd whnvr thy sy fr fd nd clm their cncr thy srvd cvrs fr free crm serial nd ultra grd -its vr clr americas rtls ness nd rklessness cmpltl free -i ntc thr r no replies frm attrnys--thts hw mc america cares--got it
Saturday, August 20, 2016
fri---trd gt lib hlp atty-ths f lib gsg ortl-why d thy d tht??psb t plc flt wt trgt----lib wc cvrs fr prtcs trs agcs nd gng trs--- ??? ??? ???? shk rst nrst strt trs cn---w?? bt she dt hv ?mn t ???---amb gds lst dk skn lkl trs wv--mob dfrdg ds nt py on ultra grd crms amer is hlpg nd prtctg -nd it is totly no wndr thy r nt afrd----smn plcs fd int fr tgt on trs by hgs ---rfsd----in rlty cnsp t chs dictatr nd dfrd----???giglng in fct at lk of cs flng vrsus endless mob usa enabled trsts.bpg loud vh t lt t lk phgs w---cld b bgt w/brgl mny---??mob w/brg rfs ?? ???au hgr???ng ?? ?? ??w--g mrn---ogdn-mob m crs d w--mob aidg sh p ogdn w---crsg mob ng frm nrb 711w apprx by lndrmt??nrb 76---ths gy is frds w trs mob ngr f--at tms mob, prs trs ply frd frdl--in rlt persectn mob srvc---dictatorsp extrtn crw---unrdb---fm cty hll mob gd strg---f oth sd gv scm str she gv mny if u nt ask onl -bt the mn grtd is wrt ntg wn u pt it up agst amercn crm nd amer ignrc---mob ng gd stbks wsmnt tk hrsmt wlk t intmdt m fr mb trs grp---trs dfr mob sbw area wt wrtls mlcs prsctn inslny--bt why-aftr act lk scrdwt sm btc --in fct inslt crmnl mob mc mr lkl stry in mob crmnl rklss usa.---?? ???????ng f mob re fd-wt sm??hv g dy--free dfr----mob ng rp strg bk pba----d e w of svc---dsp m mb pwh pk-hyd--mlcs prsc insl mob d mlrs---js bf stkg cnvs susp ng f sms lk bng hlss???--i dt--the qstn is crm weather n mny---smn pltg inslt objcts bnc bs stp wr i slp.
Friday, August 19, 2016
thrs---nst libs upst gvg me drt lks nd prtctng serial mob crmnls cmpliments of usa---ng mob btc outs lib---hau?---sc sh mlr w svc n on my wy out lib scndls wrkr gsg fr cfe ptg dst int strt trs cn by lib whl strg at tgt---mob m by gbg cn js outs prk entry psg insl $--t pss amr ultra grd srl crm fr ntg---- ??? smk---crn svc sm mob fs w/babies-1 trng hnd ovr t me lkl fd rfs a dfrdr frm x crmnl rlt of trs usa wc amer decided t nt py fr---mob sptd by ????nrb crn sm jnt w mncg attitd -prhps the pza--lkl pro mob pro x grd serial brgl mob amer style---rp mlcs smkg sh bs stp in my drctn---trs mob lntc ptrs nr shk rest--hv lgtr?--hau?---?? ??? ??pshk rest mob bks strg---???hgs w pltd scm mls--??? brg ??mny???ng e of swtz????? ????? ????mob sh stnk w sh p 711e bkts oth trs lkl crsg cnsp mob mnc---- unrdbmob uses rng wlkg crsg trs t cnsp aid mnc---psd fr wlfr wc thy jntl brglrz frm u nd jntl cvr up----ng ???tk it--sgl bill inst brnks trk the bill mob usa run up fr me nd mc mr---smn ofg $8 js bf psg ths as spcl dl - in fc crm of cntr bng sld fr ntg evr i hd mob stl frm me -nt onl thy in effect gv ntg bt stl evr u mk on yr own nd dmg mr all cntnsl hlpd by trs usa---lcn f in scrf trg t gv fd---unfrtntl nt stg wc wll cvr fr ths cs---mob hsps lkl js outs sbw mob ml trg t hnd wtr---stl evr yrs -bk usd wr----wstbrn old m frd gdr ofg empt btl---?? ???? ng psg wd sm js wst of brg rest crn rbts---frdy recomns remks re clsg sat erl 240p--smkg bld mob trs instg bnc by 2nd stry lib entrc
Thursday, August 18, 2016
wed--cnsp in prg--wh pk ofc receptnst wsprg t guy wrkr in blu shrt dmdg smtg nt t b dsclsd---erlier by prk entrc mob f bhd me dmd blm me-if i fnd her cell phone--more lklinsntg mon brglr type---who lk t rvs blm tgtg---thurs mrn---mess by city hall bng clnd up by wrkr--smn pltd pop corn by me wc i thr out lkl sm prsn nd als thrw hnger out of oth crn trs cn--mob well awr of ths trs nd lk the scm---their trgt is me nt him---sml mes edinburg--im gsg ths guy i sw few dys ago by sbwy brchsted on bk dlbrtl thrws out items nd n one sys boo instd plying frd frndl--mr lkl thnking him fr his fine service nd acquaintance as the mob jntl plc me int hole america likes-amer has absol no intention gvg me attorney--usa gsln mob fm clmg sw me yrs ago atmpt $5 inslt t hlp crm pass cmpltl fr free on bhlf of gngs nd pass crm fr ntg --btc ask fr my nm ths ws w sv 5wmn376--fm nig???---??klrs/brglrs---gry tk bp p711e d w ---mob ?sm at frt???? ????frf sm stp f mob ofg remng wtr drps smll amt lft at btm of her btl--typcl gng cndct--stll evrtg -pss slvs as chrtble by mns of rfs nd rtn wst -trs dfrdg actvt---??mob shs p lcn e instr mv t yr rgt--in fct mob afltd drt--oldr sh ofg hlf sndw bwba nd rbts -als mob tctc if u dt cnt their serial ultra grnd persecution elimination burglarizing with mob usa support nd blessings--the crd 6124 frm chs ws in unauth possession or possession unknown to me sat july 2016 presumably by burglars --u can call mike to ask him if perhaps he panicked when all was allegedly burglarized and tried to replace it??? unknown t me--i hv no phone to call him even if phone i copied is right -i dnt knw hv nt seen him for 2 wks nd dy nd each time sw him n mr thn vr few mnts
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
tues--mob dsk libs whispering tuesdy nd tdy grtd mob prtctd cnsp cntns--sptg mob---on my way out? upst mob tlt clnr gvg m drt lks nd wed agn sm impatient-- ???unrdv????wlkg dn ?frm upst librn----??strng ins wh pk???dg adc??? ng psd off???---by wh pk---smn strg ins wh pk in frthrnc of mob oprt---by sbw--mob m wt/bk mks mess whl scm mob is frdl wt ths scdrl nd lks at me as its trgt clprt---ng f asks mb org fr cig---undstrbd by scdrls wkdns--ths r fn--on the oth hnd i am mnt t be wstd bcs rgts r antg bt eql in mob trs usa mob sh phgs w trs w $20?? by hgs dstcd rfsd--mob thk its inslt will py fr ultra grnd crm -bt thr is not evn rmt cmprsn -rfsd---- sh orlnd e---7pga202---wnt ????w sv--mob smk gry hoodie ng pljl e--sm vcn edinburgh, 76, 711---4lph379 bg mobil wed--$1 rfs--mob sh pwstb e---mob sh rbts e---snfg fg p wh pk dmlrs---tues eve moca grd thtg guy slpg bhnd crn bus stp sh... rbts vcn--lib--cnsp lkl in prgrs--i called 26th t put card on hold iwas told thr was ntg on it chase 6124 was burglarized used gold country casino trest 16th thn rpt attempts on 16th at walmart--butte detectives please follow arrest ultra grand burglars
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
tues---susp with vcv akin gng in butte at least twc in shf sv tdy hr in wst hlwd
mon--lkl mob ml wlk acrs 2nd flr outs lib drs nd strg at trs bg hldg my bgs---mob lib gd stg bus stp lvl dnstrs appreciating mob cmplaintants nd lib demeanor same as trs usa who rklsly wsts lvs. sm/svc bus stp mob oprtv wrkg trs dfrdg tctcs ofg wrtls trs -grnl brs bcs thy cs ntg---a u hgry???gsg psbwy--mob ps trs cn nr shk restrt-ths is f u--trd hndg $1----dnt b fld amer blvs stlg evrtg yrs is fn whn thy spit $1 int yr fc thn cll ths chrty.----js bf hrsm by stbks--do u hv cig maam==rp==trzg prsctn dmltn undr frd rgtsnss in amer is alw free---amer is prd t kill lives at no cost nd pass this fr acceptable or non credible assertion---bk on sun mob snkd in alm $2 tip fr me via recyclng wrkr nr rmp/bntn---mob ng rng p hrpr w--au hgr???--as if trs crw hd no cnctn t ultra grd crm of century i hd t sfr frm brglry nd extrtion---hls ngr w some bgs --ylg ooh thy tl me abt u-u gt all mny--mst be mlcs dfrdg bhd my bk--ng d hyvnhrst ee---trs lntc d w---***************mob frm butte shf sv vh 727a--scrmng mob yll frm butte --'u--usually or smtms ths yell ws accmpnd by rt this was pst shell by crs hts d e--strg mob operative in shfs vh wst hlwd--hrd smtg slr of a ylp bk d west this time in unk vh snded more lk 'yeah p og grv unk vh as thr were mny at the time---vcn 711w lot ngr short nd sngl bg nd guy w/bk nd og cvr twd hls w crt nd plstc bgs, etc..?sh hywt trn e thn smgl buy cfee f shf eyeg me w ths dn--ifamer le wld tk real crm mr seriously thr wld be less of it-i fl vr certn-bt rtr thy fnd it more fun alng wt bsns nd civics t hlp mob crmnls dmp on me---frm amer crmnl persp -vr jstfbl n dbt--any crm amer pulls enjys jstc blessing----???unrdb????---???sh p stnl e---gsg ped mob mbl vcn mon eve---7kry962 mrc w 711e pnh mob ask fr $1 nd guy sd sr if i hv nd gv--ths approp fr pc of trs --unfrtntl amer jdgs vctm of centr --a piece of trs---4xmn553slv sv tues mrn by hywrt n ofg-cl u use $20--unfrt vry sdly i kn wt usa cs me----thy r lvng off evrtg mn with le hvng dn ntg t stp ths---mess earlier by out of clst ltr messes by 711w-ngr stg t sd of trs kp lftg lid sdwys csg trs t fll-whn sd wld cmpln--he sd abt wt?--abt u dgn in gbg cn???---mlcs rvsg vs trgt by ldrt ngr nd butte ultra grd hndg brglrzg mob drctly hlped by amer le in all mob trs endeavors--- bk f w d hywth??--ng wh nt kn me try cll me by sm nm blk tp hlo--??mumb nm???mob pshl e g mrn---dsptc nd trnd t hnd--7cmp219--shll blu ofg btl t hlp mrdr rd free amer style sm was ofd by bh cab-bth rfsd---cld nt see cb nos--red mrc sv vcn apx ljl---lnd of lincln plt mfr 44 smm-sd nt gng bngr ofd fd rfsd--sh pjl ??e--- mob shfs plcn w--mob bks??? unrdb hlw pk/lcn????? ??noise vh p lcn e---8p31060 nr trs cn clsest shk rest lkl dsptcd t plnt btls vn w--wt smtg lk fibermtk myb sgn bsn of sm knd --stb wsmnt as i lft wnt t inspct the wtr i prd int strt--he blvs tht is offns wrt hndg---lkl wth mob nd stbks blsngs==scr ng t my lft at one bt mob lib has n int t dstrb him-- phntl w mob ngr--cn u spr cig---ng empl by mtr ofr $1--thy bng nc whn nt dmlsg bg tm at yr expns fr infntl tms prc tgs nd othr vile deeds rptdl etc...---mob pmetroe smk--***********abt 3:11p 2 sh svs p wh pk svc d mlrs--frt sv mob frm this mrn butte type gng yell--****'u-----nx at lib rdhd librn mike onc mntnd as actg as if she wl cll plc gv me drt lks lkl mob coprtcpt
Monday, August 15, 2016
sat---605-610p gsg lkl vh headed sm psv w-ylg hrd as in orville--mob!!!!yth snd mob ambssadors stg on bnchs stkg out fr mob hgs cnsp???????? acrs mobil--prp gtg paid fr encrgng anmsty dfrdg antagonizing tool of le nd mob cmnty whs trgt is --the abused------america is not dn till it fries the utmost victimized to its trs liking. cnsp in cnjnc wt trs le.???unrdb---???328a sun smkng bus stop sun am swtz 335a--scr 2 crss smkg????4sjj429 bk cr ---smn prb ofd mlc??? ????sh pljl e---athns--the gbg co i prb misnmd mult wks ago 888-336--6100---mb ng f frm spry crs w dfrf--""crz as mf""rfc ????prt of mob trs dictrsp?????etc...----mob sh pogd e....hlpg mob crm...hdg crm tgts--crs thrtg lkl cell --sm ne frf cr--*****wt $1 nig pbntn --mob crw prtcpt--wdsprd mob ped d w-- wnt $1--nvr mnd wt mob prtcptg trs thy steal--u cn blv their dfrdrs all u wnt--prfsnl amer mob aided directly by usa nd purposely loose t thrive as thy trgt ths thy mutually cnvntly ht at no cst to the trs cnsp team---aftrnoon lkl mob vcn mlr/svc--- lkl mb f e pstb wstmnt-----prp---dictatorship brglrzg--aided by trs usa--all free sptd nd unrestrnd patted on bk by le--who fnd ntg wrg----nd thy lk it bsds----why btr trs usa nd mob cmntys lk rng wstg lvs---????unrdb---giglng lgt cl cnv pclt e-----sh up!!---mob dsp f-orld crn -hv lgtr--rest empl wtcg---aidg mob cnsp---???unrdb up mobil w--blk cnv pflores e-----nsty--??lkl trs lvng off crm---dsp hrsr rp dmd cig flores???---grds p swtzr one ylg in bk the dkr sknd --?grtg--fct thy r in bsn t hlp mob dfrdg wstg tctcs mst lkl t b paid at trgt expns-----mon mrn mess la jla by out of clst---mob nig???btc unrdb---i blv wt mob ml cmp clmg she ws angr oth dy bcs stff gt stln--i rec oth blk f mntn stg oth dy re stff bng stln whn thy drnk--eith tht or myb thy abndn it whn thy drnk----the nig pair brded bus at crs hts n sd---sh hlw sm als pwstb ehlr out of wstb w sprdg psn--drvr in og--i blv utlt crw ws in og tdy crss pvlns--mob cnsp lkl ??aided city hll---54409z1--shll ofd btls-wtr mob---bkts cld nt rem if tk vit --sun ev --armd grd by abbeys--dsptc fr mob wt cup of wtr--thyd lk u t hv free wtr as in orvl stated by mob --but brglrz all yrs t the ls drp--tht wy no one will blv it--mob is their lvl frds thy ds much.lkw i rcl the ng btc mkg mob cmpl re fc i chg cltg--like my cltg is crmnls bsns alg with evr els the mob pktd with drct encrgmnt nd spt frm usa who hs nt paid me a drop as of yet as thy put my lf drctl int tlt at my expns as intended by american trsts-lf of endls fr prsctn trtr nd orgnzd trs privation---lib grtd mob prtcpts
Saturday, August 13, 2016
fri--t dk t see strnd dstrctd by hls lk of clothing chgs wc r mjr prb in strt nd ong trzg dmltn hlpd by trs usa whose cmn prps is t kp crm free nd t hlp well paid wrk less nd gt awy wt mrdr free-- mob m w of sh rst ofg insl mny fr fd-t strnd t btr t lk at his vh lkl prkd.prps ofcrs dstrc dfrd nd cnt mjr crm at n cst t crmnls amer wnts t kp vs trgt it wants waste----lcn lq crn mob ofr $1 als rfsd---ths is bscl mlcs dfrdg glu persecution nd intended t b protected gastronomical acts of crime ripping out yrs---mob ambs nd mob shfs wrkng fr ??hgs mob frt amb bike wait on hnd one tlkg t smn bhnd it.---both d w. nd intndg t aid hlp encrg mob trzg at expns t rgts of trgts----susp mobil wrkr stkg out psb hlpg smn at stn--- nrg glsns mob dsptc wr -d e?? mnt as dictatorship defrauder glu trs mob pers frd servc---in rlt at bg tm expns t vctm--mrn sat mob rng acr city hall e---mob dk med cr with outftd og wrkrs??? bp w p crs hts.--g mrn maam crs w rp hrsm mob smk in my fc p??? ??? w 6sjv878 kia psg wr 711w t drk on t nx hpy prs ng---oth ng mob ped atmp flw w fd frm 711w. ??ins mny by 711w---mob hey...--mob sh pfrf w--mob pltd smk rgt at me 711e---mnw ms cns empt mobil 711e etc....mob ??g mrn mlc ogden crn ??sw ?? ???? ???fct mob teaches steal trz persecute dfrd---nd nt py on crm---dk red cr bp ??ped ???? e dy bf---pvln rec freddy py few cents more --mob deception --nx dy sat rn out of mny md out skip as ernie ws smkng sm gy i hv nt evn ntcd as i hd ntg t d wt ths jrk wc is why im gsg he has gt t be selling drgs--i dt deal with these people so i freqtl dt really lk at thm well eng-thy d drg or sell thm -im totl ags bth--oth wrkr lied abt freddie sying he had diarrhea--- mob sh pwstb???? psb mstk w---bln ml with pnk in hair stk out by hgs thn go bhnd---ws smkg t antgnz whn i wtd fr lgt--- f ????btr me lk at th????unrdb---hrsg trs ml by brn--smn i dt rcl ntcg -i dt kn u -y u do-psb mlcs frd deceptn-- thn he wlkd t bk sd of brnys psb doing stg illegl???i cnt see well eng t grtee---lcn opp sd vh f offg wr lkl smn els wtc--frt drk pltd prt used --lkw fd pltd 2 oth plcs--***thy r dng dfrdr fvrs as u pay the toll ---the mob intends t protect tgtr w trs usa--thy wl mc rthr see u sfr thn thmselvs suffer so the trs ofcrs get prtctn---ngt tm vh offg sushi--ths trs w fd dt blv tgt knows who thy really are --thy r directly prpsfl prtctg ultra frd serial mob crm at expns of lf of tgt---mob ofg $20 crn svc/sm hrd of hrg nd lkl prtctg mr mjr crms---while mkng u fl gd by mns of dfrdg--how nice!!!!!!--rfsd ofcrs----- mob sh phntl e mob sh rvs rbts w---ernie smkg pot rec while wrkng on prtctg ldrt crm--ths is pro lndrt operation nd thy wr out of mny gvg tkts tdy yt agn---ngrd f ret trd cnvs by comp--f lib listening t smn drngd als hlpg mob trs usa jnt cnsp vs tgt--usa is truly expert at jnt crime nd joint destruction --thy nvr py--thy dfrd nd prtct crm nd wst trgts jntly
Friday, August 12, 2016
thurs--sh plcn w amb bks up hlw--my hv hrd ??hnk vh ????whl rdg-----???hrd frm vh psng brnys d sm ---nx we do her mamas hs---cl be bngrs plng crms---giggling dk sv ????hlo sm e---p orlnd e hrd artfcl tp mob? noise vh nt ctc--mrn fri--trs t city hall lkl sympathizing with ths who mst put up w hls sch as me --nt at all wt me the bgst vctm of all who scrfcd evr nd lost evrtg -thks mob trs usa--aided by its civics nd le-who all lk it whn i ls sfr nd gt dmlsd.---usa sry fr selves nd hlp selves nd destry u ofcrs--cmplmnts usa---bsy frmng dstrying killing trgts--nd plying inslt mky ms gms--mess crn hyvnhrst-----trs p76 smkng at me sm ng f bhd him??? p76 wmx mn ofg wrtl mny insl-sry----thy absltl nt sry abt xra grd crms cmtd------ooh ns t 711w 47565 orgn plt dk rd sv--ofd mny inslts --lkl prp out of state plt-w u lk sm mny---ntc neither the mny thy dmgd u nr the mny thy stl frm u--all this prp ignrd shvd t sd----rfs all--- caruso fd w vn acrss plmr-ofg --sm fd--lkl mlcs mob persec inslts-mob dt pln t py on crm or lf demolition --all this in america flies by wayside free---by 711e--ng apc lgtr skn ml-askng--sell crystall--seemingly smn peddles drgs at loc-i nvr took a look as t exc who but ths 2nd time i hrd smn rectl askng smlr qstns by that 711.---the dy bd rec wnt t mobil bf me as smngl fri mrn--p gns e ng w/crt rec cut frt of me d w.4fuu545--??blkng out cl hv md mstk ls dg w cr lq gns rp ofg mn--grtd wrt ntg--ths flks hv absl no intention t py on crm--rem in amer crm is nt onl free bt aided by le--- ???scr vcn 711w crsg mob ng p76 edinburg ngr rpt hrsg.... re trs cn rp...--$5 ofd fm rp thn ml ofr $1 vcn 711w-thy genuinel ignrt --of sz nd mgntd of crm twd ths prty by trs usa who lks this----mob sh p711w d e--mob type ld nois w tk dk shll p76 e...flwd by slv hair bk---frm wstmnt--u wnt ths--$ bills amtg ntg grtd--th prp is t steal nt py-js ply dfrdr mky ms gms---all rfs mob sh wstb e---smn vcn $1 bill insltsn nr wh pk--au sr???--rtrd strlng libr--js by lib entr ngr drg adct who smngl plts his ndl in trs --but it seems he still wts it--i clct btls so i trnsfr crv t non crv vessel nd addicted fll thgt i ws after his needl he put in trs t hd frm le lkl--as i cnt t sft frm lk of access t clthg chg etc nd live in streets thks trs usa where mob is helped by le t eliminate lives.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
wed--rec is so lit mny at times i thk pavilions simply steals it -i cetrt hp im wrg---sh blk off svc at mlr prvtg me gtng cns fr the dy-clmd thy r hvng prty nt sy wt knd--cr p wstb e scr---shs p lcn w---??nm cld frm vh??? nx unrdb ??? ??? ??? ??mob sh p city hll mob sh rvs p urg cr---??655a ??? ????unrdbwhlch ldrt frd mkg trs gbg cn rmrks--2 of knd mob trs-frd frdl trs ofg cfee bus stp ljl---sh p crs hts crs w sh p shll e rp ?? g mrn w u lk????crs w sh p shll e amb bks sm-- mob sh cr d frf w---slv hair mob ml ped crsg up dn dft locs daily--- g mrn mob ng pspld w--- ng bk t e711---mob sh pfch mktplc e--- at shel ***d743ko small cr brng some smlrty t mini cooper --cn i gv u ths-fm mayb jws snd--sdl sgl bill ds nt rmtl add up t cash items or vndalism impacted or assaults stealing breaking in brglrzng prpty on ong basis-this my mn ntg t trs strfld who lks t dspr bt mns vr mc t m nd nds t b paid fr wt pntv dmgs-othrwise americas frd frdshp is n mr thn cnsprd well hid ultra grnd series of ong crms nd prp plying my life fr jk wt needed atty services in fct nt existing---nd le in fct hlpng the mob alng with mob trs usa cmnt-the reasn i dt accept dntns thy will nvr add up t americas ultra grnd nd ong crms--sorry terrorists-need t py fr crms impacted pls pntv dmgs---by mbl ng f frm city hll clm she sw me bgt me shks thn thgt city hll scl servcs wld reslv prb-hwv thy d ntg bt hv sgl bklt wc is prff america will nt cr abt ntg and its intents is t cvr ultra grd crm with ntg nd t cnsp mr crm bhd my bk t bnft own crm acts---truly trs cntr nd trs rkls rthlss ignrt peopl who lk the cpcty t cmprhnd the size of americas crm--thy thnk ultra grd crm cn b bgt wt shk-srt of lk ted who tk advtg of myron--tht absltl tks a genius----mob sh pwstb-mult shfs lcn crn---bw mtro/sh pltg fr ong mnc---lkl crm mob svc sm s--mn svc syin stg re mny/fd--dfrdg scdl ofcrs thy dt cnt mny life stln---by ba d u tk dnt-rfs ofc$10 in n wy cmprbl t any criminal suffering or loss impacted upn ths trgt-sh pwh pk--smkg cig cr pk up chldrn whl psng me sm psrb lkl ngr f---
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
tues--pwstmnt sm s sd ng w/pls --mkng trs mob cmnt rmk --sm r mr hls thn oths---mob sh pshk e--cnsp vs tgt for mob n ldrt p shk r w 2 wt bx of rfs brgs-lk brg???????mob sh pshl e---8s63393-wt sm fd maam?---????smlr sgn ps me cl hv bn s ca edison-utlt amng pop mob prtcpts---???7451-f--ftbg grdnr ltn--ofr reclbls mob insl wrtls dfrdr-mob nt prcv as crm twrd trgt hvg vlu--all crm twd trgt is free -nd mob is persis in mlcs wrtls persecution---rfs----str trs nr gns lq ctr mob mess--- sh p gns e nt stp--mob ng fs pog grv in rlt int mob prj-frd frdl --hrd lkl fr vh frf stp dgn trs---mob sh p76 e-- ng w rlng bg bpk smk in my fc by 76 d e--- dk cl sv ???y sn 633--ofg wtr-shll--4 sh sv p crs w--mlt shs pswtz w--yst tues frd rec rpt prvc instg---sm/svcoldr w m--its a shm re my ft i thk---thy gt drt nd drt clngs t thm---acrs pvlns mob fgt wnt?-lkl cmpl wrtl insl mny--rem mob gmk--steal bg time --decieve w/wrtlss--prb lk ted wrkd myron in pst---hrs mob rtrd ng int wh pk--js the srt id lk t knw no dbt dsptcd-hi
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
mon--bus stp if rm crct mlr/svc w m sks prb bnd twd mlr svc rfsd-if i ws chgng sks instd ft opn i wld need fr mr scks nd shoes nd my trnch ft wld b fr wrs--ths flks hv n cmprhnsn nr dsr t cmprhnd tgt strtp the undrstdg frm city hll sdly ds nt brng an atty or py his fees-thr dfntly shld b pntv dmgs cs in my cs scenario but all the mob cn decipher is my unkmpt strglng lks--cmplmnts trs cntry nd mrdrs rthlss people who do nt blv the cs of being serial gng trgt nd extrtion dsrvs an atty fr pntv dmgs nd i was dmgd nt only serially by ths lcls but my ent tm in us nd spnt numrs ovr 5 yrs in street wtng on cnd sl onl t be swndld nd sl agn frcd by assoc extrtion---ntg less thn trs cntry mrdrs people who hv rgt t wst yr rgt t life in fvr of own pkts----als mon on lib arvl i rcl smn opn btrm dr nd cls bk agn---7tbc288 ?myb u nd it -lkl wrtls mlcs mny islt in none wtevr wy cmprb t crm gsg lkl hsp ml nd drk sv bt nt ntated--- crn e of lcn--- mob bk p hgs--hi d w twd hlwy---6eau670--hey nd ???-flrs gsg fd but nt wrtn--- bf mob sh pgls e---swtz--m in blk bng his bg---ml frm pkg t e of hmb mrys t hmb marys sm/frf -m pkng cig bts askng???? ng wtcg---****************tues---ard 810a crn ogden 2 shf svs d e --bks sv f ylg thn frt sv m intcm gsng re trs cn--i was drnkg ygt i fnd nd st dn fr mnt t ctc brth--tht arsd ofcrs the shfs prtcptg in gng rng nd trnd in mob tctcs--t kp up hrsmt vs all tgts nd frm tgts dlbrt nd mlcsl as rslt of their bng in vctm status nd rgrdlss wch trs tctcs or mob gng hs put thm thr----bscl prtcp in mlcs orchstrtd mob hrsmt wstg tctcs--ws tlkckng t ng at crs crn wt scks agn rfsd nd shfs psng lkd intrstd in tng in due t prps bng wstg the trgt---- 6mpv546 blu mrc sv lkl mlcs ins mny nr ednbrg $1 ofrd by old mn nr shl --all rfsd bcs america jdgs cert peopl fit t fls dwn the tlt nd their lvs trsd by the wy due t their bgs or the way thy lk nd lk shfs thy dmp on ths peopl or blv tht bng wrtlss is js fn fr thm -rgrdlss hw bdl trs us nd trs mob hv wstd their lives--thts bd misconception nd self accommodation in fvr of trgtg nd crm jstfd by dscrmntn vs peopl who will appear less thn crdble or be put in fear as result of being trgt--- mob sh pcrs w th gy wt sks by crs -wts yr nm???? ???ku6929 w vn pkng up ??grn ct servc bks -t blnd t see compn nm bt nw thrs new mlpl bk stds fr thm mny locs---trs cn blwn off lcn sw crn --unkn incidt???---ng wstb d w--nd cig--mob oprtv dfrdr free of cg cnsp----phntl e mob ofg fd ckn??--sdl i hv ovrspl of tht nd no py on my extrtion or ultra grnd losses t mob brglrs wtvr -iv sn no atty or mny ofrs t py ntg rmtl rgtfl nr pntv dmgs--************amrc is trs cntr who sees certn brnd of peopl as endlss trgts t their end--tht is prec true bcs thy r rthlss nd trs cntry who supports massive crm twds wkst trgts----phntl e 15221n1exc m-hv sm fd???--thts lkl frm dictators who wnt t rn yr lf wst u out of evrwr-nd pkt evr yrs--lk at the fcts --all is gn thks trs usa nd the prf is in pdng---rbts crn city in og frmng trs emptying trs nd stlg cns--spcl city serv fr bsn i assum --why shl thy cr abt pry whn as teds wife sees it and as anti atty sarah sees it--tgt can suffer or die to bad thts why city has public affrs t insure thy gt paid nd vctms gt shvd int hole fr bng trgts --***mob f lib jus ws cls t my scr nd lkl stl its nm fr trs mob prposes***saw nodding pers out of city hll bt sry ths ds nt py. oprtv strn nr whlwd prk entr area.
Monday, August 8, 2016
sat---7rpk105 smgl ofd jnk bkt vcn tjs mob sh pwstmt w---js bf -w by stb d u wnt crd???? rfs--thy nt wrt vs crms of usa mob crmnl usa hply plys fr ntg at tgts expns---mob sh sv pwstmnt mb sh sv pshks e--7nsn781-u dt acpt cs w of shk rest --lkl dfrdr insl cash frm mob of n vlu vs mnmntl huge mob crm ??nx sh sv--shfs hpl celebrt crm t serial ultra grd hndrs nd thieves justifying their crime as belonging nd psng crm as if ntg hs trnspired exprt deception act the mst popular-lgst crm in usa wc cn b psd as ntg by rdclng vctm nd aiding prtcptg in trs mob grps who seem t be transparent bcs wstg their type of tgt ard usa is hghly welcm nd ignrd act----amb bks mob phgs ???mob w??????shfs pmbl e lgt out mob cnsp sh pgelsns e--crs hts s--sm?? ????5649 mrn brd ???? frf pro oldr f wlk up w $1 bills mult smng t hv wntd t hlp-but the mgntd nd ong ntr of cnspr mob crm--nt t mntn hghl rlvt in ths cs pntv dmgs---------*******spoke t nigel--who states the guy he lived with myb 14-15 yrs columbian guy *****george camera would know the nm of indep movie in which he claims he has seen me at the am flm institute---i am no actress but sarah nd her disciple wilson were mkg movie bfr i mvd with the disciple using some sort of very tiny camera while sarah was hlpg w/rl est nd ted was temp supplying cell phone nd calling the shts wn t trn off.-----wt mob type nx t ngl ws instrctg m t chg t one bg nd hair fix while hisself alcoholic mob operative------spldg ng hrsg me t d smtg w my life--coming frm serial brglrs-nt u frgt it thts hw thy dstrct attn frm own invlvmnt in crm nd trs dictrsp tctcs---on my wy bk he wnt t gns lq str unkn rsn-----cws vst dmrtl mob ngr wvg at tgt---in rlt lkl mob prtcpt---bus myb 7467 sun ard 115 e m/f gt off at gdn fm pntg at me cnsprg mnc lkl---8z85130--hi tmpl/rmprt--mob oprtv--- i stpd mdl strt t gt ths bt cld nt ctc at all othrs t fs mvg---*********rlvt tmpl buses prtcptg in mob on my wy bk whlwd---vine bus passed thn whd whd 5666 whd stp nt lt me on nx nt stp whwd--****mob rp brkg blk thk slv ln sv abt 430pd w thn 438p scr dk cr--lkl prtcp mob oprtvs--wh 7564 ng f stp nt pk m up---sun aug 7 by 520 was alr on wh bus after trtr frying in sun orchestrated by metro mob buses i blv tht bus i was on was 5494--at lst 4 w hlwd buses missed me 2 drive nt stop other 2 stp pk up bt nt me cmplmnts of wndrfl trs usa-i am very certn buses were nt full.----*****rlvt metro buses wrkg for mob-----mob g mrn rbts d abby sm/svc sw--2 mob w prb $10 rfs mob prsc dfrdr gmk------m w/dg ofrg brgr pr mob dsptc---rfs---bus 9273 pcvs -whn ng drv-ur ok??usl mob gmk out hr.--2 amb mob gds pgls e ??emp t crn st--mob cnsp shfs bsy aidg mob frmg----whn i stpd t rearr bgs nd wrt stg-----honing their mob crime suprt tctcs----tht wy u r bd nd mob crm is entirely ignrd lk nvr wr --cmplmnts mob prsec trs usa---mob pflores ofg lkl $1 frd---- rfsd--wt america did is obvious in its huge cst nd exvlu--ths is trs cntry anwy rgrdls hw mob tws it------cld nt ctc plt at all bw swtz n flores cr gsg w pld up ofg fd --au hgr?? dfr mvd spr fs t avd plt tkg myb 7hhk stg but i cl nt see--in mrn dscv trs stk $2 in my bg nd tsd it t wnd due t rtls nd trs usa-its gfts nt in mnts wy cmprb t its huge nd extr cstl cnsprd le aided civics bsn aided mob crimes---lntcmob out swtz-scrmg die btc---?? ?? ???mob stg -- ?? cr---mob sh pljl e--lkg t pt me nr cnsp trs act---mon---???frt lf fcng me lg sk mgr---re grd??? -whr is he--stbks sm crn wstmnt--*******i wnt in t cmpln aftr alrd crsg strt awy frm stbk because grd ws clrl hrsg me dvsg ndls trs excuses on mob bhlf-cnt empt btls-cnt sty hr all dy--mlcs-- trs -ridiculous nd clearly instructed by mob******* ???gry cr vcs phntl e---????????????frd chr sm/svc ??instg dctrsp ????lntc?? ???stp outsh t ally at hywrt?????? hywt w ng -js sy g mrn ng nr ngl t cr--hyd???----crn odessa grc---hi f blkt --blk hair f rp---edinburg emob m n lkl pk hair f w/cell---crsg sm at svc lntc mob d s who yld die btc mrn--ths people hrs brglrz dfrd nd get aided by civics le nd bsns--who smngl r cntnt t hv sm tgts wo cause nd on prps---****frd nt at rec -so his iou stl nt csd-no one els cn cs it--algdl hes sk.buses were for sun
Saturday, August 6, 2016
public affairs cnsltnt at rec-americas justification to murder targets;stbks at westmount/sm crn ngr grd wrkg for mob
??? trs--??? trs ??hidn by pole???--mob gng d. e. cns-- trs--mob sh sm p 665 huntley d e--mob ?? pwstb--sh sm e--pltd mob fd tp of trs wstb --dctrship sgn of mob gng sptd by civics nd le--who all hv devices to wst tgts lives---sh lcn n sm w 2 amb gds sm lcn. w cr rvs w at lqr sm/lcn scrmg----???sh cnsp in spt of endls nd ms trs acts??? ??? 2 mr mb ?????plcn w---6nbw819--ylw sv hyd??rp f mob shl--mb ng crt p??? e nr 711--mob f ofg brd-rfsd-pltd 7ltr445 gy sv hywrt s fl by bk cr w cr, bk sv---sml w cr t alley hywrt s of sm---old mn $1 frf rfs---mob sh pusa gsl d w--- mob w cr ???cdn w arm out wv---8raa814 wcr ???? $1 rfs--cws spldg--jcs rfsd aftr i rlzd cl b mob dfrdg tctc---2 ldr ngr fs frf ne stp-wrkg trs mob gng cnsp---psbl w/hlp stbks wstmnt wc is totl dft loc---- p ednbrg w grn stn ylg vh vcn of bk gro in gn rfl attire---???ylg vh??? p hywrt w psb dk gn drt cr-----7mje561---shllmy or nt b vh wr mob ml rn frm crm hvng plcd chg wlt on bnc wc i rfsd due t noncompatibility of true t life crm agst me vs dfrdg hlp acts whs prp is t nt py bt pkt----time apprx--11:15 sat---??? ??? ???--erl in mrn dg qns pplmr e strg at my bgs fr psb pry---ndg mob mlmn--p??clt e --??got $1 brn??? *******ng grd ???unrdb or undecprbl--stbks sm/wstmnt crn--lkg t prp dmp upn hrs ths trgt---cnt gt trs out of gbg cn--hry up----sme grd usd t hrss me wtn few mnts erl nw bk on trk fr mob -aimng dstsfctn wt prblms csd by smn nt me prpsl in my drctn nd vry lkl drctd by mob gng prj------actg lk im dng stg i cnt d---blmng thngs csd by othrs on me nd actg as if im dng ths--live mob trs dictatorship aid-----grtg bld gy lkl gy yest by lib -aided yest cr lkg t dmp on me fd thn plcd it by lib accmdtg dict mob prj----in erlt elmntn dictrsp crm gng hndg servc--- gp--hl wvg pmtro---3vjk163 rbts pabby n ofg mob sndwc--- lkl cnctd t mob dctrsp tlg u wt t eat nd wt t do-in fct dfrdr serial brglrzg trs elmntn dmltn trst team---******rec pavilions public affrs cnsltnt--dfrdg clmg he hrd me wntg t kill self --in fct lying or bdl misunderstd--als i needed chg my $ billsa fr bus--he actd lk im pnhdl t b elmntd by publc policy--which is to murder lives victimized the most by refusing to provide bdl needed attorney representation defending money for society mob at expns of vctms tgts t b wstd trsd and mst dfntl prpsl nt assisted for purposes of fat checks nd grl publ enjymnt at expns of mst vctmzd lives--trs country murderers mascarading as people--public consultants in terrorist america.--sptg ultra grd thievery hndg elimination demolition non-protection extrtion life killing tactics for mob gain
Friday, August 5, 2016
wed--erl rec-frd i recl him syng my vc ld nd whn ld spt gts out-the trs cl cr lss i hv n tth--i rcl mob crz fm pba out rec clg me sknk---frm in wy etc-trs rp ted lk mob oprtv---it ws frd who ask me wr pyphn -nx dy the onl nrb pypn in wh prk ws dead-mgt hv t do w ng dg qns bt i ws nt thr whn smn brk it.--ml prk empl fld t undrst my cmnt re phn nd kpt thkng i ws still tlkg abt call wc ds nt alw pyphn-thy r all mob brnwsd brglrzg dfrdrs-wtvr thy gv out-inf num of tms tht thy steal brglrz---mob sh svc t stn--cns mb sh pwstb e trs crn shk rst ofr $2 come gvg-cm stlg thy stl gstr amts rfsd-clmd gv ths bf-bt i dt recl ths--????? mob trs bk pcrs hts e-bcs u??? ???? mob sh p edinburgh e-----gngs?? plaurel e in crt mob cnsp???i cnt mk out or reclc sm nts ----mob bk dn plaurel e th amb tk shl e sh cr ???? bkt gy on bk ?????p mobil e mob ?? ????westb e ofr $1 rfs ??? ?? ?? mob sh p76e 94307f1 ofd wtr la hydro jet--8007504426---bt wr??? haywrt--giglng mob ng --hs ?????--wt??i rcl clg---- thrs mrn 1020 gy ctr lserv -phn was ringing on tht extention wt no pkup or recdg.---??? ???211 has prgr t stsf own wstg tactics nd pkts ntg but syst wstg terorists nd opportunists-thy pry on vctms--vctms sfr nd gt destryd as drct reslt of mob amer progr hlpflness--- pba e --hey skank thurs -the afflctd trs fml---dk sk prs t pk rp lkg bk---?????? ????????susp mob -ey-gt svc ?? mlr e susp ??? vh dmlr ?????sml buses wh aprtl free i boarded t see sarah -she denied movie-did nt lk idea of atty ntried t mk me apr crz bst as she cld fr her trs oprtvs----but the lib clsd fr trng pls free sml wh buses made it posbl fr me t get thr in prs t see srah--she algdl diled mks num clmng thr ws ltl grl ans thn rediled algd nd clmd thr ws onl ans device-i lft message -testg phone--presuming receipt mike showed me hd his num nd presmg i copied it crctl hwvr i hv nt sn him snc wed---***at svc sh stp crn -ng mob lkl cnct t orvl trs oprtvs cll me mry ofr insl fd---stl evr ply u fr fool----ths ws abt 730p thrs---e of lcn abt alm 1 blk ng pls fm -fm askg if u wnt mny?--snded as if she js usd yr mny fr drgs nd nw mkng jk out of u wt gstrnmc amts mob has thefted nd intends t get away with gvn drct hlp frm mob prtcpts which incld le evn hr in whlwd---3 trs dudes dw pst mbl 1 offg $2--crm inslt amt-rem the real mny nd etc mob pkts itslf----othr mobs snpg rnd lkl---aCRS CITY HLL ??? f ?? last ??gr ps me fr ???in frt of ?? ??cnt mk out rd--???by btc?---6utb255 711w??-ofg mob snk---grn shrt -ooh--sm/frf---mob sh pgns w unk wv hi ??sbn w ***lng w vn onl frt wnd mk noises sml t anm pgdn w---dly i see pkltnm hair oldr -i blv at one time he ws psg free mdcl cr fr mob grp lkl-sdl ntg free in america--it cnstntly dstrys evr yrs fr free--hw nice of it---- ng erl 711w w/cns e of frf nw-mob btrg me fr mob grp-strg wmn--thn fr the trs grp-cld me guy--------mob hdg--hyd????--trs amb gds crs hts--nt lng ago thr were messes here nd tdy thr wr messes e of city hall--bt sdl grds r smpl snpg bcs thr r no tlts fr mob tgts-thy std on crn nd hd no int t crss----crs/sm---i strsd out abnd cbd smw--ht nd thm nd mob amer wstg nd dstrctn -sry mr thn i cn live with-americas true purpose steal nd pocket grndiose amts of yrs whl plyng --frd chrt ofcrs---mx lng pntl-hsg gerl???--mob grp??fms--$5 rfsd ofc--- pswtz e--- sh/amb--mlcs frmg trgtg fr mob grpngs aided lkl by bth vity/cnty trs bnfcrs--- sh p swtz w ??sh vcn mobil--- mob sh cnsp fr mob pshk rest e mob psubw w-wnt ths chps???---psbw-$5wl hlp???--trs prpsl hv no cncpt of grndiose brglrd amts----?? ???cnt rd bd nts---7ahv098 nr lib ofg fd-lkl rfs t dfrd brglrd rlty of true amer mob---wn wlk out wt piece of fd--agn ignrg nd hdg the crime their mob pulled off---ths ws blk cr abv--gay guy tk it clmd fd ok lft by lib--fr hls frm super grd brglrs nd ignorants --one idiot vcn sbw tried t gv me wine btll--antg but py on tru crime--trs country---murderers mascarading as people---thy steaL FRM ND DESTROY INFNTLY-INRTRN THY HV FRD ND INSLTS -TRS COUNTRY MURDERERS MASCARADING AS PEOPLE---
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
tues--supposedly mike is still homeless nd paranoid in every ---but does not seem to worry much what all i lost--way how he looks because i am around--seen sheriffs harrass the hls alt he ds nt lk hls hs sgl sml bg-gt cheapest phone non lifeline he thks its unlimited but hghly i dbt the cheapest deal prb mgt be some money stealing scam wo rmtl eng minutes-thks shfs will b aftr him the sec he sits dn in prk-ds this tell u smtg abt amrcn plc state-as best as my eyes cld tell paper he shwd me had num ************323--738--9801 chpst nt lfln allegedly so it mgt hv mnt restrct but mike is likely fld that its unlmtd calling he says he does nt use it---if need ask mike or talk to mike mike says librarians act lk thy wnt t call shfs on u--trns out im nt the onl one who thks bdly of the scheming ruthless mob ring.---i doo wndr abt 9 digit because i thk thts typical of pay phones.--he disappears qkly nt giving engh time t lrn or pln antg--bd news-vr dft frm wn we left mltmn nd he spnt time nd tlkd a lot.--he nt rem his num yet so i had t read it assuming my eyes nt too flty.he aprtly dt go check his mail----lkl mob scdrl strg int tlt tues on my wy in---lkl oth mobs lib vcn or prk---call xfin from wh pk-my nt to myself comcast has malicious communication practices not allowing u t recieve answers by email-and early on thy gv me lts of malicious billing so i am concerned now tht i reqstd closing off tues bf lst thy agn gv me mjr cmnctn nd mlcs billing problem----mob frm bf who wv by lib hrs me agn vcn stbks wstmnt declrg he hs license t do so-as hrsm nt felony----ofcrs mob shfs civics etc hghly enspire victimization hrsmnt elimnation of tgts--- 2 mob shfs p wstm w 3rd mob shf wstmnt trn ws--trs pshk rest sd st w--- ??? t w stkg $1 rfsd dfrd crm mjr prprt lt mob murders states wlk wt endls mob cnsp trs tctcs free---smnsmn slp bnc hlw pk--grp by hgs cl b susp---mob trs in blu tp t city hll strg my wy---mob trs sh ths up fr crm vs tgt---- pcrs hts e nd prb bk--mob ambsd tk sm e frf n--- mob crm trs crs n fm 711e---wr frm crm mob--66wxu050 gry vn ofg mob fd-dfrdg persctn elmntn brglrzg tctcs etc....dictatorship by frd..6usp047 w cr--here rfsd --lkl insl amt-america steals evr-in exc -it has fine wrtls spt in fc as special fvr----?? ???hlw pk rcd nd his buddy lkl ard th crn stg sm bl ngr--- sc w sv p crs hts w p wstb e w guy smlg blnd susp red tie ard wst??????? lst sml insrt ln cl b frm oth dy---by lq str mob ft crm stg on gd lkl png???? dlv trd gv me empt cn wc i tl him t gv mob---mob gdrs abslt frd absl cnt ntg of crm twds u by usa-bscl ignr trsts--- mob cnsp sh p sh bs stp dmtr e--strg my wy t pln cnsp crm assist---dn lib strs pntd hr mx f sh t grg lkg bk my wy trs mob cnsp crm aid -whr trs all go loose nd tgts gt the mob tctcs--trs cntry murderers macarading as peopl--js bf prs oldr at rec attm mob $2--vr sorry re mob amts--i knw wt mob trsts do inreality wst elmnt dictator nd burglarize big time thn pass crmnl slvs as svrs with cnsprcy trs spit int fc inslts--
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
mon--trs lib frm ups alwd me t use phn-in rlt i askd 50 people nd no one wld let me mk tall free call off their cell-whn i gt t use phn i ws nrvs abt lvg my hvy bgs dnstrs nd my voice ws loudr thn nrml -mob libratian whs real jb shld be with people wasting mob teams told me t spk qtr-too bad thy hv nt stln nfty num of yrs out of his life wt no recrs-by mns of amrcn injstc.smn in wh pk pool offc ws mkg remk on my way out-it ws f ths time nd m ws reassrg her spsdl. dsptc cnsp mob ofg dstr cp bks $2 trs cn vcn shk rest rfs---w u lk sm mny???lkl lnkd t hg xtr grd stealing dictatorship tms mr lk it.brnys vcn f stp sm as abv dsptc. dk sv rntl my eyes t bd t see wrtg on plt mobil ofg smtg lk $1 insl dsptc dfrd.frd chrt.????hello ?? ?? u.--sh sv mob pflrs w?? ?? ??? ???--phn by 711w--8220629-dbt if gts inc calls???--frf nw crn-cf??ofg coffee wt lkl yngr mob cmpnion at dstc. vcn mob ng btc t stb frf yst ws pvlns. prb bng lng ago sm frm re ft/hr now deny-----psb clg me mnt ill-ldrt mob trs dfrdg fr free big time mny stealing py--- gry unmkd shf cr sd str by 711w---1282284-no rlv-- m/f shfs lkl nxt. vcn 8205 cl wr mob -rfs--wr t dfrd mjr srl crm---?????*****smn hlp cntct mike sw mk mon/tues wk bf but nt snc mike hs nt stpd -i hv no phn -he may eat at step up--santa monica -i onl cgt frgments of brglaries from mikes stories nd mike smd unclear on dts nd xtr ovrl mdctd.but clmd aftr 2 polygraphs thy wld knw he nt the one who did the crm spsdl.??? ??? ??? mob sh p swtzr e--$1 ofrd mob f lcn w/cmp all rfsd trs nrb shakys vcn m yth dsp f wt fd oth mob wtc--trs blv thy gt ultra grd brglrzg free nd cn persecute frd inslt chrt lmntn etc... cmpliments of mob le etc usa...$mon vcn tjs ofg $5 mob trs sh pwstb e--- a grd crsg out of whlwd pk t crs d moca. trs mob prtcp wv p lib n dsm.
Monday, August 1, 2016
fri--211 aps trs mob-- ???glnc awy as i stp out lkg t frtr aid ??? ????? ?? oprtnsts sm as scl serv gngs le. mob ??? ???*****eric palma fl t pk std vcn my bgs the ent tm i clctd cns-nd smn pt him up t it --prhps mob in og city wrkrs or othr mob trs. prp frm intmdt flt hrs abs wt no cause spt in my fc wt desire t prp flt this prt wo any prf wtvr othr thn thrs smn mkng messes etc who is nt cnctd t me. js bf lib t grg mob dfr w$1rfsd ofcrs t dfrd rlty nd huge scp of mob usa cmmtd serial ultra grd crms t fl and mk seem as if blngng. mob sh pshk rst e ldsp re crt of lw--as if flwg thrgh on sm cnsprd trs pln. -lkl cnsp t wst tgt fr mob tht wy mob kps doing grd crms all fr free cleared by le who fail t act nd who wld rtr flt tgts if nt bnft frm crms.m/w/stk crs sm d s nr hlwy mobil -trs ofr mob $5 t kp u lkg as dfrded fool nd crmnl selves as charity--- sh pkngs w ??????sh up sd st 711w e sm hlpg crm vs tgt n lkg t trp vct ??? ????77217r1 gk sqd bk vn 711e lot tried gv btls rfsd due t mlc wrtl mob cnsp t dfrd the sz of true t lf crms by wy t far whl ch p og grv ??mob m crs st--mob m sktb nod ??? e.???crs ????bs stp n frt of fnc sm sd 711 wrmln mess??????? ??? ??clr seat crs sm/lcn rlng seat ofr $1 thn hdbnd--any free dfrdr t gt awy w mrdr nd t pss amer ultra grd crm as nice people nd crm an invtd jk--- trs f frt of nori fnly gt gng stll hvg fit???? ????ng crss sm ??? hyd yg ld???????pvlns???tll m dk hair wstmt vcn js e offg bks lkl as is free dfrdg trs service wo pay or wrk whr thy cn wst smn int tlt nd nvr py whl stlg pktg xtr grd mny.***clkn shf cr p kings 955p rd mobil e psb mob trait shtl bk wo clkn js bf scr vh sh w mlt srns e. trs m/f $1 -u wt tht pswtzr w-mlcs dfrdg insl ??? ????? frd frdl--sat cls ???frt of me 240 tlg me py bf???? wo py????bullying mob tctcs bsy ??? frt of sh stn--gsg sat alrd--- shfs??? thms up for trs---- ??e of rbrts ???spt in fd mob insl thn psss u fr fool---free wnvr amer scds in mkng vctm nt lk gd--trs blk e lcn mob ????? w/$1 rfs prp ??crm mob????--dfrdg insl fr ultra grd crm spt schm ??insl??????--cld hv gtn lst on pg crn grdn ng rp hrs trz sx hrsm-trs frm st vct-sh up--ignrg ong trzg hrsm--nx i ws crsg at mrtl as ambsd w sec tk was cnsp trng e aidg crm vs tgt cnsp plns aided by shfs etc...--trs in amer gt bnfts or cmsn frm vctmzg wstg stlg frm tgts sm lk their frds at 211--- 5723 tmpl bk f -agn fld t pk up metro strdg me wtg templ--- mob sh mlr svc ldsp stn 7uft042 frs frd chrt blu pstl ????dct mob clb---sun---ljl strg as if i prev md messes abs ntg t d wt me.--trs crm team?????city shfs ambsd, etc.---trs cnsp aid t crm nd elimination wstg co. -6nns4?49 or 69 hrd t rd pstl blu m/f mob $1 rfs wnt it--ntcs w/dgqn frf vcn ofg $5 rfs--hi--m/f pfrf w ldr ngr mob wtc frd frdl ltl -in fct whn i cm bk ws mkng mob remks re my hair nd ft nd elimination mob -psbly lvng off brg proceeds=tdy i ntcd her by pvlns rbrts--- f/baby pgdn e-hi---hi for low lives who dsrv thm babies nt cmpliments of trs usa----unrdbl ?? we cn gv u????--extr prj 3 amp bks pcity hll mob scdrl lkg t flt frm rng --f at bus stp tlk cell trs sd st w711 ng dmpd bg frnt of me 711-rfs--- mob cmt crsg pcrs hts w cr rpb...???? ??? psweetzer e ??? sh pkings e sh d e p trs bw metro/sh js bhd m w/cn rfsd. bkts -lky if cn rem plt crcly slv cr trn svc s f-ofg fd-dfr ofcrs---5tej037 ws hvg heat bkts my nt be acte bt smlr
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