Saturday, September 10, 2016

fri---?????dk mex f opn cls lib restrm dr wo gng in as on one othr occsn shes nt lib wrkr---???nsy w sv mlr n svc --nsy lsy vhs mr cmn in rural areas---nr sbw or js w m ng w cr paper bg -5mt?u281 thr u go -rfs--prb rdg wrtg--smk pltd unk loc tj trs cn unavdbl brt in---sh vcn cllr/leash--ygstr by brneys dk wv hair ofg cig----sh pkings e ---****glsns crn sd st blk sh cr kngs s sm e --dg qn tp vc  ylg ---peacock as if zoo---i cnt rd time so will hv to gs myb 10:01 p my wrtg is wy t atrcs nd i dt alwys chk wt it lks lk i gs----sat am ****apx 610a trvlg e pswtzr -i prsm w tk bt hv svr dfclt seeing in mrn espec frm distc nd nt qt fully wkn frm it ylg child yth type voice doing brd noises  *****623a blk cr presmg sm as wednsdy hwv my eyes nt rmtl gd eng t grt guys in og-w guy--****we want ths rams---prb rfrg t dodge trks --thy pretended t act scrd i gt their plt plg off fas rem whn thrs eve the pieces of wood rk nd spiky cone were pltd here whr i sit t slp is typ of zoo who mrk territry with rocks etc nd lk t throw obj but also lk t tell lies nd flsl accs--ths were lkl pltd t mk me lk dngrs or plng t thrw objects-nvr hv thrwn antg their wy--but dealing with these folks is like dealing with pack of lies but many people incl lib shrfs etc... like ths type chrs----this was w guy nd grp composition nd vhs thy r in does vr but stll in non t type solid org fbrc---unrdb-??? ????ng f  -bkd out??---wkg by city hall mxs tlkg i nt ctch ptg my wy--ella---line 4 trvlg w frm frfx 847a js bf f who brded--cl i by u sdwc---lkl mob dfr--thy r alw btr thn u evn whn algd brk---she ws md ag myb mltr or w dt kn----??? ???amb bks w p gns---7tdx762 ????cns rfs bg cr 711w--wlkg p711w wvg arm?? d w---?? ??? ????insp e p ljl trs ng yst fri dyt guy in bg cr ptd out t me the npkn i drpd wc i wld hv evntl ntcd --rthr thn being hlpfll he ws lkl trng t sgst im ltrg as is mob cnsp scheme---82?05 box btls put by trs cn -sdl i dt trst peopl n mr nd ntg thy do othr thn fn lgl tm will mk dnt int horrors jntly thy concocted---*****1033a thmbg up fr crm sh sv pljl e ***1108 aidg mob team thmbg up pmbl sh pkings e--thy hv crw of mob frds qtly cnsprg wt shfs t wst me--jones few dys ago nt evn intrstd in antg abt the gng dngs who totaled my life -he hd t go--his job being orgnizing hls files nd dispensing info to mob nd city mob teams nd t hlpg the cause of the trs---mr jones lks the idea i shl sfr fr free nd wo legal team--tht is wt free clnc is fr t live by preying on hls-- hlpg the hls is nt their prb -dfrdg rlty is their prblm --thts how thy cn do ultra serial ultra grnd brglries nd be accptd as fine people by mkng up lies nd fools out of their prey--whch amer cmnt digs shfs dig nd whs trs crms thy dig thts why the thmbs r up--tht ws sh cr lst tm i blv---pvln rec 6kgb560 sm gry cr mexs lkl cns thy clmd thy wld lv wo mny itk thm --i thk ltr gy frm rf trd hnd me $5 rfsd bcs their effrts wll nt mk dent int hg crm cmtd vndlsm srl ultra grd theft illeglly md keys t yr plc sptd by le

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