Saturday, October 29, 2016
fri---this hpnd smtm strdy alrd--i ntcd this wy too lt it seems excessive stress keeps me frm checking on thngs as gd as cld be--smn mngd sng my sweater for halloween mkng me more problems as the weather may be worsening at some point and i always wear it at night and reALLY DT LIKE THISbk to fri--****as i was lvng lib fri evn this evn smn pltd a mtch with thick tip on bag holding my belongings--i shwd the match t blk f lib wrker wrkg at check out desk mtch had unusually lg tip-ws thkg fr svg as evidc bt dt wnt ntg ptntl prblmtc on me so threw it out--by sushi hntl ofd grtd mn ins --rfs--2 ms crss sushi sd thn e 1 prpsl blwng smk at me--mess vcn 24 hrs--f brthr pizza tj vcn rp ofg pizza--ure the mdslng--1115p mob trs gds p w knll strg at me nd wt i eat stp 1 mgt hv bn fxn stg???----the inspctn etc... gm fr trs grpngs---trs ylg frm acrs gsg dgq in vh d w lkl mob thyd b fine bds with--gds insp wt i ws etg fr trs grpngs etc...---ard 1145p vcv vc noises lcn gsg vh mvg n???---mob dfr ofg yg,cnd iccrm--lk i dt knw wt the trs r really all abt---sh pclt e--120a apx 2 mx nx mbl crswlk -1--hyd?--thy chgd dir inst of n thy wnt w???---whn alrdy aslp mmob trs ambsdr grds prtcptd in cmnt trs cmpgn 330a--ylg at me frm city hall sd ldl t trz nd destry nd hlp cs evr mnc possibl lk lk of slp nd atn spn as rslt of wkg me up and causing sleep loss and stress on prps ofcrs--why i dt knw exc whn swtr ws sntcd--at tht time thr was w vn acrss dus ???unrdb ???fa????? servcs--i wlkd ovr nd ptd out thy mnt t dstrb but drv smd strtld as if in fr nd mob ng was at location strg--shtl aftr at 4a pst me mob dsptc ?blk cr bpg w pswtz lkws wkg me on prps sm as mob ambsdr grds--i dt blv i wld hv lst swtr wo smn mvng it t cnfs me--so all trbl mkg trs r wrkg jntl--sat---1113a crsg drctl at me 2 dsptc f trs bks trv e frm ljl --gmrn maam trs trzg hdg dfrdg nd mob spt wr amer steal gzln but passes self as svr with spit wrth nthg nd gts t cntn trzg free----2 fs lcn e ofg bg jk ins lncs rfs---dsp mob m psg $1 ps stb wsmnt -trd tll me gv smn--lk i nd t wrk fr the trsts--i rpd up on spt int trs---smn smgl tlkg t frd rec bhd my bk lkl cnsp--othr clnt ?susp--hyd??---pstb rbts ylg yo ofg dfr mny snded fg mx --nd by no mns any cmprsn wtvr t endlss crms lkl grtd pld off--susp hrsg mob als stg in org by pvln ltr ofg mn insl--all rfsd---bf rec se rbts crn ml w dg d nw tl me get yrslf wgn so u dt hv t cry bgs---mob shs pvlns lkg orgnz mnc---mob dspt shs sent t frt of wh pk as i ws chgng shoes--the sh trs grdg hlwn attrctn dsgntd fr trs onl for mob scdrls--lib closed halloween--als in lib yst f lib strg my way as if t hlp frm fr tt ldl or some othr trs orgnzd mnc
Friday, October 28, 2016
thurs---m lib mngr crsg 2d flr--im cnfdt he is flly assrd anything lib nd its cotrs pull off is grtd t b apprvd by the trs usa--bike m by sushi huntley frc dmp $10 in spt bng wrnd b trn up-i tr it up on spt--the dmg amer trs grpngs jntl plld off is in no wy cmprble t wt their dfrdg gm is wrth---- this was bf 921p whn i hit wstb so myb ard 9p---pza trk brtrs pizza nx tj offrd fd rfsd thn frc abndn pza on f orders---i lft it bhd untcd--killers blvserial crm of centry is tot free im cnvncd--****1113p pwst knl e--mob trs ambsdr grds trzg in spt annhltn nd cmplts---hyd--is it gd???---trs r alg wth sh grp ant hls mob sqd pltg mob frmg trs tctcs grtd gvn g ahd by city hall---all amt trs mob burglrzg elimination extermntn cnsp scm asrd grtd mob usa bkng who back gng affilt lw enf---****i fld t fnd ths in nts but whl by mbl lst kngt bk ng wnt phgs w i blv scr btc im gn aftr u nx---rkls city hall nd all its in rlt nonavailabl servcs fld t prvd pntv dmgs t put me out of hrms wy--thy prfr frmg the trgts nd nt crmnls who trgt sm persons******fri---gsg cls t 1p bt i fld t lk wnt ins city hall whn gvn rpt mob elimination trtmnt--as sn as i wlk in typically--this time the mob apptd ng grd gsg if i rem crctl smn tl me mrco was js a ltl lt so nt onl he engage in imd wlk out dsrpct dscrmntn bt he also intrpt cnvrs welder w m recetn all frcd by a grd undr clr of lw-- i was tlking t recepwhn he gt out of elev nd strted wlkng me out for mob trs city hall operatives afltd drctl t mob grpngs whom thy do dig lkl--he als frd empathized nd the cmplnt had no impact as shs cnt t hrss trgt while city hall gv trgt mud sling nd nt my prb trtmnt--i cmpln re sh tctcs nd grds--the mdslngn city hall grd frd empathized as he chsd me out asrd trs bkd usa bkng----bk on thurs by stbks wstmnt ngt smn hd crt by trs nd crsd my way---thurs 734a phyvnhrs w f hrs w pta gry top wth dg--js ard this time this grl area thy lk t g mrn hrss---840a 711w-gt crst???--typcl amer low lives---i rcll js aftr sh pull t 711w pkngas usl lkg t flt dmp on tgts---???5aap705 grn sv rtr lsy f stp out psg bn /fd??? rfsd drv grn vst org strp mob glu dfrdr servc to cvr crm wo pay---i js wt gv u bn---all btls rmvd bf me---usa gsln--rfs fd pltd as spcl fvr in trs---crsn st vct sx hrs ng---w m out 711w ofg -w u lk sdw ---lkl rfs---wthn ls fw dys rem eve--m frd empthizng by imitating anguish ylls--rdclng respns t crm of centry trs acts in rlty aided by mob usa nd its law enf---unrdb gsg smn ofg dfr cn vcn cvs lcn---****1248p ms be js aftr i wt t city hall t cmpl f blk sh p city hall w--hay---mlcs anti tgt hndg dscrmntn aprvd by city hall---dfrdg crime of cent serial crms at yr expns instd theirs mkng wstg certn tgts a very free ride drctly aided by trs usa who drctly bks the gngs---rpt hi kndg m myb ortl phlwy e--mob shs pvln lot lkg frm tgt---**js bf stb wsmnt f psng bn sptg the idea of serial crms of cent at no cost same as city hall grd frd empathizing lkl bkng idea i sell drgs etc drctl fbrctd by mob fr prps of crm t trgt ---*****313p hilldl n--hvg grtd crz m--ng f sh sd she was js saying hi to me--same as gngs in blk cr dy bfr--ntg bt drctl bkng the gngs nd hlpg serial crms of centry go at no cst---imd aftr hnded by mob f ofrg hlp w/bgs--mlt dys ago mob ml ofrd sm vcn hgs--thy hlp wt thy wnt---u ntc thy vry determined nt t supply the bdl needed legal team ptng mylife t wst--rthless reckless amer gng trsts she ws headed im opp dir philldl w
Thursday, October 27, 2016
wed---835p loaded f psg $1--by sh stn stp gng dfr elmntn wstg prj--tht mks her gd prsn frm dfrdg prspctv whn thy do mob tgtg nd dstry u out--erl sdg frdl blk chldrn grp pk dfrdg ofrg dnts--adlts my hv mr snstr--a lib asst hlpg smn and aidg dfrdg cnsp as well---- rfs--btc ultmtl flwd sm drctn e nd blv pss wstb fnly tlkg true mob tlk prb gsg fld t wrt dn t anmc -tk sh----????smn ps $1 by sbw all rfs--hdg ylg trs m plcn w 1046p--blk gy wth cn bgs w---thurs---*****blk cr whs plt ws cght whn thy hd wr co pnt 540a pswtz w rp hdg ylg rdy t jmp shl i gt up t lk at plt spsdly crm grp wtd t sy hi--in rlty gng crm team--oth trk hlpg mob als ard 655a p swtz w w tk bpg wth trs in org ldl gsg mx---ths grp is kpt in bsn by gds shs lib etc nd lkl ntwks wth num oth grpngs who my be in touch--mob aiding sh pswtz w gsg bf w tk---i blv ls few dys prb my hv bn mr thn 1 vh bt i ws too slpy p swt w--ednbg vcn mess styro in st--810a 76 ng gtg cns js bf me at me wth dfr cmnt-dt u wt ths?---smlr w f ylg hay t tall guy on med 711w i thk the guy ws lvng nd she ws headed t 711w---frf smn ?yg unrdb ??? gbg psn aftr the tll gy--out gbg cn--st vct sx hrsm pfrf w---mob sh porg grv w--trs tdy smgl all emptied erl nd or othrws rmvd bf me---no cns---usa gsln 5xgv157 ofg mlcs ins mny--thts wt amer gt fr u--rlty thy all dt wt u t see jstc -thy wnt u dstryd free---rp crs??--hv lgt??---1025a phywrt w--w fk unrdb??---carmel towing trk frm cole ave prkd 711w pkg--mob ml p76 wrtg in ntb w---m w/hds phone tlkg 76 drg coke trk delivery---js bf mob m ofr $1 frf stb crn---rfs---??dk f sh pcrs e???----1147a sh sv ldl dbp p swtz w copying bkng mob tctcs gsg fs---2 ngs swtz crn e??---gng--au hm???---m/f crs kng at mbl obg ins mny -f t orl m w--rfs---smn wtc lq lcn crn--m hrd lcn vcn --out gbg---js bf btc ylg cvs crn als wtcd bld hair 2 rd rlg bgs---smn ofg wr lcn se crn as the pr trn e--u wnt-u cn hv ths---wstb---hrsg mob in rd top nd gtr -lkg t inst mob cnvsn nd t dfrd non exst frdship--psb thief--i ntc mny who wr red or hd rd objcts on nmrs occsns actd strg--ng hay se lcn gbg w/bk w--m/f crs psh w???--m by wh pk blk in rd tp ylg crz rp---prsn m wrg pnk tp gry vst smkg by sh bs stp--ard 145prec-f cn i gv u sm mny aftr trd grt me in vn--i dt kn ths peopl--cl b fls frt fr ccrm wch totaled my life nd is smngl bkd by amer estblsmt nd le---rfs--susp sds 304p --gsg i fld t mk rdb nts svc areasm crn---2ms s on svc--??ndg atg????
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
tues---i enqrd nm of f lib who cmpl fr mob ops re typing-she called herself natalie clmng to be the onl natalie on staff said shes asst 1--mob lib wrkrs strd at me as i pt on wrm clothes outside--sh mlr d n--????smn with tcp in addition t plt nx lq lcn---cvs crn strg bld ml--smgl he nd crz cmnt unrdb wrtg ???he sd stg crz i tk ? off ??? ??? n blw thm up too--it sms lk due t endlss abbrevtns fls thk im the one out t d stg crz--i want t mk america pay mny nd lkl dsrv mr of it thn sm fn awrds gvn --ofcrs amer blvs certn ctgrs r fr outsd ths who shl collect--america lks t dfrd tht class fr ntg--sdl i blv thy mr thn rspnsble nd shl py pntv dmgs---unrdb ?ng ??? 11p plcn w -hlo---dfrdg trzg mob--bld ml by cvs stp als askd fr lgtr--mx f w/unk fd cnt??? rfs nx mob f lcn se crn wtg on bus psg $5 rfs nd sgstg i shl b the one lv--lv is no prblm if gvn visas--the mny amer nds py on its endlss crms it thks t b ntg is mjr prblm--cvs at crsg much smk--1115p se lcn crn--i blv ths time f brded 704 e nd i hd hrd timr sng num of bus typ 4 dgts bd lgtg prhps 95??---lw rdr bk d e flwd by bk plyng rdio---smn strg jmpd out flrs crn nd enqrd re ng on bk who goes t hlwy clnrs pkg--i thk he sd he gv him $100 wrt closing nd wntd t clct pymt im gsg--sdnl smn jmpd out nd strtd tlng him stg---hr i rn int prblmsmh dg shit smn lft in strt gt into my flip flop csg stk t my foot nd shoe--tk me time t clean this incdt myb thy did this on prps??---wed---ard 524a psb othr w tk gt onl bk view slpy nd too lt t lk js wkn by crmnls ins trk i thk thy threw out hlf old cnm bun nd inspctd the fct i pt bgs insd bg bgt prtct frm crmnls--but cermnls hr undeterred by ntg--i rcl ls time i lvd in wh ng bt me up t sng my cns nd num times all my bgs were sngd in mtr of scs--thy fgr thy nt invstgt prblms twd hls mkg this prf tgt---wed---739a sh 1373927 at crs hts d w he ws wtg fr lgt--i tr up the pltd $1 frm dy bf--amer thks it cn rp wipe u out nd its lw enf hlps this cntn fr free smtms whn thy evn hv plnty info----mob frd frdl f crs stp n--mob ml w/susp wlmrt bg pltd plstc btl trs by crs clnrs---cursg ng 711w inr sd i thk this one hd blnded hr---yl cr usa gsln 6xsj369 ofg raisins---f--same sh plt by 711e dft sh psgr f in psg seat the othr erlier was ml 1373927--thy hng out by 711e thn lft---sx hrsg st vctr ng p??cvs e---mob nig cig ptd my wy-thy frc scd hd smk--f ofd rtn bn stbwsmnt --sbw m--au hgr----p sushi hntl w ofg mny-by yrslf stg--amer bgt me stg i cn nvr by out off nd i dt see no one who intends t py 218p sh cr trn nx ba hng ??hidl nt sure str nm nx rg--sh sv by ba--ng f sh ofr me mny--u cn imgn mny frm shfs---i still rem mny ofrd orv pd -nx dy my rdg lwn mower ws brglrzd---grd myb frm pdc wvg by pvln--rec drvr--i fl fr u-she wnt lst t me--i thk thy crz---guy pba ofg bn???--lvl amer kills yr life free fr bn--rest i hv bd unrdb nts i thk intc frm sh stn--prsn whs alwys noisy at 20 and distc awy earlier smn who types qt ldl bt no one wtvr cmplng on slm who lkl dt evn hv any prb wch causes the issue--mnwhl libs lkl cnsprg t mk fl out of me nd delib call me the one nd prpsl hlp mob trs grpngs whl absl nt dr dstrbg ld typists lkg t wst trgts as is cmnl dlb in amer as is dfrdg wo pay--nst lttl btc complnd tht nsy gy- f lib ortl cm chsd him out lib--thr r mny noisy people hr but thy chs out onl the ones lib nd trs grp cn pass fr noncrdbl flty lkg etc--apprtl i am on their list wo any cause --their main cause they dt like hlss thy lk free destruction nd free dictatorship wo pymnt on mlcs cnspired nastyness which this trs lib absolutely supports but they shld pay for this nastyness nd mob supt along with rest of pro mob ignrt america
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
spooked out by the 64 cent google dep google des test id us000R9L3D to my name XXXXX97227 ppd----i dt knw who thy r or wt thy r trying t pull--in amer i am usd t seeing ntg nice---mon--sh pwest knll e--bk in wh pk--wu lk pza sir rp f accmp by m--***susp tlk frm the ygr brtr whs mo mst hv resm mob tctcs--the lst i rem is lies--ths r lies i hrd him prlfrt whn unexp i hrd thm frm his oldr brtr at rec insisting i stl stg cmpltl invntd--ths time he sd stg t the effct -wer nt gn t do ntg t u milana --as best as i cld mk out smt its hrd t hear exc--this came t my attn agn whn ths tues mrn abt 5a i wk up nd disc ng bk nx me--he insisted smn els sngd my bgs nd tht he trd t wk me up whn thy did algd ylg wk up wch i fld t hr--2 of my bgs were emptied nd sprd ard js lk crmnls lk t sprd gbg aftr the wtvr itms thy wtd were rmvd nd tkn gvng it dstnct mob mo---the ng was on bk nd i blv ultmtl went west --unclr wt cnc he had t the crm????---but this cost me frtr loss of sleep nd im alrd msng slp--******nst f lib brnt cm cmplng type sftr tpcly nvr wo mob cmplnt--frq i hrd fr ldr trvsties hr nd fr ldr typing her cmplnt is csng me nw t mk rpt mstks i wl nt tpcly mk--thy r drctly hlpng mob trs wo dsaclsng the mob bhd the crm whs crmnl intrsts in fct lib spts----bk t mon ngt--the brtr tj incid ws mon ngt by sbw wmn rn out ofg fd the onl thg thy cn thk abt all othr mrdr t yr lf is entrl free--bk in prk erl at 7p drg gm occsnl ??ylpg vcs---erl mrn tues dude ylg in stree jeaded e twd swtz thn crsg s i blv --he spkd me out ylg but i dt knw who exc did mess nd stlg--smn pltd $1 in my bg ltr in the dy--i hv evr int rpg ths up frt of shf as sn as i fd one stnry==rec wkr sd if rns hrd he dt hv fclt t opn on ths dys so prb i wld miss lib if it rains hrd myb---the thf im estmtg ws myb ard tues---5a---dt knw wt rl ngr plyd with his bk he ws on bk---apx gsg 525 w cr dbp pswtzr w psb coordntd gng hit flwd by smn ylg frm vh myb evn oth thn w cr itself--the gy who yld md strg rem--i did ntg---sure ws spky ylg at ngt thgh---f hdg 711e crsn crsg --hlo--rglr hrsr--flwd by wtns s on crs while she trnd e t lgtmt her trs hdg by mob cmnt---by 711e 6kif78?1 unrdb wrtg im usr of vh due t slpnss nd gn wo slp due t thft dstrbce by gng crmnls-frm psb ths vh or othr cm mes mob grn rfl vest nd plyd mob grd trk ok?? thn cnt mob cnvrs aftrwd hdg int 711e gigglng at instgtn mob pulled--immed aftrwds str emplyee m stp out myb 1020a accsg me see hw u emptied btl ovr thr--total lie i empty thm into rd unlss thrs tru accidt cmplt lie i js wlk up t empty trs --bth bkts were empty except fr one btl i retrvd in frt of wrkr ns als empty usa gsln as iws rng ltr thn usual due t slplessness nd stress-- 7kie406 out usa printing ylg bolsas as 1105a apx dude stpd in js aftr cmng frm frf drctn rptg attn... srl brgl---ng strg t inr sd frm 711w -psb resp fr trs tctcs wld b gd peopl in fc trs crmnls nd frd--- slv clr ?shtg btc ??? smk fr less---mob f nd mxw crts e p smk fr less--brk glss city hll trs--cut fng--smt bw 12-1248p ylg in spt of mob trs m sh sv psg mob actvt as acceptbl nd trgt fr t b wstd by yelling stg lk eh---streessed out lkd at time too lt---ths in essnc lgtmzs mob wstg fr free by usa--smn ofr btl by ba mlc insl t kp crm serial nd crm of cent sz free--unrdb agn ???? ??pba d e--mob trs lcn erlier -gt chg???--i gt $--erl i fnd pltf pennies trs flrs--exc pltd by trs grpngs--by prk nmrs le due t fgt???---one f gsg mx sgstg re fd t mk fl of u nd thy wtd t knw re thmbs-clmd g lk --bt lk ds nt hlp --i cnt gt nowhere wo full rep by lawyers if tht bng cnst trgt of cnsp trs grpgs ala sknk ted--saw nigel w othr ngr he smd bd mood bsds he frg bt hes into their bg gm
Monday, October 24, 2016
sat--sat at end of session tried edding calbar address to mass email but email yahoo came back with rpt abs messg nvr sn until this time--lib frq has ntw nd cnctn prblms---i expl this to 2 of libs--sm t wrk tdy but vrs ntwk cnctn prblms--susp 64c crdt ach 10/24 on my bnk stmt -scrd cld be crmnl mnpltn which cld potentially cause unk massive prb--mgt stm frm susp chase or alleged chase prc crdt email dt knw---??unrdb f trs ???unrdb--sbw--i blv ths ws ng strg me gtg cns lkg t blm psb mob vcn---50695v1--this vh tk off whn i arv brnys my b abs no sgnf--1150p or js bf mob bk dk ??unrd mnc dsg noises phgs e--amb grd mlcs trzg 1215a--gd ngt--ths trs hv bn tld i see their wld b fn comments as malicious hrsmt thy agrvt me svrl nd r clrl wrkg at bhst of mob whose objct is t wst me--i dt hv mrkd the drctn pmbl e fnd ths-=-1242a 3 mob bks pflrs west--sdl ive bn so dstrsd hr i fls t evn wrt gds---hrsmt indvd mob --hyd? w--me pissed ofcrs ths is orgn hrsm--opst drctn e psb astg aidg mob obsrving reaction t flt me--ths scdrls hv bn tld t lv me alone -bcs thy r mob mlcsl rptdl thy all trz nd prtd lk this blngs---*****sun am ,ess ne crn swtz--f trlg hrpr rlg rd bg dt u kn plc u go t the bthrm--thr r plcs wtg all ovr thts why tgts gt hnded by grds nd shfs--why prvd whn cmnty cn wst tgts instd---strg bk ?????ljl i cnt rd my nts but i blv at ljl f md 2 atmpt bk str entrues bt thy wr --i susp f rltd t mob operation as mess nd trs pltd items---p hyvnhrst mob sh e--fd ws pltd city hall my best estmt rtn psns or rqrg teeth i absl dt hv---2 ms 1 wth bk crs pk e----pshll e smkg at me--lntc lee ovrl rspctfl but the operation is ignrt or afltd t othr bd orgs???? --76 gy dg ofg chps--js absl nt antg wch will chg antg--trs frf sw sm stp--5zyb152--bg cr ofg bts usa gsl--mob sh pcrs e--dfr--cnsp--undrmng tctcs bnftg unk grpgs?????---on bus 4 d e f-hgr?---smll dk trs cr tmp d e bnt d n ylg frm crn cmpltl on diagn awaay frm me--wau dng???---i blv ths prs mob lnk---6rxu623 blu stn lk ins mny--rfs--mbl rmprt susp f ofg wr gry sv out of state vh --my eyes nt gd eng wo bng ext up cls--i thk f susp bcs qt smpl flks r nt chrtb thy r prsc nd prb stg t hd out of state plt prb gsg prtctd by mbl---in rlt smn is lvng off yrs psng as fne people---nd as brn agn---erl psb comob cust vst cr ws-ths knd spt elmntn tctcs by dfr mob--- ???hit 637???? bntn nd e of rmprt s sd tmpl unrdb--thrf toe hit twc nd at vst crws hit my hd whn ng jmpd ahd of me--i ws too wstd by heat etc...---psb oth mobs vcn---susp w tk hlo --insf nts gsg trnd w on tmpl rmprt n --line 10 bus myb smlr 4041 bf 4p drv hrd --tk sh--bpg blk cr pll fr sec by rec thn trn s rmp---susp m up lib strs lk bk thn bk dn--m ofg fd flw by f ofg mny insl---the key is inslts amer hs absl no intent to neithr prvd attys nor t py on crm of centry serial crm--nts sy ofg ?cns---i dt hv a lt t gv u--btm ln -mnc prsc dfr rng--no one will do ntg to chg fr btr evr fr wrs sm as lkl mlcs emld spsd chs act lnk--in rlt lkl trs dfr---sh trn rnd hnt e--- psbw e ****fgt smd t try t gt bdy t atk me--w btc--gsg hsps--the othr gy spsdl psd him off --rbt --t me sry--the prblm is ds nt mn thy sry--sld b pltg srs mnc---trs bk pcvs e--hlo gbu gsg ng--brnys--tm 1145p mob bk phgs e--btc gsg ng---lkl dngrs---1215a--mob amb trzg gds--hyd? alrgt? phgs w--mlcs trzg--pmbl e -sh-- psb susp vcn---*****mon ?gsg 4dwt scr ard 525a me too slp t lk---pswtz w---sh pcrs e---??????77953r1 ws nx crs ba--wca guys shes reg??wld nt reitrt psg wtr clmg 100 degr tdy bt nt tdy---sh pcrs w---unrdb sh/grd pcnd????w ....--rnded blk cr myb prius vcn 711w blkd out lst all plt inf ws ofg?? lkl stg susp insl as typcl--totally blkd out bd news---thks t usa servcs gtg paid fr ptg mny in own pkts---cmplmts trs states nd brglrs usa---btc usa gsln psg pc of brd--u wt??----m cell 711e--mk cs at sm pnt--if u dt gt thm thy will gt u--alwys on their mnd--cmplmnts trs usa----??????7m?bl985--sdl unrdb shll --w tk wth shll db drs by lcn lq sm---wstb sw---?????unrdb ???skt hyd???--smn w blk bg twd ptr ofg mny ins????----lkl orgnzd dfr---???f mtr smg ofg ???mn unrdb cns--bgr nsy w tk shll p svc e
Saturday, October 22, 2016
fri--grp svc n d sm wsprg--lcn cvs crn ng in nv tp plt live cig tip in trash causing ong smk breath in frc poisoning amer shs nd grds wld dig bcs ths r their knd of people--- apx 1110p--- ????snffl?? pihp nrst trs dhlwy--mob gds phgs w myb 1205a aimng t antgnz annhlt elmnt dmls exc as mob cmnt pays thm fr aidg mob intntions -hi---whl stll aslp scr hg coke hauler pswtz w---t slp t lk tm---mrn mich plt cr ofg psng rpt skc ask if wl lk mny in fct prying on tgts my wrtng is svrl bd as gd as i cn rd it ---dn?m 0860 gsg shtl aftr 730a i wk up ltr thn usual bcs i gt thr lt bng t slw mvng---smply mob dfrdg prsc oprtv sptg bg time total life dmltn by usa wth hlp of crmnl oprtvs lk ldrth whm america hs no intntion of prosecuting for delib swndlng of tgts and aidng of tgts frthr dmltn---amr swndls trgts in fvr of own trs bgr intrsts---ngl pls oth ngr stg bus stp stb frf crn--sh gds etc aiding drctvs intrsts of mob prjcts---p org grv cr bpg ?blk--ng bk scr--f u---choc opn hst pstr poisnd wth gsln 711w trs---????mob cns shs pcrs w... all btls rmvd mbl--grnl pltd --rfsd crmnl mob dfrdg trs grp---exprd pltd prt eatn rfs cke slc hlw prk trs pltd by mob -- psn wst at yr servc-----lcn se dfr ng ?f psg wr---6sic179 slv ??w kn ofg unrdb???--smn gll t ps $5 stb msmnt vcn--onl prp --srl crm of cent --free fr amer wr amer cn prtn t b gd vs cmpl opst rlty weighed by size--wr ones life is wstd beyond psblt of any jstc--nd wr algd jstc are crms fby trs akin nd frds wth cnsprtrs lk ldrth hr t hlp dstry u evr wy he knw----mob f bk phntl sushi e--hi---ylpg mob sh cr 115p psh stn e--gsg blk f---ng plng int pkg by ba svc tkg lng tm gsg t my fc in prcs---mob m wvg dmlrs---psb mob dsc vcn wh pk--suspct cmplt lk hls in frt---gngs grpngs shs nd grds r jntl aftr wstg trgts nd pktg pay fr the crm--the rlty of amer injstc----psb mob cnsp aids lib nd btrm--
Friday, October 21, 2016
strg tlt mnt lib wrkr as i wlk out lkl lkg t frm fr mob---1047p hey ?ld w cr plcn w--ng sbw ofg fd??--ard 11p a blk cr s on lcn bp trn e sm dbp trn s alfred---ylpg idt? in blk pclt e--1125p---1127p mob cnsp bks aidg trs mob prsc tctcs -gsg ths amb gds fld t mrk int nts dng the jb of hlpg wst trgts---brn vcn ????7flu811 ofg fd rfsd t drk t rd---brn sv---1207a amb gds phgs w---1210a rp scr ylpg fnc blk sv plying msc lkg new --prhps bgt wth brg mny fnc lkg---cld nt see dtls insuf lgt---rd jk ng strg bgs pmbl w---??dstr nd blkng out lkl bcs ht tdy--smn ofr ins mlcs mny mobil their job--f ylg bt sht out of u i aint afr of u==mob lib crsg t dlb flt trg-----trs mobil insl mny- clms gd knws wt hes dng---dt ?bw it--cvr up dsp ng rd jkt pmbl e--fd pltd ???cns ???hng dn trs -rfs--1247a pltd sw tp of trs hlw clnrs pltd btl swtz bth mob-trs pltd btl str bus stp--ard 518 4dwt mskd psg jmp out yll me too slp --i thk oth sml incd shtl ltr bt too slp at this time cnt recll dtls---drkg blnd nx swtz trs cn ard 630a lkl in on trs prj---fd prv tp of trs hlw clnrs mvd ins swtz trs-thy will dlvr rfs -nvr mnd thy will still yr lfs wrth wth le endrsmnt nd sprt----- btc cnt tlkg ldl fw cmp dn --ths wlcm by lib etc---f--cnt tlk trz---????---lkl mob aiding trs lkg out city hall--styrofoam sprd se of city hall--mob sh pswt e--plrl cr cnt ng ??myb slv clmng ofr $10 threw ??mny gy my side clm threw $1 -i nvr wnt t pkp--mob nt cnt totaling smn life as an incident--- rfs--f apc ednbg pls bg of -u dt wnt??--lkl dfr mob in fct crm cvr up prj by persons in fact lkl crmnls dfr---f strg bgs p76 e--lib hlpg mth rng f---p76 e stmpng drsd oddl w/sml bg cns ??p711w dfrf?==frf--wt sm?, hlo hlo...usa gsln ortl gy ofrg gsg $1 4?yrc0000 unrdb flt lkg y??711e --1 bkt clnd out--sh pkng--shs 711w 1 kp rqstg ths up--bt i nt knw hw ths who totaled my life dsrve this---thy nthg but mob aids enablers btc now kp sprying--mkp etc --ptntl cstc nd dngr---nails nx sbw f ofr bgs thn btls---rfs---mob aidg sh pwstb--wvg?? t ??bus??--unrdb---mob cnsp aidg sh sv mny antns svc d s 2p hi----mob f blk top wdsg rbts se t ne ths big bg--js sng u hv lt i thk--mlcs mob--frd rp 2 dys ant dy ant $--mlc ins---drv js bf entr rec hrsg fr mob hi --as i lvsee u ltr prtcp mob hrsmt---???---hdg pwh pk d sm --wl u lk sm shs?? rp--mob cnsp--ntc librarian hlpd crz btc she cnt dng crz dstbng hlt dmgng thgs wth lib blessings as mny othr aprvd asshls/lntcs fvrd by lib mob
Thursday, October 20, 2016
wed---tlt sgn off trs-thn f w/blu bg in/out wtht usg tlt---lkl dsk 2d flr lib psb mob cnsp mob prj sptd by shs etc---?mob grp cnt ard lib--f mob lib vcn--gd ngt dmlrs---??? crn -wnt fd??? gsg myb wstb---924p pwsmnt w sh sv f -heey gng crmnl oprtvs hdg tgts--lntc lee hrsg stb lctn-antg he cn hl lt hm kn--their prp is nt t hlp thts why the is neither the moneys nor the lawyers---???csg pds trs vcn wst knl w t dstr trgt--trs ng lcn aidg mob ??? ?????susp knf lk objcts pltd cvs crn lcn myb fr hlwn mnc--ng out of gbg cn u sprdg grms---cn pltd cvs lcn crn rfs---colt vcn mob wv ???? hv nt sn u in whl mlc trs--sry--liar---sh pmbl e hey hrd vcn fles--2 bks???pflrs w fd pltd by mob nx str trs hlwy clnrs vcn---blk cr clnrs shpg prkg pkp grp frm flrs--thurs---ard 521a ylg w cr pswtz w psb stg els bt i ws too slp -psb othr mnr evt whl t slpy--i wk up aftr 7 apprtl cl nt gt engh slp----mob sh pcrs e--mess crs nw trs--839a pshll w sh ??rpb snd??---ard 918a frf n sm ??sh hrs ngs--as their rpb cld hv bn hrsmt mob mode---psb smn ofr $1 vcn shll-- amer hs crime selling fr free alng wth total lk of justice---insl rfsd---???inst lntc????--mb sh p??? e--1045a gy clng lt usa prtng--attn.. srl brglr---susp f w/crt 711e nd pcrs w---trb ht wthr-ard 1154a a blk cr bp pswt w--7scx796 ng ofr wtr mobil---$1 ofrd by fm crsng mobil vcn rfsd--thy wnt t kill yr lf fr $1 nd steal evr with it --true amer wy--??? ??? cvs crn---crl gry hair tj vcn e f--hi--mob dfr prj wch passes mob murderous actvt and trs rthlss amer wy as -lvl nd fine-psng endls mob crm usa welcm acceptbl prj---svc ??? ylpg mob ngs brd 704 e ard 154p--???---by pvlns ft dsfg f aprc grb cn nrg me nd psg me fr lk pc of sht--ths r lkl rtrds who hv bn dfrded -she sd ok --fct nt so thy r prp glu trzg u prsctg u vs yr will wth intnt fr crm of centr serl mob amer crm t stk at no cost with help of their criminal buddies such as ted landreth etc who nvr gt u reprstn in yr intrst --instd represntation in the interest of american trsts --this earns the cdrl brwnie pnts etc.... --no dbt--all trs hr r frnds nd all sprt crms vs tgts at no cst---alths mk amer crm proper belonging and in vogue --but lstly nd mst importantl at expnse of destryd traumatized wstd demolished trgt--trgt life is of no cnsq wtvr --mob amer style usa--trs sh cmn dn lib stps-hyd?--ths up order terrorizing victim fr whm thy prpsl dn ntg nd whm thy r wstg evr dy t dstrctn nd extinguishment wo any py on amer demolition crmnl dngs--free total destruction u shld be thumbing up to compliments frm trs usa-- mob country mob criminals aided by mob lw enf
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
mob shs bsy lkg t flt tgt--ths is so crm amr lks crms pblc cnsp nd celebrts dmpg on pc of sht at no cost such as mira rakhman landreth associates christian lamond and public counsel working on instructions of ted and mira rakhman and never at no time lkg t represent the interests of prty being most victimized by trnsction passing mjr crms fr nthg -as rslt i hv lst evr in cndo swindled out of proceeds wound up in mob area and wasted out of ther by cnspired mob community and gang ops working tgthr jntl vs trgt same as mira rakhman public counsel and ted at the price of everything t trgt -her livelihood all her belongings and all her moneys --evr time amer plays chrtble with insl amts and chg it is justifying this yt again and mlcsly lvng 40 yrs of trs acts t trgts life unpaid for.---????mob ?ylp vcn of sushi hntl vh e---???ngrs vcn sbw ?7mrv951 ofr frpcno so u dt hv t gt frm trs--frd cnrnd lkl mob dsptc cooperatives--the offerer blk mltsd itms t trs mkng mess---this is all aprvd by sh---thy r cncrnd tgtr wt mob le re trs but nit re crm of centr t my life--i wld sy suspct lk of cncrn---gbu dfr ng p wst kn w pshk ???? w---gbu at no cst---??? trs ldrt---sh e strg my wy---dbp t aid mob tgtg--slvrs?? ??ch bp ylg brd sds plcn e---brn smn ofr js onsl mny lkl---smn gt cns bf me phgs w---mob cns shs pmbl e rp...---cls t 1158p gry dk cr pmbl e gigglng--gsg ng f---grp hng wtng fr pkp cr flrs crn nd lkw vhs in shpg area pkg??? ????12 mdn---wed 530aa--bpg vh psw w while im stll aslp---mob sh pcrs e...pltd psn fd by crs clnrs---??susp bk myb rcd??? pcndlrm e wrkg at trs mob bhst---mob cnsp sh pstn e--wrkr in org psng trs pgns e--- dsp trs pexec cr lsg smk t my fc--myb 10 min bf 1026a w spts cr bk blk strps frf s nsy---??---lgt pts gry sht -?sbj of in d gsg brglr----1045a---1215--gt jnk vh pmbl e bpg at mob bhst lkl---bhst of crm of centr brglrs thieves---nst btc acrss me cmptr ldl usg cell---btc psh ?stn e blw smk at my fc---n lngr fu sgn on utlt cbnt abbeys--hwvr grntd trs grpngs arnd up t ngd---sml tlk mob hrsr rec---g mrn aft eve--frdy hmrs bt 2 fcd ngr---sh stn jlr intcm 4014--trs alwys hv cnsp tgts tdmls fr their nx jy in lf---sch as my life , etc... aided by mob trsts dictators gngs cmntties grpngs enabler trs system nd le cmplmnts trs usa----tlt sgn off in out---othr f blu bg glnc tlt out --unk rsn
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
i js rn bk t rec t fnd it clsd-frd gn fr 2 dys bt he tnds t b hmrs the mex dude tkng plc cmplnd on guy rng mth psb t much bt prb nt offnsv nd als mks rthr big stnk of the fct tht items of wch i hv vr few i bg thm tgtr as thy r typically hnd cnt-i suffered enough stress t hv missed my gd bg i desperately need whn i collect cans nd cnt gt new one until nx dy in rec if lky--the dstrctn incurred by using grd to up stress on hvy tlkr my hv wrkd an xtr strain-wtvr the cs i hv missed my bg fr frst time rnd--scdrl pdc strg as if i crmnl and smn has cnsp gng of hvng killed my life fr free by rfsng t tk bk % dmpd on me by wh prk trs grp rtrd prsctn mob prtcpts as promised i tr it on spt as it is clr t me ths r nt hlp people in mln yrs wt thy gv will nt hlp nd i need huge money t move on and live flwng crms arnd and aided b y allarnd mob trs usa aided frm angles incldng frm strng at trgt crmnl pdc---this tk plc js nw tues---mon--susp strng at bgs frm prk ofc----sbw vcn 2 ms psbw w 1 ofrg pizza---rfs---945p mob sh mob trs prj pwst knll e--gd??? in rlt tlkg t spt bk mob objctvs nd t cmflg crms as nvr wr free --thts mob prj trz dstry fr mob prposes mob shs aiding mob objctvs---tues---sh pcrs w---sktb blw smk my wy crsg crs nw d sw crnrs.--6gjc938 fm ofg wr 76 mob op--- sh p76 e---tll wl b brg wlk out 711w pkg grn trm actd shts---sm n frf w sw ard 930a ??? ??? ???mob shs 1032a in on ldrt scm askg dude wth trm shrts -tkng mds -yeah--ldrth nd mob shs jntly prsct nd frm nd elmnt trgts thyve prsnlly hlped t dmlsh by own crms dng this fr free by psng sbjct as mntl cs---in efct dscrdtg frmng trg dfrdg trth by mns of mob ops frm mh----amrcn dfrdr trs crm of centry mrdrs crm gm plyd by mob wo py hndg out free gds nd wrtlss mnys t dfrd own prt plyd in crm trs scm aided by amer estblsmt nd its trs le----1105a sh p76 e ng myb f? strg t dstry trgt their cmn tru prps---7mlh200 slv ?cr ofg btl rfs -shll---1245p ---2 fs ofg sdw lcn ne rfs--abt 4 shs vhs srns trvlg plcn e--lcn se mx--u smk ltr grtd by f--lkg t dfrd wst nd kp wo atty psng poisn smk on people thy knw nvr smkd in lf---ard 108p pstbks wstmnt e ???crm dfr f ofg ck sbw vcn e--guy crt glss btls ct ahd thn othr rec wth 2 bgs who mob hrsd me num tms at rec dsp t hrss--g mrn--- als cut ahd p24hr ftn--- all cns wr gn mbl nd sm snt mnc aftr the cut ahd---the dude who cut ahd wth crt mex lkl thn met up wth nst hay wtc hay out of rec jng dude wth crt---abbeys vcn prb utlt cbnt wth mob wrtg -fk u----new mx wrk cmp on guy tlk t mc prb crtg mr strss nd tntn fr frst time tdy i frgt fld t ntc big grbg bg mst hv lft bhd nd needed--assh causes t much stress nd crtcsm--js bf wca mx mob ofg wtr svc--lkl co who spts mob--- mob sh rbts trs mob mx grd cnsp frm pdc acrs lib nd tlng my stpd--mob trs try frc $5-wl nt tk bk so tr up fr him as prmsd--ths r crm of centr brg crmnls who nd t dfrd who thy really r--thy r lvng off evr mne nd i cn nvr recvr due t wht thy did -i cnt mk any mny nd its wndr if i cn mv at all-tsd mcmfn my crs prt of in fct crmnl dfrdr gms america hppy t spt alng wth their mh mds trs prsctn elmntn brglrzg tctcs nd crt gms aided by crmnls lk ted andted sprtrs ovr at pblc counsel who r jointly bkng crimes and criminals at expns of tgt--wtness lib tlt flr psb mob gmk--wstbrn red drt bg frm elpa cntnr str in 24hr trs cn lkws btn canister sm trs cn--psb who uses rd bgs my b lnked t frs??? unk???ws als wet cltg ins tht sm trs cn
Monday, October 17, 2016
sat--w tk rf lgts psvc ard 730p--ofg $2 ?myb mx? sh stp ???als ng mb ins- u sr???hdg trs nth mob prsc prtcpts aided my mob gds nd shfs--lng strng of ths trs grpngs in on crm of centry nd prtctn of ths crm by trs grpngs grds nd shfs who spt trs org grpngs nd their crms---unrdb myb hntl w dfr g t see u agn mob rpt phrs mob dsptc---intc cnsp sh stn---902p mlt sh vhs pwst knl e f --myb ng sh--hi---935p crs sm at lcn lq crn t sw crn f gigl---lcn w 1110p crsg ****ambs gds----mbs phlw e nd w---=????? str vcn brnys==1212a ng f pmbl e i bgr blk sv--wtc out fr tht grl--1223a---mob grp afflts sgstg i hv drgs t dcv thy r crm rng--f sys she hs ck--dude sgsts--meth? szbl trst grp pmbl w---1237/8a ????? unrdb sml w hlr pflrs shpng w---sun--758a sml w tk 1.5 p crs e---823a--?up w/bk fs pcndlrm w--g mrn brg...---w gy actg wrd pedinbg w---f ofr $2 othr ofr $3--76 cls 840a rfs the one wth slvrs sv wnt out bk 76 xt ednbg 852a--trs grp cn fl smn els--mob dfr prsc cmtee fdg off ultra serial ultra grnd crm-thy gv u ntg -thy stl yrs bgtm wth hlp of mob gds shs nd mob trs amr estblsmt co-brglrs-----hw t brglrz evrtg nd dfrd evrone js ask mob trs usa thy wll nt stp trzg u wo pying anythg of the prc---p711w d e bpg vh undt---wsprg drctns t intmdt tgt by 711w mob amb cnsp bks trng gds t zm in on tgts nd t hrs tgt for mob trs wch thy blv no one wll sue thm fr ard 9a-- ard 908a strg my wy t blm dfrf shs ?? ??? ??? ???---bk gn w snd efcts ?? rdio porg grv e 940a apx shs ???? nrb crs--wt pr?? dfr crmnls---city of wh strt vcn plm pk 1105a--oth d w w tk---4jdl348 rdh md age ofr $3 rfs---1140a-711e hng out mds--u a ugl ass btc or fg---old ld ofr ins chg -tk it rfs-whn hr amr grdsn ordrd --grdm---cws emp ?etc---???pls ng and shs pgns e------js e org grv--md wrdo hng---bnt ard 137p bfr drvr dcd thrss trgt--wr u gn csg me t ls rst----????---als btcs lkl sngd fr ?????lmn ??dfr mb 6bsf748trs blu ???unrdb --u hgr----pshg brd mobil rmprt tmpl---js bf 340p vn bus stpd bt wh bus went ard skpng me nd 1 othr psg---sh ppk s 7nre833 $1 sm d e crn rbts u sr --rfsd---??gn crm crs svc s thn w -du nd cig??---scr ldl hey---wrg 52? blu athltc sht---??mob shs---scr at smn vcn svc gt out strt---???? w tk 2 vhs?????920p gp fgs ?????frt of me lkg bk---***trs amb gds hv gd ng 3 amb bks tlg trgt usg dfrdg cmnts cpied aftr trs mob grpngs crm of cent brglrs at no cst fr whm thy r cvrg 1018p trz frm trgt--lk mob shs who tlkd abt phn pass -their obj lk mob chs elmnt nd hlp crm rng objctvs nd suspects---1040p sh lcn ?????unrdb--ths grpngs prtd thy cncrnd whn in fct prpsl instgtg endlss mnc incldg crm by mns of prtcptg in trs grpngs etc..--mnr mess vcn hgs--1235a amb gds pflr w gd ng prtcptg in orgnzd mob hndg nd prtctd encrgd trzg of trgts vctmzd by sm or affltd trs grpngs---cnstntl mkng one trgt --their numero uno t b frmd nd vctmzd nd trzd--- mob sh psw w---????unrdb myb nsy ng???? unrdb---usagsln slv cr ofr recyclb -rfs lkl dsptc 3d 4th prt dn---dfrdr crm fr free trs team--rd jkt w spdr wrkg fr td frf are md flw twd hywrth--u kld 15 ktns stng tds frds cm up wth t dmp on tgt of their endlss crms --ingenious---mob tall wld b vet brg hng 711w???--- sh p swtz w--rd wrk nr kng/orl---stg by hgs grnd bus stp wvg mob t tgt instg---rd wrkr ylg quiet in spt of mob trs antgnzg wstg actvt---2 susp w/1 cell entrg info up t cvs at lcn---psb pnh frm mbl twd hlwy---ng ofg fd by sbw lkl off brglrd mny or cmpl free by argd scm--- mob mta emp hrs othr mta wth org sft vest re bgs og vstd emplyee hd--wthn mta prtcptg trs mud---f ofg $1or 2 by rec grcry lot argd inslt dfrdr prsc tm---tht is gd fr pc of sht mus trs fgr aftr thy poket stln lifes wrth nd no intent t prvd atty---prtctc srl crm of centry crms dn by their ownd frds nd crnies thy dig---oldr slv hari mob nw svc crn--svc trs mob ??mlna g se u agn psng sld lkl adct or rtrd wko-- other wko hv gd dy frc upn glu sm as trs grds who prsct nd hrss nd wrk tgtr wth mob ops nd shfs---insprd by city of whlwd who lks mob fr trgtg vctms nd prtctg mob crms nd fr nvr pying on crm nd or trzg prsctn---ths 2 or mr trs wnt pprk n d sm--ng btc up lib stps ofg mlcs insl mny lkl she slf pktd frm endlss brglrs aided by usa and whlwd--lib wrkr int tlt t mrk tlt sgn off sht
Saturday, October 15, 2016
fri--jn --psb susp chrs headed dn lib strs m/f opp rcs md agd---635p yls frm fld wh pk ?????--mob--psb dsc re cmts crtczd by trgtg trs grpngs---910p mob amb gds psbw w bng usd by whlwd nd gngs t prpsl mnc trgts nt dng ntg t dsrv ths-i dt hv the cmnt mrkd dn bt thr alw is nd grtd ws ths time gvn my lng nts some hrsmt cmnt aimd t instg cnv glu trzg undr clr of lw in fct prvdg mnc on bhlf of mob cmnt nd on bhlf of gngs whm thy deem accptb persons nd hlpng ths trs grpngs trn u int obj of demolition by scms trs rqs nd instgt absl orgnz by mob nd skng to oprs trgt for mob oprtvs nd psng all of ths as bng rsnbl---mob w cr 1129p pmbl e i dt hv mrkd wt thy did my bst gss bpg or wld nt hv wrt dn--1138p sh use lw srn gng w tgtg smn? vcn hgs---1205a pmbl e--gds--all rg???in fct flwg thrg on mob trzg dmnds fr prp of trzg nd lmntn tctcs nt at all smn cncrnd fr u bt smn aiding mob objctvs---prtdg cncrd nt hrsg--in fc all ths is frd --ths frc upn glu instg trzg hrsmt fr trs grpngs---1235a grd scrdrls pswtz w clrl trng dmp upn ths tgt fr mob---sat---bpg w trk mob prtcpt 707-7a phrpr w thy wr shrtl bhd sh ?cr vh----rp scr m ljl crn--prsn dng clng lkl als lkg t aid mob cnsp--738a mex pcrs w w/cell als smn s sd of sm pcrs w---w cr vcn 711w 5bap833--insl mny intntd t cvr crm fr free--ard 840a or jbf 76 vcn sh wtg ths up tdy als grtd at mob bhst--tll wl b brg frf w or prt blk mkn trs cmts smn hs t tlk acdg t hm he js abt stp cmn h clm cs nt lk lkng at me cmng frm drnk nd vr lkl drgyths ngs by frf i cnsd ldrt frds nd sm of thm mgt b cpb of antg lkl---og vest guy prb bw frf hywrth gsg prt of mob grpng rfsntl in shvl wc thy dmp all in trs anywys ths prs ws nst lk numrs in ths grpng i wl sy hd og vsts tree pctr i hv ths mrkd 10a or jbf---711w inr trs full of mob trs sm is frq frf n of sm bus stp---the dy bf ths trs hd ??drg prphrnlia????---mob ng stdg by trs try ofr hlf sd frq of mob---crs ????crs----smk fr less plt cn int trs on my arvl rfs---lg lac fdpt tk gs at me gn pmbl e---1207p--1230p---gry sv prb cheap dn lcn s ylg jlu--orv mob rpt----stb wmnt prb mx ofg $5 rfs cnt trst trs lgc---crn rbts blk tk psg gsg mx tkng pctr of me grtd mob trs ******26151b2 blk tk---he ws gng e nd trn s i blv im msng tm by blkts bt gsg shtl aft 2p or tht vcn---frd the wrkr at rec mntnd fr no rsng wtvr smn prp hit his cr wo prvc--i susp cld b bcs he wrks at rec or mgt nt do wt mob mdsl wnts-i rcl num prs dng rec orvl bng trgts--erl svc crn trs rp 20 tms wo cs--dt it fl g t tk sht???---strg me/mn lib wkr aidg comp 21 but als mob grpngs---after askg gy if he alr?
Friday, October 14, 2016
thurs---mta bs bpg e p sh stn unk rsn---pltd fd prk prb previousl frzn ormyb exp---mgt as well qt trng im nt dfrded as to amer rlty---rfs--???ng sh bs stp lkl dsp---830p nsy w cr pwstb e--smn ofg fd 1015p scr vh plcn--943p sw lcn crn pair mls wpls mx w ws wth cell nd evr time i md trn awy frm him scdrl trnd with his cell aiming it at me thn he sd -sry---amr is sry out t hlp u etc....--dt nvr u blv it thy exc sm as crmn ted---lcn crn idt ofrg vdk btl alr opnd but irlvt i nvr drk unls accidtl nt knwgl swl a sip of smtg spkd---m myb mx in tnk actg strg bw lcn alfrd spkng me nd csng t scrm n.... 1030p----fri am numrs trs strg on wy t city hall as i rchd int trs cn lkg fr cns--day(s)aftr fct i dscrnd mr brn smell thn orignlly--whn it occurred i nvr knw antg ws set on fire onl foam/gel insd trs---pizza ws pltd on bnc nx me swtz rfsd i pt it int trs---mob sh pswtz e--prb zoo ops crs clnrs ng strg---1.5 w tk shell w/bk drs pvcn 711w???--mob ambsd grds oprtg with mobs lk shfs bks pogd w---945a mob gry le med cr pcrsn w wkg fr mob trs---wtd out gry hair mob ml thmbg up fr crm twds tgt hi----mob shs pgns e---dfr mob prtcp crsg as mny mobs lgr slv hr onc sn gvg $1 t wlch aftr i rfsd in rlty mob dsptcd dfrdg tm---mob dictatorship dfrdg gm---????711w mob cvrg up ns out of 711w int w vn pkd sm nrs pkg icl nt see plt well eng but my b sml to 9096a2--on loc lkl mobs who prb rd in org sm mrngs--thr ws exc 2 one wearing mstl blk clthg the other stg lk fnt gry off clr--the dude in blk md hlwn lk sd sm as on trk lkl myb ??rr.. or stg i cnt exc mk out thn sd tk shwr nd sd i shd hv kpt tss out pstry pltd in trs hwvr rfsd due t bng lnkd t dfrdg brglry crm mob--thy stl wts extr wrth nd nonrecov thy plnt thrw awy dfrdg scm--1055a--the mob ops wr hng hywrt sd fnc 711w psb frm mrn vhs ---ldr ngs hng frf---mob oprtv crs d w??oth ops vcn chsg frmg trgts serial crm of centry cvrd up by usa at no cst --why py?????????flrs nx shpg ctr 2 fs of wc 1 hd rd hair psg gnrc jnk sdwc typicl cnvnc str crp --i tld thm i nt wt ntg thy still actd lk thy cl dmp it nd pltd it upn bushes rfsd---ard 1215p prb---bfr tht lrl hrdwr sdn ear bstg cnstr noises---hlw prk oldr ml stg tlkg mob lng--hyd hau ok -gd---140p-- w tk w mrcnd gds bgt ???brg mny als by sbw--pltd athltc wmns cltg--nt wt i use and i dt sell antg---assh myb lee shrtls in rd smkg t hrss mob shff pwstbrn tassist w cnsp frmg nd t mk fl of tgt wo cause pwstb e ultmtl csng me t drp fd frm stress---their prp is but mnc---mob sh svc e---hrsg rp hdg smk chr svc sw crn-shs wt u off strt--ofcrs the hlss shs wnt r mob crmnls knw--othws as assh js tl me go cmpln t shs thy will snd u t psdn--lkl whr thy hv nt hs i m gsng--rec 2 smkg trs --1 grtd mob--hau/hyd--alr??mlcs mob hrsmt unrdb--smn dn lib stps ofg $1---like i dt knw wt ths amer trs thyv dn or dnt kn wt ths trs thyr dng--trs country who serly commits crimes off century then dfrds at no cost---free for mob coopertng trs americans--smn ins lib demnded cert knd swvl chr clmng ths fed law
Thursday, October 13, 2016
wed---815p wstb ofg $1 bills mlcs inslts fr crm wo pay whr serial crm of cent sz crm goes free rfs--vcn wst knl stg lk gry sv i blv mk sht le type loud srn snd smn srl hd t py t acq ws headed pwst knl e---915p nsy w ?sprt cr e trn wst knl bk out trn e----2 ms??? sw lcn crn crs n 1-prp lkl ofg $1 mlcs inslts---rp ylp pmbl w js bf p myb w????? amr trs r ??????? hpy at ??? ??by mns of crm unrdb ?? ?? ???? 11:04p sh srn pmbl e lkl mnc trn ???? kng s---all ??? cnsp mob grp---trs by city hall--smll brn obj frm gbg tp of nw trs i toss bk insd --trs alms empt---thrsd 1038 phywrth e d frf mob mx f--why u nt ??tk shwr grtd dsptc by mob crm dfrdr prj--shtl ltr othr mob in yllw tnk phywrth dfrf lvng it up frm crm rng trs crms rp lk bk---smn blw smk nx smk 4 less 1146a---1225p or js bf frt of hgs d ??w psng $1 trs dsptc df mdl agd crm dfrdr rng---js trng thlp u---glu trs mud oprtv---d e othr mob oprtv lkng ovr orgnzd trs trnsctn rfsd---1235p or js bf mob smk bw lcn ??? hlw ?mx f big tats? ?? ?? ??ldrt wlchr mob se lcn crn---6zsf840 ofrg grtd mlc insl mny vcn wst knl lkl cnsp dfrd--gvn shs prtcptg in elmntn etc evr one els is mst cert welcm in trs states to do mob acts---rfs---205p rp yll sh sv js out stn d e lkl hrd by othr mob insd elmntn nd mob prj rp hay hay..---f gsg ??blk---rec mob cust ml lkg bgs hihau hyd ok????trs lmntn mob prtcpt scm---brnys pizza als rfsd due t--too mny mob prtcptg grp cmnty nd le oprtvs prtcptg in hlpg and prtctg crm--mob lib grd crsng hlpng crm mob amer trst objectives-landreth sent email his invlv in mh and his wntg t hlp frm trgt utilizing mob trs amer system who preys on tgt along with criminal --landreth has been warned wht will occur if there is so much as any sighting of anyone frm mh anywhr or anytm--this is abt trs untd states paying punitively fr abusing tgt --nt hlpg usa blm dmls dictator tgt--fr this landreth and cooperatives will be gldly charged themselves--suspect crmnl librarian prtcptg in mnc the tgt prg js nw dn strs--this scdrl is clrl pro trs pro ldrt pro mh pro mob----he is directl crmnl intntnd
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
tues--on my wy out wh prk cghng jrk gng rnd nd rnd prd with intent t cause prblms---mob ng plcn w-gt out gbg cn crz ass wmn--crmnls prp do crz thgs t blm tgt--bef rec tues dv smt shrf wntd t knw if i knw who put fire int gbg cn by city hall???---rlty thts nt at all wht he wntd t do rthr mob shs etc jntl lk fr dvcs t prp hlp dmp upn tgt js like mob nd js like trs lndrth-i dt kn until hrg frm smt it evr ws on fire i blv this lkl rgt bcs in mrn on tues trs cn ws filled wth unk foam or gel nd mnt blk scrps--thr r alwys crmnls askg fr lghtrs wch i nvr hv nd crmnls lvng mtcs i nvr use nd agn the prsns prtcptg wld be mob crmnls mob shs nd mob city hall r lkng t accmdt --why py expnsv atty bill whn lk 1-2-3 ameruca cn destry smn on prps wth ted lndrth hlp----bw lcn alfred dk gry cr ofg fd-ths is fr u rgt bhd thm ws shrff hlpng mob hd plts nd headed e---we all kn wt amer has fr me--toyal dstrctn at absltl no cst passed fr chrt---nx cn scdrl wt $10 wc in dkn i cl nt see so askd wt ws ---ofcrs this is orchestr dfrdg mnc wr sz of cent srl crm rds free nd ofcrs --rfsd---vcn hgs f frm bhd js offrng ins mny---in fct clcltd nd in no wy cmpbl t prptrtd trs actvt mnc dfrdg rfs--?rcd on sktb trs sngn crp pkngs w/u... rp---pkd up small messes mobil thr bf me aftrwds sh p mobil lkl lkng smply t dmp oths crms on me---sh nd city hall nd oroville/butte r very skilled at tht---sh e pmbl--kngs crn glsns fem blk hr w sht psb dng stg illegl pls gbg tkd in dft crn s tht crm prtcpt btc cld pose fr crm oprtvs--wed---apx 521a pswtz w 4dwt ???gsg slvr bt wth eyes js opn its hrd t blv i gt it rgt so the onl cert thg is 4dwt mob grp insd ylg--hw mc r cns nwdys???--ths is ply on sz of crm thy delibrtl totaled this tgt with-the prs ws wrg msk-----prs slpg on bnc w crs hts pk--bk at swtz smn als pltd jnk bg nx me gsg lee bg smd t hv inc type gdgts--mob thks its fny t frm me int fool nd city hall agrees wth mob--as bag was smll engh i shvd it int trs--the asshls d this by some srt cnsp whl am slpng orchestrtg ways t mk idiot out of tgt with wch city hall shrff mob nd lndrth gldl cooperate---dn fr frmng nd hrsmt--why py whn trs is free or cn be sngd stln----bk on tues mrn sh ws strg frm s sd swtz twd sm gsg hd t d wth fr i knw ntg abt---thy r nt aftr mob thy r hr t hlp mob wst me---cnstr grp wrkg annyg drill w of prkng nx baby blues md me feel lk cghng vr annying---bk on tues smith/klaus algd concrns wth fd/phn in fct lies usd t cmflg sprt for mob crm nd elimination tactics--positioning selves as caring chars ths r clvr mnpltg mob aids nd tgt demolition team wch aids crm of centr size crime compliments of usa fir free--their bus pass nt here their phone nt here nd pltd fppd cn b fnd anytm wtht thm--thy r dfrdr team thmbg up fr endlss trs actvty sptd nd hlpd by trs amer systm--who aids dfrdg serial crm of centry sz crimes all cmpltl fr free--why pay whn u cn dmls nd frm???--trs acts fr free is exc hw amer wnts the shw t rd--unfrtntl this info is trs nd dead wrng nd rptdly so lk rpt rcrdg--prpsflly dfrded by amer scam---hlr gsg phyvn e---sm prs still lying crs hts bnc---mob trs wlkg w prps smkg at tgt---hlr gs pkings e ???rd/blu pltd--numrs rec smngl prpsf dng sm rout---cr sml red chv???myb?? susp prbts w--sml in my fc ntc agn vcn rec---by wh pk wlkg s mex f offg peps---unfrt i suspc mob bhd prps --ths grpngs my well be cnctd nd skld at dfrdg---rfs--fd pltd in trs tdy????--als gmk---grdg in exc rtnl obsrvd frm pdc-moca cnsp mob hub thy r acrss lib---lib my be fll of mob grpngs plus sh, lib, ldrt cotrs cnsp trs usa club
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
sat---crm grps lib vcn may? be cnsp re bgs---smn ofg btl prk-hv nc ngt-rfsd-exc t hrs tgt--intcm--??--athltc sd-prk--sh stp???---ng f askng fr lgtr-all mob kn i dt smk----lkl crtcsm frm obs acrs sh stn--scr mnp?? grp--5 ?crss hntl d cfe bn---904p -omg-hay pwstb w--lcn--sus mx??---mob brtr mkg up ins crp nrb tjs---mb sh pwstmnt e---mob aprc ???? trs w/ins ?????unrdb-------btc.... ins cr pwst??? lcn e inslts--svrl mn bf 940p lkl dng mob etc....----?????---fu----???amb bks plcn w--sh plcn e---1008p sm w trn n ---mth off w sw??? flt ???pclt e 1044p ngs---1058p scr ???brn sm e--mobil sml dsp nv cr psb hdg plt f offg psta rfsd bsd on bng dfrdg prsctn mob crime aiding prj---rp ?u sr ----1152p hay hyd evr ok???--snds lk ambsdrs dfrdg frdsp in fc anhltg tgt nd lkg t wst tgt sm exc as prps of shfs---2m pls f mbl crs hgs---inst f---f psb rfs sd she's sk scr aftr crss---sun 740a lng bp pljl w ?gsg myb w cr---i ws slpg earlier eithr bcs of pr slp or due tbng lt nd anmc------mob ???? cns pcrs w --hi??---hau?--bkts---???7nob740 $10 rfs shell sr??----???in cnsp w/gs t mk fl of me---904a---cns sc elf rd ht dk hair chubby mob nut chrct lng twstd wire ylng thtg gn t fk u up---sl? gtg gs t lt t ctc lkl smptzng wth trnd crmnl--drgng ??? f cn prp --rp stn crs hywt t711w sd--w tk pntd as usa flg cbn als ptd blk fgrs by 711w--1215p gdn ??? ylp--????i blv thr ws whistl prior t mob ml--u in my wy....etc instg crp cmpln re drt skn --mob dsptc--crmnl preprd spch dfr????1220p gdnr??cnsp trs e nt gt on 4083 gn w 1225p gdn--ths wld nt be me gtn on i ws hdn e on bus ltr so prhps th mob--mob aidg shs pcrs w mthg bk crsn 1250p-------????aft psrbnt e 8439 nt stp whl dncg ng mob ws dng shw at stp---psb sgn??---nx bs als nt stp fnl on bus thn mob who was onc frm in spdr jkt rd clr nw thnk in t sht rng mob spch csng peopl yell gt off bus sd gtng off virgil gt of st andrews at western tm 144p---the t sht i blv ws org---sus f lft of me 24----the mob in org crz tlk iv bn hr 16 yrs u twc as lng u hd 15 ktns cmpltl mnfctrd crp bg of lies fr hlwn--my opinion the mobs appreciated by shfs as thy lkl clbrt and agree on many things mrovr their frds sty cnst nt new---off at bnt ard 201p--psb cnsp chrs vcn bnt--on bnt dsnst 3 ofg wtr---fhz1508 --ofg ins mny als w vn drv by ortl ofrg $1 bth wr by ortl drvrs all mny ws rfsd bsd on mob in cmnty nd cmnty nd le spt fr mob---tmple gng w frm rmprt 4048 nt stp ln 10 bus prp wtng dstc awy t prevt me frm brdg bs psb cnsp---i fld t ctc nums on one of buses t whd wch psd by--smngl brded 7574 if my nts crct nd arv wh myb 510p --519psh und lib dctrg ths up prb dave smth gsg---720pmob sh at pk xt agn thtg thm up----hlpg mob wst vctm---??? ?? ??---w cr hntl--1020p trs shs hlpg mob on prp ????wstb----thrtg lkl mob ylg cmng t wstb stp thtg me awy i crsd ovr nd shfs mst hv sptd??? him---he wen e i blv--crm cnsp--frt sbw hlpg crm prp stdg ovr tgt sbw vcnt 1025p bluish ???bkt---scdrl typiclly by tjs brtr instgt dfr act re js ls scissors---*****1138p hlo plcn gsg sh palfrd oth sh vh mumbs???----???? ????trs p ng alf- unrdb--------mon 515a 4dwt psgrs org ylg frm bk org blk pld-gv m all yr cnd rrr...----mx???? ??pts trn crs hts n???---mess nx tree vcn crs ba--mob ofg $1 frf--stlg a lf cms chp in amer---7?nvt947 at 76 ofg $5 rfs gsg f myb blk merc--rvs e wstb ylg w vn 132p bw w? n hntl ???mn $5 rfs---svc sw crn --yrs? wm ofg ins btl---rec frd rfs btls fr me--amer n int t py on crm cvrd by thk veil of frd nd mnc---mrd at n cst--pba ???? ??ck out bgl ass bf 3p---by rec p la peer prb 4dwt cmng bk fld mrk tm---prb cnsp tlk prk ofc hlpg mob---?? ????apx753 smn ofg ???sda frt of sbw js bf smn ofg oth ins lk $1-2--thts abt hw mch amer blvs tgts shl b wrth aftr hvng bn flly wstd by ters estblsmnt le afltd crm grps---tues---1218a mobil nig w sv by str ofrg ins mny rfsd w cr grtd unrdb nts ????kngs flrs svrl crts dgng fr cns immedtl frt of me lkl frds of rcd nd ldrth---???4drt dsptc??? unrdb---scr ard 220a bf tht scr e p city hall--519a w cr scr incl f --mrderer???--smngly thy vry hrs pswtz w--- 7a or js bfsh lkl mob??? s on swtz nd wtcg me pick up my bgs --i cl brl mv---??mob gds 711w---unrdb---bk?--hi---w cr crn crs ba stkout---yest mob --au ok by wst kn trs in fct lkg fr dvcs t mnc tgt--als frd at rec mntnd bng gng bng i thk---s sd e of frf $1 ofd rfs--??????????????????? 76--crm dsp mex crs hts prk inq why i lft my bgs--rem bgs wr tkn pctr of at swtzr few dys ago nw bgs tgt---by smk 4 less fem brg out dfr glss btls rfs--- mk crm sm amcbl rpb pljl e??w tk---???unrdbsh stn nx-dv smth john klaus smth thm upng trng snd me srvcs wst me -r u amer cit??--lkl psng this on t mob -snc why nt u mv bk--bt ntc crmnls stl nd dstryd evr nd my lf nd no one is ofg pntv dmgs i nd t go fls impressn free attys gd cs---ba svc 2 prsns of1 empt btl each fr crm t go free js lk crm of centry sz crmnl amer lks rfs ?????
Saturday, October 8, 2016
???? p mlr svc---f d n ppdc ofg lkl $1---???anm news pwhpk dmlr---mob shs pwstmt stbks schmg thlp dmp on tgt---trs ofg $2 by stb wsmnt crn trs--u sr??? ---1009p plcn e hay gng enrld ambsdr whlwd grds fndg gng dmnds a boon t their bsn agn at expns of hndg tgt--gng crmnls hv ambsdr grds nd gngt afltd shfs on mob sd at expns t vctm tgt nd crm of centry serial consprd orgnzd crm sprtd by cnty nd whlwd---1045p or js aftr mob peds dmp $2 nt tk bk crs hlw pbrn w sm--i tr up $2 bcs ths in no wy rcgnz sz of centr amer crm aided by amer estblishment wrkng at bhst of mob????---?slvrs sv hlw trn sm e scr---1130p 2 mx on bks pmbl e gsg cnsp elmntn aids js lk mob rthlss reckless nd trst shfs who prpsl hlp nd prtct cnsprd crm of centry crm nd hlp mob frm tgt instd-----rp sh d e 1140p pkngs sd of gelsns sm d e pause mid crsng kings w lights mvg mob dpty f psg-hay---aiding mob trs crew -their knd of beautiful people---???? ?????--scr mob oprtv fnc rd cr lkl obtnd wth mob brgl mny--i'm gsg 613a pswtz w if rem crc fld t nt dt kn why---py hd amer le spts all crm twds ths tgt nd cnsp vs tgt all times and aprv all hrm t trgt---dude clctg cns imd ps me 630a lkl t hrs nt acdt---apx 7a sh sv n 2 sh crs phrpr e ??? sh w--bkts---gsg 735a 4 bks grp-?bgl-wt? pcrs hts -e---trk w ltrs??? 915 bpfrf w---****930a org grv mob ldrt oprtvs cmplng in rd jk w/blk spdr--u js dt die--bn hr lngr thn i hv 16 yrs-u twc as long the mob drnk hit trn sgn nx t sdw clsd csg sgn t fall nd smtg small t break=-stg by og grv crn resrt dfrdr -u hgr???---shell pink dot cr mex fm md agd ofg $1--rfs unrdb nts--mob sh crs w strg---1241p pwst knl e psg f lkl --hay cr i thk--1243 pfnc e bk--hi----crm cnsp shs phntl e wrkg lkl tmnc frm tgt---smn cnc t mob lkl psg ?ba w psb lkg fr reslts of cnsprd mob crm shs ambsdrs nd mob all lkg frwd to tgtr at expns of tgts life--thts wht trs usa is all abt wr mob estblsmt nd trs le all on sm tm
Friday, October 7, 2016
614p w mvn scr mlr svc n---625p w mvn prb sm no scr i blv bk twd mlrs bt my nts fr unk rsn sy sm drctn --im bdl blkn out due t lg loss of bld---640p---pkg gsg lkl or sw mlr sd ml in st md agd pls 2 ygr fs im pretty sr 1 fem hd rd slvls tnk lk drss the m ofrd mny in hnd -hwv it ws glrg t me ths flks hv zr recog of amer deeds twds my lf nd their cntrbtns dt mtc a drp in ocn agst fine thmb upng amer deeds so as alw i sd --t chp---its ultr clr amr blvs certn lvs cn b had fr ntg js lk pc of sht---all ths is dfrdg brgl prtc schem rfsd ofcrs---731p sh or pk rngr in prk cls prx of me wth unk rdio dvc---ng wt/cell--unk oths whn i ws lvg---mob shs pstn e--m/f pair ml ofg cn--rfs--smn smk ??? vcn hnt/sushi 2-ms of wch 1 ng in rd jk--hyd---wst knl w---ng rd tnk blc hair ????d lcn crn nd cxmng bk frm swr d w---cvs crn tall fm sht blk hair blk shoes myb hlwn prnt drss --rp........ kill yrslf als says -iv gt lts of mny--i dt dbt it --brglrized --i lft abt 1040-45 as btc kpt rptg -kill yrslf mdslng prtcpt---mob sh palf e---few mnt bf mdn trs amb grds phgs of wc 1 ws mkg noises psb qkng brkg or stg---t hrss trg fr mob---amb grds bk 1206a d e---1233a pmbl e sc w cr--1242a flrs e 2 sh vhs -1 sh sv flrs w--mth off psb admnt or thrt re my thm dn---guy hpg pflrs w sngng stg re bng rpd by ngrs????---????at swtzr ldl scr blk f ??smngl hls it ws clr she created thrw ard mess nd she was scrmng re hw drt i am hw i shl nt cm nr her cld me crz btc nd lkl numerous dpty vhs mr thn i mntnd sn her do this incldg the grds--but their job is t pass me fr crz nd t frm me nt the ng mdslng prtcpt fm--she is prtcptg in their gng mng --the city hall and county are all bkng this actvty nd bcs this is in cls prxmty of my rt ths crts phncalls sgstg i did it bcs i reach int trs fr cns nd wtvr fd i cn slvg --wch all prtcptg co gng affiliates use agst me nvr cntg americas elmntg sngng extrtng nd brglrzg deeds wrth wy infntl mr thn their crmnl dfrdg persecution trs insult scms based on lndreth thnkng that certn peopl shl be cheated out of mny nd this is ok to do because lndrth usa nd mud slingers delibrtl pass trgts as defective pieces of shit--then the criminals crimes nd siZe of centry thefts swindles brglrys cnspiracies etc do not count with mob usa blessings frm trs us le nd establishment all preying upn sm tgts--the ng btc als cld me crz btc nd evr oth insl lkl until bus picked her up---fri--530a hrd vh ylg--snc ive bn gng t slp ltr due to mvng slwl loss of blood nd hrsmnt i am slpy mrning nd hv hrd tm seeing js yet---544a sm w cr team bpg ylg on og pswtz w while all mess intct frm ng btc ls ngt --gsg myb 1010a dude mudslng aprc me stnk trs cn ofg btl -i rfs -he prcd wth slng thn gt out of gbg cn and atm t dmp btl on me rfsd---1035 hywrth guy frm usa prtg vcnt sbj of intrs bg pnts attn.. srl brgl... d711w?---nigel sgn int mob actvt lkl due t lk of antg t d nd mtd of fr trs grp---too mc stuff 1150a crs hts d e---blk tp bg pts oth ml tkg pctrs of my bgs fr trs crw w/cell rdclng dmpg upn wtht the rcgn of amer crm or its sznd serial ntr instd mntng trs rdclng dmp upn cmpgn susp f t swtz crn cafe--ltr mid age ml ofg $20--aprtly thy thk i dt knw wt amer did or wt it is dng---at mobil cust dfrdr--see u wrkg all tm---ng stg by ihp--wr is yr frd---smn ofg chg vcn lq lcn crn rfs--stbks wsmnt crn 2 oldr fs gry cr ofr fd rfsd lft top of trs--blk cr bpg crs hts e 740 smn resp prk sd -cool--- ng prk rec --se u all tm --ofg insl mny dsptd -rfsd--ng m pcrs e--?kill her??? ng vcn 711w d e--mess sstp--mob sh svc e--nsy w cr blk frt strp 213p rbts w--215p rd sprts cr rbrts e--f trn $2 btls rec by cnt atm gv me $2 thn gv frd instd--amer has zero recgn of its crms or menace and belives its crimes r free and r acceptable actvty excly as crmnl lndrth thkg--unfrtntl all amer mnc needs reimbrsd wth pntv dmgs as it shl be--sorry terrorists--thk u vry mc
Thursday, October 6, 2016
mob lib grd strg at me js outs ext gtg my bgs out of trs bg--js bf smn ins lib mlc strg lkl at my excess bldg--my big pds frm wlmrt mstl hd t leave bhd as too mc to carry --as is im hrdl mngn--all cld be cnsp prj--hpf js secrt help--this will nt help if it rains rain dstrys evrtg---bt amer lks t destry-if amer pushes smn out nd if thy r frt engh t hv bnfts-thr r fr t mny restrctns nd liabilities wr instd u owng benfts--instd thy own anythg u hv yr lfstl etc --and sm amer gt gng wth their stdt lns--i hv bn cnsdrd dsbl mny yrs bt amer failed t rmv the lns ofcrs scamming t get ths frm tx rfnds nd who knws wht or whn els---whn thy r mkng a decisn thr is uslly no bdy fgtg fr yr intrst as america owns the entire shwdn incldg lk of dect wrk fr u if u nvr sceeded in bng abl t gt thr bsd on availblty nor entrepreneurability---f frc dmp fd wstbrn stp 24 hr ftn dsptc by dfr prj gng aflts--erl phntl e sh strg tfrm cnsp tgt none othr--to hide thy rotate trs actv bw grds shfs nd mob club----ckn bg pltd sw lcn crn rfs-i pt on tp of gbg -i ws bdl blkg out due t lg loss of bld---*****crdntd mob ambsdr hrsmt ths r hirees by city of whlwd assh ambsd 949p plcn w hrsg me whil tot bldless trs gt gull--hyd????--clrl crmnls hlpg dsptcd mob cnsp--both thy nd shrfs r prt of trs comob crew fr trs whlwd--mob hdg amb purp trd t inst fr dmltn prj----******1050p ambsdr scdrls alfred e mlc hrsmt rp instgt trz t frm hnd trg by mob sh nd west hlwd cnsp t annihilate prvk trz dstrb hrss etc --au ok?? actg ex lk gng hdlms incl trying t hlp u wo py i ntc prd of mlcs fd pltgs t dstrct frm tru ntr of their crimes nd t distrct frm fct thy r nt prvdg fnds fr lawyers cmpnstn etc...fnds go drctl t crm mob pkts thy feed off hlpg gng prjcts--trzg vctms nd extrtng thm fr mr fnding is america reimbursed activity --not reimbursing the victims but extorting nd preying upn vctms nd fltg vctms on prps lkg t wst the pc of sht trgt nd gtg go ahd encrgmt on the trs dfrdg crm scm----susp blk sml cr trn alfrd--hlw prk ng--hlo???--mob cnsp sh phlw w---7prl092--hv sm vgs--rfs-----*****1234a amb mob grds pswtz west agn prtcptg in mob trzg undr clr of law and west hollywood city trs hired them t do this--thy r aidg the gng mob -mob shrfs nd mob west hollywood--any help?---is exc wt thy r nt gn t py fr-their sle prp is aid crmn cnsprc nd crm wo py vs tgt-----thurs---****hrd 4dwt bpg w 520a fell aslp wk up cls t ****715a whn aprtl wo me ntcg untl mnt ltr cycle pltd $5 in bnc--i yld tk bk or rip--he fld t gt so i rpd it immed bfr he lft nd put in grbg----******sry crmnls size of centry crms nd persctn cnt go free------mob sh sv d e apx 715a oth sv??? lkg t dstry tgt fr mob cnsprd trs cntry nd cmnt-- als saw sh cr d w apx whn i rpd the bill---ng crs stp--olv oil---strfm mess ednbrg crn mess outer ba trs crs hts---pspldg w st vctrs sx hrsg ng who lks t hrss evr tm he sees me---frf mx wko f sgs thr cns by po -rfsd --othr f offr --by brkf --rfs---mob dfr mlcs non actn scm--sle purps sz of cent amer crms in all huge nd serial sizes will sty unpaid in america sprted by amer trsts nd amer trst le crm aidg dfrdg prsctn tms---*****mob sh sv pshell e 1050a mkng clkng noise wth its sv fr prtcptn in trs grp thy dig----mob sh pcrs hts e bsy hlpg nx mob crm---1149/50a ns vh flw by ns sml blk prsche??---sh p kins rd e--oldr ortl f ofrg $1-2 swtz rfs---tree trmng wstbrn wld nt let me thrgh thn let mult peds thrgh sm spot--suspct mob elmntn trst grp---trs smk by atm usng --*****crn svc w ml hldg sgn mrdr plt prticipated in by city of whlwd officials--i askd he sd thy were trying t mrdr him lst svr mnths i hd no time t tlk cls t 310p apx---smn dng stg t mtrcycle rptdl mkng bd noises by whlwd prk---erlier whn pst wst knll lee smd lk cl hv bn on drgs strg or crz lk?
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
tues--mob lib crsg lib-oth mob lib tlk on phn---???trs lkl on mob cnsp incl trs grpie js lft num 19--lk cnd assc lk tm up on dmlsg tgts at n cst--btc insts smn tk hr sngl--no idea---mob lib grd psg by sbj erlier in lib nw lft lib shtl aftr sbj--first go bhd lib thn opps dir grd wlk dn strs psb usd t hlp lib mob antics--nx out gng grp trs--clg me gltn fr pnsmt---nt sng who in fct is impctg the pnsmt--the trs cntry who sprts trsm nd cnsistntly destroys less thn dsrbl or wntd--thrftr trtr sfr all u mgt but amr trst cnsustently aided by amer syst nd its le will vr scsflly dstry tgt with mob trs amer estblsmt nd le being consistently on its sd nd sptg its ideas re wstg debilitating the prey tgt---sh 625p dmlrs--by the wy amg mob sprdg lies nd mob sgstns is hghly cmn---ltr frm mk eithr cvrg stg or flng t understnd lwsts--he sgstd i hv n cs snc i hv no suspect nd snc police blv i'm nts---i hv n suspects as mike fld t file reports nd sheriffs nvr did their job excl as he sgstd-u cn file all rpts in twn bt if thydslk antg abt yr stn or cs thy wl rthr nt bthr or rthr blm u--thts exc hw amer syst thnks---acrs sh entry 815p rp scr mob--trs ??? p sh stn e--mlc ????? ??snd-----****-ng w/sctr out of sbw--gt out of trs cn---flwd by implied threat--u nvr knw whn tht sktb gn cm bk--stb cns gn--ng on sctr pstbk e--oth ng lcn auto/snd crn sw---unrdb nts ???? vcn cvs---shrtlss dude whn cld askng drctns ????--svr s sd sm crn w of glsns--1145p--grp remnd thr awhl nd i cld nt hr well engh its cnvrs---numrs messes mobil i hd time nd thy wr nt mjr so i pkd thm up---fnl dude went e p gls on sktb? grp shtl lft---w tk wth db drs in bl t pkg shpg ctr flrs crn---wed----oth rec flw abt sm tm mrn - i usl dslk if thy d sm rout sm tm---drg sml hyvnh trs---bncs wtrd at crst - iv seen ths in orov acrss city hall nd frq ntcd wet fnc mrn wch i nt thgt ws dew---thy js jntl aftr tgts and hlss types---7dru53?6---unfrt nt mrkd fr wt hpnd--gsg trd gv me $2 rfsd i thk ths ws atmptd by 2 sep vhs at 76 nd oth ltr 711w---blk audi ths is frm 76--crz f in blu shrt gergins 17 btc gt out of my fkn wy p76 w---7auz727 -711w ofd $2 mexs both times--dsptcd crmn dfrdr inslts---rfsd---shs p frf e nd w---5nxd010--mex ofg btl tea encrg by oth mex lq str lot at gns---wrk tk in org pflrs e--skwunch plated mob bk sv --insisted i drpd n mr thn $1 or 2--bscl crm grp trs tm---stl yr life nd all yrs nd bk amt sz of spit---dfr---gn 1.5 oldr trk w mexs pmbl e crng bxs psb bgt wth brgl mny nd smlng mexs---104p sh hlw sd of ihp acrs brnys fd pltd tp brnys trs rfsd--fd pltd pot tp of w knll trs rfsd-----smn plcd $10 on my stuff rfsd tk bk wstb-i tl him sm as othrs -tk bk or i rip up--he nt tk bk so i rpd up---rsn--amr hs no intent to count cst of its crms instd it likes t dmp ths on u--cmplmnts trs usa--mx drgd f ofg pot ch svc --rfsd---m/f mob strt rbts sd of rec f--shes a piece of sht-mob lng--prb ng -ml w--gt ovr it
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
wsp ???mob ins lib wrkg crm cnsp--lkl trs grps at lib etc...---trs shfs cnsp incl the hsp who lng ago ask wr i slp als ask if i clc cns --the trs scdrl---unf thr r too mny othr aflts sm lk trs oprtd ldrt associates---hrd 2 tlkg--stg she md up----sdl the oth wy rnd -stg crmnls md up--the scm who lk and act knd of lk the slm nd help each othr with orgnzd crms---??? ???---ne wstb crn lee trng t gv awy prt/jc drk---altgh smgl rspctfl in fc prt of mud trs pers dictatrship elimination sqd--the ls flks i nd frds wth--thy cn fnd slvs trs nd drg addicts nd drnks nd thieves srt of ones who lk lk thm----prfsnl american scndls nd trs scm nd drt---num trs strg at lib whn i hd t mv svr tms cmptr fld t wrk as it shld---scr vic ???hlwy ?? ??unrdb---9p--7ris627 w sv ????gsg btls 2 mr of ths---rfs--ylpg gy w/obj stk? pflrs e---blk cr ld bp bw 630-645a pswtz w i ws nt abl t lk at wtc blkg out bdl i drpd wtc int 1 of my bgs nd hd vr dfcl tm rcvrg it---smn dlb anyg me stg by nx cmp w cell rptdl mkg snfg noises my wy cmp 24---mob lib grd psg by nd flr lib--- scdrl lf fr one sec bk t 24---unrdb --svr ??? wtc drp tk cng t ??fnd---btc bhd me twd city hll in hry t gt ps me ahd of tm--exc me--thk u---fem trn bk twds me she ws in frt wlkg etwd crs hts aprtl btc ws hrg vcs--wr u tlkg t me???aprtl she hd drk clr jk wrg pink swtr undrnt--tk off jkt st dn in prk per mob dploymnt---7acj895---ofrg cnd?? mvg w pcrs---7fgc523 gry cr mob--ofg $1 ths is all i hv in my cr---cert drk cnt at shll cntnd alc inst of wtr drks lbld---nst mx f ofg brd fr sdwc by 711e --u wt???---she wlkd e t crsn---shfs d e nd d w of gns shtl ltr cr ls 3 myb ***-727 shrfs prtcptg in mob blk f-hey--i md stp dn t lk at plt -- prtcptg mob crmnl blk f sh ancd--dnt do tht --hlpg trs crm mob grps---ths ws apx 1024 d w at gns---thy will dfd all mob trs rgrdlss of plts--wc is why prec mk nt lk at their plt---shfsw nd pd both aid crmnls nd tgt hls 24/7/365--ntg btr t do thn dvs orgnz prblms fr u srt of lk ted ldrt nd mob----helpg organized crime is their line of bsn---tht crmnls thk hs abndn wrg--mk brnd hg amts of electric and they brk stl nd destryd evr rgrdlss nd with help frm americam le nd other prtcptg grpngs sch as lib etc...this is entirely free--wrkr 711w my be prtcptg in stps nd mlcsl rptdl smkg at me bth---gry cr wt antnnas mgt be sml le bt i hd nt eng tm t tk cls lk --i do kn mob lks antennas---ths cr wnt pcrs e---1135a---at s at lst 3 crsg ilgl--smrt alk f ---thy cn gv u tkt fr tht u kn---trs smk swtz n sd psb dsp cnsp---w tk psgrs in og ldrs etc pwstb e myb be 140-50p--btc rec --tht wl b $1 mr fr u i nt d ntg--except fr sprtg fineness of amr trs crm of cent sz crms----grtd md slng ng big vcn ba tlg tgt stg re ba trs cn--grtd mob wnts fr its own desires--vcn abbys cnstr wrkrs tlkg re trgt nd as popular in mob mnfctrg fls mlcs blm to hlp orgnz crm grp---smk in my fc pwh pk d sm--d mlr ng/wf mob tm f askg-d u gt any fd???like im gng t cry fd fr thm nd i dt hv engh t trtr myself with crmnl mob optnsts
Monday, October 3, 2016
sat----816p w cr pwstmnt bp thn agn gsg e---827p--?f come out of sln nx sbw --18/8 mens salon??? plt plstc btl int trs --prps mob dfrdg wt wrtls btls nd without righteous mny or case or free---the wrkr lft clsg sln alms inned aftr plcg btl--- stb wsmnt ????---trs plns----acrs strt frm stbks apx mdl age gsg f w crt bt ???psb nt hls--prt of mdslng elimn sqd---go do tht sw els gt out of hr thn wld west while i wlkd e--i ws js wlkg ps her dng ntg so i thk she rfrd t cn clctg---9p wcr bgr lghng ps ??? ??? d w--sh ps wst knl e---scr ???ashl lq str lcn crn--mob aflt lntc scrmg he owns lq str tlg me go in if hv mny as if i evr drk lq---940-4---hay hrd gsg vh sw lcn crn--mess sm sd trs cn hlw pk--6aaf658--blk cr at mobil gsg ortl grys hr f ofg ?pc of brd--wnt it??? -mny -lkl insl sm as ortl f othr tm ofg $1 or 2---prp is t insl nd dfrd wt amnts wrt ntg nd cmng frm ths who dt wnt t gv up antg---mess nw crn swtz--sh pswtz w---smlr messes oth swtz crnrs---trs gsg ng w/crt crs frm ??? t my sd---messes ljl hvnhrs---sun---716a w tk wrg org pcrs w---4x78286 mex by 711w--recg??stk cn int trs rfsd due t suspect dfrdg mob---hls myb rcd wrkg fr mob--wt smm new wmns cltg--fct wrs psb imgnb gbg--the gd stff thy steal frm u nd trs is spcl fvr---??sus boist ngr frf---vcnt ng f mkg thrtg cmnts twd unkn prty psb nt thr---ng w/str ??? cns rfs -u sk???---num 20 prp usg sntz t trz----wtr ??? ????rfs prb lq str bgt at gns f wlk e i blv--sml hybrid lk gry cr ofg ins $1 rfs lkg fr me nt tk plt---insl lkl frm trs grp whs intn is bt fr crm t go free--- 1205p stb frf sbj of intrs stg wt cmpn strg wr blk tp nv pts---sm w cr bk bista nd crn d w og w/grn rfl cltg-btc wt sntz lkl prt of mob dfrdg elmn grpg wc atrcts all srts prtcpts htfl of othrs---116p bus pcrs w nt stp thr ws one mr f wtg on stp bt i dt blv bus was in any wy full--his by 99cts str mltmn-ofrg $1 frm mob -hr maam--1 or 2 mnts bf 3p sml scr gr cr pocdtl e---psg wrg rfl grn--pds in rfl grn bsy cnsp pbnt w---gry stn lk cr e twd bntn trn s ???unrdbprh ofg chg insl---tmpl prmprt w slv sv sfrd ht nd dstrc bkts 4vqe???670--cn i gv u ths???--rfs---gbu insl dfrdr---lapd prmp w lkl lkl hlp cnsp ---smn trd frc on me bg w/2btl by aBBYS ORGNZD INSL--THTS WT MOB BRGLR AMR BLVS U DSRV---libr -hv t go dwnst cld easily be drc prtcp ong trscnsp crew---6wih793--w u lk $10 cmng frm mob trs crw nd lkl bdl unwtd t gv out js scm dfr---vcn lq str lcn trs ofr $1 rfs - he thn gv it tsknk posing in whlch who believes in spit nd who is one of knd wth trs grpngs---??? ??pair asshls hey bks---crs hlw ay fr hlw pk????num tms vcn brnys peopl gt argd rds????i blv by flrs smn ask fr lq str als prd lqd nd my bgs gsg mx-------mon 628a---sml wt cr psg in org prb wrg jkts due t clng ylg myb brglrs d w pswtz---711w ng w/f ng dsp by smn myb w mob blk f ofg btls i rfs--srry usa nt gd eng --wy mc mr is too chp gvn usa trs argmnts-she thn thrw btls csg me out -im gn t knk u out typcl ng---knk sht out of u--- myb 812a--- --847a frt ??ly vh rp bpg pgns w blk prius trn spldg s wrg rfl unfs??? typically usd vrs rd jbs---????w mob ???? ???myb--dsp---w crt in frt of me nd all stns cmpl empty psb snt t g immed bf me---thy nt hr t gv u antg---1499695 sh by 711w blk ofcr nd myb jns or smt i cnt see wll eng i tr up $5 pltd in my bg fri ngt by crm dfrdg tm who r hr t mk sr crm nt paid fr---1035a onlkrs adcts -thts crz-d u hv othr one?--irlvt whn thy md sr u nvr hv rmtl engh---shs wnt t mex fd hrd frm bsx--its tht--???--re me---thy r bsy dfrdg zoo style wo py---gsg trs mob rdg ard incog---leee strlg twd me apk vcn shk rest spsd actg plt -in fct prt of dctrsp mob sqd mud slng prtcpts--- -svr ht bkts----6z59347 ?????? by 24 hr ftn btls nd fd pltd by mob---wstb 116p bkts trk w bkts nd org psgrs w pwstb e--mob phntl drpg in btls --crm nds scd abs free---thy thn crsd s---idea--nvr py on amr crm of cent crm---instd instgt dfrd w/inslts/spit cmplmts trst mob grpngs---smn clctg cns wh pk vcn--dp smell wstbrn trs---lib grd pcg upstrs lib wtcg hls
Saturday, October 1, 2016
????gng mob crw---unrdb ?? ?? ??? mob crm in pk athltc area dsc shwr--jst a wy t btr smn--thy tlk abt it t btr u on prp-in rlt its less thn easl avlbl--nd their jnt prps is t btr u nd nt py u js lk ted nd srah lks---nd their buudy clled christian etc... by the wy--all gng prtcpts hv sgnd up---dk rd cr wstb d n sm d e 825p lghng --ha......dng mnc nd scceeding wth hlp of amer le nd establishment is exciting hobby---?8y40229 prkd nx t shoe on top of wst knll nrs gbg cn gng mkg---905p btc psg stbks w/sktb ofg lftvrs in wr btl --u gd???went e--915p -pwstknl e--dk??? d ??? ---crm is free whn thy r prtclrl nc dt u frgt it-gng dfrdg gmk---f scr dk sv e dlcn---ng dq lcn se crn stp--i see u all tm--1054p rp wstl vcn hlw---1115p --2 yng m/f prs ?cpls porldo w--??bgl---cnsp mob sh pswtz w 2 vhs --sat*****535a small w cr rpb w ps swtz ***6a w tk othr?? psgr w/msk gbl type vc gsg mex thrw small tiny rk(s) lkl??? pswtz w---shtl aftr unrlt cnstrct trk hngng sgn on pole pltd ???2521124 -i ws stll lkl slp nd vr hrd t see nesco rentals service--ard 619-20 hrd lkl ng???fkn btc f her ???w fk u wnt--rp scr swtz crn??? fkn fk????--2 ms of wc ng apcg f nw crn cld her --angie---i blv angie wnt e nd mls myb w--othr blnd f in og swtz s---???????pro crm mob cns ???sh pswtz e---mex mid age w tp cnt smk at me on prp--- by 711w- smn pltd ht fntl dmgd sdw nd wr btl????---meet up w 2mr mex t 711w---***941a sbj of int????hisp blk tp nv pts vry sptl cln vcn 711w--crss n sm hywt e psb t usa printing --after saying---serial dog rapist----w tk w ng insd wtcg nx t eatery laurel crn trk bd gbg bgs w/unk items????---peblhrt pltd vh pltd cn t shell gbg cn rfsd---trsts wl rtr sv it fr scmier type friends--this one refuses t b defrauded---crs--bike w one eye cvrd askg wr t fnd electr????--mex adj amer flg crs hts prk --blvs it stds fr freedm---he is bdly wrg this freedm is bdl tempered by amer mob nd estalishment sdl freq leaving none t go arnd and life demolished beyond recognition at no chg to any prtcptg offenders nor to othr respnsb prties---in fct easl ths acts cn total smns life nd mob usa hs no intention wtvr t d antg abt it--hrd m prb on sell cnsp mnc --thts crct---earlier sh ednbg 76 sd d n--1117a m/f mxs crss sm hgs s thn w f hldg smll fd cnt nd saying--oo la la----hlwy pk rd shrt blk shrts grn bg w sks tall m gd mrn evnt flw me t lcn dmp cn on my cn bg rfsd thn went t cvs---******nr sh stn drk vn wth video wall pltd a news and lbld gng tlk pvln rec -freddy the wrkr -au ok??--evl scd cust trs liar mob---i dt discrmnt vs anb-----vcn eatery lbld ??etoile nr rbts e hrd fml vc myb blng t sh??? cnsp lkl ---thy dslk thy eliminate--usa is fine plc--js lvl--fr 2 cents cn dfrd yr entire lives wrth no probl---comp 22 gv disg img alm lft wo sgn out--tht woul be one of fine peopl amer is suited fr
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