Tuesday, January 31, 2017
mon---tdy tuesday at comp 22 nx 21 face msk hpng nt ctc ntg cntgs---psoriosis cntinues t causeme vicious pain mnwhl lst nonprof i spk to tld me nonprofs dt hlp home owners onl tenants nd tht i need prvt atty---i see neithr atty nor prvt ride t ucla mobile clinic who is not responding as well as i get tortured to death---ylpg w xsml mnvn mlrs svc n---js bf 2d lvl nr lib susp ng cl b crm---lib f fxn dr at clsng lkl wnt t sgst dmp on tgt aftr all --why pay???---amer lks massive srl crm free js lk mob trs nd prtcpts----******am tues as i gt rdy vct svc crn lkl gng f in pnk pts svc s---g mrn----mlt shs psg svc at the time interested in me nt liking the grsmnt nd nt the hrrssr----bk on mon lib---kelly wsprg t mthw psb ong mob trs city nd cty mob gng cnsp----???aidg crm rng----trz wo py hdlms---hls stg nx fnc vcn wsmnt---othr hlss lcn autosnd crn---gng brtr thn othr hlss lq str lcn crn---mob shs pflrs e---1040a---swtz w trk cnstrctn brds grn jks nd org psgrs--hey.... swtz n sm e bhd thm was prkng trk who mgt knw thm==he wtd at crnr so i cgt the plt----8v61729---js bf gy wth acnt t city hall---lkl mny ins wnt ins fst ard 1030a--u dt wnt it?????----agn amer wts massive srl crm nd total injustice absltl free---why py whn amer cn kill lives nd pass this for blnging by mns of endless assholes liars nd sympathizers----zoo pltgs trs lcn lq nd shell----pltd frd chckn frm pvln vcn hmbrg jnt rbrts---bk on mond ng outer strt lvl prk trs---lkl crm who thks crm is jk---fbi---cia--=-ng lng blkng 711w trs--spsd wts brt but tks mny orig ofd t me rfsd fr mlcsl bng wrtlss---amer hnstl blvs im trs nd my life jk---thts why offrs mlcs inslts nd stl grbg----as crdntd by dfrdg zoo mob----susp his f frmrl psg cn at mbl aftr smn swtzr cfe wth dog---im too tired nd blind t ctc alll prtcpts though----sus f stng sh mtro stop prb w cell nd aimng t intntnlly lie frm trgt-----i hv vcs pnfl psoriasis but ucla clinic does ntg t get me help nd i see no ride t get me there in time t pick up meds at nxt dspnsg loctn---amer delib trtrs vctm wth no lgl tm nd no mdcl cr--seen mob old mn slv hr psvc w lkl----i strn fr my nx step evn wo bgs nd rlly gt trtrd wth bgs---but amer is trs country nvr u frgt it---cmplmnts trs usa----2kxy183 red cr psg $1 ba lot for trs crm team --who wants massive crime free nd trgt sffrg fr free lkl rdclng my need to sue all those who cost me major harm at no cost---yahoo mlcs prtctions ds nt send out spec messages which hv ntg wrgfl abt thm
Monday, January 30, 2017
sat---as i leave lib seat on cmptr flr-----a crm ???/ ??? ???? ??-----in prk smn psg nt mndg own bs---wt is he dng--iws eatng at the time as i bcm mr dsb nd its hrdr fr me t mv abt----the btc im gsg ws jw--thy hv scm fd ofrngs occasionally---but hv nt seen wt i need at all---i need a ride to ucla free clinic for meds for ghastly nd pnfl psoriasis nd immdtly need legal team to file cases in my bhlf---hv nt hrd frm any jws offrg t py jst thy fnd it cnvnt t join mob grpngs----prk office drctly aids mob wrkng oprtvs whoevr all of thm must be----incldng hlpng thm kp phone dead---sh spts anti hlss tm nd hvrs wth its hlcp ovr my bgs----prk prpsl orgnzs anti hlss tctcs nd aids mob ops---sun----720a pba w--mx brkg lk ltl dg---did i scr u????---i thgt u scr whn u yell---sure if thy hrss me im liabl t yell t attrct attn---bk on sat tlt lib f cvrng mssv ong amer crm wth nice wthr----why py???pltd dfr gng pizza ngt tm whl slpng----sun mrn prtcptg mob prev hbtl drnk threw abt all trs svc crn---smn tk up pltg crdbrd mkng it easy fr mob to mess evr at the top due t ovrld thn pnt fngr at the vctm trgt instd----??/ ??// ??/ ???----******1125a pmbl e w cr --f u----lkl mob ofcrs----2 fs pflrs w--hlo---???expl??---???? ???? mlc vh swtz d n----7snn002--gry cr ofg bgl----mob pd eyeing pbntn e echo pk----marathon nd bntn apprx new rntls--i st dn fr sec t hv tng---whn gt hnded by mob f--wl u mv t othr sd--im lvg in sec---r u ok----this dscrbs amer mob drt fr who the scmbgs truly r----westsiderentals.com----6fpe694 w sv at mbl rmprt--lft chg rfsd--thts nt wht amer needs pay--r82 4857 ofg wtr at sm mbl rmp frm state strts with ltr a-----this is drk cnvrtbl---bus line 10 was either plenty late or i was way t slw mvng nd nt mk it t lib bf 5p when thy cls sun----js bf i wtd fr bus to go bk t west hollywd smn trnd ovr trs cn rmprt bs stp----staff retrd by tlt at prk---othr staff crsg wth crt????? ard prk----???fmlr mob type noise frm prk plygrd frm adlt m----mob dsptcd cmng dn strs fr hrsmt antgnzg trzg---hi---hau--wt?----gng grp of 4 cmng bk int prk frm bk sd or n sd --ptg at trgt clng her orvll mob nm----bgl----thy trn mob grpngs t cnsp mnc vs trgt-----mon----hrsg f 705a gtg on 9394 lkl 704 line e---nd tlkg abt grbg in strt lkg t blm trgt---wt abt tht sht???----mx mob psushi huntly--ofg myb $2 prps dfrdg nd inslt----mob on cell stbks wsmnt---tlkg lkl mnc hlss grl---why py on crm whn its so much fun playing games killing lives---cmplmnts trs usa-----cns mx frm e of mbl cnstrc---ofrd gtrd at mbl-----gng crm w crt phrp w?-----cln tls ins ??? ???drk etc....???-----yg m crl rd hr bk d 76--sm prsn on ft bhd othr m p76e???----susp lng hr f w/cll p 76 e nd bk w----mx btc sqsg cns frf crn brd bus frf n----f frm rf ofrg $1--rfsd hd no undrstdg re hrrors of usa-----s sd hyv d crs hg ptc hey etc...---hrs hrs mx gry/brn tp pflrs clnrs e----brnys 130p grp---mob cnctd cld trgt orvl mob nm bgld crm rng trs who fnd massive crm amusng--aftrwds t dfrd try ofr chps???-----chps wrth yr entire life nd massive mny----7upe193 blu was prkd nrb brnys----drnkn hlss grp ws bng chsd out tjs clng attn t my own existnc---mob brtr gng crm tk up w dict t trgt w all tht mny u mk buy fd00dt eat out of grbg cn---mob gng dictatorship crew bkd by sh dept city grds etc----mumb mx e pmtro---nierda mny----dsb f ctc bus svc crn dsp t ofr dfr cnd---crm inslt----prpsf frm dsbld----lee e of rbts psg 2 btls---sry nt frm mob oprtv----called for atty referral was told i need strictly prvt attys as non ppofs only hlp tnts allegdly---so if u hv no connections---as ownr u cn die frm crms of usa
Saturday, January 28, 2017
fri---jst now sat the lib matt helped me to upload successfully the req docs by scanning into computer--nd clicking xtra clicks nd changing browser---its prb too mny icons nd items t retrieve for me to remember----psoriasis freezes my legs at night nd briefly gts frying hot in day time---bk t fri---svc mlrs ne d nw mob m hrsm---alr----??????tlt prtcp mob hrsm-------??myb gsg prx vcnt----sat----7div245----i thk mrc f ofg sks psng msv crm fr nonexistent--rfs she was on rbts p abbeys gng lkl n t sm----js bf sh crsg svc crn---smn crz thrw pza scrps rnd bs shltr ngt svc crn---p sbw w--spsdl ofrg mn mex---i dnt blv it---its jst dcptn dfrdg prsction mssiv crm fr free rd scm----stb---f spsd ofg brkfs---brkfs will py fr massive dmltn of endless yrs cmplmnts trs usa---rfsd ofcrs----f ofg blnkt vcn alfrd---blu cr mx nx rec ofg grn brs rfsd--grtd othr dfrdg cnsp mob vcn---prps ---massive srl crm free bkd by trs usapvln frt crz lee --hrsm---- js bf rec bnk hilldl tllr sd nt allwd t fx mntm exmnd nums on my bnk acct --shl hv askd wo shwng prtcp crmnls antg---matt knws hw t scn upload dcs lib so i mngd t sbmt electrnclly bcs he did uploading---i dnt knw the icns or their fnctn nd lky if alive at alll walking less nd less in pain from psoriasis nd with great difficulty---yest fri---for scd session vcnt cmptr i was using nt resrvd by anyone fld t allow me t rsrv fr remndr time nd i had t switch computers---rsn unk
Friday, January 27, 2017
gang west hollywood celebrates turning off payphones nd hlpng gngs pntg at u by the wy t prtct mob hounding dictatorship conspiracy---fri mrn----hlss across ba ylg at me frm ovr by kntz w---wth crt----mob brtr psng whlch wstb d lcn wr he sts pnh lkl t sty drnkn hvng prmt sgn brk/hngr----if i hd it thy wl lng snc hv me arstd no dbt----?????? ??? ???unrdb-----8z82406 24 hr emgcy srvc trk by 711w pltgt 2 cns int 711w trs tcng othrs edfr bhvr----all oth cns wr js rmvd bfr me by frd frdl trs rlng trs cn acrss 76 s-----lkl mob prtcp-----sx hrsg st vct ng p711w d w thn e---gng crm ??? ?? frf crn se----gn crm md a m phlw w----crsg s sd sm lcn w--2 mob ms--one instrctg othr whl ptg my drctn--i thk re grbg cn though i ws js crsg strt at the time---lkl mob crm ng crsg frm stb wsmnt vcn d s--clng me by orv mob lng---bgl----whl lkl clbrtg mssv heists achieved by mob still in operation nd nt at all locked up----hrsg mob grd lvl by lib rphrs--if sw u frm dst wl thg u grl--aftr i rpt pnt him out he smngl strted t gt rdy t leave on bike?? js bf pba hld w---wt hr eldr m--i call gng crm due t prtcp in mob nd hvng trd t snd me t the clnc for mob activists the trs mst be in leage with--ds nt lk bng clld gng--prb wl call sh---but nonetheless lkl ped prtcptg mob----for dictatorship extrmntn mob tctcs ofcrs grtd---trs cntry which lks mssv crm free at trgt expns---my psoriaseon hnds legs etc---lkl frm thm hrsg me re shwr--as my lgs cnstntl attrc drt the scdrls hrss me wth shwr nd stnk--washing my lgs with drnkng wtr bcs crmnls like btr looks---now gvs me nasty nd painful psoriasis criminals nt seem t b pying fr nor are thy paying fr many yrs of evrtg els i will nvr rcvr---the crmnls blv it trgts blng intact
Thursday, January 26, 2017
wed---pnh ng f in whlchr---svc--usng nst fl lng nd trying t pnh----clng me pc of shit nd pssy ass btc---smkng m nx cvs nt gtg on 4 line---f nx clt crn trd hnd $5 thn wnt t nrb bsn---lkl mob prtcp---intn crm fr ntg---mob f sd sry---ths ds nt py fr antg----in rlt gng mob whlwd celebrts trng off pyphns nd aidng gngws nd like gls---sm thng lkl lndrth crmnls nd pblc cnsl--amer lks total trgts at no cst--thts exc the rslt amer trs wnt---cnsp dstrctn at no cst as if nvr wr----6myr094---mobil pltd btl stkd out----mob sh pmbl e --cnsp mob lkg t extrmnt trgt fr mob trs wst hlwd usa-------phrpr e f sh sv hay i mst hv blkd out unmkd tm--my bst guess myb 1248p--smkr ctng nx city hall---mob m up city hall lkg my wy t frm tgt--at lib kelly lkd up butte sh num but matt had cut time shrt on call t sec---it nvr gt t any shrf--thy dt cr wt u ls or if crm rns loose--psoriasis kps hrtng nd diarrhea cntns nd amer is dtrmnd t kill me nd nvr prvd lgl tm bcs amer lks free massive reckless ruthless mnc--exc why they bully others cntnsl prb is t gt awy wth mrdrs own acts wtht much appropriate cmpnsation---filed rept 01-25-17 wh17025-0202 bnk actvt----maldonado---with matt briefly spk t bnk of amer---fld t recieve claim form in email---if not in by tomorrow---will have to call again
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
tues---prk has dictatorship crew---she wll hv ntg t d wth no one---ofcrs tlkng abt crmnl dctatrship dsptc nd dfrdg scms-----mob here lnkd to sheriffs , city hall, prk, grds, lib????---hlss rmvng cns undr my ns--thr is a lt of rec especially if u r nt hlthy engh t mv fs or early--i am mkng way less due t health prblems accommodations nd weight of bgs wch all hld upmy mvmnt--colt mob dsp trs f--psg mlc ins $1 t kp crm free-----m mob polive e---7tup760---lkl gng aflt rcd w/gtr on bk mumblng pednbrg e same bk mumbling p76 w----dsp m ofg wr btls ped pmbl e--cmpltl wrtlss rfsd----pltd fd mbl hlw prk lq crn----wrtlss dfrdg tctcs---why gt attys---massive amer srl crm shl ride free--gd ev ng f?? cmn dn strs lib---mattis --crly hr librarian---gt on offensive when i asked matt's sched tomorrow--this was solely needed t use phone bf 5p or 8p eastern--t call in bnk claim--kelly said they will help --so i still have to see what sheriffs will do here after i go there tonight on my wy out of prk and wht frd people say on the phone--there was hold up at rec who does not deliver money on time--trk was late--freddy sd --drvr ws late--drvr sd---he is there at the time they tell him---nd they changed the time--rgrdless i will get money nx dy js sos as i hv time to file claim
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
mob eric palma plib dnst---trs lib lkg out dr f---sc crm out of lib hlkss wth rlg bgs--kp wrm----815p by prk gigglin gng crm --hi d s----whlwd prk outr ?2d trs ovr my ntb f d n----1115p---svc scr yth mob--scrms hr r cmn nd i cnt see well psb cnctd scrms my hv bn in pst at prk, vcn ihp, nd i thk svc prhps js e if nt bd gss---hrd m crossing str in mrn smngl ylg--pnkstk---unrdb--i hv bd ong diarrh---i recll mess nx sh trs---???phntl w---cld nt tell u--mob pcrs w---seems like ink is non solid cnt rd--5wbp115--wt sm fd????mbl----sbw--ofrg $20 rfsd-------sus scr rbts aftr rec----********very bad trtmnt by bnk center manager hldl west hollywood manolito jack te--who yelled at me to go to *******sheriff--there thy hv *********homeless maltreatment program nd deputy thr referred me to *******srg john klaus who frs tld me t wt---bt whn i fnd out on intcm hw long--he wntd t kn if i was lvng---********thn he dmnded i vct clmng thy had emergency which is going take up all officers--nd mntng my bgs---lkl mob ortcpnt*******whn asked whn rprt cl b filed he sd tmrw---sdly he plns t frm trgt instd of crmnl thats exctl why thy ******* hv shf hlss trzg trgtng dictatorship elimination extermination disservice team--lib i thk matt let me use phone but was too late as sec 8-8 eastern---the ltst ba bnk frd dispute sheriff failed take down is pge/ez-pay dtd jan 24
Monday, January 23, 2017
lib oprtd by gng crmnls assisting gang trs t dmp on trgt --exm--mtt--rqstg qtr vc--unwrnted nd smply tjstf prsue trzg on bhlf of mob lib does spt---dt gt the idea the wtvr aftr qtness-- im hndr prct slnt mst all time ---they r prpsflly aidng gngs trs wth dmpng on slctd trgts---t frm dfrd wo cause----susp le w cr sgt insuf t rd title svc s---3 cnsp trs prk pls scdrl cmpng wth cell f who has some cheap trs selling job--nw she cn kick abt at vctms---pltd lftvr jnk ck slice under bus stp---cmplmnts cnsp trs grp---tht wy massive ong crm is free and usa calls drt nc people----opin--prk,lib,city ,shfs,grds,prtcp in extrmntn---mlcs rdclng ofg $1 svc ng trs bus stp actg lk drt hs rgt t dstry own yr lf---mob oprtv lee nvr arstd for fr prnkng keeps aiding trzg hndg mob trgts--- thy dfrd wth kndnss t avrt suspicion in rlt thy r trs cnsp hndg extrmntn mob rng drctly aided by city trs prk lib shs grds whp buy int dfr extrmntn lgc---****sun----lee was nr rbts crn---prt t enq if u nd mny nd hrsng wth btl t dfrd hrsmt trzg chrgs----stbk dfr mx f of puny bn brkfs sdwc lkl free nd exprd--js ofrg---dnt fl yrsl cnsprd trs mob prsecution by exprt dfrdg mob--who pln t sy ntg hpn all is fine----massive srl crm of centry crms --absltl freeamer nt evn thnkng of gn aftr trs lk nvr wr--dlb nd on prps extrmntg trgts---nd passing massive trs ectvt at expns of trgt as absolutely free-----absltl nt fvr----scr ???lcn----7kmp521 pcrs w gry sv f vc hrd hrsmnt gng---brg/frd aids----at expns of yr lf----smngly frm ba pkng btc wlc up t crs wr i ws wtng out hvy rn unable t srvive prdcmnt--she hd trs fd stshed up ---rfsd---nt abt bng nc---abt cntng mssv crm scms by usa cnsp nd dlb fr free---tgng a brnd of people in rlty---extrmntn trgts----vctmzd crm of centry sz srl crm nd absltl dlb free-----amer absltl dgs sch trs deeds---nd extrmnts lvs sch as mine wtht ctcng trs or pying on massive srl crm---amer jstc sits in their trs cnsp might at expns of totaled trgt life---who cares---amer is grtd spprt t gt away wth evr trs atrct-----mob shs wtng t wst me in vcnt--- ???? ????unrdb---shell--ofg trs wtr blk sv mob ofcrs---im too dsfnctnl t even lk frm lk of wtr diarrhea rn entrpmnt---ortl lkl trs gsg slv sv frm bk of shell massive gull ofg cpl $. rfsd ofcrs---625p wv gry hr mob trs sm w swtz s--hyd/dng alr???--exc mob lng shfs, grds , .joint cnsprd crmnl dfrdg wth prps tdfrd wo py-----crtn trgts gt their lvs extrmntd free by usa by cnsprd mob tms bkd drctl by ts scrdls usa who sits bk nd bks the atrcts nd crm of centry sz crms---nr swtz s crn---dfrdg mob rec---lying --glsns accepts rec until 10p--u sch nc ldy--go in thr till 10p---cmplmnt dfrdg---unk rsn fr trs setup/lies????////except ofcrs mob intrstd in own prb---extrm yrs lk nvr thy wr-----susp prsn d tjs arc lkg at me as ptntl trgt lkl mob cmpng tjs dsrs tdmp upn---*****mon----8 am pvl rec ws clsd---prsmng it decided this weather ws nt gd engh fr thm-----who thy dmp upn is non issue---7rye150???? gry cr phyvnhrst mob mx scdr ofg algd pza????----??206?? shell ofg $1 lkl bkby othr gng ops who all blv crtn peoples lvs shl go int tlt free frm gngs estblsmnt nd trs lk td ldrth----pltd???????642 unk blk merc ofg algd rfs fd--thy pltd sm sd fncng nx lndrmt nx t 76--ws lftovt pot hzrds jnk---t bg fvr---why py on crm whn in usa cvrup drt cms totlly free at expnse of extrmntd atrcts nd lives who absltl dnt cnt----bus fld pkp frf d e line 4---9379 shrtly after 109p smtm---the nx 4--wr u gn wth all tht?? ng-----out of prk mob trs f prt wth wrngs--grd is in mdl of prk---i was not on my way t prk but the lgc is snc grd is here---thrfr vctm shld rn hide for cmpltl unk rsn mst be orgnzd crm trs cnsp by mob trs usa----smn lkg out nx lib entrc--ylg--ur late--like criminals r following nd cnsp on trgt--hd t g t bntn t unld--ws empty or vr slw lkl due t bng js aftr rain---bk on bntn wy--f frm lousy hs brownish color ofrd bg of cns----thy weigh nthg ---suspcs dsptc--- nd whe ws in strt expctg smtg??????--psb prsc aid
Saturday, January 21, 2017
fri---pltd 42 svc--ripped up ths aftrnoon by lib nx dnstrs dsk nmd dawn---amer as fr as i kn ds nt intend t py fr hlp --dawn spsdl dwn plyd t b in shock---mob ofg $1 lcn ????---f frm flrs ldry pkg lot blk sv spsdl psg unk snkrs dfrdg nd cmpl unconsc--ltr ortl m at loc try gv $2 psng this fr x spc gft---rfsd ofcrs--thy cn fl smn who ds nt kn wht tk plc---but smn whp knws amer nd crimnls totld her life nd no one do antg abt it----tmr i cn easily b dead gvn frcs nd rthlss amer estblsmnt----thy pstvl cl cr less nd blv ntg will cvr fr evr------m mob pkng w----psych f wth cat hlw prk crn tk spt bck acrss brnys--trs alwys gts free hlp grtd--thts wt amer is abt----??ylg bk aftr ???cvs----2 sep m hlss e of cvs---hlw pk bnc m hlss lkg fr hnd jb nt kn wr t fnd----2 hlss mob n sd pwstb e--1---mln---old mob trs psg crm mlc $1 p sh stn w--all rfsd ofcrs---thy prps bt t nt py nd live u eithr t die or b frmd--smn wlkng up t rec w/$20--rfsd--ntg vs tru amer dngs---amer lkg fr onl one tkt---free----why py???--all scndrls r vr easily fld wo py----silv sv frm unv city psb sd stg like sage--dt knw brl alv nd blkng out frm amer abuse fr ntg while its intentions r t nt py nd hv smns life killed absl free---mx f frm this silv sv by rec ofrd stg wc lkd like myb $1 or 2 clg me mom---gd rsn t blv crm scm----lib out pvln bk d e--prhps??? matt thrs t mny t id wth my pr sgt--bt thy r exprt trnd extrmntn frmng sqd--the srt at wc amer is highly skilled---hd a lt of lq diarrhea tdy addng t endlss prbs---by ba blk f trying t invt t s centrl 55th str chur--askng if nd any hlp???--askng if me actng--i js sd i needed vr spcfc hlp---nd she vnsd--i cnt mk my nx stp nd htls r ultra expnsv ntg i cn do---hlp hr is jk nt hlp--thy hv no intention t py fr hlp---their job is prey nd steal nd massive srl crime fr free all the while as estblsmnt nd lw enfcmt dlb pass ths fr ntg--thr cl b othr chur membrs vcn but i will die without evrtg on slvr platter and fully paid nd compensated with punitive dmges as shld be---amer cl cr less--its prps but free dvcs --spcl trs emplyd by city hall t hlp free dvcs nd vctms extrmntd wo py---pretending ongoing massive crime to life as fine--cnsp trs country killers for people trs usa nd trs wst hollywood--why py whn thy cn extrmnt hlpless people free----grgeous trs usa--absl lvl---prcsl as intnded
Friday, January 20, 2017
thurs---kelly is name of lib resp for letting in 211 flier f t bthrm--als yest she inquired re wt hpnd whn i yld at harrasser as he delib leaned into my computer t harrass--prt of houndg sqd==i blv its prb the one nx me tdy at cmptr num 1==i am on 2---lib jumped up t tell me smn ws bng assgnd t my cmptr spsdly rndml---but libs dnt jump rndmly--she cl hv bn tnd in t vrm mob cmplng as i sat dn---the mob self hs nt mvd all this time bt f lib my hv bn trying t dlb accmdt lib trsts---unab t d ntg tdy strnded in hvy rain as shs lkd torgnz mnc hsptlty--dude hrsg me yest hd mny rlng bgs etc prvlgd insd lib----unk prty frm undr lib myb cnc t sh??? dpt ofd dfr dsptc appl as i headed twds prk--their sole purpose distort massive serial crimes nd keep the crimes free at trgt expns like west hollywood mob establishment seems---fri am xlg yl/blu umbrl ofg ins mn fr stg t eat phldl e--lkl strg blns oldr mob lib--thy hv ntg btr t d bt hlp dmls trgt--agn wth assisted by estblsmnt hlp frm trs lk clfrd t sprt west hollywood crmnls--same kin of dirt who like kelly rest of cnsprd grpngs who cnsp dsptc bhnd scenes all blng tgtr nd exc why thy do blng----if mnc ws nt their frte nd dvc thy wld nt blng in ths spc----hlss tjs---1 calling me retrded---smngl as i nt knw exc whn hv rain ws gng t pour or whr t hide frm it bng trgt----vcs dnpr vcn lcn---by mbl f/grl grl w//mlcs insl mn frm trs selvs lkl lvng off frd brg mn---tht wy thy thnk their mnc mgt go unntcd--shs lkl pltg vs vctms trpped by rain---thy hv no prb rvctmzg trgts--thts exg wht usa is abt---same time as unfrnd mob t my lft 1--on 3 m was vr frdl ltr f smd int own bsn-----js lkd up bill g nd wrn bft added t my emails---vcs rn frcs sun absltl dt kn hw t mk it--cld wnd up dead---smn smtms pts dcn frz meals in trs--i lk the veg--but i nt came here to die be persecuted ridiculed in streets---nd amer crime must be reimbrs pntvl
Thursday, January 19, 2017
wed-----stpd out int rain but this smd early evn nd twd mrn----i am nearl dead--cnt stp on feet---need extra sft cshion flp flps or the ones with cork bedding--thy r prb sftr thn rbr bdng or unevn bdng nd less lkl t hrt ft--dnt knw whr t gt--mnt cnt stp on my feet nd need psoriasis meds--smn plntd ckd fd cnt of unk fd whl i slpt--i pt the bg unopn int trs thrs mrn--amer is frml cnvcd its crms r free --nd the prf is in pdng no one cms ovr t cntct me nd the phones hv bn argd dead by crmnls wrkng hnd in hnd wth trs amer establishment who preys off victims nd off crm nd to whom its wrst of crms dnt mn a thng---t cvr up own drt--thy offr wrtlss trs nd frm u fr a nt or idiot of srts ;pretendiong crm of centry trs amer srl crm ncl blngs----why bthr???? extrmn shs p hntl e/w----wkng fr gng trs whlwd trs gng mob org at price of trgts thy put t b extrmntd nd dead fr crmnl mlcs nt prvdg of lgl tm appropriate hsng nd cmpnsatn-----f suspct crsng stb wstmnt s ???----ylpg m s sd sm pwstmnt w---m blw pt in my fc plq crn w----?sus ?? ??? ????plcn e---?1015a coca cola hlr p hgs w engn type brtr noise??----i blv coca cola was amng prtcptg hrssers----ins mn ofd by f wlkng t glsns---btc clmd ---its all she hd--- lk ths intrsts me----the qstn is lying in pure frness nd menace rlty nd on ths scales sdl amer cmmitted ms atrcs crms its intntion is t dfrd fr ntg--thy r tmd up fr psng smn as tlk ld or antg els--js t frm thm nd wst extrmnt them nd mnc them----nt in the slghtest wtvr t reimburse fr trs amer crm orgnzd crm mnc sprtd by mlcs nd crmnl amer lw enfrcmnt nd its trs estblsmnt----bts hd drk glasses of some srt wth blk ?dmnc frm of srts---excly rgt up amer trs crm alley amer dlb bks nd crmnlly prtcts with veil dfrdg nd cvr ups----hst ltl btc sn in lib tdy in on crm nd frd brg mny--the btc shrt in lib upstrs in earlier prt of my vst drctl bks amer crm scm vs trgt---thts the wtcs lib job---tht wy adct mds gt dlvrd t crmnls nd i cnt get wt i nd t b alive----gng amb tk p glsn myb ard 1055a trvlg e i thk if nthd bkt--the jb of ambsdr crm tm is t bk mlcs inslts nd crms nd t frm trgt----dnt fl yrslf re scndls trs drt like ambsdrs or shrt f lib---lkl the lwst nstiest scmbg ard----knwg cmptrs dt mk her wtvr nice----the mnc prsnlt of the btc nd lib r the prf of hw trs lw slf fdng trs amer is who hlps slvs as it kills u----fr free---compliments trs usa!!!!!!!!---------hndg drt wth sch ignrt dmnr shl absltl b in line fr evr type of orgnzd dcsv prstnt lgl trgtg nd extrmntn-----fdx stp ljl crn blw psn thn mv s----crm bike pljl ????----oldr btc clg me sr nx out of clst ofg $2 t smk trz vctm of srl vcs crimes of mjr vlu nd crm of cnt vlu nd ident frd nd prsctn hndg----clvr nd lvl cmpnstn---amer sees onl wt it likes fr own crimes nd pockets then cnvntl calls this jstc----cmplmnts trs usa--1255p ljl e f sh sv hlo---mob trs----all lkl dsptcd flwd by othrs----sus drg st dn frt out of cls ng---mob m pcrs e???----wh estblsmnt cnsp hw t rvs blm trgt---why py---btr blm-----bk f/w m nx hlw prk prb rcrtg trgts----dnt kn wr the ct f went fr rains bt btc i thk is wth phone nd crmnls fr frds lkl----hr blc hair dt gv her psoriasis nd mny kps rllng----??? ????---smk cvs crn /trs??---ngs lkl---ofg fries by west knll---prb dsp frm brg rest--psn is wt amer---is prd t line up fr u---absltl----wstbrn vcn mob lkl ofg trs fd----250p sh sv sm d s f---hlo svc d s----hlss crt pshs stp d w--wkg fr mob askng ---lgtr----aggressive ng rec who alwy gts tns As i am dying nd gt ntg--this prtcl slime wld kill u ovr cn---svr dfclty stpng on my ft sprdg psoriasis and vcs diarrhea lqd c mng out whn i piss---frcd me cln ct dytime whn i cld nt see the dmg at ngt--the upcmng rains lkl i mst stp hide---amer cnt wait t mrdr me--i see no option--its the country who purpsly aids crime then pretends like it nvr were---yea rgt---cmpliments trs usa---amng mst imprt mssgs num yrs of svgs yhoo msg sngld out by yahoo nd rpt nt gng through
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
tues---bck on mon aftrn js bf rec at rbts crn rp prs gsg mx f i nt evn lk rptd gbu--ls tm ard it ws in my fc nd i am gsg it mgt hv bn jnt----west hollywood lvs injustice joints nd mnc inslts nd prsctn wo py--exc why thrs jnts--nd lgl tm is vr dlb out of sgt--thy blv exc as trs usa--thy cn extrmnt trgts wo py--instd amer likes t pry at crm of centry sz srl vctms expns nd cvr ths up wth frd chrt fls mlcs image mnpltn anmsty extrmntn operation----rem gbu phrs frq by orv mob--thy all r drgies thr too the onl exception my be mns one---me-----*****wed am f scr prbts w----sh pba w--i cnt see grt num of shfs espcl drng hv trfc hrs nd on sm blv---thy nd wh cnsp mob r prt of mob nd or friends of mob---tht wld be their typre trs co.----hls pba w----i sfrd lq diarrh yest--but mst frcs prb is psoriasis nd pain in my lft heel---2 ps stbks wsmnt 1 hldg cell--sying stg re ???unk allgd vdeo hw she rds trs cn---u cn see thy hvextr intrstg actvt wch agn sgsts butte lnk--i cnt see well nd sffr blkts so i my b msng dtls---by ths stb trs cns smn ofg bgs of plstc btls rfs ofcrs---amer ds nt blv i hv any cncpt re their crmes ot their trs cnsprd extrmntn deeds twds my life---ths scndrls r sm as mob whlwd the shfs the grds the estblsmnt the lndrth--their trs dmnr lw nd scndls is in no wy dft--$1 pltd grd dlb nw crn wsmnt nt pkd up--mnp mob ins cnsp---??mob trs shs crsng t dmp on tgt----hlw pk hlss slpng bnc---blc?? f w/cat cmpng hlw prk mrn nd aftrn---all trs grps welcm trs lk thmslvs---ls 3----964--hy nd sm mn w cr pgls e----??sry ???---gng sh pgng city hall lkg t hlp frm tgt--why ctc crm --mr fn frmng trgt---shs/ambs/city hall--r the interests of the mob---the grpng wld ncl mtc criteria of their frnds like mob grd thy use t chs trgt nd insr she nvr gts hlp---bye.... trgt---ha....!!!!!!!!!!!cmplmnts trs usa---mrng wstbr smn frn kitchn rmdlg bsn ws supposedl ofg btls???----sdl absl no one u cn trs here--the main prps here is free wrtlss insults as vcs srl crm nd extrmntn rds free---rgt now i dsprtl must hv housing t kp awy frm rn if only t live nd psoriasis meds--- u see any scdrl rsng ovr with thm???---t the lst the slime r self serving crm ring cvrup lkg t pass u fr fl nd yr life extrmntd fr free----7esw196---shelll--stg t eat???---stg fr totaling yr life is grt vluation exprt----a trly nice nd rsnb countr u cn see/tell----rthless reckless self servng trs org nd mob----2 hvng cnvrstn by my bgs 1 smkng prb gys----by 76---6yhy070 711w w vn --hrd ???hi---hyls by inr trs cnwnt brsrk as he retrieved pizza frm trs using stick as bully me abt weapon as if amer crm here bdl nd prtctn--snr i frm thm----dt cm nr me usng stck-----flks lk tht nd nt me r friends of usa --dt fool yrself-----drt scm nd trs r absltl wlcm t frm all ths nt their type----bf 1130a---711w---??7tyj007 rd cr ofg mlc ins chg----blk cr ??lyz 4dgts pcrs w ofg jnk fd-----i blv hd susp insl qst if i gy---circltd by mob----????7dqs593 strng frm nls nx sbw wr js pulled in ths w vh---all ths scms in style strk me as cnctd t frd/brg mny----hwv i dt kn hw mn actl crmnls r out thr????----svc sw crn smk---bike psvc e----in blk--ylg crmnl---wl nt be srprsd at the coincid or crmnls amng dfrdrs----pvln wrkr strng whn i ask othr cust at rec --qstn----frt pvln mex f clmng live hr ofrg algd own unk minor cltg--mx up stps----lib up steps mx ofg sda--rfsd--ngrspltg obj in trs nd fcsd on trs cn t mlcsly frm tgt--i see engh rn in frcst as will put me into grv yard nd i hv no idea where t hide--i am also nt hearing frm anyone re meds---hnc i presume trs like mnc---ted/sarah not respond---nd ucla free clinic not respond---amer bdl cares no doubt---
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
sat===ardthurs dyt mtl stk trs swtz sw crn grb----either t intmdt or othr use---745p smkng s ppk---sun mrn mob dsptc doing bkwds wlkg mnvrs rbts crn wr i pt my bgs mrn--mx t abbys cvrg up fr dsptc--hes nt btrg u---in fct hng susp mtvs frcg me wtc----aftr while hrd whistle lkl sgnlg mob t go smplcaftr rpt bkng act???? as if mnglss----w cat crt hlw prk crn undstrbd by grds clrly nt arstg her--hnc mkng it seem---whlwd ws dlbrtl tgtg me insd prk crs---ng drkg pk bnc hlw pk--oth hls mkng unk plns whlwd mob thy lks--- 4ltj949--ofg ins mny mbl f--thts wt mssv crm mob hs fr u in plc of evrtg amer plled off on yr life-----st vct sx hrsmt pmbl w----sat bkf sdw ofd by stbk----bkf ofrd by hmb mrys---rfsd----sh swtz e---???bri trn fc ng nx bgs int??? ??????--yga??? trn ljl---mob m crss e *********sun----ofg $1---5fjm386--76 stn ng--grtg?? lkl mob----susp 6yeg620--711w--ofrg btls---rfsd due t mob prsl nulling sgnfc of srl mssv amer crm by dfrdg by mns of wrtlss inslts nd mnc nd nt prvdg vtl lgl tm etc....---????crm///?????----???5680 4pfrf rfs---mx rmp mbl inspctg me fr psb?? tgt---lkl mob tht crn onc sw mxs mkng ld msc bs stp thr---szbl tm pd//nd unmrkd pd prmprt e---f lib myb yng ortl dntstrs sun lkg outsd win chkng whs thr????----m wrkr clm dt knw fml??----hlpg mob prj sch lng ago 211 paper in tlt-- nd ms rcntl sat 3 stg ??gsg ptg me out????--crtnl hp t b wrg----on sun mxcn bhvng susp insd prk---mess svc trs crn smn smngl dlb ovrloaded---clnd mrn by ng wth trash tool/shvl??---******mon---720a sh ??? ptrs cn bw sh/mtr--hey e--aidg trs mob---shtl bf 735a ylg f sh sv cl nt mk out--phntl w ??? ?????bhd oth sh sv w----sh sv wstb e----psych hlss btc cnt t cmp hlw prk nd grds dt sm t b arstg her????--spcl trtmnt???----smn w/bk stg hlw prk bnc---???mob ylp bike ccross ovr alfrd---grg nx cvs--ldr ilg mx gng pbrn e--td lkg fr u----7rik547 mbl----$20 rfs--amr--dt blv i kn wht thy plld off----8j23146 w tk swtz---lkl insl mn---crmnl blv thy cn pull dfr wo py or lgl tm----??1046?a ljl s sh wvg----shll bn ??? pltd??? on bgs nx 711w---mob f ofg chg mny 711w--any mn???--sdl no cmprsn wtvr t amer tru deeds thy prpsly ignr nd vcsl mlcsl undrscr---m/f crm by rg--mob f--ths is my grl---mon---430p sh sv 2 ms mlrs n ofg ???spns ltte--the othr dcp scm---ys or no????----prk lib city grtd aidg crmnls nd dfrdg mssv crm no lgl tm nr evn phn-----sgn on prk spsd upcmng ??imprvmnts????estblsmnt drctl bks crmnls at trgts expns wo py--tht is the tru intntn bhnd ong horrors wo rgtfl srvcs----???unrdb---nx sbw-- slc of pizza ofrd--trs dt blv i kn wt amer hs dn nd is prtctg---rlty--prsc--city hall shffs--grds -mob --etc--all fre at none wtvr cst on massive nonimgnbl crms---*******tues---????mx smk---tues shfs stkng out hlss by dmpstr ws knll myb ard 825a??? lkd t lt---?????frm tgt---psych b;nd btc w ct rgt bk hlwy prk crn slpng whn mrng is wrm---smn w cell stk out swtz crn ltr wlk s-----shs hyv e--crs w-------ng adct ?gng on grd nx 711w---w/cig---6zgw876 by sbw tues aftr one m stk out wth cell othr stp out ofr--lkl wst sdwc of vrty i wl nvr eat---- bfr tht f frm a restrt at stb wsmnt crn dmpd wrtls chp crt tht wld lkl brk in 5 scs----why lgl tm--- why mnsn--whn amer crmnl r extr adpt at dfrdg free----mx in bnie ofg btl nx sh stn stp rfsd--yld t him lkl mob f trvlg w in vh---rgtfly rfsd--nd lkl mob cnctns--zro intnt t py--mntm i hv sprdg psoriasis hnd arm leg etc nd rain frcst tmrdr me with---thts exc wht amer intentions
Saturday, January 14, 2017
fri----paul freese---prsn on dvsn lwst--was on case while hernan was actually smngly responsible fr dng the case they sgnd off of via crt wo hvng provided me replcmnt atty as rqstd nd knwg i cl nt mk it int crt on my own t chllng this----7rsz835 prk by w knoll smngl offr $1---aftr all pcketing evr lst cent u made in mny yrs is free in amer---p???? lcn ??lkl cnsp mob lkg inslt blm tgt----hmls f cmpng grnd crn hlwy prk w/ct psychtc--no one drs bthr tht one---f nx brnys ofr $5 rfs---gt ths clr mob blvs crm mssv srl etc...--is cmpltl totally free---cmplmnts trs usa----rp lkl mob shs pmbl e lkg frm extrmnt trgt----gng crm sktb phgs w trzg psg cig----2d prsn slpng on bnc hlwy prk in adtn t cmpng f----a prsn frq slps fk grass svc sw crn dytm---7ggw672--mlc insl mn amt rfs---prps dfrd kp mssv srl ong crm free--- ntcd blk f sm nx mtro prb mtro wrkr who witnessed prtly mob ml hisp last sat ngt---mtvs???---unk----blk f bd sgtd out of lib wth bgs loaded on crt---susp ng out lib---***342p lib f wrkr sec flr brgt w ml t my crn----aidg trs prsctn ptg tgt out nd asstd crm t trgt---due t lck of prpr accmdtn nd as rslt of bng trgt cnst wk up at ngt cnt wk up nd mv on time----dt hv dry shoes/socks--thy tk too lng t dry---wet clothing is hlping cause lkl psoriasis on my hnd nd abv my wrst nd additionally on my rgt leg--also lack proper meds nd accommodations t treat the condition due t lack of hsng--cmptr sgstd untrtbl cndtns of this srt can trn t skin cancer---cmplmnts trs usa--absolutely--rain mks bgs even well wrpped in plastic ridiculously hvynd too hrd t move--lkws thr is brn on myn nose nd i hvn no sun prtctn fr my face
Friday, January 13, 2017
thurs---lib matt smngl md cnsprd mlcs rmrks re voice dramatically in fact quieter than many others immediately there and at lib--so in my opin this lib is in on mob extermination trs scam---lib crl hrd drker lctd alleged pyphones on comp nt in wh bt in hlwd nd is unk if thy still thr----whlwd has dn this ofcrs as prt of mob extrtion extrmntion prjct wch trs amer its estblishment nd pltcns rthlessly support at price of victims trgts life alng with evr in it mny yrs wrth erased into ntg nd no one lkg for suspects ---compliments trs usa----thurs nt g t rec as i blv its clsd hv rn--hd vr few cns nd bgs t hvy so cl nt go elswhr eithr t unld--rn md bgs hvy --nw its a wndr i cn mv with thm at all---this mrn fri ntcd w hlwd trk nx pblc prkg s sd of sm adj wsmnt----mob m lcn vcn d w rolling bgs nd cns t rec---dfr gd mrn---orgnzd dfrdg amer prtds their sz of centry extrmntn plt is nt in existence---lsb cnsp mob gelsns smngl mkg cnsprd or mlcs rems lkl frm mob prj????--phrpr w mob f---g mrn----?????---reorgnzg???----???out of clst???----blkng out nd frgt-----???7wtl467--w cr shell--lkl ofg $? by sm fd----rfsd---gsg mlcs inslts---lee ofg $5 pfnc mktplc--d u nd any mn---if nd antg js ask--rfsd---mob dfr prsc----md age mob m pcrs e----hgs vcn hrd--hyd???----bike pwknll e--ur crm----massive crm mobhas dfr setup exprtl orchestrated----tht way massive crm---absltl free---nd no one do thy cr js like thy rptdl sgst---cmplmnts trs usa----trs bw mtro/sh vcv bike d w-----ng lpr bus stp ofg $10 rfsd--dsptcd setup--orgnzd t kp massive crimes dlb nd totally free----amer will do ntg re lgl team t address massive srl crms---cnvg abusing insltg killing tgts life js as if it nvr wr---cmplmnts trs usa----slv hr dict mob d vcn pvlns nd othrs nrb vcn
Thursday, January 12, 2017
wed---???lkl cnsp shs lib gds prk--nd nw ba????---i mld t ba crct frd address crrct frm immedtl aftr filing clm-- but message ard jan 5 appeared t suggest tht thy mgt nt hv rcvd it--grtd crct address pstg nd mlbx nd frm--stpd at ba crs hts nd hd thm fx the onl vrsn of bkup i hd the orig no lngr dnlds--evr sms tlk rsn thr--the bnk did tk out cst srv phn once insd apprtly out dated --hwver i dt blv phones shl hv bn tkn out 711 hywrth also i checked sm 711 fntn lcn cmpltl rmvd lkl hlss hrsmt--nd no connection prk phone--unk who killed tht one---lvng no pyphones in whlwd lkl--i dt kn if one insd plmr prk bldg opn onl dytime is wrkg or nt nd nt sr if any othr pyphns lft--thy sm entirely gn --sowhlwd is really cmfrtable dmpng this one on abused nd disadvantaged---6cwa771 pmbl e--u wt plw---crm dfr----antr wky m lib---shell ---grn sv ofg $20 grtd mob rfsd--thy brglrd infntl mr nd nt spplying lgl tm--thy bsy dctatrng dfrdg----mbl w sv ofg $5 fr fd--oth m ofg bn --all rfsd--thy cnsp mnc bhd my bk nonstp--nd thy prps me lft extrmntd by injustice--my hnd srl mny inflmtns cn ld t skn cncr--nd i cnt d ntg t gt hlp--the main hlp needed t cvr evr--lgl hlp--tdy ws nsty rny dy--rn int frd frdl flks by crs hts--unk why ths 2 were cmpnions but cl hv lied t me clmng t b nt hndcpd or impaired--thy gt bks in lib fr one nd btl of greens fr othr----hrd t blv----the phones r gn --nd acdg t usa --anyone wo thm cn go t hell--as they persistently cnspr mnc nd mlcsly srvc their own happiness at expense of massive injustice t trgt thy absltl dig nd blv thy cn exmpt slvs frm wth bn nd mlcs inslts---thy hv n intention t hlp--prf ---no legal team no phones --nd evr mine brglaried nd dfrauded lkl---judge thm by their frts--thts their tru intent--fnd endless wys t extrmnt u jntly with their trs city hall hdng rgt bhnd thm---lng tm alchlc lkl brn dmgd lvs scr wst knl--mlcs rmrks--u fkn jw---smn rn out lib unkn mssn aftr i ws std--crz actg ml cnt mumbl thrt--but the scm drt is their knd of peopl---thy elmnt trgts nt insn frds----amer is all abt killers fr free thy pretend massive srl ong crms dt exst nvr hpnd nd thy nt prt of thm--nd thy only wnt t use u fr prey wo py nd dlb intntnlly ignr all rest thy blv trgts shl b appropriately wstd with--susp trs strng lib-- all prties lkg t frm wst trz mob cnsp west hlwd trs tm--the trs in rlty hv dr frds--trs intention is t prmntl kp trgts wstd free
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
tues---ard 740p svc 2 or 3 wlkg n on svc of wch in grp of 2 ps me strt gigglng---myb celebrtng missing disfunc payphones whlwd apprvd t extrmnt hlss---wh pk phone is dead nd the one wch was by 711 hayworth was tkn out wrkr wnts me t blv prmntl---the entire metallic container wch held it was removed-- i ntcd this mon nd tues i askd tues ngt i checked the one at wh prk--smngl nw dead as per desired hlss extermination by wh which wnts crms twd hlss be entirely free --why supply legal team on crime of cent sz crimes--nd endlessly lk fr wys t dmp on hlss--nt their drg addict drnkn smkng buddies but the one they r trgtg as mob trs team---it is nx t totlly or totlly impossible t locate payphones onlinesmngl---thts wht wh digs----sh strg my bgs pmtro/sh area sm strng plcn area gng e bth tms smngl slwg dn???---by 711w w vn 6yh?y070--blk mn --au hgr???--thy dt undrstd pblc phn or lgl tm---the onl thg is hgry--nd dictrship nd othr cmpltl wrtlss inslts----lcnf--clmng shes ahd alwys---gng dict lq crn--will gv pts if pt on nw--i assrd him he cl nt py me t tk thm---i hv grt idea wht amer gng trs cn do--nd sdl prf is in pdng----thy killed rest of my life nd lft me trtrd nd pnniless---but in amer bk ths nt dsrv lgl tm nd dt cnt---f ofg cookies cheese frt of mtro sh stp rfs--lts of ths thy cn gt wth frd/brg mny---- paint insd trs la peer nx stp by anm dg bldg---ths one of trs trks---othr f sh trs instgtn---sw cls t 240p or js bf f sh sv--thts nt nc re fng dn---agn thy onl cr cnc lks--thy cld cr less the mob prmn totaled my life nd no lgl tm supplied snc my as i am bngtrd abs wstd extrmntd deprived nd prsctd--all tht lks free nd lvl to ignrms trs frd hsptbl shs grtd in on mob who klled my life wth own hnds fr free---absltly lvl
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
mon---rain mild on off drng dy tues--the rec pvlns either closed or closed early wo ntc--spsdl nt clsng unlss hv rn--bt nt true---hvy rain due thurs-----bck t mnd ngt mob gng afltd shf wh pk 805p nd smngl insd mkng plns wth trs grpngs awhl---bfr wnt in trs aprc me--the trgt solely t hlp mob persecution extermination hrsmnt denied it nd called this hospitality--the inslt au ok??? he is nt chkng if evr is trtng me rgt or if im gtng the legal team i nd----he is ofcrs insltng me--thts one wy of sying thrs stg wrg wth u-----r u nts---he is pro mob pro gng pro wh mob cnsp nd pro lndrt trs grp scdrl afflt---his flngs nt accidently hrt----instd hes lkng hw t wst u fr trgt by prpsly mnfctrng blm the crmnls desire t affix---pro gng pro mob pro lndrt pro trs whlwd cnsp tm grds nd shfs nd gngs nd city wrkng tgtr t wst trgts----1205a ng w/bgs in shpg crt grbng my bg frm undr my lgs---is ths yrs???? hrd lkl ?2 tlkng re bgs ngt her bgs r undr bnc----ng ws headed n twd sm---scr mob f rbts d svc slnc dn pst me nd ply frd frndl---u cn telll scndrls trgtg my bgs nd frd frndly act psychotics r frdl peopl accidentl mnpltg the trgt---in fct pltng nx crm dvc nd mkng certn u r dfrded trpped fld inslted poisoned exterminated---nd mny yrs ct out of yr life due t wh intention t nt prvd lgl tm---ths r cnspred crmnls nt onl prtctng mob crms bt lkng fr smlr extrmntn pry trgtg dvcs---thy kp the trs---their style drt---nd thy extrmnt u tgtr with yr lf nd pass this fr invntd lie nd accident----thy lib prk whlwd grds shs nd evn buses nd mob r arnpltng crms grtd assisted by cmnt estblsmnt lw enf usa ---by out clst lkl rcd w bgs psb stln frm dntns in org pld hooded shrt---???tlkg pcrs w unrdb----?7nzh483 rd cr 76 ofg $1 rfsd--trs---thk u----by stb wstmnt drnk lkl hls wth hot sbw sdwc dsptcd ofrg rfsd dmpd int stb trs---clg me ungrtfl btc---mob lkl hs sbw dl gng nd dfrdg psg mnc cvr up of srts unwntd nd wrt grtd ntg if nt psns----x ln org ln fr plpr e dlb pst me up--nx one let me on wth no chg---if wntd did nt ask===rmp rec also smngl cls hr ahd so i brl md it as drs clsd--cnsp on brd outs nd insd lib cnsprg nx crm --atmptd bg tkngs nt accdt-- trs prps is organized mnc nd mnc has all sorts of ptntl trs prtcptd unafrd nd drctly aided by trs amer extablsmnt cmnt lw enfcmnt nd trs usa---who like mnc at expns of trgt
Monday, January 9, 2017
sat---observed on sat at lib bsds prb with error 19 yahoo picks out certn messages nd fr hghly ridiculous reasons holds off on sending out certn messages----grd gsg eric lkl in lib on lib cnsp team nd mgt b cnctd t prk also--js nw i tr up the $10 smngl rtng in my bg lng time nd lkws $1 smn snk lst ngt while i ws slpng nd tr up frt of patty working dwnstrs lib frt desk t pt out hw chrtbl the frd chrt wrkng jntl with gngs is---any othr mny ws lkl stln by addct ngrs nd their cronies or cobangers----sch as ls ng i ntcd ng f crs insd bs shltr in nd rgt out num tms???-----sh pmlrs n----lkl cnsp vs trgt---****svc bf 2a sat ngt so wldl gsg myb bw 1-2a----vry cute hispnc m bt frm my pnt of view rtr sht stature nrml bld without any xtr pnds plntd hsself in sm bus shelter fr the prps of hrsng trgt on assgnmnt---the mn cnt hrsd me nd rfsd t bk off or go awy assrd me *******no one wld blv me nd no one wld cr evn if he klld me rgt nw---he als tried sgst smn in a cr ws harrassing me nd nt him t mk me seem nuts invntg evr lie incl wtng on bus--thraftr he tk a strg tk trn nd ancd if *****i call him lucifer he will leave nd cntnd ask me t call him tht wy---i did nt call him antg so i hd t strgl yet a while until a blk f gsg hlpd me gt rd of him---prior t this he did briefly engage in convs with grp of hisp yngstrs nd tld a pck of lies to all grps i cmplained re him harrassing me--this established his tctcs as in lying as all gangs assuring u no one crs---nd as some wo any thrts in any wy implied also sd im nt afrd of u----scr thng the my be cncted due t lucifer assoc--one of brglries ws 6-6-2013 nd a paypal heist under my name but nt my paypal aCCT WAS PULLED OFF BY THEM HALLOWEEN 10/31/16----als he std nx my bgs awhile actng as if he blngs nd wl nt mv----cnsp crm sptg shs wstb also shtly aftr grp gt into gry sv nd one sd we cld get it nw bt she wld get upset shtl ltr they cm bck ndagn std brfly js pst bs shelter but decided lkl t avd gtng attn frm anyone nd lft---******t pnt out amer dmnr----thy r only wtng t hlp crmnls frm tgt nd cld vr easily blm me if i did antg wtvr in my own bhf--the sitn wth dsptcd mob--thy frq lk t snd othr associated crmnls t avoid bng lnkd---sun------f w sv ofg ins mn w knoll vcn rfs due t amer demeanor with not splying lgl tm to file rep cases nd pretending if though that is nthng--??? ????----grp o ngs pmbl ofg fd frm brg rest nx wst knlll one clmd bng hlss othr f prtcp hrsmt ws yr ft t rdcl trgt-----persecution dfrdg grp who blv srl nd mssv crm absltl ds nt cnt---the true amer injustice nd tru amer way-----shell f ofg insl mny as if stg spcl ws insd suspct cr frmrly usd by mob operative who pulls strngs in wh nd cr hd lkl othr asst cr on sgt--rfsd--pltd with hrt symbol bfr senna plate---thy r the mob intrstd frmng with srvcs persecution mntl hlth nd evr bt nt at all anything u nd that wy their massive crm nd nt cnt nd shld go free as west hollywood aids gngs nd blvs thy cn by trgts with plnted poisoning nd pretend nthng tk place nd is as it should be--the entire crm of centry size ultra massive ultra serial is figment of yr imagntn ---agn city hall backs this--- sheriff backs this---nd endless mob links my b lnkd t this??????-------their prps is bt t wst u---vr prpsflly t thm the crmnls dnt exst bcs i am the trgt----thts why thrs no legal team--rthless amer digs whos victimized---nd likes trgt t prpsfully be wstd fr free------8588 sun frm frfx rfsd rd d e----ng drvr---whl abrd nxt ln 4 sw ambsdrs apprx vcn poinsettia 2 bks---lkl thy dt wnt me t gt rd---bcs whlwd nd their ambsdrs r jntl aiding the mob---js bf 133p--time sgtg amb---bntn crn dfr btc std bnc ofrgfd lftvrs psb stkng out tgt---wtd unusually lng time on 10 whlwd myb sched prb???----as rslt nt mk evn fw mnts lib snd---smngl lts of rny weather ahead as my skn sfrs nsty scry lkng scbs....spec t hlss situation----ofcrs rem usa nd west hollywood like t extermnt trgt fr free--sndy btls pltd by mob 711w---mon aftrn btls pltd dkd top of sbw trs cn mob stk out loctn---sund at rmpt stp philp f clmd she ws gvg me cn frm grnd qrt--rfsd--susp accessory t crm--crmnls dig wrtless insults nd costing u yr entire life---****while passing this as if it nvr wr----pd p rmp e strg trgt----ard 615p out of prk in blu shrt --sgt insfc--cl b stff--mob cnsp tm----730p blk ng myb f??? or othr trns on bike ppk s--kill yr ass---grp s f vr annyd by idea smn mgt gv mny t prty she dsps--m cntnds he gv mny smn els--rem--i dt tk mny---it is of no comparison value nd equals ntg vs crimes by usa thy dlb ignr nd nt py fr nd nt prvd lgl tm nd hlp trs wst me nd my life at no cost nd help them go free--delib nd on purpose nd with intent t twist vs trg instead by mns of endless lying cmplmnts trs usa--thts wht usa wnts fr piece of choc.---amer must py but correct amnt nd gvn all loss nd menace it is guaranteed better than any gawker----mon--strng stbks t dmp on tgt----flores crn bln btc w/crt sngd my bg of cns frm oppst crn crng it t me stating she nt wnt it nx her as bg drt--rlt---btc psychotic---srl thy shl hv a spot fr her--the only inconv mgt be prestd by her cat---rem--crm trs in amer r alw btr thn u--nd frmng u crz is their desired exc fr their free crm--thts why crm cliff on occasion prtnded as if i nt kn his nm seen endless tms in email rec-----mon---city hall hound out mob grd pljl --the onl knd of grd wh wld employ wld be crmnl t d wt he does---hnd out undesrbls intended fr extermination----gng crm pcrs hts w--wrkng on trgtg frmng dctatoring trgts nd dfrdg the rlty--prpsflly lvg trgt hlpss---2 dfnt suspects shell m who needed snd me sunset mrtl chur fr jnk lunch i wld nt tk free if thy brgt it----f with jnk thrw away shoes t pretend like crime is nt hpng whn in fct my feet r wet frm rain i hv endless scabbing nd i am trapped snc my wo vtally needed legal team thy hv cnsprd t prvt trgt frm hvng----psb mns plt ws 6yhn293 bt im blkng bdl fr loss of blood---nd fs my hv hd 370 in plate----2 fgs in on cnsp prj nd crm clfd lkl pedinbg---city halll nd clifrd nd stp up shl jntl b chrgd wth persecution---nd with purposely nt providing legal team t file rep cases-----t help criminals nd t extrmnt trgt at n cst---smn nmd tanya blk f alleg died ls few week frm diabetes--but hlss r gvn psn t eat nd thy drnk alcohol nd hv drg frds---i still rem her sying smn stl stg t his fc---nd stl rem her accusng smng gvng her stg bd t tk----stpd t evr tk antg especially with diabetes---nd hlss the frf crwd alwys drnk bst as i c n rem--with diabetes amer pts u exc wr it wnts u--thy r cnsp mob crmnls prettied up t gt away with mrdr free---in their mind their massive endless mnc is free nd hghly rsnbl----unrdb 1220p sh sv w m--crm sying choc---sbw decked out btles mobs wtcng
Saturday, January 7, 2017
fri---815p sh f sv pmlrs n--hay---grd or vlt amng nmrs opst sd pkg lkl mob prtcp --sht up----sh stn bus stp nx svc shrtl aftr 6p--f strlld frm cr lkl mb--is yr nm lnda--prtcptg dctatr gng----cgt free mini bus aprtly rng until 7p--aprtly thr is 3 dft types srvcs--so i ws prep t wt untl 7p whn mta hs chpr fr but thr is still bus free in wh until 7p so i cl go free t la br one wy anywys--bk cgt 704 at lbr w---in ls few mnts of rd cnfsd f in leoprd prt try strk up cnvrst re wlfr--prb bcs of my lks trs blvs i blng amng trs--sdl nt so mr like it dfrdg nd crmnl drt blngs amng trs btc cnt t hrs me t svc gt off w/bike nd hd t be thrtnd t lv me aln----this ride wld be nt lng aftr 7p i wl guess---othr gng crm in rd pts strtd psg dictatorship nd thrts--he sd he wl brng me crt--thn he sd if i clld cops on him he wl pt me in jl nd i wl nd bail intmdtn tctc by dict gngs thn he rpt tlk crp re qualudes--ths r prfsnl crmnls out t dfrd u fr ntg nd rn yr lf cmpltl dstryd at yr expns as trs usa ignrs nd ds nt prvd lgl tm t file rep cases vutally urgently nd desperately needed----scdrl fnlly lft w---******10p--thief discvry lkl ftcd up by gng---svc bus shlt smn hd their btm in blk trs bg rd tie nd paper bg ovr head t see wt he cl sng frm my bgs--ngs hr r smngl vr lrgl drg adcts--whn askd re wt dng--ntg whn tk bgs off it was ng lkl adct in pjms---lkl gng thieves---prb dsptcd nd aided by shrff dpt who hay in spt of trs nd mssv srl crm---smn ofd ins mny by 99cents trs--i dt tk it bcs i blv mny r crmnls cnsp dictrship gng oprts nd bcs its wy too ntg vs tru cst t my life items nd me who nd t be pd pntvly on top--i hv no time lft fr frtr sffrng--i sfrd in america wy by fr mr thn engh----ng ????unrdb by sbw ??????gng cnsp shs pwkn e----gng ng ofg mlc $1 lkl frm mbl str i thk--cl b dsp---dfr----ngt tm ng stlng myb plntd mny??wrtlss if any typically--i nw hv antr rtn ten to rip int pieces bcs its nt at all amer prps to py on its msv hrrs nd atrcts--thy dt cr hw mny scbs thy put up my hnd or hw thy trnc my ft--thy r cnsp trs prsc dictrsp mob full of scm lnkd t city halll shrffs nd scl wrkrs nd estblsmt--who r dlgtd t blv crmnls nd ignr hrrific trs rlty shs phlwy pk----grn jkts gv me sm sld plstc btls f wlk up by pvln rec ofg $2 ofcrs rfsd--ths r crmnls smply lkg t kp mssv crms free nd hushed----lkl mx crss la peer n d pvlns smngl slng hrn---gng crm brt frm tjs with dfr sgn rbts ne crn brk/hngr exprt exc dfrdg by in this case a drnk nd smn who nvr ds ntg the srt amer really dgs drg addicts drnks gngs nd thieves---hd prnt rls stn message--ls time i snt stg whn mike ws here---i hv nt prntd it in fct---impsb t gt him t hlp nd i hv no pass fr bus or keys frm him i thk it ws shrtl bf chrstms lk myb dy bf???---bgs gt hviier nd mc hrdr t mv in rn mkng it nx t impsbl t fnctn wth any rn schedl nd problm rlblt pvln rec with any rain---yahoo rpt error 19 prblems--dt kn why thy bthr me????/
Friday, January 6, 2017
ng f by lib strg t frm trgt---shs psng mlrs in on prsctg trgt nd hlpg gngs by extrmntg trgts jntl with west hollywood extrmntn argmt tm--hlss trgtg trs wh prk gvng out rain info as an excuse--thy hv no pln t py on crm or provide legal team--this is solely persecution extrmntn hndg dfrdg wstg exploitation trgtg trs scm aided by mob wh/usa /nd their lw enf who like crime at expnse of trgts nt ths absng thn nd look to prey on trgts alng the wy as gvt funs sch activity--ptg mny int pckets of cnsp grps nd lw enf nd lvng trgts t b wstd dfrded with persecution throwaways nd crm as thy persnly pckt mnys frm their jnt extrmntn game gng----825p p prk d s bike -hay---hrsmt pltng nx crm---lib vcn trgtg trs bsy destrying trgts wo ever seeing jstce or lgl tm---drk sv m ofr fnc jkt by lcn lq--rfs--ntg u cn cry--no home--amer wnts t trtr u t dth--thts the wy thy lk it----w cr by brnys pltd hrnburg f ofg brkfst sndwc--gng btc smkng pbrnys east crt---crm rng shs pcity hall e--- wkg t hlp city mob---1130a 711w amb bk d e---frf crn f ofg bn--thy dt blv i kn dfc bw bn nd lgl tm---mess bw ljl/hyv by trs cn n sd of sm---fs ofd pza eating eat pzria by tjs---sh wstb s---????837cn dsb plt drk sv clfrd nd lkl dsb blk f----hi stg lk hws evr--scdrl knws i will be buried wo money by legal team-- thts wt he is dng he is hlpng wh extrmnt prsct trgt---i will rprt thm t lic brd corey giugli nd clifford--fr orgnzg hrsmt nd nt prvdg lgl tm t file rep cases--this scdrl cnstly lkng fr dvcs t prey upn wst trgt fr trs insd city hall---thts hw nc he is nd thts hw he gets legal tms t file rep cases--the prps prsct frm prey extrmnt--same exct as gngs--hi gd t see u--rlly gd t see a scdrl who instd of lgl tm lks t extrmnt u fr mob insd city hall prey upon u help gngs nd see t it u nvr see lgl tm--mnwl i have endless scbs nt prvtd by gloves--i hv them in wh when it rains nd they will just climb above glove area---nd i clpotentially suffer unk complications frm rain trench fungus infections heel hurting--but nt lkfg fr lgl tm t gt trgt mny--trst lkg t prey on trgt fr crmnls in wh nd fr trs lk ldrth--the hdlms preying on trgt nd collecting mny wch shl in fct be in tgt pkt---the disap guy trning in cns tdy--no py rec gets awy with nt brnging cs on time--tht wy u cm bck or lose--the othr oprtnsts
wed---ntc e of shpg area assoctd wth strs ndd 24hr fitness has been assigned a digging alterntv othr thn hlss---mex w/bucket plus attached outfitting pockets digs for antg salvageable in ths dumpsters replacing prev method the hlss who got cns nd thrwaways--i hv nt ntcd antg on the outsd bt im certn the trs hs mngd pkt stg of vlu thy hv tkn awy frm hlss whm thy rther frm extrmnt at no cst in addition t stlng evrtg frm thm as well mkng it hrdr t gt antg espclly as thy prpsf trgt people nd whr its no lngr of vlu due t crmnls who hv orchestrtd crms who mgt do it agn--im qt cetrt ths 2 ms lnkd t thrwng milk bottles my also b linked t crime amng their cronies nd dfrdg artists expert at cvrg up mrdrs acts---now thy cn steal fr whm evr thy wnt nd nt gt chrgd wth stlg--aftr all w hlwd blvs hlss hd it too gd----nd this lks lvl too so mdslngrs dg this---crm cn lk lvl--nd all ths anti crime people will not notice will trn awy their heads or will appld thm fr the crm---a lot mr fn chsng trgts nd vctms nd nvr py ths vctmzd----usa bkng up the crms is much impressed ntg is more thn engh fr ths victimized nd mny shl go to thieves orgs sheriffs etc nd away frm tgts who killed slvs fr the occasion---tht wy amer cn pretn t be lvl nd no one will ntc antg evr ws cmtd---why py pc of shit---gng sh phrp w---bg tsd out swtz grbg---mess ljl trs---8h43416--bueno hrd--- hlrs pcrs w---ltr hlrs pcrs e nd w bd exhsust psb evn mob prtcp---old slv hr mob m pcrs w---smn jwlk crsg pcity hall n---js as lgt trn yl---r thy opn tdy rp phlw w---frd frdl drg qn slt nx brnys--mrn sm gy lkl cmpng thr psd str t grd?---smgl---psb cnsp vcn sbw wr unk prties my nt lkme or b prt of mdsl trp---pair wsprd bf wlkng int sbw---susp pair pmtr entr e wr f prp blu smk drctly int my ns she hd blu hd cvrg--she thn sd --hi nd the 2 cnt e wtht me gtg much of a look---gng crmnls ofcrs--crmnls frm mlk thrwg new yrs lklin vcn pltg mr crm amg othr trs---mex grd f pvln ofg shoes--i hd no tm as rec closed--t of rain---bsds crmnls r dfrdg chrt---nx protow aaa.com ofg chkn refused als mex--cnvcd none r nice people nd cl b brglr t dfrd---smply gng trs---sdly it tk lng tm ntcg the trs who hides bhnd thm---lkl islmc or arm trs frm rf strt a racket on the bus clmng he st dn on pissed upn st---bt he is nt bln lk me he shld see-als called who evr did this crz--thy crz if thy do stpd shit on prps but if thy r wstd rgt nd lft slm cld cr less anyway this gt thm on nx bus nd got me stranded--8161 went out of servc vcn 3p the nx smller bus pkd up evr bt me the nx 8457 nt wnt me on---finlly smaller bus let me on--prb trnd out nt sz but drvr--f sh pljl e 320p --oh???----bus which finally pck me up 342p pcrst hts e--ws as small as rfsd pck up wth others hs ntg t do wth sz--sz mks it less cnvt but 8457 was bigger thn this bus nd wl nt lt me on nd othr bus in frt of the one wch pck me up nd 2 othrs nt stp---the scmbg who rsd hell gt on wth lkl othr f e of frf sw on 8457---ths hpn due t rain whn rec nt wrk-- nw rec is absg people by bng nt prep w/cs gvg out ious t come bck
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
tues---eric palma extd lib bhd me trnd t bk of lib grtd in on mob cnsp---mess sh stn mto stp trs cn---*****8a lcn 2 shs smgly wr invstigating stg asgnd se lcn crn shpng area nd bhd it pkg i hrd initl 1 sd thy fnd ntg thn 1 dpty mob dcded t hrss trg for mob trs lkl---u gt t mc stuff---absltl mob nd shs nd crm of centry sz srl crmnls mk fntstc frds nd thy dt evn btr t ctc thm--snc crm is ntg thy cr t ctc thy hply hlp crmnls hnd their trgts---cmplmnts trs usa-----finally the sh bsy lkg at asgnmt cld hom bk nt wo rprcsn i dt dbt---the mnc trs cnsp is in prg--in fct fls r lkg fr me t drk sbw are solely t dmp on tgt--i dt nvr drk is the pnt-----3 hls stg hlwy prk---lkl thts wr mob hs thm---1 lying bhd shd brnys adj crn sm bldg fr sl or lease---???7bve140 slv cr ofg $5 rfsd mbl----ard 10a gng sh slwng p crs pl w---ba crs smn ofg lkl insl as smn in on it bhd me the frt prs wth mn rn e as the one bhd him alr tl him i dt tk it--agn--the rsn is amer ds nt cr t slv vtl prblms nor py fr thm --its prb is r kp u dfrded at no cst---mob w sh cr ednbg e----76 wrkr lkg ?lmk t mob nd mob shs?????---711w--sir---gng trs hs gull--wl u lk sm mny---thy shl hire me t ply gy snc the fls lk t blv stg absltl nt in evidnc---i cld mc use the mny prcds frm sccssfl mvie---w sv wrkng fr mto wth mtro sgn pcrs w psb als wrkg tgtr wth trs mob--hw entrprising t prey on tgts in amer---i brtd in air psb frm vh no smell ne crs crn js bf num vhs mvd w this alms imd md me fl odd dscmfrt--as if smellless blwn air cl als b psns---city hall vcn--helicop hlpg mob trs----mob crsg frm hgs sd tmbl str drnkn tlg me t gt crt--prt of mob dictatorship initiative lkg t extrmnt u by frmng yr lf--why py on ultra grd mnc whn the entire fn is in extermination---- projects----by trs cn bw sh/mtro vcn smn tk self pct wth cell----dfr/cnsp grp my b lnkd or wrkg wth gng grps nd mob shs gds estblsmnt etc cnt wait t hlp thm---6lnr194 sml blk merc cr rbts smgl out rec pvln area ofg lkl $2--pc of shit inslts rfsd ofcrs--amer wts t mk cert u hv n mr thn pc of sht nd tht its massive srl crms go ognrd nd free----7tfj235 w sv f ofrg wtr----rfsdthy lk t ofr jnk nd usd stl rtn unwntd stfs--bcs precsl tht mks fn dfrdg nd is t bg a fvr fr pc of sht---wlcr lib s--this char ldrt st vctrs gng trs operative has gull t prtcpt in hrssng m nd lying---u r evr--is tht ??prmtd---i kn u did it---abs dsgstg--i dt knw of abs ntg i did---ng lkl dng at lib ft stps adct w blnkt gestr thrtg me --lkl sm iwho atkd me yrs ago nd btrd me num wks ago by lib trs cn as well--ths adcts by lib lk occsnllt stk their ndles in crv btls i clct bt thy wnt thm bk in rlt bcs thy ong adcts--mrvr their splu lkl gts dlvrd t the libr wc ds nt btr lib at all lk prk nx t it thy solely bsy mnfctrg trgt terzg for mob lnkd asscts--their wl b nrml frds---drt lks oldr prb jws lib--thy r all in on mob cnsp imitiative---cmpliments trs usa
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
sat---????? svc/au ok????unrdb ???fri-slc ck pltd prk sat--slc pza--ths r crmnls who blv by pltg ntgs thy cn dfrd---sdl i kn ast u i knw wt amer trs cst me--tht is ntg in no wy cmprbl wt any wc insl thy atm t dfrd wth--thy cmpl blv their trs acts r free--nd i see no lgl tm wtvr hr---ths is cntry of injstc who crs but as to hw t bst prsrv mnc crm nd dstrctn nd hw t mk crtn their life totaling crms g entrly unpd by prpsl ensrg injstc nd nt prvdg lgl tm----due t moistr nd wet shoes my ft wr frzg ofcrs---exc as amer intended -ths is free---scr m svc thn hldl vcn---ng pkg enf frt of sbw---js bf ng f jywlk 24hr d n--thn trn e---stb f rp ofr $5--sry usa u r vr bdl ignrt fr 8 mo snc dtcg me int strt u hv nt gvn me the lgl tm t hlp crmnls lk ldrt city hall nd usa----2 fgs--the 1 in prp--g mrn---ldr ilg mx--lcn--td lvs u----jntl dng the crms wth ldrth blsngs----fri ngt the gy pkg at me clmng i hv bg hs unk frm wr he gt this less he is crm rng prtcp nd less all is stln nd missing thn ks the gng he ofd $20 ngt while i ws slpy so i ws liable t miss smtg bt i blv he ws mnc nd i ws frtnt thy drgd him awy--no mny as alwys--due t cnsprd--ultra crmnl mrdrs rkls nd cmpltly unjs trs usa----als rd pld mx who hrsd me at rmprt bus stp fri--ultm cld me--u pc of sht--obvs md slng---mob shs lk ths knd of frnds grpngs who r lkl wthn the rnks--messes crs prk w i prsm---???unrdb myb by shll??? orgnzg wys t dmp on tgt nd kp crm of cent srl crm fully free undercvr mob dfrdg insl cnsp---crs s sd sm mx stg bus stp mnfct cnvrs--u stl wkg rec??--it ws no one i cl recgnz----pair smn smkg p crs w--stoneridge.com blk mvn/sv 3 mx fs ofg a $20 shell----must be msv crmnls blv im cnfsd nd dt kn wt thy cst me---1230p 711w trn hywt s 2 passing 711w pkg gy nd dg qn--dg qn hd the gull t call me toots--hpy nw yr toots(y)---as in dstn hoffmn impersntg f--thy d this t gng hrss trgt nd orgnz anmst on prps---m--711w--$5 im ofg it t u--rfsd--i kn wt usa is ofrg vs wt it hs dn----vry mny thnks-----line 4 8446 pfrf e ard 1p fld t pk me up stp awy only whn i mvd bk up tlt psg out nd lft---235pcnsp mob ped mobl rmp wth own crt ws gtg btls loaded by guy wkg insd who was psd off bcs he ds nt knw me so swndlr hvng easy lf lks more qt nd authentc t him----saw lee shrtly bf caught bus he was cmng frm e of org grv nd i rn int him at crmnl kncked out trs cn e of frf as he headed w--lee hd fd lft ovrs he pltd int trs--nd i blv he nd the gng r in fct frds with fire dept--thy r mob who intention massive crime nd destruction fr but community lks this nd thy lk dfrdg trs lk him so no body crs--in rlt they r drctl hlpg crm rng nd injstc nd flr t prvd lgl tm t file rep cases t chrge amer for the crm deeds it is prtcting----???6nsw741ofg $1 rfs mbl mx rmp---als sat at lib vcm guy gng blind tld of bng atkd by ng in hlwd advsg pepper spry--he says pd ws upst he nt hv crmnls nm--lk the drt ws abt t vlntr it-----i blv he said this my hv bn ard ??9p if nt mstkn--mlc tlkg drnk in wh prk--the srt amer dgs----mx f ofg $5 ngt svc--rfs--- shs svc hlp frm tgt fr gng trs grpngs----mob sh w knll e--??prs ???? fr sd wsmnt s----crz f w crt ylg lcn at no one ??? myb loaded---mob cnsp sh lcn e---hlss t lq str--frm sd opst brnys smn crsd wth pncakes nd lft them rgrdlss---gng scdrl ofg str milk orl crn--muds scdrl thrw thm t hit me of wc 1 hit my ft but i hd no int in mlk as i knw the wrt of crm by trs usa lvng it up at expns of prm killing my life--this one went w----nxt mdslng cross ovr frm hgs sd--tld me he is a crm hv nc dy nd wnt s on orlnd--mob f nt lng ago usd sm trs exp---nd bk in orvl hng cr on nls usd expr out of hrror mvie--gd evn-----frst myb 940a nd nx myb wtn 5 min----gy 2 bgs pswtz w --g mrn---mob hdg lng----i blv it was prb tht ngt ng askd svc crn as i ws trying t slp--d u d spd?????--all thm r addicts---im the only one who nvr tcd antg who hs t dl wth crmnls nd estblsmnt who cr less wt thy cst me or how thy kill me--trs cntry nd killers fr people bkd by trs amer estblsmt nd trs usa---sun-----shs lkl cnsp wmobs t frm tgt dlb sm city hall mob optvs---u ntc lgl tm is no where t b seen--??1 pljl e trn hyvnhrs---??bike p ljl w---6flb885--exc???--shell---5yxv834--au hgr????--blk audi sv i nt g t lk at--n mn---crmnls gvg out inslts--dt blv i kn wt thy cs me clrl at 76 lkl-----???7vun621 ofg $1---- 3 ?grdamb bks i blv up hywrt nd thn myb 2 t 711w--of wch one hlp hrsmt--hlo----trnd t hrss trgt----did nt hrss 2 slctg mls thr onl poor me clcg cns--their trgt------why 2 suspc mls had cup full of chg unk prps---???????unrdb---w cr --ofg btls f usa gsln---120p 2 amb bks gdn w----on bus 4 blk prsn ws tlkg re str of lvg bhd cell/wlt--wc drv hlp him rcvr by ltg him off bf schd stp---blk f nx me snd frdl--ng bk of bus lstng lkl plng ftr crms----mx w/crt pmbl rmp--is it yrs--mxs r lkg t steal-----1 stp e of hvr lee brded the bus--myb gng t adlt cntr thr--he gt on and actd crz entr rd--my guess rslt of bng sm knd of adct--hwvr he gt off myb 1 stp e of orlnd wo prb--im gsg tm ws js bf 416p whn he gt on---he ws on frt rgt of bus nx t f in org---shtl bf i cgt bus rmp d w--pd d e psb hlpg mob trgt----2 bks insd wh pk shtl aftr i arv--nd 1 mr bk t outsd prk crs brfl at tht time thr was hlcp wc psb als checkd ltr--thy lk t dmp on trgts---thy clsd tlt this dy--ths prctc lkl mlcsl usd t chs the unfrt nd hlss---i ntcd ths myb 3d time wnt hldys--assm this my hv bn cs drng evnt clsrs dt kn---it aprs smn my b slpg bhd in vcnt nd it aprs smn lks stl snks--rbts crn mob f lkl--susp qstn--wr u gt snks ard 5 a---prty suspects mult mobs in on crm drctly hlpd prtctd by shs nd city hall who like it whn tgt gts vctmzd as much as psb nd nt intn wtvt gt trgt lgl tm---mafia scdrl wtn hlf hr svc w crn blk ct ht--t dstrct dcv----sn hm prv i rfl grn t dstrc ofcrs----bt amer trs lk adcts drg dlrs mob etc--dfrdrs dictators--ths r their frds--amer r gng crmnls--cmplmnts trs usa----ng scr svc e--mxplcn w lk bk at my bgs--they r thieves-----hls/oth??crn nx lq???----nrg frf mob btc strg--sht up btc--mob btc mkg frds hlss cmpg nx brnys--mnpltv--bt trs nsty nd mob grtd----------why py amer will sht u up nd incinerate yr lf no prb js lk nvr wr-----trs cntry wr gngs r drctly aided in extrmntg the people trgts---mobil w vn ???ic electric ofg apple mex trn orlnd s---mob dsptc----?unrdb-----ng f ofg $1 lq crn----mob insl---thts hw mc usa blvs u shld hv lft aftr thy pkt all yrs hlpg slvs at yr expns-----btc wt e---mob sh rbts n sm w lkg dmp on tgt---at rec dsptcd f ofg ins mny rfsd---set up by rglr rec cust--prb bcs he ws dsptd--tues--aftrn---ng by acrss sbw vcn ofrd by sndw sbw --rfsd---als aftrn rcd ws stg crsrds bnc tues knees cut out of jns bnt ovr smkg
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