Thursday, August 10, 2017

just ntc comp 22 go t tlt wth 23 giggling--wl nt b srp if t wst tgt---wed---hrd mb chrs rgt nx t wmns prk tlt imd aftr js gt insd---ylld out bcs knw ths prsn t b mob prtcpt--dt frgt prk nd lib actvl prtcpt in mds nd gngstlkng although ths is ofcrs prp cvrd up---gngstlking prk wrkr oprtv flnked by blk ?f cowrk passed by whn grilling trzg bgn by crm prk oprtv(s) grtd wrkng pretrained nd in concert--the knwn gngstlker who mny tms rpt trzd me wth attn etc--instrctd tgt t sht up---nt out of any cncrn but bcs wh and its lw infcmnt actvl bk gngstlkng mob nd cnt thrtng tgt wth dstrb the peace nd pusing this as wl b nrml reg---in fct a facility of mlcsly prtcptg in and orgnzg gngstlkg vs trgt by city hall lw enfcmnt nd their bkd gng stlkng /mds oprtvs--incdntl--*****it mgt b of interest rgt whn i gt ct off lst time frm mike in oroville--is exc same timing as thy orgnzd sh hdg --lib hdg-- nd prk hdg--fr grps lkl linkd swr to ths commiting srl nd massive crimes in oroville hlpng thm wst tgt on this end----mk is img drvn amer trs nd jrk--but he does hv few points i do agree with---the pair wrkg fr prk fllwd tgt t empty tbl whr thy cntnd t hrrss thrtn instgt nd frm tgt-----js nw bhd me rtrd tndg grpie---thy jntly wrk wth city t wst ths thy intntn frmd fr free wo py on their true crimes--thts exc why lib kps trs scl srvc grps on sgt t pass slvs as usfl whn in fct life killing cnsp mob trs frmng lf killing trs org---the w m muds thn fllwd nd trkd me in bsktb crt all lkg t dmp upn tgt nd dlb nt dmpng on crms--their true gngs mds prtcpts nd frnds bkd by city nd shs dpt---ng trs f prtcptg in mds wstg amng thrts sd au ok?--anthr one of gng type cnsp trs trks---ng 23 still rp giggln ldl---thy prpsl set u up--nd pass u fr fool as gng bkn prctc--thy see ntg wrg wth swt tlkg flks lk chris who r in fct gng persecution strk wstg crm groupies--instd thy r in drct cnsp with thm ,the city hall the sh dept the lib nd the prk t dmp on ths thy dlb intention wstd fr free--as of tdy i still hv no where to recieve cks evn if i order thm--the amnt of cns i collect is ultra low drc result of both city nd ths prpsl wstg trgt---tht mns the mny all dy lng is prc zro nd drc result of amer cnsp mob mnpltn who ws vctms t b hppy off mlcs insltg amnts---mike is as low as scndls as rest of amer drt--dnt laugh--bcs thts exc wht he deserves fr hlpng t rthlessly wst othrs wo stpng in t hlt this gvg crms nd self green lg tws tgt free--wt an ugl btc---ur mn is sf w/me-- --he crs abt lks/toys fun nd nt welfr--exc why amer gt awy wth crm ths easy---nw fun/cnvc skg trs fnd mr fun t suit hisself--no mtr hw low or scndalous--oprtnt is lvl---if oprtnt is wrthy healthy engh i wll grb it myself--if nt be hppier wo the trbl---smng he chsd his mgr nd nw id thief f in wh thr t grb indo tgtr with id thief w dude nd rpt enquisitioning mon ng---if it ws up t him he wld hlp mds drt wst trgt--why thy r fr mr prt nd exctg---lf wo respnsblt is a lot more fun--its all abt wstg fr free nd cllng self gd while at it the whl time ridiculing the vctm---i cert hp thy gt t b wstd wth all his mgt--i kn thy r fr mr dsrvg of the inslt--wras prsnlly i nt d antg t wrnt any sc rthless wstg---he pass by js whn ireac bs shelt sying is ths u whn rcd crn---mlcsl insltg rtless self srvg amer drt--in cs u hv nt ntcd any snr---***oth crm m strtd smkn bus sh t wst tgt thn gng t tgt sd hrrssg hr wth fls nd dlb sying thr is spdr thr--if thr is spdr thr wc i nt see wr he ptd--thy pltd it---my psoriasis my easily be frm psng psb pltd bgs or plants wc i fld t dtrmn due t lk of expertise--meanwhile i hv cmplications nd no whr t go--*****early am ng red??? rlg bg std vcn bus shelt smkn--whn i vctd bs shelt he fllwd my drctn psn smkn my entire sd t kp sheltr smkd up nd me psnd--i thn mvd t grnd outsd othr sheltr sd---ths is exc whm wh nd its grds prk wrkrs nd lib wrkrs nd community r bkng--a hole slew of tgt wstg mob---as i said i still nt hv mailing address fr t recieve cks needed despertl fr upcmn txs--assmng prop nt hv bn flly stln wc it my well b cncrng wt amer drt crmnls r prtcptg nd the src of their bkng---the amer estblsmnt nd lw enfcmnt--incdtl mattis nd myb oths hrrsd mk in lib--mtts cgt him pssg out--nw brfl hlss nd addctd t dr gvn meds---lying on grnd nd smk killed hlf my ngt as i cnt tlrt the incnvnc cncrt nd smk hlpg t wst my health as crm amer hs intended---trs ng nw 24 gigglin agn ldl---no one cmplng---thurs---lkl smkng vcn sheltr ng f brded bus svc s 4071 myb 645a----648a--gng stlk sh aidg gng crm--g mrn svc d n trn w----crm stg smk svc crn--nx mob crm svc s--g mrn--pltd ssmk on trs cn t wst antgnz prsct trgt---frmng wstg the hlss tgts wh gng stlkng mdsling trs crm rng wo pymnt on killing vctm life---737a f sm svc e--hi--mess ?? sh stn trs ---ng drk rd tp stk out tgt sh stn stp vcnt---lying crm cnsp rdclng lying wstg trgt by prffssnl wstg frmng trs grps bkd by city nd shs etc----ultmt collusion wstg entr life wo py trs cnsp---lt btc nw t 20---trs  m/f smk mtr trs--ng cell stdg nrb mtr psb t hlp wst tgt---smn js crsd psng twd strs???-lib --as mk ws wtg on wt amer calls pretty f--the scm ws cllctg idnt thft inf---wstb psn smk top of westb trs--mob smkr stg bus sheltr who typ lks pot wth his crt missing onl fds nx him fr nw---sprd smk psn---837a--athns gtg trs wkn e lkg wst tgt--exc me--dnt b fld who is stilling frm ths mst wstd by usa---rd ht/bpk stb e dng gstrs lkl othr afflt--2 ms lcn e--bkts frm smk pls anem---pot smkn ng lcn w ????unrdb---trs cn bk nx cvs---orgnzd gng grps enthsiastycally supported by wh estblishment collusion---endless wstg by usa--why py on massive crm or justc--whn massive wstg is prpsflly encrgd in evr wy nd is cmpltl free nd non pnsbl---lcn cvs crn--i ptd thm dn--w m scm drt shwd fu mdl fng---wc is exc wt amer is all abt nd tht is the vr rsn----hsp f/gry ??? alf e wsp re ?trs---lib bks ant hlss tctcs nd trns t wst dmp upn hlss nd tgts wth estb nd lw enf trs bkn whs intnt is t kill lvs free as if thy dn ntg--thy will sy nt gng---bt gng stlkng is orgnzd crm---massive crm in ths cs---smk alf w---????unrdb alf e---dys ago whn ng ofrd usd popc hlw prc--ths frd d gdr ws lkg t wst dmp on tgt as he rp lkd bk t frm fr pkn up cn---bld gn f lkg bk t frm tgt psg hlw e--wlkg yet othr vr fine pooch alot of thm here r extrm frdl nd mostly on leashes unlk in country whr thy r lkl trnd t kill or rarely gt any action oppty due t improper supervision nd crmnls---lkl mr crms lib--*****timer chgd brneys grass t wst vctm--instd of ngt time the usuall it nw went on at  ard 1020a----per gng wstg ms lkl---gn ng f hlw w--brft m nd oth sus hlss trs e---unrdb wrtg ????--mk js pssd wo grtg lkl on prp lib--prb in lg wth crms--ths wld exmpt own bhv nd nw smngly wlkng out lib nt ancg slf hvg been fully aknwldgd in mnpltn operations--life fr fun nd toys nd wstg peopl is no prb--lkl lkg t ctc fn nd dmp upn the vctm--onl one in ths cs---unrdb wrtg myb stg lk ala0121 wsngtn w cr plt mbl--wt u lkg fr btls--amer gt massive wstg cvrd prdl fr free--js nw he anc--wt outsd---he ws clrl lkg t fnd crmnls insd lib--amer drt r prf people--amer blvs in dfrdg nd wstg nd endg lives fr free--lvl cntry abs---gy by lq bsn lkg hlp dfr tgt sying any drnks r free---nt needed--thy plt plnt wst--js thy prpsl kill lives free--tried pltg wr/sdwc mbl rfsd--i did fnd some lkl exp pollo loco in tht trs--amer ds blv it hs gt u fld--thy blng wstd instd wld b exc rgt---dsp psn sprdg z drt nx hlw clnrs trs cn stdg nx tgt pllng cig nd trying tinstg--oh i hrd abt tht---mny r hghl expertised gng stlkrs--he strd at prt cnd i pulled out--frq thy r so hrd--thy either psn or nonedib---???unrdb---nd whn evr ur lfs wrth is gn bcs of ths amer killers--t bd--free---ntcd collusion btwn fcbk nd shrg rssn artcles--rp dmnds recaptcha chrs slwg evr dwn--as if it were snctioned info---m/f bks lw rdrs pmtro e---sh stp smkr nd prsn grnd---mob tossed npkns undernth seat bs shelt svc sw--shit tssd nx upr outer lib trs---lwr outer lib 1 prsn slpg nd othr smkng--prsn smkn up bus shelt nd spider trs neither one wr wtg on any bus--gng crm lng drss drk hr myb hsp ctcg elvtr dn upr outer lib drc sprtd by collusion--crm aided by usa wstg tctcs---drc sprtd by its crm rng lw enfcmnt---crm rng aided prk lib stff sprtd by city hall nd sh dpt--the tru crms drctly endrsd and bkd by collusion trs usa

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