Tuesday, April 24, 2018

mon---  on wy out tgt fnd smn lft cln clts nx hr bg--tgt pk thm up plc top of lib strg cntnr wr frm bg sd ths ws pkd up by unk hls who put cup insd trs---rsn---amer blvs its mssv crms r *****wrtlss whn applied t vctm of swndl--brg---prsc-- frmn--wstng  md slngn/gng stlkn----svr skng smk frm mds attndg mtg cmnt rm cnsprcy vs mssv srl vctm and aids to prsctn nd mlcs ong smk/pot/exh psn als hng nx tgt bgs--whr crm mds btc tgt cnt evn see due t nr blndness espc ngt ********sprd vcs smk tgt hd t enhl bdl evn aftr bng frcd gt up nd awy frm hr-----btc smngl plt mnsc tng/apl/wtr all tht sz--tgt tld thm nt lv ntg hr bgs nd plcd thm at tbl wr tkn by hlss--rsn---lv ths vctm hlplss frmd wstd n d mssv crms aided prtctd nd free---exc mds rsng---crms free fr thm --vctm frmd fr mntl cs or crm---mlcs crm rvrsl by drg addcts crms brgs nd thieves----******nx cmnt prtcp sprd smk ct crn upr fnc----tgt hd prb slpng as svrl sns ht nd cld nd vr uncmfrtb--------tues----******tgt wk 6a t svr rpt pot smk frm bk sd upr lib hls----js bfr tgt ntc smn slpt prt ngt ovr sts nd tbl psb afrd of ****unk cnsprc re slpng grd by mds---js nw tues--- lkl num suspct kn/unk chs lib----******entire outer pk area ws cmpltl filled prmtd wth pot smk by mny occpng/slpng hlss nd bkd by whlwd nd usa as vctm ws bng wstd of hr enrgy nd thrghly sknd---nd as smk trvls it rcd psnd trgt mny lctns abt/arnd-----als lkl ths smk my cs brn dmg--tgt rems oldr grd swr prk--cnt nw rcll exc loctm --wth psn/smk/pot  abuse suspected---smn psn pk ct crn s--mr smk---****tgt gt no slp pls svr wstd by smk pot ws agn slpy crts--rsn---delayed prb dscmfrt non exstnt slp---nd mlcs rpt thrgh smk/pot psng---lk/prvtn of mny--lk of dcnt diet--****mlcs dfr wrtlss inslts spplied by mds t hide dfrd mssv prsct/wstg crm acts aimed at tgt---entrpmnt--lk of cmmn cmmnctn wys/cmfrts---instd *****phn line fnded by whlwd anti/hlss prsc/dctrshp/wstg mtr t dmp upn vctm /frm hr fr ylng at wstg/hlplssnss/outrg--gd frbd if hv any energ at all instd of pying her or gtng her jstc--thts hw whlwd trs gt hlss srvcs ****as hs bn obvious frm crms at wh city scl wrkg agts cory/dvd nd all ths aidng thm as hs bn---ntc---instd of supplying vctm wth free phone---spcl phone being supplied t those wstng vctm---in amer this is called hlss services---waste the vctmzd hlss----thts exc wt thy do--hrd smn dg prk cllng--slpng wks up yllng---whl aidg entire filled up outer pk of pot smkrs/adcts amer drt knd of people mds amer/whlwd spprt nd same bk of lib etc----1154p gy/wth ncst dg svc ---thr r endlss ncst trnd dgs in whlwd lkl whl their ownrs prdl spprtg cnsprcy vs vctmzd wstd hlss fr free---- why py??---bttr mk mny frm smk/pot dg addcts drnks nd vctm wstg-----so vctm is trppd unb t mk mny--nd fd prvtd----ntc bsktb crts trs cns dlb emptied out so tht vctm who is alrd time nd energ trapped is also trapped dlb of evrtg she needs  ---entrpmnt--mny --communications fd--cns----by prdly aided whlwd cmmnctn chnnl anti vctm pro adct cnsprcy-----vctm dt wnt ur mnpltn prsctn inslt wst---vctm wnts rl/pntv dmgs fr all losses/wstg/sffrg pls pntv  fr grtd uncndtnl nice life she deserves----1255p--smk at tgt hnk e---110p sh crn pot prmtd lkl---bike/bgs stg sh mtr stp---pot pmp trs prmtd t psn tgt gt hr t thrw/up cndtn---140p lmpng mds m pmp t hmb hyv crn---hlss lying sm sd hmb hyv w/rd rlng bg--nt slpng lkl lkg pnh---*******240p---vcs filled up outer prk psng/klg tgtas am ---vctm nt evn stp int pk outsd mrn whn she wnt strg sus ovrl trs she cl nt src due ovrl--gtg cp cns lvg---*****amer mds crm frm insd pk tllng tgt t lv nd thrtng dmndg grd---ofcrs--crm grds thr r mds---nd r hstg 24hr pot prties shrffs/grds nd whlwd dig---******ths crm pro pot /smk psn gy frm insd cntnd t rpt lies fr cnvnt crm rvrsl tctcs--he sgs he sw tgt snk up on hls nd tgt crrying bgs blngn t hlss--crm cntn rp anti tgt lyin rnt nd dmnd pro crm pro mds liars pro vctmzg psn mds grds thy hv at prk wc whlwd rns nd spprts----***ard 254p wlk upr lib mds prsc crm wth smk--ths crm hi at tgt---mds style--*****thn prsc wtcd tgt frm pk/grg alley myb 25 mnts as she bggd up her stff bfr gn lib----insd frm all psn/prsc strn tgt dscvrd she lft agn stg outsd she hd go rtrv-----***shrtly aftr 3p--tgt sw mike actg suspiciousl as he strlled lib d pk dlb ignrg tgt nt hrdl typcl of him---aftr tlg tgt ystrd he acdtl rn int drnk/ hkr f fdg him vdk cf bn ls tm whn alg she dmp hm---smngl he is chsng brg hkr allgd by hmslf plld hdphns strgt off him--he lks crms nd bullies vctms---yt antr idiot co crm piece of rtlss amer drt---of crs drt wl b exc his/amer knd of people---blk f insd lib tlt ---hi at tgt---she lft lib aftr usg tlt as tgt wnt out t rtrv hr item myb 307p--327p blk f seem str tgt gn pher cmptr--bt nt same rlvnc as prlngd rpt ****wstd cnsprd flsl mlcsly mnfctrd cmplnd ---why py???----when amer hlps slf to *******hghly sccsfl encrgd lying/preying/vctmzng instd---the dfrdg country whr *****vctms r drssd up in mscrd and their ******life's wrth wstg by mds/bkd by  estblsmnt/lw enfcmnt slf empwrd by usa nd happily/merrily passed for belonging by dressed up wl b crdb amer dirt----who instd of servcs---****** prvds/pys fr vctm wstg phone lines---as mike his self says---his late dad--- who once wrkd fr lapd in the old days whn he was thr seemingly they taught lapd to tell lies in rpts

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