Wednesday, May 9, 2018

tues---655p--ret srvcs lmpg ng f mds--stkng out tgt wth mds smk lkg t prsct invlv dstrb wst dctr tgt per mds terrorist cmnty bkd md sln--herbie--the bxr bkn retrd wstg persectn ndbkn mds ret srvcs smkr hrrssg psng wstg tgt------ mike stg ignrg tgt bng scm crm nd drnk chsg aftr mds mdl--bth lvng smkng drkg off othr people nd frtr lkg wst othr people--bt bng accptd fr nd aided as if nrml people----shrtl mike tells mdl re item undr his chr--no one wts this????---cl b unk mds item of unk srcg--rgrdl --mk is ctrg t mds --t drnks--nd t mdl addct drnkr---flks of feather amer style---????unrdb---entire lib entry smkd up bsds ret srvcs sprdg smk nd more ong smk cmng nsty strng mlcs mny times ngt incldg frm prc nd bkd by mds city hppily wstg dmpng upn tgt---oth sus lib at clsng lkl---hvy smk rcg tgt loctn csng her t mv frt 735p---whr nonetheless she hd t sffr mny mr times---748p--ng bible lkg fine/cln escrtg f t cmnty rm---the dfrnc in ****mlcs prsctn wstg vs ****prtctg pro mds city---intndg t aid mds mnc nd kp tgt wstd free---2d ng grd upr lib jkn re thmbs dn---she gt it rgt???---dlb tgtg stlg psng trpng dctrng vctm life--drc bkd nd cnsprd wth mds city/sheriffs----ngt---tgt hd t reset wtc due t wtc fllng--cld nt do this till aftr lvng uppr lib snc eyes nt gd engh see clk---tgt woke up sw sus m--ckng elvtr--strng mike slpng--psb susp mds or thief--als wl nt tell tgt wt time it ws aftr time gt jltd whn wtc fell----wed----**ntcd lkl crm mds lnkd bctria gng dn frt strs lib am wthn hr or 2 bfr tgt wnt dn lkl ard 6a myb gsn---tgt ws fnlly abl gt time mlrs crn whn smn stpn off bus tl her its 630a----smn aiding frd at rec als mds bkn ofg tgt 1 pnny cn--thts hw mc it weighs aftr it goes ob scl---certn cns r bttr by cnt---nd people who do this get bttr deal---as freddy ds ****nt evn fc scl whr people cn see it---i hv rthr pr time trstg eithr his hnsty or memory--rgrdlss hw mny times he plys frd frdly-----by 730a---evrtg vcn bsktb crts ??lng gn clrd out cns nd trs bgs--pr clctn t hlp wst the tgt---dctr blly abt the tgt---invlvg evrtg frm her hlt--t hr entrpmnt--t hr fd--t her mny--nd t her cns--nd evn shl anyone gv her cns----frd will be dlb plng deal fr slf instd---nd apprntl lks fls aacsng cstmrs--fls accsg tgt re ylng grtd fr crm mds---bt accsng cmpltly wo cause same accstn f nx her as well--swell operator frddy--exc wht mds gdrs dig---tips/prsnts will kp cmng---fr all pro crm oprtvs----mds training comes mgty hndy---i blv tht bfr anythg with tht scl fcng bkwrds--nd his dsr t py lss by wgt---clrl smelled exh pbsktb crts gsng myb tk hlr hdg s on svc ard 828a---*****cls t 10a--shrff wrkg mds duties nt cmnty plcng svc d n trn w---g mrn---thy nt sy this t ths nt tgts----city lnkd oprtvs lkl dg pk---pooches r dlgtfl----but evrtg bng usd fr mds tg wstg nd mds cnsprcy nd t kp mssv amer mnc abs free---why py???-----whn theft vs hlss ds nt cnt--neither ds the arsn---nd persecution bng aided by sheriffs nd lw enfcmnt nd prks nd lib operatives---*****evr wndr why evrtg vctm hd is gn--evr vndlzd---*****nd no one lkg---bcs amer absltl bks the mds gngs--hiring them grds---chsng their vctms---bullting tgts frm evrwhr---thrs abs no wndr why evrthng is gn----its vcm/tgt/undrclss wstg by terrorist usa---why py???--whn evr cn be hd fr free nd liars/drg addcts nd wstrs r so skillfl---why? ---lw enfcmnt will b rgt thr to bully extrmnt their vctm  instd----1046a--pba d w---ntcd lkl mta wrkr ng f org/grn? vest--shtly cmng bk e nd ctcg bus hldl d w----11a--lkl mds nvy cp/t crsg svc d w---n sd wth cld drnk----m smkn tgt frm spkr seat nx shrf stp brdg 704e--?smn rlng usa bg d e---prb mob oprtv spclty---strt wrkrs vcn pmp--prh cnstrc??? or city--- lkl cnsprg t dfrd tgt fr free---why py?--- whn amer cn hppily fl--lie--nd dind wst----1203p--rd vst sus crm mds--pfrs brtrs pizza--hrrssng tgt mvng ptj e---****crm---stp yllng at people---cnvnt mds bullying mob protecting exoneration re people aidg mds with their crimes nd malicious bullying of tgt--cmng bk same crim tlkng out of ???lee vocab---crm lee lkd t hrss tgt cllng her prfessor bfr his arsn atmpt setg days---now arsnst lee's crp lying tlk---is cmng directly out of co/mds red vest hrssng tgt cmng bk wstbrn d w----bd wrtg--5kdv118--w cr plng in vcn mtr---1226p--mtr sus chr stpng aftr mthng of ptgt mtr d w mnt bfr---if mds lnkd??---thy cl b all prtcpts in free dfrdg persecution of tgt----assisting free rnng dmpg/wstg fr free cmpgn----210p--crm bctr---agrsv pnh hldl crn---bkd by crm mds whlwd nd trs usa---as thy trs psn vctms life---fd rdy t thrw out-----or nw rttn is dsg fr tgt--or abt 1 pnny wrth--if thy d gv u stg fr fd--it cnt be spnt---tgt is lft wo incm at rsk nd hlss wth no one hlpng---exc as dictr crm mds brglr usa---prffssnlly intended with its crime of cntry sz srl persecution---wstg---nd brglrzg---rll evrtg out---dstry evrtg---*******nd gt thk u frm amer lw enfcmnt---fr wstgs amer intentions fr vctms---257p---smk at tgt nx lwr strs as crm mds grd strs dn bkn the mds wstg tctcs---the grd whm i identfd whnmd it upstrs as edg?? g??--name none of ur bsn hisp mob opertv cntn t hng uppr outer lib cnvntl communictg qtly via cell cntnsl instd of wlk/tlk prevsl seen wth blk bible grd------???f-- dwnwrd strs dlb psn smkn vctm--js bfr--f wth 1 cent wrth tine wtr---offg wtr t tgt---nt u b fld--ths nt gdrs--these r --at no cst --dfrdg artists----aftr alll why py anythng on mssv ong srl amer crm nd persectn----thy poisn u wth rttn fd---thy tk evrtg urs nd mv rgt in---aftr tht amer mks u the crm--nd slvs nice people----***with lw enfcmnt drc bkng this *****aftr nt dng their jb --all these yrs---*****bfr drng nd aftr tgt hlsnss nd ongoing---*******co mds terrorist country nd community----outrg----236p---mds wtcg tgt upr lib vcn until she goes in wthn abt 20 mints----****ths mns nsng vctm dnstrs t hlp crms---nd agn t hlp crms while she is at upr lvl

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