Saturday, July 28, 2018

guy wth tbl lk crt who frq bsktb crts --admits t mk/me he tssd my bgs ovr frst time--- ng f sus wlc --bsktb crts

fri--tdy sat i mvd cmp frw nd it ls sgn--hpn num tms--i hv t hv it xtr cls as nr sgtd---prty on tgt rg cmptr 22 lft cmptr imd aftr vctm st dm--t bd vctm on t groupie mds cnsp--i hd t as kelly hlp reset--bd eng ths hppn--i gt drt lks---lkl as spcl thnks fr all abuses hppning twrd vctm---bk t fri--spttd mtcs grd uppr lib--nd usd trs cigs--prvlnt amng hmls mds adcts sprdg the mnc---libs lkl aidg the mds dmpng upn hlpg frm vctm---why py???--bksd upr lib clsg tm trs hrb--mk sees mr as assct thn mds--but i see as strctl mds--hrb ws tlkg t f smkng nd slr in lks t ret srvcs---ret srvcs xtd at ls mnt clsg tm obsrvd--num tms of ths prsn--js bfr smn rtrvd vry hfty szb stk frm bhd tgt---m clmd--people nt fk w/him ---snc hes w/stk---whn vctm wnt t lib dsk t rst cmptr---spctcld lib gv vctm drty lks---lkl she nt lk vctm vc strnd---unf i hr mny far more strtched vcs abt lib--mslf i rarely if evr tlk---vctm suspects fr gd cause--hrb knws crms btrg vctm who thy r--nd wht their plns r---but is bkng thm---cvrg up fr thm---nd mk is fool eng--t hv csl cnvrstn wth the asshl--als grds wth all grds libs--vry lkl dlb hlpg wst vctm nd pss mob fr nrml people---hvg evrtg in cmmn---w/mds--cnstntl pltg nx stp t dstry --vctm---in pnk tp--mds prtcpt groupie--mk calls ritas frd--ins tlt clsg tm lib---blkts--cmps 22/23 smngl occup by ng suspcts--whl vct ws at 24----608p--crm f hrrsg vctm wth ls few wks---she ws psg hnk d w at the tm--attmptg cnvrs vctm--do i kn u??---ths dy she hd a companion sdl i fld t ctc---but i easily recgn this f---this is obv yt anthr crm rng mds--****rp hrrsg vctm---maam-u wnt a cig???----prtcptg in prsctg/wstg --the vctm----city/libs/shs---smply bk up on cnsp mlcs wstg of vctm---who mks certn --ths mds r pntd out--soon as she cn rcgnz those----620p--ret srvcs stkng out in sts frt of outr lwr lib---thts the othr prxmt loctn smk cms up frmngt tm---hlpg mnc---the vctm---***632p---sh sv trng pdc mlrs svc n--lkl psg m shrf---*****rp ylg out wo cause---fr mds oprtvs---****hurry up!!!--at  the vctm!!!---nt cmnty plcg--****ths shrff dpt is mds oprtv----js lk apx dcds ago-- it hd kkk----642p--dg qn outr pk hrd---her---lkl re vctm---lkl frthr crm rng mds wstg cnsprcy----710p---rita mssv sprdg pot/smk ---bksd bsktb crts--mk went tlk rita re algd jms/lslie--***ntr ws seen ls cp dys---she hs nt sn or hrd----739p--mds bkng shrffs rvsg svc vcn bsktb crts ard 739p---***sus who few tms wrkd fr fred/pvln rec--re whm mk sd--he lks lk the gy admttd tssg tgt bgs ovr lib fnc--bt nt the guy---tdy mk spk t him--nd he admitted---he was the guy frst time---he als sd he aplgzd---i nvr tlk t him---dbt if he apologized--whn this occurred he tld mike--vctm still rcll stry mk tld her time of frst bg tss ovr incdt shrtl bfr prd on fri--he sggstd t mk---tht i pissed him off---fct i dt knw ths guy nd nvr cnvrs wth him---shrt of hvg obsrvd him actg --mds lk---- vcn vctm bgs cp times--whr mds abs nt blng--nd orgnlly tlg vctm on an occasion--one wknd----vctm tl him at rec whn he brfl wkd thr--t lv her alone---he ws at rec this pst thur/fri---nd mst frq sn wth tbl lk crt bksd bsktb crts---this fri eve he ws seen pssng vcn tgt same time apxmt---as crm rng f ng wlc----856p---rbts crn--gsng pmp---bt due t blkts cl hv bn the ice crm crn 2 ngs psn blwg pot tgt----vctm bng abused/wstd by mrd usa---who is hppy t hv vcm lose evrtg via mds nd live off ntg psn nd inslts---*****940p----bkbsktb crts *****ng f wlc rptg ****nst ass btc---nd lkl mkg thrts/lies frst tm she sd this--bt ****vctm fld ctc her tlk---ng dvt ws stg acrs--lstng lkl--- t bk crms vs vctm----uppr lib 1 by lvtr 2 othr sd of patio---nd 1 nrb patio nx wall---1019p---atrcs smk shrtl aftr 10p---cmng up frm lwr lvl lib---thy hv t mk certn psn cms in frm smwr---*****sat--prmtd smk lwr outr lib---ard 552a--hrb up the strs twrd upr lib---????smtm ls few dys vct rcll pdc grd strg  myb am---attmptg hlp mds crms ---rvs dmp upn ---the vctm----vctm cnsdrs --hrbs--hvg mds info---nd cvrg up---aidg cnsp vs vctm---mkng him---mds oprtv---nd city buddy bsds---all dg adcts nd mds---r fine city frds---mkng city mds crm---actg in their bhlf--at expns vctm lf---nd it is the vctm--nt thy who is tgt of sngn--orgnzd---by ******mds crm rng city/*****mds crm bkn sh dpt---apx gsn 337p---cmptr gt blkd out --whl mds city ng grd ws crsg uppr lib vcn vctm---- vctg aftr sptg her lctn---assistg orgnzd crm rng vctmzg---bkng of wstg of vctm---city has jnd---wth pk---lib --scrty--etc..--- nd aidg sptg mds trzg/psn persecution cnsprcy--mds is re---abusg the vctm---nd rvs dmpng--upn the vctm---free--ths r hlpg crms--- sht up vctm--nd cntn hlp crms vs  vctm -----why py????----whn mds drt cn hlp thm wst vctm---free!!!!----723a--ret srvcs lmpg ng f sptd crsg at rbts hmb hyv n d stb----727a---strp bg pmp e???---nt sure---due t endls mlcs wstg/blkts---amer blvs it cn wst vctms free---why py???---730a---gmrn---crm sktb hrsmnt--psg rbts pmp crn--agn lk of dtl--blkts---753a---ng wrg blu tone clothng hmb hyv crn--lgt up smk nrb vct crss d n---8a---mds f yl tp--dy bfr sw svc crn---tdy psg ba d w/cell lkl---why py---whn mds oprtvs--cn cnspr awy vctm lf---free----805a----f blk tnk e??----814a----city scrty ambsdr trk sptd svc d w--their trk is w wth blu logo---grtd aidg ***city mds hls dctrshp wstg cnsprcy-----823a--mds m w/rd hd scrf---hrssd vctm num tms myb wk ago??---bfr crsg svc d e--hrrsg vctm--hey, hsgn???----lkl strg f dvt svc d w--ltr ntcd cmng bk---843a--2 fs psb eyeing tgt lrb d w---ong city cnsp??----909a---f mds rnnr svc d e--prtcptg in mds---wstg fr fre prsctn---why py???----911a---??mds m crm pnt at tgt--sh mtr stp  d w---****1012a----lkl mds groupie f wkn e---??shalom---srry flks--wrds dt py---my u ls evrtg nd b trtrd rst of ur lf instd----try ur mds crp on fool---vctm nt easily fld---t bd all of u killed hr lf--nd blv tht nd all els---is free----why py???-----lq lcn crn---1030a--ng rd bpk crs diag lcn d n mvg w ptgt bgs---1036a---s in rd nx lq nd othr mvng t mt him lcn w--thy tlk--bth hv rd tees --1 goes e--othr w---ltr seen cmng bk e cvs crn crsg s nd int se lcn ctr jng othr hls thr bksd--1050a---sus chr hls sm nx wlgrns phrmcy---lkl crm lkg rvs dmp vctm---lkl mds---nd fr mds amer has cell phones----****wsmnt w crn--drk skin blu shrt top prmtg vcn w smk bfr tssg cig t grnd---cdb trs cn w of hnk--pot prmtd---1209p---sus pr--svc sw d w---nts unrdb---120p--ng f ba hld d rg vcn ht psn?? smk----w cr sus!!!--offrg wipes t cln---why py????---free!!!!!!--amer wipes out lf free---nd all pro amer drt cn thnk of---is hw t cvr this up--nd hw t rvs dmp---why py??---i trd lk plt --but mds crms mvd fst---myb stg slr t  8cyd????218---mvd wy t fst fr vctm t see---prps ws nt hlp---mds prsctn--mlcs inslts--fr free---why py???--sus vh hmb hyv lkl trk wth suspct gbg lk eqpmnt--gv tgt some cns---insd hmb hyv--crm cnsp suspected---thy r nt abt hlp--thy r abt persectn dictrship---nd wstg fr free---cmplmnts mrdrs usa----why py????---135p--ba sec grd stkng out???--sm vcn hldl---mst be mds r psg him---ms lkl stry----205p---dn outr lib stps--****ng rd bg---mkg mny???---mds groupie--ritas frd in pnk--gtg stg frm her bg atcd t outr lib rlng---****ntwrthy---vctm cghng fri ngt--sat am--slr as psn kllng dg addct---*****thnks psng---frm ***vctm psng usa

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