Monday, April 25, 2022


 these/people/only/offered/a/!!***swindling/forced/sale/in/exchng/for/!!***non/lvb/plc/to/live/nt/vcts--additionally/vct/made/clear/she/has/no/vin/on/the/rv--vctm/supplied/all/other/recs/pulled/up/via/email/!!!***vctm/needs/money/to/clear/property/and/build/brnd/new/home/whr/evrtg/destroyed/by/squatters/brgs/and/crms/!!***welcm/butte/county/david/is/not/vct/hlpr/only/brght/up/in/cnnction/with./emailing/instrctions----also/sppsdly/thrs/deadline/and/vct/can/easily/lose/property/and/be/fined--money/needed/for/all/losses/suffering/t/vct <>
To:'milana rakhman'
Sun, Apr 24 at 2:19 PM

My wife and I both work full time 60 or more hours weekly each and we don’t have the time to do all of the things you think we should do for you – for free.  We are doing our best to help as we can, but ultimately, the property maintenance is your responsibility as the owner and there is only so much we can and will do to help with your property.  We’ve tried to help out as much as we can, but code enforcement will not allow all the trash to be left over there, they said they will work with us on a timeline to get the trash cleaned up, but there has to be a plan in place and communicated to them or they will go in and do the cleanup, and the cost will be the responsibility of the property owner.  It is pretty much a full time job going over to the property all the time to try to ensure the squatters stay out of there.  Then, there’s the cleanup itself, which we have been told by the authorities, will cost around $65,000.  Then, there’s the water hookup that has been disconnected by water the company and fees associated with reconnection.  The power has also been turned off/cut at the power pole at the road.  All of these costs are the responsibility of the property owner and since you are unwilling to sell, our hands are tied.  It is fine that you don’t want to sell, however, by not selling, you will not only end up with these large expenses associated with this property, you are also bypassing the opportunity to receive any money that we were willing to pay for the property in its as is condition.  We also tried to work with you to have you or you and Mike come back and live here on your property, and you refuse this option as well.  I told you I found your tiny home that was stolen and I told you that you need to get the VIN number and license plate number for it so that the Sheriffs can look into it and instead of getting the information that is needed by the Sheriff’s department, you sent contact information and expect me to call and figure all of this out.  Again – I and my wife work at least 60 hours per week and do not have the time needed to do all of this extra work for you.  These are things you are capable of getting and will need to do on your own or with David’s help, possibly.  We have done nothing but try to help you ever since we met you, but are exhausted at this point and feel we have done everything and offered everything we can to you to try to help and it has proven futile.  We do hope that you can get things figured out and that you end up happy. 


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