Saturday, April 30, 2016
tues---bk shkt cmo bpk up bt--mob hrd vc smt rec ---cmthk alw t ct I dt ms up its smb pt gbg in rec nt prd up wks vc prb cns vs tgt bk sv ???? ???ln clr gt u up nls trs mob blu ???sh cr sp up gd myb gy exp bp up nls ftbll trs w cr wv bk tk sl inv tbl up gd trs f hv nc dy shr c bdg mnt 2 bks pbrd rob hey ws hpng?hrd oh yea--m rob/mrs ???mb bg cl sv??3prc304 rd lw bk ???ft ns ht bkt hl sd msk sv bs or w trs --bgl lg pile snf sds ba xt--mlc ???ltr ???trs sim trs as mlks lsd w/8 ??? off w bp ord pmrs ohw rd slv ord mrs ohw trs pl rnd r?? ?pr nx ?? cnv crm trs ??ins spcd m fm ord at ohw pohw bp cr dmrs erl by $tr /rac scr bk/???lg w nc dog bxr pd bdg mnt bag unk? ont???rmv f pub ???ws bs stp.***js brl gt up aft svr sfrg htd sd of hm bk prb svr frm couch nd**** dog bt als hrtg sore--- Im cnst trg of local mob who blv all trs crms shl go free nd god or jesus loves u will py fr amr md cnsp mrder--not so and amer nd py pntvl fr 40 yrs of trs acts mob amr wld rthr chg m fr----mob nghbrs schls cmnt orgs bsn orv butte usa---have ong mob prj t wst trg vctm in ths cs myslf crpt trs cmnt wr le is drctd t frm vctm*********4dwt 3d at chev t bld tsee plt pc of Styrofoam ws plcd by smd t cvr my bgs fr unk trs rsn lkw unk wt els trs my hv pld off whl my bk ws trnd older mob fmls???----prt evr fn ---3d pchev als gtg bkt ylg 3d dgd gt out thr dmp??? empt ?old grn nsy d pgldegl ?unk pty evp w/sfr? ???? b tht yt f? sc p crs ???gld dn lgt cl sv aft psg t lt f gd lk crs gl rd mob ch---hi m pls sml dg chn gsg dsb ----959 sngn cns prb rdg wrtg --now tr & ?th ?? ????? mob/fr schl brg at her mob ???shr trs ???jrt d6th w cr bp up pdm ???879jn 4t crn dmp empt 3n??vv772 camry --??myb ths nghb fr 4th my or not b one of bpg vhs. ss stp ngrs---oh sht erl mrn.2 dg hs dn ---gbu ---mob ???blgn its gd bnd chev nls phd scr mob rn???---act trz tw bk agn hi rp 2 bikes trs og hd chl ptg n gigglng ey tdmp ldl---gsg mgt b celebrtg hole in shk they set off at shell nd or othr mjr trs hst ????? ws gng dgd at the tm unrdb tbl dgd gsg crm instgtr mob prtcpt tn??? ??? ???? ptc out chev ---mob trs ????? in prj otup??? bf ??????gry gd-bdg--hey hi sue dgd lk ht myb lw ???mob lgt rd spt cr bpg t bdg in ths twn sdl t ?mn cm svc cvc civ mrs bw brd/rob hi t tg ??? n/see fkd mlc mob w tk dk tnt shl mtc lnc ehmann lg rd ns cr lg ft sd pt cd of w ba thn prb mrs ord lnc bgr slv tn cr sm psg f lk out $mob hey ---lib ??? crn sv bp myb gry bgl dord ??gry/slv trs p??? ---hi---shr svs lib thks an nt me mr ,imp mob ?$m aq slv tk rpb lnc dord ????? lnc pmit hgh mlt mob bks $tr lt 3lss513 cns bglts f trs 40/p spc mrs--bgl gy wkg at shl ws lkg at emp cn of ??? as if it ws gn trn int ??????ctstng fu on ss pksad mtl ????grb lg trs w cr ohw lw 5f86605 cn ins tw trs 2??? vh mb sv lw ohw ord 911 sc vh hi--sd pst mk nois as I crs at ???? yl lw rd w sv out dnys ord gry kn fm sd chn dord ??? hr rly dpo ? hd flk---po crn ns or by mtc mrs crn tlk hd dn emp lt mrs acr ktrk alm 1154p tues cr bp mob trs mnt pmrs dnr ard 1158p w cr mrs civ blk c. ?????lnc mnt mrs w cr 1203a pmrs tbl nsy ??gsg 4d w tk ???ang1210a pmrs tbl gsg w tk bk dmrs ????? jp dmnt trs ?? ???nois bk up bng** nw pd wt up tbl bf thm bk dn slw in ft of ??? vt t hrs --????--- ***pd is gn bk up ---btc trn tbdg pd lng gn t hlp mob trs eh ?dss anm noises flw by trs lgt mob bkt bdg w tk l rdr brg ---bgl 7th d sch bus cst d ???? d n up 13t --???? earlier mtsy tld me re jp -I dt kn hw she knw -lvs in hgh apts wnt t see frd up mrs smgl.
mon--old gn stn w tk sl bpg sgn up??? pfogg dull slv ****trs insd tls me th onl prb w/htl is he did nt kll all jws ngrs fgts***lw rdr tk psg ???crying brgl pss gd . smlr ????blu cr rpb pgd bdg hrd mob ylp ?>???gd/tbl ???w vh fnr??? wk 3 at crn hey 2 f t rw --ntg??? w vn tr 7z 33805???my wrtg is bd lst dg cld be 5 or 8 but I trd wrtg 5 nd 8 on sd nd alt lks lk 8 wrtg stl wld mk it mr lkl 5. scr blk bk pvt dmrs sht of 2p ??? sv tk pbrd rob mob pd prob mtc ????in blu ?gy shts by chs crn --hey.4psilvshell--hey mrs pord lw pd ord pmrs pord lw pd ord pmrs ????smp trs t aid assh mob wpd phw ord rec--wl u lk ths-- re trs wy u alw hv bgs vs drv or crt ---dlg w trs who dt mnd their own bsn nd d evr t kill yr lf nd kll yrs.--mob trs op ofcrs-amer shld put up their mny fr pntv dmgs nd klg my lf fr 40 yrs s tht I nd nt rsd in trs usa frt. rec--wld u lk ths-re gbg usl t evr--mob trs butte/usa.slv cr/blk tpbgr trs lnc lw mrs rd vh bp--- hey---?695 lnc ord dvtc ?cr lg hue ???rsa mob fs trs cell prp ??? ctf lib----????lnc by ???pnk sk ws wlk ps ??ctr wh?? yl vh---gt fk out of my wy mf vh lf mlt wks snc?--loc of ins sdg hls??? f---sq ws mrd und lnc brdg---prb mob gsg ??nx yl at ord mob tk ng by bgl ?? I lv yr hair bkt ?97366j1 w tk in shell dodg silv 1.5 5f28005 ?olw dk bk ns po 4by 4 wt 1.5 rnd chn sc fm ?w cr abv ch 123???????lghg lnc dhgh ld scr vh scp lw trs tw wcr tk out ?eur und yr ns t mk sr u dt gt ?ans on prp tw trs ---lkl nw mob wkrs prp------mnc t ??? ???ohs mlc ???dpdc??? art?? org by trs cnsp mob fr a cr vet tk rd bp d mrs with ??hr erl mlt pd mntd ???w lm mrs prtl???cmn svc tk up gld eagl ????unty svc cr p gld eag dn nls ????guy blk mnt nrg olv dmrs ???kll her ???al ??fs mb on cell trs scr yth prb cr bh oth bw crs gld gld eagl--hi??? wvh pgngwy trs mob thw cn w vh tk pgngwy d mob ofc???unrdb ?whl pd dst nm ev... fr prp of blm fgt &??ur trs emp ht bkt ohw
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
sun--this is for sun temp spn frw t tdy--****I susp hx-frq smt is dscrded if brkn in this cs I saw no break in mlkshk exc this is the srt of fvrs mb lks t do. if I ntcd any leak I wld hv used xtr cup but wo antg lkg I tk the shk frm gbg stl vrt frz as is. I was bk t loc at lst onc nd sw no leak on lst cmbk though the leak ws sprd ovr the entr grd at shl whl I ws bng dstrctd w blkts nd cns by mob trs operatives mob cmnt fnds "lvl." the mob my hv lkl sceeded in mkg prbl fr me at shell by pltg a hole on sd of shk fr mssv embrsmt nd mlcs wrgfl trs inslt. mrn my hds frz frm tmp pls sm frm of cndnsation lq insd trs and svrl hrs ltr in the dy I ws rptdl hvg heat blkts whch is hw qkl wtr trns t blstg deadl ht hr. lst csr at rec mst hv bn hvg blkts ovrpying me nd I susp othrs as fem in frt of me sd--I ws u gd lk--if cashier is dysfunctional though the business will go broke. sun---????georg re hd--optnst. ????bk in r sht blnd--unrdb prb agn ---12th ???hey ??? dk cp up? bk in athl tp clr gr ?up ???aq trs anm noises I assume vh bt nts insfc ??s chl sd ?d nls up n ???nrm lkg mob p???lnc trs ???fu pd hwv wrtg hr is vr illgb so I dt knw wt it mgt hv orig sd. ******wt I do knw is bt trs amer int t d evr mnc nd dmp it on u inst mob trs butte/usa--thts exc wt usa dgs.i wlk bk ??? ??? dn--??? ht bkt bike tk ptg up rd cr ?spty fs trn sch lt pl up brg wlkg fr a whl hyd tdy --??????prare offrg pdmpstrs-rem amer lks ndls crm at ncst.f in bk 4 m yths bks accmond by oth pedst f. pro mob d pdmps --psn ?am???? ??trt gbg rnd w cr antn d gd ???bdg brgl mob bp blu cr mob flp lbls 3d pchev nls ns tw rd w alm stw??? dnls w mob cr f bk lw tk ?invtd trs wn. sm cnd-mob 3d dnls w kia cr chev rntd smgl geweke for kia bld shv hv st drk hr tn gy delivg banana mob trs dfrdr-wr thy cn all prtcpt nd pas crm fr btf scl actv. blk sv --??mfr 3d dnls trs wlk sml dg ??df--??jesus unk w cr bp up phl of rcs trs mob cst n dfr svc mob crmnls fgg bsktb crt ct--hi--hv gd dy--slf entitld t mob u t dfrd rlt srl crm trs. brgl/dfrdr. apts -asmg evn sd 2-str -inslt hi bgl sm as ?w sch mob vcv w cr lw rd bk tb dgd ws up nls erl ??ths is ???hh mob kds bnd w mob le chldr -bsktb prb. 4lgf458--stn???? myb sml clr to prb w sv nd gsg lkl othr nd prb wrg too mn sml vhs. w dmd shp sv pvt lk at thm mnt mrs ????boob-ths inslt was brwd frm orgnl trs hdg chld nd hd no fndtn lk drg ltr or oth mlcs inslts I hd lyrs of clthg nd hv abs no intrst in associating with trs dfrdr mob thrvg off crms nd wstg lvs in ths twn wch twn cmnt lkl thks the trs fr nd hlps thm accomplish via cmnt servc etc... I hd 2 thk lyrs on me --abs hrsm ---mob cmn srvc dtbl n yl frm mob vh prp n frm ???mnc by no means amr mob dn mob acr vet --no gbg cns t d s untl vctms r lmntd at no cst by trs cnsp t all cmnt mob lk ??up cmpl vs plc dpts mn sv prp crs t gt mnt pmrs lnc 6ndz727 ????oro ???fmr unrdb nwr nv sv mnt pmrs ?????rnwl --- ???cm??? vs opd srv wkg fr mob ny ?bg mob cr ?wt up t??prob mtc trs rd mob rob d chv rd ns brd dn.*****prp of amer to kill to dfr t kp u dead t kp u trg t prtd slvs r lvl whn in fct ndlss ong trs in all trs frms it is amr prp t nt py on its endls trs n cmplt wp out crm by prpsl blmg u nd clg u pc of shit t sng yrs nd t mnc u at evr opty.prob mtc trs rd mob rob dchns dnr. rd ns brd dnr blk ns rob/mrs brd ???? ????? und ?cdbd gn jp lkl prob brd 911--I cll cps rd --rd mob--hy why u?? ???rob mrs mtc hgh bk rob plt I blv frt 6???j401 mob hrsm mrs rob bk psg cell--u ok bgl rob dnr trs ?wt ??tgh ???gb hgh/rob ??ms ???md cmn srv nt btr trs inst crs ???l?t ns t spc dmp on ths tgt wo cs prp btr prp insl pss prtn pr lgl cns rmv hgh n nt ?? out acr vt??? 3 fs smk fr bh?? ppk plc mtc ns w tk rlts bk ppo/chn 6wde842 ?blk sv hi yth gd --???ngt???? s u ltr anm twrl tng noises sktb crs ???trlys?--- acr lib mtc mtc--- dmrs--ngr. hrd--oink... ???923p ba ?gn jp ord plnc dvtc 911... dny lot ord 40 ??? ??? edg bgl... obt bw lot gt in my cr I'm ??gng t kill u btc f scr fs rt--ws fr nm bgl tr ???? in hv att pls pls hey bgl bgl hey hey attn. wlgr pohw dord hey btc ??? 2770 bgl ?p ard pp bk spk eng /flk 2 vhs w cr n ?othr ?? ylg ?asshls jeep so jp jks in fct lkl crm tm rac trs empt trlr sus purp pstn a crn bw rac /$tr nw ant poh fl by lkl mob fr arbys dord ****excerpt frm thrs----- mrn dog frm 1208 jump out of 1215 nd bite me thrgh my jns on my bk upr rgt thigh i ws hghly frtnt smn fr 1208 gt it fst because left to itslf dog wld extr lkl do more hrm. 1215 prb ws nt hm wld nt rspnd nd guy on crn acrs str wl nt lt me use phn so I hd t wlk bk hm t plc call mob butte trs hrsd me all drg dy evr in my rt per usl utlzg mny vhs all aidg mob prjct wstg vctm wo py on tp of tht I was hrs ard rlys lot frm ard crn chns vh pkd awy frm chn rst vic chn thn w cr ?blk ln myb othr thy hv mny vhs nd im too bld t see plt at ngt whn mvg or frm distc or whn afrd unbl tapprch the w cr crsd w ldspkr vcn of mtc ard rlys ltr usg empt lot acrs hc at ktrk to rob on dn t mntg wr the 401 rd cr tk on dts nd slv sv or mvn mntg civc area rocks lq cm dn brdg nr hgh nd frm mrs tlt lt rock was thrwn agn csg me t sit frt of civic nr cmras I yld rptd 911 raleys vic nd thn agn by hgh apts wr mob prtcp bld trs mob fem prb frm anm str cpl bldgs. ovr -yld tk tht sw els-thts the liar who cld me w trs thn sd I cld myslf tht---the wtc is one of mny who lv in tht bldg. numrs if nt all of whm mgt be trs incl ths who are plying yr frds bt anywys the btc assumed on hrslf repr fr entr bldg. whn in fct repr the mob. pd ignored me wld nt stp t tk dn rpt nd wr unble nd or prp unwlg to aprhd trs fr whos crms prpsl thy stnd nd whs crms prpsl thy prtct nd ais as thy in fct to evr to prp wst trgts amg wch thy drc got me on lst agn mlcsl nd on prps-ths ds nt apply to their frds instd ths applies spcfcly t ths trgt. cmnt trs cnsprg nd plyg in fct frd gdr mr thn hp to dsps psn rfs and prp not py on any of its endless crms to my life Americas endless trs crime sprre is entitled to go free as cnvd by trs usa****** bk t scrpt w ns ??blk tk old ???bre lk int oh dord ws pkd by 4t str fri--? ???6xbz605 w ns prb tb lot ???wopd pohw d???tr??? ?a rd cr t bk tb cr t rob chn rst lkl mob pd md lgt cl polv mrs brgl copd trs afflt trs crs rp ???cr? bw rb/bdg trs crs rp prp ???jtl ??/sptg lgcm of prp dmpg on ?spc vct ml ??? aid lgtm??? tmob crm chev 100 % empt evn bg stl w bk hl ??lvr ???s? ally ns??? blk cr up pdmp
Sunday, April 24, 2016
fri--???????s mn at dmps md sml ms n pt ????trs vs tsd of ?dmps scr bk ??? f ?bk rw bdg xyvcv eh or othr ??? ???? sd ???? yl/sn unbl t rd each mob ?? ??? ???6ysf835 gry shl fm dfr flw shl-chs flw psn trs mx fc spry rac gbg sml bk cr scr fm nx sh? 911 m linc dord sml slv f scr ml p????d lnc f gry pbglts ????lib crn trs mob dsp cmt rec knws ????evx cnt rd gn jp -btc-?out ba efm ml vc ngr lnc dlib $tr ng/mx n-pls cl 911 mx-hl ??dir $tr cl 911 sv?? hv gd dy -2 fms trs mob crm cnsp bld oth blk hair end 3 dgts ---432 nvy sv --mnc hrs inslt gng--bk rdclng trs mnc glu inst dfrd . mnc trz rdcln mob $tr t lt sa/bgts ??vcncrm trs dfr prt drk--bgts hlo hded chr strg my dir--d$tr mob $tr prac lkl ngr d $tr prac lkl ngr d $tr mob $tr prac lkl nigger d $tr trs--alc? r pst m/f trs psn rac trs fd slv dmrs 4dgy lgt lwr 911 mrs ord dlnc w sv ????dmd outr prof --rat--ord---pmrs---lnc sn fr hls????hls---????jsd---thy bd people-bld tl gy frm wva hls wld nt elbrt shl sd nxt rd cr ????nw crm or sm ext trs po rd mob cns ??rl area w5v?? ????log ??gvt unrdmn ard chn cns aid w mob pd or cmn svc prtaid lying ml w/int thlp mob cnsp prj lk fr ??wys tdmp on ths tgt n pc t dmh??? on ths??? trs slvs r vctmzg prp trs own vctm mob pd bp nv tk pa1 dord aidg lcl cnsp prj w cr rpb pa1 ord dk rd mob cr smlr shl trs bgld mob insl ??dmp on u-slmbgs gy sv sd ord tw ???str--bk lw ??cmn srv aid cnsp of trs cmn prj crn mtc mrs psb ???frs cns cmn svc--ohw cns aid bgl---mrd ngr ktrk rp trs scr nr kitrick vcn.opp pktk mtc mrd mob ??cn ??hv yr num??? ntb???? nt gn hlp -----gsg ths bldw dk tk ns trs bk dt kn wt/rd?? cbs nsl trs bk out mrs rob opd---prp dlb prt mob ??who thy r 2opd---phgh mtc hi g trs brd mrs ?fl mn ??? nt gt ??? dn? trz ws yr nm fl me 8t cnt hdg brd/mrs crn--I blv scdrl flwd aS I hrd giggles pkg bwmgs nd bty salon ???ins peop dog bkt scr prb bh hof brau fgtg????? thn bk in vh I gs nm vhs ??plg ???cnt bw ???nls/gd ???n/m ??? bus??? ??? ??????nt cmprh ?dg ps grd 6vqv853--chichimanga dfr or sml blu chev --sm ???mrd ct??? ****sml sch acr clns mrdrd cat nd pltd trs--rem onc mb sd im gn t kill yr kt--cat dfnt mrdrd smn bd in ths area more mob lkl. trs crs upr blks nls.early mrn ss stp 2 bks pss dgd ml cnv w/fm ml cmpl he called u bt u nt ans-wt are ths crs r thy dng-fm no ans bt smd t be aftr ml whm she cld Anthony. MY GUESS CRS PRBLY HDG TGTS T B WSTD ND DFRDG PLC WHO ALS MY B PRT OF MOB BSY PRP DELIB ELIMNTG VCTMS WHILE KPG ALL ADDCTS CRMNLS MOB ND FRDS--MOB TRS BUTTE MOB TRS USA.
dll slv tgl lgts up 11th pdmps mob cnst pdmps up rp hlo trs mob 5kwa024 chev ???fmn mks no sns mng I cnt rd it or mayb wrt stg inc.hd bp v ic lt rcs xypd hrd cr-bgl p sm sch fogg tbl off w stn bp palc gd r bh cl js I cmg b ????skr ?th wc??? incmpr nd wthlss yl bk p w cr rw bdg cmn svc mnt tb trs dspt mob adlt exprt trs********fln btr? wait, im nt ----avbs lie dfrdr by prf brglr eliminator who gt off fr ntg this is old guy wkg wt nd cvrg fr trs mob acts wr thy cn go abs free-prf murderer trs living off prey trs mob prj ???t st js ps dead???????brd crn thn drob w sv ?jp lk pbr/mnt ??????-glu lkl cvr fr trs grp wt t tlk t smn rprg 1440a I blv I wnt t try t ctc adrs hpf nt t lt off w bp lnc dmt .4d lt tn shell ylp lnc pmt str tlib 4(bks , ? sktr, ?sktb)I my nt hv cgt all at spd ---mob trs ---hi lnc mtc dvtc 6???sfe199 -I cnt rd my wrtg but ths my hv bn the gy fem lng ago rfr t as kat Stevenson sht bld mn hr ftr--mst cert I dt knw eith one--but she clmd lie---he knws me--abs lie--------shl mn clk?????me out 1st -mks n sns I dt wrk anywhr hns I cnt rd ths too. ?fk stk hrd pba myb bk vh dmt???/shell bt my be I msd vh re fw lt 533p at ba mng ths ws few mnts earl ??sml w lw rd ml ord mrs$tr-bf wsv sltd wnd bs bk sd bg lts w cr scr-?t ?????sc8-6???? no ideas wt frm zfj190 ht bkt shl--bk cr fu ????? ??? btc swt shl mthy blk cr unk rs w/5 ptl trs tr mrs mtc ???frd. 6c74730 dl slv ???bw bk pnl blk f ?gsg unf cld b df--po w cr drn aw???--?assh mrls/po slv cr ----slm???fnkstk? fnkstk??? ord ohw mrs ylp hd if nt mst w cr ohw???? dmrs. fm sht w tk dk lw bk sd w tk p fy wy dord ???eith dk gry or w/smt hrd t pnpnt frm bh??? fr ??? ard arco gs cnt rd????? hrd t sy ex yl mlt yths rp ylg dg hrd drctd at me mob afflts--hyd?w tk ord ohw dlw bgl t??w cr mob trs aided by mob trs brglr drg fll trs trzg mob at no cst trs cmnt aided absolutely 100% by amer le nd for their own uses at yr expns crmn ord ohw gy tk bp n f up bk in blu aid mob tdnys mob ??? anm scr blu blk bk ard hi drv pt of mob crm dng cmp? trs usa trs in blud ?cr mob??dtc cof or adj dk rd vh tk hgh bld fks??bk alm rn m ovr hgh mrs drob maam hv cig?? wt ?? hgh bh bnc smn ???? bh lt 2 dgs loos lkl by mob trs fm enq fr cigs tinst bt dgs frdl reprimanded t cm bk--I js lft fr mob trs enj.frm???hd vcv hgh ...ylg rp ???fu ,?pks, ngr rd cr bgs tlt mrsbye?? bgl -the mob trs usa mob gull--brglrs mrdrs drgs nd drt. bk ????ws ????dvtc??? unrdb onl gs. fr bhd mob trs cns mob mob dfr lng on ???ntb--ntb ???cnt rd agn. it was 220-30p mob bld ml ??mrs.845p -hi bgl atn bgl -t dstct frm ong trs mob crm nd endls trs actvt lmntn tctcs pmrs? tbl rd cr crm mob trs dfrdr---lkl pd spt crm acts ???????bpg w mob sv 858p pmrs lnc sdl ?1 cnt ???sdl plt n ?????ofc pd is lg ?????906p m yl at f clg btc prb foe sd mnt dlnc mob cnts???? as trs hd by dfrdrds aided by pd--who nt wt thm cgt ????by cmn who blvs lks n hlps all trs their knd of trs wle nd mob trs cmnt spt--mgt is rgt---mob trs butte/mob trs usa hr t ws u at n cst. wts vct wstd-thts is abs free cmpl mob trs butte/mob trs usa. le cmn svc ????bldwn mrs 3 vhs out bw rb/bdg gt cls?? rpb... ??brg tk dgdyb hrd tsee wpd pgd nls lkl grtd hlpg mob ws ths ????org mob sc ???tdm on up sm t??? pd dk tk mvg appl.???gd dnls thy cld hv ??? n scd bk cr bh lgt hue cr pss dgd -bgl unp????? mob psd ???tk red by mob pd.alc-empty. slv hue cr vcn nls dgd-bgl yl sgn-yd sl crn 257 tbl mno---mob brglrs trs slf entitled t yrs at yr expns whl u hv yr bk trnd---mob trs butte/mob trs usa.
w--bg/bk cr up 11th sm bk lk emrs on rf int 9t d 765 ----lg uhl pkd hm js blw 8th blk rnch lkl crm coprtcpts ????sch ath fl rp 911.......???? hlo bgl I cl 911 on u... ????????bk t4 dgd hs yr dy --hv gd one-dfrdr mnc trzg by mob trs buttre mob trs mrdwerers usa who prp pull evr trs scm here trs inst smm sm mob dn area lkg in pkg brgl chev ?str ?????? hyd sml w cr ?rd lgt sml to le ??? fc mob or its rd trs 3d dnls dy hv $ rp ...f trs gp nls r p hd brg wt $ br sm slv cr ???????????? ylg ngr p3d wt.....scr ---rn ???rvd n lv 2d abs nt abl t rd my wrtg myb smt lk szv in it I cnt rd my wrtg t b sure bmw I blv .w cr blk ln brg mob aided drctly by amer le most lkl their rltvs prtcpts nd cnd frds. up nls 2d sd odd ???cmp brg mob slvs tn cr mob bgl lgnt stl palc dnls .gn jp lk vh ins---my gs on ths twn lkl smn abs nt dsv one. w orv pd ??vc ????tb gd d?nl bkt .sml w cr le tp mir prb dmnt trs bgr d rd pkup ????plg w/og cr cr mob trs wv w lg sv dk tn wn? plg ?? mny fr crm prb dgd ????f mtc rob blk cr prob mtc -sd ????unb t rd wrtg bk sm r s??? n th u smn els ld dn bk ??s st stk out gng trs f flw---no cop --hv bg at ls or no? ???mt up oth trs w cr rp bm lw at lnc op lb lk sdg w/z 2fsswt of whch 1 lg hair mx f ps lib glu mob trs gpbk lib hi w/ml sktb?--radiopsm vcl ns mk fbk fm lb bnc sml w cr w/??? bbb in plt ??? $tr 3 gys dsc gn ???stcg $tr 4jaf478--chg???? tgt my ??????ha lc mks no sns mns cnt rd wrtg ws dgt ??blnc . lkl dfrdg dsp mob cr state unk 88 c8195 r cr shl--ths r drfr trs out t cvr mjr ndls crm w wstg n abs n py--crmnls prt of mobblv thy r cvrd wt hlp of mob le nd mob trs usa ofcrs. ???sw orov pd mob cnsp mrs ord dg 1 thg-lkg t prp ws ths vct fr mob ?cr pr? ba? drv shl ???alx? unrdb hd trs tb lot trs rsp bk cr ???yth f pohw darc evr see tl w gy wlk ths wy?? I ws slp whn trs ws tlkg nt evn lk -but aft fct it occ t me ths r all drgs nd ofc lkl lkg fr their dealer who thy blv mgt hv wlkd tbl anwh bw nls tbl-I hv hd abs no knwl of any of ths -bt thts all u hv in mob orv mob thieves nd addicts. bk ??? shf bkts ??hose??? stl p slv/gy t ???? in pnc unrdb agn clns -?thg trs empt trs und my ns t mk sr I dt gt it---mob trs butte/usa as rkls as their mob smkrs nd cnsprtrs ??? hc rbp-- usls pncl nts unrdb
Saturday, April 23, 2016
?cont sm dk gy cr lkl cmn trs ?frd on crm dbdg mnt cmn svc ?drc? t dmp vctm ??reg fr cns--- ?clg instgtg w le mob mnt mrs ???bl???tr t blm/dmp on /????mnt? shn blu dbp prt?s rnd w cr le lgts dmrs w sml mvn---wts up????pmrs tb off w bp lnc dmt rec ?fm scdrl tgt crn ????rec .w cr ??mn t trp ???strs ?????my susp lib is hr t ?hlp any trs but mnc cnsp mob trs smk ?lib in yr fc on prp w/kds cmplmnts aprvl of trs butte/usa.???opp plib lkg tdmp on m nt on trs mob prp poison m w /smk gryis hue cr rob ord mrs --uu--I cnt cmprh myn nts but tht u is clrl mob trs tlkg--I cnt mk out oth svrl cmnts ?suv 5awf758 trs $1 bglts mx --lkl mob in prsc of othr mlcs trs dfrdr obs by aq tk lkl cnctd tmob my opin???????gng ts bglts ?cy ct crn bglt bpg slv tk w/?lng mob cr w/fm ord pmrs ohw pmrs lnc hey grl lkl in on trs dfr glu hi ??????trz on rlys lot gng no one cares-mr fun cnsprg wt mob t wst vctm ????yr bg ???mlk ????bnf pspcr bpg tk ????zoo glu trz up/dn rlys frd mn/mlks/bnf frd hlpf in fct trs dict mob trs cnt ptc sd ws out of plc non stp ???rc upn smk ?dg adc gng all hv rgh t prc upn fr ntg******amr is abt trs clbself entit t ws u nd hng u by instg trz hrsm n mob cnsp w hlp drct frm le n trs usa---mob trs butte/usa gng trs nd mrderers wlkg abrt prd n free t dmp on u n gt awy wt mrd--ex the srt of drt nd scm thy wl hire frst************all r dfrd prf fr gng gry cr bk f fs st twr out ns grde brg twr empt w pd ht bkt brd mntg.w cr mob t brd mnt2 bk n ?f/cell pvt cns mob sd ?wt bk ard brg f-brg cr bp prb bdg--?lk cnsp ---stp ?gs m ped bk ml rw gd wvd ?dn ????cl in nm ???cnv cnsp mnfct artfc?? ????und vctm whm thy wt wst nt py free n/w 3d dnls cns mob in exc orov n mob ?? ???spc bns mlc sus prspc ???dsg tgts whn trs usa prb wrt on u.its ok iv mt u bf---liar dsptc by mob at nls apts w psb hnd inj--but ths nt stp btcs mob trzg sprt nd intnt prp dsp dsb t wst hrs dfrd nd dmp on u gt awy wt crm no cst --their entitlmt. btc tlkg--im cmg bk tgt u maam---lkl paid trs apch out of apts w/no cs or iss except t dmp upn/instgt dsptc trs amer style oth inst trz hrs liars dsp dlb ???dlb hrsm trz wst frm wo pay fr u smk in fc dfrd ins trz or hd ??chc up pdmps mob bk cvr fr og hd mob trs dsptc prtcp who cn all dmp on u free wo anyone ptg thm out --thts crm in amr who is trs mob 24-7-365 assisted by mob ters butte trs usa cnsp trs killers wt no qlms bsy bthrg wstg people nd gtg awy wt all crm nd stlg frm people by trzg extrtn mob trs community who scdlsly rklsly ignores ndless abs trzg of vctms by trs mob cmnty le n usa --mob trs butte/usa.----w cr ?tr sw 7th ??6wl?p167 nxt mob ns w stn dbp slv cr pdrv dn flw by w tk w/logo.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
mon slv cr ln up 12-13 blk nls prb trs cnsp.lw rdr ?lsy rd cr---fkstk...9th gldn eagl evn sd fg/tbl hi--rp lk ?bng ss-did an? tc? u--c?m sv bp mrs rob off w bp ?n? t johng ?swg cr als lnc dmit cm svc ord mrs 6 p?le146 2 ?? shl ?rsn cl in ? ??? frm rsn wlk rl lot mnc cnsp frm rl prp of rlys grd frm vctm fr spctcl pracs for 4k mob trs obj cty hdls trs tgtg vh ord ohw ?hrd hi ytv wtk--?4d rt aid--gbu ???drt darc rpb ??cn tk vh pord mtc rpb orv pp w cr ?bgl ord dmt nw ohw ord lk tfrt cns scr gy vh fm rbk dk rd dty chev fv dlw pmrs grde brg bld csr tw---hs ?gn? --w rnd cr-blk out sc ?? ppp dord nt b srp ??mrd !!! yl bk p??thft dlw ???sws bpg pthft dlw md cr chrs vcs rbys tk ptb --cll 911 dlw dk shl tk ptb pls cll 911 lkl oft oth w cr ylp vh ?u cng tp? tk hey pord dlw trn ohw ord hlo slv vh ?wh??cs ???? crn ord cr ohw nw ant pord dlw ???grb vc dnys lt tl lg ant mrs mtc spc tk bp p grp mtc gp lv u ant tl lgts mrs dmnt ?bp ???rb???? p??tr mtc w cr phgh sk dk f mn phgh mtc ylp sml blk cr phgh mnt scr trs g? lot bh hgh bnc prb ?rl crm? trs scm slpg on ?yr wk --I gt u --I gt it all--mob butte/usa ??b/w ?idts ?op bs...phgh mnt 2 bks ( 1--mf)thgh lnc ??cmn sv phgh mtc bk drob skt thgh lnc hgh****re amer le nd its drc assoc wt mob---it is a no wondr trs amr mob kps scr 911 t rdcl wst me ---amer le is its drct accmplc in crm---passing lge scl mob for nrml people nd denying fct tht mob is mob nd their drct assoc to mob nd its trs gmks and hlpg thm position me t be wstd at no crg by cmn who employs mob le but who should instd py out much more thn was paid t mr Hogan ndnewscaster for mere pctrs---in ths case thr is ong mob trs pers nd ong le mob assist nd mlcs trgt wstg as a drct antic of tru mob cmnt wlkg unpunished when on bks thy shl be gtg 10 yr gng enh nd their insl dfrdrs nd mlcs lying r used onl in frthrnce of crm mob gm---mob trs butte mob trs usa----****bk t scrp scr w cr lnc bldw dng ?frs. 2 cmn svc--tl lg ?thy r cmn srv---hi js I sd hi---clsc mob trs scrpt fr mnc wstg hndg mob trs gng prj nd gng mob aiding le--psng trs fr nrm people nd positioning vctms t be wstd as antics of trs butte cty nd city of Oroville.clsd tlt sm as the two mob oprtvs wh cld my nm in abt apr 10 wt int t wst b nt u fld by the dfrdrs cmng frm mob afflts who cld me bgl as atcd trgt---w mvn wv rob hgh ???10:06?p nt mvg foe sd gng hsmt gps ??np 1021p w pd cr or cmn srv fld t ctc mnt mrs cmn cnsp mob aiding frmg lmntg dmp upn cnsprc trgts prj mob tm --w sv 1030p mnt pmrs tbl mtc aidg trs cnsp.wst tgts by mnfctrd cnsp dmp upn crm or oth cnsp mnvr 1032p aided by pd etc city of orv n trs butte/usa orov pd etc trn mrs dtbl ?slt in psc of pd mlt vh ?p?t was peop wo cause at no chg aid trs hrsm wstg cns prsc as --jstfd--mlcs rdcl ---dgng in gbg cn as dmpng cnsp dvc bt nt upn mob cothkg trs adcts scdrls scmbgs -cmplmts mob trs butte/usa. ws?? st??? my way? t mlc mnf dmp upn ???538-2448 ms be pd tl.. cmn svc mnt dmrs.****t b clr I cn nvr scd wt ths as I am blnd I cnt see plts at all unless unless i'm cmpltly up agst thm nd ms b cns scrd t apprch bcs dlg w/crmnls thieves n trbl mkrs so ofcrs frq I abs dt kn who thy r n tp of it I cn vr easl blk out esp as mrdrs wtr brls hr nd amer ic hpy t mk me die by hvg mngd me out of choice nd money usg trs lk ted landreth sarah ryaN BLACK united country Alturas nd rms same nd rest of helpful folks from los angeles who purposely gv me hrd time by gvg m hrd time public counsel rltr paul Barbosa purp gv me hrd tm nd I cld d ntg wo rep nd lng tm wo phone while lvg mr thn 5 yrs in streets cmpliments of amer cnd assoc nd amer syst.---thr fr amer crms rd free as amer trtrs me t dth nd buries me by mns of its cnsp trs crm cnvntl ptg my wy--reality---mob trs butte/mob trs usa."""ong cnt trs gng/mob ws or?? ?gbg fw tm---unm---bkt--mb tgtg trs wcnt prp ws peop fr cr bkg mob bk tbdg ??u js sd hi---mob tctc now bd pn usd brfl--lv ??????? scr 1d 7th 4d s???? cnt rd ofcrs due t bd pn -----pdmp ylg up nls ???gn stn. dk sv d7th t opp ln awy ???str arm tmk fl of me acc ???lng hd of mob---11t up slv sv dk ?wn bp bg/br mob cr up nls t12th slv cr wv d13t lt tn sv wv 13t dn---incdt ntg wl sv me frm mrd dmg by mob trs usa-evn whn I rn int lts of eggs nd eat thm im rgt bk t bk outs nd svr resp prb hlpd by trs amer rkls smkrs smg exhaust nd mlcs poisoning sch as endless mlcs spryng incl of gbg smpl t d mnc rdtn dmg xrys ndlssl overused t mk crmnl mdcs mny etc cmplmnt of mob butte/trs usa ---effctvl ---mrdr by usa*******mob trs pd ---538--2448.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
sun--mob trs slv cr mob bpg pdrv bh it oth slv stn lk cr 7ewb668 brkg blk cr dn int 11th 6rxt926 chev alms blk 11t blk. ???on gs w sv flg prp w/yl crc up 6t. 2 blk/rd ?og p ?m smt of .brk mlb f cr ?of mob -bgl sus bgr w cr dpfgg bsk crt fgg apts -?hi ldy---wt $50?---rp--nt srs. old slvrs spt tk -ooh up yl hlo odd sd apts js up of sv ?mob sc cr nls tbl gd fm ?hll ?j.o. ???rlob nv/w gv hlp mob rw gd nd prdt. b. trs r/bk m/f rw bdg w pd? tbdg mnt bpg gn/bg off cl t bdg mnt .tn tk bp pjohns swg ctr pls sld ?frn. gy gns hrs cr bpg p?dks tr--dnr out bpg olvr mob gy dmrs trn olv out olv dmrs spdg prs dtbl evd plt bpg dmrs. *****or pd dtbl ignr mob vh cld cr lss im hndedby vhs on daily basis--instd or pd cmnt serv lkg t mk m glt smpl bcs I clct cns nd hpn t b on loc wr crmnls nd nt me md messes--unf I hd ntg t d wt messes bt their presence in sm loc mks me glt smgl accdg t their trng nd frdships---icall ths mlcs trgtg of spcfc prsns mob cmnt wnts tdmp upn--exc wt I hrd re prj. ?prs ???btrd by mob pd prp hlps bpg ???det olvr dmrs slv med cr pers dtbl lw--10p ?w pd dlnc 718p cm srv civ mrs smb prp md mess rob/mrs trs ?cmn ??wts dmp on vct of ??cnv hpns mob pd nv sv? ??trn ???gbg cn sy tht t my fc ?????mrs rob lnc nv sv -gbgr ??? mob hd up --fk tht sht hgh dmit --ok?thgt u ??? thr prb md mss rob mob dfrdr? ????fr mnfctr trs scms bk f bk phgh dbld blu tnk bld ?dlb int mlc frm thgh apts ----prp dmp spc ind in fc she hs nt????? n wr tdmp??she sd w trash thn stated she said ths re me trs f wt t dmp-thts whn sh cld m wt trs --she sd we ofd u mn-hwv nb hr ofrd or nded any mny of sgn--more so prp csd ong huge losses of all srts mn-hr dfrdr-nd btc agrs prb thy cs me me-hnc thy stl mny-fr mr-nd as is deadl ht---amer snt me t die wo pying fr t ocsn or any upfrt ntc----f lkl prt trs gng ws dictator dmp upn lkl int numrs dft crms pls dict.****sdl it is my opinion nms clctd by Oroville pd r nt collected for rightful uses on ftful sun ap 10th apprx I practically wvd dn the lw enf t tll him wt tk plc bt trs get paid lkl bonus incentives to dump on mob designated so called community targets there are in fct mny participants in mob mny r crmnl nd mny lkl le crmnls who mght be bhd the strt up mob units of some sort- the picture to him lkd prty engh t be used fr dmpng alg wt fct tht cmnt desgntd m fr trgt accdg t explntn frm trs mob offcr hisself because I dig fr cns-- that gave mob participating trs officer the incentive t dmp on chsn dsgntd trgt tgd by mob offcrs r prty to who nmd me bgld-rgrdls of their wlgness t call me by rl nm thy r mob dispatched oprtvs wrkg mob purposes protecting mob crimes nd devising orchestrations regardless how fraudulent t use my nm nd lknss t dmp on me fr anything cmpltly rgrdlss of my own disconnection t wt tk plc which was stgd by their own crmnls whom they aid all alg frm nm peddling t clg in nms t mlcsly frmng t st trst cmnt mob nd t sell endlss trs mob trgtg mlcs trs causes nd crimes as reasonable nd wrty of assist by le who mght be bhd the entire all ovr sprd of mob lk mnc trgtg wstg actvty---mob trs butte mob trs usa.****** tues assh clns ins lkl le prb 3d dgrd ht bkt off w bp tb? nls*****bk tsun wst dictatr dmp upn agn crm rvs----mob--u ??? ths f yr slf crm bd btc blu tk tp--mob crm hgh apts mob trs kitrick pd---prt hlp gngs trs wks ins ?apts cnsp dmp ??cmn ???dfdr cns. g wy bcs she dslk ?rlt prb tru--grtd mob prtcptg in devicv wstg aided bx cmn bpg?sv mrs dord ?cmn ?dg ads brg trs inst bk f strl? wst thn rp sht up mrs dord 2 sus v
hs po of cl sml blk ????non exs dfrd mlc ?ngl ins nt amt wt any cvr jst mlcs scm t mst crm lmn ?strg 2 crs w/dk 820p cns ?cm mb ba trs f crt vc shv ic ???--oh my gd? trs le in lt mob smkg up sp $tr rthls rckls n nt psd abt -the lt wtc ds nt stks out js kls evr in vcn wt smk. mob-au tkg np? dfrdr trs hrsm --sh fk up---mob prp ?????f/w sht--out dfrdr ml w/tattoos pt t lt ld in cr--cld b mob chl trs in trng w cr yettix or smlr dude sd its fr hwi. trz rd cr rpt attn. ??????spt in yr fc ins u mk crt u hv ntg usg wrtls dfrdrs t cnt crm nd t fl mny people nt in on ong strg of orchestrtd mob acts ths cmn/nd its le prpsl aid bng the trs --mob trs butte/usa. trz rd cr ps fy wy ohw ord darc out wlgr hey ?b ohw dmit ?gr slw bf bldwin sml slv cr out bldw dmt smk trs hghbnc bkt mal? ??/w lkg t dmp m on ?ts by rob mrs crn mlc imp rdclg mlc tl cls nm trs gng cmn mob clg ?sc rd tk tp lgts polv tbl--trs axiom bgl--rks pls cl? 911 rp rks thrn ..... tw----af 12 mdn mon
hs po of cl sml blk ????non exs dfrd mlc ?ngl ins nt amt wt any cvr jst mlcs scm t mst crm lmn ?strg 2 crs w/dk 820p cns ?cm mb ba trs f crt vc shv ic ???--oh my gd? trs le in lt mob smkg up sp $tr rthls rckls n nt psd abt -the lt wtc ds nt stks out js kls evr in vcn wt smk. mob-au tkg np? dfrdr trs hrsm --sh fk up---mob prp ?????f/w sht--out dfrdr ml w/tattoos pt t lt ld in cr--cld b mob chl trs in trng w cr yettix or smlr dude sd its fr hwi. trz rd cr rpt attn. ??????spt in yr fc ins u mk crt u hv ntg usg wrtls dfrdrs t cnt crm nd t fl mny people nt in on ong strg of orchestrtd mob acts ths cmn/nd its le prpsl aid bng the trs --mob trs butte/usa. trz rd cr ps fy wy ohw ord darc out wlgr hey ?b ohw dmit ?gr slw bf bldwin sml slv cr out bldw dmt smk trs hghbnc bkt mal? ??/w lkg t dmp m on ?ts by rob mrs crn mlc imp rdclg mlc tl cls nm trs gng cmn mob clg ?sc rd tk tp lgts polv tbl--trs axiom bgl--rks pls cl? 911 rp rks thrn ..... tw----af 12 mdn mon
Monday, April 18, 2016
fri -im lkg at unrdbl nts wll b lky if cn rd anthing--- ?? aft gy a?---w ???kvle incmorhns vr bd nts ?ck blt in mr psg oth crm pln ?slv gy 12th ?d ?thy sl 1st----thn dcrm all cns crm orv tlk .all cns crm orv tlk bth? ??scd w/clr blk dg hs js chv peop pnk cmnt amy??? cld b stg oth unrd nw bln f ????sh sv d pnls fld bk off blk t sht sm clns lkl ??? t mlc cns nw sv ??? bdg hi I gt tk bk my lgs off rw bp mnt mrs bgr w cr bp nt ??? aft I crs nr civ clr lkl mob affl ??saw pd cr mnt mrs bkt drct aid mob affl bp pbrd rob cmn srv pbr rob the prp of amer pp is t prp ???msrp ??? ??wt smn als did tsmn drc on ths tgt pk sv ?on brd ptg tgr dn dlnc 1.5 mob affl rob brd cm sv mob prob hgh the aft cy? 4dtn tk sv shll yll hey u hgh dlnc dvtc scr lnc mrs myb rp psb hid crn gv sv nw sc sm mnc pba dord prb mtl tn cr mrs ord ohw hd sgn ylg hls mrs dmt crs $tr ?cm svc yl slvc ??dam dord mob cmn svc plnc lw dvtc bk dlnc mob bk ??dvrs lk ?wkg mob w cr old ps-hlo ba pba m/f mob dord ba-538 nx t me oth crnog-ht rd--cmp 4 sc ?dg adcts 1 mob bk bg lts oth ?h ?? rd cr --rac ?347 prf cns str tmsl/drly ?hls on ed w/dg rl crn bg sv bp.. ord dmrs w sv prb fk bld wig stk slf out scrm shk hds abv hds abv hd trs --bgl frds w mob pd cmn prj ord ohw dmrs fm w/psn ?gr sdw nr mrs ls w sv bp prt ad dmit frd of trs w dodg 1.5 slv tk rpb prt d??? I blv sht ?sw w tk 2 sm am flgs rd tk bp ohw ord dlw cns mob crw aided by ???c/l am lw en sm dr as abv brg nt ?ars le ?bst bdy of mob 3 dord ltl ?br sm thg lw rd blu--hy grl opd tb ord drct lkd trzd hdg etc...mob rd tk dord cmn srv 2 parbys dord 6tmy056? wsv ?twr rob bk f mob -boo w/bl pst n w tks sm on ??? poh dord mob f lib w/t?w shlt stg sml gy cr tb ord trs bk cr-hi mob brgr pa1 dord mrs rd cr ohw ord mrs m hi hyd bw--hyd---bk ml slv tn cr pbw mrs--ey... hd bk cr mrs d?ns??? ha????... mtc spc cmn srv mrs pmt ord oth sv mtc opd ?aly wtv??? balloon ns w cr nt as lg as wgn pktr drob 2 ???uktn mtc pds--cm m b aflt hdg wo tlt ??wvh--dk wn dmt. x? dc r crm? rb wn hg out? 1035cw au stl wn gt in -1048p mnt mrs f u cnt lk ?ou?,,,, dk sv 1055t cmn sv cw prp fm dvc actu dvs/arc hdg trs prp mtl ht tgts dfrdr paid w prp dm on tg bik ad -olv w sv---w a.we dg mnt tb unrdb ?shtg off bk -wt w/cl pvt dtb frm mnc insl wst jt trs prj wr mob/plc thk act ?jtl alk f-scr trs cr ?b lk yr bls bw bb-bdg? fsg txt fr hdg dgd trs w brg cl rw gd pst blu ol tk d ?9t ?op bk ??? js up 11th rds?? hue tk d? 10th--agn tmk sr incl****prty ins rpts thrs saw sml gy cr kncking lvg fri saw same cr drk bn hair wm 30 std bk cpl aged 19 of wch ml ws pkg lock t gt int hm nd 12 yr old chld lkg on---trs wnt into trlr shed etc....lft**** ***im rptg frm Oroville cld nt fnd sfct cmnt srvc desc online except its pres lwr urg calls Oroville pd---there are many more of ths community servc pd vhs thn u see mntnd onln -their fnctn is elmntg cmnt dslkd trgts in ths cs me-who cmnt wts t dmp upn so ths trs r cnst crsg ard nd wr they r nt trs mob tks ovr--ths in my opinion r directly lnkd t mob hv sm trgts tdmp upn nd sm trs tctcs fr hdg hrsmt mlcs wstg dmp upn dfrd nd wst thrfr ths thn wll be jstfble bcs ths is wht cmnty mob wts yest sm duo who called my nm in sun appx ap 10th js bf 10p wr clsg tlt sm trs duo in 2 vhs bth cmnt srvc -- of wch the sup bully cotrs told me hi milana I js sd hi--in rlty thy prctc mnc hdg mob tctcs sm as bgld --hi mob hrsmt-hnd wst hrs -elmnt --hi fr hndg intmdtn trs tctcs--this is gng trs cty nd its system acts lk sm nd copies borrows frm one othr its trs wasting eliminating dictatoring tactics---mob trs butte--mob trs usa .
Sunday, April 17, 2016
wed-off w bp up 11t ?sh up 9t grtd hl mb schl brgls mb trs bk d6t excel plumbing bp ????4t gd. scr bk sv thwg trs ?cns 4t up plms sc clns ??????lkg lgts. wcr bgr sml?rt n le t 4t nls bp ??vcn 4t/gnd othr ???vg trn 4nbw806 chg ??????? 6tcl413-mlc insl b/u cr lb 3d dnls---hi nw sv 3d dnls hlp mob cnsp pln ns tk w dk wr phd d.amr dvc n exc tassist mob w or rd ...precs ???? trs amr lkg fr fr tp tdmp on fd? ???prp wst.og headed trs chl mob crm bk ahd me trn rd fr mob cell pct--*****prb snt t trz by trs prb schl undsc t ths vctm trs gas odd sd trs cnv apt ev sd 2--str off w ch bp nls uptw? 2f? cns mbs p??? grd bk spdg 4?g hd cld hv easl rn m ovr cmg bk t dnls rd pt f tb/gd crn lg hr bdp w/??? dt mob wpd pgd bdg bk brn--hlo.???pt hv mn----chg trs pltd crs ?????chev prp ?sh dbdg og sht d??gd lkl mob afl yth br?p rn ahd t inslt tgt scr yth ??? w sv bpg oth vh dbdg mnt. 2 cns tp trs bpg dgd ylg vh bdg mnt myb slv if rgt ??? trs shrf dmnt spdg crm bk f dhl vet exc me ???vry? est rn ovr ???4ppg/t eey ???? dmnt f crs brkg mob bk bsd cp paxm dmrs 2fs dt lk no brg trs**** mob blk sv nr 225p mrs tmntln -eh ylg ptg rd shrt psg trs gy. trs gy tk on gs pbrd rob smk rob crn acs fv acs myb chr mb trn chl --higy in rd prb ??srs crm 2fs wsp---dlib ?blu shf cnsp mob .bk lib ---sm?wsv ld bp ?spnt wsv-glu pfr ?cat cr rd cr dbp..att w ???cm pb lw s mob f ---mlc rvs off bk mob tk bpg p???? tires dord sml rd ?cr dlw mvn ?gy ?????????amr mob blv lvg in fr n ndls trt ???is wt ntg prsc ?wt ntg mlcs hdg cnsp trzg ntg ns w tk 2 sm flgs nsy 4dwt lnc dmt zoo ??? ??? ???? ??? ???dsp t hrs 2 cns crsg wtc $tr pk gy tk or crt ??? ???shl pkg mob bk f prtcpt trs mob ---- fd frd????? fr abs ntg-----fw cns tk est trs mob cmn svc crs rlys mob st lmnt tm cmn srv sd ok dtc of dny ????????rt aid mob trs prj wstg cmt dng rpt mob gng oprtn n gng/????????? ???? crmnl wstg prp mlcs tgts--????? gng lk trs hng out ???2p wtn 1/2 hr drct afflt of mob n sm crm ???????/fetcs crm -gngs bt tgt dctl aID MOB/GNGS CNS TRS MOB PKG W/WTLS DFRDR.DK CR TN KND? PST A1 CNT BK DORD ?on ths thy prp wt tdmp upn wst ---nt ?spnc bt trs cnsp wstg ???? crm nls bls ????nw pd sv tlw cns all emp tw rsn trs ??????lswh??? vctms r hnd cmn cns dmp upn tgt tm cig y lk fm psshkys dlw mob cmn drct aidg dsrg tws vctms cr bpg myb ?? ???pch frn dord mob opd dbldw 2opd rabobk sm red cr *****rd crm sv offg rds wdy dy wt int t kl u mrs/rob ---btc mrdrs mob sv. mnf wts rmp kp tc cls. ***im ???rtpg evr smn dltd fl hist nd mkg trs jks abt ths .mnf wts rmp kp tc cls cnsp crw???? cmn nt inc u lk trs ted landreth mob butte/trs usa dig wnt lv. thy nt wt u hv ?plt ??ig stn th ??pr w cr pbrd mnt ... dgts 130a ps hr sm lg cr acr ???? tb sd ---???yl ???? dtbl.lkl mob sm bk cr up gd bp trn sm lg cr fr earl up gd mob trs fnc r tk gsg mob sf ?mw frw by ???dk vh prb sv 3d nls mob m chl apts dg mob cnsp cmn rob prs grb sch mic sc lgt slv cr d 8t lgt tn cr prb opn tk 12t up bpg bus co pgt. ******thurs--dsg vcv blu tk blk tp fr?? up. mob cn ylg 6t st --hey hi mob cr ant cnt rcs rpb off w stn ptg up trs --ev sd apts---ylg. ths opne und ?qst bcs smn ws wtg f mlc trn w sv p ev apts eey--lt w mob le tb nls grp fm brg ????cl shl dgd sml t gn ?sp mob t bdg als sm bp rd cr chg ns dty w tk sw nsy ????gn gp bk olgd ngrs r ?dnls fm abv rw trs mob mx chl in rd rp inst oldr ??? ?????1.5 ???ant lnc ord mrs mob p bh vt dtr--hlo cm srv dn mn mrs pd lnc dmt dhgh lkl wtg tmk ?he tgt prp frm dmnc wst ?lmnt blk? cr mb imp bp plw s mnc ptc *****w tk pt hg co psn drct t my ns abs dlb stp bk thlp fld ?ld btc ml psn p?dpm dord sns all bk s of ?bgl yth bk t?stg? n grs mon lgt acct mb cnc dord -bgl why trs ---ha.... nt mob lib mlcs psn ?lb ?ts acr9969 bp ?? ???? lft hs? ???mtl plib guy w/dgs who mrs/rob tld me re cmrs fr mob.. mob frd lie dec tctcs psd fr trt in mob cty crs ovr stm gt wd nx t ba w lk t ins bk jt enbl mob trs ws cns bk imp hn bgt cmn sv pmrs lnc hr ylp unk vh mrs/ord ? off w bp cr crt mb b w/nc d-s wt bt bt u 6xvn114 gbu hv hp dyns w tk lw w sv bp tk gsg sl cr bu ppp lw 2 fs gig out tb wk m dh--hlo hi trd by mob vc pvn trs spt r cr heey ohw oh lnc psb frd inst dsc as if rlt ?dn lt ???? srv mrs tl lt rp trz rd cr hgh mrs rp trz cr hgh st
--hgh st ???? ?? ???cns ???? fr mob rp trz cr rob mob pd bkg prs ??pkg mnt tbl sds civ cell aprtl frm prs on bnc hlpg city mob pkg dmps m peop dctg cns cnsp wt int t dmp on tgts ws vctms -trs. rd cr ws lk bp ????civ llk crsg mob crs mob trz city ????? bk ???brdg cnsp pln ws u 2 crsg mob bks acr ss cnsp schl prg rdclg in slc hlp wpd their crm co psn/ld sch ????? ....sch mob cnsp rp schl 911......clg ?acts----mob le .hi slv cr d8t mb but trs usa. ********mob trs America dt believe the endlessly non stop hounded victims who lost endless amts compliments of trs usa----hwvr frt of theior face are hounding squadrons of eliminating defrauding artists who endlessly dsct all massive losses thy caused meantime party spent ovr 5 yrs in opn street- I dt drive or ride bike so this is quite literal resulting in trench foot nd fungus--maliciously defrauded by American charity aND AMERICAN SYSTEM OF INJUSTICE I was swindled out of money by public counsel and landreth by trs sinking of boat los angeles after massive other mob amer syst induced losses, lifetime of blgngs stolen, rptdly burglarized brkn into stln frm by gngs orov ca, these did this to disabled person nd continue t endlessly hound nd wst in Oroville ca wr wtht check I must kill self while vry nrl blnd -200 before my eyes leaked lst few yrs nd loss of apprx qtr arm sz at shldr jt at age 15---mob butte le community services nd gangs all work together at perpetuating ongoing continuous crime spree by intentionally failing to halt gangs in fact gangs are behind system actions nd menace by the system is based on wishes of gang affiliated grps nd orgs---gangs nd mob le jointly wst subject nd aid one/others crimes ignoring criminals nd wasting this trgt continuously by mob community action supported by system resulting in bus ride elimination no cans in endless places I went t originally nd who hv othrws nt caused me problem until pushing by team mob took place--mob plays do gooder t dfraud--typically the defrauding is wrt ntg nd vr nrl ntg cmprd t crmnl indcd trs losses by usa thy caused,amer system prays on victims nd feeds drug addicts who r alw eligible nd from whm it cn nvr clct anythg so mob amer system finds wstg victims highly appropriate, amer is ruthless its sytem is designed t extrt incldg ths who cn nvr hv atty assistanc or make it t crt,ex std lns, lst chks, swindled prpty mnys, nd so called non profs as public counsel provd n assist at all or crmnlly mlcs asssistc---whn cnd assoc wsts vctm amer system nd agcies gldly hlp thm cstg blngngs lives nd hmlessness nd massive money losses---America is trs country who supports gang trs activity nd actvly denies its endless trs crimes as it watches u live on street nd die -amer is trs country wt/no conscience.
--hgh st ???? ?? ???cns ???? fr mob rp trz cr rob mob pd bkg prs ??pkg mnt tbl sds civ cell aprtl frm prs on bnc hlpg city mob pkg dmps m peop dctg cns cnsp wt int t dmp on tgts ws vctms -trs. rd cr ws lk bp ????civ llk crsg mob crs mob trz city ????? bk ???brdg cnsp pln ws u 2 crsg mob bks acr ss cnsp schl prg rdclg in slc hlp wpd their crm co psn/ld sch ????? ....sch mob cnsp rp schl 911......clg ?acts----mob le .hi slv cr d8t mb but trs usa. ********mob trs America dt believe the endlessly non stop hounded victims who lost endless amts compliments of trs usa----hwvr frt of theior face are hounding squadrons of eliminating defrauding artists who endlessly dsct all massive losses thy caused meantime party spent ovr 5 yrs in opn street- I dt drive or ride bike so this is quite literal resulting in trench foot nd fungus--maliciously defrauded by American charity aND AMERICAN SYSTEM OF INJUSTICE I was swindled out of money by public counsel and landreth by trs sinking of boat los angeles after massive other mob amer syst induced losses, lifetime of blgngs stolen, rptdly burglarized brkn into stln frm by gngs orov ca, these did this to disabled person nd continue t endlessly hound nd wst in Oroville ca wr wtht check I must kill self while vry nrl blnd -200 before my eyes leaked lst few yrs nd loss of apprx qtr arm sz at shldr jt at age 15---mob butte le community services nd gangs all work together at perpetuating ongoing continuous crime spree by intentionally failing to halt gangs in fact gangs are behind system actions nd menace by the system is based on wishes of gang affiliated grps nd orgs---gangs nd mob le jointly wst subject nd aid one/others crimes ignoring criminals nd wasting this trgt continuously by mob community action supported by system resulting in bus ride elimination no cans in endless places I went t originally nd who hv othrws nt caused me problem until pushing by team mob took place--mob plays do gooder t dfraud--typically the defrauding is wrt ntg nd vr nrl ntg cmprd t crmnl indcd trs losses by usa thy caused,amer system prays on victims nd feeds drug addicts who r alw eligible nd from whm it cn nvr clct anythg so mob amer system finds wstg victims highly appropriate, amer is ruthless its sytem is designed t extrt incldg ths who cn nvr hv atty assistanc or make it t crt,ex std lns, lst chks, swindled prpty mnys, nd so called non profs as public counsel provd n assist at all or crmnlly mlcs asssistc---whn cnd assoc wsts vctm amer system nd agcies gldly hlp thm cstg blngngs lives nd hmlessness nd massive money losses---America is trs country who supports gang trs activity nd actvly denies its endless trs crimes as it watches u live on street nd die -amer is trs country wt/no conscience.
tues- bp d8th ?????agn ags ---f ?4bp up 8th rp hd ay trs strg ?4th rp hrs trz wst 4 strg nt w int t hrs u hv nc dy maam pls sml dg ?brglrs trs-lv-u mob trs trz instg frm dfrd w hlp of dfrd trs lw enf hr t gt u fr mob-mob trs butte/usa. trs n dfrdr mob dsptc????? ???? gsg 3d up gd ??? ???? ?????sm as sm dk cr rc ???3vcv622 ???4dc rvs tb nls dn dgd gig rp mob ?alc bpg tk bdg dgd myb cnst slv cr fr ?igl lgts sn bf nls dsc dll slv cr bp rw bdg spdg bk grtd trz tht ?ml tbdg mnt--btc 2 st brg crn -1 gig cmt sv tk-lk opd ths r drct assist t mob clg in vctms fr fls per trs cmnt-cty-cnty trs who all need sued nd py out oprtvs of wch thr r lkl hghl susp prtcpts.--mnt tbl sml slv bp dtbl gn sv tn rd by gn sv tn rd ???by mob ?aps acr w sml slv dk bt mob sv----dfrd n cvr crm --glu----tr bw cx gls lnc rob/mrs dbrd ldl sc m 3 gng f by lib ts blk f ct alm strp out of cn nd grp lft umk lkl crmn mob prp fr nx trs crm 4prc d$tr flkg bk 2 lkg tflt wlk t $tr bk cr ???ps m bk******thurs n fri we hd algd sml gry cr atmpt propr brk in opng trlr gng i9nt shd and try t pk lk on hs prtcpts incld dk brn hr fem abt 30 std bk cpl yng abt 19 yo of which ml trd pk hs lk nd m chld aBT 12. THURS MK SAYS WAS AFTRN ND FRI MOB TPCL TM 630P*****.$tkt ct crn dglt ord ???.bgr w pkp plnc mrs mb blu sht beg inc ord twn blu smk drct ?lncf brtg all avs t ??elm/cnst bg l mob lnc tmtc.? prud mob spt slv cr sm bp ?br rd plib mtc dmrs sim w sv dk tp bp mtc lnc tmk mnc mob w le lnc dord exm me n mk ?mnc by lib nd abs nt the trs who r their prsn exm frds 8e01571-- $ ?tc fd f ??bk cnt rd rd c apch sd sm bk cr wtg wtg ba lt 639p.wsv lnc s ---jlu aft tn cr ord lnc s dr lt prp hlp prt crm..... ???ylpg trs wvn crs $t lt tn/cr blk ptc bglts pkg 4L????(EE) the es hvg prb rdg 852--glu. trs glu cnsp bg wkd n trs btl mr thn ?hpg thlp ths w sc ???yyeh mrs pord dmit po mk dlg trs nt thus crm gng cr -rp eh--??lkl mrd gy hls dsp.wsv ohw psg ord dlw rp yl---rob le psg ord ohw /tkg at me eats t wst ths ??? ?????? ???? rm --- hls dsp tk mgs pch dord scr w tk m tw ohw lw cr tw gs tbk sd lw of mob aflt ttrs mob le ---gy mvn ohw cptw s? ???? ????? bgr trs mob ????aided by it bk ????ohw ????*********butte is cty of dtl ht mob drg addcts n psh upn ndlss cigs wt int t kill u wt tht hvy gsg frm tk crs n on prps nd mlc cnsp trs le aimed at vctms fr mob hpnss nd bth hv sm trgts*********trs le ??? ???cnt rd bf gig ???out mrs ???? ?????f wl dg ths rgt????nv/w w/lg at trg as their grpy trs rn ls prp t inv jstf fr mob trs ???? prp t dmp on u nd cv pr mb. 1112 dk cr lnc mnt mrs f mob pk/rd hau ?????????????mob trs stg abt act rlg bag -tr?? --???vet pkg ****cns crs ?????pk lw pkp ws ??? ????? gsg vh ?w thd ??bg/bn cr 7t up
Saturday, April 16, 2016
??????mon-????????gls lks intc-but yest ws pln on gd w dodg bp -----cnt rd wrtg ???o stp on ?????? tb lw- mob psn crm trs cnsp ylpg lt sv ord ohw lw lkl ns ?prp ?trs ?raw frm ?rl prp trs le phgh dmt agrg w/mob cnt be in thr -strt mvg -I blv ths cmt ws md by pd t who he saw sw in civic-I dt g thr unls I see outs tlt or nd t gt crmnl on cmr. yl smt bpk by civ-hi.ths r nt nrm people but prf trs crmnls exc wt is dsrb in ths trs twn who prp lks t frm me as undsrb. slv cr pmrs lnc -btc myb ??? prp wt t hlp-lst thg thy wt -mob cty usa trs. gng ??thk ?sm im knk ?trs tjstf mob ?hrsmt ??? ???? wmob--usg mon lng-bgl fn/w-gt out thr??? ??? to civ drct? bkt aidg mob hv int thlp ?????--by far ?easier amr stl f gvg ml drt lks ????trs prg bdg dmnt smm nm clg n ??anlg as lcl mob 2 gys ? ?bg tlkg lkl ?adcts---call 911 hrd ????? the 2 pss dnls-f tlkg re dgs t gy lkl 911 -8 gms fr $320.????cns ???mnc agst logic n ?????mlc ??dmper vctms w//pr bpk 4dnls ?sgl w lw rdr tk prp bp 9t dn -chp jk
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
sun- onw sun shtly bf 10p 2 mlcs offcrs apprchd me t dk at the tm nd too much blg tsee their unifrm or vh -in ths area opd nd sheriffs both frq- im gsg thy wr opd bt nt sr cld be wrg the loc was appx nr bw wch is nr vet bldg. wr thr is lts of trs mob bullying in which offcrs prtcpt by means of being friends w /mob ths people r frd frdly nd their frds are mob with whom thy thk alk. frm trs mob their dear frds thy lrn t cll ths trg bgl nd wth trs mob tgtr thy lk t slng at prsns clctg cns by prtrying thm as lwlvs fr retrieving ths frm gbg -dgng in gbg cn-whn ths offcrs wr apprchg I ws lft cn nd chkg it fr cns in prcs-thy knw no one who knckd ovr trs fr trs prnk lfts it bk up. bcs thy r jnd wth mob whs frds n rltvs thy r nd wth trs elmnt prj in cmnt thy prp rn wrt chck on me n fn exc tstp me smply bcs mob trs lkl frds of theirs knkd ovr trs nd did ths bcs thy r affilts frds rltvs of trs cmnt mob gngs and thk lk thm-smply bcs thyve knwn frm tm immemorial I clct cns nd wr lkg t hlp elmnt js sch ind. offcr sd oh I did nt stp u all ths tm ths lks lk fntstc tm snc trs shrs mob cmnt trs interp as per offcr hisself re -dgng in gbg can nd using this t flsl dmp on prs clctg cns nd t mlcs pass thm fr lsr. susp mob skhd std nr me lib cmp nw. the mob uses lv u dfrdr t cntnue all out free frall trs wstg cnsp at exps of vctms wt hlp of le nd agencies all frds of gngs drg addicts nd trs mob nd wrkg tgtr twst frm nd dictator nd dfrd their trgts lvg thm no choice nd hghl incrsg prspcts of trgts being wstd much lkd nd dsrd by such trs as mira rakhman ted landreth hernan vera paul freese nd all their trs associates. psg by the lib today tues thr ws fem trio yth mob of whom blk f gt mtl strp out alum cn fr nx crm prj lkl. bk sndy ngt ohw/ord bus stp cntnd huge amt of practically pulverized glass-mob glu etc r md up of trs drg addicts nd dfrdr acts yest-mon prt of glu grp wlkg pss bs stp ngt tm ws dsc 8 grams fr $320-syg 911-dt fool yrslfs ths trs r dngrs nd le nd trs cty drctl spt the operation mob oprtn.tues mrn I dscrd mk lft wtr rng nr ldr snk-ths trs hs ndls exc fr mlcs nglg nd evr els ex lk mob all whl u gt mrdrd wstd by ter usa fr ntg. bk t sun- w tk 12th d ns w cr 9th d.bpg sv brd prb lg br/tn?off cl? tone cr p? rob w all mob fs cns n lkl acc. ?????-frm fri. opd 8th d. trs slv bpg d ?cls t me p705 im gsg dll slv tn trglr bk lgts ps ?705 I cn no lng see num on mlb wch ms hv bn thr in pst. ???? ??? nt wr id be rn ovr bt mlcs ??? out --bf hd num. slv cr bk up pdmp flw by bk bk sv up pdmp cr bpg up pdmps bk mlb 4th st bw nls/plms ml trs mob -ths up jlu trs pls dfrdr at n cst. ylp trs 4dwt ??? grd d of 3d. mob trs jim walsh bk 3d dnls lkl gs ??? ??? hd bk 3d dgd. ???? 4dwt? d phd sus ?? blk/ballon ??? ??? blk/rd ??? evn sd???? gs ??? ??? ???lkl trs mob bk prb ?thk brg? pss dgd m/f wlkg pssdgd ???? prt of trs cnsp. m/f gsg mx ml pt at my bgs t f -mob cnsp trzg dictatorship cmnt wstg trs effrts unpd fr by trs mob cmnt hr tdfrd dictate wst elmnt wth hlp of cmnt agents trs le gvtl cnsp t wst trgts trs pln ????? w le pss dgd. bk in blk bsb cp wt? mnc tn pgd dnls gt out th slv cr acr ??? 2 2 ?g bks p p ???? ??? trs on grd-- ?? ??? ylg fkstk--twkr bk******of extreme relevance this location is mob butte/trs usa. butte cty is mob accommodating aiding and keeping gangs whose trs thinking thy find lvl nd resonant and whs trs antics thy hghly appreciate. gngs and trs mob butte/usa wrk tgtr in klg vctms drng their bld nd wstg evr theirs -why pay -thts all I gt u wll rptdl hr frm mb dfrdrs. do not thk tht a sec- thy collect mny millions yearly t wst frm persecute dictator diminish kick abt nd kill victims lives just in mob states of amer 99.99..... of the money nvr rchs cause bt goes tb rglrs pkts nd pkts of ths who aid them nd protect them as thy wst mutual victims and trgts trzd non stop called mlcs insltg nms wch hv nthg t do with difficult murderous burglarized terrorized reality mob America put thm to nd evr with mutual desire by ter mob butte/trs usa tgthr with gng trs who r their beloved buddies to wst frm menace nd mlcsly dmp upn vctms. nt by any accdt do they stp u fr wrt check but per cls ties frdship with mob trs gngs who devised trs names nd endls terrorizing techniques this trs cty supports persecutes nd aids alg with all the crimes twd victims lives gngs and mob ter butte trs usa together brg abt.butte cty exempts the mob nd dumps on victims compliments of usa-corrupt trs country of trzg wstg mnc nd injustice.**** 2 ?pd prbl unrdb ?bln pme dmnt?--2 nt in mob scm ?dpt trs ?dpt ?? call me bgl ?opd stp bw ??trs opd sv? pt at my bgs tlkg re me -bgl for hlpng cnsp mob elimination clb trs mob effect lkl compensated by mob butte trs usa by ??? d??? ???? bk vc mrs/mtc--the mob....bnc bs/stp hg amt shtrd glss sun ngt vry fnl plvrzd 2 gys on bks I blv gy ?whsd wtc it gsg blk frm vc the 2 wr on bks gng dir ord sm tm as I ptb ord. opd at arco tlkg t mob member well lkd by trs mob cmnty ??? ??? ???? am blkg out nw nd cld nt gt in mrn ht ptrbl nd ins slp ?inst ???? mex ???fr its cst ?sr hy-wau dg? smk ???? ??? all ?crt trs fl ???? out rob/mrs lkl mob ohw.mob bk cr pmrs lnc 302.5 a 312a w cr mrs dlnc. hy ?hv lgt olvr mob trs fm mrs /rob ?an? n/w mnt tbl ?schl alr ?dns smn ??? trs out tl w hlr bp unr gsgq cr d t ml ???? bg mob tk ?ant psg trs yth sc d8th trs lt tn cr bpg ?slv or tn lkd t lt int 7th myb slv old g stn dbp d11th ylp lt tn slv cr ltl sch acr cln trs tsd out sm as rob mrs mo-aprtl trs trvrs area nd bds w/le who jtl cll me bgl fr trs inslts mlcs frmg mob butte trs usa cmnt city prj wstg tctcs. slv cr dbp dn d11th bhd it 2 sheriffs? cnt rd ?cld or less??? ???silv cr vcv pdmp ??? ????drc afflt tmob 6th schl nd othr affltns. trs shrf insp me fr frmg ??? ????bds w trs gngs n mrderers aiding hlpg trs mob crm fr ??? ??? ?bsy hlpg gng mob cnsp n city etc cty lmntn prjcts.-trs empwrd by usa fr klg frmf prfsnl frd nd mnc spclty. sw blk dk blu impala chev mr lk blk dk blue nt prp blue prb wrg nd gsg yr wrg. mob trs btc fr yr trbl-bt insl. pls? hi. ?vdp151 gn tk ?myb ok blu sv ?rd load -mngls cnt rcl or rd mlc bpg w dodg pfgg tbl frd of mob n trs cnctns tow? w sv prb dgd -hi. imprd -?myb yth pcityhll ?hnd tgt trs fr frds--nv ang smlr cr bh zoo lnc pcox dmt prb ?wtr lnc pmtc dhgh drob? ?p?? slv *****off w dk bt tk mlc trs co pme by ba dmt flw by ylg w mob stn ?shtl aft nv ang cr. off w ???-ehh!!! ???og- 6????vvk799 .???whm-unrdb---gn ddg tk bk lwrd? ord mrs s. bk bk tatt out rac ?f yths ns pls oth prac d$tr. ??? ng rny?? sm m/f wlk f- bld ??pn --unrd -hlp?***tod fri lib thn f w lg gry hair was bgng her stf tgtr nd lvg as I cm out tlt nd wnt t pkp my ntbk- snc I sw nty mob f flg me int lib yest I flt inc disc mny r cnsp trs prtcpts aided by local pd cmnt srvc sheriffs etc wth city trs mob elimination tactics ths enjy fn rltnship nd as rslt of mlcs crptn rhr t cnt t misrep rlty by cnvnce hnce snc I psd by 3 plcs wr crmnls md messes thrfr its my flt snc I gt cns out of gbg cns nd snc cmnt frmd m fr trgt. cmnt srvc flws people ard nd opd etc is busy w frmg tactics aided by mob operatives their friends frm whom they get all gng names cnd by mob nd whose crimes they lk als wtht whs fn hlp thy wld nt be paid t sty in their crpt injustice profession. le enforcement directly nd purposefully conniving to eliminate per desires of all included trs community mob. as trs mk pts it thy gt yr num-thts by stlg yr nm nd by organizing mlcs mnc t dfrd rlty aided drctl by trs butte defrauding system hr fr one purp onl aid pers nd wst victims by defrauding n wo py -think alk jnt mon who has no intent t ctc crmnl rtr prp hlp ftc trgt per mtl convenience- that wy all cotrs will be fnly cvrd by mob trs butte trs usa who all hlp jnt trs actvt t wst u at yr exps nd nvr py-the wrs trs inj hr in amr-mob trs butte/trs usa. ***bk t crt. w-off w cr rec-mob mob w le or cmn bkt trs cmn lnc ord dfrdr ???-tmd up w ?stn mob trs clg me bgl -mob cnd nm lkt drgs thieves cnvrs trs etc---instg fr trs cnsp mlc dist---no inf prv 0?-2-t mnc intmdtn ba trs dty w tk dk bk lwr n ?ale hdw?-- w c. als n str amn ? psg dg imp w cr p lnc dvtc w js? vn --- wu din twr? gry tk am flg plnc vtc vn 547p ba my ?tb 1/2 hr aft ?ace if lks ale its ace hrdw acr lib bgl sd of rac trs crz bw. ?1 stp if mk ?cmt trs str bkg guy wlk darc prb mob
Sunday, April 10, 2016
thurs-?str w cr d oth stdg ???????c25 gy tk heey nls yp ?pdmps bk sm 7nsx949 gry sv hlo ???-wt it? brg ??? mob tn le 3d dnls ????????5ueb850-crn 1.5 tk mlcs w bp 2d odd amp nls sus trs ?????cr bk ?w sd -incmp le 3d rd sv sc dbdg mf ???? sc ?tbl pwd??? w cr vh d unk rpb slv bk drw gd bk gy hyd drw trs cmn srn ?prob dmit lk ?fr trs tctcs tdmp on me sm as gngblk lw scr? sv pH? dord ???????? ?cr bgl prd/?lw blu cr flpr lbls bp ???pblu mtc?????? unrdb drs/??shrl cld b wrg nt rdb n???w tord fr $tr ct crn bg lts trs mrs n wvd-hgd?????? trn rd rd tk am flg ?nyrt??? cl yl gst t fs te????? lnc lw dord-hgd-arct bilt brgl crm aid mob ?w cr f cmp ??? gy bldg. n bgl cr????? trs brg/bgls oth yl ve??t w cr pbgl????? no mng mstk or hd trd ord mtc w1d lv hl mob wcr slv cr mob dmt hi-dvtc ???11-5th dn cmn svc plib mtc mrs.mlk stl by in ts pltd mlcs psn aplded by cmnt srvc rl prd of pltd psn nd wstg trzg of vctms lib mlcs-lg swt clk m out 1st bf othrs by trs mob aflts 2 bg ?? lib 1 w ???all stk out f mit ngr lnc ord flw by w cr t sm ylg cr hvg d-w cr br-gy cr-mob trs gry hr apps atm w cr slv lkl mob js bf me my 3372 558p dk tk yl trs gp gtg in plc by crm t dfrdr ttrs usa lnc ord vtc 3 t $tr nt cn mob gs opps mnc mth 4trs nt p mob bks trs $.25 btc***** 7d183???19-$1 hau-au-ok?mob crsg bk trs 2 t sd bgl t m/f mb fr ?pd trgtg by $tr ?jkt rd/dk pus bnk dohw *****ems clkg mob sd ord plnc ohw 655p-ong mob cr -pt out ???? msr ownr???? unrdb wts ???chs ???unt frdl***trs raleys grd blk fem brn louisv ky drvs 2 hrs t wrk fm Vacaville lkl t gt tgtr w mob buddies trs dfrdg crw I ht t tll you fr mob job she chooses nd whose trs tctcs are a no prb ntr fr her nr her ln of wrk- prfsnl trs nd prfsnl dfrdrs grtd ds nst fvrs fr mob who lkl uses dlr bls as frmg trs dfrdr t kp fltg victim in rlt wo any wtevr py lsg thm evr pyg bk fr cnst wstg -trs acts hg bills losses ong trtr fr ntg nd ntg wo pay nd wt trs le nd mob trs cmnt spt.***frd hlp ths fem hpy hls wmn hrtg died nd trs prps is t wst ths thy chs t mud attc t nd frm*****mlcs dscrmntn nd aid t mob**** prps sc aid t mob gng tmrs ths wr grt trs frd frmrs dictators prpsl t ws u cnt trgtg vctms n int t lv thm aln -prp dictator wst nd nvr py********??? ???????? ?vhs evr mlc dsc ***** me as ???unfrd-as if I owe trs frdshp--ths is trs mlcs hrsmt ong nd endls w trs dvs prpses by trs who will mob u if u dt jn thm******raleys grd grtd part of trs mob for whom she is in fc bthrg me-whn she shld b rmvd nd jld fr her dictatorship affiliation********** 2 fs ??oppg -dfrd ls amrs-ls frdl. trs amr frds -is frd frdshp aided nd kpt in bsn by trs mob cmnt who lks t wst stl kill dstry fr free nd thn pss slvs fr frds in fct -trs nd murderers-mob trs butte/usa. prp of cmn srv -kp in plc nd encrg abv trs nd their trs acts thy mlcsly ps fr -hlpfl in fct trs -mob trs butte/usa. sec hdg mob is trs for hire nd lkl prf mob trs glu enbld trs cnctn who drctl spts mob alg wt lcl cmnt nd le hdg trs mob in tk-lv u -abslt trs dfrdr out t hv mob crm nd trs tctcs g free. ???tk ?????? hd plt cnt rd usl tr lwr ????????*******incid I blv nmrs rnded pltes sm as one in frt wr stln sd of hs nd th onl one lft ws the on glued t grd-ths prfsnl entitled trs thieves--whom amer spts fr all thievery nd ndls othr mlcs mnpltv nd trs acts lk realtor amy friend cntrctr rfrl who in fct dt cr if hv suspended gt wll close or break nd prpsl fxs t brk aftr wch u cn ls evr insd ****** trs lw sv ?ant dk hwr anm noises ****bg 1.5 ?bln trs ohw ord mvs fr vh vh vh lk mny oth trs hr cnst jmpg amg mob vhs I rec rec w tk twr lv u instrctd fst chs thd plt of mob vh tkg its trs mob instrctr als aprtl prt of athltcs at 6th st schl.usually yls 911 nd co trs -bgl********* ?bkt tk ?lg plg ?eey cnt ?sus itms ?bg brn hd t see at ???????????mlc cr phgh rob rd cr -sk my????ths trs cmnt cnst lkls rvs flt by crmnl trs t cnt kp vctms vctmzd trgts nd in hole as mob nd trs cmnt int fr free-free hdg by trs entitl dfrdg mob -in fct ong trs crmnl with all rgts per mob butte/usa vs yrs none -the realit of trs usa.*******rd cr mob trs prb brgt rd spty qd lgt tn bldw-hv sm ?????clg vctm schiz-thlp mob gt awy wt mrdr as ext hghl popl in mob usa who brds all who are its trgts t gt awy wth wstg nd crm frm wch all trs in trs amer bnft gngs agts le suptd by trs butte/usa.---hey gtn in my cr-brglrs mrderers trs wt cr funded by trs mob ctry/cty. trn bldw gt in m cr......t hgh......??????????ong trz mrs brd lnc-aided by mob butte/trs usa. pbrd mnt-wts yr num. ?????hgh/bldw 1st brd lnc 1108p 1110pmrs tbl flw by 2 oth vhs. md ??? ??? vbtc-sht up m-vcs glu bks bk polv lg bk suv tbl mnt dmrs gt u mf jp lk vh brgr lt cr sus ??? ?????yr-wr u frm???wc rec u g to-none of raleys prop ownr mob grd bsn---in ths twn le nt shws up or shws t frm u instd per ong comob trs cnsp prj. rpb hrd vic dmps myb scr ?bs or oth unk bus co d13th nls drct lkd tmob ths sms rlg int fri---- bpg blu cr lbls flw by othr mob blu cr blu ?????? ????bk dr sd st tk chev out dnl mb bk in blk lk at my bgs pchev dnls 6mr?v725 ???smn plc it? by chev? bp w mob sv dk wnd t hd ylp slv cr pchev nls alm blk nv cr p??????---dnls gy/gn off c bp dtb 6c78952-$2 tn tk myb 4d -trs mob dr heey psg nls hrd vh ?ylg pwlf???? ???dpt ???le tlt ??tse cnt rd mst of ths but pd kps tlt lkd whn shld b opn drctl per mob cmnt dsrs thn blms vctms who it purposes int toilet or t be dictatored by mob trs cnsp trs cmnty in on trs dictatrsp nd wstg pln all of whs crms thy aid prtct nd spt $2 ins dfrdr trs trs tm dict nt plt thy thrw inslt t grd t ins nd dstrct tht wy crm cn g free why py per trs cnsp wstg consensus. 5f12362 aq/slv at brg??????? prb amg ndls prtcpts.this is abs mob trs wstg nd dctatrshp trs cmnty -mob trs butte/usa-hpy t kill u by heat or evr els. I blv blu cr lbls palc ???33226w1-bgl trs nst mlcs wstg streotp ???? ??f. ins aid? lnc? blkt b hpy-mlcs dfrdr comob trs cvrp. trs opd vic rec w vn sd drs vcv ord $tr slv tn off cl -vcv cr ord mrs med w cr rpb penglh dmt sl tn cr brd dgn shk hds ord prac lnc on bk ??? ????fln sht.pshl mrs raleys trs grd -mkg own trs pln hw t wst u bs per mob trs pln hlpg wst dfrd vctm fr mob cnsp trs cmnt drctl in cahootz w/trs estblsmt hyd guard lkg t frm flt for mob nd cnspr with mob trs plan. w le ohw ord *****ms lkl trs grd aids mob nd mob dictatorship trs affilts.hlps st up ftr mnc nd aid mob. -frd frnd.. glu set up trs instg in lg w/trs orgs/gngs thy jnd. trs aprv dictate wst trgts nd gt mob trs cmnt/trs usa spt.??? ???? ped hlo dlw shl bk prb blk loaded yl mob ord ohw lnc loaded drk spcr bf rly skts bldw mrs rob trs rd lt bldw ****?bn cr ---ha.......mob cr und fld t evn ctc clr. cnt rd agn ?? ??? ???? *****rpb slv sv ldl brd dnr ths ws hrd by rd tl w shll in mrs gsg 1110-1125p apx frid hyd trs rd sv dbdg bp ?????? js ps mno smn ask cig bp up pdmps -old gn stn--- dnls bp blk c?? lw splr br.
Friday, April 8, 2016
tues-off w ?cr bp 8th dn mob glu cnsp clb hlpg cnsp trs inst frm u cns trs 7t up slv cl ?I bk ?ptg up 2 w crs 1 ft 1 bk apts nx t sra vlg bp palc dgd bgr dk tn sv 2 bks dk sk yth ?nw gd nt in ?mnt dsp wlkr psb frmrl in whl chr usd as cnv prp fr hrsmt dsp by mob -d y evr stp wk-as if the slm eith kn antg abt me or hd bsn in my lf. mob blk tnk upr upr arm tat-othr trs cnsp prt of instgtn blm trs prj- stp ylg-othrwds mob cn ws me dn tlt nd sy he nvr did it. ??all fm sgsg gng call mob orgnzg mlcs stgng theatrics frmg u -trs mob dsptc w cr mob myb-pump-hi rw bdg 1.5 w tk t rw gd rp lk bk fm w tp blk do sht bth jn by mob bk in blk ngr mob dsp cell trs ?cns crw aided by le etc. 2 yth ?nls ??? ??? d rp ??? w cr trs bpg dmnt tdstr frm inst trzg ?cmn dictatrshp old bk blk-hyd f all? trs ???? polv tbl mod dspt lg w cr bp gn slv tk polv anm nois olv slv cl med med ?tr mrs tbl.plys ??? d apn??????? blkts.trs f frm bdg p ?plys vet per mob tctcs -hrsm ??tlt?? hrsinstg rvs frg?? tctc stg trs dsp by cmnt cnsp trs lmnt off w cr bp c blu? als sn ?earl?? 3lbc708 gn mvn hi ??? wv hlp mob mrs mnt tbl drg ally mob ooh hey grl 3 mob brd dnr heey grl-5wfw336???-yl?****rwd tcrt------prfsnl trs dmp on their vctms by calling thm nt nc people-sdl I hv expts wtc trs d trs acts hrsmt nd oth trs instgatns lg tm nd knw exc whos nt nc its the mrdrers nd trs who wnt t kill dictator nd nt pay nd dfnt incl grd blk f allgdl wkg fr prpty ownr fr entr ctr nd I blv at one tm hr shrt my hv rd prvt sec wch does nt gv me nm of yr empl.-grtd mob nd or thk alk dg fvrs fr lcl mob cnsp team drctl lkd t clc mob nd its crm tms frm thrwg eggs in eye etc raleys lot t bllying crsg frd chr hrsm instgtns glu hrsmt trs teams nd bhd sc trs mnplations t oth cmnt prpsf crsg fr prpses of orgnzg mlc nd mnc by crmnls lkl drctl cnctd nt onl t trs mob cmnt bt its spsd ownrs invstrs rgltrs nd tkg opty tdmp on lg tm ong trgts-I sy ths due t fct I blv dlr bls hnded thrs wr drct nt fr hr bt fr mob cvr up trs crw mlt team trs mgmt. of srts nd bcs wh sh frs apprc me she sgs i'm nt nc-in fc cvrg up fr ths whr prtc in nt nc lcl mob team cnsp strtd by dead drkn hls in whlch nd lkl othr htfl smkrs who fnd mr smkg frds who dslk recyclg drctl aided by mob drg cmnt wlkg ard tmd up wt chrch dfrdr hgs nt drgs atmptg t d evr psb t org anms twd vctms nd aided by trs le in dg so-who in fc r loaded drkrs nd addicts vs vctms thy wt t sht up wo fee kpg all fr slvs nd wstg vctms wt mlc inslts at n cs nd wstg thm dn th drn one spt afr nx fr trs mob bus co mob trst cr sec mob lib mnpltns n cnsp gng t ralys sec nd using opty of rec cr nw gn wr in fc its spsd t b by lw t dmp upn n ws vctms. bhd it wld be fn people wt wrtls $ bls dfrdg cmnt bldg. crm cnsp tms nd ptg srl vctms as lss thn nc people t gt spt in organizing cld blded mob nd murderous nd trs sptg agcy acts aided nd fnded by trs mob usa rl nc in aiding cnsp tms who bld srl crm t srl vctms nd gt cmpnstd fr cnsp wch gvs bg bks t cnsp prtcps all invtd nd incded nd prd t be prt of trs mob cnfdt in frmg vctms spcfcly bcs thy r nt mob nd bcs trs tmd up has mr pwr thks trs usa who hlps tm wstg.als trs hv cmrs on yr prp im cnv-ths r sphstc nd trs mob nt lkg t hl u as thy wld lk t sm bt prp lkg t ws u .agn mob rlys sec prtrys u nt mb ong hrsm trzg vctmzg as nt nc people-dfnt nd drc lkd t mob trs nd disc trs tctcs nt be foold by mob $bills -ths r lmntn trs grpgs drct jnd by rlys shpg ctr prpt ownr who apprcts trs lnkd t mob trs cnsp elimination trs grps-frd frdl frd nc in fc stg up crm n wst t ong trgts of trs cnsp mlcsl frmg ptg instgtg orgnzg cmn trs trzg cnsp nd crm cvrp*****bcs $ bls r nt blng t sec grd-wht is in fct dng is hlpg mob orgnz its nx hit dsrd cnsprd by mob nd aided by algd inct cntc recepients lk her who r wlg t gb frds wth trs grpgs nd mob nd spt its dgs ignrms of rlty-mob trs butte usa whs crm cmpnents gvts agencies bsnesses r hr t sppt mob wst vctms- gzb mnt/mrs now fncd t frtr chs vctms my opin this wld be city cmnty aided trgtg of vctms nt drg addicts or drnks nd cnsp tms nd dfrdg acts who all of thm r -trs frmg by mlcs discrmntn exc as lkd by bs co frd trs sara-etc.... nd algd mob lnk Kelly qtd by zoo mob bt who I dt knw nr spkn to.*** bk t rwd ???????Kev?on!-fr mntg ???cl n ???cnc. ?lnc csg ord dmit lgr bk sv ???? m ?r shrt dmt str bgs ?????? bg/bn c csg lt $tr w tk plw dord -bgl. gn cr tbp lnc lw dohw w cr dn pdmps lw. m/f yth fr lib m-hi df? w/dog sts nxt m outs lib crn??????rp.....rp......bld ch ?tpm at cmp lkl sg stg ????? spsd ???? rp rks fm oth sd fc lib mit dmrs oth mob 2 t lib rk thwg agn out of oth sd fc pkg myb lib gvg ???drt lks as if lws dfctv amr symp w/mob mob ???trs bk n th rks agn lnc ord. w r mt mrs -yth hi sus trs in pkg prp cnsp t rvs tlt trs dir sm as ba w tk ??? ??? plnc plnc vtc slv cr mr bgl trs sc w cr sm drctn sus tks/crs mtc ???6zij192 sus f ??lt-hi prps ??trl rvs alt????w cr ps rw bdg ----psb ?mh wkg drct fr mob trs amr cty mob trs butte/usa sus lt shd tk nls n mtc sus f w cr ba sm tm as me 1839p chev--????? cnt rd ???? ??? blu/?brg lw sktrs? ???drgs 4vwn437 w sv shell-thrt f smk u nx tm I see u btc-I do rem ths sv smld lk drgs nd ws grtd by sktbds who grtd me lkl fr mlcs trgtg I hv cnct t any dgs I blv als md thr u r gn t gt arstd fr wtg dn -frds of mob shell -sm of trg occrs t fls rp nonex frdshp. 8p37???111 ?hep unk dfrdr src shell f -stg vc bpg dk tn cr cur crt zoo mob aided by trs run cmnt aided by cmnt trs who drctl aid spt mob - per trs butte mob prj mob trs butte/usa.rpt trz....glu mob-rly ?????dsptc. lg cl cr ---myb gns dolv mob yl skt-yea-ddtc cof ylg ?????? ohw hy u -blk 4d ??? nls ohw ord lnc gy tk am flg ohw wlg area ****bk of twr mob 911 rp ylg mk vcs fkstk bgl off w md fnc cr-lv u ---dfrd rlt t gt awy wmnc trs act orgnzd drctl by mob -wu lk my lc plt-I blkd out at tht tm as ths ws shtl aftr hv chk glass ldl hit stg in gs stn thrwn by mob frm bk of lot at me bt msg all sm tm orgnzd lmntn trzg wstg trs dictatorship act wo cmpnstn aided by cmnt intended t wst u bs as psbl n dfrd rlt. it tk me whl evn t fd my nt bk lft on pole aftr indcd shkr strs.ofc nt hv it snc trs hrsmt mob gng frd cr stl inf ???? point t the mtr ths is mob trs cmnt is hr to ws dfrd brglrz elmnt nd do ths fr free w/hlp frm usa who is thrld wt amr srl trst grpgs nd their sptg mob cmnty ???? ??????cnt rd. 7jfd036 unf cnt rd nd dt knw fr wt bt ws at twr gls bnc ????stg at ??stn wt thy lv brg trz wstg fr free with lts of hlp fr trs mob cmnt trs prtcpts off w cr md fnc lk mb bk cr tard ?slvrs tw 1.5 ????? rpb pa1 dlw 9p??? ltl aft???? 1 vh sht ?????****wts rlvt in ths trs mob cmnt is trs cmnt huge num prtcpts wlg to cotrz trgt wst tgtr nd or prvd srl vhs to serial trs fr use in wstg mnpltn trs dumping upn wstg actvts fr projects which aid crime mob with its crimes nd thn als hlp thm to dmp upn wst trgts at no cst wth hlp at all lvls of trs mob cmnt mob trs butte/usa.
mn-?hp prt of gn ???? gv tm smk-?dg dfrdg gng prp ???????????gn ?????*****in sht in ths trs mob cmn -hi drctl indicts mob prtcptn??? ?????t hd t rd trs cb. 948p rob chr cnsp dfrd trs empw mob 1010p ??? ??? ??? ???????? 4 dwt fu co rlys.
1030 bk w/lgts dmrs nt hv cig pls????mob cig trs 3 dt lt cr???? ?????wt ard ???? cns mlcs hrsm frm brg trs apts t fem lgt ds pty tp trp lt dk cr aidg trs cnsp mlcs cnsp whisp ????ths bldg prtcs trs frm pd n lkl hlps mnc u ?gv me ?dict ??????ths is trs mob wstg dfrdg cmnt mch lk trs mob rlys grd-whos really hpy hls f she gv rds is dead-bcs she is n lgr hrtg-fct amer trs shl hv hlpd her lg bf tht wm mny nd nt bg hls ths is mlcs trs cmnt who prpsl frms u as bd nd hs tns of frds thlp mk this rgtfl nd oth lk mnded trs lkg t hlp prsct nd mnc vctms nd prec lv thm wo mns nd tsd out -drctly aided by mob trs butte/usa!!!!!!!!!! trs cr tw brg lot I wt ard while trs frm adj apts whisprd cnsprd w/mob trs f prb usg trs vh ???1020p spt lt cl ld sp pmrs psb plt fw wks shln 1025p lds lt cl tk mrs civ ?????????? prs?1026p crs mnt dlnclc srn bk sd civ dsalon bk mlc tp srl nst lts scr lk t trz foff plc trs mob lt sv pbw bpg dmrs.lgt tn cr psg bp brg apts bk f vc gn rnd circ-btc-lkl sm as trz dys ago chev ngt pm nst bps unk rsn to whis cvr up if inct ????prb hr mob prsn wlk bk pss ????????????as if im dg stg tht mgt hrt thm smn dn ss dgd-my opin ths ong nonstp trs nd prtndrs hv brnwsd cmnt nd hv grt spt fr all crms as intended as well as caused mjr wstg strs imprmts all wo pymt on pt of cmnt or usa bcs these are mn trs grpd tgtr-thy are jt trs wth altrior mlcs mtvs trs ??? m ??? f cty dr bg stln fm ts tbl cr w/lg hd ???/ms chev shr 3d dnls mx ylg dk tk ?????pls ?????in sp ?up.bk dn psg wt ?mvd rd trn rd ft dk bd. mx clrs lkl by d 9th 4dwt shl rf scrm t f lg nv cr co eng 12th lk myb rd vh up 13th.??? ??? brg? lt rd tk 4d prb mnc frmg crmnl frmrl at ba bg/gns heey up 13th????????lkl stln tk empt hlr up 10th bgl 911... sm ???? fr schl athl pdmp bk w/crl hr hd lkl brg mob srl trs d3d amr -unrdb .....trs cr hr bk ?????-hlo evn sd nls lkl t btr f wt cmp ????? sr vlg. oth w /?all lkl mob w/le palc mnt.hi-bk pls PE dgd blu cr trs dbdg w/tn/gn cl.****rlys sh ctr prp ownr drctl hlpg lcl gngs tied t chrch le etc- the gng sn of cop who sd out of brwd tk-u dt blg at raleys thn flwd w dodge the slv tk who said f-f u-u pc of sht. these trs r in fc prt of cmnt dictatorship crm trs mnpltn gng clb --------an atty is needed vr urg nd mny fr 40 yrs trs acts up t sec fr my lvl lf in rf-please hlp bf I vct t strt---- to sue raleys prp ownr who ignrs gng crms nd chases victims sm as bus co etc....this grd rlys prp is db tlkg -ownr tl her chs evr-nx momt she says -if anyone cmplns she'll hv t kick u out nd strtd cnv w/gng tlk-u nt vr nc prs-sch mlcs frmg drc frm gngs ong trs prs dict hrsm brglrs crm etc....als vr pop w gng t do crm thn ofr mn or dfrd othws by syg lv u thyr nt afrd due t endls spt by bds, in cmnt, gvt, opertns nd le*****2-fs hlo-ha? up rb .vt pk w/cr bk ln dk rd chev pmgs prl rd sv-glu ......mrs pbd pld mn emp cn fr slvs mob ?????crs fr brg/mn unf t hrd t rd nd dcpr ?315 rd sv jlu prob dbrd rp. ????fd n ???sml tm ????? hd mrs crn blk sht.myb w/??? up ???????dgy lnc. unrd 7pyh121 unrdb ???mob??? sml kds-?????hdkt sus 2 bk lt pkg yl dk tk lw lnc ord vtc wtk cl ?sg lf kll atc ryb.... unrd undc ?pnw 5 apr pls ???? unrdb ???*****lib f trs crw coat hrsmt f shtl aftr mob trs ngr hghs num cmp wed 11 spryd bf me wr I pt bgs thn at me whn I wlk in-I tl lib bt thy did ntg ngr ws loaded nd dng stg dnc at cmptr he hd cobngr at 9 myb w als prb jnd by stk fem at 10 lt ltr-ths std thm fn.thy r trs pls rlt dfrdg tms vr oft tgtr grtd tmd up. ??yl ???w sv dk ???wn myb mstk inc wrt lnc pmt drob ngr trs lgs cmp n ?bd ???skp me ovr --abs cnt fgr wt ths abt ???trs.thy smply dm rfs or wrs mlcs dfrdg on vctms fr psning wstg klg vctms as usa lks-abs cert usa spts ths actvt- 10 mln trs vs dyg dthl sk prs drctl sptd by trs realtors who will do nothing abt impacted maladr amy friend nd judy moore ba 3xsz277 cnt rd pops hey bgl? bf cr bpg dn mkg ard dmt 4nex785 pty wm av alr ok-gy sv wts up sis wy wrt my lc plt num?-sdg inc bt in my opin hgl lkl lkd t gngs nd hlpg sm gngs fr unk rsns-tlk drv f myb bk in tht blk cr dmrs-rmr at me re ink their knw ?knw ??hsmt 84077p1 shl cns ??tk po hd t see tn cr -?ng.... spc ard ohw sn lkl ?tri dtc ???coff zm ???? tl lg cr pwlg mto???? ths r cns prt??j trs gp bk?crs wlgr dk cl sml cr ???trl s c heey-cnt rd cnt intrp. hit ohw tk ord dr wlg dk nv sv pbw mrs bpg stn stn hi sd ?ohw tr spcr mtc bp hy grl wt u dg trz .......rp mlc trz rp.... myb slv cr pmrs d?rlys lkl ngrs--f trz ?? trs? ?de aqua tk hlo-***-la.... gng sd 2 sus mbpwlgmtc ped rl lt ?ws up? out mrs ord cmn chs nt rdbl ??nt trs ?chl vct wst gngs bt vctms. no one crs thy wrk drct wth mob nd hlp wst trgts tgtr ???tm gsg 9-12 tht mkg yl ins rob dhgh ins prs scr ins. hp t ??hit lkl ill? rob trs zoo-cn lgt yr num ??? ???? sdl all ls cnt rd cr pord mit prb bk slt trs mob cr mnt bk brd--
??????? lw ?tn pbrd rob slv cr rd pbrd rob prb f.rlys slv...?pmrs ?tal 1030-1100 mob cr pbrd myb 4tms als myb ml slv/rdio 110 s prb mob mrs mnt lnc rlys gsg bw 9p-1030p ??cns crm cr ?exp ****I blv ngrs who wr btrg me wr ths tm in rnded slv cr trzg t trs rdio beat nd wr im gsg myb po mrsls vic. lkl sm ?? crw --out fr?? ??? crm cvrp mob wlks -cmn smls cnt trs acts tdg adcts apv bndts in oth vhs w/am hl?? gt awy trs up ????brg aps w tk dk shl ins ard brg crc ay fr bdg sp ws 4dwt bdg dgd sus trs w/lgt abv rw-all lk trs ths mob area thrtg cl m mf btc cl shrf-thts wt amer ds wst u thn rvs up t mk fl of u vctmz all ovr -tctcs of trs inj sys. nw-prb ?rb pts? I blv hd rd rd pts tlkg ?xct sm ???? trs mob trs bt/usa spt balloon mex mob frds of w dodg 7-11 ?sd ?blk qd lg 7-11??? ???? ????f ???gt a??????? trs lw enf sp mob ????? usl ct rd?? ?? ???? mnplt ?? ??aids scd in bk all amr fvrs m?????s drctl spld trs cmnt dict elimntn trs prj city hall nd all frds prtctcg cmnt trs acts vs vctm nd nt onl nt pyg fr thm bt cnstntl wkg mr mnc mob butte/trs usa???? ?????trs clb org dnls bk tsl dc ?? brg tn by trs ????????????????? gvt drctl t kl u yth ????-evr yrs. blk cr frn stp rt sus bnk--crs le bk tw hgts aw fr thm ????? cmn trs gp mob up ?????cmn flks spl vhs t trs pkg as le spls teaches trs tctcs aids crm cr t cty dr by pbl wks ???? pkg wtc f hd rp m hd mob cns afl . trs wg off stl mn wh blu vct nd/bwst tk dchev mob bk cr-sm. this ms hv bn fr tues/wed.
mn-?hp prt of gn ???? gv tm smk-?dg dfrdg gng prp ???????????gn ?????*****in sht in ths trs mob cmn -hi drctl indicts mob prtcptn??? ?????t hd t rd trs cb. 948p rob chr cnsp dfrd trs empw mob 1010p ??? ??? ??? ???????? 4 dwt fu co rlys.
1030 bk w/lgts dmrs nt hv cig pls????mob cig trs 3 dt lt cr???? ?????wt ard ???? cns mlcs hrsm frm brg trs apts t fem lgt ds pty tp trp lt dk cr aidg trs cnsp mlcs cnsp whisp ????ths bldg prtcs trs frm pd n lkl hlps mnc u ?gv me ?dict ??????ths is trs mob wstg dfrdg cmnt mch lk trs mob rlys grd-whos really hpy hls f she gv rds is dead-bcs she is n lgr hrtg-fct amer trs shl hv hlpd her lg bf tht wm mny nd nt bg hls ths is mlcs trs cmnt who prpsl frms u as bd nd hs tns of frds thlp mk this rgtfl nd oth lk mnded trs lkg t hlp prsct nd mnc vctms nd prec lv thm wo mns nd tsd out -drctly aided by mob trs butte/usa!!!!!!!!!! trs cr tw brg lot I wt ard while trs frm adj apts whisprd cnsprd w/mob trs f prb usg trs vh ???1020p spt lt cl ld sp pmrs psb plt fw wks shln 1025p lds lt cl tk mrs civ ?????????? prs?1026p crs mnt dlnclc srn bk sd civ dsalon bk mlc tp srl nst lts scr lk t trz foff plc trs mob lt sv pbw bpg dmrs.lgt tn cr psg bp brg apts bk f vc gn rnd circ-btc-lkl sm as trz dys ago chev ngt pm nst bps unk rsn to whis cvr up if inct ????prb hr mob prsn wlk bk pss ????????????as if im dg stg tht mgt hrt thm smn dn ss dgd-my opin ths ong nonstp trs nd prtndrs hv brnwsd cmnt nd hv grt spt fr all crms as intended as well as caused mjr wstg strs imprmts all wo pymt on pt of cmnt or usa bcs these are mn trs grpd tgtr-thy are jt trs wth altrior mlcs mtvs trs ??? m ??? f cty dr bg stln fm ts tbl cr w/lg hd ???/ms chev shr 3d dnls mx ylg dk tk ?????pls ?????in sp ?up.bk dn psg wt ?mvd rd trn rd ft dk bd. mx clrs lkl by d 9th 4dwt shl rf scrm t f lg nv cr co eng 12th lk myb rd vh up 13th.??? ??? brg? lt rd tk 4d prb mnc frmg crmnl frmrl at ba bg/gns heey up 13th????????lkl stln tk empt hlr up 10th bgl 911... sm ???? fr schl athl pdmp bk w/crl hr hd lkl brg mob srl trs d3d amr -unrdb .....trs cr hr bk ?????-hlo evn sd nls lkl t btr f wt cmp ????? sr vlg. oth w /?all lkl mob w/le palc mnt.hi-bk pls PE dgd blu cr trs dbdg w/tn/gn cl.****rlys sh ctr prp ownr drctl hlpg lcl gngs tied t chrch le etc- the gng sn of cop who sd out of brwd tk-u dt blg at raleys thn flwd w dodge the slv tk who said f-f u-u pc of sht. these trs r in fc prt of cmnt dictatorship crm trs mnpltn gng clb --------an atty is needed vr urg nd mny fr 40 yrs trs acts up t sec fr my lvl lf in rf-please hlp bf I vct t strt---- to sue raleys prp ownr who ignrs gng crms nd chases victims sm as bus co etc....this grd rlys prp is db tlkg -ownr tl her chs evr-nx momt she says -if anyone cmplns she'll hv t kick u out nd strtd cnv w/gng tlk-u nt vr nc prs-sch mlcs frmg drc frm gngs ong trs prs dict hrsm brglrs crm etc....als vr pop w gng t do crm thn ofr mn or dfrd othws by syg lv u thyr nt afrd due t endls spt by bds, in cmnt, gvt, opertns nd le*****2-fs hlo-ha? up rb .vt pk w/cr bk ln dk rd chev pmgs prl rd sv-glu ......mrs pbd pld mn emp cn fr slvs mob ?????crs fr brg/mn unf t hrd t rd nd dcpr ?315 rd sv jlu prob dbrd rp. ????fd n ???sml tm ????? hd mrs crn blk sht.myb w/??? up ???????dgy lnc. unrd 7pyh121 unrdb ???mob??? sml kds-?????hdkt sus 2 bk lt pkg yl dk tk lw lnc ord vtc wtk cl ?sg lf kll atc ryb.... unrd undc ?pnw 5 apr pls ???? unrdb ???*****lib f trs crw coat hrsmt f shtl aftr mob trs ngr hghs num cmp wed 11 spryd bf me wr I pt bgs thn at me whn I wlk in-I tl lib bt thy did ntg ngr ws loaded nd dng stg dnc at cmptr he hd cobngr at 9 myb w als prb jnd by stk fem at 10 lt ltr-ths std thm fn.thy r trs pls rlt dfrdg tms vr oft tgtr grtd tmd up. ??yl ???w sv dk ???wn myb mstk inc wrt lnc pmt drob ngr trs lgs cmp n ?bd ???skp me ovr --abs cnt fgr wt ths abt ???trs.thy smply dm rfs or wrs mlcs dfrdg on vctms fr psning wstg klg vctms as usa lks-abs cert usa spts ths actvt- 10 mln trs vs dyg dthl sk prs drctl sptd by trs realtors who will do nothing abt impacted maladr amy friend nd judy moore ba 3xsz277 cnt rd pops hey bgl? bf cr bpg dn mkg ard dmt 4nex785 pty wm av alr ok-gy sv wts up sis wy wrt my lc plt num?-sdg inc bt in my opin hgl lkl lkd t gngs nd hlpg sm gngs fr unk rsns-tlk drv f myb bk in tht blk cr dmrs-rmr at me re ink their knw ?knw ??hsmt 84077p1 shl cns ??tk po hd t see tn cr -?ng.... spc ard ohw sn lkl ?tri dtc ???coff zm ???? tl lg cr pwlg mto???? ths r cns prt??j trs gp bk?crs wlgr dk cl sml cr ???trl s c heey-cnt rd cnt intrp. hit ohw tk ord dr wlg dk nv sv pbw mrs bpg stn stn hi sd ?ohw tr spcr mtc bp hy grl wt u dg trz .......rp mlc trz rp.... myb slv cr pmrs d?rlys lkl ngrs--f trz ?? trs? ?de aqua tk hlo-***-la.... gng sd 2 sus mbpwlgmtc ped rl lt ?ws up? out mrs ord cmn chs nt rdbl ??nt trs ?chl vct wst gngs bt vctms. no one crs thy wrk drct wth mob nd hlp wst trgts tgtr ???tm gsg 9-12 tht mkg yl ins rob dhgh ins prs scr ins. hp t ??hit lkl ill? rob trs zoo-cn lgt yr num ??? ???? sdl all ls cnt rd cr pord mit prb bk slt trs mob cr mnt bk brd--
??????? lw ?tn pbrd rob slv cr rd pbrd rob prb f.rlys slv...?pmrs ?tal 1030-1100 mob cr pbrd myb 4tms als myb ml slv/rdio 110 s prb mob mrs mnt lnc rlys gsg bw 9p-1030p ??cns crm cr ?exp ****I blv ngrs who wr btrg me wr ths tm in rnded slv cr trzg t trs rdio beat nd wr im gsg myb po mrsls vic. lkl sm ?? crw --out fr?? ??? crm cvrp mob wlks -cmn smls cnt trs acts tdg adcts apv bndts in oth vhs w/am hl?? gt awy trs up ????brg aps w tk dk shl ins ard brg crc ay fr bdg sp ws 4dwt bdg dgd sus trs w/lgt abv rw-all lk trs ths mob area thrtg cl m mf btc cl shrf-thts wt amer ds wst u thn rvs up t mk fl of u vctmz all ovr -tctcs of trs inj sys. nw-prb ?rb pts? I blv hd rd rd pts tlkg ?xct sm ???? trs mob trs bt/usa spt balloon mex mob frds of w dodg 7-11 ?sd ?blk qd lg 7-11??? ???? ????f ???gt a??????? trs lw enf sp mob ????? usl ct rd?? ?? ???? mnplt ?? ??aids scd in bk all amr fvrs m?????s drctl spld trs cmnt dict elimntn trs prj city hall nd all frds prtctcg cmnt trs acts vs vctm nd nt onl nt pyg fr thm bt cnstntl wkg mr mnc mob butte/trs usa???? ?????trs clb org dnls bk tsl dc ?? brg tn by trs ????????????????? gvt drctl t kl u yth ????-evr yrs. blk cr frn stp rt sus bnk--crs le bk tw hgts aw fr thm ????? cmn trs gp mob up ?????cmn flks spl vhs t trs pkg as le spls teaches trs tctcs aids crm cr t cty dr by pbl wks ???? pkg wtc f hd rp m hd mob cns afl . trs wg off stl mn wh blu vct nd/bwst tk dchev mob bk cr-sm. this ms hv bn fr tues/wed.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
nst thw up sml f jst sat dwn bw the 2 zoo ops if shes nt prtcp w trs gng crw hwv trs dig the witc mr their knd of gal these are trs w cells on drgs cnsprcs nd crm nd dfrdg bkd up by crc cmnt le who lk t fly ignr their ong trk of mlcs trzg wstg nd crm bng psd fr accdt and as belonging to thk alk amr trs. M-- oldr bk w rd d trn 6th bpg w tr tp og lgts ?tpd sgn 5pss571 w clns -hi-swht clns. hy swh--7d74114 chv p1 by ??? 6nvz876 chg sr nt hv mr-in fc dfrdg mob gng trs mlcs wstg flwg dfrdg act wch gvs mob opt t gt cls nd eng in trs wstg tctcs. trs fm chev ? up gd blu cr lks psg hy 3d dnls -trs f js int w at lib psg ins jk n mlc dstrct t cvr trs mob rlt big time ultra grd thft trz prsc--- hd lg bld hr-thr awy trs trs w trs mnc atcd. ?ny trs f ???chev -hi-lkl w cr mob fr ?cln pchv dnls-hi yth prp cnt gng dfrd rlt le trs spt opd chv dgd bs ???? trs ogs bp pcty rcs yp ??????? le palc gd bkt dlg tfm tgt aj? cn clc w cr bp pgd brdg tn cr hy tbrdg smk mom f-psn amr dgs psg sml chl ?unb t rd- ??? bt lk at my yl nt in mob ??rv--spcf mob d?k ny xl drw gd ???bustr mpr tp rpb- ?? 7ngh641 w cr mrs blu spt cr-anm nois pmrs mnt m/f oldr-f-hi gigls psb thiev ???in tlt trs tlk b?tl mob ?m?s hy cns ????wrlo thr lkl srn f ????***rwd t ths mrn- ms- insn trs u nd fr yrslf -hitler shl hv kl all jws-jws n ngrs all in the wy-dt sy any wrd nd ndlss thrts els trs wl go off-all rgts rsvd fr amr trs who all thk alk nd blv vct shld sfr n be wstd -if thr is anyone wrgly lft bh it wld be the us -whose cnst components le injstc system cndct nd estblsmt kld me nd put my life int tlt wth fn hlp frm insn trs lk abv who hpl thks exctl lk thy so amer nd he r hpy tgthr wstg klg ths trgt.mob trzg evr nonstp amer blvs ths prsn cn be paid fr wth nthg nd all wll be cvrd as trs usa pts ths trgt undr wrps tgtr via jt trs mns cnsp corruption nd jnt crm. lkg at vcs wrtg lkl csd by mlcs trs mnc cmg my way as rslt of lee nd trs cmnt kpg mob ard n hlpg it to do its bdg wth spt frm cmnt estblsmt le nd trs inj system usa.bk t scrpt***-tk y bgs - rlt amr spts adcts n mob n wsts vctms-????h w bf I slc u ths I hrd bw rob hgh vcn of tlt lkl dg adc ?????brd dlnc- bp ?mtc dvtc rpb l d/t sv ln dmt sm slvc lnc por dmt rpb... rl 1 cr thl c by blu cr dk sv ?jlu fl by w cr tl lgts $tr? hd zoo rpb 1.5 slv tk ant dodg frd in ally bh ba.sml sv slv dk mob reg trs ????det rd decep- frd cvr -lv u---5wib212 rd sv ?????1 up th hlp u shl ????bttls unrdb 6zaw178 wvg ?afr mob lgt sv ???? sv cnsp w ths mnt ohw pord dmit fw pohw dmrs frd ?????brg lmntn dictatrsp ins hl at yr exps as amer lvg it up frm evr nst thft etc it does wth its crw of trs thk alk fr their trs cns crms aided by le mob trs butte/usa.lw dlnc lkg t frm me dmp on me inst as drctd by trs usa 2 tbldw trs gd lvs rp ?mlc.....trs instgt trz....... ...rp.... skt brds..... mlcsl agn rp. crmnls ????? phgh dlnc mln tms trz. aided by opd... nt ?wfvr out tgt 2? out tgt vct vh w/??? prb mtc bldw hgh dlnc cmn srv flsg lgt ??? ??? ??? pbrd dmnt dnr aidg trs cmnt le pls mob ?prs 1008p civ 1023p bpg lg cr civ mrs ???? pd dcty ?? ??? ?? ??? d y smk? trs tbl crs ovr t apts n smk ha? mlcs instg t cvr ong crm I blv ths gy hd w pts nd ws lkl 1 of ndls trs crm oprtvs in ths mob cmnt ???brglr,etc. trs crs ????oth sd tbl ?? ?? ??? dir dmno. out ??sh ??dv dnls nls sh sv cr d ?????sh dv unrdb slv tn cr dnls l gys tn cr ?tg d ??? ??? tcty. ****antr prfs trs lks t dfrd nd t wst ths trgt-----crmnl in hs-frn ndlss thrts trzg yest t nonpymt t mlcsly rng up bills plugged in air cndtnr t auto go on extra cold temperature t smply mlcsl gnrt bill nd mlcsly nt py shr nd cntnue lies nd frmg tctcs sm as trs butte/usa nd trs spt frm sm ***rwd t rlys cnsprc frd chrt grd-nt fr scd I blv ths prsn f prb blk or smlr trs ind- she denies she chs t be wlg t do nsty thgs whn she chs her ln of wk while mkg it pln if anyone cmplns t her t chs smn she wll cm nd gt thm nd insists-owner tls her chs evr-in rlt smply the owners etc r drctl in league w/frd chrtbl mob gngs whs purpose is t prsct nd ws fr mlc inslts nd nthg nd hv its trs lmntn nd crmnl tctcs sptd by local le nd injstc sys. the btc mlcsl insis t flw me on cmr so tht she cn shw hr invlvmt in cmnt crm trs prj she hd dollr bls rd frm frd chrt t slc the truth re trs prj-nd exprs dbt re clg 911 whn im bng hnded by mob aided by ths trs cmnty estblsmt nd le. trs mob headed t mrsl vlnt tb hlp her wst cnsprd cmnty trgts-im sr he nd or hr cmr sys brgt le t lot wo antg hpg asd frm hr nd hr ownr bg drctl in league w/trs gng mob cmnt lmntn prj whose desires thy hlp. clms ths is rnd 4 yrs in fct lying---I blv prj strd abt yr ltr whn cnsp occurred.***bk t rwd. rd cr mob sm as civ ????wt rd?tr sd bh hd cr bk trz. plc sv pctr of me thlp mob wst me nd ign the mob fcsg drctly on frmg brndg intmdtg chsg vctms as mnpltd by mob nd clvrly cvrd w lies nd wrtls mlcs $ bills intended t dfrd rlty nd fl trk u sm as lolly pop fr chld.the cmnty services is fls frt fr trs prj lkl-evr hr isclvrly cvrd up nd dsgsd t pss fr genuine nd t hd ong endls mob trs prsctn aided by mob mnty wo py nd encrgd by cmnt nd its mob which inclds le nd frd inct grds whs wlgns t prsct dfrd trgt spks fr slf. rd cr crmnls gn n trs pd-und cnt see plts in dk nd afrd of mlcs trs mob who is hr t put vctms in fr w sprt of trs butte/usa.amr expts psg crmnls fr fn people -wstg trgts wo py exc lk pcs of shit per mob trmnlg.
Monday, April 4, 2016
trs dn 12th crn outs.rltrs modoc n la as well as trs assist me as hls shl all be chgd thy gt mny fr fndg exc t nt d as needed nd it is their prps t ignr nd ws u nd nt do anything t slv situation all at yr expns nd thn wlk lk ntg hpn trs amer style. mob yl bg 1.5 tk d 9th ?alt rd- all rltd t w dodge nd rs of gng nd tm t tm usg remvb antn.1st ?blw 8th rnch -is marcozzi jwlrs stl dntn tn tot f hi wau dg au gn hm?spdg bpg dt mtc? ?? wrg wy rnd w cr up 6th trs mob ylg yth dk tk up dmp slv cr bp dn.blk sv yl t4t slv mvn trn rd t4th w tk rnd sdes t4th dk sv bp pplms 4dnls ?bsr136-w sv crn ?? nt ??? cnt rd. dk rd cr bpg dn ppbl rec slg ?slg bh dk rd chev frm on bd ?cr bk bk alm ?sk ?h ?pfg up-hi mob ?ln w cr ?ln chev prb oth vh 4t.mob sv ?w rp gs gd lkl brg-hi ttbl prs myb ?imp ?alc $tr nois ?sup gn cr fl?w by dk nv bpg p?grd dbrdg w lkl le brdg dgd rw gd slv 1.5 dodg frd slgt tltd bp skch ns mk w tk brdg mnt shrf prb flwg thr on tps frm mob/opd.lgr w sv mnt mrs? bp cr arv t nx johns swg ctr t lkl ????? susp bldg.lded ch? ?chn ard ?sln w sv vcs dmnt pd lkl rf t ??mop as people psb mob ?ontc f out ??hgd by psb ?dec ?artst f dtbl ?n -dmrs.dg srn vh mrs mnt tbl w cr pmrs lnc bk f ylg myb cll f - s f up? sc lt tn mob tk mnt mrs dmt ylg dk tk? >1.? pbrd rob . 2 ?ins peop tlk nx tlt ?y t trs -cn hv ths? thn tk 1 n pt 1 outs trs expl my hv bn ?nc inst qstn in ntr yl tk pprk mtc rnd w cr gvt logo int rd ba lot aft blk cr out n nsv w.****exc fr tsd -----grd dbrdg n mntg series mob affltd trs nt mndg bsns prpsl trg t dictator ply victim nd frm nd stg trs prts- affiliated stg hrsmt dictatorship lmntn serl brglrzg wstg cnsp push trz dictator wo py per cmnt trs lmntn prj wch bks gng trs acts nd gvs gng nd affkts le nd frd jstc bkg by amer trs sys of mlcs injstc. bk t sun. 2 s. ?bk/dk crs ?sm shl ord ?sus wlk ps ?s t dk sry nt lng to chg insp trs sit. sus tzr lk ?lgt thrw out of ?tk plw s. sus w tk dk shl ns poh dord ??? trs dfrd ppst?? gd ns-- ?ld smn pd 2cnts nw nc people thw glt of srl endls ong trs actvt. crs ar? -hyd ???? crs bk d? ???????? ?fm bk cr?lgs num cmpt at lib ******w-bf I cm spr det prp wr I hd bgs yst nd whn I st my bgs in antr spt drctd trs spry drctl at me -lkl zoo mob hghs num comptr ooppst end ml ngr lkd lk loaded and actg up at his cmptr bk at com*** I tld mx fem wkg dsk lib dy bf -tues outs lib grp gng thwg rcks frm bhd fnc hdout. lbrarians lk these mobsters as they cs me svr brtg prbl almn pltn etc-mob trs butte/usa lib wch welc smk t its drs mlcs sprying nd non stp tlkg trs nd drg addicts. bk t frmr. ???pbr slv ???p??? tb flf dgd lkl s ?chr ?whl rs ss st psg me 6th dn cycl stp on gs tbs my ears oldr drt sw mvn scr up trn 6th of plt ???25547 myb prt of plt f w4d shell scrm ??lug atc on rf out crs gl up. trs 1.5 bg antn bln trs ns/er bs. p 12th d m. **trs my nt b by slf nd lkl hs othr oprtv on sgt argng trs nd frd nc acts 2 chrs dn in rlty crmnls aided by cmnty le cntng trz steal on ongng basis anytm u hv yr bk trnd -I susp probl outs n insd hm csd by gng trs but trs cmnt spts n wlcms ths my wy as mira rakhman ted landreth nd his crw of frds frm pub cns gwhfc etc.....
Sunday, April 3, 2016
mk misus my crd wo prm at $g I alwd onl sgl hd prc. he als tlk non stp tlk n ys ls his mrbl gn ins n thrtg. he pd bk tdy whn I lk ths up. I cl nt go self to hd drg tlt prb.America abuses me my ft nd trzs wsts me t plp fr ntg wo py. I mr thn dsrv pntv py vs usa. my fml fld t sue hghschl fr my shl inj wch cs me abt qrt of rgt arm nd rotation ablt asmg ndls xry hv nt csd dmg t bld sfcy issues ths alg wth mlcs psn ivy meds nd mlcs crtsn inj wo expln t wht cld hv bn expt psn by usa at age 15. imdt expdt mny sgt vs mob butte/usa trs cnsp fr my lvl lf in rf. mny ms b pntv in ntr n fnd 40 yrs of trs acts by usa t my life n be grtd n uncndtnl fr ong trs actvt up t the sec by cnsprd trs usa delib wlkg unpnshd nd myslf bng frmd by sm for mob as trs mob butte/usa trs std by n smil tgthr wth mrdrs trs mira rakhman ted landreth public counsel trs le nd all those whove cntrbtd t loss nd crm vs me evr in usa on ong basis.w dodg hs nd mob hs susp mny plmb frds lycel, excel, Kelly ridge plumbing
heey lkl gn cr d8th prb wtc ? lv hs jlu bk ml m??? aid mob dk gn tk shl bp p4t up 2y?ps cnsp trs mob dk spt cr bp pss dnl off blk md cr ???3kkN82 dgt msg bk sw lkl t blk outs frm abs I ms sfr. grn spt spl bp f grd up bk dgd rw hgs n drgs-cmg frm lkl trs n orv trs mob drgs.mlc cnsp acstns t alw slvs cmt trs crm js lk trs mira nd trs usa mob hsptls nd mob trs hlp slvs w le mlcs trs hlp. if le is mob thy kp thm ard. ??hs pt sc sp crdbrd pst trs ??cr brdg dgd m/f yth brdg mnt f-fu tn bpg mob polv dtb rp mb cr mth brd lnc tr dn w mb cvc cr lnc....?sp ns bk cr spl drb sm blu ???? tn twr ?phg dmit. srv tk lnc dmit 1 in tl u pt blk shs on of w.... smk tslv trs mob clb ylg bg m/? plw s. grs?-gn drw pbgl dord trs mob blu sht ?scdrl wv f ?lb trs trs bk bnc lb cns gy op mb sc ord mrs ?mtc drt sml w tk lft pt blk trn mob yl cr ?ct mrs. 4wvx457-cns $1 frm flks who wl rthr brglr n stl lk all slm in butte mrs? w sltd sv pohw drtd hey... 2 le svs pohw aidg cnsp mob nd city lmntn pln t hrs wst frm undsrbls for mob butte/usa ???sm sv dmt sh?? mb dmt dk gn gs ohw ord dnls-papa--brgl mob myb amind -js gsg it cl be their lng--- ??unrdbl t wlgr-yea bpg? dk tk ohw ord mrs bgl ?f a1 2 yl ??bks ps tb dord-ths yth I wl nt hv ntc exc 1 rptdl yls nt in mob lkl, sm one as -rt fr mob or rltv.--- 2 bks ylg sm bk ppp lw. scr dk s trs bk my ????cn-dg ???grl ntc agn rp....stl st bt trs cn stl sf bf ???? ins **********sc blk cr dlw trs cr hi pp tbk brg frt pp dlw cr mb dk nv phda--ch???.... trs mob pp... ?????????? ?????.....agn trs mob brp.... 2 bks yth ptb nt in mob-dt u blv it. 2 out of bk cr trz hrs -w did w do?ths is bng psd fr ntg n jk t gt awy free ex prp of mob le lkl le pa1-dlnc. ???gn slv mob tk ???? w/st in bd pa1 ??lw dbp. trs rp gs oldr blu w tk???m ******mob lkl orv pd sd of chns rlys -wau dg mob slg nd dmnr hlpg cmn trs lmnt trs tctcs dk alley dsptc by mob ***************.j bf 2 fms asmg snc fr hgh st apts wr mny mob cn lkl b fn -cmplnd re sm gn jp bthrg thm prp ttrgt pry on vctm usg mob trs vocab slg prps n tctcs---mob trs butte/usa.prb w cr ?drv pp pp trs mob ??/spt prp |????prp instg hrs trz lmnt vctms trgts of mob trs butte/usa fr pry-trs f dsp by mob trz brd/mrs tkn up by mob zoo gng mnt nr cvc. mob fm clm she goes t grc bpts on ord le mob by chns in rlys lot was 930-10p apx tk shl rp gs pwlc dmit intmd hrs. m blyg f mrs phg dmnt-cnsp trs myb?mob f psb pimp w sml w dg frm hgh apts prb. oth lds by bw ????????thr wr mny le orpd nd shrf whn yth mob fms wr gd blg thy crsd n lft.sus w cr w pns shell-any pns lkl hl pt t mnc mob prsc trs gng wr thy chs u out of evr pny n stl all yrs thy cn esly pkt pls cnspr vs rst-mob trs butte/usa cmn trs object -America real trs nd live -crpt mlcs trs mnty/ctry pro trs ted landreth nd pro trs mira rakhman. brd ws 1025-1125p zoo acrs civ sw 1130-45p glu exc t gt awy wt nd cnt trs crm n mob sd. rnded slv cr dbp rp brd mnt trs cnsp w/le hlp. ??jp crs rp lg tn wrg tp sml t thrm wr. 2 bks w/?crts stl evr frt of me dmpstrs per dsptc. if earl -mob lks kill -if ltr mob sds own trs strs dsptc whm it dt fnd crz intrstgl. mob w cr gsg dmpst vic ?w cr tk p???? lg grn mob mvn 655 nls 4dbt d 13th trs mob wv-thieves brglrs wth gds blsgs. as I pt out sus w cr wth sus dude blk w pns shl. amer pys wth wrtls thr awy pns nd psn fd t dfrd u-mob trs butte/usa -mob here t mk certn thy stl yrs -n evr ls drp untl yr dead wc thyr wlg t brg abt if mob plc ds nt hlp thm to it. the hrsrs r prsr trs whm amer ds nt pln t pt in jl thy nthg frm pln trz ptg u in fr for slf thft eithr by thrts or their mlcs implctn by mns of usg trs mob inspired by trs usa. the plumbing job for which son of pierson cnstr cm out is mlcs mob ovc. u shl fl sry fr him fr lg cnc? n or copd he brgt on himself while cmnt which is identcl t him has caused u sm n wrs - I str fr each brth due t cmnt smkg mlc poisoning of prsn who nvr smkd mlcs gsg frm vhs trzg mrdr t my ft csd by cmnt nd cnsprd theft losses n overcharges. the guy was cld out after out toilet was mkg noise wo ntcb rsn psb antr gng trs mnc knb crs thrdg vr hrd t tk off we wr frc t call mr pierson realtor amy frd referral who sent his son t pkt $100 fr fw mnts jb wt prts alr bgt by mk n crs thrdg lkl csd by orv crmnls with crmnly obtnd keys nd aided by orv le. mlcs ovrchg chsdrg sml amt of wrk-I shl nt be sry fr his dsease esp nt onl he gv ths t slf he has csd people lk me t sfr smlrly or wrs exc wt ths twn is prp cnsprd t instgt tgtr wle drct aid t hlp their crm nd frm u fr crz nd crmnl t exmpt serial flns nd ongoing acts trs le hr hs the gull thlp n apprv.ths twn is here t deprv u of evr on prps nd blm u fr the opprtnt whl orgnzg evr mnc usa will hlp thm t gt awy wt. this is serial terrorizing theft burglarizing thrt t my life intmdtm prsr trs hrsm mob trs prfsnl trs tms trnd snc brnd aided by le ndn exempted by same whs job is t wst u wth them nd who r all jntl in mob. pierson construction mlcs ovcg nd will nt be srprsd if they r in mob -amy friend referral -buy riding lawn mower nd drv it rgt int the rvn as u r non drvr n heat yrslf t dth nd nd be smkd up by orv trs t dth nd be frmed prsctd stln frm csd loss agst on prp as trs mob plys chrt fr mlc pny insltswhich dt amt t mntst frct drp in ocn vs trs crm cnsprd on ongn basis by huge trs mob of which le here r definitely prt with aid frm trs usa.als ntwty frt of slv army str 2 fms of wc one ws tcg trs cnsprc vs me frt of str thn sm t fem at regstr-t be sure slvtm rmy lkl nt onl stls its dntntns etc fr itslf bt cld be lkl in ths area a bnfcr of brglrs nd mlcs trs discrmntn n mnc cnsprcy bth in chico str nd nw fr wt I see hr in orv. I did nt hv t stp ins str t see this hpng. this cmnt brks int hms srl brglrzs nd cnsdrs its crms pd fr by frmg u instd of pying fr crm- vr poplr ard usa -mob trs butte/usa whn thy kill bth u nd yr lf amer nd its trs std by nd prtd nt ntc dfrc.cmnt srv crs mrs dmnt sw bw 10303-1130 I blv.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
thurs---***gng bk t trs bld f by crs rd nls apchd by spt blk cr f-hw m I gn t gt in thr cr lft f wnt t crs gld rdyg n bld ??loaded on st bk trs mob cmn gng wtc bk f crs gl rd orgn trs cns t aid crm ?????61214m1---gy tk trn prp bf rnc 8th diff emp mlc trs hd lim?? 4th/nls 879jn or sml.****ths ls one myb smlr t trz ngt cr chev ngt tm.*****bks yths hd at ls 1 dk lg hr fembgl rep........sml spt w crnt t ???-hey ??pdm t4th-agn 2 trs bks crsg hd crsg ard... fem ylg -donna rptdl t hrs me -d hd lg hair I fld t lk at sec bk bt yld t hd re gng bngrs -ths r gng.mlc trzg instg tctcs. vh w/uhl atc phd dnls?? wsv up pfogg w/???sgn ss n ??end ?????brdg dg by cty res?-als tn? ??olvr crs dsptc t cvr cmn ?cmn ??cars wo pay mlc fr mob prs--rd cr mnt d. w le ??? m/m tk dn brd ?? 2f fs --?stks. unrdbl.plc mrs auth mob mbmrs ?r tk bp ????dmrs.yl grn sv pdp.? dord bpg vh p bg??? bk cr any mtc plnc dvtc bg mob tk $2 ba js bf me blk people lkl mobzzzz my rec 540p trs $tr mn trs smk trs bg lts ws up?w 1.5 ylg tk pmrs dlw w trek??? po dbp hd vc arco 911 hd vc ord/ohw lsy sltd drty w sv dk tn ??--hy-mob prtcp out twr dord nt ctc plt rp ??? nses mb smlr cr mthg twr- ???sm cr wlc mnt hi ?bnc m/m ?lkg t blm u le mrs dmnt tgt-me.skt-mnt/mrs ?sir vh dlnc ylg bk cr prb tbl 1055p ylg 2 bks prb mob civ tmrs ylg trs prs cr mnt dn tbl ???? ?jp mnt dmrs -911.trsg?? bk pn?? rw gd mob trs tbl mnt.wcr 4/gd nt mv sh aft ?lg m chev dnls prsn psh shv bg on whls p4th up.ths dy 2 chld fr prb schl hrs trz me on prp -it sms their prts in fc blg t the mob nd they are plying fn kds hrsg blmg u and invntg lies whl plyuing scrd- thy d nt wt t lv u aln-thy r trained t to be prfsnl trs snc brn by mob trs orov prts.
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