Monday, October 16, 2017

sat---lng hr mob ng acrs upr lib dwnw lkl---mike nw denies any wtvr cnctn t mssv thft--hwvr alrmngly dlb tries t pss trg fr liar nd fbricator of non existant imagined mtrl---dng so on prps t dscrdt vr crdble vctm fr trs usa who operates by psng its trs actvt as lgt nd hlier thn thou eefectvly drctly aidg ndlss liars trs grps nd crmnls by dlb hlpng crmnls lgtmcy in wstg ths trs usa nd trs whlwd deem as tgts---and alwys insists upn chrstians slf rgteousness in their trs actvty nd outsd of tru due process dfndg the tru amer wr mgt wrings rgt---mntm mk nt agr allgd wth amer bcs primrly due t its chem trails nd wpns purchases insistg ths r mnt t kill people spsdl the americans---slg aft 11p my wtc ambs ne rbts crn nx pmp---brkn glss trs trg as rslt js ct fng--bt cty nt wrried abt fngrs its aim is t stl frm nd wst vctms nd trgts incldg by hlpng crm rng frdl t city trs intentions----city nd shs jntly bk crm gng bhvr by bfrdg gngs nd cnsprg vs vctms---tru cmbnd frcs gng affltn----drg qn crm grp trs--hl maam --r u ok??---instd of ptg sc trs awy fr hndg nd stlg frm nd btrg nd prsctg trgts---shs nd city bk ths gng mobs----cmplmnts of tru trs usa----grp psn sprdg smkn svc d s---atnd 1135p ***armd ambsdr grd svc d s--evr wndr whm ths trs wnt t sht---as thy tell u t kp ur mth sht whl u r bng cnt vctmzd tgtd by crms incldg nt fl reprts---fct ths r crmnls amer nd wh bk---bcs thy hlp thm dstry vctm fr free----why py?????----vcs smk psn at tgt svc ne crn----earl ngt time smn knck trs off of ovrl trs svc sw---hiv ntcs mob prtcpt ng ylg awy ngt time smngly he crs frm ne gng svc s thn retrn gng e aftr htg trs cn smngl md at evr incl tg who hs ntg t d wth persecuting trs grps who blv slf entitld t urs nd gng ard t wst u nd t see hw mny fls thy cn fl at expns of tg wstd fr free---btls frm dfr fr free grp bsktb crts---crms psg slvs fr nc people----sun---810a--bctr blu trq tp tnk rbts  sw d n---num psn smks plntd tp of tj trs--thts who is welcm thr nd trs whlwd---the pr thy cn psn frm wst their vctm---the mr sccsfl wstg dfrdg fr free whlwd---trs rd bg wkn e---city hs stln mst all btls frm hls nd btls lft r 1 fr 10 people--i dt kn wr thy gt thm---thy mst b abl gt abt mc easier thn i cn----amer pro trs policy bkn hs gt trg prmtl trppd nd headed nwr bt t b wstd by crm minded trs wh/usa----??nts unrdb---****amer hs t py up t lst sec fr mlcsl wstg cnsprg agst trgt fr crm rng thy hv jnd at tgt lf expns----cvs crn strw ht btc mike sd abt 75  psn blwg pot at tgt on mob crmnls instrctns----mr pot se lcn---unrdb---cgs nd pot smk pltd vcn brn strt trs wth int t psn vctms trppd vcnt---mike mks mlcs cmnts whl plying innct---he my b lkl glt stlg at lst ???amt but clms nw cmpltly innct nd clms passes hlf mny his---ntg of the srt---i hd abs ntg d wth him---rsn hv bn dng bully at tms bsdls mlcsl dmpg upn tgt t frd mnplt own intrst  exc lk rest of amer gng drt nd crm lw enfcmnt who hlps gng drt nd ths who bk thm nd myself easily sknd esp wth heat---grp p hgs d w 1 rsmb bctr bt wrg dfrt clr tp drk i thk---??crm mvn bhd  ???ret srvcs ng f---ht ws prtty deadl sun dyt---qtd---cl nt evn thk---amer lw enfcmnt bk gngs nd ths who sprt thm---bk ofg crm ins mn vcn hrpr/ljl---76 gs stn---472md--trs ofg $1 wth nst rem- $1 is all hv bt btr thn ntg---nt btr thn ntg gvn life nd mtrl wstg amts sffrd t ths persn--- nt evn nytg fntl rmtl rsmblg sc---amer is crm hlpg trs country dlb bkn crm actsof gng trs thy bfrnded---fine cmnt plcg indeed---bk the crm gngs plcg is exc wht tht trs actvt rlly is---223p my clk ambs grds frf sw crn aidg cnsprd crm rng nd crm wh nd crm sh dpt---mng aidg all ard crm cnsp vs tgt vctm---by trs mob usa---js nw mon trs psg lib 513p mkn bk flp noises d dn strs---bk t sun---smrt ass gv tgt $5 rmprt--mkng nst cmnt re nt askg fr it---nt wrt the askng---the askng price nd rl price mst be exc real nd pntv dmgs vs all wstg by usa t lst secnd--nd tgt shl nt cntnu t wt nd b hlss nd cnt b trtrd untl sc wl b time---amer mst hv evr cvrd--eng trsm eng cnsprcy--eng mlc wstg---expdtd time t py lng ovrd----rmp hsp f offr bttls--js bfr i cgt bs smn gv brd stks wc i gv awy mk----intrstg obsrv myb ovr wk ago lg slt cnt pdc str trs---ths sun rmp n sd str trs cntnd 2 sngl n mtc flp flps--wc rem tgt of bctr cnsprcy---myb trd mrk mthds utlzd by trs grps---mon--10252 sully muller vcn plm dmpd stg frm bhd csg eithr dst or other nst exh---did ths on cue--aftrwrds--srry--wo advc wrn tgt---its plt ws 29637s1---810a my time lkl in advc myb 10 min---???blk out  ??unrdb---****955a---crm lee snk up frm bhd trg wo her seeing him nd strtd plying as if blngs nx tgt vcn trs cn wkn--presmb dgn in  ?hs bg if sc exsts---ths vctm is cnvcd ths sknk is crm---he thrtnd trg t brn her bgs brng paper nx her as she frntclly tried rn awy--als mny tms pltd lg bgs wth itms nx trgt t hrss trg---ofcrs i try attrct attn t who ths trs is by yllg gng crm---co gng membr p wkn e tlkg t crm lee---n mn yt????-----i blkd out whl wrtg as crm lee snk frm bhd nx wkn trs nd strtd actg he blng nx vctm---strg frm bhd trs cn at tgt bsn---nd cl hv easily plld off nx crm---psn smk trg grp lcn w---ht rp blk out tgt--???9549482 or stg slr w trk wkn e---rp trz sx hrsg ng lcn w---z crm f pntl crt lcn e---mk rp attm rdcl tgt---csg me t b susp of ths dfrdg trs---ng f stp nx tgt pbrn nd prt lk she blngs nx trg---i thk she ws gn n??----****earlier myb vcn 9a crm stbks grd wsmnt d n--rp lkg bk tgt as if brnwsd by smn vs tgt by mlcs crm minded mnpltn nd or dscrmntn--js nw myb vcn 530p thg szd prsn wth bgs??? i nt lk bk at ptlt area t mn cmptr area lib gsg----js nw gtg off cmptr 19---crm trs 540p rssn spkng frmg fr crm trs wh crew crm rssn spkg f js lft aft spkg few wrds ldl--ths r amers co crms bng pd by amer trs fr tgt wstg trs crm actvts---cnt b thy all tht stpd--so thy mst b lk mnded crms---prfssnl trs hlpg wst trgts free nd pss trgt fr liar fr crm gn----othr fg js rplcd hr at 19----orgnizg lies nd mnc t hlp dmp on tgt vctm--aftr all---why py??-----hlw prk--1 trs bncoth trs stp sd nx hlw pk thn jywlk nw??? wth bg??---*****1135a my wtc crm lee psg sweetzer nx city hall crms rp grt bfrd hsp shrt f dpty aftrwrds psg nx tgt bgs nd clg tgt hyena---ths sknk is crm---so i ylld out gng crm---crm ******shrt f hisp dpty whs nm i cl nt mk out decided t hlp assist gng crm--stp ylg t prtct fr setter gng crm nd asst pro gng crms cty grpngs--nx she tl tgt t leave wh--******go s-*******-city dt wnt u hr---js nw been psd immed bhd by ret srvcs ng f psg twd mn cmptr area lkl gng vry clsly ps tgt---mk stpd eng t pass all ths ntcses nd collaborators nd persecutors as real--thy ofcrs fk persecution dctrsp mob aidg dlb tgt wstg crm rng frds bkd by trs wh nd their crm lw enfcmnt who dlb assists crm rng----ptgt js nw ng who stks out tlt at clsg frq wrkg pg crt smngly---hides hs nm as oth ng f lib mk als blvs nst--- i cl nt hr her nm she nt rpt--****so i tk plt num 1488428 nx city hall---city hall grd ng psg t hlp dmp mnfctr orgnzd crm vs trgt sm as dpt---thy nt cr crm try set bgs on fire or dmp bgs wth crz blngngs nd hndg hrrsg trgt as tdy am nd prty t mob---thy fine frds wth crm as is fire dpt---crms are americas fine frds--instd amer shts up vctms---aftr all why py on americas massive crimes nd expansive crime ring trs elmntn theft trzg othr prsctn etc trs actvts---why py??---in amer wstg lvs is free----vcn rbts pvln lkl co mob trs shrfs hlpg crm rng nd crm rng whlwd---aftr all---why py???-----lkl cnsp wthn lib ----30252y1 gv mn t sgn pnh ng stg crb nx crsrds bnc prsmg ths mob oprtv cnsdrt lkl fr aidg crm rng trs operations---hls stg dn wkn crb nx shk restrt pnh---f crt rd ptd hr mny rec bgs atcd psbw w---ng sh stn bs shltr eatg---rd hd cmng bk pmp crn d e lkl cllctg mny fr expnsv hr---exc wt amer drt thy dg----lks ovr lives---nd dig in tgts vctms bsn persec vctm---extrmntn--rdclztn---t suit vctmztn tctcs nd dfrdg mthdlgy---sx hrrssr rec try hrrss agn the ng ofcrs---i pnt him out frd----smn slp pvln nx rec---lkl due t bd ovrhtg weathr---??unrdb---2 lying outer upr lib agst wall--1 stg chr---

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