Thursday, October 12, 2017

yesterday wed---aftr i renew time at lib and moto other computers--i cld nt on either one go to my facebook---repeatedly it would not recognize and claimed link sent to my yahoo was invalid----smkg hlss frt upr outer lib--- suspect drnkn trs apprc me/mike try strk cnvrstn---mike tlks t mr of thm thn evr i wl---i dt lk mnc or fk frds----earlier wed bxr i cnsdr fk ctgry th t gv hm crdt he apprs as if blngn ofcrs nt at all--thy r persec grp wstg massive mnc by usa nd passing it fr free as wh nd usa thy lk---aftr all why py whn easier frm nd wst fr ntg---ur mn shl g t amer mnc--nd all their othr mny is jst als t frthr mnc agst vctms dlb prvtd of slp etc t chs out of whlwd---yestrdy he cgt on t my cmnt re upc hlt evnt plmr prk--sdl ths countr health is dsgntd fr preferred trs grps nd rest cn live off ntg as too big a fvr---bng wkn up incldg by trs lw enfcmnt pyd fr tht vr rsn nd bng psnd non stop by smk/pot wh nd usa in rlt thy bk----nd oh jstc---whlwd city hall saw to it tht stat of limitations wl run out nd attys nt provided---their ans---thy r cntrct city nd if vctm is nt hlpd thts fine so lng as ths bks the citys wstg tactics--aftr all why help or pay--when lives cn be wstd to pulp alng wth evr in thm in brd day light in amer wth support frm their law enfrcement and estblsmnt----all tht really matters is they wst their trgts nd dolly up their accomplishments to completely fool the onlkrs who hv nt a clu------evr gn as if nvr wr ms lkl grtd nd america prides itself on its wstg tctcs and upn its mnc and drt twrd the vctms nd the undrclass--aftr all---why pay?---whn mny bttr sits in city hall or anywhr else insd amer estblsmnt and with its preferred types and dollied up subjects----wed lt eve aftr bsktb crt clsg obsrvd trs who frmrly used studio wtr nd bushes this time seemingly digging sdwlk lawn nrb sgn js s of bus stp sgn sm svc crn---i ptd him out t smn on stp bfr 1030p but ws unable t wtc cmpltl purpose of dgn--othr lkl sus vcnt---i knd of thk the actvt peculiar but i am sr trs usa lvs ths---brfl ntcd smn slpng lwn bhd bus sheltr bt smngl this prs ws pkd up nd no one lft---also mc ltr int ngt gsg earl am aftr clb clsg sw grd drk unfrm wlkg svc d s---thy r mst lkl chsg hlss out of evr wr nd killing their slp nd existence evn wrs exc why thy r paid---hv in nts hpn crrct frd frdl dsp adct allgd t lt t ctc lst bs is smn who lks drinkng wkng tgt nd dlb btrg her wth smk--aftr i lft sheltr---goes inwrd twrd trg and blows psn --pot??? or othr smtg vr psns i'm nt mc of exprt t identf---excpt one thg----mlcs psng of tg by orgs/policy wh bks nd mst lkl prmts----early am aftr clb clsg but bfr grd i blv the digger seen wlkg bhd bus sheltr mvg svc d n----ystrdy in lib whl swtcn cmptrs t gt on fcbk i als smngl lst nd nt rcvr pen---early am als observd lw enfcmnt cr svc s----this is unusual hr bcs shs use prim svs so the cr my hv othr purpose??? or owners---am mrn thurs---trs mvn s blwg smk at tgt---david lib solved fcbk prob wc claimed in valid lnk by allgd trng of pg---but by tht time ofcrs i lost sbst time---ylg trs svc n---blc btcjumping ahd of tgt t stl cns etc rbts s---shs wlkg peds psh stn mtr stp d w myb lkg t mnc mr hlss trgts with unk fliers---one thg is knwn fr fct---no one lnkd t trs fliers hs any wtvr int t py upn mrdrg ths trgts life---bcs amer is fully cnvcd tht its trs wy is the wy nd amer is entitled cmpltl to bully nd dstry underclass w no rcrs exc as intended by trs wh nd mrdrs usa---trs rd bg crs wstb s---belco trk with spls pstn t wrk nx wkn---susp bike lg wl lwrdr ljl w---earlier noisy w trk trn lcn s nd lkl ng lq fnc---grd stkng out outsd of city hall instd of insd???----lkl prpsd agn t wst as mny hlss as cn b espclly tgt---aftr all why py???---no services--no compensation---and wstg tgt life wth its entire contents is abs free---mess trs cn blngn t crsrds acrss frm city hall---ng pnh bnc on crsrds prprty---by sbw lkl mob dsp ng ofg btl---bcs amer msv crms r all abs free wth evr dsgntd fr estblsmnt---who crs whm it wsts alng the wy---thts free----exc same as century sz srl crms twrd trg out of wc she cnt undg evn if stg ws avlb fgtg whl hlplss vs mltpl srcs of orgnzd ant undrclass mnc---lkl americas mgmnt trmp etc... rgrdlss who emptz wth own mgt nd ntg els---?????---stp wp out amer mgt upn anythg it cn---mob brt oldr tj arc yln mln czekoslvkia---smk ng f std sh stn mtr stp---og vested rec crt myb mkg strg cmnts  rbts d rec---bald headed mob operative typ cmplnt psg tim rbts n---othws ths prs appears frdl exc seen  instrctg mob who r multiracial and lkl recrtg?? encrgng prtcpts---lkl vr dfrt thn ovr all mob nd amer intentions---f hd me her $3 crdt rec---aftr all amer fully cnvcd wstg smng into ctr of grd cms cmpltl free nd is vr lvl---recall smkr crsg mbl n---mobil is stripped t grd fr unk rmdl --so evr it hd is gn ofcrs---persn grn bg smkn at tgt pouter prk---

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