Saturday, June 16, 2018

lib chases mike off prprty--drg aftr hrs utilizng shrff--u cnt come here

fri---i ws assgnd t cmptr nx blk mn who qtly bt persistently cntnd t sng lkl svrl hrs tgt ws insd lib--i thg telling him wld pt an end t this--instd xtra quietl bt vry persistntl blk mn cnt t sng---nd in essence as this vctm hs bcm bdl imprd bthr the vctm---bt nt libs---who want more people csng dlb dstrbnc--nd less people who nd mjr jstc---as rslt of mssv srl amer crm tgtg ndpersecution nd wstg by mds and all ths who bk thm----lib clsd 6p fri---ard tht time couple of shrffs lkg t dlb wst some people---t be sure smn made mess nx trs wc lib vry dlb wnts t dmp upn tgt aln wth mds nd shrffs--mike clmd at one time he has seen mdl mkng mess---nd has seen grp frm bsktb crts thrw trs over fnc---but vry dsprtl nd dlb amer nds evr psb wy t undrmn wst tgt nd do so at n cst---******mike---has occasional bully issues nd lng trm med addctn issues---mike nt drnk fr 23 yrs---hwvr in ths hls stnt he strtd hvng occsnl scdl prbs nd occasionl drnkng prbs--smngl--onc aftr fstvl i am gsng he wnt int lib drnkn--whr he fnd mds bully trnd nd bully bkng libs who are thr t hlp wst/dctr spcfc tgts fr mds trs wstg operatives who lk pretty t thm--***libs gv mk dfclt tm---wld nt hlp---nd mike ws lkl drnkn--****ths lkl prvkd angr explosion---bsds our hlth is als bdl strnd by mlcs lk of hlp in usa---amer orgs hlp slvs pktg 99-100% nd hv cnscnce ovr wht usa cst the vctms---this rslts in cmplt dsrgrd nd total lk of scl justc---who blvs amer cn wst---bt nd not prvd----why py????---as rslt i hrd aftr mike lft he tld marie dg adc frm brkln trs usa digs tht he went t bth house--but tdy sat as of yet vctm has nt hrd frm mike---he cld b tkng care---he cld b chsng chicks---or he cld potentially b suicidal agn---thnks trs usa---------*****aftr lib clsng at 6p--- the deputy shrff dsptc by lib aftr hrs who were fsng t wst incldg lkl the vctm---tld mike---u cnt come here--re lkl lib grnds----****this was not immed prvkd---****but lkl as result of inside lib incidt weeks ago---snc tht time mike has not been insd lib---but he is used t sleeping nx lib nx t *****grp of people he tlks to-----nd he ws nvr cmng drng lib hrs snc the dy of drnkn altrctn----i am quite sure matt the lib mgr wl knw exc who dpty was tht chsd out mike off grnds----this is whlwd lib---mike tlk t me re --jws kds bng trnd nt tlk t anyone--he alleges---but whn he ws kid ---he says---he went t evrbdys home---nd mngld wth evr---no dbt jews cld be amng mny endless whlwd adct dressed up dctrship nd wstg fr free mds prtcpts----i view thm as frm of mud slingers---sppsd bttr thn u--out t wst u---nd rn ur lf---nd cst u----free!!!!!!------by all means--- incldg unjst----aftr dpty chsd out mike mds crm maries frd bxr herbie showed up nd sat awhile in chrs bksd---thn he lft---trs knws vctm hs no intrst in frdg---- mds dictators/crms----ard 9p smk frm bksd chrs lkl upr outer bksd lib---custdian strg out t hlp dmp upn the vctm fr mds*****sat----ard 530a---whlwd city grd whn pst hls slpng upr lib ylg---u cnt slp here----get up!!!---i ws awk nd lstng--while rita nd marie were still slpng alng wth few bk sd lkl---rita woke up nd gt gng shrtl aftr saying she nt hear the grd who was so loud t mk my hlth hrt nd mk me wrry re my ablty t gt up nd mk it----while marie seemed still sound asleep after i left----******amer/libs/shrffs nd mds bkng city---are pro smk---pro psn--pro mds bullies/dctrs---nd pro wstg mssv srl vctm---free----smk lib d s ard 605a---p pk ct crn s smk---655a---***713a---crm mds persecution--f rnnr gsn lib ct crn n aftr lkl gn pdc sd d s----js hrd smn in dstnc--dlb mkng mds rem---she stk----thts wht crm rngs do in usa---kill peoples life fr free----tk lifetime of theirs nd evrtg in it  -free---nd gt bkd---by estb/lw enfcmnt --cmplmnts los ang---oroville/butte nd crm whlwd---prfct exmples of amer trs nd rthless wstg artists at no cst---wpy???-----als ntcd rec psb ??tlg tgt jmpng ahd t pdc side nd agn seen acrss frm pk myb hdg svc d n----mst cns gone ngt ofcrs---nd vctm in dngr as mds shrffs nd mds bkng city wth its grds---drc bk the mds nd its operatives nd wstg tctcs---incldg crmnl---mess svc sw crn nx trs-----thr r people othr thn tgt knwngl lvng or dlb lvng messes thy hv md----932a---dk skn suspect hnd gstrs lrb d w---sus mthg off bike lrb e----lmpng ng w/cane plrb nd bk prb---m lgtg up smk ptgt plm d e ard 10a-----whlwd nd frnds lib-- trs cns etc--- bsn---shrffs--city/city employed grds prk/lib/ambsdr  bk mds operatives dlb lkg wst spcfc vctm---why py??-----1133a--ng dvt bg jkt mds psng frt rnnr e---f w/grp bhd ptg smk rcg tgt brth---unk wrkr outsd stb wsmnt strg hrd at tgt gtg few btls frm crd brd wknd trs cns wc frq dsprs per mds operatives nd frds-----****ard 330p----loud noisy tlkng ng lib----instd gvng tgt drty lks t rvs dmp upn tgt---mds bkn cmnty---mds bkng trs country---at price of entire lf had fr free---wth crms insd her home---ident theft---nd evrtg of vlu gone---by orgnzd crm rng mds dctrshp wstg tctcs----***these libs use dscrtn t kp slvs/buddies noisy nd t dlb dmp upn tgts vctms//******fr mds crms thy bk as their preferred frnds---cmplmnts trs usa-----1220?p---z crm rng trs resllr ---frds wth wrkr frddy crsng rbts w frm pmp crn---

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