Monday, June 4, 2018

mds--***tg bags thrown over fence nx lib--by mds crms aided by usa--- lkl anemic coma due t plnted poisoning tgtng hngry hlss vctms --by crm cnsprcy tm bkd by usa

sat-----530a pk/grg hrd---lkl mds--gt up--u cnt slp here---6p aftr lib clsng--crm mr matt actg as if ---tgt liar---tgt opin---nd drc bkn mds spprtd by city/shrffs whs intent is t bury vctms---why ARst crms or py vctms----whn vctms cn be ncly wstd fr free in murderous usa----***upn stpng out of lib---tgt ntc missing bgs ---grds were als nt there==so i ws frst tld t lk fr grds in grg--thn sent t lk fr grds lib---******lkly mr matt came dwn nd sw thy threw bgs ovr fnc--rem grds endlssly tlng tgt t dmp this upn vctm---****tht is still their intent---crm buddies loose nd vctm wstd--mr matt hd t ask prk people fr key t gt stff---smngl nw pk people gone--***as whlwd prepares for huge pride gig fr sckos fggts nd asshls--******who hppily prsct wst dfrd vctms fr free nd blv thy hv fld u---as if tgt dnt knw wht lvng expnses in amer are---as if tgt dt knw wht they tk hers---as if tgt dt knw wt kind of money--belongings etc amer drt hv snggd or how mny times---thks trs usa----as if tgt dt knw wht life dmg amer cost her---or what the costs would be involved t this tgt t get her rl/pntv dmgs fr all wstg sffrd nd t rebld stbl situation--like it shld be---nt lk amer wnts her wstd--thy did this t abused dsb prsctd vctm/prsn---truly finely fxd up amer drt---nd visas t vct---t gt awy frm ong abuse/persecution directly bkd by trs usa----2 grds hisp/white crsng arnd at lst 5 times strg at tgt/her bgs myb t 817p---lkng t mnfctr ways t dmp upn vctm--nt t ctc crm---bt t fnd ways t frtr dstry vctm--js nw mon dvd crsg t fgr out wys wst vctm---exc lk sheriffs who eliminated homeless reports--t lv vctms wo rgts--cnv missing fr this class of people---sat myb vcn 11a mdl ws seen myb vcn wstbrn---she nt mds acdg btc--bcs she nt thrw mud---eve she shwd upr lib vcn---t cnt her mds tirade----she nt mds---drt is vctm flt---she ptd vctm feet nd vct bgs---mds crm rng cnsprcy jstfctns----lkl nx tgt of mds trs crew prpsflly bkd by mrderous trs usa nd of scndls estb who bks them like mr matt//whlwd//sh dpt nd lng lst of extended drt who mntn persecution of vctms---dfrdg vctms---nd wstg vctms at no cst---as is ong---cmplmnts of mrdrs usa----720p--mds marie frm brkln showed---antr drt who fnds cnvnt t tm up wth scm lk mike nd mds----mk tried invt her slp tgtr---crmnl mnplts evrtg gng---nd drt sure blvs he hs evr fld----724p--crm mike/marie thnk thy hv gt cvrp gng---srry---vctm knws prce of all amer wstg---808p---??sus w/2 sml dgs nd cell ptd bkwrd tgt dir---spnt some time directing his phone thn rvsg twrd bk of lib---vctm suspects lng/brn/hlt dmg---cmplmnts lvl whlwd nd trs usa----sun---bsktb crts--jms snky whl tgt chks fr cns--pot in bsktb trs--psb frm adc leslie---unrdb----??devisive lies---905a apx bctr seen tkng alley wy thrgh fld cnc bsktb t pk area---945a---snk mds org swtr ---bg bsb ht --- snk twd  tg abbeys vcn--algd offrg sml amnt of wtr---fct prsctg tgt----954a--mds ret srvcs rbts d s----1029a--smk svc d w---frt/bk lib etc smk prmtd---nicely wstg the vctm---1128a--sus ng crss frt rnnr d 24h thn wnt w---stb wsmnt pot smlld vcn 12-1230p----1233p---rd pld wrng lgtg up the pot blwng tgt wkn  e----pnh lq lcn fnc---pot vcn lq lcn---108p--smk sw lcn---145p--rn int smn seen by cty lib up/dwn----tgt rec him by bg he hd---crm dclrd----****cnty lib dt allw rllng crts--he ptd at his---ths smrt alk sdl nt hlss---nd hw thy wst or abuse vctms--is nt his prb---sv fr few beer cns he thks will cvr up massive srl wstg---why py???---this prsn als denied seeing those who threw ovr the bgs---220p---2 fgs mvng crft d alfrd---upn tcng alfrd vcn 1 of fgs ylls--mob---as cmn by mds--hls f bnc hlw pk----als observed sm sd of hlw pk lng dressed f tlkng w/2 sus dvts*******pltd by crims used thc chocolate---where choc was seen bfr thc wrtg observed---vctm wstd by amer wstg tctcs *****ate piece of choc before seeing thc sgn----as smk nd pot r evr whr nd klng vctm----vctm mwl nvr knwngl accpt sc choc or other wth *****any thc content----lkl wth no more thn hlf hr vctm sffrd *****nsty comA most resembling her anemic comas---only brgt on by pot poisoning---vctm mvd t outer e sd of mbl t sit/lie js outsd---as due t coma symptoms vctm cl nt mv--vctm ws nt sure she wl mk it alive--***bt as she thgt this wl mstl pass aftr mltp hrs----so aftr mltp hrs nd some clng trend vctm ws fnlly abl t gt up nd kp mvng---bt nt remotely fully fnctional thnkng wise js yet as reslt of very sbstntl coma blurring---pot lkl ms evr blk---hwvr vctm sbstnlly impctd by coma t mk notations it seems---?pot hlwy---orlndo---bd nts ofcrs---smngl psng stb wsmnt 940p---1005p---  ??? hls nx 24h----1042p---sus bike plm d w --hi----coma intc--blkts---mon---910a---mob brthr stb rbts crn d hmb hyv crn--911a---mds z rsllr psn crm tlkg re dncg/sng---whn thy nrl killed smn by plntg psn----nd endlssly wstg tgt lf----sw crm mike chsng jms/les am---1028a---grn vest/org strps e crn of mta nx sushi hnk----apx gsn 1125a smn lvng bhd sus mess vcn frt rnnr bus shelter js bfr vctg----1158a---ng f mds crs lcn sw/e----1217p---pot cvs crn---1242p--smk t tgt nose by ng wlkng psbw d e---1247p---?sus fg bgs cell? wstb w----128p--- mk skvl std insd rg bs shltr---lmpg chr pmp d hmb hyvn---msng time--blkts------mike did sy this gy is dying frm drnkng---mike says so is his brtr---232p---sus?? myb trs herbie?? w/mk outer pk--hi mln---hrsmt by mds adcts---crm rng ignrms---why py??---whn amer happily kills lives nd steals evrtg wthn thm --free!!!!---amer shs---dlb lkng t rvs dmp upn nd hlp wst the tgt---why py???----whn amer exterminates lifes worth and life itself ---free!!!!---in shrt evrtg tgts gn or in dnger---****lkws if by any acdt vctm cnsms crm pltd psn---vctm gets --coma---bkd by mrdrs usa nd crm whlwd

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