Tuesday, November 18, 2014

america -butte county community which kills your life with its ways but in ter states of america this sort of fine deed goes free

my feet and  my finger infused with fungus from recent homelessness my feet trenched from same and from community persecution which cannot stand the sight of dirty feet from long walks on bad roads lacking blood in my system and on verge of passing out any moment due to severe damage from advertised nice weather and swindling I must endure grueling long walks for nothing as result of community terrorizing. but ter American community is satisfied with its impacted horrors which America empowered them to commit. but neither community nor those who collected the charity money feel whatsoever responsible. they are completely undisturbed by its own and gangbanger doings as their are well funded by community the gvt moneys and the drug company lobbies. America persecutes dictates and totals your life brands you "mentally ill" and you put up and shut up since most frequently there is never any attorney to care for such cases. beeped at insulted persecuted and conspired against the gangbangers here are well connected and well protected so be assured no one in America is out to get them. instead the helpless victim is forced to bear the toll and drown in suffering imposed and endorsed by ways supported orchestrated arranged  by the ter states of amer. $9999..... gazillion dollars sought vs united states for its 40 yrs of ter acts and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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