Thursday, September 24, 2015

mob alternate locatiions but one real purpose- get going or i will call the police without paying for the chase

w tnk hvy ?bg gry shts ps dvw dn nls.?trn 12th. sml grn oldr cr ps gngwy dn. silv rnded cr nd???? sml silv cr t 10th blk up. nvy sht bk mbstr mimicking thumbs nd lkg bk to frm u instd for being hounded instigtd huge mob up 8th blk.????w cr sgn on bk win flw by othr w mob car lkly. w trk 5h57841 ?  ?507 old grn stn wgn bpg dn nls ps dmpstrs. bpg dn nls ps dmpstrs. smlr rnded blu cr hrd bg ldy smw nls/4th. sm type hrn sd yd nls/4th rpt chldrn. w trk oldr 1.5 frm wvg up grd ps 3d.ovrly frdly fem clns w/fem frd mkg crm sm ok wch ofc its nt.mob crm ?rg assist chev. med hr clr crt hs stp cig - mob -hyd cindy? mbstr cell rdg to ? ???????????????sprty tiny w cr to  mono shpg-hey. 2 sml grn crs aq trk w trk rnded sds ?gry oldr trk ???? chkrd r-w fem pls fem mb rd  whew 1w rds? ps grd d nls. opn bk w trk med sz oldr blk cr  ??? yelg cls t blk suv brdg to twn. sml blk cr mb sporty???? out of brd d mntg -hey grl-chks.??nvy pts lgt gry shirt yth-trs just pst gld mining d tbl. 1.5 trk dk ??rf attchmt ?d tbl. w rnd trst cr -hey grl mob trst?d tbl bk pst civic-trst u trst- f u. 622p rpt bpg blk cr d linc 99001j1-hi. w trk d tbl ps civic. blk suv bpg d linc. hi brglrs mbstrs deception purification clb frds.cop observing me chkng pltd poison.1.5 bg trk pull to toilet nd I hv trd to grb plt-I my hv mstkn nos nd trk mgt be sm one as bef-thn prior plt wld be crct becs ths tm trk ws mvg. these are hounding vehs using lgts cells to frm me as they rpt burglrz hound frm nd purify amer mob cmnty- prior plt ntd fr ths veh few dys ago wld be crct one- veh ws in mvg mode at crnr to dstrct me so wt I cght is only prt crct ths tm 8y39631.psg crnr othr side was their frd mob silv trkk exchg grtgs w/mbstr.ths scdrl lkly brglr w cmra wrkg to frm me. f w/chld dispatched to hi hrs me clmd she sw me clns dennys the othr mob hngout.???cnt rd wrtg bt I rem her trng to purp antgnz me fr mob scrmg smtg to trz frc hnd. 3rsm299 mob glu trzg prtcpt- my dgtr wts sy smtg t  u-hi-hwvr in mob cmnty ths is ntg lk innocence.tlkg to fems by apts at high the older fem said trk cntnd 4 ml nt 2m nd 2f which clmd they were in it nxt dy. nd ygr wmn mentnd w cr trng to fnd me w hnd team in it.blu mob cr qd lgts -hey baby.pst prk d mitch. lk ygr fem at high apts said cops wld instd gt me.thts wt thy do in amer. blu cr fem sm as abv -hey bg ldy pst wilc d rob. hdg trk to raleys psgr-bitch. thn the scm pret to offer fd or mny offrd by mob dictatorship demolition expulsion committee.all ths aftr trzg w lgt cmras cells I also recall by toilet scdrl asked fr pict w/me which ofcourse is manufactured by malicious hounding.4 to w cr big lots smngly threw crshd smtg thn pretended to aplgz fr smtg ws lkly intentional. w cr was prked catty crnr of big lots twds bk lincln sd.5cah161 trzg w lgt cell psbl cmras dennys lot - w u gng?also mlcs trzg trk mb lgt gry. bpg cr ps arco d myers lgt gry/blu mvn to bk lot a-1 bpg. sm w cr bg ldy w dodge trk raising hell in lt gs nd dst tkg room spng ard. w cr ws nt mvg when he did his maneuvering.w cr ylg bg ldy flwd. w cr cntnd w lgts elusv tctcs dlw ylg bg ldy. hi fem pst 2270 ohw. d orod. aprx plt 4njp738  shwd up twr while I ws tlkg wt cashiers nd instrctd me get going or he will call pd. this was w tall mid agd slgtly plmp ml nd was not employee or mgr si mob operative busy wstg my life w/cmnty rd pls bg fems by pp hdg me. I cnt rem wt they askd blking out definitvly their purpose was to wst me at no cost w/o paying any bills mobsters manufactured or any problems losses expulsions they inflicted- u knw they dt chg fr free trzg. w cr -bg ldy into tb thn pst tb d orod. the plt I mngd finally at tb 5cah161. wau dng? scr bg ldy pst bofw d myers via dennys lot. called self Karen strong told me common Karen.?sorry? rnd sevrl tms dennys nd nrby area cnt rd my wrtg. rd -hlo?w cr?mitch d linc.4dwt bxs by mrs rob almst 11p. kind of silly disc.beh me - mbstrs cnsprg new tr mob acts.??????????????lg hr ?dk pls cell d grd ml ps ss. gigglng blk trk smtg re ?now 2d dn nls. bk by civic cops lkg to hlp mob cnsp. 2 bks 1 w/attchmt lgts frm hd entry to acrs nls public cty bldg alley.intcm nr fstr fmly nd hgh ptrl.mob will be accommodated by amer nd its lawnf who lik mob acts nd are here to wst nd sc deceive u at no cst - mobstr ctry evl people.fem in tlt frd of blk guy sdg me t rlrd trks lkly aiding mb consp.

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