Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 mob females situated chev mob trzg maneuvering elsewhere

another hint re mex fem burg theft aid -lots of parfume.grn refl shirt nvy trk lkly mob theft aid up 13th blk. drk rd bpk  grn ?shrt up 12th. dk rd suv to 1268. mbstr sm w cr og shrt to gngwy. zmg drk rd trk dn 8th blk. rnd sided w trk dn 8th blk. 4drt up 7th. w dodg trk dn nels trn 4th. fem lkg bk lw rdr. pst dmpst guy rd shrt lg stk. lgt clr tr shl pst me on gs. rnd w trk 4th nd grd. sml ? noisy cr. cr pst ??dir nels. brown hood mbster flw awy brn hair to grnd. blu/gry bg accented btm suv pst myers dir linc. scr ml w trk ???pst sp? to ohw. rpt bpg silv trk w/psgr pst lw-stn dk gry mb ltl blu suv bp pst pp dir lw. blu sprty cr -bg ldy giggling orod trn s frm ohw.-mob suspects. mob lgt grn clsd. mob aid sd of raLEYS CHIN REST lgt gry clthg thn tl nlk ml. silv trk hrsg. ?bitch- a u kdg me?serial mob prtcpts pst rob dir mntg.silv trk rob dir linc. a a brd tlk w trk  old pst brd dir mitch. 840p civic-silv trk d mntg-nsty bitch tk a shwr. usg inslts to instgt crm. mob cr ard brgr hrd to see clrs. 2 bks youths prb hisps w sht nd blk shirt 1-fu bitch othr-fkstk rpt. brdg dir twn. blkouts. blk ml in rw csg re fem to pick him up who has cr. 581kx mob suspct grn/silv trk alliance pers cn. alliance lies re cns svs thm fr drnks drg adcts instd. bk in grn? ?hrs dn nels. whistl evn sd nels bef fogg. 2ter witches at chevron one w/sml blk dog prob trst frm prob dept who does drugs orgs trzg othr dngrs lying crmnl. w/dog inst trz me ovr cns thn -hahahha gt yr cns. the othr bitch md thrts.duo pst nels apts dn - mob trsts - hi!!

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