Wednesday, September 23, 2015

mob uses police for malicious acts, object similar to jazzed up mower paraded

noisy s cr psg 11th blk dn. ? blu bp trn 12th off w ch bp dn 7th blk. w veh plg tl mtl cntnr w/itms bpg dn 7th blk. w veh abv plg tl mtl cntnr with prb ls itms 4th dir grd bpg wvg. 6x20017 unbl to rd nts bt at ths pt I jst cm fr clns. 2 police suvs showed appr betw 1-2pm nd prkd in 3d st frt of chev lkly reltvs of mob nd info thieves fr purp of rlrd while letting nonstp pers nd crm go free. 1 officer pulled out of each nd the sen offcr did qstng whl the hisp frm othr suv lkd. I blv they clmd I ws wlkg dn street nd failed to actually tell me wt was being insinuated. I rem when I ws once mistknly appr by polic nd they said smn cld on a hmls tlkg to people -abt sm knd logic - malicious class trgtg by mob activists. the oldr w cop lkly reltv of mob did qstng as hisp stl info hiding own.they pld out ticket pads nd actd as if I ws glty . my info was called into unit as if I committed some crm act. the questioning cop took off wh it tk a litl lgr fr hisp to do sm so I rn to his veh copied 1473249 were numbers on veh plt nd he said his officer num ws 21. the his cop res mob his. the w cop resem relat of mobstrs who brk in and or mb thrtnd me at one time-my opinion.suspct ml allgd fr fh nt disclsg nm nd thrtg ws ltr picked up by mdrn dk cr I blv grtd mob prtcpt assist protctg all mob consp acts. white limo tbl d mono flwd by antr veh pulling jazzed up red rdg lawn mower. I blkd out nd dt rem vehicle which pulled it lkly on attachmt as I was purp dist by sml silv clr cr going dir cty bpg to distrct. the blkout frm ilns indcd by amer persec nd poisoning caused me to miss cmpltly desc of plg veh. silv suv  to ????hi. 1 gr? 4dwt bgr w/shl dk suv to brdg d tn gsg thy were bpg I fld t nt. ?,bk to brdg.????rd cr. ?????????og hr? d mntg. pencil wrtg gts wiped out is impsbl t rd.high st im gsg prsn hrsmt prt apprchd 1z42113. ?hr I hv wrtn thou hv no recollection due to indcd ilns mob bitch rob nd high????? grn aqua trk -hey. mitch ???rob. eh yelg prb silv suv mrs mitch linc. dk suv or mvn mtl horiz ln if nt mist I rn to ctch its nos it stpd on gs so nos cld be tot wrg -I hv 069 mvd fst thn I cld nt seemitch pst linc headed awy fr lib. librarian outsd lkg to hlp mob. silv suv pst linc????? smn distched mob scdrl ted tall w mn to shell to assist glorify ter mob prjcts hyd etc allgd chrst sptg fh nt fh in fct mob -blkouts he crsd myers d linc. scr ml bg lt cr as gd as I cld det. mob trs pst ohw ?????? mb rpt or aftr brn/gry/grn scr bp ohw d lw. w dodge trk mkg vicous/gs pst tb d lw. dk grn mob cr bpg, sm prb bpg up ohw pst lw?prsn sngng cns twr rgt bef me prb fr mob prticipts. tmstr w dhrt cell to mks brgr. nsy dk rd trk d lw. dk rd trk d lw.  dk rd trk d lw. dk rd trk by lq stdg sdws. hey ohw d orod ?gr trk unk. w vn ovl sgn frt sd roof attchmt. trk pk lgt clr bgr cr mrs rob. silv cr ? ps rob mntg w trk bpg ps rob d mitch.rob/mrs blk mn sndg me t rlrd trks fr gls btls -amr scm gt gull thn ofrg fc smk $2 to defraud the occasion. 824p. 2 bks lkly stg strt sd of mntg tbl apts -hlo maam mob sqd.  bk out f brdg d grd - fu fnkstk -the real msg. w suv/mvn hey brdg t tn????hlpg mob ofcrs. guy w baby strlr clg to weelf dept sd frm rw hs nm is edy the huy who responded frm the grp welf dept sd smngly brndn. noises simultg brd sds lgts flsg welf dept sd fr trzg crm pers inslts w rd dn brdg blkouts. unable to read interpret nts wrtn in pencil. in blk bk d grd????????w f strg at?mx d grd

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