Friday, December 2, 2016

thurs---cnsp f wrkrs 2d flr lib---hls nd othr mob crmnls lkg outvcn phone prk--lst time smn brk it vr fs onc i usd it nd it ws vr lng tm bfr it ws fxd--crmnls my dlb brk it any momnt lkl---435a---ths grtd mob afltd shs ---mob ldspkr svc d s 2 sh crs 1 prb sying stg t othr mob mthds nd tlk lkl thy wnt svc s d sm e--cnsp mob extrmntn prj -hdg trgts lkl in coopertn w/mob dsrs/tctcs ---7rsh810 lkl dsptcd by mob ofrg prsbl fd nr wsmnt s sd sm--w u nd? dfr dsptc prtcptg in mob frmg tgt---640a plcn w--mob sh p?crsn w---apx pcr?? w swt vct ng sx hrs---pltd mob fd lcn/cvs trs--735a whlwd trk phgs w---ba?---adct???----dct/ext tm---oldr slvr hr mob crs w--hyd???---im nt dstrctd  by frd frndl mob nd lk their wrtlss ofrgs vs their sz nd lst of crms thy py ntg---3 trs sh svs hyw s---sx hrsg ng crsn sm se--gry tk w/w prnt sgn on sd pusa gsl e ylg---whs tht?--crm smk strsbg sd thn crs ovr w nd shywt aftr i lft---swtz m in blk ndg mob cigs?--lkl f strg out crsrds wrkr lkl hlpg mob---brnys m crm ofg insl $2 mlc mnc--why py on tru sz of amer crm--its absltl free rfs rp-d u wt it???---cnsp mob oprtn--w tk ws lvg brnys at tht time--psb utility hoses?? on brd dt kn sml sgns lwr bk cld nt rd or cm cls as lft qkl---rd bpk blk  bk pbrnys e bk up hlwy---smgl nw mx grd stbks strg at me lkg fr cns lkg t intmdt evn aftr cns all gn tkn---wsmnt---std hls ylg out---lcn e sd crsg smkd up w/pot---blu jk gn ht bk pts ??lcn cnvsg w/hls flwg ylg intmdtg rp--- smn ofrg $20 lapeer--rfs --its absl ntg vs grnds amer heists i hv n mns t ovrcm--ylg agn blu jk rbts w--blu jk agn rbts crn w/hls on grd noises hay--blu jk agn hrs hldl---stk out hldl--js bf hrs by ba-- i trd cmpln t amsmt of f gng t beauty prlr nx ba---hlss blk ht blk/w bpk trs mob dsptcd hrsmt--hau tdy--the mr thrs hlss --the mr crm of centry sz amer crm is excused--cmplmnts trs usa pba e--ls few days tkg cr of smn frd actvtg nw chs crd alr frd used prev--als 9481 amzn usd nov 22 fd exprss orvll i thk fr 26 stg bt cnt rem js nw---bnk frd wth pypal trned hlween ident theft lkl gng affiltd--- on oct 24 gng rn 64 c google cha test us000r9L3d xxxxx97227--aftr tht gng rn pypl tst undr my nm ident frd oct 31--hv no idea hw did undr my nm nt on my pypl stmnt only in my acct--svrl wks ltr twds end of nov rn sm test under laura pasillas then stole $700 in 2 tks $300 nd $400---i hd ntg t do with this --its both frd nd ident fraud wch is hghly dngrs lkl cmplmnts trs usa--my opin --the mob sptd by cmntgy nd shfs dept --as i cmplnd on hrsr f t beauty shp nx ba giggled -cmpliments trs usa--usa kills fr free--why dlvr atty team or jstc --thy pry on hls dfrd thm wth thrw awy poisn nd pkt any wrtwhl mny fr slvs ofcrs--who crs abt mob wstd trs--thts mutually dsgntd trs ---cmplmnts trs us--killers nd murderers at absolutely no cost

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